#Louis Hofmann x reader
purfectstormzz · 1 year
Masterlist 1
A/n: stories that I’ll write in the future will be added on here
Elijah Hewson
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End game
I wanna be yours
Million Dollar Man
Robert Keating
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It’s not living, if it’s not with you
Alex Turner
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Baby I’m yours
Carlos Sainz Jr
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Red (Taylor’s version) (serie)
• I knew you were trouble (part 1)
•The moment I knew (part 2)
• Red (part 3)
• The last time (part 4)
• Begin again (part 5)
Daniel Ricciardo
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The Alchemy
Logan Sargeant
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We’ll be alright
Bradley Will Simpson
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Risk it all
Sebastian Stan
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Think I need someone older
My love mine all mine
Who I write for:
Charles Leclerc
Carlos Sainz Jr
Lando Norris
Lewis Hamilton
Daniel Ricciardo
Logan Sargeant
Elijah Hewson
Alex Turner
Harry Styles
Josh Jenkinson
Robert Keating
Ryan Mcmahon
Bradley Will Simpson
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Timotheé Chalamet
Charlie Gillespie
Fictional characters:
Aaron Hotchner
Bucky Barnes
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Dallas Winston
Victor Tan
Request are always open!
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Some Pain / Jonas Kahnwald Imagine
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Request: Hi 🥺 I’m not sure if you watched season 3 already but I have a Dark request - can you please do one where Jonas is still traumatised from all of what he went through and reader is there to comfort him at night? After a while, Jonas blurts out the secret that he saw himself and reader together in the future and it was their destiny to be together 🥺🤍 that’d be very cute 
This is really cute, and I’m so emotional! Also, thank you everyone for 4k!! <3
Comments are always appreciated!
‘Look at me. Y/n, please, stay with me.’
There’s no noise, no reply to his pleas, to the falling of his face, to the tears that drip down onto your bloodstained cheeks as Jonas tries to wipe the bleeding away with his trembling fingertips. Nothing.
Jonas stumbles back into your desk, knocking a few loose papers of homework onto the floor by your bed, but you don’t move to pick them up. Instead, you only raise an eyebrow at the boy, as he jolts himself back up into a standing position, wiping away a few beads of sweat, and some dirt along with it, from his forehead.
‘I forget sometimes, how much you look like her.’
‘I don’t know where you disappeared off to for the last - four hours, but you do know my house has a door, right? You can’t just drop news of an impending apocalypse on me and then leave straight away. Especially when my parents are home. I was really freaked out, you know.’
‘Sorry, I’m still not used to the way this world works.’
You only sigh, patting the duvet next to you.
‘Come on, I think we both need a decent night’s sleep.’
Jonas didn’t say a word as he kicked off his shoes, he didn’t know what else he could say to make this situation any better as you turned on your side, shuffling along the bed until there was a slither of room for him to collapse down in. Pulling on his jacket, you manage to drag it off the boy, nearly feverish with exhaustion, with only mild entanglement. 
Sweeping the hair away from his forehead, you reach down, heart hammering, to pull one of his legs over your waist. Gingerly, he places his head against the curve of your neck, eyes squeezed shut as he listens to your heartbeat. Holding his breath, he tries to keep himself from crying as your left hand tentatively spreads out over his chest, keeping him in place.
‘When are you going to show me?’
‘Show you what?’
‘The future.’
‘Trust me, I don’t think you want to see it. Time travel has caused enough scheisse in this town.’
Flickering his eyes closed, he tries not to focus on how warm your skin feels against the coolness of his grimy cheek. Nor on the way your fingertips, idly, almost unconsciously, wrap around his shoulder and play with the short strands of hair brushing against the nape of his neck. Breaking out in goosebumps, he gives a delighted shiver, a sigh escaping his lips. They felt so familiar, as if he was really here with the girl he had spent his whole life entangled with.
He grimaced, a final, aggrieved tear racing down his cheek. Deep down, he knew you weren’t going to make it, but he didn’t want it to be true. Couldn’t let it be. Not after everything he had done.
‘Some pain you never forget. You will carry this pain with you all your life.’
He wakes up with a start.
He tries to catch his breath, eyes flicking around the flipped room in confusion, as the sleeping figure next to him begins to stir, perhaps alerted to his distress. Finally, your eyes fully open, blinking a few times as all they see is the slight dullness of a crumpled white shirt. Your focus finally snaps to the side of Jonas’ face, contorted in pain, as a soft cry escapes his parted lips from time to time. Suddenly, he curls into himself, elbows hitting chin as he rubs his eyelids with the back of his palm, and it’s only then you realise he’s been weeping.
You place a hand on his shoulder, pulling him down towards you. He falls without complaint.
It scares you how much he’s shaking underneath your fingertips.
‘Hey, it’s okay. Come on, it’s okay.’
You continue to push back his hair with your hand, trying to get as much of the golden whisps away from his eyes. Your other hand continues circling his shoulders, feeling his shudders weaken and weaken with every swirl.
‘You were just dreaming.’
You trace one finger down his cheek, as he rolls his eyes up to look at you.
‘I’ve seen us, you know. That’s what I didn’t tell you before, underneath the bridge. Every different world, every timeline - there’s like a silent connection between us. Between our hearts. You’ve felt it, otherwise you wouldn’t have let me, an almost complete stranger into your room tonight.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘I don’t know what you’d call it. Destiny? Fate? We’re always together, Jonas and Y/n, Adam and Eve - we’re soulmates, Y/n. No matter what comes between us.’
You wore a puzzled expression, as if thoughts were clouding over your mind and making your words stall in your throat. Were your thoughts visible they would be a inverse explosion, crazy chaotic turns and twists of light all coming together to just one idea, to just one word.
‘Destiny, huh?’
‘I know you probably think I’m crazy, but I swear-’
‘No, no. I’ve seen enough weird stuff in this town to know you may be right. You say all this happened... in your world?’
‘I promised you, I promised you I would make it right. I’m going to- I just wish I didn’t have to do stuff anymore. I’m so sick of doing what everyone tells me to, and still just making things worse. But I’m going to save you, I swear. I’ll find a way out of this hell for us.’
‘Let’s just - let’s just enjoy the moment, and worry about the rest in the morning.’
He nods, pressing his forehead against yours, as if almost in pain. You reach up to cup his cheek, bumping your nose against his. His breath is warm against your face as his breathing settles.
‘I’m glad it’s you, Jonas. I’m glad you’re my soulmate.’
He kisses you then, and this time he doesn't see flashes of his old life, the pain he’s already gone through, when his eyes are closed. Instead, all he sees is every memory he has of you: your smile, yout laugh, everything that makes you you. 
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Perfect Match / Jonas Kahnwald Imagine
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Request: Hi! Could I request some fluff of Jonas kahnwald x best friend reader when he realizes he's in love with her and not with Martha? A happy end with a kiss. Gosh this boy need to be protected ♡♡♡ 
Thank you to my dear @fuwari-s​ for reminding me how emotional I am about Jonas Kahnwald :’) Someone needs to come cry about season 3 with me!
Comments are always appreciated! <3
‘Show off.’
Jonas only grins, flopping back down onto his back and dropping his controller onto the floor by his side. He places one hand on his forehead, the other draped lazily around his stomach as you settle down next to his side. You can feel the small huff of air from his lips as he chuckles, your hand coming to grip on his other arm.
‘I don’t know why you keep on bringing this game over. I beat you every single time. You, and your brother.’
‘Leave Bartosz out of this, he sucks at every video game.’
You rub your fingers along the coarse mattress, revelling in its familiarity and warmth on such a cold Winden night. It was obvious Jonas hadn’t tried to keep his room tidy since his dad has passed on, but the duvet that lay tangled by the bottom of your waist was thick and irresistibly soft, like a billowing cloud. You toppled your legs onto it, kicking Jonas’ out of the way.
He only huffed in mock annoyance, before a flash of seriousness overcame his soft features and he turned his head to look down at you. 
‘Do you believe people could be made for each other? Like they were always meant to meet even without destiny?’
Sitting up on Jonas’ bed, your careful not to hit your foot against his elbow as you tuck your knees underneath your chin.
‘Like your parents?’
Streaks of pure white crackled against the stormy blanket of grey outside as you spoke those words, shrouding hot silver clouds with its blinding incandescence. Jagged bolts endlessly protrude, filling the sky with undying flashes of white against the brown backdrop of Jonas’ room.
‘Definitely not. Everyone in town seems to know that mum’s having an affair with Ulrich. And even if my dad never said anything, I think he knew as well.’
‘What then, like you and Martha?’
‘No, not like her! Besides, she’s with your brother now. Like... us.’
‘Like us? What do you mean?’
Jonas is lying in the room he had called home all his life, and yet he could still find himself trying to stop his arms from shaking as he looked quickly away from you. He’d spent all of last night up, tossing and turning, trying to find the right words to say to you. All the things he had written down in letters while he was away in ‘France’, but never had the courage to send, only to burn.  By the morning, his bed sheets had been in a knot on the floor, and aside from a few fit-full half hours of vivid Michael-full dreams, he hadn’t slept a wink. 
His stomach shifts uneasily, realising that he couldn’t run away from this anymore, that the time had come, and he notices that the hands that he is hugging himself with are pinching into his skin. It’s only when you grab onto one of his hand, intertwining your fingers with his like you had done a million times before, that he snaps out of his daydream.
‘Jonas, what’s going on. You’re acting weirder than usual. Was it Hannah?’ 
‘Just- moments like this, they feel like they’ve happened before. Like deja vu, or a gl-’
‘A glitch in the matrix. Yeah I get that. Well, if it’s any consolation, Jonas Kahnwald, if we are all stuck here living in this hell hole over and over again, I’m glad it’s you.’
There was a feeling in his gut that still said, ‘no,’ but another in his heart that knew, all along, that the answer was ‘yes.’ That somehow, it always had been, and always would. 
‘Do you remember the day we first met? You came walking into school, wandering into German and I swear, the whole room turned red for me. It was like I couldn’t see anything, couldn’t focus on anything for the rest of the day, until I talked to you again.’
‘And now your world’s gone crazy again.’
‘Yeah, well, it was worth it. I’d pick you over and over again, Y/n. In any timeline - in any world.’
‘Shh now and kiss me before your mum comes home.’
Your voice wavered, trying to sound confident as he pushed himself up onto his elbows, eyes traced onto your lips and mouth slightly agape, but you were still completely unprepared. You would think that after all the hours you’d spent with Jonas - watching him talk, laugh, frown, sigh - that you would know all there was to know about his lips. But you hadn't imagined how warm they would feel pressed up against your own. How desperate they would feel. How familiar, as if you had done this thousands of times before. As if it was only natural. He feels your hands on the back of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, a smile growing on his face at the tickle.
As Jonas smiled at you, reaching into his back pocket to place a silver looking locket around your neck, only one thing rang around his mind. Meeting you was a fate, being your friend, a choice. And falling in love, it was always bound to happen.
‘I think we’re a perfect match, Y/n. Never let anyone else tell you any differently.’
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Dating Jonas Kahnwald Headcanons
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Request: Hi first of all i LOVE your dark (netflix) writing thank you so much for blessing this fandom with content ❤️ Second i would like to request if you haven’t done this some headcanons for dating jonas (2019) . Thank a lot 
No worries darling! I only know about three other people who write for Dark and it is a crying shame I love this show too much <3
Also that trailer??? I am not okay???
Okay, to begin with you, Jonas met you at the start of secondary school. Since no one usually leaves or moves into Widen, he knew that you were important - that you were exciting and fresh and new in this black hole of a town.
Therefore, when you came skipping into English on that dreary morning, eleven year old Jonas was nearly knocked head over heels right there right then. It was like a ray of sunshine had entered the drab classroom as you shook the droplets out of your hair and took your seat at the front of the class - he was so out of it for the rest of the lesson that Bartosz had to constantly elbow him whenever the teacher picked on him to answer a question.
When he picked up the nerves to go and sit down next to you that lunchtime, from then on, the two of you had been as thick as thieves.
It was only after Michael died that you properly started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend - he was too nervous before, too afraid you weren’t actually feeling what he was with the same intensity. But after his dad was gone, he realised he had nothing left to lose except you.
Since you’ve known Jonas for so long, Hannah actually kind of likes you, in her own special way. She’s still blunt, and abrupt when she sees you, but the two of you don’t have to sneak out of the house when she’s with Ulrich anymore to go and play videogames round at Bartosz’s house.
Whilst he was still alive, you were also very close with Michael as well. Many mornings had been spent in the Kahnwald house, with noone surprised when you used to tiptoe down the stairs behind Jonas, or knock at seven thirty a.m. on the dot at their door to join them for breakfast.
You always took the seat to the left of Jonas, giving his dad a smile as he pushed your favourite cereal in front of you with a wink. Blushing, you’d use one hand to hold your spoon as Hannah went on pouring the orange juice, already having put four cups out, and you’d use your other hand to sneakily reach under the table and grab onto Jonas’.
The first time you did it, the poor boy started choking on his cereal, and Michael ended up having to try and give him the heimlich. 
Most nights were spent climbing up and through Jonas’ window. You always know you’re close when you feel your fingers prick over the bark, your fingerprints swirling over the ridged patterns. 
You move toward the light glowing familiar from Jonas’ window, the dim lamp on his desk, feeling the light reach your skin as you lean on the white gloss frame, knocking until Jonas is knocked out of his daydream and finally lets you in.
You’d always spend the night, as he finds he has less intense nightmares while you’re around. It would always end up with him lying flat over you - legs entangled together, his head resting just under your chin, and arms wrapped tightly around your waist, the duvet discarded in a heap at the foot of the bed.
For him, there’s no better feeling in the world than the feeling of his forehead coming to rest gingerly but tenderly against your own as he breathes out deeply, your familiar smell comforting as your fingers brush the blonde curls away from his forehead. 
Constantly grabbing your shoulder at school with that light little giggle of his when he sees you wearing one of his jumpers, and as time goes on, his bright yellow raincoat.
Most weekends, you’d often skip out on whatever scheme Bartosz, or Magnus, or Martha were planning, to cycle down instead and sit by the lake. 
He shifts uncomfortably against the stones and sand that prick like millions of little pins against his hands, the sun shining down on this ethereal summer’s day and bouncing on thin rays over his eyes, the warming breeze tingling against the goosebumps of his arms. He feels so uncomfortably close to you, on days like these, but not close enough.
Usually he looks forward to days like these, just to get away from Winden. Just to spend time sitting next to you, gazing at you, loving you without fear, but today even you surprised him.
‘Come on Jonas, the water looks so beautiful!’
Dragging him up, his ocean eyes widen in surprise as, without a warning, you make him yelp in surprise as you pull him down into the water, the giant splash sprinkling like dew drops onto the sandy shore.
That day, was the day he finally collected the courage to kiss you. When the two of you emerged from the depths, his purple hair soaked and droplets scattering of your eyelashes, the two of you just burst out laughing.
You stop laughing, however, when you stop and see the seriousness in his eyes, the heaviness behind the way he looked at you. There was no one around, just silence, and peace, and a million pine trees shaking their needles as if fighting against the wind, and yet there was such an intensity between the two of you.
Finally, his arm comes to grab onto your wrist, before he leans over to kiss you, and the world and all its troubles fall away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled, pulling you closer until there was no space left between the two of you, and never would be again.
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
I’m What’s Wrong / Jonas Kahnwald Imagine
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Request: I was wondering if i could request a jonas kahnwald imagine ☺ maybe fluff and angst. Where jonas and the reader have like a thing and are falling for each other in the middle of all the conflicts, and jonas tells her that if he fixes everything he's going not going to exist anymore... and its all angsty and sad but fluffy and they kiss and its all romantic but angst 😂🙈 
Thank you for this request @sh4desofsadness, I’m so so excited for season 3 and to start getting out of my Dark requests! <3
I’m also tagging @tink-crash​ because you’ve always been so kind to me and I’m sorry I haven’t written for Dark in so long!
Warning, some strong language!
Comments are much appreciated!
As a child having the displeasure of growing up in Winden, you could only remember waking up in the middle of the night breathless, searching for the sun. For a light.
The darkness had always worried you. Enveloping, suffocating, filled with beasts and monsters banging against the phantom line between the bright and the dark you could never tell if were real or not. But after the last few weeks, you knew they were more real than most things in your life, whether you wanted them to be or not.
Standing in the middle of the Kahnwald’s kitchen, you pray to every God you can think of for letting Hannah Kahnwald be out at the moment. Mainly, because you couldn’t bear the stifling silence between the two of you in this house since Jonas disappeared a couple of days ago. Secondly, because the black gun hanging from your fingertips, you’re pretty sure, belongs to her. 
Backing away, you nearly cry as you drop the gun onto the table, afraid for a moment, as it spun towards you, that you had accidentally triggered it. However, for the moment, the only pain you feel is your back pressing into the dirt encrusted, tea stained counter, and the thumping of your heart against the back of your throat. Fumbling your fingers behind you until you come into contact with one of the Jonas’ chipped mugs, you cling onto the edge of the counter, staring at the mess in front of you. Wondering how in hell you ended up here, with your boyfriend missing, Mikkel disappearing, some strange man wandering around that you just couldn’t - wouldn’t - believe could be your Jonas. None of the pieces would smash themselves into place in your head.
So instead, you just stand there in shock, staring at the kitchen table that stands silently in the middle of the wooden floor. This kitchen table has seen every emotion, from the sweet silent happiness of family times when you used to come over for dinner: one of the rare times Michael would make an appearance and sometimes even cook, to the rage of lies and secrets that bursts out in these hardest times. The splinters of wood from beneath peaks through, shards tearing at the surface trying to break free. In this dark room, only the ticking of the wall clock had a relaxed feeling, as if it was waiting for its ticks to finally run out.
From where you stood, you hadn’t noticed a weathered figure place his key in the door and come back into his home. Under the relentless Winden heat that he had spent years oppressed under, the boy’s raincoat had come to weigh more than his creaking skeleton. The only words that passed his withered lips, as he stepped into the hallway and caught sight of you, was a cry. A desperate, distraught sound that broke your heart in two before you had even spotted him.
‘J-Jonas is that you? Can it be? H-how- you look so different-’
Jonas turned his head slowly to glance at his reflection in the murky kitchen window: all he could tell from what his bleary eyes managed to see was that his normally flat hair was more like a bird’s nest - long and shaggy and stuck up, running down his cheeks to meet his scar and tickle across the dirt flecks on his cheeks. He didn’t remember this happening. It was so hard to remember anything. 
Before you could even collect yourself, you’ve run forward and grabbed the lapels of his coat: the coat that was so blue and tarnished, like a midwinter night an hour before pitch dark, before the dying of the light. Yet even under your chilled fingertips the fabric was far from soft. The look in his eyes as you glanced up at him, clinging onto him like a desperate child and him reaching up to grab onto you twice as fervently, was one of total loss. Jonas Kahnwald had never felt so alone, so incapable of doing even the smallest tasks. And this was only the beginning, the beginning of the pain, the suffering and the endless cycle of events that he had unwittingly set into motion that would lead to your doom. 
He would be damned if he wasn’t going to stop it.
‘Y/n- I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do anymore. How to fix this - my mistake - what I did to my father, what I’ll do to you-’
‘Hey, who did this?’
Your fingers danced over a narrow pillow of milky white bandage just below his strict jaw, the pad of your thumb smoothed over the rope burn wrought into his neck. You fought the nervous swirls that braided in your stomach, trying to speculate about something alternate, but you couldn't undo the images that were embedded in your troubled mind. 
‘Who did this to you?’, you whisper, but he only grabs onto your hand and pulls it down until its resting against his stomach.
‘That’s not important, Y/n. I need to tell you now, right now, that I’m sorry.’
‘What on Earth for Jonas? You’re not Adam, not yet, and though I don’t really understand what’s going on, we’re going to fix this.’
‘That’s what I’m sorry for, Y/n. In order to fix all this - all this shit that I’ve caused - I need to die. I need to not exist anymore Y/n-’
‘But that’s not- that’s not true! That’s not possible! I’ve already bumped into an older version of you-’
‘And he needs to go as well Y/n! He’s just as much a part of the problem! That’s the point! I’m the problem, I never should have existed in the first place!’
His words, his words are harsh but god, his eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than you knew eyes could be. 
‘I’m not leaving you to do this alone Jonas. This isn’t your fate, I know it isn’t.’
‘I- I can’t.’ 
His jaw quivers as he sighs out deeply, trying so hard to bite back the tears that well up in the creases of his eyes. He doesn’t do anything for a moment, just biting his tongue, until he shuts his eyes and leans his forehead down until it gently rests against the tip of your own.
‘I’ve tried so hard to save you. So hard Y/n. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but you’re only okay once I’m gone. I need you safe, that’s the only important thing to me-’
‘Older you said something like that as well, before he rushed off to god knows where. This time, this ‘cycle’, just let me actually help.’
He looks at you, daring to look with his tear stained cheeks before time freezes. He rushes forward, almost without thinking, and kisses you. For a moment there’s no apocalypse, no time machine, no death, no suffering. Just the feel of his lips desperately pressing against your own, a small gasp leaving them as you reach up and grab onto the fringes of his hair, the two of you never wanting to let go.
Eventually, however, you do have to pull away, your pulse racing as you choose instead to rest your chin against his. You can still feel his tears tumble against the coolness of your skin, a small lock of his hair tumbling down in front of your face, resting just in front of your cheek. With one swift slide of your thumb, it was brushed out of the way. He reached down again, your fingers locking together similar to puzzle pieces, and you gave the boy you loved the only comfort you could think of giving in that moment. Pressing a chaste kiss to the side of his neck, you let go and allow your arms to open up, nearly falling over as his head crashes into the side of your neck and his hands make balled fists into the back of your shirt.
Yes, you could say for certainty that you were very glad Hannah Kahnwald wasn’t home. Because the empty sobs that echoed through the house belonged to the two of you, and the two of you only.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Snuggles / Jonas Kahnwald Headcanons
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Request: Can I request headcanons of how Jonas from Dark likes to cuddle and be cuddled? I love your writing so much!
Thank you so much darling that’s so sweet! <3
Let’s be honest, he’s just such a soft boy, no matter who’s doing the snuggling. He’ll either 100% be snoring gently against your neck, or whispering sweet delicate little declarations of love, there is no inbetween, that boy is a love sick mess
He’d often, after a long day at school, just wrap his arms around you and would flop both of you onto the sofa. You’d rest your head against his chest, stroking your hand through his blonde curls gently as he nuzzles into your neck and murmurs lightly in contentment
Before you both drift off, you make him promise to take you down to the lake tomorrow, making him grin widely against your neck and giggle lightly, before him telling you he loves you
Sometimes, if his mother was at home and he was missing Michael, you’d lead him outside, pushing him gently onto the cool grass before lying down beside him
He places his head on your chest and breathes out a sigh of relief before pulling you closer and nuzzling into your side. He spends the rest of the night tugging gently on your fingers, intertwined with his hand whilst you reach up to point out the various constellations and burning stars. He doesn’t really mind what you’re saying, but as you entangle your other hand in his curls gently, loving the way his face lights up, he’s just glad for the moment’s distraction your cuddle offers him
Surprise cuddles when the two of you are down by the lake during a sunny spring afternoon are the best! You would be lying down on the towel, him sitting cross legged next to you in his shorts, shyly shooting glances your way, hoping you’ll look up from your book and give him the attention he wants.
He grins down at you when you finally notice and drop the book onto the soil, shuffling onto your knees so you can lift his legs onto your lap, sitting down next to him. He sits up properly as well, pulling your body into his torso and squeezing you tightly, resting one hand on your back and running his other hand through your hair, letting out all the restless energy he’s had since his father’s death. He pulls back slightly, and you stare into his glistening eyes before he rests his forehead against yours
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Quiet / Jonas Kahnwald Fluff
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Request: Hi! Can I request a Jonas Kahnwald x reader just being lazy on a morning and just enjoying the moment and each other when everything is still quiet. As if the town isn't crazy enough right? Thank you!! 
My first Dark imagine! Thank you for sending this in darling, and sorry if it’s terrible, but poor Jonas needs some fluff <3
Winden was just that sort of town. The sort of small, tucked away unaware place where nobody really pays any heeds to the daily going-ons, seeing them as a usual cycle of muted nothingness. But there’s a certain darkness that lurks in the hearts of the residents, a kind of chill that makes the adults tug their children a little bit closer to their chests as they walk home from yet another uneventful day of school, a kind of paranoia that some things have not yet come to pass. The town had been built on a grid, and no expense was spared. The roads were perfect grit spitting rivers of tarmac that traffic lights blinked along to allow the schoolchildren to pass safely. The air was muggy and foggy and yet seemed crisp to those who drank it in. On occasion a deer would gallop through the streets or a bird fall on the tall black lampposts, but people felt uncomfortable in its presence. 
Luckily for you, you didn’t have to think about it yet. What was to come. What has already happened. The cycle you are trapped in. Instead, you brush your feet against the light carpet of Jonas’s room, leaning back against his desk chair and pretending you don’t hear the slight moans of Hannah and Ulrich from next door. Your head thumps against Jonas’ oaken walls as a sigh tumbles out your lips, your pyjama shorts rising up your damp thighs as you shake off the last few remnants that had plagued your mind last night, shaking off the horrible images of Mikkel, in his little red duffel coat that flashed before your eyes. You nearly knock Jonas’ pill bottle off his desk as you sit up, glancing over at him. His back trembles as he breathes, his hair fanned out over his thin pillow as you walk over to him with a small smile gracing your lips at the set of your boyfriend, happy to see that he hadn’t woken up as you pull his lumpy blue and green mattress up to his shoulders, your fingers resting for a moment, splaying against the expanse of his back as he whines in his sleep. He had been exhausted last night when you had been watching the movie, his legs entangled with yours, still blushing and shy and all pink cheeks littered with glowing freckles and sparkling eyes as he glanced down at you, his hand clamping down tight against your shoulder as you lay upon his chest.
‘Y/n, are you sure this is okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable’, he would whisper, as you snuggle further into his chest.
���Jonas, we’ve been dating for six months, don’t forget that I want to snuggle with you.’
He smiles at that, a rare smile that usually only lights his face in your presence. As the night went on, you could feel the fringes of his hair tickling your cheek, his chin bumping against your forehead as he began nodding off to sleep, despite the fact he would furiously deny it every time you would gently tap against his chest to wake him up again.
You walk slowly away from his sleeping frame, pushing the plastic windowpane until it flies open into the soft gold rays of the morning light, a grateful smile bursting onto your face as your eyes squeeze shut against the gentle spring breeze that caresses your sleepy face like the warm tide of a deep azure ocean, the sounds of tweeting robins jumping from branch to branch like a couple of childish lovers filling your heart with peace. A peace you hadn’t felt in the longest time, and feared you never would again. Tumbling back over, you sit on the corner of his bed, your hip smacking into the side of his television as you thank everything you could think of for letting it now only be the start of the weekend, and for allowing Jonas to get the rest he deserves. You place your hands on his hips, sighing gently into the silent morning as Jonas’ arm still rests dead across the bottom edge of the pillow, his fingers reaching and clasping in his sleep over onto your side, searching for you against the cold cotton as his mouth billows the soft gold curls of his cherub hair up into the air like a simple pendulum swinging back and forth.
He looks so young, so peaceful in his sleep, you think, as you lean down to rub your hands down the bare naked skin of his shoulders, chuckling lightly to yourself as your soft massages that dig into to the tensed muscles earn you a low, sleepy groan. You smirk, leaning down to press your chest firm against his back as he tenses slightly, his eyes beginning to flicker behind his eyelids as you trace a path from his thin dimples down to the plush fullness of his cherry lips. He wakes up with a loud grunt as you jump onto his side of, collapsing onto his bed, facing him. He flops hid head down further onto your side of the pillow with a sick thud, his forehead coming to rest gingerly but tenderly against your own as he breathes out deeply, your familiar smell comforting as his arm finds its way around your waist again.
‘Good morning’, you whisper, your finger coming up to lean against his chin, tracing over the dip of his lip, counting each freckle that lines his face like stars as his eyes blink open again, burning as they gaze into yours desperately. Slowly, he manages to shuffle his naked thighs further along until you’re completely chest to chest, your hand running down to massage over his wide shoulder as his laugh fans over your lips warmly, your hand whirling down to itch against his back.
‘I suppose we could snuggle here a little while longer’, he whispers happily, running his fingertips through the long strands of your hair, letting it flow through his hand.
A contented, lazy groan escapes his mouth as you laugh in reply, warming the tingling skin of your collarbone as he mumbles ‘it doesn’t matter, you’re not going anywhere anyway’. Before you have time to question his meaning, one leg wraps over your waist like a big cuddly koala bear, soft whines protruding from his plump lips as one slender arm finds its way to cup your side, snuggling into you as he lowers his head against your thumping chest. His hair fans out around your neck like starlight, bright and beautiful and extra floofy as he peers up at you like a puppy dog, his eyes bright and hopeful as he revels in your warmth.
He leans up to pepper fast and warm kisses against your face, wherever he can reach, punctuating each with a soft ‘we are a perfect match y/n, I love you so much’, before finally finishing with your mouth, leaning into the kiss with a great big smile lining his face.
The storm that began brewing on the wide auburn horizon promised nothing but a turn in the tide, a wind strong enough to whistle through the dancing trees, and noon darkness that would fill the damp-smelling air with threatening pelts of little rain drops that lash against the unsuspecting passerby. Jonas cast his eyes to the darkening, charcoal clouds as you begin to drift contently back off to sleep, his attention held by shimmering golden streaks that crack the cloud layer, allowing the sun to stream through like falling glitter before landing on the greenery below. As the rain began to drop, white noise hurtling and banging against the roof and windowpanes, he nestles his head further against you, feeling at home in your arms.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Lying / Jonas Kahnwald Angst
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Request: jonas kahnwald where you’re in love with him but he’s in love with ur sister martha 
Ooof thank you dear anon! <3
‘How long do you think it will take for Bartosz to come back?’
‘I’m not sure... he did leave quite a while ago but with the rain and the speed of Martha it might be a little while.’
‘I can’t believe sis wouldn’t take a lift with us.’
Jonas just shoots you a pained look, his eyebrows raised and furrowed as you just turn back to the TV, not noticing.
Jonas sits back on the leather sofa, sighing a little as he gazes out the rain streaked window, watching the autumn storm darken the horizon. The pattering of the rain, a soothing sound, suddenly turns into drumbeats on the roof top. The sky turns dark and life comes to a stop, whilst lightening strikes around the trees. 
‘I hope they’re alright out there, it’s grown awfully dark awfully quickly.’
Your eyes turn away from the flickering screen in front of you, allowing the troll to capture you in the game as you stop smashing the controller buttons, placing it down on your lap as you turn to face a downtrodden Jonas, his maroon shoulders slumped in the dim light as he gazes, forlornly, out the glass.
‘I’m sure they’ll be back soon, Bartosz isn’t really one for small talk, or messing around for that matter.’
‘I hope Martha doesn’t get soaked.’
‘We Nielsen’s are hardier than that, Jonas, now would you please stop daydreaming about my sister? I know that you and her had that fling before..,you know....you went to France, but she’s happy with Bartosz.’
‘Plus’, you murmur, nudging his shoulder as he smiles painfully, ‘I’m here, and I’m fantastic company.’ You try to stop your heart from hammering as he nods slowly.
You wrap an arm around his shoulders and pull him close, gently rubbing his arm. Despite the heaviness in your stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of his body pressed against his. He sunk slightly into the warmth of your side, appreciative of the simple gesture. But for Jonas, the hug was a perfunctory gesture mandated by social etiquette and the need for close friendship, not being able to put his full heart into it. Every time he looked at you, he saw Martha. Every time the two of you touched, he imagined he was touching Martha again. It wasn’t fair on you, and it sank like a weight in his heart to feel like he was using you. 
As soon as the door clicks open, and the light bickering of Bartosz and Martha can be heard as they shake the rain drops off their jackets and enter the hallway, Jona is straight up. Rushing past Bartosz who places his hands up and saunters past, back towards the living room, he nearly trips over his own feet as his arms wrap tightly around Martha’s shoulders.
‘Jonas, I saw you at school like half an hour ago.’
‘I know, but I missed you.’
As you draw closer to your sister you feel your heart beat so hard you fear Jonas will hear it, and if he does, your secret is secret no more. You had been praying so hard that this would have been the moment he kisses you, that this long drawn out crush would leap into the kind of relationship only your sister is blessed with. Your eyes close, head tilts upward and then you feel his lips, but instead, his lips only land on your sister’s cheek. It's a peck, but leaves your insides crushed. All it leaves is a little wet mark, but when he plants the kiss there he feels warmth spread through his limbs and his mind feels a pleasant buzz. And that’s when your heart sank from your chest and cracked into a million pieces onto the floor, to see a similar response in your sister’s eyes as he smiles back at Jonas.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Paradise / Jonas Kahnwald Fluff
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Request: Could you please write a Jonas Kahnwald fic where he and the reader spend time walking though the forest before heading home to cuddle? I just love this baby so much. Your writing is really amazing!!!! Ily💖 
Ily too my dear anon!! Also I’ve set this Younger!Jonas as the one that comes back in time from Season 2, so there’s a little bit of angst I hope you don’t mind ;P <3
All comments are much appreciated!
Pitching himself up onto his elbows, Jonas gazed around himself, his nose being tickled by a firefly that danced off the tip and into the wind like starlight. The afternoon was dying off now, leaving nothing but straggling rays of auburn light to dust the freckles on his chin, and he smiled contently to himself at the warmth they gave off. Struggling to his feet, dusting off the slight dew off his rain jacket from where he had fallen asleep in the grass, he wondered how many hours it had been since school had ended, and the two of you had wandered off into the Winden forest to just spend come quality time alone together before meeting up with Bartosz tomorrow for the traditional movie night.
He chided himself for having fallen asleep on you, but the warmth of your arm linked over his waist, and the dainty tickle of your fingertips sliding over his cheek had made him feel more safe, and more at home than he had in months, and although he wanted to just spend a moment with your foreheads touching, a light smile on his face as he just gazed at you, he hadn’t been able to stop his eyelids from fluttering shut.
Welcoming him into the darkness are a stream of crickets chirping their symphonies, a welcome sound as he hums contentedly to himself. He sets off, following the sound past pine trees that shake in front of him as if frightened, the drooping flowers hanging in thick bushes around the forest raising their velvety heads, breathing a new life into their silky petals as his feet crunch past, becoming lighter with every step as he spots you sitting on a mossy log a few metres away, the falling sun bathing your hair in a halo of fire and light, your legs lying long against the dusty dirt of the ground. Her attention is on the stars twinkling above his head, bright and distant and so full of wonder. 
‘I know we meant to spend the day wandering and having incredible adventures, but I think there’s still time left, even if it is getting dark.’
You look up at him, a grin growing on your face as your eyes beam.
‘The most magical things in Winden happen at night, Jonas, as long as you’re with the right people.’
He huffs humorously, his yellow jacket slightly dirty and the cuffs falling past his palms as he wanders over to you, tipping his head slightly down to meet your eyes. Holding out his hand, his fingers beckon you on as he says, ‘come on, I know the most incredible way home for the most beautiful lady in all of time.’
The path Jonas took you through the yellowing grass near the train track was a tumultuous one, but somehow familiar none the less, as if the two of you had walked this path before, and always would. The tall grasses, inflexible in their dryness were stiff as they tried to drink in the rays of the burning Winden sun, flattened under your boots, as you stare curiously at the broad expanse of Jonas’s back, averting your gaze as he turns his head back every so often with a small grin. Walking further down, limping slightly down behind his upright shoulders as he holds a thin sheath of wheat in his fingers, you marvel at the path in front of you, so ragged and bent and covered in littering wild flowers in a cacophony of colours; blue cornflowers, little white daisies peeking their heads, red poppies blooming like blood.
When you finally arrive home, your fingers having become gently, and familiarly intertwined with each others over the course of the journey, he wastes no time in tugging you up the stairs of the empty wooden house to his bedroom. There’s an electric silence between the two of you as you push the jacket off his shoulders, his mouth slightly agape and shamelessly gazing at your lips as he lets it fall onto the rug with a dull thud. Coming forward to wrap his arms around your waists, the two of you burst out into giggles as he manages to smash his forehead against yours, but the giggles turn to a yelp as he catches your heel and collapses the two of you on top of his tartan duvet.
You peer over Jonas’ head after a few moments of silence, resting it gently onto his shoulder, his maroon shirt scratchy under your chin as he gazes down at your intertwined fingers, his knuckles growing whiter by the minute as his thumb strokes familiarly over your fingers. Such sadness rests behind such young eyes, wisdom and fear and loneliness that you could never comprehend swirling around like falling confetti as he grimaces slightly, nestling his head further into the pillow and pulling you just that little bit closer towards like a lifeline.
‘Hey, it’s okay Jonas. You’re okay now, I promise.’
‘I know... I just never want this moment to end, y/n. If I say something to you, you have to promise you won’t freak out. Or think I’m crazy.’
‘You know I could never think that, Jonas.’
As he averts his gaze down to your fingers, the ones he’s tugging on, his mouth twitching, you take to counting the slight freckles that line his face like burning stars instead, allowing him to speak whenever he felt comfortable enough. Jonas breathes shallowly as he feels your burning gaze against his cheek, feeling you smile gently against his hair, reaching up to pat it down and curl it between your fingers. His nose thumps clumsily against your own as he shifts  against your chest, biting his lip softly, plump and swollen as his eyes follow the trace of your mouth and his slender fingers come up to stroke the dips of your cheek, blushing slightly as his fingers tremble, knowing the path of every curve and crevice. After all, he had spent the last thirteen years with his arms around your waist in his dreams, his forehead nestled against yours as his fingertips dance like spider webs over your skin. He revels in this softness, this familiarity he feels with you, and as his eyes dip he can’t help but blurt out ‘I love you y/n. We’re a perfect match, and I don’t know what I would do without you,’ It comes out more as a shout as he continues, ‘and I can’t spend another minute without letting you know.’ He raises your knuckles to his lips, peppering kisses as he whispers, ‘and I promise I’ll die before I let anything happen to you ever again.’
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Forgetting / Jonas Kahnwald Imagine
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Request: I need a Jonas's imagine where the reader is his new love and helps him to forget Martha 
Thank you for requesting for my boy @kahnwxld! <3
The raucous, metallic shrieks forewarn the arrival of the steel horse, the carriage blurring in front of your eyes in this strange and tiny Winden station, its walls a gleaming sterile white, and its platforms an industrial grey. The doors ease open, allowing a slight whoosh of air to pass through your hair, the slight sweat that still freckles your brow from the afternoon rain burning against your skin. People bustle around, scattered for the next few stops on their way, the stations passing in a whirr as the train speeds on like a bullet, the stops few and close between in this small town. As your hand grasps against the metal bar near the heavy doors, the ground moving underneath your feet and yet you feel as if you’re in your own little bubble world, tiredness begins to bubble in front of your eyes. Rubbing them, you don’t notice Jonas wave goodbye to Bartosz and Martha, staring instead into the black tunnel, willing those red lights to blink back, growing closer, announcing that at least you are on your way home.
Feeling as if someone was watching you, as if something was gravitating towards you, you wince slightly, finally feeling a pair of burning eyes upon you. Sliding your gaze to the side, you scan the few last littering of people who sit, some stumbling with sleep, some pulled tight into themselves against the cold train seats, a few odd numbers here and there. You start to turn away, when you finally spot a blazing yellow rain jacket seated in the corner opposite you, his head slightly banging against the window as if with the effort of keeping the textbook he was holding flushed against his face. You snort a little to yourself as a bright pair of blue eyes rise over the top, before ducking down again when he catches your gaze, the tip of his nose burning as red as he cheeks as he holds the book the wrong way round.
The tips of his blonde curls bounce with the train as his heart hammers lightly in his chest, not being able to summon the courage to meet your gaze again. And here he was, feeling like a fool, too scared to even pluck up the courage to walk up to you and ask your name, too scared to have his heart broken again so soon.
‘Y/n….y/nnnn, please. I just want to cuddle tonight.’
The lights flicker over Jonas’ head as he looks up in slight shock, the lights blinking out over the sofa.
‘Plus… there’s a power outage. Perfect time for snuggles.’
Groaning slightly in amusement, you tilt your head towards Jonas, putting down your cup of cocoa onto the kitchen table as he places his chin against the arm of the sofa, pouting like a puppy dog. Although you couldn’t see much, you could hear his maroon jumper scrunch as he rustles, and you could just barely make out the blurring of his blonde locks as the moonlight bathes in through the half lidded blinds of the house, throwing his phone off onto the coffee table with a deep sigh, pretending to ignore the text-less screen.
Staying silent for a moment, your fingers stirring the last wisps of clumped chocolate in your mug, Jonas jumped up suddenly, racing across the oaken floor and making you squeal in surprise as you were swiped off your feet and pressed stiffly against his chest in his slender arms. One arm wrapped around your knees and the other swirling gentle feather-like patterns up and down your sore back, Jonas carried you bridle-style back towards the sofa with a dopey look of determination on his face.
Landing the two of you on the sofa, Jonas scrambled up only to flump down again with a little huff onto your lap, knocking you further back into the cushions. His hand slowly slides over yours as he closes his eyes, clumsily bringing your fingers to land softly on his forehead, his tell tale sign that he wants you to play with his hair. As you begin to slide your fingers between his locks, he nestles his head further into your touch happily, a content smile leaving his lips as he smiles. 
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Nightmares / Jonas Kahnwald Imagine
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Request: Hello there! Can I request a Jonas Kahnwald for Dark where y/n knows the reason why he left to 'France" for several months and they get called one night and come over to comfort him. Hope it's not much of a bother to ask, thank you beforehand xxx
Thank you for sending in darling! Sorry for the lack of Dark imagines recently, but I do have more in the works so stay tuned! <3
The house was quiet tonight. Too quiet, Jonas thinks as he gazes out the slightly open window out into the dark, whistling pine trees that line the entrance to the forest. There was no light, no shimmer in the sky that night. Nothing but the cold creeping in through the oaken panels of his room and complete and utter silence, a nice reminder that his father wasn’t here to fill it. Thumping his head back against the lumpy pillow, he tosses again in his restless sleep, the sweat beading around his forehead despite the slight chill that creeps in. In his dream, Jonas stands before his mirror, clad in nothing but his thin pyjamas, his hair wild around his forehead. He hums slightly to himself, an old childish tune his father used to sing him to sleep with, as he gazes tensely at his reflection. The low rays of the glistening moon cast low shadows on the dim walls like tentacles licking the cracking paint, a childhood monster finally creeping it’s way inside and consuming the last remaining light of the day. Groaning loudly, he turns onto his side, the cold cotton sheets irritating the warm flushes of his skin as he feel like flames are licking against the inside of his body.
In his dream, his heart begins to race slightly as he gazes up at his fear, gasping at the blood that begins to leak down onto his outstretched fingertips. A bang, like a chair breaking in the corner of his room makes him turn around, but all he can see is darkness. He reaches his fingers forward towards the shadow that seems to contort and tremble in the darkness, apprehension’s tendrils winding their cold way around his heart as he swears, no, he fear this thing standing in his room was breathing heavily. His breath comes out in short puffs as his fingers reach out slowly, slowly and tentatively. They close around something damp and sticky, something that seems to jerk roughly against your touch-
With sweat glistening against his forehead, he rolls out of bed with a thump, straggling back the loose wisps of his tangling hair behind his ear with a sharp thwack of his palm as he struggles to recapture his breath. He scrambles up to reach for the phone left on his bedside table before he starts hyperventilating knocking the pill bottle out of the way, trying to shake off the devastating, and isolating coldness he felt in his soul.
His fingers move like clockwork, not even stopping to think before he raises a trembling hand to his ear.
‘Jonas? Jonas is that you? .... Jonas please talk to me, you’re scaring me a little.’
A slight gasp from your end makes Jonas wince a little away from the phone, a slight tremor on his lips as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, now totally awake.
‘Y/n-Y/n I need you to come over.’
‘Jonas- I really can’t sneak out right now, my parents will kill me-’
‘It’s about my dad, y/n. I think I saw him.’
Hitting his head against the receiver, he blows out a small stream of air.
‘I’ll be there in ten. Stay put.’
The sight you see when you open the door, having rung the bell at least a dozen times in the pitch black does not fill you with much confidence. Jonas’ eyes are bloodshot, his hair wild above his head, making him look almost ghostly as his hand slips off the doorknob, raising a slight finger to his lips to let you know Hannah was somehow still asleep. Or, just didn’t care.
‘Oh love,’ you gently murmur, your voice laced with genuine concern and comfort at seeing you in such a state.
‘It felt so real. So real.’
‘Come here, let me take care of you.’
Grabbing his hand, you lead him past the wooden dining table in the kitchen, dragging him past the moonshine that beams onto the floor through the window until you can push him back onto the coarse green material of his sofa.
His hair fans out around your legs like starlight, bright and beautiful as he peers up at you like a puppy dog, his eyes dipping slightly as he tries to hold back the fear he feels in his heart. Idly, you brush your fingers through the top of his hair, revelling in the warmth as it glides through your fingertips, seeping into your skin. After a few minutes of unbroken silence, as the two of you just stare into each other’s eyes, revelling in the intimacy the quiet night yields to you, Jonas decides to shuffle his back against you until he lay further nestled in your lap. 
Gazing back, you see Jonas look up at you, a faltering smile on his face as his eyes brim with tears. Cupping his cheek gently, he leans into your embrace, clutching your hand tightly as a look of concentration flashes across his face and the slight crinkles at the edge of his eyes rise.
‘Jonas’, you start, the words catching in the back of your throat as he coughs lightly, ‘you are so so precious to me, and it hurts me to see you so upset like this and to think I wasn’t there to help you. I promise, promise, from now on, I’ll be my best self for you, because you’re stuck with me now.’ Chuckling slightly, you lean down to place a plump kiss against his twitching lips, a small, grateful smile gracing your face as you whisper against your mouth, ‘I’m never leaving you alone again.’
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