#Lucien definitely goes both ways with the advantage he has
yiiyiiwrites · 7 hours
Baking with their mates
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I’ve been baking a birthday cake today 😌 and just had this in my head. [Acotar masterlist]
The guys baking:
He’s baked with you a few times, but it’s the decorating where he feels the most confident. His shadows steadying his movements as he adds fancy piped icing to the buttercream exterior.
You like admiring his concentrated gaze and how the silence wraps around you. Sometimes he even hums to himself when he’s really focussed.
You can tell from Azriel’s face that he doesn’t want to cut the cake and eat it after. But the pesky dark wisps smudge the edge, so he sighs and cuts you both a slice to eat. Azriel asking bakers on perfect buttercream mix and the different size piping nozzles.
Chaotic mess, but you’re just the same. You enjoy the shared activity, the light brushes as you squeeze past each other to do certain parts like you’ve got a good routine/production line going between the two of you.
It’s not till you’re waiting for it to bake do you realise the mess you’ve left behind. It’s like a battlefield and you both try to get out of it by rock,paper, scissors but you end picking the same thing and end up cleaning up together.
Cassian always tries whatever you bake straight from the oven, even when you warn him not to. Has roped you into making a chocolate cake after seeing Bruce eat an entire one in Matilda.
Eris Vanserra:
Pastries are your favourite thing to bake and Eris hovers around the kitchen testing your latest experiments. He even asks you teach him taking full advantage of getting your help or opinion. Praise.
He likes when you hold his hands and guide them on how to present the pastry. Smirk on his face as you fall for it every time as you know he’s a bit of perfectionist.
Makes sure you taste it first, his elbows on the counter and leaning forward to catch your expression. Learns how to make churros after you try them at the autumn equinox celebrations.
Lucien Vanserra:
You don’t know why you even said yes to letting Lucien in your kitchen. You both started off using boxed recipes and just adding an egg, now you’re trying to make it from scratch.
You can’t help but get distracted, his sleeves rolled up his muscular arms and the way his finger swipes off a splash of cake mix from your chin.
You end up burning the cake as you were oh so distracted by other things.
Definitely would be making pot brownies randomly when you can’t sleep. Making cookies and adding everything else instead of chocolate chips.
After a long time of Rhys asking to bake with you, you give in and wished you didn’t. Because he’s even better than you at it!!
You should have known though, he seems to pick up things pretty quickly and teases you when you accidentally put the mixer on the highest setting and splatter cake batter everywhere. His confidence and ability to do everything makes you feel butterflies and you’re a ditsy mess as you try to ramble off instructions.
Asks you when you’re opening your own bakery and reeling off business ideas.
After you asked Tamlin to bake with you, he started researching edible flowers and brought them with him, recipe book in hand for you two to try making them.
The first batch goes horrible wrong, that you end up making something simple. Tamlin goes home and bakes them again multiple times till he perfects them.
He returns a week later, offers you some beautiful cakes decorated with flowers and flavoured with them. Gives you a recipe he amended that makes the best cakes.
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animezinglife · 6 months
Do you think Azriel would defeat Lucien easily in a fight or do you think Lucien would win?
I think it would be ugly, and I think it depends. I never want them to fight each other for good reason, and I don't want to find out.
If we're talking straight-up hand-to-hand combat, I think even if he did win, Lucien would walk away from that fight looking a lot worse than Az and feeling a lot worse.
It's hard to say given how little we actually know about Lucien's fighting style. He opts for words over violence, but we also know he's more than capable of holding his own in a fight. We haven't really seen Lucien be truly engaged with both weapons and magic. We were with him when he and Feyre were on the run from his brothers and with him when the two of them killed the twins, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the latter wasn't a lot more than a tussle compared to what can exist in their world.
If we're talking about hand-to-hand sparring...I would really lean towards Azriel, but I think Lucien's got far more tricks up his sleeves than anyone suspects and that we definitely haven't seen half of what he's capable of.
If magic's involved, Lucien's chances go way up. While some don't seem to believe he's that powerful, the same also never expected him to spell-cleave until he actually did it, and he has some hellacious bloodlines when it comes to magical ability. I think the win could tilt in his favor easily, especially given the way Azriel's shadows would falter in fire and light. I would put my money on Lucien here.
Swords - Tossup. I need more information. I might lean a bit more towards Azriel here just based on experience/frequency/intensity of the training we know he's had.
Knives - Tossup again. Knives seem to be Lucien's preference and my suspicion is he'd actually be less predictable in how he uses them than Az. But again, it's hard to tell.
Az's wings are both an advantage and a disadvantage: advantage from a distance for the most part, but definitely a disadvantage up close. Especially for someone wielding close-range weapons like knives--that's a target that's both massive and sensitive.
I think too when you have a martial arts background, it's hard anyway to assume either would win over the other. Plans are great until the first punch is thrown. We have some information about Az, but next to nothing on Lucien in that regard (especially in comparison).
It won't be anyone's favorite answer, but in my book, it fully depends. It makes me cringe a little when someone goes all in one way or the other with their bets.
I think Az would underestimate Lucien--he already does. I think Lucien would both know that and work that to his advantage.
Yet Az is also more than capable of adapting to that mistake immediately.
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bluemoondust · 3 years
Can you imagine how insanely difficult it would be to escape one of the psychic type specialists? Most if not all of them probably have at least some form of precognition, plus they can probably just... Sense what their darling is feeling or where they are (didn't Sabrina in the manga say she was able to spot Green just by sensing her?) Anyways, sounds scary, but also h0t lol
Discussed majority of the ones with abilities here. I feel like even if some haven't been said to have these abilities, they'd probably just have a six sense or as you say, can sense how their darling is feeling (the Darling sense—).
It would be scary! Especially since some of those who can sense their darling would just let them run as they follow (Sabrina, Will, Lucien).  Like a game of sorts. It doesn't matter where they go, they'll always be found. This is just to give darling a sense of relief that maybe escape is possible, but only for that hope to be crushed. Or it could be a lesson as the yandere deems it to be (Caitlin, Olympia, Faba, Dexio, Avery, Lucien). Darling will be absolutely terrified with the thought of almost being caught and just the messing around with their head, but it's all good as long as they learn not to pull this stunt ever again.
But yeah, it'd be extremely difficult to escape because they'll know where you are majority of the time. Overwhelming them with sounds would have to play a key factor of escape if Darling grows desperate.
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violet-t-9 · 4 years
Different perspectives (episode 131)
I’ve seen a lot of people saying how choosing Trent to ally with would be a horrible idea, and I 100% believe it too. However, I think we need to see how that is a valid option to consider from the cast’s perspective (and Matt clearly prepared for it to be at least a possibility, especially given the bit at the end where he showed the two minis). 
Suggesting letting Trent in on their plan is not as unwise as many make it out to be. Sure it has very, very high risk, but M9 is just looking at all their options based on the information they are given and it’s worth considering.
1. The city will consume literally everything if they fail to stop the TT.
- Obviously, Trent is bad, but is Trent as bad as the end of the world though? (Well, that is still a bit debatable...) Sometimes, you got to work with your worst enemies to save the world, it’s just how it goes.
- M9 sought help from A LOT of people who they were not supposed to trust, and so far it has been working out. Not saying it would have worked out with Trent, but it is a valid option to consider. They worked with: Lucien and TT, Vess DeRogna, and to a lesser extent, Astrid/Eadwulf, Essek, etc. This is not their first rodeo guys. Obviously imo Trent is more horrible than any of the above mentioned, but like I understand why it would be an option.
- I have a hard time believing that Trent, who probably has some intelligence of some kind, would want the world to end, so even if he obviously will try to undermine M9 at some point I think it would be after the city is no longer the immediate threat (if they convince him of the gravity of the situation).
2. There is a high chance that they can persuade Trent to help, and Trent may come with extra people and more power.
- Sure Trent may be chaotic evil but even that kind of person would want self-preservation and also knowledge/power. If the M9 played it well I have no doubt Trent would join them. He wants to get close/monitor/get rid of M9 especially Caleb, he wants to know what they are doing and is certainly going to be interested in the city. So the chances of Trent going is... well, honestly, high. I don’t think he would just give up control over the situation. If he doesn’t go and sends others instead then working with Trent wouldn’t even be a concern now would it? Working with Astrid and Eadwulf doesn’t seem too bad.
- From a meta perspective Matt probably doesn’t want to play a lot of NPCs, but from a game perspective it makes sense that Trent would have more people to send. This is really a world-ending all-hands-on-deck situation. Yes this may not be the correct kind of help, but it is an option to consider - especially since they are trying to get Trent killed/kill Trent as a bonus anyways.
3. Trent will 100% double-cross them, or try to kill Caleb, or get tempted by the city, or all of the above; but consider, they can also use it against Trent.
- If Trent double-crosses them, M9 would at least expect it to happen and would see it coming. Especially if Trent already follows them and plans to pursue them anyways - then forming an “alliance” would give them an advantage. They would have to deal with Trent anyways. Sure Trent will probably choose a time when the city is no longer a threat and when they are vulnerable, but it would not come as a surprise. Trent could very well try to get Caleb/other members killed, but they would also be trying to get Trent killed. If Trent got tempted by the city, well all the better if he ends up like Vess DeRogna or if his mind got consumed by a hundred screaming voices. 
- Now, since they are definitely not working with Trent, Trent could still be lying in wait to ambush them when they return, vulnerable and exhausted from the city business, and they may still have to fight him at their weakest anyways. So really, the confrontation is bound to happen. 
- As for Caleb, he IS the one person who knows how absolutely horrible Trent is. The fact that he is even entertaining this idea means it must have some merit. He has shown that he is willing to face his trauma if it will benefit the party/others/himself in some way (things that he considers “bigger than himself”), and of course “allying” with Trent would be an opportunity for a lot of things (namely, killing Trent, catching him off guard and slipping the collar on, learning more information, finding some things against Trent) that Caleb is interested in. 
- Also a bit unrelated, but they also had kind of a similar conversation regarding working with the Assembly before the Sanatorium, and decided to try reaching out to Astrid anyways. They also decided to work with the TT, which some would argue was a horrible, horrible idea, but they lost things as well as gained things in those interactions. High risk, high reward. Even though in this case, the risk might be too high, it is still worth M9′s discussion.
4. They didn’t just immediately get all the relevant information - the options changed throughout the episode.
- They didn’t always have to choose between Trent and Essek, there WAS a slim chance that they could have some semblance of both - which would actually be beneficial in its own ways, if played correctly. Obviously it carries a lot of risk, but everything they do have risks. It failed because of the failed persuasion check, and I’m glad it failed, but the potential benefits still exist.
- They asked Astrid precisely to confirm Trent’s level of interest, and dropped the idea soon after because Trent turned out to be REAL invested in terminating them as a threat and less in the “curiosity”/“wanting conversation” stage now. After the messaging, they quickly decided that associating with Trent wouldn’t be worth it.  
Now for the list of cons against working with Trent: I don’t even think I need to list them, just typing his name so many times already made me feel revolted. He is dangerous, unpredictable, and he is as untrustworthy as it gets. Also he is just a horrible presence to be around (Lucien/TT are such nice companions  in comparison, just in my humble opinion) everybody especially Caleb, and Essek is 100% valid in not wanting to work with Trent. Please don’t send me anything to argue about why working with Trent would be a horrible idea - I agree, I’m not arguing against that at all.
I know that it can seem like the choice between two potential allies should be obvious, but it is a nuanced situation (see above), and Essek is one person, who is at similar levels as M9, whom they still are not sure they trust completely - and have good reason not to (but they obviously do trust him, because they tell him everything and choose him as soon as they have confirmation about Trent’s intentions). All I’m saying is it is good for M9 to weigh their options, even if the choice may seem “obvious” to some of us. Personally I’m really glad that we don’t need to see Trent being even in proximity of them, but there were merits to either option and I think it was nice to see the options explored.
TL;DR: Trent is horrible and I’m so thankful they didn’t “ally” with him but M9 did have many valid reasons to consider, talk about and explore that option. It is NOT M9 being unwise or idiotic (at least not any more than normal). In fact, I think it was great and careful planning on their part that they took time to consider all the options - even though this option is pretty terrible in many people’s opinions (including some of their own and my own).
This is the cast’s game and they can decide how they want to play. If they want to take the time to discuss all the options available to them and the potential pros/cons, I consider that thorough exploration of the story on their part. The fact that they can have such discussions shows how detailed and complicated Matt’s world and characters are. I, for one, love those moments when they lay out their options and weigh the risks and benefits and would never consider M9 any lesser for addressing these options.
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stories2you · 4 years
Mr Love (Genshin AU)
So I’ve been playing Genshin Impact for almost 2 months now. Now at AR35, tryna get to the Ascension Rank 2 quest. I’ve been thinking... What are the Mr Love characters’ visions would be, what weapons would they wield, and what/where will they be affiliated to?
Main Characters:
- GAVIN - Vision: Anemo  Affiliation: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius Weapon: Sword/Claymore
Okay, Gavin’s vision is definitely anemo because of his evol being the wind element. His occupation in the series is a police officer as well as being an evol agent of some sorts, thus why I see him being in the Knights of Favonius. However his rank could be equal to Jean seeing that he soon became a commander of the STF. 
I’m not too sure if there’s any position above the Cavalry Captain, but I think Gavin could be in between Captain and Grand Master if he were in Genshin AU.
Now for his weapon, Genshin is based on the past. Seeing that we don’t see any characters wielding a gun or sniper. Gavin seems to be a person who can wield either sword or claymore. I leave that to your imaginations~
- VICTOR -  Vision: Pyro Affiliation: Liyue Weapon: Polearm
As for Victor, it took me quite some time to see what vision and which affiliation he would be in. The reason why I picked Pyro as Victor’s vision, its because I view him as a lowkey passionate person. He doesn’t show it much, but it’s seen in his eyes. Then again, he cooks. This man can survive whenever he goes on a trip or adventure. When it’s time to eat, he can just light up fire with just one snap. Simple say, he’s like Xiangling.
Now, this guy does business. So that’s why I see him affiliated to Liyue, the city of Contracts. He’s definitely one of the wealthiest man in Liyue. 
Next up, his weapon. Why polearm? Well, I gotta admit, I get this image of him fighting similarly to Zhongli. It’s graceful. His Ultimate Skill may include bursting or sprouting fire from the ground. Combining it with Gavin’s Vision, they could double the effects. Wow. But if you guys have other suggestions on what weapon Victor would wield, do leave a comment~
- LUCIEN -  Vision: Cryo/Hydro Affiliation: Snezhnaya, Fatui Weapon: Catalyst/Polearm
Okay, this man here is tricky. His evol is Copy. I’m not sure which element he’s more to, but either Hydro or Cryo. I’m not saying that Hydro is the only element with healing abilities, other elements can too as seen with Qiqi’s and Jean’s healing abilities despite having Cryo and Anemo visions.
One of my choices is Cryo is because Lucien can be as cold as ice but at the same time has a cooling aura around him. Cooling as in both positive and negative. But thinking again, he’s more of a Cryo person. Hydro would be his Delusion or the other way round. What do you think?
As for his affiliation, I just got the image of him being one of the Fatui Harbinger just by his affiliation with Black Swan. We’ve seen how sadistic this man can be. So there’s not much to explain.
Finally for his weapon, I kinda see him being a catalyst wielder than a polearm wielder tho. I can’t remember which episode in the anime, but Lucien saved MC from the baddies by copying one of the baddies’ evol, Ice. Thus, I can see him manipulating his cryo vision as a catalyst.
- KIRO - Vision: Geo/Hydro Affiliation: Mondstadt/Snezhnaya, Fatui Weapon: Bow
Another tricky guy here. His evol is Absolute Charm. He can manipulate people but then corrupt them when he’s in his Helios mode. Thus why I think he could be affiliated with the Fatui. But then again, he’s an idol. You can say that he’s an idol from Snezhnaya and his real job is actually a Harbinger. So, his idol job is just an image. Or, he was indeed from Mondstadt, but was taken away to Snezhnaya by his adopter.
Remember, he’s an orphan. So this may happen.
Now onto his Vision, idk why but I see him having Geo vision. It’s just.. there? Or, his Vision would be Hydro and his Delusion would be Geo. Like Barbara, Kiro can use his hydro vision for both his performance and fights. As for his Delusion, if it is Geo, with his skills to manipulate people, he can trap them anywhere so they wouldn’t get into his way. 
I see him wielding a Bow. We’ve seen small scenes of him dancing and he’s athletic, it can be noted that he’s flexible and has high stamina. At the same time, his abilities for both vision and delusion allows him to heal. Thus why he can be viewed as a formidable enemy.
- SHAW - Vision: Electro Affiliation: Mondstadt Weapon: Catalyst/Claymore
Like Gavin, Shaw’s evol is Lightning/Thunder Control, which makes it obvious that his Vision would be Electro. His affiliation however, is neutral. Like Diluc, he’s just a resident of Mondstadt. He does his things alone. So same goes to Shaw. He’ll lend a hand to the Knights of Favonius whenever and wherever he deem it fit.
As for his weapon, I can’t decide between him being a catalyst or claymore wielder. If he’s a Catalyst user, he can manipulate lightning/electric just like how he does in the original series. But if he’s a Claymore user, he can also do the same, just that he can add more damage while swinging the weapon.
- MC/YOURAN - Vision: Hydro (as herself), Dendro (as Queen) Affiliation: Mondstadt/Abyss Weapon: Polearm (as herself), Catalyst (as Queen)
- Youran - The reason I chose her Vision as Hydro, similarly to Barbara, she wants to make people happy and help the Knights to tend their injuries. She does tricks with her hydro vision to amuse kids in the streets, exploring what her visions could do such as trying out alchemy, planting, singing and dancing around with her hydro droplets.
But when she fights, she uses the polearm. She can create small to big waves accordingly. Whenever she trains during her free time, to others, it looks like she’s dancing around with her weapon. But that’s how she fights. 
- Queen -  Now, in her usual form, she has the hydro vision. I mentioned that she loves exploring with her vision which includes planting. With the advantage of having hydro vision, she can constantly make her stems and stalks grow. With thicker thorns. 
With the help of hydro, she can inflict poison within the thorns which is why her being a catalyst wielder suits as her weapon as the Queen. She may be even dangerous than Kiro and Lucien when she fights. It may seem graceful like she’s dancing using her catalyst weapon but her mind constantly thinks which plant or thorn should she inflict poison to.
Now that’s all for today. What do you guys think? Do share your opinions with me in the comments~ I’ll probably make one for Haikyuu or other fandoms soon.
- Mayu
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Saw a fic tagged Lady Miraak/Lucien Flavius the other day. 
Oh my god.  That poor man.  He’ll be eaten alive.
OTOH Lady Miraak?? Have some courage and make it male Miraak.  Miraak’s bi as anything, he’ll take one look at this sheltered young Imperial desperate for knowledge of the Dragon Cult and... think things.
Bonus points for Very Sheltered Lucien at one point going “you know, if I were a girl, I’d be really nervous about now!  Because... because you’re a bit terrifying!” (Spoiler alert: Lucien Flavius is really nervous, and Miraak is grinning at him like a born predator.)
Miraak chuckles and tells him to report back for his first lesson the next day then goes off to track down the annoying but definitely Not Straight jester, also from Cyrodiil, because he has to ask, have the norms around same-sex relationships changed that much??
“No, no, only Cicero fears that Mr Flavius is... how can Cicero put this.  Sheltered.  Naive.  Barely twenty years old.  The only child of doting parents.  Has spent his entire existence in academic libraries.  Is likely untouched.  It is entirely possible he has managed to go his entire life blissfully unaware a relationship between two men is even possible.”
Miraak finds this hilarious and decides to have fun with that idea, and Dovahzul and history lessons are interwoven with VERY seductive body language, near-unmistakeable innuendo, getting Lucien all hot and bothered while not actually touching him then backing off immediately.  Eventually Lucien snaps and talks to Kaidan of all people, because he’s confused as all hell, because it’s weird, it’s wrong, he doesn’t understand it, if Miraak was a woman, he’d know it was flirting but Miraak’s a man, men don’t do that to other men, do they?
Kaidan the other bisexual facepalms, wants to know just how they ever let Lucien out on his own, tells him yes they do in fact do that, just as women often go out with other women, it’s perfectly normal and not remotely rare.  And yeah, Miraak’s seducing you.  Or trying to.  Do you need me to have a word with him, because First Dragonborn or no First Dragonborn, he doesn’t get to hassle you.
“No!  No?  I need to think about this.  A lot.  Oh Mara.”
Cicero is the next port of call.  Did you know about this, Cicero?  Men going out with other men?  Cicero stares at Lucien, puts down the anatomical diagram of pain nexuses that he’s been colouring in, looks at him long and hard and then bursts out laughing for a good minute before drying his eyes and nodding.  Yes, Flavius.  Yes, Cicero knew.  Cicero thought everybody knew.
“I didnt know!  Oh gods.  Miraak’s interested in me.  Oh gods.  Cicero, what do I do?”
“You are asking me for romantic advice??  Oh by Sithis... I don’t know!  Are you interested in him or not?”
“I don’t know!  He’s terrifying!”
“Good or bad terrifying?”
“Good... there’s a good terrifying??”
Cicero realises he now has to explain kink as well as queerness and wordlessly gets some books out of his personal collection. 
“Some people like having power removed from them and being rendered utterly helpless while a ruthless, ravishing brute does whatever they like with them.  Other people like taking helpless yet willing victims and having their way with them.  It does not surprise Cicero that Miraak is among them.”
“Which kind is he??”
“He just had five thousand years of Mora rendering him helpless, he’s either VERY keen on it or has had enough.  For you, boy?  Assume it’s the latter.”
Lucien whimpers.  Takes the books.  Runs.  Liriel gave Miraak’s mask to Dragonborn Gallery without hesitation and he’s been bare-faced ever since, with piercing blue eyes and long blonde hair and a smile that could tempt an Aedra to sin.  She let him keep the robes though, having had replicas made for her museum, the originals cleaned and mended, and then returned, and the First Dragonborn had been wearing those whenever Lucien had seen him.  Without the mask they were low-cut, to well below his collarbones, and while they weren’t tight-fitting, it was clear Miraak had muscles under there, and Lucien knew first-hand Miraak could fight with blade as well as magic.
Miraak was terrifying. That was a given.  But Lucien had to know for sure.
Next lesson, Lucien enters the safehouse, sees Miraak sitting by the fire, and Miraak only has to look to know something is wrong.  Different.  Lucien is staring at him and not coming any closer, and Miraak realises that after three and a half months, he’s finally fucking realised.
About time.  Now, what will the young seeker after knowledge do about it.
Silence and it is Miraak who breaks it.
“Is something wrong, goraan?”
“No - yes - have you been flirting with me??”
Bless him, his young student has finally graduated.
“You have finally noticed!  Well done, goraan.  Yes, I have been... how does Tamrielic put it.  Pushing my luck.  Nudging at the boundaries.  Wondering which will fall first.  Note I have not laid a finger on you.  Merely left suggestions in the air.  And despite becoming ever more blatant, you still come back for more.  Why is that, goraani?”
Oh gods, he’s changed to the possessive tense.
“I’m not your... I’m leaving. Right now!  I’m not coming back!  I’m not paying for Dovahzul lessons in sex!”
Surprise on Miraak’s face.  “It was never the intent you should, goraani.  Ah, krosis.  I took advantage of your naivety.  It was wrong.  I apologise.  If you wish to stop the lessons, I understand.  But if not, I will continue - only I promise to behave this time.  You have my word as an Atmoran.”
Atmoran honour and the swearing of a vow were covered early on.  Lucien doesn’t entirely trust him, but at length he sits down and the lessons resume.  Except they’re different.  Miraak is a respectful three feet away at all times.  No breathing down the back of his neck without quite touching.  No innuendo or purring or that damn smile.  Just Miraak being calm and professional and, and... Lucien hates it.  Hates every fucking second of it because walls have gone up, part of Miraak that was on display is now shut off, probably forever and Lucien... Lucien misses it.  Lucien misses the feeling of feeling scared out of his wits but safe at the same time because Miraak wouldn’t really...  Miraak apparently would.  If Lucien asked him.  Lucien does not know how to ask.  Or what to ask for.  But Miraak behind him, trailing a finger down the back of his neck, Miraak’s chest on his back and his arms round his waist... With arms like that, Miraak probably gives really good cuddles.
“Goraan.  You are clearly not paying attention.  If your mind is elsewhere, you are welcome to discontinue until it returns?”
“No!” Lucien gasps. Raised eyebrow from Miraak who wants to know where exactly his thoughts are flying if they are not here, and Lucien can take it no more.
“You. Utter. Bastard!”
Miraak doesn’t even look shocked.  “I am, yes.  Which of my many sins are you referring to?”
“You can’t just... you can’t just do this to me!  You can’t just spend months being all up close and personal and then just... just switch it off like it meant nothing!”
Strange look on Miraak’s face.  “Krosis, Lucien.  I was under the impression my attentions were unwelcome and you wished me to stop.”
“No!  Oh gods.  No.  You utter, utter bastard, I hate you so much, please don’t stop.”
Silence, Lucien’s face going bright red as he realises what’s just come out of his mouth, and he can barely look at Miraak.  Then the chair creaks, Miraak’s footsteps are on the stone floor and then gauntlets are removed, hit the table, and then Miraak’s hands are in his.
“Lokaaliin.  Is that your wish?  Truly?  For me not to?”
Miraak’s voice is gentler than Lucien has ever heard it and he finally looks Miraak in the eye to see the softest smile, one he’d not thought the man capable of, and Miraak’s reaching up to stroke his cheek, cupping his face and Lucien can’t stop himself leaning into his touch. 
“I’m scared, Miraak.”
“It is all right to be.  I have... not had a lover in a long time.  But I have not forgotten how to give pleasure.  I will give it to you if you ask.”
“I don’t even know how to - I’ve never had one!  Oh gods.”
Miraak just smiles and kisses his hand.  “It is all right.  I will take care of you.  It is your wish to move our lessons to a more intimate footing?”
Lucien nods, because Miraak makes him flushed and breathless and eager for... he doesn't even know what for.  Miraak takes him by the hand and leads him to the bedroom upstairs, promising nothing below the waist will happen yet, they can just talk and cuddle, yes?
After all the frantic worrying, for it just to be that is a blessed, blessed relief.  Miraak sheds his circlet, outer layers, strips down to his trousers, kicks off his boots and lies down on the bed, arms open for Lucien and Lucien hesitantly takes off his outer coat and his own boots and goes into Miraak’s arms, and from the moment skin touches skin, it is safety, reassurance, a throbbing strength that allays his fears as Miraak pulls him into his arms and holds him tight, and it takes Lucien a moment to realise Miraak is shaking.
“Are you all right?”
“Krosis.  Yes.  I am well.  I just... I have had no one in my arms like this in millennia.  Ah, goraani, I’m sorry.  Be patient with me.”
Lucien hadn’t expected that.  For all he’d seen Miraak as the scary First Dragonborn, he’d not even realised there was still a human being in there with feelings and vulnerabilities.  That... was a lot less scary, or rather it was still scary in a different way. Goodness, what if he hurt Miraak?  He’d never even thought of it that way round before.  Well.  He’d just need to be gentle, wouldn’t he.  Just as Miraak was presently being with him. 
It would be a few weeks more before sex actually started to happen.  Rather more before they finally told other people they were seeing each other.  Round about the time Liriel takes them both in her party, Lucien’s swarmed by Falmer, and then Miraak promptly immolates them all so fiercely you can’t tell flesh from chitin any more and when all the foes are dead, is frantically checking Lucien over, healing his wounds and then holding him so tightly no one can miss what’s up. 
Liriel has strong words for Miraak, but sees Lucien leap to his defence and at length decides, what the hell, anyone to be a reforming influence on Miraak is a good thing, and Miraak does seem to genuinely care.  Still, she does promise that if he hurts Lucien, she’s coming after him.  Miraak just smiles.  He’d expect no less.
Not so very long after that, Lucien moved into the safehouse with Miraak, and then it turned out his father got him a lead to this Dwemer ruin on Solstheim of all places and who better to go and have a look with him than a Solstheimer?  That led to a whole series of adventures, including that one time Miraak nearly broke up with him for remantling the Dwemer-Daedra entity that had tried to kill Miraak and possess his corpse... but eventually Miraak forgave him.  Even if he decided that if Lucien now had a demon horse, he was getting one, and acquired a Storm Atronach in horse form as his mount.  At least it wasn’t tentacled.
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hi i want to hear about your characters!!! Anything about anyone whatever you want to tell!!! :)
ahhhhhhh (´•̥̥̥-•̥̥̥`)  arsy have i ever said how much i love you because it’s a Lot
i’m very sorry this has taken me so long it’s been a busy few days orz
got carried away so here’s the obligatory cut
okay so the first thing that comes to mind (cause it’s part of something i’m working on rn wink wink) is Evelyne and her brothers + sister would send each other coded letters (maybe coded is the wrong word, but they were at least to some degree not spelling out everything that happened) with information that the others could use to get a leg up in their job. they’d also help get rid of people (non-lethally! …at least mostly) who were threatening the others or obstructing the Empire in any way. it very quickly became well-known that you did not fuck with the Antonius family unless you wanted to probably end up in jail or socially ruined.
this is part of the reason that she fakes her own death when she leaves the Irregulars, cause she knows that if her siblings find out, they might understand her motives but definitely wouldn’t let her join up with the dominion and would also try to keep tabs on her which she doesn’t want at that point in time. they eventually reunite and have fun wholesome family time together again! :D so yeah they’re basically the fantasy mob. i actually like to think that imperial society is pretty cutthroat wrt people trying to vie for power, and they just have the advantage of having all five of them on a team.
aeliana (the oldest and i guess technically the matriarch of the family after their parents die) is actually one of the best of them at playing imperial politics, in large part because she seems very unassuming and a lot of people are willing to open up to her. she inevitably will betray their trust in the worst way, but most of the time she’s not the one taking advantage of the information so a lot of people don’t put two and two together. (and the ones that do are already ruined, so.) since i started writing this i decided i love her and made her in the pts. so. here’s she.
Tumblr media
:D (relatedly, the pts letting me use every single dye and outfit style in the game is ahhhhh and also the red from scalebreaker is just… i love, going to learn vet dungeons just to get it)
two of her brothers (Augustine and Gaius) are in the military, and the third one (Junius) is a priest of the eight. between the five of them, they have a pretty good idea of what’s going on all over the empire (what’s left of it anyway) and are just. Power Siblings. the more i write about them the more excited i get!!! i like them and they’re starting to develop as characters and it makes me happy :D
okay and now for something completely different
aralyn is my altmer oblivion db assassin! she’s baby, and by that i mean she’s just as likely to stab you as she is to say hello. more likely, probably. i’ve touched on the her past but i’m gonna elaborate on it some more :) SO aralyn is the youngest of two daughters to a pair of worm cult parents. her older sister’s name is Elanoviel, and they’re very close for a long time. their parents never do anything to them specifically, but they’re both definitely some degree of afraid of them. and neither one of them has any idea how to like… interact with other people because they’ve only ever been around their parents who kill people and then perform experiments with
and then Ela disappears, and Ara has a really hard time with it because she’s now alone and her parents think she has some knowledge of what happened to Ela, but she doesn’t :( she stops speaking entirely, which frustrates them to no end and only furthers their belief that she’s hiding something. this goes on for a while, and she’s just kind of… breaking. eventually this leads to her stealing one of her parents’ knives when they’re distracted with a, uh, patient and killing both of them because she can’t stand the thought of being trapped alone with them any longer. she actually does break down after that and weeps until she falls asleep because she’s just… overcome with emotion.
lucien is the first person who isn’t either her family or a corpse that she ever meets, and she greets him by attempting to bite him and then, when that fails, claw his eyes out. she is both a. untrained and b. not particularly strong, so he has no issues pinning her until she calms down. she respects him for that b/c she respects strength even if she doesn’t quite like and/or trust him. he realizes that she might not be a good killer yet, but she is good at hiding and probably could be a good assassin with the right training.
so he sends her to kill rufioh and decides to train her some if she can manage the kill without being arrested because this is my canon and i am in charge of how it goes. she manages and he brings her back to the sanctuary, where she finds (gasp!) her sister, who a. knew how to read and b. found one of their parents books that mentioned something about the dark brotherhood coming for you if you killed an innocent. so she ran away, killed the first person she saw, and used the brotherhood to escape. ara is definitely bitter for a while, but they eventually become friends again. meanwhile, she’s become very fond of lucien, who she spends a decent amount of time with as he teaches her to be like… a person, which she’s never had the chance to do. so it’s kind of wholesome in between the indiscriminate murder. :)
asdghfj i got a little lot carried away but i hope you enjoyed and thank you for the ask and
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
Honestly Omegaverse has quickly became one of my fav AUs after seeing what you had for it so I hope it’s not to much to ask but can I request, how would the kids react to the dads all being together in one big pack? Also if it’s ok can you also show Amanda’s reaction to her father being an Omega to all of these Alphas. Thank you!
I really, really love Omegaverse, so any prompt allowing me to write in that verse is a good one! There are some more in the inbox I’m already looking forward to writing. Until then:
🥃 Valis a grown woman, so the whole pack-thing basically doesn’t affect her at all,but you still feel like she has a right to know her father not only has anOmega now, but is also part of a large pack. Robert, after protesting for thesake of it, agrees, and so you texted Val and invited her over to Maple Bay totalk. She shows up a week later and Robert and you take her to the bar. You prepareda speech, but as always, Robert beats you to it. The moment he sits back downafter giving everyone their drinks, he throws an arm over your shoulders, pullsyou close and, as subtle as a bull in a china shop, scents your neck. Your facegoes scarlet and Robert, the bastard, delights in your reaction, nipping onyour earlobe with a grin. He stops after Val throws a peanut at his face. “Wasthat your way of telling me you finally got your shit together and bonded?”Instead of answering, Robert lifts his glass. Val clinks hers against it andtoasts in your direction. Embarrassed as you still are, you only manage a nod. “Congrats.It’s about time.” Robert glares at her, but Val doesn’t seem fazed. Robert finisheshis (non-alcoholic) drink. “But, because I’m such a good Samaritan, I’msharing.” Val’s eyebrow joins the conversation. “You’re… sharing?” Finally, youbreak out of your daze and elbow Robert in the side. He laughs, like that didn’teven hurt. “Fuck the capitalist, patriarchal notion of the nuclear family unit.We’re more old-school.” He says. “Whole neighbourhood’s bonded. We’re takingturns. But I’m his favourite.” He pulls you closer and kisses your cheek, aloud wet smooch. Val pauses, before downing her drink in one go. “What else didI expect,” she mutters to herself. “’course you can’t do normal.”“Normal doesn’t exist. If we’re being technical, large packs are normal.”Robert waves at Neil, who nods and prepares more drinks. “You okay with that,kid?” Robert’s face, to those who don’t know him well, is as blank as always, buthis worry is visible to you. You kiss his neck, feel him relax a little. Valfinally breaks the silence. “Of course I am. If it means you’re happy, I don’tcare about the details.” Robert releases a long breath of relief and kissesyour temple. “To us.”
🍸 “Mary and the kids are going to be here soon,” Joseph says, briefly interrupting his phone call. You nod, before going back to nervously chewing on your nails. It doesn’t take long before a weight makes the couch next to you dip down, then Joseph pulls you into his side. As his scent rises to your nose, the tension melts from your body and you sigh. “There’s no reason to be nervous.” You make a doubtful noise at the back of your throat. Joseph tutts and kisses your head. He spends the time you’re waiting for Mary to drop off the kids trying to calm you down, but the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house undoes all his work. Christie is the first to burst through the door; her twin follows after a second and Chris walks in behind him, far slower than his siblings. The last Christiansen kid is asleep in his mother’s arms, but is dropped into yours by said mother. Mary winks at you. “Have fun, kids, don’t do what your Mom wouldn’t do, but also don’t do what she would definitely do.” She kisses them goodbye before leaving.Once Mary is gone, the kids settle on the ground to watch a movie. After some time, Crish starts squirming in your arms. He looks at you confused, then inhales deeply, before suddenly starting to bawl. “Sssh, what is it?” No matter what you do, the toddler wo ’t calm down. Joseph takes him from you and rubs Crish’s back. “I think it might be the strange scents on you.”“Oh.” Joseph notices your dejected tone and leans in to kiss you. “Don’t worry. It’s probably just the scents of the other Alphas and once he’s used to them, he won’t mind anymore. Give it some time.” The other three kids look up at you, confused. “Why do you smell like other Alphas?” Joseph and you exchange a look. “Erm. You know how when…” You’re struggling for words. Thankfully, someone comes to your help -  not Joseph, but Chris. “Omegas can bond with several Alphas. That’s called a pack.” The twins still look confused. “How does that work?”You blush. “That’s something for when you’re older, alright? Who wants some hot chocolate?” Joseph’s question gets him four yes. As he leaves, you look down at the kids. “Is that okay for you?” Chris shrugs and turns back to the movie, while his siblings hold a silent conversation before nodding. “Dad always says sharing is caring. Why not share love too.” You laugh softly and ruffle Christian’s hair. “That’s very wise of you.” The boy smiles proudly, then focuses on the screen again.
☕ “Carmen, baby, can Y/N and I talk to you for a second?” At the affirmative shout coming from Carmensita’s room, Mat drops his gaze back to you. “Don’t be so nervous Y/N. She likes you.” You sink further into the couch. “I’m not nervous.” Mat calmly raises an eyebrow at you. “I can smell you, babe. You’re reeking of stress. It’s taking me some self-restraint not to give into my instincts.” He walks over to the couch and puts his hands on your shoulders. Instantly, you melt. “Relax. Like that, yeah. Don’t worry. She reacted well to us bonding, didn’t she?” Begrudgingly, you have to admit he’s right. The sound of footsteps makes you look up. Carmensita regards you two curiously, before flopping down on the couch next to you. “What is it, Dad, Y/N?” Mat gives your shoulders one last squeeze, then joins you two on the couch. “You know what a pack is, right? In recent days, it’s mostly just the nuclear family, so the parents and their children, but centuries ago, it was common for several of these ‘basic units’ to form a pack.” Carmensita nods. “We learnt that in class.” She cocks her head and looks at you quizzically. “Is this where you tell me that you’re also bonded to Mister Cahn?” Both you and Mat stare at Carmensita in shock. Oblivious to your surprise, she continues. “Hazel, Briar and I discovered that a few days ago. That means we’re sisters, right?” You numbly nod. Carmensita smiles brightly. “That’s so cool. I have an older sister now!” Mat clears his throat. “That’s not all, baby. It’s not just Craig, but… also the other dads in the neighbourhood. The Bloodmarchs, the Christiansens, Robert, the Hardings and the Vegas. We’re all a big pack now.” “So technically, you have lots of siblings now. Is that… is that okay for you?” Carmensita stares at you, blinking as she processes the information. Then she breaks out into a huge grin and nods. “Now I’m an older sister, too!” She giggles. Relieved, you slump into Mat’s side. He wraps an arm around you, the other around Carmensita, and pulls you both close.
🌹 "Y/N.“You instantly recognise the voice and turn around. “Hey, Lucien, whatbrings you here?” During school time, no less. The teen buries his handsin his pockets and looks down on the ground. “Are you cheating on myDad?” Gasping in surprise, you stare at him. “What? No! What makesyou say that?!” Lucien pulls a face. “I saw you kiss MisterChristiansen two days ago.”“Didyou talk to Damien about it?” The teen shakes his head. “I don’t wanthim to hurt. If you’re cheating, get the fuck away from my Dad, before he findsout. He deserves better than being cheated on.” Without thinking you reachout and wrap your fingers around Lucien’s arm. The teen stares at you,unblinking. “Look, it’s not how it looks. I’m not cheating on your Dad,because he knows.” Lucien frowns. “He what?” You planned onhaving that conversation at home, with Damien by your side, but life never workedlike planned. It seems like you’ll have to do this yourself. “I… thewhole cul-de-sac, the Dads, I mean, we’re…” Frustrated, you let go ofLucien’s arm to gesture. “I’m not just bonded to Damien. I’m also bondedto Joseph, Robert, Mat, Hugo, Craig and Brian. We’re all pack now. Damien and Imeant to tell you but-” Lucien interrupts you by holding up a hand.“You mean to tell me all of the cul-de-sac Alphas and you are in one bigpack? And Dad said yes?” Unsure of what to say, you simply nod. Lucien pullsa hand out of his pockets and runs it through his hair. “I…” Heaverts his gaze and chews on his bottom lip. “Shit, I’m sorry Y/N. Ididn’t- I didn’t think you’d cheat but I saw you-” Gently, you put a handon his shoulder and smile. “It’s okay. I’m not mad. I’m glad to see youtake care of Damien’s well-being like that.” Lucien hesitantly nods. Yourelease him again. “Are you okaywith that? Being part of such a large pack?” Lucien shrugs. “It’s notlike I’ll have to play family with the other kids.” Atyour expression, he rolls his eyes, albeit with a small smile, and gives you a dismissivewave of his hand. “Never said I won’t give it a try.” With a scoff, he turns and walks away.
🎣 The conversation with Daisy,you feel, is going to be one of the easiest. She’s a smart girl, very grown-upfor her age, and you expect things to go well. Taking advantage of the factBrian’s off to work, leaving you and Daisy alone at his house, you preparedinner for the two of you and call Daisy down from her room. “It’s good,” shesays between two bites of spaghetti. You keep the fact that it’s practicallythe only dish you can do to yourself, instead wiping your mouth and clearingyour throat. “There’s something I want to talk about with you.” Daisy puts downher cutlery and looks at you intently. After a few seconds of silence, in whichyou prepare yourself mentally, you begin to explain. “You probably alreadynoticed something is different. You’re a smart girl and it’s not like we wentout of our way of hiding it. You know I’m an Omega—“ She nods. “—and that yourDad and the others are Alphas. You probably also noticed your Dad and megetting closer and all that.”“You weren’t exactly subtle about it,” Daisy says so matter-of-factly, you can’thelp but chuckle. “Exactly. But you might also have noticed that I’m also asclose to the other Dads as I am to him. There’s a reason for that and that’salso why I wanted to talk to you. Do you know what a pack is?” Daisy thinksabout it for a moment. “It’s a large group of individuals forming a sort offamily unit. Dad, Mum and I were a pack, I think, before the divorce.”“That’s right. The family is the smallest and most natural pack everyone hasuntil they are grown-up, at which point it loosens or dissolves as the childrenform new packs. You can also form a pack with friends. Or…” You take a deepbreath. “Several Alphas form a pack around an Omega. They’re all bonded to thatOmega.” It clicks immediately. Daisy’s eyes widen. With horror you realise she looks sad. “Are… are Dad and I not enough for you?”“Daisy, sweetheart, that’s not the reason.” You reach out for her hands across the table. “Sometimes, people love more than one person romantically. That doesn’t mean they love any of the people less than the others or that one wasn’t enough. I love you and Brian just as much as any of the others.” Daisy considers your words, sniffling, but eventually nods. Unable to stay seated, you round the table and wrap your arms around her. She buries her face in your shoulder. “So I have siblings now?” You quietly laugh. “Kind of. You have two big sisters and…”
👟 “—and basically, that meanswe’re all a huge family now, but you’re not obligated to hang out with theother kids or like the other Dads, because technically speaking, the only thingconnecting you to them is me and I know in some packs, the Alphas don’t hangout with each other, but I don’t think that-““Bro,” Craig interrupts you, voice somewhere between amusement and concern.Blushing, you turn around and smile sheepishly. Behind you, River gurgles. “Wereyou practising your speech in front of River?” Your lack of reply is all theconfirmation he needs. Though he’s still all sweaty and gross from jogging, youlet him pull you into a hug and bury your nose in his neck. You’re verythankful for evolution’s ingenuity making your Alphas’ scents so soothing toyou. “It’s going to be okay, bro, don’t worry so much. The kids already knowthe others. Besides, they’re old enough to understand the whole pack thing.Biology classes and all.” He pulls a face. “Those were some interesting questions,let me tell you.” Craig shakes his head, as if shaking those thoughts off, andsqueezes you. “So relax. You got River down, only two more to go.”“To go for what?” At the twins’ sudden appearance, you want to step away fromCraig, but the Alpha tightens his grip, foiling your plans of escaping tosafety. Your glare only makes him smirk. “My bro—“ Briar rolls her eyes.“—wants to tell you something but he’s beating himself up about it.” Hazelexchanges a glance with her sister. “Is it about all the Dads of the cul-de-sacbeing in a pack now?” Silence. You splutter, “Wh- How? Who?” Hazel shrugs nonchalantly.“Carmensita. We were hanging out and she mentioned how Y/N bonded with herDad, and we kind of realised that way. We’re cool with it.” “Means more presents at Christmas.” Before you can recover from that, they’re off again, leaving you andCraig alone. You turn to look at him and blink a few times. He’s obviouslytrying hard not to laugh. You shove against his chest, but he doesn’t evenbudge, just chuckles and pulls you close again. “See, you needn’t haveworried.”
📖 Of all the kids, it was Ernest you dreaded talking tothe most. You know judging someone in an emotional time like puberty, and afteronly meeting them once or twice, isn’t right, but you can’t help yourself. He’sthe big unknown in the whole equation – chances are, though, he won’t like theidea of suddenly being swept into a big pack. Hugo suggested sitting him downand laying it all out, so that’s what you’re doing. From the way Ernest issitting leaned back away from you as far as possible, arms crossed in front ofhis chest, you’d think he’s being interrogated by the police. Your anxiety musthave been visible – or smell-able – as Hugo scoots closer so that yourshoulders are pressed together. “Do you have any idea why we wanted to talk toyou, Ernest?” The teen just scoffs and continues glaring. Not the best start toa conversation like that. “I’m not sure how far your biology course got intothe dynamics of Alphas, Betas and Omegas and whether you paid attention, but—““If you’re about to give me the birds and bees speech, I’m out of here.” Ernest’salready halfway out of his seat before he even finishes his sentence. You reachout and touch his shoulder, and he immediately brushes off your hand but staysseated at least. A quick glance over at Hugo tells you he’s keeping in hisfrustration. Taking a deep breath, you decide to be upfront. “You know I’m anOmega, right?” Narrowing his eyes in confusion, Ernest nods. “Your Dad and allthe other Dads in the cul-de-sac are Alphas. We… bonded. Now, traditionally,that’d mean you’re part of the pack too, at least until you’re of age, but ifyou don’t want anything to do…” When you see the way Ernest’s eyes went wide likesaucers, you trail off. Your instincts, the ones evolution gave you, make youwant to pull him close and comfort him, but you hold back, waiting. Eventually,Ernest breaks out of his trance. His eyes are suspiciously wet. “Okay.” Withoutanother word, he gets up and leaves. You could have imagined it, but to you, hesounded happy.
🐼 “I come home from college and there’s Alpha scent allover the house?” You startle awake from your nap and nearly fall off the couch.It’s only your superior Dad reflexes that save you from a dire fate. Even so,Amanda looks more amused than impressed as she drops her bag at the door andcrosses her arms in front of her chest. “I mean, I kind of expected it, butstill.”“Are you saying you expected your Dad to be swept up by one of the Alphas inthe neighbourhood?” You raise your eyebrows at her. “If I didn’t know better, I’daccuse you of thinking in stereotypes, Panda.” She huffs out a laugh andfinally crosses the distance, throwing herself into your arms. After a fewmoments, she pauses and takes a deep breath. “That’s weird.” Panic begins torise in your chest. Amanda, while only being a Beta and thus not possessing anAlpha’s sense of smell, still picks up on the change in your body odour. Like ashark, she hones in on it. “What is?” Amanda leans back to look at you. “When Icame in, I smelled Alpha and it smelled familiar. Kind of like cigarettes, so Ithought you fell for Mister Small’s bad boy image. But now that I’m close toyou—“ She scents you again, making you blush a deep red. “—there’s also sawdustin there? And coffee. Hints of flowers, too, though more subtle.” BecauseDamien, unlike Robert or Brian, doesn’t feel the need to scent-mark you to thepoint it’s like a perfume. Amanda knows. She’s only drawing it out to make yousuffer. With her on your lap, there’s no way to escape. Your daughter focusesher eyes on you, staring at you with narrowed eyes, critically, making yousquirm. You know you should have talked about her before just making a bigdecision such as becoming the Omega of a pack of seven, but it all happened sofast, and telling her over skype never seemed right. Suddenly, Amanda grinned.She playfully slapped your shoulder and whistled between her teeth. “Neverwould have thought my Dad had such game!” You blink. “So you’re… okay with it?” Amanda laughs and hugs you. “Of course I am! Not just because I’ve always wanted to be the big sister, but also because it means you won’t be alone when I’m not here.” Shaking your head fondly, you wrap your arms around your daughter and hug her back.
- Mod Mare
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