madsblogsstuff · 2 years
heaven - joe burrow x reader (pt.3)
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The minute I heard the alarm go off, I slammed my hand on my phone to turn it off. ‘Why did I agree to get up this early?’ I asked myself. I grabbed my phone and cancelled all the extra alarms I had set, just incase I didn’t wake up for the first one. 
I laid in bed for a few minutes scrolling Instagram and responding to texts Kelsey had sent me - asking if I had gotten to Cincinnati safely and that I wasn’t dead in an alley. I then decided to get out of bed, because if I didn’t now - I never would.
Once doing a nice long stretch, I headed to the bathroom connected to my room. I pulled my hair back and started the shower up, making sure it was hot enough. Once it warmed up to my liking (which was boiling skin off hot), I hopped in and washed the tiredness away.
After washing myself and making myself feel squeaky clean - I got out and dried off. I did my skincare next, brushed my teeth, and put on deodorant. I went back to my room to grab some clothes, which consisted of Lululemon black shorts, my white tennis shoes, and of course - another LSU shirt. What can I say, LSU had taken over my life - and my wardrobe. Once dressed, I took my hair down and styled it, making sure it looked presentable enough to be out on a football field all day. 
I grabbed my makeup bag and did my makeup to where it looked like I hadn’t slept for only four hours last night. After my makeup, I changed out my jewelry - aiming for just simple pearl earrings, an anklet, and my apple watch. 
I slipped on my tennis shoes and grabbed my black puffer jacket, phone, and purse; not forgetting to put on some light chapstick and lipstick before I walked downstairs.
I walked out of my room and down the stairs at 6:50, having ten minutes before dad and I needed to leave.
I walked into the kitchen to see mom and dad having their morning coffee. I said my good-mornings and headed to one of the cabinets to grab a glass for some water. 
“Excuse me Y/n, What are you wearing?” My dad looked at me, waiting for my response.
I looked at him, then down at my outfit - not really seeing anything wrong with it.
“I’m wearing clothes?” I responded, sounding more like a question than an answer.
“Honey, you can’t wear an LSU shirt today! We may love LSU in this household - but you need a bengals shirt for today!” My dad protested, dead set on getting me out of purple and yellow to orange and black.
“I don’t have a bengals shirt da-“ My sentence was cut off by my dads fake gasp.
Next thing I knew, dad was running back into the master bedroom. He came out holding a shirt and throwing it to me. It was one of his Bengals shirts. He urged me to go put it on, so I ran back upstairs.
I changed from my purple shirt to the black one and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look too bad in orange and black, if I do say so myself. I slipped my puffer jacket back on and bopped my way downstairs.
“Much better” My dad said as I walked back into the kitchen.
I simply smiled and put the glass I had taken out earlier back up, going to get a water bottle from the fridge instead.
Dad finally indicated that it was time for us to leave the house, so I gave my mom a hug and told her my good-byes. I grabbed a granola bar on my way out of the kitchen, following behind my dad closely.
“You two be safe!” My mom yelled from the kitchen, to which both dad and I yelled “We will!”. Hmph, I was a little mini him sometimes. Mom always told me it’s like she birthed her own husband every time she talks to me, to which I always responded with ‘Mom, that’s gross!’
Dad and I walked to our sides of the truck and hopped in. I turned to look in the backseat and dad had already loaded up his bags for the practice, he must’ve done that earlier. Him and mom were always early birds, I unfortunately did not inherit that trait.
As dad pulled out of the driveway and got on the road he asked me a question to break the silence.
“Are you excited about coming with me today?” He turned to smile at me, I returned it.
“Yeah, I am. Just a little nervous though, I mean I’ve never met these guys before so it’s a little nerve wracking to be the coaches daughter.” I responded honestly looking out the window at the scenery passing by.
“I know it’s a little unsettling lil bit, but you’ll love the guys. I talk to them about you all the time and they just can’t wait to meet you. It’s like having a bunch of big brothers!” Dad giddily said. ‘Gross’ was the only word I could think of. I was nineteen for gods-sake, I didn’t need for dads whole NFL football team to be referred to as my ‘older brothers’.
I put another smile on my face and mustered up a nice response.
“I guess you’re right. Do they even know what I look like?” I asked, concerned that the guys didn’t know if they were getting to see a nineteen year old or a nine year old.
Dad shook his head to indicate a ‘No’ answer. Great, all the guys probably think I still play with Barbies and play dress-up. 
“But-“ Oh lord, here we go. “I did tell them you were one of the LSU Tiger Girls, so I mean if they wanted to see what you looked like - then they could just look up your team photo” 
Okay, that made it a bit better. At least they know I’m probably not a child; nine year olds don’t necessarily dance on professional college level teams. I nodded my head back at dad and continued to look out the window at Cincinnati.
Within a few minutes we reached the one and only: Paycor Stadium. Dad used his I.D badge to get into the staff only parking lot, pulling into an empty parking space and putting the truck in park.
“Well, this is it lil bit!” Dad said as we hopped out of the truck. I reached into the backset to grab one of dads practice book-bags, just to help lighten his load.
Dad grabbed the rest of his bags and I started follow him. 
Then it hit me… again - just like it did last night in bed.
Oh my god, I get to meet Joe Burrow.
I had almost forgotten about the quarterback, but now that I was within the same place as him - my heart rate picked up. Hoy shit, there is no way I’m about to meet him - and the thing is, I’m only going to be known as the coaches daughter to him. My heart rate was only getting faster the more I thought about it. It felt like a school girl crush, If I’m being honest - and I hadn’t even talked to the guy yet!
“Okay, we’re going to go to the locker room first - all the guys should be here by now, so I’ll make sure to give you a formal introduction” Dad turned to me and said.
We walked down the long hallways of the stadium. These halls never seemed to end, with rooms on both the left and right side, every few feet. 
After what felt like a mile of walking, I started to hear faint music coming from the end of one of the halls. As we got closer, the music grew louder and louder. The sound of Lil Baby music filled my ears. Then, finally we reached the room we were going to: the Bengals Locker Room. 
Dad stopped me before I could walk any further.
“I’m going to go in there and make sure they’re decent okay? I want you to be listening for my cue for you to come in there. I’ll just say something along the lines of ‘here’s my daughter’. Kind of like a big surprise y’know?” Dad said to me. I nodded in response and stepped to the side of the door as dad walked in - leaving it cracked so I could listen for my ‘cue’. I honestly felt like I was a show and tell puppet for my dad at that moment.
When dad walked in, I heard the locker room grow silent as he yelled for the guys to turn off the music, put some shirts on - at least, and gather in front of him.
After a minute or two, dad began to speak in his football coach mode voice.
“Listen guys, I had a very special visitor come in this week. You guys have heard a lot about her from me. She’s come to watch our practice today and see if I can do my job well enough. Before I ask for her to come in here, I know I shouldn’t have to ask this but, please be respectful of her and nice to her - she means a lot to me; and if I hear any of you be slightly disrespectful - I will end your careers with broken limbs” Dad ended in a stern voice, it took everything in me not to laugh at his ridiculous speech.
“Now guys, I’d like to introduce to you, my daughter - Y/n Taylor” I took that as my cue, so I rounded the door to walk in. 
When I turned into the doorway there were immediately at least more than 60+ eyes on me. I threw on a quick smile as I walked towards my dad, trying to not show my nervousness. 
Once I reached my dad, I looked out at the guys and mustered up all the courage I had.
“Hi guys!” I said as cheery as I could be, I honestly kind of sounded stupid.
The reaction was more than heartwarming. All the guys smiled back at me and said their hello’s, starting to mingle around again and come up to talk to me. The first person to come greet me was a guy by the name of, Sam Hubbard. Pretty tall, big dude and he was pretty cute. He talked to me for a little bit before other players jumped in on the conversation.
“Guys! Meet me out on the field at 8:15! That gives you at least twenty more minutes to mingle and meet my daughter, but after that it’s straight to business!” Dad yelled out over the locker room followed by a string of ‘yes sir’s’.
Dad walked out of the room and I’ve never felt more out of place - even though the football players were talking to me like I was an old friend of theirs. I can’t believe he would just leave me in here - but I guess it was just how he was.
I continued talking with a few players including Tee, Sam, Trey, and Samaje. Then, a tall frame came and stood right beside Sam. 
I looked over and my breathing hitched. Joe Burrow. It was actually the quarterback I had obsessed over for the past 24 hours, and he was standing right in front of me.
Joe looked me in the eyes and smiled.
“Hi Y/n, it’s nice to finally meet you - I’m Joe Burrow” Joe said as he outstretched his hand for me to shake. Trust me, I know who you are Burrow. My eyes widened as I took his hand to shake it. I muttered a hello and ‘nice to meet you too!’ back.
The other guys had done peeled off to go get ready back at their ‘lockers’, leaving me alone with THE Joe Burrow.
“So, you go to LSU huh?” Joe asked me, still smiling at me. God, I could lick those teeth.
I nodded back quickly, definitely looking like an insane person.
I decided maybe I should actually pick a better response to that question.
“Uhm, yes I do! I actually dance for the Tiger Girls” I smiled at him trying to not make a fool of myself already.
“Oh, I know” He smirked at me. I could drop dead. “I’ve heard about you before, Y/n - way before your dad started coaching us.”
What. Did. He. Just. Say. He knows about me - even before my dad was in the picture?
I quirked my head at him. “Is that so Mr. Burrow?”
Joe licked his lips. “I guess so. I still keep up with LSU, so when I heard about this new Tiger Girl rookie, who got a full ride just because of her talent - I had to look further into it. Which is where I found out it was you, Miss. Taylor” I widened my eyes even further, why was this guy so interested in finding out who I was? I mean, I didn’t mind but geez.
“What’s so interesting about me being a Tiger Girl with a full ride?” I asked laughing.
“You’re one of the first people in LSU history to get full ride just for getting scouted snd recruited by the Tiger Girls, it basically makes you LSU royalty” Joe responded back looking down at me.
“You’re one to talk, you’re basically a fucking legend at LSU” I chirped back, gesturing to the blonde in front of me.
Joe laughed, “I wouldn’t say that, Miss.Taylor” I could crumble at the nickname.
I just laughed as a response, checking my apple watch and seeing that the time was 8-o-clock. It was about time to head to the field, so I decided to give Joe some time to finish getting ready for practice. I just figured I would find the field on my own, using the signs around the large inside buildings of the stadium.
“Well Burrow, I let you finish getting ready for practice. I’m going to go ahead and head out to the field” I told Joe, turning to head for the door. 
“Hey, don’t get lost gorgeous - if you do, I might have to come save you” I whipped my head over my shoulder to look at Joe. My legs almost stopped working. He stared at me with a crinkly smile on his face.
“Mhm right” I said and smiled back at him. Once I reached the door and closed it. My legs nearly buckled underneath me and I let go of the breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I steadied myself on the wall of the hallway. As soon as I got my balance back, I started to head in  some direction to hopefully find the field.
Gorgeous. I thought. Joe Burrow called me gorgeous. I could faint.
Joes POV:
She was innocence. A perfectly painted picture created by only the greatest higher-ups. She was the sheer image of flawless and excellence all wrapped up in a human body, and she had been standing right in front of my own two eyes. 
Y/n Taylor - our Coach, Zac Taylor’s daughter was nothing short of gorgeous. Every-time she smiled or talked to me within the short period of time in the locker room had me wanting more and more. I couldn’t get enough of her already. I knew she was destined to be mine. She was heaven on earth, and I couldn’t wait to see her out on that field.
taglist: @raeofsunshine629 @destinywyatt @sinners-98-world @rachelivey333:
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freshthoughts2020 · 4 months
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2 Store Reviews
from $69.00
Fresh from a Battle on Football’s Biggest Stage, The Collegiate Star turned Franchise Player, continues to pave his way w/ Cincinnati on his back!
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goosesports · 9 months
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fulltimewhistleyt · 11 months
Unbelievable! The Craziest Goals of All Time
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emmersed360-podcast · 2 years
"Beyond the Game" with Strop City Standout Travez Moore
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lisalantzduhon · 2 years
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Geaux Tigers 🏈💜💛📣 #ruffcutspurrfectstyles #elliemiller #yorkie #lsufootball (at Ruff Cuts & PurrFect Styles) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci541vvuVcr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heavenlyhischier · 2 months
My World | Joe Burrow
note: this is just a fun addition to the little mini social media au i have with joe x zegras!sister!!
one two three
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liked by dixiedamelio and others
ynburrow Mini QB coming soon 🧡
tagged joeyb_9
View all 98 comments
_quinnhughes Congratulations twin!
liked by ynburrow
yourbff he’s going to be the cutest baby ever 🥹
ynburrow most spoiled too
➝ yourbff not a doubt in my mind about that. especially not with a team of football players and a hoard of hockey ones
➝ ynburrow god i didn’t even think about all them😭
jamiedrysdale ❤️
trevorzegras IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE
griffinzegras FUCK YEAH WE ARE
➝ trevorzegras Dibs on the cool uncle
➝ griffinzegras I don’t think you get to decide that
ynburrow neither of you are cool enough for that 🩷
jackhughes Mini hockey player*
joeyb_9 🤨
➝ jackhughes I’m sorry I take it back
colecaufield COLE JUNIOR IKTR
ynburrow no🫶🏻
_alexturcotte I can’t wait to buy him his first pair of skates
ynburrow only if you teach him
➝ trevorzegras uh 🤨
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liked by lsufootball and others
joeyb_9 My world.
tagged ynburrow
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user1 Joe entering his dad era
user2 1st overall in the 2046 draft in the making rn
jjettas2 Congrats 🙏🏼
bengals Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. QB1🧡
lahjay10_ Gonna get him in a #1 jersey asap
user3 Joe just posting her is the cutest thing wtf
user4 Hope this doesn’t ruin his sesan
trevorsfinstaaccount stfu loser
colesfinstaaccount learn how to spell, idiot
lukesfinstaaccount SHUT UP
ynburrow posted a story
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342 notes · View notes
happeehippie · 8 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his girlfriend evie as they go through his football career.
*this was originally a yn fic but i changed it around*
*face claim is Yasmin Quintana*
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liked by sam_hubbard_, joeyb_9, millyg, and 89,736 others
breezyevie: i’d follow you anywhere jb. 🐯💜
view all 2,363 comments…
user: geaux tigers!
user: king burrow
joeyb_9: i love having you visit, it doesn’t feel like home without you.
> breezyevie: are you saying i’m your home? swoon.
user: your boyfriend is a smoke show
> breezyevie: tell me something i don’t know lol. 🥵
millyg: ohio misses you, come home.
> breezyevie: are you sure it’s just not you that misses me mills?
user: geaux joe joe!
user: pulling for the tigers today!
user: this relationship will last no time outside of that ohio bubble. see ya later.
> breezyevie: i love to see so many people cheering for us.
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liked by breezyevie, hichasestokes, lsufootball, and 28,737 others
joeyb_9: I saw an alligator the other day.
view all 900 comments…
user: okayyyy hottie
user: yeah bro i see you shining
breezyevie: weird flex.
> joeyb_9: ur jealous.
user: marry me?
> user: he’s spoken for! his gf is @breezyevie
user: i love this picture.
user: yes but did you eat it?
> breezyevie: i freaking hope not!
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liked by joeyb_9, sam_hubbard_, lahjay10_, and 95,951 others
breezyevie: @joeyb_9 checking in with me from the field. 👍🏻
view all 845 comments…
user: how could he do my gators like that?
> breezyevie: LSU BABY!
user: #joeforheisman
> breezyevie: 🤞🏼
joeyb_9: i had to make sure you were impressed.
> breezyevie: i’m always impressed. 💗
user: fucking yum!
> breezyevie: he is isn’t he?
lahjay10_: my man
> breezyevie: OUR man.
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, oliviarodrigo, and 357,878 others.
breezyevie: 4 years together and now I’ve been replaced by a hunk of metal. #nattys
view all 1,738 comments…
joeyb_9: I am a Champion.
> breezyevie: no time for losers.
user: #geauxtigers
> breezyevie: 4life
user: so wholesome, i can’t believe you’ve been together for 4 years already!
> breezyevie: luckiest girl in the world. 💗
user: joey b the heisman winner & national champ!
> breezyevie: hell ya he is!
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liked by joey _9, lahjay10_, bengals, and 508,116 others.
breezyevie: i’m so proud of you jb, and i’m grateful to be on this journey with you. the last four years have been the best of my life and i can’t wait to keep cheering you on forever. from the buckeyes, to the tigers, and now onto the bengals! no matter what team you’re on, you’re still my joey. 💗 i love you forever.
lahjay10_: 🐐🐐🐐
user: it’s good to see he has someone from the beginning!
user: just the perfect couple!
bengals: Welcome to the Jungle
> breezyevie: WHO DEY!!!
user: please get married! 😩
user: so happy for joe!
joeyb_9: i’m so lucky to have you. we did the damn thing baby!
> breezyevie: hellll yesssss!
breezyevie’s ig stories:
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481 notes · View notes
betterthanburrow · 9 months
Heisman Award Ceremony - Instagram AU
(LSU Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Social Media Influencer! OC)
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liked by 10,700 users
HeismanTrophy: The 2019 Heisman Finalists have arrived and taken NYC by storm - Welcome to the Big Apple 🍎 #Heisman #Heisman2019 #Finalists #Collegefootball #NYC
view all 101 comments
username1: look how handsome those boys are!
username2: if Burrow doesn’t win, i’m killing mysrlf.
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liked by joeyb_9 and 55,009 more users
yourusername: I ❤️ New York (📸 : @.joeyb_9)
view all 7,055 comments
yourbestfriend: you are MISS NEW YORK!
↳ yourinstagram: 😘
username1: @.joeyb_9 your gf is so pretty
username2: are you going to the Heisman Award Ceremony tomorrow?!
↳ yourinstagram: yes i am ☺️
username3: 😍😍😍
yourmom: i’m so glad you’re having fun in new york! make sure to send me all of the pictures from your adventures in the city! ❤️
↳ yourinstagram: i will, i promise! ❤️
joeyb_9: out of all the pictures i took, you only posted one photo?!
↳ yourinstagram: we can’t overwhelm people with too much content from New York just yet! … you really need to learn how to use social media.
yourinstagram story updates:
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viewed by joeyb_9 and 10,999 more users
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liked by 7,550 users
HeismanTrophy: It’s almost time...who’s taking home the trophy? Comment your Heisman winner below! #Heisman #2019Heisman #Collegefootball #NCAA #finalist
view all 130 comments
username1: it better be one of the Ohio boys!
username3: recount the votes if the white man wins…
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liked by joeyb_9 and 99,050 more users
yourinstagram: like this IG Post if you voted for LSU Quarterback Joe Burrow to win the Heisman Trophy!
view all 33,055 comments:
joeyb_9: no photo credits this time?!
↳ yourinstagram: stop caring about the photo credit and start paying attention to the Heisman Ceremony!
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liked by yourinstagram and 10,990 more users
LSUfootball: The 2019 Heisman Trophy Winner
view all 999 comments
username3: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
username4: his speech made my whole family cry!
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liked by joeyb_9 and 110,550 more users
yourusername: there aren’t enough words to describe how proud i am of you Joe! you proved all the people that have ever doubted you wrong tonight! i’m so honored to have been able to stand by your side for the past 2 years and i’m excited for your future career 💛
view all 10,109 comments
joeyb_9: i love you 💛
↳ yourinstagram: i love you too 💛
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liked by yourinstagram and 320,999 more users
joeyb_9: They said I couldn’t...
They said I wouldn’t...
I just did.
view all 55,009 comments
yourinstagram: you did do it! and i’m so proud 💛
↳ joeyb_9: i couldn’t do this without you 💛
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Author’s Note:
how long has it been since i published the last Instagram AU?! i had to do just one last Instagram AU for the year!
if you have an Instagram AU Request, send the IG AU Request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the Requested Instagram AU published as fast as i can!
thank you for all the love and support! 🤍
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heaux-burrow · 9 months
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@LSUfootball Bayou Trio 🥶
link to post
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thesvechnikov · 2 years
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@LSUFootball: The Best Memories
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freshthoughts2020 · 19 days
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goosesports · 1 year
0 notes
emmersed-360 · 5 months
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loupickney · 8 months
#2024NFLDraft #NFLDraft #NFLDraft2024 #prospect #combine #mockdraft #DraftKing #LSU #LouisianaState #LSUTigers #LSUfootball #widereceiver #topprospect #offense #deepthreat #elitespeed #talent #DraftKing #NFLDraftProjections
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glittter-vamp · 10 months
Stop I’ve never seen this before. Baby boy is so precious. 🥹
Ignore the fact that this is from 5 years ago. I was NOT stalking his Twitter acc. 👀
His iconic lil shoulder move 🥰
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