#Luciano Bottaro
yojimbot13 · 6 hours
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beyondthespheres · 5 months
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Luciano Bottaro, l'incredibile
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pquessev · 1 year
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Pepito, SAGEDITION, 4eme trimestre1973.
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afnews7 · 2 months
Perché nel Sud Tirolo l'italiano non è l'unica lingua ufficiale?
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corrierino · 2 months
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Pinocchio (1ª puntata) Luciano Bottaro Tratto dal Giornalino nº 40 dell'11 ottobre 1981. Oggi sul blog.
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patemi-pk · 1 month
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I regret the recent opportunity I missed to ask a question to Fabio Michelini about what I call the 90s revival era.
In the 1990s Michelini found himself at the helm of a sequence of unrelated stories, which functioned as revivals of important Topolino sagas, working with the original artists connected with those stories:
Topolino e la bella addormentata nel cosmo (Saga di Ghiaccio saga feat. Massimo De Vita);
Zio Paperone e il deposito gommoso (Little Gum saga feat. Giulio Chierchini);
Zio Paperone e la minaccia spaziale (OK Quack saga feat. Giorgio Cavazzano);
Paperinik e il ritorno a Villa Rosa (Classic Duck Avenger saga feat. Giovan Battista Carpi);
Pippo Halloween (Goofy & Hazel saga feat. Luciano Bottaro).
Two revivals feat. the original artists may be a coincidence, 5 in a decade seem like a project. Was it a project to boost the saga appeal of Topolino and reclaim those characters for a new generation of readers, providing engagement for the earlier readers? Was it an actual project or one story came off well, so other followed? Were these stories asked by the editorial direction he was tasked to pursue or they were his own ideas? How came he to be the 90s man of revivals?
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Alessandro Di Gregorio Ft. Luciano Bottaro - Pe na femmena sbagliata ( U...
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giornalepop · 2 years
I personaggi femminili nelle storie a fumetti di Luciano Bottaro (1931-2006) spiccavano per l’energia e la decisione di cui si dimostravano capaci, e anche per la forza fisica che permetteva loro di maneggiare armi da taglio (la spada, usata dalla giovane Lolita e dalla vecchia Caterina nella serie di Pepito) o contundenti (il mattarello, magistralmente usato tra le tante, da Colombina di Pon…
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frc-ambaradan · 2 years
Optimism! :D
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"Mr. Rockerduck... I'm married with kids!"
"Don't worry! If we end up killing ourselves, the insurance will provide for your widow and orphans!"
Zio Paperone e il monte degli eremiti (1971)
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fredandrieu · 2 years
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Danse et contredanses Luciano Bottaro Pepito Magazine n° 5 octobre - novembre - décembre 1958
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beyondthespheres · 1 year
Luciano Bottaro, king of looney tunes
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pquessev · 8 months
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Luciano Bottaro, Les Trésors de Picsou, n°65, janvier mars 2024.
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afnews7 · 3 months
L'originale di Bottaro, grazie ad Alessio!
Ringrazio Alessio Cavazza per aver condiviso con i lettori di afNews l’originale della copertina di Luciano Bottaro in suo possesso, di cui hai intravisto ieri qui la versione stampata in Francia. Eccolo:   Annabella Bottaro torna a parlare del suo papà su Les Tresors de Picsou 67  
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corrierino · 9 months
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Una strana storia Luciano Bottaro Tratto dal Giornalino nº 52 del 31 dicembre 1986. Oggi sul blog.
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disneyweirdness · 3 years
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dirtyriver · 3 years
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"Quak ! Quak !" Please accept the Beagle Boys being assaulted by an angry mob as a very, very early Christmas present.
Topolino e la doppia vigilia di Natale part 3, I TL 129-AP, Topolino #129-131 (25/12/1955-25/1/1956), written by Guido Martina, original art by Luciano Bottaro
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