#Los Panteros
megafreeman · 1 year
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All the major factions in the game had high level ingredients that manifested in different ways. For Los Panteros, they were orange with red and yellow accents, favored blocky shapes, had chrome as their metal, and fire as their element. For the Marshall, they were blue with white and green accents, favored round shapes, had stainless steel as their metal, and air as their element. For the Idols, they were pink with blue and yellow accents, favored sharp shapes, had gold as their metal, and water as their element.
From Frank Marquart's ArtStation
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lastoneoutofsantoileso · 11 months
Hi! I'm a recently returned veteran RPer looking for new friends and RP opportunities! I have 10 years of RP experience on tumblr and elsewhere!
Both mun and muse are over 18.
Please feel free to dm any inquiries!
Thank you for your time!
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whoredmode · 10 months
the antagonists in this game suck ass i’m sorry. marshall defense industries is so bland and laughably evil (literally like mustache-twirling bad guys), los panteros are just a watered-down brotherhood with the most Nothing leader we learn zero about, and the idols, while an intriguing concept, are so poorly executed that their purposeful vagueness just comes off as confusing and uninteresting. and i’m pretty sure the nahualli is gonna betray us or something bc like. just look at him. and that’s too bad bc aside from some insufferable mission writing, the whole idea of his character has felt the most believably saints row imo.
i’m gonna expand on this a LOT more when i actually finish the main story and do my long written retrospective but i can say now that the antagonists of this game have just been so disappointing.
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lildrawsart · 1 year
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New OC Esmérelda Figueroa, she's in Los Panteros!
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luimnigh · 4 months
So, one of the gangs in Saints Row (2022) is Los Panteros, which reportedly started out as a much more benign force in Santo Illeso, before being corrupted as a guy named Sergio took over.
The Doc Ketchum's Murder Circus DLC has, as one of it's playable characters an MMA fighter and former Pantero named Consuela Reyes.
She's described as being "royalty" and the "former heir" of Los Panteros. Clearly, it was her family that was ousted by Sergio.
But one of her voice lines say that her grandmother would be disappointed with the current state of Los Panteros.
This street gang was founded by a grandmother.
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mshexley · 1 year
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Los Panteros should have left the party crashing to the experts.
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vinkumakkara · 2 years
the guy in this video says “the los panteros” eeevery single time the gang’s mentioned and like is this a bit. are you doing the thing
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trust-the-stars · 2 months
stracilem cie w snie, a koszmar zabral mi dusze.
ucze sie na nowo swiata, brudna szmata lzy przelewa.
marze o Tobie. Moje fobie w Twojej glowie?
Wiesz co zrobie, zgwalce Cie slowem.
W koncu jestem bogiem.
Wolnym krokiem w dal w strone kruka.
Patrzysz ak zimna suka.
jk kitty wiem, ze to lubisz...
Kiedy jak ja w ciemnosci sie gubisz.
Lucyfer, samael, ball.
Magia ktora w sobie masz.
Moja twarz ? Slowa waz, paz jak paw, milion braw.
Barwy mych slow, nie obudzą Cie, Krolowo demonow.
W tym swiecie, lece na szkrzydlach ikara i niech to bedzie dla Ciebie kara.
Oczy magii, ocean mnie prawie nie zabil, naladuj karabin.
Zabierz mnie do piekla, lezka ktora niebieski ma kolor, jest jak nekrolog.
Bron Cie ja, a Ty badz w mych snach, znasz ten wers, a nie chce czuc ich wzroku z serc.
Lód, chlod jak duch, suk milion, badz dla mnie jak exocus everest lucyfer, a klekne.
Badz mi piorem czarnym jak smola, zdjelas klodke, a ja zabilem sie w slowach.
Ave Ty, Amen Ja, a w snach walcze tam, demony i anioly. Ahhhhh Sokoly, jestem tu nagi goly, ah Ty jestes popierdolony.
Slysze to, a szukam siebie i Ciebie w tym jebanym lustrze, azazel, To okrutne.
Wiara, ze na czarach odnajde Ciebie, do teraz nie wierze, dziki jak zwierze, ze smutku Ty kurwo... Skutki tego bedą bolesne
kulke w leb sobie jebne, jezeli.... Ciiii...... Spij. Klnij na mnie jak na psa, a ja bede wyc jak wilk w Twoich snach,
trwam, gdy dla CIebie to gram, gram duszy ? Kurwa dla Ciebie na pieklo moge ruszyc, kruszy sie dusza, a łuk. Kruk.
Nienawidze Tych suk, bruk znam od smaku po zapach, a Ty jak aniol, plonie ten ogien, zebym dla Ciebie zostal bogiem.
Zabij mnie. Klnij. Krzycz, a potem rycz, wez smycz, a do kaganca doloz bol. Krol, snow. Morfeusz, da Ci rebus.
Ahh... Julio bol zima i snieg, myslisz, ze bym przed Toba klękł ? predzej bede gonic w wojnie, a wnyki ?
Zastawiaj je spokojnie. ubrany w gorzkie zale, nabity na pale, pale.... Wiesz ? Do tej pory. Wolny i samotny jak dziki zwierz.
Zwierz mi sie z cierpienia, a bede sie zmieniac, w piramidach masz kod, anubis ? Wiara, kot. Dot. Dot.
Smok ktory zjadl barana, ave satanas.... A skrzydla ? Dziekuje odlatuje gdzies w chmury, mam nadzieje, ze da Ci to co chcialem
Ci dac tyle lat aniol ktorys, wiara magii... Wiara w Ciebie, aj aniele. Cena ma jest taka, ze zabijesz mnie tu i teraz.
Zacznij strzelac, a znikne i pojawie sie blizej. Wyzej, me skrzydla leca, a Ty znowu z kiecka, kobieto, cena letargu.
Cena magii, ja bym Cie potrafil zabic, a potem bede sie bawic, slowami lece w dal. Mnie spal, a potem zostaw, kurwa
jak ja kocham Bol. Krolu moj Ty w snach mnie znasz, prosze mnie spal. Mala cel i pal. Celuj w serce, prosze.
Slowo ktore jest od smierci gorsze. W labiryncie siedziec tyle lat bez Ciebie. Ahhh... Ty mala dziewczynko.
Aniele ktory kocha skor wiele, niose dalej to pietno na czele, lece w dal, z Toba czy sam, ja tu dla Ciebie trwam
mam rap, ahh... Ra Ra Ra. Tylko nie placz. Moze to ocean, a morze w moze ? Oczy demona, Cialo kota. Ahhh... pantero
cieniem zostan, a ja wszystkiemu sprostam, wojna, ahh... mnie znasz. Mala ma, spiiiiij, a potem sniiiij, Ahh....
Klodka znowu boli, nieraz czuje sie jak w niewoli, kolarze, witrzarz, magia ktora daja malarze, van gogh da vinci,
pierdole, blink blink. Cena za dusze gdy kamien skrusze, jest jak Twoje roze, a moze mojego mrozu podnoze.
Wroze Ci cos. Morze w kolorze bordo, a plutno siostro w rekach mialas pendzel, nawet lepiej, ja Ty i oni, demon ich goni
pies z niewoli, wychowany przez wilki, smok ktory ogien ma, darowany los mi na nowo zostal, ahh. Arigato Ty jebana psycho szmato
krata mych slow, to milosc do Ciebie. Trul, wezme sol. a potem pokaze bol. Poczekaj kotku tu. Ma bogini. Najpiekniejsza z kobiet
wchodze wolnym krokiem, dla wielu to szokiem, wichura slow, opentany kruk. Wez łuk. I niech tnie powierze, ajjj... jak piecze.
Oddam Ci dusze. A potem rob co chcesz. Klecz tu, zadaj mi bol. Sol z atlantyku, powiem Ci cos po cichu /---------/
w snach dam da ra. wiara, ze nie znikniesz, a potem mi jak piorun blysniesz, a ja z zeusem bede pic. Chce Cie kurwa i nic tego nie zmieni
mam wyjebane kto to doceni, ale jednego Julio nie moge zmienic. Nie spotkasz bielszej bieli od tych skurwieli.
Cenisz sobie ich slowa, zabij mnie blagam, ide do Boga. I zawsze bede Cie kochac. Amen
sancte archangele ty kurwo :jk. 🐺😏🥰😁😙😈
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[ad_1] A reinicialização de Fileira dos Santos já está disponível em Vapore teve grandes descontos até o final de agosto.A reinicialização do Vontade série de ação chegou ao console e Loja de jogos épicos no ano pretérito, mas o período de exclusividade deste último já terminou.Festejar sua chegada ao Steamo jogo teve grandes descontos até 31 de agosto.A Edição Standard do jogo, que normalmente custará $ 59,99/£ 49,99, custa atualmente $ 19,79/£ 16,49.A Gold Edition, que inclui o Expansion Pass e o Los Panteros American Muscle Bundle, normalmente custa $ 89,99 / £ 74,99, mas atualmente custa $ 29,69 / £ 24,74.E a Platina A edição, que inclui tudo na Gold Edition mais uma transcrição de Saints Row: The Third Remastered, geralmente custa $ 99,99 / £ 84,99, mas atualmente custa $ 32,99 / £ 28,04.Perceber: Para exibir esta incorporação, permita o uso de Cookies Funcionais em Preferências de cookies.Saints Row recebeu críticas mistas no lançamento, com VGC's Revisão de Saints Row rotulando o jogo uma vez que uma “bagunça chata e enxurrada de erros”. Atualmente tem pontuações de 61-65 no site de reunião de avaliações Metacrítico.Abraçador CEO Lars Wingefors anteriormente disse que estava pessoalmente desapontado pela recepção ao Saints Row, quando discursou durante a Reunião Universal Anual da Embracer em setembro pretérito.“Pessoalmente, esperava uma recepção maior ao jogo”, disse ele na estação. “Tem sido muito polarizador. Há muitas coisas que poderiam ser ditas em detalhes sobre isso, mas por um lado estou feliz em ver muitos jogadores e fãs felizes, e ao mesmo tempo estou um pouco triste por ver os fãs não felizes, portanto é difícil. [ad_2]
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megafreeman · 1 year
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Saints Row reboot gang emblems + city crest
From Frank Marquart's ArtStation
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gameforestdach · 1 year
Volitions neu gestartetes Actionspiel, Saints Row, hat sein Debüt auf der Gaming-Riesenplattform Steam gegeben. Passend zu diesem aufregenden Start bietet das Spiel exklusive, zeitlich begrenzte Rabatte bis Ende August und erzeugt Aufregung in der Gaming-Community. Das Spiel, das letztes Jahr zunächst für Konsole und den Epic Games Store veröffentlicht wurde, heißt jetzt auch Steam-Fans in seiner spektakulären und spannenden Welt willkommen. Saints Row Reboot ist jetzt auf Steam mit schweren Rabatten bis zum 31. August erhältlich. Die Standard Edition wurde von $59.99 / £49.99 auf nur $19.79 / £16.49 reduziert. Auch spezielle Editionen, darunter Gold- und Platinum-Versionen, sind mit stattlichen Rabatten erhältlich. Nach gemischten Kritiken bei der Erstveröffentlichung wurde eine engagierte Anstrengung unternommen, um das Spielerlebnis zu verbessern. Ein Blick auf die speziellen Editionen von Saints Row Aber wir wollen einen Schritt zurückgehen. Noch interessanter ist, dass nicht nur das Standardspiel, sondern auch seine speziellen Editionen für einen begrenzten Zeitraum zu ermäßigten Preisen erhältlich sind! Die Gold Edition, einschließlich des Erweiterungspasses und des Los Panteros American Muscle-Bundles, ist für $29.69 / £24.74 erhältlich, heruntergesetzt vom ursprünglichen Preis von $89.99 / £74.99. Diese spezielle Edition bietet einen einzigartigen Wert für Hardcore-Gamer, die stundenlangen Spielspaß genießen möchten. Für diejenigen, die nach etwas mehr Nostalgie und Aufregung suchen, verspricht die Platinum Edition dieses zu liefern. Sie enthält alles in der Gold Edition und zusätzlich eine Kopie von Saints Row: The Third Remastered. Diese Edition ist derzeit für $32.99 / £28.04 erhältlich, eine signifikante Reduzierung gegenüber dem ursprünglichen Preis von $99.99 / £84.99. Ein echtes Schnäppchen! Erste Reaktionen auf das Saints Row Reboot Aber wie das Sprichwort sagt, hat jede Rose ihre Dornen. Trotz der Aufregung über den Start und der erheblichen Rabatte können wir vergessen, dass das Spiel anfangs von einigen Kritikern als „fehlerhaftes, langweiliges Durcheinander“ bezeichnet wurde? Mit Bewertungen im Bereich von 61-65 auf Metacritic herrschte nach der Erstveröffentlichung eine gewisse Reue und Enttäuschung in der Gaming-Community. Embracer Group CEO Lars Wingefors machte keinen Hehl aus seiner persönlichen Enttäuschung über die Leistung des Spiels und räumte sogar ein, dass es unter seinem Publikum polarisierend wirkt. Trotz seines holprigen Starts wird diese neue Plattformveröffentlichung Saints Row eine frische Chance zur Wiedergutmachung bieten? Nur die Zeit und das fortgesetzte Engagement der Gaming-Community werden es zeigen. Zusammenfassung Die Reise des Saints Row Reboots war eine Achterbahnfahrt. Trotz Höhen und Tiefen bleibt das Entwicklungsteam ihrem Werk verpflichtet und strebt nach Veränderung und Wiedergutmachung. Jetzt, da das Spiel seine Türen für Steam-Benutzer öffnet, freuen wir uns auf eine Belebung der Begeisterung, Wertschätzung und konstruktives Feedback von der Gaming-Community. Was denkst du? Bist du begeistert von den Rabatten oder beunruhigt dich das Gameplay? Wir würden gerne deine Meinung hören, also steig ein und beteilige dich an der Unterhaltung!
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whoredmode · 9 months
some assorted notes from my AU. not too much but just enough where i feel like i should put it under a cut. mostly talking about the idols but a quick mention of los panteros too. these gangs make me so mad there’s so much potential but they just feel so held back😭 on the plus side that at least makes trying to rewrite them fairly interesting
to alleviate some of the weirdness of the whole “roommates but in rival gangs” thing between neenah and kevin, i want to frame the idols as more of an actual cult. they definitely operate as a gang, but they would not refer to themselves as such, nor would kevin. neenah definitely sees them as a gang though, so there’s another point of contention.
i get the point is that the idols don’t really know what their actual end goal is after they dismantle everything, but for the cult angle to actually work in a cohesive way, they need, well, an idol. some symbol of idolatry and some semblance of how they want their future to look. i think the idea of shilling something like a product (though obviously they deny that’s what it is and avoid the word “product”) is a decent starting point. there’s a specific line from a member early on where they talk about recruiting new members so THEY can move up a rank, which is just textbook pyramid scheme. and health/wellness cults are something that have definitely come to more prominence in the 2020s, so it’s not completely out of nowhere.
my thinking is this: have them do a sons of samedi where they’ve introduced a new drug on the street. it’s not touted as a drug but it totally is. maybe it’s said to be some cure-all supplement but it obviously has extremely addictive properties which is how it’s able to flourish. this causes friction with panteros who have had their own drug racket going on since the 80s. with that in mind, this is where the anarchy part of the idols comes through: they’re armed to the teeth. anyone trying to get in the way of their future and their cure-all is getting destroyed.
and since i mentioned them. real quick, on the topic of los panteros: sergio was the most nothing antagonist of the whole series. my god. i really went in thinking panteros would be my fave from srr. so i definitely wanna rework them. i would’ve delved into sergio and neenah’s dynamic a lot more. from the sound of it, panteros and sergio are the only type of family she has in santo ileso, and i think you could’ve done something with that. perhaps she’d opened up to him over time, telling him about her family situation and why she wants to fix up her car. and so sergio manipulates her, using those feelings against her for his own benefit. dangling the prospect of fixing up her mom’s car for/with her, knowing how much it meant to her, only for him to eventually destroy it as punishment for working against the gang. make it feel like it has a lot more meaning. something. anything.
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bigboyplaya · 1 year
the idols are actually kind of cool like I personally would join them. I like the aesthetic and anti-capitalist agenda down with the government and whatnot.
also i think Vicky would probably join Los Panteros, cuz she likes cars. a lot.
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Last night I dreamed that I was Ellen Kramer, the updated trans version of my high-school self-insert OC, and I was going to try to unite "the three gangs you fought in Saints Row 2022", even though there's technically only two plus Not-STAG. Perhaps, the dream coyly supposed, I'd unite them into some manner of syndicate (a la Saints Row 3).
First I went to Los Panteros. I spoke to this one random woman who looked like the "tough" opponents who show up. When I outlined my ambitions, she called me an idiot to my face; however, she indicated that she was going to leave her options open in case I impressed her enough.
I then went to the Idols, and they sent me to speak with this one random guy. I tried to explain that the Idols' ideology was incoherent, hypocritical, and self-serving compared to actual real-world anarchist philosophies (yes, I'm pretty sure that the terminology I used was in fact "real-world"), but then it transpired that the guy was deaf. I got the idea of communicating with him by typing into Notepad++ on my computer; however, I had an inordinate amount of difficulty, because I couldn't find Notepad++, and when I tried to open Wordpad as a fallback, it was just completely pre-filled with these forms that had my real name or my deadname; I kept manually having to close and delete them, and when I finally got Notepad++ opened, I woke up.
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torntruth · 2 years
—     boss  starter  call   /   @secondhandmckie​ .
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you  see,   they  hate  the  idols  far  more  than  los  panteros  because  los  panteros  legitimately  cares  about  the  folk  around  them.   los  panteros  won’t  involve  the  little  dudes.   for  the  most  part,   gang  wars  are  gang  wars.   the  idols  though,   they’re  mostly  hypocritical  and  that’s  fucking  annoying.   talking  about  squashing  the  big  guys  while  living  rich  on  a  boat  and  just  clawing  at  anyone’s  throat  so  the  collective  can  have  a  party.   in  their  weird  fucking  helmets.    anyway,   boss’   run  slows  dramatically  to  a  stop.   the  handgun  in  their  hand  falls  more  hidden  to  their  side.   the  plaza  is  crowded.   it’s  really  not  going  to  be  hard  to  find  the  idols  in  their  bright  pinks  and  extravagant  style.
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“   —   that  looks  really  good.   man,   where  did  you  GET  that?   ”     maybe  that’s  why  boss  was  currently  more  in  awe  of  food  than  finding  the  idol  scum.   they  won’t  stay  hidden. 
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el-saint-of-sinners · 2 years
The Saint of Sinners Part 8
At 9:30 pm Louis-Marc grabbed his custom automatic pistol, it was initially an NR4 pistol, but it had an Idols-themed wrap around the grip, and an extended clip alongside being converted to a select-firing mode firearm, he'd hardly used it in his time being human, though he had experience, he'd grown more intrigued by how firearms improved from his days in and even before the revolution, he'd never seen anything like it. Before he got lost in his thoughts again he proceeded to gather some extra clips he had preloaded, yet in his mind, there was a doubt, killing wasn't something he enjoyed, when he got lost in his emotions it became easier. Yet left without much of a choice he grabbed his keys to his bike off the key rack next to the front door and headed out. On the drive to Lakeshore North, he couldn't help but watch the night sky, he'd always found wonder in the idea of a world besides the one he lived, the dream of a life different than the one he lead without freedom, that last part rung through his head like an echo in a cave, a life without freedom yet where was he now. By the time he was left with that, he arrived at the Museum of Santo Ileso, but by when he got there it was 10:25. He shook it off for now and waited. By 10:35 The Collective and a bunch of Idols appeared in droves. Most of it was endless monologing mixed with the plan. Climb up to the roof, climb through the skylight they had one of the Idols inside people leave open and steal the Codex. To Louis-Marc it seemed half-baked at best, but simple enough overall, most of the security would be around the obvious points, the security room towards the back of the Museum from the blueprints seemed like the first target they'd hit. Things were going to plan until Los Panteros started busting through the walls of the museum everywhere. Louis-Marc got lost in the fight, after the group he went in with was taken down he'd stuck to taking out Panteros as stealthy as he could as he slowly made his way through the museum it seemed someone already cleared ahead of him. Idols and Panteros dead. It seemed like pure carnage. Before he could process what was going on a gun was pointed toward his head and a voice a woman's said "Hermano unless you want to be shot I'd advise you tell me what the hell the Idols are doing here." her voice sounded rather uninterested all things given but yet also a tone that sounded like it could cut like a blade. Louis sighs and replies "The Collective wants the Codex to piss off Marshall and Los Panteros the plan was very thrown together if you ask me." the woman chuckles a bit and says "So some of you aren't loco you are capable of reason. The names Lena. So I have an offer one you can't refuse. Actually, you can and I just pull the trigger. We fight through these remaining Panteros and we never saw each other afterward. Does that sound fair enough?" and before he could respond more Panteros busted in through the wall. Under his breath Louis muttered "Merde." before firing at them. After fighting off the wave of five Panteros they fought their way through the rest of the Museum together taking a route avoiding Idols. By the time they made it to where they split off they seemed to have some sort of understanding, Lena took the nearest door in the hallway, while he took the one where the remaining Idols were attempting to open the case with the Hummingbird Codex.
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