#Luci and LJ
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Gibbs & Lucy in Watchdog
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paradisecost · 2 years
"How do you keep getting in?" Lucy sighed, seeming slightly irritated rather than afraid.
"Some of us need sleep, you know."
(consider Silver getting really bored at night)
Long John only smiles from across the room. "You don't mind."
It seems to be a statement, not a question.
"Maybe you should try harder to keep me out. There's ways of doing it, you know - for creatures like me. If you wanted to."
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frightuccine · 5 years
If you’re okay with it, can you draw Laughing Jack! Thank you so much!! 💕💕
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here u go![img desc: laughing jack, his hand is upwards and he’s got his other hand on his side, he’s not colors and he’s smiling...creepily]
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nailsinmycoffin · 5 years
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my lil family of furballs 💜💜💜
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dhaskoi · 6 years
Love, Judgment & Forgiveness
This was my entry for the Supercat Christmas in July fic exchange for the incomparable #damelola.  If you liked my earlier drabble about Lena getting caught with the kryptonite you might like this too.
Cat leans back in her seat with a sigh as she lays the paper down on the empty seat next to her, the DC cityscape slipping by outside the town car’s window.  When you work in the big white house your workday never really ends, but she’s found that with an early start she can snatch some time to herself on the drive in, usually spent flipping through her preferred papers.  Her fondness for newsprint is a little old fashioned, especially when her own publications (and she will always think of them as hers, no matter what shenanigans take place with CatCo stock) are steadily switching over to a focus on digital content.  The smoothness of the transition a significantly greater online presence is one of the things James has gotten right.  But Cat can’t imagine a time when she won’t love the tangibility of ink under her fingers, the weight of the folded paper in her hands, the rustle of the pages.  The day that picking up her morning paper doesn’t give her a little thrill she’ll know it’s time to cart herself off to a nursing home to play shuffleboard and be wheeled out into the sunlight at set times like a potted plant.  God willing she’ll die before there’s any risk of that.
She knew it would be hard, walking away from CatCo and National City for the second time.  She knew that this would happen, reading about Kara’s adventures and triumphs second or third hand and feeling left out.  The traitorous voice that used to whisper that she was already left out hardly even stirs these days, after all the times she’s repressed it.   Cat had told herself that White House Press Secretary was a job worthy to the challenge of keeping her fully distracted from what she’d left behind.  It turns out that once she’d settled into the role and started to get the hang of Beltway maneuverings the mechanics of the job were in fact less challenging than being a CEO.  She hadn’t realized how badly her schedule had been bloated by encounters with murderous, superpowered ex-employees, scheming billionaires (other than her), alien invasions and whatever crisis of the week their resident superhero had to deal with.
That said, she’s learning a lot from Olivia.  She suspects her old friend had more reasons than a desperate need to replace her decimated staff when she offered Cat the job, but Cat is so used to being on the other side of that equation that it took her an embarrassingly long time to realise she was being groomed for more.   She’s still considering what path she wants to take after her stint as press secretary wraps up.  On to communications director to put her name on some worthwhile legislation and get the experience she’d need to make a credible run for governor or the senate?  She doesn’t intend to be one of those idiots who thinks they can spend their way into an office without any accomplishments to prove she’s worthy of the task.
Some new business enterprise?  The way news gets distorted on social media has riled Cat for years, but being the WHPS has given her a new, more urgent perspective on the subject.  It’s different hearing briefings from the FBI about acts of violence set in motion by lies spread on Facebook and Tumblr.  Idle thoughts about a new type of media platform that integrates social media more directly, combined with rigorous fact checking and moderation, have been growing less idle lately.  Getting a new company off the ground at this stage of her life sounds like a nightmare, especially in a field that cutthroat, but the money from the CatCo sale and Carter’s impending college years are two significant differences from the insane and sleepless days when she was getting CatCo off the ground.
Which brings her to door number three.  A return to CatCo with the skills and knowledge she’s acquired here, using them to elevate her company further, take it to even greater heights.   Her understanding of how to leverage media influence for social change has been honed to an even sharper edge by her time in Washington – new knowledge of how the political machine works from the inside has given her some interesting thoughts about changes she’d like to make at CatCo if she went back.  The thought of it is tempting and unnerving in almost equal proportion.  Would she be moving forward or falling back into the same old rut if she went home to the city where she truly made her name?  And could she bear to see a certain bright-eyed reporter growing closer to the woman who seems to have stepped into what used to be Cat’s place in her life?  These are questions she doesn’t have answers to yet.  Until she does she’ll keep supporting and learning from Olivia –
Something in her driver’s body language catches her attention and Cat frowns, turning away from the window to reach forward and tap her on the shoulder.
“Lisa is there a -”
The whole world blurs as the car jerks to the side and Cat is thrown against the seatbelt suddenly cutting into her torso.  Force, pure force tossing her around. It’s like being a bug in a jar, picked up by the hand of a giant angry toddler and shaken hard.  Cat still remembers her first encounter with the sensation from her mercifully brief stint as a war correspondent when she’d been too close to an IED.  For years after she’d persisted in the happy delusion that that part of her life was over, until with the arrival of its own superhero National City suddenly seemed to have a new hostile alien or ridiculous metahuman attacking every damn week.  No matter how many times it happens you never get used to it.  Noise, tyres screeching, engine revving, Lisa in the front seat swearing - and then silence for a second before the sound of voices shouting and feet pounding.  Cat raises a hand to her head and tries to focus past the shock and the disorientation.  There’s an ache in her neck that makes it hard to raise her head.  Don’t stop thinking, that’s her rule in situations like this and it has always served her well.  First task?   Check on the person in the car with her, who is also the one person who might immediately be able to tell her what’s going on, or get free?  Do both.  Cat scrabbles at her seatbelt even as she calls out.
“Lisa?  Lisa can you hear me?  Lisa?”
No response.  Cat hopes she’s merely unconscious.  The crash didn’t feel as though it was that bad.  Did they have an accident or – no, there’s gunfire.  Despite the circumstances and the surge of adrenaline Cat feels a sort of tired resignation creeping over her for a second.  Does this always have to be her life?
Then the door slams open and rough hands are grapping at her shoulders, yanking her out unceremoniously to land on her hands and knees on the unforgiving tarmac.  She feels it cutting into her palms and her knees and takes a moment to be grateful that the situation isn’t triggering a flashback.   Therapy works, apparently.
Ordinarily the Press Secretary simply doesn’t rate their own secret service detail and Cat hasn’t broken the tradition.  Due to her colourful personal history (most press secretaries have never faced a single attempt on their life, let alone multiple attacks by supervillains) Cat has the distinction of being offered a detail by Olivia.  The worry was that someone with her high profile assuming such a public position might become a target in a way that the Press Secretary usually isn’t, but Cat dismissed the concern.   She doesn’t need a coterie of bodyguards to feel special - and she doesn’t believe that men and women whose job it is to take a bullet guarding the country’s leadership should be used as adornments to someone else’s ego.  Vanity is one thing, but that just smacks of insecurity to her.
And if she’s being honest with herself she couldn’t tolerate the loss of freedom, especially freedom of movement, that came with a security detail.  Evidently, that was a mistake.
There’s indistinct yelling around her as she looks up – right into the barrel of a gun, wonderful – and she catches something about ‘alien loving bitch’, oh of course, Cat thinks, the woman who named Supergirl becomes the face of the administration that passed the alien amnesty act.  It was only a matter of time before some bunch of backwoods bigots crawled out of the woodwork.  She really should have seen this coming, except she can never take these kinds of lunatics as seriously as she probably should, refuses to engage with the fearful mindset that considers them real threats.  Cadmus running around being, well, being Cadmus, also made it easy to forget that they weren’t the face of all prejudice in America and the threat didn’t end with Lillian being locked up.
Looks like she’s going to pay for that now.
The reality finally sinks in as she sees her assailant’s finger tighten on the trigger, some nondescript thug in coveralls with weaponry easily brought at any gun fair in the country.
This is it.  This is when she dies.  No lucky escape or last-minute superhero save this time.  The smallness of it stings a little.  After everything she’s survived this is how it all ends for her?
Time slows.
Cat has always known that the time gifted to us is finite and too precious to be wasted.  She’s understood so ever since she came home from school at the age of ten and found her beloved father dead in his study from a stroke decades too soon.  As a child she was furious, betrayed, she blamed everyone and everything and cried out the injustice.  As an adult she came to understand, slowly, that loss and pain are part of life, that they sharpen the edge of every experience.  Cat doesn’t fear death.  Unfinished business, on the other hand . . .
Carter.  He’s not so little nowadays, but he’ll always be her baby and he still needs his mother.  This is going to break his heart.  Will his father come through for his son this once?  If any deity should be listening, please let him grow up happier and steadier than she did.
Adam.  They’ve stayed in touch, sporadic yet ongoing.  He even sent a card for her last birthday.  She can never be the mother to him that she wanted to be, but there was hope for closeness, for something of the relationship she thought she’d lost any chance at.
Kara.  There’s a lot she still wanted to say to the most promising young woman she ever mentored.  A lot that she might never have said, regardless of what she tells herself in this last moment.  She can only hope Kara knows, that her veiled and not-so-veiled comments made it clear how important the other woman was to her, and in how many ways.  And she’s selfish enough to hope that she’ll be missed, that Kara will shed a tear or two just for Cat.
And then -
The familiar whoosh of displaced air and the distinctively heavy thump, felt as much as heard, that can only be caused by a pair of strong legs suddenly hitting the ground at speed.  There’s no stopping the smile that begins to from on her face, an ingrained reaction to the knowledge that a certain blonde Kryptonian is still her guardian angel.
Cat looks up and is startled to see a flash of dark hair instead of the expected blonde.  With a flicker of disappointment, she realises it’s him, not her, and then she has to check that assumption too as further details sink in and she realizes something very strange is happening.  Black and white is her first impression.  A black, vaguely leather looking bodysuit with a metallic sheen and a matte white cloak that sweeps back from her shoulders.  Long dark hair falling in a queue down her back.   She’s moving too fast for Cat to see more than that, as she pushes herself to her feet.
The mystery woman – mystery girl, Cat realizes - rips through the attackers with superspeed and rather less moderation than she’s used to seeing from Kara or Superman, although it doesn’t look as if her surprise savior has killed anyone.   Her shoves and throws as she blurs from one location to the next are more than forceful enough to break bones and she throws their weapons away with enough energy to put bystanders at risk.  One of the thugs gets thrown into the side of the van that rammed Cat’s car with enough force to leave an ugly dent.
She’s new, says the analytical part of Cat’s mind that never switches off, even when the rest of her is saying her final goodbyes.   Determined but short on practical experience.  Like Kara when she first started out the new arrival isn’t familiar with the million little details that add up to doing a complicated job right and she hasn’t had the benefit of anyone else’s experience.  She’s trying, but it’s clear no-one has taught her how to fight safely with her strength.
What are they going to call her, Cat wonders?  There’s no convenient letter shaped symbol on her chest to hang a name on, no obvious theme for branding.  With a jolt of realisation it occurs to her that these decisions are not hers to make anymore.  Someone else – Kara? James? Please god not Lois – will choose a name for this new arrival.  The sense of loss she feels at that realization is stronger than she might have expected.  Then Cat realizes it’s over, every attacker down, and the new superhero in town is headed towards her at a swift trot.  The expression of concern on her face is a little surprising from someone Cat has never met.
Oh hell – Lisa.  Cat rushes towards the car, a little unsteady on her Jimmy Choos but not slowing down as she heads towards the driver side door to check on Lisa.
“Ynugh!  Cat,” a hesitant pause at Cat’s lack of response, “Miss Grant!  Miss Grant are you okay?”
The voice isn’t quite the light, warm tone so familiar to her (yet another giveaway of the secret she’s supposed to keep ignoring) but it’s close. And so are those worried blue eyes.  The face though . . . there’s something about it that claws at the edge of Cat’s memory.  Something that’s obvious yet out of sight.  She pushes it into a corner of her mind for later consideration, so she can focus on the more urgent present.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, Lisa, my driver, I think she was knocked unconscious -”
Before Cat can complete the thought the girl is reaching forward and with a tearing shriek of abused metal the door is ripped away and flung aside. Lisa’s seatbelt is no obstacle to Kryptonian strength (Cat’s assuming – she’s certainly got the flight, the strength and the speed) and in the time it takes Cat to blink Lisa is being laid gently down on the road by the mystery brunette.  Cat is already shrugging out of her blazer to make an impromptu pillow while the brunette looks her over with an analytical care that Cat recognizes.  That’s a tick for x-ray vision then.
“She’s okay, she’s okay.  It’s safe, she doesn’t have any spinal damage,” the young brunette says reassuringly when she sees Cat hesitate to disturb Lisa’s head.
“It’s just bumps and bruises and a mild concussion,” she goes on as Cat tucks the folded blazer under Lisa’s head.
“I am so glad you’re okay, Miss Grant.”
“So am I, miss . . .”
Cat lets her voice trail off questioningly.  Danger past and her immediate fears assuaged her investigative instincts are kicking in.  She wants answers.  She wants the story.
She wants to know what the hell is going on.
The young woman focuses an intense gaze on Cat, before breaking into a beaming smile.  Finally, able to get a clear look at her, what stands out is how pleased she looks with herself.  Cat is reminded more than anything of Carter as a child when he thought he’d managed to sneak an extra cookie without her realizing.  He was so adorable when he did that she occasionally let him get away with it, purely for the pleasure of his happy I’m-so-clever smile.  She’s striking, no surprise ( why do superheroes always look as though they came straight from central casting?) with fine features, clear skin, long dark hair and the blue eyes Cat already took note of.  Possibly the brightness of the smile she’s directing at Cat is skewing her judgment slightly there.
“I’m a friend, Miss Grant.  I promise you that.”
Cat looks her dead in the eye and makes a show of dusting herself before planting her hands on her waist, summoning every ounce of poise she has.
“Really? Isn’t it considered friendly to introduce oneself where you’re from?”   Cat smirks a little, reminded of her earlier thought and a long past conversation with Kara.  “If you don’t provide a name you’ll have to live with someone else’s pick.”
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something suitable, Miss Grant.”  More grinning.  “You’ve got some practice naming superheroes.”  She tilts her head in way that’s familiar to anyone who has spent much time around Kara, focusing elsewhere for a second.  Add another tick for super hearing, Cat decides.  “And that’s my cue to leave.  Stay safe, Cat.”
She grins wider and it’s so bright and fiercely joyful that the connection Cat had wondered at is undeniable.  Then she tenses, and Cat barely has time to take a faltering step back before the girl launches into the sky, going fast but not so fast she can’t be seen, until there’s a strange shimmer and she’s simply gone.  Cat stays watching for a moment, the way most people do when they’ve just seen one of the supers fly away, before the sound of sirens shakes her out of the reverie.
“That never stops being impressive,” she murmurs before returning to Lisa’s side, already drafting the release and considering how the administration will break the news without admitting they don’t know anything.
The next several hours are spent in the D.C headquarters of the D.E.O, recounting the same five minutes over and over, while Sam Lane pitches a hissy fit in the background.  Which explains why she’s hours behind the curve when James Olsen decides outing himself as the Guardian is a good idea.
Read the rest on AO3
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ljdrawss · 5 years
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she is burnt bread.
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The Ties That Bind | Chapter 1 | Friday Night
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A/N:  This is unlike anything else I have ever written.  It is dark fic.  It is a Mafia AU. There may or may not have a happy ending.  So read at your own risk. The chapters are likely to be shorter in this fic from time to time.  Also writing credit goes to @fadingcoast , @lokifae42 , and @emeraldrosequartz​ . Not only did they write parts of the first few chapters, but they created the inspiration for the entire premise and fic.  And I am forever in their debt for it.  Thank you. 
Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)
Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  
Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.
Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, smut, death and more as I can continue to write it.  
Taglists are open, please let me know if you want to be tagged. 
“Tom, I’m going out. Watch the kids.” Jae tugged on a glittered thigh high boot to complement her short sequined dress, before grabbing a short black feathered jacket to go over the entire ensemble. 
Tom’s head popped out from his study, his one safe space in their sprawling New York apartment. “That’s the third time this week. I have papers to grade.” He frowned at his wife as he glared at her outfit. “Where are you going?”
“Out. With a friend.” She didn’t even bother to glance up at her husband. Jae smiled at him. “Are you saying you can’t handle your own children? I could always have my Ma come over to babysit while you work.” She tilted her head to the side, the same smile plastered on her face as she waited for his response. Jae already knew what it would be. 
Tom glanced into the living room to see the children. The twins, Frigga and Magnus, were currently fighting over the last package of fruit snacks, while LJ was doing something in a corner that appeared to involve fire but no matches. And his oldest, William, sat curled up in a beat up leather chair, glasses slipping as he read the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Again. His ginger curls a stark contrast to his siblings’ darker looks. 
“No, I’ll handle it. Have a good night. And I will see you later.” he sighed, his shoulders slumped in defeat. 
“Oh, Lucy and I will probably just get a hotel room.” A smirk came across her face. “And don’t forget dinner with my family on Friday night.” She walked over to pick a piece of lint off his sweater with disdain. “Daddy is looking forward to seeing you.”
“BUT FRIDAYS ARE MY NIGHT!” Tom’s voice boomed. The children not even pausing at the outburst. It wasn’t the first time they overheard this argument. “I‘ve had to cancel on the boys the past three Fridays.” He whined. 
“Then one more won’t make that much of a difference. Unless you want me to tell my father you couldn’t bother to come.”
Tom gulped. The last time he “missed” a family dinner with her family, his car was sideswiped and nearly totaled. “It’s not necessary to involve your father. I will be there.” He forced a smile. A skill he had perfected over the last ten years of marriage to Jae.
This is not what Tom imagined marriage to be. He imagined a wife that loved him. And he loved. That dream went out the window with two pink lines. Too much scotch at a bachelor party led to Tom grinding against Jae on the dance floor at a club he would normally never go. Which led to one drunken night of some wild sex in a hotel room. Tom didn’t realize that Jae was Jae Nicole Birichinata, only daughter of the infamous mafia boss, Michael Birichinata. Fast forward and Tom was stuck in a hellscape, which included a wife who could barely stand to be in the same room as him and three more children he knew weren’t his, despite his name being on the birth certificates. 
“Good to hear. Aren’t things better when I get my way?” There is a knock on the door. “Lucy’s here!!” She goes skittering to the door and opens it, blocking most of Tom’s view. 
“Ready to go, darling?” asks a deep voice belonging to someone not named Lucy. 
“Fuck yes I am. DON’T WAIT UP!!” she hustled out the door. 
Tom leaned over and swore he got a glimpse of a fine Italian suit. Men’s suit. He sighed and headed back to his study, and stared at the stack of ungraded English essays from his students. With a heavy heart, he pulled out his phone to text. I am sorry, but I am going to have to cancel our Friday date again, princess. He set the phone down and waited for the response. 
Loki grinned as Jae came bouncing out of the apartment, closing the door before her husband or kids could see who was behind it. 
“Ready for some fun, Jae? I’ve already booked us the VIP table at Marquee for later, and dinner tonight is sushi at Nakazawa.” Loki knew that would excite her. And she did not disappoint with an excited squeal and dance. 
He put his arm around her, always loving the way her boots clacked on the sidewalk. It was a reminder of her spark, her fire. The light that had almost been extinguished by domestic “bliss” thanks to her wet towel of a husband and the child they accidentally made together over a decade ago.
Well, he did what he could to rectify her situation. Making sure she still got to enjoy all the finer things in life. 
“I’m SO ready, Lucy.” She giggled a bit cruelly. Though who could blame her? “And I organized family dinner or Friday so Tom can’t go see his little ‘princess’… ugh, like I don’t know he’s not seeing ‘the boys’. What boys?! What FRIENDS, even?”
She laughed, and he joined her. Verbally beating down her husband was one of her favorite pastimes. He found it was best to let her release that pressure valve early in the night.
“Of course, darling. You deserve so much better…” He leaned over and kissed her cheek, grinning as she giggles and squeals. “And I plan to give it to you, husband or not.”
She leaned over and kissed his cheek back, not caring they weren’t even out of the apartment building. Her father paid off all the employees, anyway. “And I plan on taking it.” She grinned and throws her head back as they climb into Loki’s black town car, heading off to dinner.
Tom sighed as he glimpsed the town car pulled away from the building. “She could at least have the decency to walk around the block.” He muttered to himself. Just then, his phone buzzed. 
THAT FUCKING BITCH! I swear, Tom, she does it on purpose! It’s like she knows exactly how to make our lives miserable.
A small smile crossed his face. He always enjoyed Maddie’s spirit. Her fire. It was one of her many qualities that made him fall in love with her. While his wife’s eyes reflected only contempt and disappointment, Madison’s shone with compassion and devotion. Their stolen pockets of time, clandestine dates at her cramped apartment in the Bronx, dinners at restaurants no one ever heard of; they were the lifeblood of the past four years for Tom. 
Of course she knows, darling. That is the entire purpose of this. To make my life miserable. Why else would she force me to raise kids that are not mine?
It takes several minutes before his phone buzzed again. 
I can’t, Thomas. I need to tell you something important. I was going to tell you in person. But since the hag won’t let that happen…
Tom inhaled sharply, and he shook, tears welling up in his eyes. This is it. She’s leaving. She has finally had it. His mind raced and what to say, how to cope.
I’m pregnant. 
And with two words, Tom realized he had to get out. 
I’m coming over.
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myreygn · 2 years
rey's fandoms - shows & movies
back to the masterpost
rey's fandoms
characters and ships i especially love to write for are those written in green, characters and ships i will not write for are those in red
♡ Game of Thrones (show & books finished)
Sansa Stark | Jaime Lannister | Robb Stark | Jon Snow | Margaery Tyrell | Brienne of Tarth
Melisandre | Cersei Lannister | Daenerys Targaryen | Ramsay Bolton | Shae
sansaery | throbb | bramie | jongritte
jonsa | jonerys
♡ Snowpiercer (Netflix) (finished)
Andre Layton | Bess Till | Bennett Knox
Joseph Wilford | LJ Folger
♡ Ragnarok (Netflix) (s2 finished)
Laurits Seier | Oscar Bjørnholt | Saxa Jutul
Ran Jutul | Vidar Jutul | Fjor Jutul
♡ Outer Banks (finished)
JJ Maybank | John B Routledge | Barry | Sarah Cameron | Chloe
Ward Cameron
jiara | mayward | chliara | chlope
♡ Stranger Things (finished)
Steve Harrington | Eddie Munson | Robin Buckley | Nancy Wheeler | Lucas Sinclair
Martin Brenner
steddie | ronance | lumax
stancy | stonathan | harringrove
♡ Alice in Borderland (show finished)
Arisu Ryohei | Usagi Yuzuha | Chishiya Shuntaro | Kuina Hikari | Aguni Morizono
Niragi Suguru (dramatic character studies only)
Queen of Hearts
takuni | usarisu | kuann
Chishiya x anyone (for angst purposes only)
live action movies
♡ Mean Girls
Janis Ian | Karen Smith | Gretchen Wieners | Kevin Gnapoor
♡ Little Women
Amy March | Laurie
♡ Descendants
Harry | Evie | Carlos
hevie | huma | jarry | jaylos | sea three
Mal | Audrey | Doug
♡ The Hobbit
Kíli | Fíli | Bofur | Thranduil | Tauriel
♡ The Lord of the Rings
Aragorn | Boromir | Eowyn
Faramir | Denethor | Frodo
♡ The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair | Johanna Mason | Clove | Cato | Cinna | Effie Trinket | Foxface | Thresh | Cressida | Messalla
clato | odesta | joniss | cressalla
Alma Coin | Peeta Mellark | Gale Hawthorne | Beetee
♡ The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Tigris Snow | Coriolanus Snow | Casca Highbottom | Reaper | Lucy Gray Baird | Coral
snowjanus | snowbaird
animation movies
♡ Tinkerbell
Vidia | Silvermist | Rosetta | Iridessa
Periwinkle | Pirates | Queen Clarion
♡ Disney Movies
Encanto | Atlantis | Treasure Planet
Frozen | Raya and the Last Dragon | every movie with a main cast consisting of talking animals | every princess fairytale adaptation that came out before the year 2000
♡ Dreamworks Movies
How To Train Your Dragon | The Rise of the Guardians | The Road to El Dorado
Shrek | Home | The Boss Baby | every movie with a main cast consisting of talking animals
♡ Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Hobie Brown | Pavitr Prabhakar | Miles Morales | Gwen Stacy | Margo Kess
Miguel O'Hara
chaipunk | flowerpunk
♡ Nimona
Ambrosius | Nimona
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femmefest · 3 years
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banner and art: kiertorata
Dear writers, artists, commenters and other femslash enthusiasts! We are excited to finally reveal the authors and artists of this year’s fest. ♥
All gifts have been de-anon’d on AO3 so feel free to respond to any comments you may have received! We will be adding creator names to the LJ/DW posts over the next few days.
We want to give an extra special thanks to digthewriter, PaulaMcG, WhyTFNot, and SailorSlash for pinch hits and community gifts!
Thank you so much for participating, and we hope to see you all back here again next year!
A Little Treat — A gift for xslytherclawx by bluemermaid | ao3 | Padma/Hannah A Swaying Route — A gift for bluemermaid by PaulaMcG | ao3 | Luna/Cho Afternoon delight — A gift for maraudersaffair by hippocrates460 | ao3 | Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson An Open Letter to My Beloved — A gift for Albuss by emilattes | ao3 | Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley Back in My Body — A Gift for flipflop_diva by Albuss | ao3 | Pansy/Ginny Blood is Rare and Sweet — A Gift for flyingharmony by thistlecat | ao3 | Andromeda/Bellatrix Dancing On Air — A gift for yrfrndfrnkly by eatsdeath | ao3 | Angelina Johnson/Alicia Spinnet Falling into Place — A gift for vendettadays by webofdreams89 | ao3 | Lavender Brown/Padma Patil Hua (Flower) — A gift for tonftyhw by ufohnoparty (why_didnt_i_get_any_soup) | ao3 | Cho Chang/Luna Lovegood i probably should know your name — A gift for ufohnoparty by xslytherclawx | ao3 | Ginny/Luna (plus background slash) (I wish I was a thought) I'd run all through your mind — A gift for evening12 by Melacka | ao3 | Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson Memories, Curses and Histories — A gift for bluemermaid by vendettadays | ao3 | Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson My heart beats slow — A gift for luminousgloom by icarusinflight | ao3 | Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley New Beginnings — A gift for Melacka by PaulaMcG | ao3 | Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Cho Chang/Gabrielle Delacour should my suffering double, may i never love you less — A gift for icarusinflight by theskyisgay | ao3 | Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley Solid Ground — A gift for the_kellephant by NachoDiablo | ao3 | Lily Evans/Marlene McKinnon Some Sort of Punishment — A gift for SailorSlash by flipflop_diva | ao3 | Hermione/Pansy Spoiled — A gift for agendertonks by maraudersaffair | ao3 | Millicent/Pansy Tenebrae Vincunt (In Absentia Lucis) — A gift for sketchyblondes by FairyQueen (etoilecourageuse) | ao3 | Bellatrix/Narcissa the girl and the boot-shaped home — A gift for Tpants by Evening12 | ao3 | Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley The Hot Mess Express — A gift for hippocrates460 by yrfrndfrnkly | ao3 | Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch
A Day in the Life of — A gift for josephinestone by Tpants | ao3 | Hermione/Luna A Moment is Forever — A gift for digthewriter by SailorSlash | ao3 | Luna/Ginny Hearts On A String — A gift for xslytherclawx by WhyTFNot | ao3 | Hannah Abbott/Padma Patil Oasis — A gift for theskyisgay021 by SailorSlash | ao3 | Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley Starstruck/Moonlight — A Gift for NachoDiablo by WhyTFNot | ao3 | Cho Chang/Fleur Delacour, Lily Evans/Narcissa Black The Flower Girl — A gift for emilattes by digthewriter | ao3 | Luna/Ginny The Professor, The Quidditch Star, The Werewolf (& the women they love) — A Gift for the-scarfofsexualpreference by digthewriter | ao3 | Hermione/Pansy. Ginny/Luna. Lavender/Parvati
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Hi, friend! AnonTheory here.
I just like to know your thoughts about the recent PH x LJ thing going on, not about the fake drama, but over the narratives behind it and share my own opinion.
First, I’m amongst those who believe the guy never outed her. The whole outing thing was planned by management with Laucy fully consenting and playing their parts, just like Peres guy and eventually the fandom. A part that PH obviously was paid for it and most definitely signed some NDA.
The RTT from the Stefans seemed strategically set up to bring the subject up and they new it would took the spotlight from other topics like the body shaming she talked about. The guy has been on seek attention mode for two days now, since the episode preview’s release. Not only feeding the hate, but actually giving statements to other media and promoting it.
He literally said that she doesn’t have career and a lot of other stuff. Even brought C into the mess. All this made me wonder about the timing this is happening. Why would they bring Peres Hill back with the Laucy thing. You see, for me the narrative for Lauren’s EP and LP to come were achieved with that infamous podcast. So why bring it back? Will they bring Laucy back too? Because they seem all about bringing the past back. And the girl never leaved camren land.
I get the concept of reverse marketing, but why go with this strategy right now? Is it because she’s not doing a PR at the moment and this is the best way to promote her? Is it her team’s doing? Since she’s not with tied to a label directly anymore? Or this still could be AWALL’s doing as part of their distribution deal/links with Sony? Sure the dude was paid again because the way he’s getting hate can’t be for free.
Again I have more questions than answers, but I’m looking forward to know your opinion. Thanks, buddy!
Hello my friend! Well, I think Lauren with the Estefans was obvious right? A backstory corresponding to the first era of Lauren. The industry sells music through public relations contracts and being "pulled" from the public closet was also a PR move. Lucy did her part, Perez Hilton did hers and Lauren did her part and now that backstory is being sold for the EP.
If Lauren had come out first without having strong PRs before it would have been like Camila with her: This album is not about boys. "But Lauren did make it then her first album, in this case EP had to correspond to her first PR.
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paradisecost · 5 years
It was snowing outside-- the first of the season, and Lucy couldn't seem to get warm. A chill had settled upon her, and her shawl provided little comfort. Then a thought occurred to her, and she rose from her chair by the fireplace in the kitchen in search of Long John. Finding him at rest on one of the parlor sofas, she curled up beside him and lay her head on his shoulder. "You're warm."
“I am warm,” Long John agreed, sounding amused. He wrapped an arm around her, drawing her in closer, and kissed the top of her head for good measure. He had taken one look outside in the morning and decided that he’d be going absolutely nowhere today, no matter what came up. 
One would think that being an alarmingly strong creature of the night (metaphorically, anyway; daylight did little more than give him a headache and a dose of fatigue) would take away the aches and pains one had suffered whilst alive. One would, unfortunately, be wrong, at least in Silver’s case. It was nowhere near as bad as it had been, but he still ached in the winter months. 
“Pleases me to know I’m useful for something,” he teased, thumb stroking Lucy’s shoulder idly, “Even if it’s merely serving as your resident warmer.”
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frightuccine · 5 years
If you're still doing the requests then A laughing jack.. But like.. With the Nb flag mayhaps..? There is no gender only clown (also my name's also Casper!!!! We're multiplying!! Also sorry if this ask is incoherent oof)
I made it an icon because I wasn’t sure how 2 draw him normally so here :D Also COOL AS HELL it’s always nice 2 see more caspers >:D
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+ transparent vers
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[Img desc: picture of a cartoony Laughing Jack, he’s got black hair, a pointy nose and tufts on his shoulder, each of his colors are grey or black. His sleeves are stripes changing from black and white. he’s wearing suspenders, the picture is only a half bodied picture. looking to the side with a large smile, behind him is the nonbinary flag, second image is transparent without the flag]
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mihrsuri · 3 years
Me: I read a cleolinda LJ post a million years ago and now all I want is a Dracula adaptation in which Dracula is into both Mina and Jonathan in the same way
Me: Also the Mina/Jonathan as trauma/rape survivors who are very much in love and a Lucy who is The Sweetest.
Me: Mina is biracial
Me: if you wanted to make it a comedy it could feature Dracula Is A Disaster Bisexual Dork who like, drinks artificial blood and actually all the villagers love him and are trying to matchmake their One Braincell Goth Lord
Me: It’s a Mina/Dracula/Jonathan OT3 obviously. The wives are happily married lesbian vampires.
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Weirdly,after 2 days or so,i went ahead and drew some of my ocs from cuphead-
Honestly,if The Cuphead show didn’t happen,i wouldn’t have the ideas to make ocs off of this fandom but yeah-
Anyway,here are a few of my Cuphead ocs!
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Jenna and Lucy in:Twin Troubles
Jenna is Lucy’s older twin sister,these two are Damien’s older sisters so yeh
Damien is an optional boss,if you choose the bad ending (Aka giving the devil the several soul contracts that you collected) then you’d be able to go back to Lucy and Jenna’s level and fight him
OJ and LJ are brothers,my cup ocs because of course i’d make one sooner or later- (Ps.Was too lazy to draw LJ in a plane so..Y e a h-)
LJ and OJ’s heads are filled with..You guessed it,Orange Juice and Lemon Juice-
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saturatedsinset · 2 years
fic meme
tagged by @shes-a-voodoo-child who apparently wants me to relive my tragic past, thanks drea
first fic: the first fic i ever posted was for the no_tags bandom challenge on lj/dreamwidth back in around 2012? first fic i ever wrote was probably 2010-2011ish. i actually started doing creative writing with original fiction when i was like, eleven, and then transitioned to fic later on, so. first story would’ve been around 2006.
softest fic: i assumed it was sunshower until i remembered that found in translation is exclusively fluff, so. definitely that. it’s about love and language barriers and working Together, it’s so saccharine, i adore them
fic i’m most proud of: the fic that i’m proud of is all - i’m proud of the ones that i am for different reasons. comes tumbling after for being an interesting exploration of something i hadn’t written in before, of a concept i hadn’t written with before. warm blood for being the longest completed fic i’ve ever written and also for hitting the right tone between anxiety and humour and discovery. hungry and hollow for the way in which i was able to convey the fair folk au’s general vibe.
fic that shows my progress: jesus i don’t know. probably face reinvention. it’s hard to say what shows my progress given how short a time i’ve been posting fic on ao3 but i definitely think there’s some clear growth between velvet tongue and the things i’m writing now. i think face reinvention shows the growth in my understanding of wrestling as a storytelling medium and all the liminal spaces that come with it. but i have to give an honorable mention to at arm’s length for my progress in constructing uh... dubiously... ethical. kink scenes. i was about to say “and also creature writing” but that’s not true i grew up reading holly black i’ve always known how to write the fair folk. i would definitely say at arm’s length shows how i’ve grown in my ability to construct atmosphere. please read at arm’s length i love her
favourite wip: oh god. oh god. good question. god i really like the bucks/kenny wingfic, i need to finish it, i want there to be Something published of the fair folk au where the bucks aren’t straightforward antagonists. adam cole resurrection fic because we love a Came Back Wrong. 5+1 adam page transes her gender because i’ve only written the fair folk-y bits of it and she deserves a goddamn break. face reinvention 2 because i know lucy will die instantly. 
let’s tag @kennyanimega (i am aware drea already tagged you but i’m doing it again) and @quinn-tessentially and @bohemicns and @sarahcakes613
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The Ties That Bind | Chapter 3 | Plans
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A/N: This is unlike anything else I have ever written.  It is dark fic.  It is a Mafia AU. There may or may not have a happy ending.  So read at your own risk. The chapters are likely to be shorter in this fic from time to time.  Also writing credit goes to @fadingcoast , @lokifae42 , and @emeraldrosequartz​ . Not only did they write parts of the first few chapters, but they created the inspiration for the entire premise and fic.  And I am forever in their debt for it.  Thank you.
Pairings: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jae Birichinata), Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Madison McMahon), Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Jae Birichinata)
Summary: When a one night stand with the only daughter of one of New York’s biggest crime bosses results in a pregnancy, Tom is trapped. Fast forward, now 10 years later, Tom is stuck in a loveless and cruel marriage with four kids (only one is his), a cheating wife, and no escape.  The only bright spot is in his life is his love, Madison, the sweet bookshop clerk working a block away from the university he teaches at.  Going on four years sneaking around with Madison, Tom is certain Madison’s important news is she is breaking up with him.  The truth rocks his core.  
Now Tom has only one goal, getting his son, William, and himself out of the hellscape called his life alive.  A vindictive wife, in laws with access to money, resources, and brute force, and not to mention his wife’s lover who is more than meets the eye, Tom is starting to wonder if his father-in-law is right. No one leaves the family alive.
Trigger Warnings:  Violence (both graphic and implied), forced marriage (sort of), infidelity, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of childhood physical abuse and sexual abuse, implied in*$t, smut, torture, death and more as I can continue to write it.  
Taglists are open, please let me know if you want to be tagged.
After her bath, Jae got dressed and then went to wake the kids for school. She first went into Magnus and LJ’s room, softly opening the door. 
“Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey.” She smiled as she rubbed their backs. “Time for school.” They groaned and rolled over. 
Jae repeated the process in Frigga’s room, which was decked out in full mermaid regalia. Finally, she reached William’s bedroom, really more of a glorified closet, and she banged on the door, yelling. “WAKE UP, TIME FOR SCHOOL! THE KIDS NEED BREAKFAST!” She walked away, not even bothering to open the door.
While the kids get dressed and William made them all breakfast, Jae stood in the bathroom doorway, inspecting her nails while Tom showered. 
“You’re welcome.”
“Excuse me?” Tom popped his head out of the shower.
“Ew, your hair is dripping on the floor, Tom. I’m taking the kids to school on my way to Dr. Schulman. Say thank you.” 
He resisted the urge to smile. “You’re not feeling well, I’m sorry to hear that.” He went back into the shower.
Jae snorted. “Dr. Schulman is a plastic surgeon. I’m thinking about getting my boobs done.”
“What that…” Tom turned off the water and stepped out, not bothering to wrap a towel around him. “Didn’t you get your boobs done a few years ago?”
She gagged at Tom’s naked form and spins around. Tom grinned, knowing he had his desired effect, only now drying off and wrapping a towel around his waist. He tried to get in tiny victories when he could.
“That was a boob LIFT, Thomas. This would be an augmentation.” Jae scoffed as she picked at her manicure. “I thought you were smart or something. Lucy thinks I would look better with Triple Ds.” She pressed her boobs together and grinned. “It’s not like you look, anyway.” 
Tom walked past her and dropped his towel. “You’re right, I don’t.” He paraded naked in the bedroom, taking his time. “Is ‘Lucy’ paying for this augmentation?”
“I figured I could dip into the kids’ college funds. We have time to put it back…” She glanced up and frowned. “For fuck’s sake, Tom!” She shoved past him. “Put on some fucking clothes. What if one of the twins saw you?” Jae slammed the door shut as she stormed out.
Tom took as long as he could to dress and headed out to the kitchen in hopes they would be gone. He heard the blessed sound of silence as he stepped out of the bedroom. He sent a quick text to Will to apologize for not saying goodbye before they left. 
It’s okay, Dad. Love you too.
Tom teared up at the simple text. He made his coffee and surveyed the wreck of the kitchen. Their most recent housekeeper quit three weeks ago, and Jae hadn’t bothered to either clean or hire a new one. Tom and Will did what they could, but the rest of the family made messes faster than they could clean. 
He sipped his coffee and for the first time in years; he felt hopeful; he dared say, possibly even happy. The love of his life was pregnant with his child and he was finally going to get out of this train wreck, nightmare marriage. 
“Freedom…” he hummed to himself. But it was going to take work. And a very detailed plan. The Birichinatas, probably the third biggest criminal family in New York, made it clear to Tom on the day of his wedding, it meant this marriage to be forever.
“Now Tommy, you mind if I call you Tommy?” Mikey, Jae’s dad, commented as they waited in a small room at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. “My number one concern is my daughter’s happiness. She’s my precious baby girl and my princess. And should anyone decide to hurt her, I would feel obligated to hurt that person back.” He smiled at Tom as he tightened Tom’s tie. “And I hate hurting people, but I will do it because my family is the most important thing to me.”
Tom cleared his throat. “Of course, sir. I am thrilled to be joining your family today, sir. I will do my best to make your daughter happy.”
Mikey chuckled darkly and patted Tom’s chest. “Oh, you’re not family, Tommy. Just because you are marrying my daughter doesn’t make you family. Family is committed. Family is loyal. Family would die for you, Tommy. Are you willing to die for me, Tommy?”
Tom paled. “Die… for… you…? You can’t be serious.” He chuckled nervously, glancing at the door, praying for someone, anyone, to interrupt.
Mikey smiled at him. “And that’s why you’re not family, Tommy.” He smacked Tom hard on the shoulder. So hard, Tom winced. “Let’s go get you hitched.” Mikey headed for the door. “Did my little love tap leave a bruise?” His laugh echoed off the walls as he headed out.
The first thing Tom was going to need was money. Specifically cash. And lots of it. Frugal was not a word he would use to describe Jae. She demanded the best of everything, even that meant Tom worked summer school or did private tutoring from time to time. And he couldn’t leave cash around the house. She could sniff out cash like a bloodhound. 
After searching his study and the rest of the house, he collected about five hundred bucks that won’t go missing. It wasn’t enough to leave, but it was a start. He had a few hours before his first lecture. He grabbed his phone.
Meet me before my first class. Usual spot. 
Maddie spent most of the night after Tom left crying. She couldn’t pinpoint whether it was hormones, despair, or a bit of both. 
“I don’t understand why she won’t agree to a divorce. You hate each other. She has ‘Lucy’ or whatever the fuck his name is.” she asked him that night.
Tom sighed as he pulled her tighter against his chest, smoothing down her hair. “It’s not about happiness, my princess. It’s about ownership. It’s about control. She takes some sort of sick pleasure in torturing me.”
“She’s a fucking bitch.” Maddie clenched her fist. “And I ever get the chance…”
“Please don’t, my love.” He kissed her. “She’s not worth it. None of them are. You are worth a thousand Jae Birichinatas.” He kissed her again.
She saw Tom’s text as she stepped out of the shower. 
I have work. But I will be there. 
She quickly pulled on a pair of faded jeans and floral off the shoulder top. She slipped on a pair of black Chucks, grabbed her slouchy no name purse and locked up, heading to her first of two jobs, working at an independent bookstore in Tribeca. 
Twenty minutes before she was set to clock out, a woman with slightly too much makeup, skirt slightly too short, and boots definitely too high approached. 
“You.” The woman snapped her fingers at her. “Mousy girl. Come here.” 
“I have a name, ma’am.” She moved towards her. 
The woman sneered. “So do I. Ever heard of Michael Birchinata? That’s my father. Now…” Jae glanced around the place, not touching a thing. “My… son… has a birthday coming up, and he’s into this sort of stuff.” She waved her hands around.
It took every molecule of self-control in Maddie’s being to not lunge at Jae and pummel her into a pulp right there in the Young Adult section. She took a deep breath and exhaled. 
“You mean books?” Maddie crossed her arms and pursed her lips. “Or did you mean the shelves?”
Jae shot Maddie a condescending sneer. “These shelves wouldn’t be caught dead in my home. And I don’t appreciate your tone. What’s your name, Mousy?”
Maddie bristled. She chewed on her lip, contemplating what to say. “Madelyn.” She lied, but a white lie. “McClary.” Another lie. 
Jae leaned in. “Any relations to the McGregor-McClary clan of Rockaway?” 
“I’m Canadian.” Maddie added.
“Oh, well. Aren’t Canadians supposed to be friendly or some shit.? I’ll be speaking to your manager. Humph.” She spun on the heel and headed to the front of the store.
“Shit!” Maddie hissed and weaved her way through the shelves to spy poor Marshall, the assistant manager, getting an earful from Jae.
“If that insolent little twat of an employee isn’t fired, I am going to sue this place for emotional distress! Do you know who my father is?!”
Whatever Marshall said placated Jae such that she left the store with a smile, catching Maddie’s eye and giggling. Maddie counted to ten and approached Marshall, who sighed. 
“Madison.” He beckoned her over. “First off, why did you tell that… Karen your name was Madelyn McClary?”
“You didn’t tell her my real name, did you?” She yelled. “Do you know who she is? Who her family is?”
Marshall narrowed his eyes. “Birichinata? Don’t they own that gigantic gold building 5th and 56th?”
“And her father is commonly known as Mikey the Mook. He runs one of the largest crime families in New York, possibly the United States. That Karen is Jae, his only daughter.” Maddie huffed.
Marshall raised a brow. “How do you know so much about her and her family?”
Maddie turned bright red and chewed on her lip. “No reason, I just read the papers.”
“You are the worst liar, Madison. I told her I would fire you.” She sighed and headed towards the counter to grab her purse. “But I never agreed that you would stay fired.”
“Marshall!” She ran up and hugged the goateed man. “You are a good man.” She shook him.
“No, I am a stupid man, but you’re like family, Madison. And the best sales worker I have. Take a two-week vacation, paid. That should be long enough to convince Ms. Birichinata I fired you.”
Maddie grinned. She hadn’t taken time off in two years. “Thank you. Oh, and she’s a Mrs.” She grabbed her purse and hugged Marshall one last time before skipping out to meet Tom.
“I don’t want to know how you know that, MADISON!” he yelled after her. 
Tom’s foot bounced as he waited for Maddie. The roar of the waterfall did nothing to soothe his nerves. He kept glancing around at the few other people milling about Greenacre Park, seeing if anyone looks familiar. Tom assumed these days he was being followed. A wide grin came over his face when Maddie plopped down in the chair next to him. 
“You never mentioned how pretty Jae is. In that sort of Jersey Shore, Snooki kind of way.” Tom’s mouth fell open. “How did… what… What happened today at work, Maddie?”
“Your wife came into Dashwood looking for a birthday present for William. She called me mousy, I might have gotten sassy.” Maddie winced.
Tom tugged at his curls on the nape of his neck. “You met her? Like talked to her? This is bad, Maddie. She has seen you. She knows where you work.” He swallowed hard to keep from hyperventilating. 
She reached over and grabbed Tom’s hand. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s fine. Everything is fine. The whole thing was maybe ten minutes, and I didn’t even tell her my real name.” Maddie chuckled. “She had me fired.”
Tom’s mouth dropped open. “My bitch of a wife got your fired and you are laughing. This is serious, Madison. We can’t afford—”
“My boss gave me two weeks’ paid vacation, instead.” She grinned and pushed a curl behind his ear. “Two weeks to plan.”
Tom took several moments to process everything Maddie just said. A grin grew and grew over his face. “That’s my princess.” He squeezed her hand. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now why are we meeting?”
“Right.” He dug through his satchel and pulled out two thick envelopes. “Here.”
She opened the first one to find a flip cell phone. Maddie raised a brow. “I already have a phone.”
“I know. This is a burner phone. I have one too.” He waved an identical phone in the air. “I want you to communicate with my only through this phone until I tell you otherwise.”
“You make it sound like someone is tapping our calls.”
Tom gave her a stare. 
“Okay…” she opened the next envelope with a stack of tens and twenties. “Tom?”
“It’s the first feathers of our nest egg, darling. It’s not safe at my place. Jae is a goddamn bloodhound. Keep it at your place.” He watched as she tucked both envelopes into her purse. “The first steps to us being together.” 
“The family… the life you deserve, Thomas.” 
“WE deserve.” He took the risk and gave her a quick kiss. The moment broken by his phone buzzing. “It’s time for me to go.”
Her eyes turned down. “Then you should go. I wish you were coming over tonight. We have so much to talk about it.”
Tom sighed. “Believe me, princess, I wish I was too. It is my preferred evening activity, eating a good meal cooked by you and me than the pretentious affair that is dinner with my in laws.” He stood up.
Maddie quickly got to her feet. “Well then, to help you get through dinner, just think about me naked, on the bed, wet and ready for you.” She smirked. 
He groaned and pulled her into a passionate embrace. “My father-in-law is going to wonder why my pants are so tight all evening.”
“And your mother-in-law?”
“Is going to want to get into my pants. Did I tell you about the reception?”
Tom pecked her lips. “Another time. I have to go, princess. I will call you. Soon.” 
“I can’t wait. Stay safe, my prince.” 
“What could go wrong? They ignore me anyway.” Tom gazed over his shoulder one last time at Maddie before heading back into reality.
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