#Lug and Sano
chloeesstuff-blog · 1 year
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slashersthehorror · 5 months
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Hugging is like medicine, it gives us hope': friends and lovers
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tenjiiku · 2 years
rapture / autumn
it's been ten years since you left. he still falls for you the same way he did when he was 17.
manjiro sano x fem reader
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You first receive news of Emma Sano’s passing in early August. She was 30 and living in Sendai with her husband. You, 29, living alone in New York City paying $1200 in rent for an apartment located directly beside the building’s compactor shaft. Coincidentally it was also the month your fiancé had broken off your engagement — ostensibly due to maternal coercion — but it had given you a reason to return to Tokyo.
It was quite hysterical given that the catalyst of your leaving was your mother’s death. One word of someone expiring from your life, and you would take it upon yourself to run before they could catch their train.
You laugh about it now after three drinks. 
However, you were getting too old and growing much too hungry for that. So you had talked to your landlord, lugged all of your furniture and nonsensical appliances to a local thrift store, and booked a flight for Osaka, Japan for the end of September. The change in location had shocked you just as much as it did a month prior. 
For how you came to know of what had become of your childhood confidante was through her brother — your first tormentor and kiss — Manjiro Sano.
The year was 2006.
Mikey Sano — government name, Manjiro — had always been, simply, there, for the better part of your adolescence. You hadn’t harped in his life and he hadn’t given much care to your existence. You never quite found the need to, his friends were very intimidating and you were much too small and shy back then. He would poke fun at you whenever you came over — latched to Emma’s hip as a typical junior would be — and you would wobble your lip pretending it did not bother you. That arrangement you’d developed had been sustained into the better half of junior high school.
Until, apparently, you had gotten prettier. And, in your judgement, he had begun looking quite handsome himself.
Puberty was a weapon if left disregarded. He started calling you ‘Ume’ a week ago. You do not think you have eaten a single plum in your life.
Avoiding him only grew more of an intricate task as you grew older. Whilst cooties were the perfect scapegoat in elementary school — you could have sworn the moment he suddenly became taller than you, they vanished into thin air. You took the long route home with Emma to steer clear of running into him and his friends on the bus (though she always tried to get you to mingle with them, bless her). Sometimes you stay at school longer — as you are on this particular day. Mr. Nakamoto was a kind man and offered you his classroom until 5:00pm when the girl’s volleyball team, Emma included, were finished with practice. 
You found a quiet sanctuary in the barren rooms and halls of your high-school. Free of any distractions. You were a fool to think Manjiro would not intrude on that sooner or later. 
The door swings open by the kick of someone’s foot. You bite the inside of your cheek, refusing to look up.
You do not flinch when a hand comes barreling down on your desk, palm first, making a resounding ‘thump’ sound as it comes into contact with the wood. Your book jumps a little at the tremor but you continue solving your vector maths problem. 
His voice is nasally and purposefully high-pitched when he asks, "Where's Emma?"
You lift your head up, unable to think of a solution given his overwhelmingly insistent presence. His lips twitch into a smirk -- you are sure it is because your face is most definitely painted in disdain and annoyance. 
You look back down and flip to a new page.
"Volleyball club practice."
"What're you doin'?"
He clicks his tongue, which wants to make you roll your eyes. You do not. Though, you do sweat.
"You're a bit of a loser ain'tcha? Have no other friends than my sister?” He asks, tone sardonic and mocking. You feel embarrassed, and an uncomfortable feeling brews in your upper ribcage. You try not to choke.
"I do," you explain rather seriously, “But Emma-san and I are going to walk home.”
"Relax, just joking."
You furrow your brows and your lips fall into a thin line. Asshole. You try not to make it noticeable but he is infuriating and notices anyways.  
He pulls out the chair of the desk in front of you and sits on it backwards, arms perched on the back, “Come on, you're seriously upset?" 
You do not answer. 
"Ume, come on,” Manjiro whines irritatingly, "Emma'll give me an earful if she finds out I pissed you off."
You do not answer. He grumbles. He takes the extra pen sitting on your table and clicks it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again -- 
"Why're you even here?"
and it stops.
"Hm." He sets it back down on your desk. You wait a few moments before snatching it and placing it in your pencil case. You decide to put it in your backpack and pack your other materials save for your textbook. You will read for the remaining 30 minutes, you resolve. 
It is within those 30 minutes you realise Manjiro Sano is much more unnerving when he is quiet and docile. Because you understand that much like an undomesticated animal the absence of noise only means one thing; you are the victim. He sits there and stares at you, letting out the occasional yawn. Whenever you think he is not looking at you and let your eyes wander, they meet his and return to reading about Euclidean spaces. You wish to teleport to one. 
At 5:01pm you stand up, arousing him from his sedated state. He grunts a little. An inquiry appears in your head and you simply remain standing, staring down at the wood of your desk. Manjiro, sensing your reluctance, sighs.
You open and close your mouth. Sweat runs down your back and your uniform sticks to your skin dismally. Fucking whatever. 
"Is Keisuke-san home today?"
His brows furrow. Oh no.
“Why're you askin'?"
"Well, 'cause I know his mom's gone to Yokohama for a weekend business trip," You ramble at an attempt of salvaging a reasonable explanation, "Mama's gonna make me send dinner, so--"
"Why're ya askin' me? I'm not his watchdog."
"Oh," you knit your hands together, "okay."
You think that ends your conversation. When you peer at him through your peripheral vision he is not staring back -- the first time since the hour he had been here. You hastily zip up your backpack after placing your textbook inside and position it onto your shoulders. You squint a little at the feeling of your sweaty back only being compressed by the heavy weight but do not make a sound. 
Your phone rings. You jump at the tone and Manjiro finally looks at you again. Your chest tightens -- you wish he would leave. 
You walk towards the window, taking your flip phone out from your pocket. You want to answer it but you sense a presence nearing behind you. And when you turn, your eyes widen at how close Manjiro suddenly is. You place your hands on the ledge, phone blaring a default ring. Your heart is pummelling. He is pretty.
"Y/n," his voice is the softest you have ever heard it. 
He touches you gently, as if he was afraid he’d break you. Which was a valid point of dread given his age — his very being — being a contingent part of difference between you both. And despite it, his hand is so soft against your plump cheek. There is a hint of possessiveness to it that makes your heart wrench against your ribcage. You feel scared, and yet you want him to continue. A part of you feels as though an elaborate scheme is being played right in front of your eyes — why is he looking at you so softly, so gently, so lovingly? — you need to run. You need to hide.
But it was 2006 in the Springtime, and you were 15, and he was 17.
“Y/n…” he murmurs your name again like a secret, as if sensing your trepidation. It is not entirely hard to do so, but his perception still sets your chest aflame.
“Yes?” you whisper in response.
He leans in closer, his nose brushing against yours. Your phone ringing ceases, going to a voicemail. You begin to back against the windowsill, the curtain behind you fluttering open as if to shield you both. It hides you both from the open classroom door and he hides you, himself.
All you see is him.
Your love affair had not even been given a label then. And it is now simply buried in the catacombs of your brain, labelled, ‘Had my first kiss in Mr. Nakamoto’s Linear Algebra Class. Mother is going to kill me. His tongue tasted of chocolate and I was a bit scared. It was nice, despite.’
But you were no longer children.
The air in Osaka is frigid and unwelcoming. It snips at your skin like an uncomfortable denim. You are wearing your light blue coat, naively believing it would suffice. You should have prepared your black Winter jacket.
Your phone rings. You answer it already knowing who would be on the line. I am at Passenger Pickup Area C, it says. You reply, alright, I will be there in 3 minutes. He hangs up without a goodbye.
You trudge your way from B to C, hand-carry and checked luggage unsophisticatedly being dragged behind you. You do not exactly know how the first car your eyes land on, coincidentally, belongs to him. Moreover, you do not understand how the second you do, he is already watching you, and getting out of his car. He is taller than he was at 21, and has grown into his features. The second thing you notice is that his hair is no longer blond -- it is a dark noir. It is, however, still quite long. 
You make rigid conversation as he takes your luggage and loads it into his van. 
“How are you?” he starts.
“Good, good. You?”
“Did you have a hard time finding your luggage?”
“No, a man helped me pull it from the carousel.”
“Hm, hm.”
He does not continue to converse after that. An enigma, considering he had gone through quite an aforementioned trouble to receive your contact information. You stare out the window, an odd barrier drawn between you both. You hadn’t an idea how to get over it and your mind was fogged from the jet lag, so you were not about to begin. 
His voice sounded much more baritone over the telephone, you ponder.
“Hello, who is this?”
“L/n Y/n?”
“Who is this?”
“Sano Manjiro.”
“Emma. She’s—”
That was over a month ago. 
Your eyelids begin to feel heavy. You force yourself to open your eyes, it is dark out. Gazing down at your wrist-watch you grimace when you realise it is 2am. 
He speaks again at 2:13. 
“I’m not sure if you’d wanna visit Aoyama tomorrow or the day after. They’re closed on Sundays, so any time after s’fine. Just tell me, and I’ll be ready.”
You rub your eyes. thinking for a few seconds, before answering, “Tomorrow is fine, if it is alright with you.”
He falls silent. You wonder if you have told him your hotel address. You think you did over the many back and forth messages and phone calls and various other online arrangements. But, you discreetly let him remember. 
“I’ll meet you at your home from the hotel,” You mindlessly mumble.
You become fully awake at the sound of his bewilderment. 
“I’m staying at—.”
“You don’t wanna stay at mine’s?”
He asks that with such childish gullibility it surprises you. Even in your youth he has never displayed such unrestraint. It makes you grasp the fact that you really do not know him anymore. You did not know his sister, at least at a fundamental level as you used to. Aside from the occasional birthday, holiday or Instagram story-related text messages you would send each other once a month -- you did not know who Emma had become. You did not stay behind until 5:00 anymore. 
“I— I don’t wanna impose—” you begin, bashful, which is your first mistake.
“Ume,” he grumbles, rubbing a hand over his face to keep himself awake,  “Shuddap.”
You frown a little. Ten years and he still hasn’t let go of the damned nickname.
But you listen, and do not squabble any further.
The first time you visit her grave, it is cold. The orchids she'd wished to plant near her cemetery have long since wilted and died.
Manjiro prepares your futon at night, and in the morning you return it to him, folded and kept. He never offered you his bed, which to anyone else would be considered quite impertinent, but because it is Manjiro you do not bat an eye. You prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner because the first time he attempted he burnt your toast and scrambled your omelette. The arrangement you have is stiff and by no means regular, at least not how it was — how it used to be — many moons ago.
You rarely — if ever — share any words. Most of what you want to say has been forgotten with her.
The second time you make the trip is more familiar. Unfastened and expected. You believe that is why both of you finally manage to share words other than the occasional hi and hello, followed by heated gazes. You also highly believe this newfound familiarity blossomed due to the many cans of beers ingested by each party at a bar near the train station to Takatsuki. Violent rain falls outside, daring to break the windows but it never quite does. You chuckle into the glass you had poured your beer and soju in and dismiss Manjiro’s look of utter dubiety. Some sports game plays on the television set that both of you treat as white noise. The golden-yellow coloured lighting of the pub makes you feel more intoxicated than you are.
It is only when your beer can is half empty, the heat in your head becomes too much, and some Kashima Antlers fans become too rowdy in the corner of the bar — is when you bite.
“I’m not really sure why,” you pause, “Emma and I drifted apart.”
Manjiro finishes pouring his drink, but does not make another move other than to set his can down.
“I think a part of me was too— I’m not sure. Embarrassed? Thinking of telling her how lonely I really was.”
You stare down into your cup, “I -- I don’t know.” Your throat burns, “I was scared of how hard it was.”
Messaging was not your strong suit. You could never get your point across. The distance added with this facet only furthered the gap between you two. Friendships were not hard to find, but nurturing them required strength and hard-work — neither of which you possessed at 23, at 26 nor at 29.
“Was it supposed to always be this hard?” You rhetorically ask, not expecting an answer. He gives you an answer regardless.
“No,” Manjiro states. He sips his drink and hiccups, before adding “Women are weird.”
You laugh, “You have a way with words. Has anyone ever told you that?”
Manjiro tilts his head towards where you slouch.
“You overthink about everything.” He says it so matter-of-factly it makes you roll your eyes. And, you actually do. This time, you are on an even playing field.
“Not all women. Only me.”
“Then,” he takes your can of beer from your hands before you pour yourself another drink and you do not stop him, “you’re weird.” 
You huff and frown, but ultimately mumble, “I’ve realised that.”
Both of you turn to the window to watch the rain for a few minutes. You do not look at him when you admit,
“Sometimes, I wished I didn’t have this… fear inside of me. I could have gone far without it.” 
“Yeah maybe,” Manjiro murmurs agreeably so, aimlessly staring out the window. You scoff and finish your glass.
When you finish, however, his gaze is set on you. It has been a very long time since then, yet the familiar heat in your cheeks flows to your head. His own are tinted a light crimson, dark-coloured locks falling down across his cheekbones.
“But, it’s nice here, isn’t it?” He asks. You look out the window and catch a train pass. You huff, lips twitching into a smile. It is 9:20pm in Osaka when it begins to snow.
“Yes, it is.”
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berberanews · 2 years
WHO oo ka digtay khatar caafimaad oo Afrika wajahayso
WHO oo ka digtay khatar caafimaad oo Afrika wajahayso
Afrika-(Berberanews)-Hay’adda caafimaadka adduunka ee WHO ayaa ka digaysa in Afrika ay wajaheyso khatarta sii kordheysa ee cudurrada ka dillaaca xoolaha iyo dadka. Waxay sheegtay in faafitaannada zoonotic-ka ay kordheen in ka badan 60% tobankii sano ee la soo dhaafay iyada oo koror ballaaran la duubay tan iyo 2019. Kiisaska intooda badan waxay ku lug lahaayeen fayraska Ebola, cudurrada kale ee…
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hakuoki-dreams · 5 years
Hello, how are you? I think your blog is amazing and the dedication you put in each ask is lovely. Could I ask baka trio headcanons when their crush flirt with them in joke? I hope you've a nice day!
Oh wow thank you!! I’m great, how are you anon? This prompt is so adorable omg 😭 I’m getting back into writing fics after a long hiatus and honestly having requests to answer is very helpful because I need a lot of practice writing the Hakuouki crew. So thank you for sending this!
With these I’m assuming it’s a reciprocated crush, or that there’s at least some level of interest on both sides. (These also turned into another set of f/m headcanons–I’ll try to keep things more inclusive in the future!) Get ready for a text wall let’s gooooo
You would totally knock him off his game!
Shin is definitely no stranger to women thanks to the red-light district. In front of you he always insists that he just goes to have a few drinks and let off some steam after a long day, but he’s also spent a good amount of time flirting with and being flirted at by geisha and oiran. It’s the sort of female attention he’s comfortable with, because there’s this mutual understanding on both sides that it’s all a pleasant business interaction.
But you’re a different story. Flirting coming from you just feels…weird. You’re his friend.
If he’s honest with himself, he’s started having some feelings for you that go deeper than friendship. But that’s not a reality he’s not remotely ready to confront, because he’s not sure you feel the same way about him.
Because shit, what if you’re not even trying to flirt with him at all? As far as he knows you haven’t had a really serious relationship before. Maybe you don’t realize what you’re doing. Maybe you don’t know how a guy takes it when a girl teases him for showing off his (albeit very nice) muscles, or accidentally brushes arms with him too often, or laughs at even his dumbest jokes. Maybe it’s all just your way of kidding around with a guy you only see as a friend. It sends his mind traveling around in circles. Shin has trouble thinking straight with you.
In the beginning it all started as good fun between two friends. From day one Shinpachi was someone you just felt comfortable around. He was honest, he spoke his mind, and he didn’t really have a filter with you. It was refreshing; the other men seemed to watch what they said around you a bit because you were a girl. Not Shin.
This did cause some awkward moments at first. You’d notice him double-taking at a pretty face walking past, then he’d realize you caught him and feel compelled to apologize to you for some reason, and you couldn’t help laughing at the sheepish way he scrubbed at his hair when he got embarrassed.
After a couple repetitions of this he finally started loosening up–it even became a type of I-Spy game you’d play together during walks through the city.
‘Ooh…cute maiko coming up on the right…’ You tip him off. Watching the sly way he glanced the girl over was like witnessing a master practice his finest craft. He shrugged a shoulder. ‘Eh, bit thin.’
The first time you responded in kind about a handsome young samurai, you’d think you shattered his entire world to pieces. ‘What? What’s with the face? Girls notice too, you know.’
He’s still staring at the man warily, as if he was a sudden threat. ‘I guess.’
‘Though he is a bit thin…’ You repeat his words without thinking. For a second you both catch each other’s eye, then break away in awkward laughter, the mood between you suddenly shy.
Day by day something shifts in the way he acts around you. Where at first he had no qualms giving back a brash retort when you teased him about his taste in women, now he seems especially chagrined by it. There’s something so gratifying about seeing him ruffle at your playful prodding, this big lug of a guy who used to share all kinds of details about his preferences for everything from women’s hair color to their shoe size.
It’s a little bit…no, it’s very adorable. You find yourself drawn to him more and more because of those moments, and for some unknown reason it makes you want to find small excuses to touch him. You prod him with an elbow, or give him little knocks with your shoulder, trying to let him know that it’s all in good fun.
Eventually Shinpachi will reach a breaking point with you. He’ll realize his fear of misunderstanding your relationship has been eclipsed by the need to know just what the hell is going on between you two, and why you keep picking on him in a way he doesn’t feel equipped to deal with anymore.
‘Come on, Shin…you can tell me! Who’s your type, anyway? I know you how much you love Kyoto women, but there’s so many kinds to choose from. Is it short girls? Tall girls? Blonde girls? What type do you really–’
He wheels around on you. ‘You, okay?!’
You blink up at him, suddenly feeling very small faced with his broad frame. ‘…Me what?’
‘My type is someone like you, all right? It’s you. You’re my type.’
There’s a tinge of pink across his cheeks, but he’s looking down at you with a pure and serious determination that makes your insides feel very warm.
To be honest Sano never thought he could have a thing for such a spirited woman. He tends to go for the sweet type, so realizing he has feelings for a woman who acts so playful around him would be kind of a new experience.
The truth is he’s very direct and open about his emotions. If he’s crushing on you, you’re going to know, and he’s not going to feel an ounce of embarrassment about something so natural as caring for someone. The fact that you’re actually flirting back without hesitation will be unexpected, even if for you it’s a bit of a smokescreen. It flips the script on him.
Inside? He makes you very nervous. Maybe even terrified. He’s just so full of confidence all the time, about everything. He says and does things that knock the wind straight out of you–like telling you that you look pretty when you laugh, or reaching over to calmly brush a stray leaf out of your hair with that warm smile. You realize you can either melt into an incoherent puddle every time he’s around, or you can find a defense mechanism, fast.
So you start evading the intensity of his attention with humor. It’s supposed to lighten things up between you, maybe keep him at a bit of a distance, but it soon becomes clear your plan is rapidly backfiring on both of you.
When you deflect his serious attempts to get to know you better with a coy joke, instead of putting distance between you, it only seems to draw him closer. His tawny eyes linger on your face, seeking to read your true feelings there.
‘You sure you’re okay?’ He’s looking down at you with that expression of kind concern, you can hear it in his voice, but you know better than to meet his eye.
‘Oh of course, Captain Harada! You know me–’ You make a big production of shifting the stacks of papers in your arms, trying to distract from the loud thump of your heartbeat. What if he’s close enough to hear it too… ‘The chief’s busy applying for new headquarters, and I’m his right-hand girl, so I can’t take it easy can I? But how sweet of you to worry.’ You cast him your brightest, most impish smile, still not quite looking him in the eye.
‘Hmm.’ His response is thoroughly unconvinced. ‘I do worry. You can’t keep working so hard all the time, you know? You’re going to get sick if you overwork yourself.’ And before you can do anything to stop it, he’s placed his cool palm against the skin of your forehead.
‘Ah, thought so. You’re warm. Probably got a fever…your face is all pink.’
‘N-no!’ It comes out more of a yelp than you intended. ‘No, I’m sure it’s just the weather–Kyoto summers are much hotter than I’m used to–’ You manage to twist away from his contact. ‘Besides, you shouldn’t go around putting your hands all over a girl’s face. You’ll give her the wrong idea.’
He’s thoroughly amused by you. ‘Oh? Like what?’
‘Come on, you know what I mean…’ Somehow you manage a breezy laugh. And then you high-tail it away from him with a string of excuses about your work, feeling his gaze on your back all the way, clinging to your crumbling facade until you’re at least out of his sight.
His persistence only makes it harder to keep putting him off. You can’t help being attracted by everything you learn about him; from his kindness toward women and children, to his bravery as a captain, to the look on his face when he’s listening to you talk about your day. It makes a sharp ache rise in your chest. You’re starting to panic.
Because you’re not supposed to fall for this guy–he’s a soldier, a man who stakes his life every day on his honor and his duty to his chief and the shogunate. Falling for someone like him could be disastrous. You have to stay aloof. And whatever you do, he cannot know that you’re starting to fall for him in spite of yourself.
But Sano is Sano, and he’s rapidly figuring out what’s going on here. It’s a strange kind of summer weather indeed that only seems to affect your face when you’re near him…
Very gently at first, he starts to test the waters. In a way he can’t help being impressed with your dedication. Even in moments when he turns up the charm in an attempt to catch you off-guard, to levels that have won over many women in his past, you somehow manage to respond with your own slew of defenses. It becomes a kind of sparring match between you two; each one equally determined to emerge from the fray on top. He’s only more attracted to you because of it.
And you–you start to realize that you never stood a chance against him in the first place, not under the full weight of the Harada charisma. He’s rapidly disarming you.
‘Hey, did you hear what I said?’ His voice calls you out of your daze. With a jolt, you realize you’d been staring at his mouth as his words went in one ear and out the other.
‘Oh! I’m sorry, Harada. I think I must be…tired or something.’ Had he been standing this close to you the whole time? He’s so tall that you have to angle your head back to meet his eyes. Something in his face is very serious tonight; it makes you feel like you’re rooted to the floor in front of him.
He feels it, too. His body bends slightly in your direction. ‘Listen. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while…but I’d like to know it’s something you want, too.’
Oh? Oh. Oh no. A string of disconnected retorts pass through your brain, none of them gaining traction. You can feel the warmth from his body as he leans dangerously closer.
There’s a pause, like a question hanging between you both. His eyes are soft as they read your expression. Unbidden, you feel your chin tip upward toward him. He meets you in the middle…and then his lips are on yours and his arms draw you in to press against his chest and you find your hands seeking his shoulders.
It all only lasts for a moment. He’s first to break away, and you could swear now that his eyes are laughing at you. ‘No comeback?’
‘Give me a minute.’ You’re already rising on tip-toe, ready to wipe away that smile. ‘I’ll think of something…’
You are laughing at him and honestly he is offended!
Not really, truly offended. You two have been friends since day one, because after all, this is Heisuke we’re talking about. The guy could make friends with a houseplant.
He’s offended in the way he gets pissed at Nagakura and Harada for their good-natured teasing–lots of ‘hey, quit!’s and rambunctious play-fighting–only now it’s with you, this young woman his age who still teases and openly pokes fun at him. He’s never met a girl like you before. He doesn’t know how he’s allowed to respond. It’s alarming, quite frankly.
For a long time he’s torn back and forth between annoyance and attraction toward you. You do little things that get under his skin, especially ragging on him about his size. Heisuke’s taller than you, but not by much; a fact that you’ve innocently brought to his attention more than once. He reminds you at one point that he could still beat you up with both hands behind his back, a remark that’s unfortunately overheard by Nagakura and earns him a slap to the back of the head for being such a ‘fucking idiot talking that way to a lady.’ You only laugh a little bit.
But it’s not always a catfight between you two. He almost wishes it was; that would make this all much easier to figure out. It only makes him more confused when your mood suddenly turns softer or sweeter toward him. There are moments when he catches you watching him at dinner, though you quickly look down when he catches your eye, your expression almost shy. You can be surprisingly easy to talk to, on the nights when it’s just the two of you sitting out on the porch in the breeze.
Heisuke finds himself looking forward to those moments with you, particularly after the memorable night when you dozed off against his shoulder. You’d grown very quiet beside him, when out of nowhere he felt a light pressure and looked down to find your head pressed on his arm, your lashes two dark crescents across your cheeks, breathing through slightly parted lips. He sat frozen still until long after the feeling left his legs.
Pretty soon Heisuke’s frustration about it all will boil over and he’ll need to pay a visit to Harada-Sensei for lady advice. Harada will listen in bemused silence as Heisuke rambles out his thoughts, pacing circles around the floor.
‘…and sometimes she’s just…she’s so cute, it’s stupid! How do I tell her that when she treats me like her brother? Maybe I should just give up, I don’t think she even sees me as a man sometimes. And she always knows just what to say to make me embarrassed! Damn it–’
‘Sit down,’ Harada will sigh, ‘You’ve got this all wrong…’
Dejected, Heisuke will slump down in a sad pile of boy and wait for Harada’s words of wisdom.
‘Didn’t you ever throw rocks at a girl when you were little, because you thought she was pretty and you didn’t know how to tell her? She’s doing the same thing to you, kid.’
‘What are you saying? You mean she…likes me? But you guys see how she always makes fun of me–plus she calls me short all the time and you said–!”
‘So what? She’s short too, dummy! How about that! Why don’t you stop whining and grow a pair and go get her if you like her so much?’
Heisuke will leave thoroughly chastised, but full of new energy at this startling idea that maybe…maybe he’s been a gigantic blind idiot this whole time…maybe all those moments he thought you were making fun of him, you were just as stiff and clueless as he felt inside. He finds you out in the courtyard, thankfully alone. Best if no one else is here to see this.
His expression catches you by surprise. ‘Heisuke, what’s wro–’ Two hands come down on both your shoulders, gripping you firmly in place. He’s stronger than he looks!
‘Look.’ His eyes are clear and determined. ‘I like you, okay? And I think you like me too, because you keep throwing rocks at me and stuff–’
‘Rocks? What are you–’ So much is happening at once; your chest is pounding.
‘Forget it, doesn’t matter now, just listen. I think I figured out why you give me so much crap and tease me all the time. You don’t have to say it out loud if you’re not ready, but I still want to tell you all the same. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met, and I think you’re cute even when you’re being annoying and trying to pick fights with me, and I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time actually. Oh!’ he remembers something. ‘And you’re really short.’
‘You–!’ Your protest is cut short by his lips on yours, an awkward and sudden kiss that somehow leaves you short of breath all the same. When he pulls away, he’s glowing with a pure happiness that you just don’t have the heart to resist. You melt closer into him. ‘I think…I think you’re cute too, Heisuke.’
His beaming face falls a bit. ‘You shouldn’t really call a guy cu–’
‘Oh shut up, I like you back, just kiss me again–’
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Shin x Etsu. (Give me the floof!) “What’s wrong with my shirt?”
Slightly tweaked the prompt, but it counts, yes? I love writing them in Edo era…
“Ah, Chizuru-chan!”
Chizuru turned, momentarily pausing her sweeping. “Etsu-chan! What a surprise!”
Etsu grinned, stepping over to her, holding up a large bento. “I had the evening off from the restaurant, so I thought I’d come by with some odango! It’s freshly made!”
Chizuru giggled, knowing exactly why her friend had come here. She knew it was supposed to be a bit of a secret, but she was sure that everyone in the Shinsengumi knew about the relationship she had Nagakura-san…the man did not know how to hide the fact that he was in love. “That’s so nice of you! I’m sorry I can’t entertain you. I’ve got more chores to do.”
Etsu shrugged. “I’ll join you..or is Shin here?”
“He and Harada-san are out on patrol right now, and they’ll be back later.” She giggled quietly when she saw Etsu’s face drop in slight disappointment.
“Then I will help you, Chizuru-chan! What do you need help with?”
Etsu struggled to hang up the large futon, and it fell on top of her. As she struggled to pull it off of her, she fell tripped over a bucket and landed in a tub of water. She shrieked and managed to pull the futon off her face. Groaning and whining, she picked herself up and looked down at her drenched light blue yukata. Now what was she supposed to do?
She turned her head and gave him a sheepish smile. “Heisuke-kun…you’ve caught me at a great time…”
The Eight Division Captain let out a small laugh and hopped down from the engawa to help her up to her feet. “Here, let me help you, I bet this futon is Sano-san’s.”
Etsu sighed and stepped out of the tub, wringing her sleeves out. “What should I do…?”
Heisuke lugged the futon up on the clotheslines and looked back at her. “Oh geez, you’re soaked…You’ll catch a cold if you stay in that yukata.” He placed his hands on his hips and took a moment to think. “I guess you can borrow one of mine, Etsu. It should fit you, I’m just a bit taller than you.”
“I suppose that could work…Chizuru-chan is so much smaller than me.” She giggled and followed after Heisuke down the hall. “Thank you so much, Heisuke-kun.”
Heisuke rummaged through his drawers until he pulled out a yellow yukata, one he rarely wore and only for festivals. It was rare for him to even go, so he wouldn’t miss it. He handed it to her and left the room, standing outside, waiting for her to finish.
She stepped outside and sighed, hanging up her Yukata. Maybe it’ll dry by the time she had to go home.
“Jya, let me help you with the rest of the futons. I don’t know how Chizuru does it.” Heisuke chuckled and held his hand out for her to step down the engawa.
“Captain! Are you joining us tonight?”
Shinpachi stretched his arms over his head, shrugging out out of his light blue haori. “Nah, not tonight.”
“Remember, Captain’s got a friend at that dango restaurant.” His subordinates chuckled among themselves, knowing that he was trying to keep it all a secret, but his blissful sighs every time they passed a certain restaurant were giving him away.
Shimada chuckled warmly and whispered quietly. “Nagakura-taichō, I think they’re onto you.”
Shinpachi coughed into his fist. “Well, you boys have fun! I’m going to spend a quiet evening at HQ!” He waved and strolled into the grounds, excited to make his way to his favorite restaurant for dinner. Not that he didn’t like Chizuru-chan’s cooking, but recently, he made any excuse to go see Etsu at her family’s restaurant.
“Etsu!” His blue eyes widened and sparkled with happiness when he saw her sitting on the engawa next to Heisuke.
“Shin!” She immediately stood up and ran over to him, tripping over her sandal, right into his strong arms.
He cupped her cheeks and leaned his forehead against hers, grinning. “I was about to go see you! What are you doing here?”
Her cheeks warmed at his affection and she placed her hands on his arms as she looked into his captivating blue eyes. “I came to see you…”
Shinpachi’s hand found hers and he gave it a gentle squeeze. “Stay for dinner?”
“I’d love to!”
They walked hand in hand after noticing that Heisuke had taken his leave and took their time making their way. Shinpachi let his eyes trail over her, but paused when he noticed the yellow yukata. It was Heisuke’s.
“Uh, Dumpling…” When he stopped walking, Etsu looked over at him with curious light brown eyes.
“Shin? What is it?”
Hesitating, he released her hand and picked up the sleeve of the yukata. His mouth moved, but no questions came out of it.
“Is there something wrong with my yukata?”
“It’s not yours.” Shinpachi blurted. “It’s Heisuke’s, isn’t it?”
Etsu giggled, finally realizing what he was getting at. He was jealous because she was wearing another man’s clothes. Though, Heisuke was more like a brother figure to her. He was a nice boy, but there were definitely no romantic feelings towards each other. “It is.” She gave him an amused smile, wondering what else he’d say.
“So…uh…why are you wearing it?” Shinpachi’s lips formed a pout and he rubbed the back of his neck, a bit nervous about her answer.
“Shin~,” She tip-toed, cupping his cheeks, turning his head gently to look into her eyes. “My yukata got wet while I was helping Chizuru with some laundry. Heisuke-kun lent me his and helped me with the laundry.” She kissed his nose and smiled at him. “Unless you wanted me to catch a cold…”
“No! Of course not, Dumpling! So, that’s it?” Relief flooded into his eyes and he kissed her forehead.
“Mhm, that’s it.”
He took her hand in his and they made their way to common room where they found the rest of the superior officers there. Etsu immediately went to help Chizuru and Gen-san bring in dinner.
Once everyone had food in front of them, Etsu made her way next to Shinpachi. After a while of amicable chatting with Sano-san and Heisuke-kun, she finally noticed a sharp, jade green-eyed gaze on her. Shifting uncomfortably, she looked over at the source where Okita Souji merely gave her a smirk. She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in question, wondering why he was looking at her.
Everyone’s attention shifted to the First Division Captain.
“O-Okita-kun?” Etsu exchanged puzzled glances with her Honey Bear before looking back at him.
“Is there a particular reason why you’re wearing Heisuke-kun’s yukata?”
The room was stunned into silence until Heisuke’s protest filled it. “Souji! Her clothes got wet, so lent it to her!”
“Hmm~, wet, Heisuke-kun?”
Etsu rolled her eyes, letting out a small scoff. She’d known Okita Souji long enough to know what he was trying to do. “Okita-kun, whatever you’re doing, it’s not working. Besides, I’ve finished my meal. Thank you for the meal!” She picked up her dishes to take them to the kitchen and Shinpachi followed after her. In the past, a comment like that would’ve flustered her to no end and she’d wind up looking guilty for no reason. Sighing, she set her dishes down after Chizuru had followed the couple and insisted they leave them there since Souji and Heisuke were washing dishes tonight.
They walked in a comfortable silence, enjoying the warmth of each other’s hand as they made their way back to Shinpachi’s room.
Etsu lit a lantern and she squealed when she felt his strong arms wrap around her. He buried his face into the side of her neck and kissed it lightly. “Sh-Shin?” She placed her hands on his and flushed a bright red.
“…C-can I get you out of this yukata, Etsu?”
Pleasant shivers coursed through her, hearing his whisper in her ear. “Th-then what would I wear?”
Shinpachi slipped the yukata down her shoulders and slowly trailed kisses down them. “Your yukata will be dry by the time you have to leave…”
Etsu bit her lip and felt her face redden even more. He was being so…enticing. Didn’t seem like she’d make it home tonight. Well…Her Aunt did joke about her staying out… “Y-you’re really jealous, aren’t you? That I’m wearing Heisuke-kun’s yukata?”
“I’m buying you several yukatas and keeping them here.” He growled as he unraveled her obi. “That way you’ll have one to wear if you ever need one.” Shinpachi slipped his hands inside the yukata, tracing her curves as she helplessly melted into his touch.
“Mmm, sounds like a deal, Shin…” She turned in his embrace and sealed the deal with a kiss.
Tagging: @resshiiram​ @hakuouki-or-hakuoki​  @sabinasanfanfic​ @flower-dragon​ @lescahiersdesable​ @221bbakerstreetirregular​ @meredith-stannards​ @hidetheremote​ @hakuyamazakisensei​ @shell-senji​
Let me know if you want on or off the list!
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daniela--anna · 4 years
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La sofferenza del presente
si sovrappone alla gioia della speranza,
ma essa latente
non smette mai di consolare.
©Daniela Codenotti
✓Nonostante la fede e un modo di vivere sano, molti di noi non sono esenti da problemi, dispiaceri e preoccupazioni.
Anche disturbi emotivi come ansia, depressione, ecc. sono una piaga sociale del nostro secolo, che rende difficile la vita di ogni giorno.
Ecco che insieme ad una buona assistenza medica, anche il ricordare continuamente che non siamo soli può essere di grande aiuto.
✓Abbiamo un Dio misericordioso e tenero in affetto,che come un Padre amorevole tramite la sua Parola ci conforta sempre, e ci impartisce il coraggio necessario e al momento giusto, proprio quel tanto che basta,che un giorno dopo l'altro ci permetterà di arrivare alla meta del Nuovo Mondo ormai imminente!
"Quando i miei inquietanti pensieri divennero molti dentro di me,le tue proprie consolazioni vezzeggiavano la mia anima."
(Salmo 94:19) jw.org
Per un approfondimento leggere l'articolo
"Si smetterà mai di soffrire?" all'interno della rivista Svegliatevi! N.2 dell'anno 2020
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reviewsv · 5 years
Top 10 Best Comfortable Men’s Trail Running Shoes or Road Runner Sports
What is a Trail Running Shoe?
These are shoes that are used to run in paths that are long enough for instance in the neighborhood’s and other places that you can use to run for long distances.
What Are The Different Types of Trail Running Shoes?
There exist diverse training shoes, for instance, starting from FILA to Asics as shown below.
What is the advantage of Running Shoes?
They hold your feet in position
They don’t irritate your feet
They enable you to move faster because of their cushioning and the rubber insoles.
They keep your feet safe from stones and anything that might be on the way.
What are the top best brands of Trail Running Shoes?
The following are rated as the best brands of running shoes: FILA, Asics, Saucony, NB, Adidas, Merrel, Salomon, Nike, and Mizuno.
Guide to Choosing Best Comfortable Trail Running Shoes
Go for a shoe that fits you well without leaving any space.
The shoes that you want must have an insole that will ensure that you have comfortability.
They should also be lightweight.
Best Men`s Running Shoes on the Markets Today
If you are looking for the best running shoes, then I propose that you choose the one that we have below:-
10. Fila Men’s AT Tractile Running Shoe
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Born of the city and its traditions, Fila is inexorably derived from Biella’s dedication to artistry, luxury and elegance. This is our birthright, it’s in our soul, and it defines our future. That is why we continue to enrich the athletic experience by improving comfort and performance with Italian design, quality craftsmanship and refined materials.
09. Saucony Men’s Cohesion Trail Running Shoe
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This is a shoe that has been made with a breathable mesh and synthetic upper materials. It has an external heel counter that aids in stabilizing the heel. Reflective hits for added visibility in low lighting. Plush tongue and collar are there to make sure that comfort is on your side all the time. It has been fitted with a breathable fabric lining for a great in-shoe feel.
08. ASICS Men’s Running Shoe
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The name ASICS is a famous Latin phrase “Anima Sana in Corpore Sano,” which, when translated, expresses the ancient ideal of “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body.” So when we take the acronym of this phrase, ASICS was founded on the belief that the best way to create a healthy and happy lifestyle is to promote total health and fitness. So with our shoes, you are bound to enjoy using them maximally.
07. Merrell Men’s Trail Running Shoe
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It naturally eliminates sweat and its odor causing bacteria with reactive, friendly microbes. It has been designed with creative lug patterns and rubber compounds that provide stability in all conditions, with no lugs places under the arch, so your foot flexes more naturally for greater comfort in both wet and dry conditions.
06. Adidas Performance Men’s Thrasher
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This is an extremely comfortable shoe that provides maximum comfort, stability and the grip you’ll need when hitting the trails all the time. The shoes have been designed for trail running Extremely comfortable. It has a durable ADIWEAR outsole for stability and grip in high-wear areas. It has a breathable air mesh upper for maximum ventilation. It has a Polyester lining that is injected EVA midsole.
05. TF-BK30 Barefoot Shoe
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This is a Zero-drop Barefoot Trail shoe that has a 0mm heel-to-toe that keeps pressure on your foot. It has been fitted with a 2mm-thin midsole that provides a fancy arched footbed and comfortable support. It is ultra-lightweight that makes it easy to wear them for a long time. The shoe moves moisture away from your foot and keeps your foot in a comfortable, dry state.
04. New Balance Men’s Trail Running Shoe
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This is a shoe that combines the comfort that you want with the rugged durability you demand. It has an absorb crash pad that provides impact reduction and the aggressive rubber at tread delivers traction control. With the shoe on your side, you just need to lace it up and begin your next off-road adventure.
03. New Balance Men’s Trail-Running Shoe
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These shoes have been made with a breathable fabric lining for a great in-shoe feel. Through a unique midsole design, the XLT Footbed is there to provide you with a great comfort and flexibility under foot. IMEVA also has a midsole that provides firm, yet flexible cushioning. All-terrain blown rubber outsole offers light cushioning and reliable traction. Imported.
02. Salomon Men’s Trail Running Shoe
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These are shoes that combine a lightweight, anti-debris mesh upper with an aggressively appointed outsole tread for an equal blend of comfort and grip in wet, sloppy trail conditions. The forefoot has been reduced by up to 50 percent; this means that the wearer’s foot is lower to the ground and, therefore, more likely to gain a better purchase, thereby reducing the chances of twisting the ankle.
01. ASICS Men’s GEL Running Shoe
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The name ASICS comes from a Latin phrase “Anima Sana in Corpore Sano,” which expresses the ancient ideal of “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body.” So when we take the acronym of this phrase, ASICS was founded on the belief that the best way to create a healthy and happy lifestyle is to promote total health and fitness. So with our shoes, you are bound to enjoy using them all the time.
Right out of the box the shoe will look just comfortable and provides you with a fantastic support in areas that you feel the need to have the most support. You can’t feel like to break them in at all, with a medium thick wool sock I took them through a 6-mile test run without a hitch. They also double as a great hiking shoe, are way less bulky- that is they have less weight in and means more comfort. For technical runs, the shoes have great traction to hook onto rock, moss, wet surfaces. This too is a huge benefit during the hikes. The zip tie system is a breeze, easy to adjust and you can fold up the excess material and tie up into the top of the shoes tongue, which is nice.
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somalifaces · 7 years
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"In 2008, I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident in Mombasa. The culprit sped away from the scene, and I never saw him again. I immediately lost consciousness, but some amazing passers-by saw me and rushed me to the hospital. I woke up a week later and was in the hospital for many months, mainly recovering. I was a young and active guy before the accident, working and enjoying life and now since I can’t walk on one of my legs, life became extremely hard. The doctors put a metal plate in the affected leg, but it should have been removed ages ago, I just didn’t have the money to remove it. I moved to Nairobi to make some money so I can have the surgery to remove it but life itself became difficult in Nairobi. For fear of begging and having no capital to start a business, a kind Somali perfume seller saw my state. He took pity on me and gave me a box full of fragrances to sell. Here I am, five years later, still selling fragrances. Some say that I’m already struggling to walk, why not just rest and when I tell them to buy my perfumes so I can rest they immediately reply with flimsy excuses of having hayfever or some sort. I tell them that I'm striving hard, please build up my motivation and buy my items. Majority of them then buy it from me even though they will never intend to use it."
(Nairobi, Kenya)
"Sanadkii 2008 ayaa gaari igu jiiray magaalada Mombasa. Gaarigii ijiiray wuu ka baxsaday goobtii shilku ka dhacay, dib danbena looma arag. Waxaa isoo gaaray dhaawac halis ah oon la miyir-doorsoomay, sanaddo badan kadib-na igu keenay in aan  la curyaamo dhawaacii isoo gaadhay. Dad goobta ka dhawaa ayaa isbitaalka iila cararay. Todobaadyo kadib ayaan miyirsaday, isbitaalkana waxaan ku jiray mudo bilo ah. Wixii waqtigaa ka horeeyey, waxaan ahaa nin dhalinyaro ah oo shaqaysta iskana ladan. Dhaawicii kadib, waan naafoobay oo lug ayaa i burburtay, noloshiina weey igu adkaatay. Hada waxaa xanuun igu haya biro lugahayga lagaliyey  wakhtigii shilka kadib, balse dhaafay waqtigii la iga saari lahaa, sababo dhaqaale la’aan awgeed. Nayroobi ayaan soo galay si qarashka qaliinka aan uraadsado, balse waxaaba igu adkaatay nolol-maalmeedkii. Anigoo ka xishoonaya in aan tuugsado, lakiin aan haysan qarash aan wax ku bilaabo, ayaa nin wadaad Soomaali ah oo ka ganacsada cadarada, iidhiibay baakad ay ku jiraan cadaro iguna yiri ka ganacso. 5 sano kadib, wali waxaan la wareegaa oo aan ka ganacsadaa catarada. Dadka qaar ayaa igu yiraahda, war maba socon kartide maad meel iska fadhiisatid. Qaarna markaan ku iraahdo cadarka iga iibsada ayeey cudur-daar ay ka mid yihiin ‘sanboor ayaan qabaa oo cadarka ma isticmaalo’ igu yiraahdaan, markaa ayaan aniguna ugu jawaabaa ‘Nin dadaalayaan ahaye, niyada ii dhis oo wax iga gado'. Inta badan markaa weey iga iibsadaan - xitaa iyagoon isticmaalin."
(Nayrobi, Kenya)
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finddigitalonline · 4 years
The GEL-Venture 5 provides great fit and everyday comfort, with Rearfoot GEL Cushioning and a rugged outsole ideal for a variety of terrains.
In 1949, Mr. Kihachiro Onitsuka began his athletic footwear company (Onitsuka Co., Ltd.) by manufacturing basketball shoes out of his living room in Kobe, Japan. He chose the name ASICS for his company in 1977, based on a famous Latin phrase “Anima Sana In Corpore Sano,” which, when translated, expresses the ancient ideal of “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body.” Taking the acronym of this phrase, ASICS was founded on the belief that the best way to create a healthy and happy lifestyle is to promote total health and fitness. Today, ASICS offers a full line of performance-driven athletic shoes and technical active sports apparel and accessories dedicated to bringing harmony to the body and soul.
100% Synthetic Imported Rubber sole Outdoor-ready runner with mesh and brushstroke-patterned underlays Rearfoot GEL cushioning Removable sockliner accommodates medical orthotics Trail-specific outsole with reversed traction lugs AHAR outsole rubber in critical high-wear areas [amz_corss_sell asin=”B00NUZD2PW”]
ASICS Men’s GEL Venture 5 Running Shoe The GEL-Venture 5 provides great fit and everyday comfort, with Rearfoot GEL Cushioning and a rugged outsole ideal for a variety of terrains.
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chloeesstuff-blog · 1 year
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✨💘✨ Cage & Davie ✨💘✨
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slashersthehorror · 1 year
( YES ) ✨👏😍👏✨ ( YES )
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wartabiye-blog · 5 years
Sababta loogaga kala dareerayo Xukuumada MD Trump
Cali Max'ed Gaaboow ▶ BBC SOMALI NEWS
21 Disembar 2018
Lahaanshaha sawirka GETTY IMAGES
Xog hayaha difaaca ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa warqad is casilaad ah u gudbiyay madaxweyne Donald Trump, wuxuuna ka mid yahay dhowr wasiir iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo shaqada ka tagay intii uu madaxweynaha ahaa Mr Trump.
Madaxweyne Trump ayaa arrintan ku shaaciyay bogiisa Twitter-ka maalintii Khamiista ahayd, isagoo sheegay in Janaraalku uu howlgab noqonayo dabayaaqada bisha Febraayo "isagoo qaddarin gooni ah loo hayo".
Janaraal Mattis ayaa warqaddiisa waxa uu si dahsoon ugu sheegay in sababta uu shaqada uga tagay ay tahay isfaham waa dhinaca nidaamka ah oo soo kala dhex galay isaga iyo Mr Trump.
Tiro ka mid ah senetarada xisbiga madaxweynaha ee Jamhuuriga ayaa walaac ka muujiyay is casilaadda Mattis.
Muxuu Mattis uga tagay Shaqada?
Tallaabada uu qaaday xog hayaha gaashaan dhigga ee Mareykanka ayaa timid maalin ka dib markii uu madaxweynaha Mareykanka uu ku dhawaaqay in ciidammadiisa uu ka soo saarayo dalka Suuriya.
Inkastoo uusan si toos ah arrintaas ula xiriirinin, warqadda iscasilaaddiisa ayuu ku sheegay in madaxweyne Trump uu xaq u leeyahay inuu yeesho xog haye difaac "oo ay isku fikrad noqon karaan".
Mr Mattis iyo Tump ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore waxaa la arkay iyagoo kala aragti duwanaan ka ka muujiyay arrimo ay kamid yihiin go'aankii uu madaxweyne Trump uga baxay heshiiskii hubka nukliyeerka ee Iiraan.
Xukuumadda uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Trump ayaa noqotay tii ay ka huleelaan mas'uuliyiinta ugu faraha badan, waxayna dadka siyaasadda Mareykanka falanqeeya arrintaas ku micneeyeen cadaadis ka imaanaya dhinaca madaxweynaha.
Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah shaksiyaadkii xilalka ugu muhiimsan hayay ee sannadkan 2018-ka ka dareeray maamulka Trump, in kastoo qaarkood shaqada laga eryay.
Xog hayaha arrimaha gudaha - Ryan Zinke
15-kii bishan Diseembar, wuxuu madaxweyne Trump ku dhawaaqay inuu shaqada joojinayo Mr Zinke, oo horay u ahaan jiray sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidammada badda ee Mareykanka.
Waxa uu sidoo kale horay u ahaan jiray xildhibaan ka tirsan aqalka Koongareeska oo matali jiray gobolka Montana.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagayaa Zinke?
Madaxweyne Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka ku soo qoray in Mr Zinke uu xafiiska ka tagi doono dhammaadka sannadkan 2018-ka.
Wax faahfaahin ah kama uusan bixin sababta uu shaqada u joojinayo, walina si rasmi ah uma cadda in uu is casilay iyo in shaqada laga eryay toona.
"Ryan wax badan ayuu dhammeystiray intii uu shaqadiisa gudanayay waxaana rabaa inaan uga mahad celiyo adeegii uu usoo qabtay qaranka", ayuu yiri Mr Trump.
Mr Zinke ayaa wajayay baaritaanno la xiriira sida uu u maareeyay howlaha xafiiskiisa, waxaana kamid ah ahaa kiis ku saabsan heshiis dhul ku yaalla gobolka Montana oo uu wasiirku ku lug lahaa, sida ay shaacisay warbaahinta Politico.
Madaxa shaqaalaha ee aqalka cad - John Kelly
Janaraalka howl gabka ah ee ciidammada Mariiniska Mareykanka ayaa markii hore loo magacaabay inuu dusha kala socdo amniga gudaha, ka hor inta uusan Mr Trump u magacaabin in uu noqdo madaxa shaqaalaha aqalka cad ee dalka Mareykanka bishii Luulyo ee sannadkii 2017-kii, isagoo markaasi baddalay Reince Priebus.
Hase ahaatee, 8-dii bishan Diseembar ayuu Mr Trump ku dhawaaqay in Janaraal Kelly uu xafiiska faarujin doono dabayaaqada 2018-ka.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagayaa Kelly?
Tan iyo markii la soo gaaray bishan Diseembar ee sannadka 2018-ka, xiriirka u dhexeeyay isaga iyo madaxweynaha ayaa aad u sii xumaanayay, iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegayeen in labadan mas'uul aysan xitaa isla hadlin.
Horraantii sannadkan ayaa Mr Kelly lagu kallifay inuu beeniyo in uu madaxweynaha ugu yeeray "nacas" ka dib markii eraygaas lagu soo daray bug uu qoray wariyaha ku xeel dheer arrimaha baaritaannada qarsoon ee lagu magacaabo Bob Woodward.
Xeer ilaaliyihii guud- Jeff Sessions
7-dii bishii Nofeembar ayuu madaxweyne Trump shaqada ka eryay Mr Sessions ka dib markii ay in muddo ah hadallo qaraar is weydaarsanayeen.
Mr Sessions oo ahaa senetar ka tirsan xisbiga Jamhuuriga oo laga soo doortay gobolka Alabama ayaa noqday xildhibaankii ugu horreeyay ee garab istaagay musharraxnimadii uu Donald Trump ugu tartamayay doorashadii 2016-kii.
Intii uu socday ol'olaha doorashada, wuxuu noqday mid ka mid ah dadka ugu dhow ee Mr Trump kala taliya arrimaha amniga qaranka. Intii uu dowladda ku jirayna wuxuu aad u taageeri jiray qorsheyaasha madaxweynaha ee ku aaddan qaxootiga iyo dhaqan galinta sharciyada.
Maxaa shaqada looga eryay Jeff Sessions?
Mr Sessions iyo madaxweyne Trump ayaa aad isugu xumaaday tan iyo markii uu bishii March ee sannadkii 2017-kii dhinac uga istaagay baaritaannada la xiriira eedeeymaha ku saabsan in Ruushka uu fara galin ku sameeyay doorashadii Mareykanka. Wuxuu ku xigeenkiisa oo lagu magacaabo Rod Rosenstein u fasaxay inuu la wareego baaritaannada la xiriira arrintaasi, tallaabadaas ayaana aad uga careysiisay madaxweyne Trump oo filayay inuu garab istaagi doono.
Danjirihii Mareykanka ee Qaramada Midoobay - Nikki Haley
Ambassador Haley ayaa is casilaaddeeda ku dhawaaqday 9-kii bishii Oktoobar ee sannadkan 2018-ka.
Haweeneydan oo horay u ahaan jirtay barasaabka gobolka koonfurta Carolina ayaa ahayd qofkii ugu hooreeyay ee aan caddaan ahayn ee loo magacaabo xilkaasi oo kamid ah golaha wasiirrada Trump. Waxay sidoo kale soo noqotay qofkii ugu horreeyay ee dumar ah, kana soo jeeda dadka laga tirade badabnyahay, oo noqda barasaabka gobolkeeda.
waxay lahayd khibrad kooban oo ku saabsan siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda, marka loo eego xilka danjiranimo ee ay qabaneysay, waxayna ka mid ahayd dadkii dhaliilsanaa madaxweyne Trump markii uu ol'olaha doorashada ku guda jiray.
Maxay shaqada uga tagtay Haley?
Mar ay shir jaraa'id si wada jir ah u qabteen iyada iyo madaxweyne Trump ayey Mrs Haley ku dhawaaqday iney xilka ka dageyso, ka dib markii ay muddo 8 sano ah lasoo daalaa dhacday xilalka barasaabnimada iyo danjirenimada.
Waxay xafiiska si toos ah u faarujin doontaa dhammaadka sannadka 2018-ka. Balse wali ma oga waxay noqon doonto tallaabadeeda xigta ee ay qaadeyso.
Mrs Haley waxay sheegtay iney isku casishay si ay u hubiso in maamulka madaxweyne Trump uu helo "qofka ugu awoodda badan ee uga dagaallami kara" mareykanka xarunta Qaramada Midoobay.
Markii uu aqbalayay iscasilaaddeeda, ayuu Mr Trump uga mahad celiyay shaqada fiican ee ay qabatay, isagoo sheegay in xilkaasi ay ka dhigtay mid "aad saameyn u leh".
Xog hayihii arrimaha dibadda - Rex Tillerson
Rex Tillerson ayaa is casilaaddiisa shaaciyay 13-kii bishii Maarso ee sannadkan 2018-ka, iyadoo tallaabadiisa ay ka soo baxeen warar badan oo is bar bar socda.
Madaxweyne Donald Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka uga dhawaaqay in xog hayihii arrimaha dibadda ee Mareykanka uu ka tagayo shaqada isla markaana uu ku baddalay agaasimihii hay'adda sirdoonka ee CIA-da Mike Pompeo.
Xil ka qaadista Rex Tillerson ayaa timid xilli diblomaasiyadda Mareykanka ay mareysay meel adag, wakhtigaasi oo ay billowdeen heshiisyo wada hadal ah oo ay xukuumadda Washington la yeelaneeysay dowladda Kuuriyada Waqooyi. Bayaan ka soo baxay xafiiska Mr Trump ayaa loogu mahad celiyay xog hayaha arrimaha dibadda ee shaqada ka tagay, waxaana wanaag loogu rajeeyay isaga iyo qoyskiisaba.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagay Tillerson?
Warka ku saabsan is casilaadda Mr Tillerson ayaa yimid xilli uu soo gaabiyay safar uu ku marayay qaaradda Afrika, isagoo soo saaray war saxaafadeed uu ku sheegay inuu si deg deg ah ugu laabtay dalka Mareykanka.
Mr Tillerson ayaa lagu soo warramay inuu ka soo hor jeestay qaar ka mid ah siyaasadaha Madaxweyne Trump, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahayd qorshihii uu Trump ku doonayay in la kordhiyo canshuuraha la saaro badeecooyinka birta iyo almuuniyamka ee dibadda laga soo dhoofiyo.
Mr Trump ayaa la soo tabiyay inuu aaminsanaa in Mr Tillerson uu lahaa "fikrado u gaar ah", sida ay shaacisay warbaahinta Mareykanka, waxaana toddobadii bisha Desemabr ee 2018-ka uu Trump bartiisa Twiter-ka ku qoray in Rex Tillerson uusan laheyn maskaxdii lagu shaqeyn lahaa oo uu ahaa qof cajis badan.
Waxaa kale oo jiray mas'uuliyiin fara badan oo shaqada xukuumadda faarujinayay tan iyo markii uu xafiiska la wareegay madaxweyne Trump, kuwaasi oo qaarkood isku casilay iskood halka kuwa kalena uu shaqada ka eryay madaxweyne Trump.
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bbcsomalilive · 5 years
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Sababta looga kala dareerayo xukuumadda Trump
21 Disembar 2018
Lahaanshaha sawirka GETTY IMAGES
Xog hayaha difaaca ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa warqad is casilaad ah u gudbiyay madaxweyne Donald Trump, wuxuuna ka mid yahay dhowr wasiir iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo shaqada ka tagay intii uu madaxweynaha ahaa Mr Trump.
Madaxweyne Trump ayaa arrintan ku shaaciyay bogiisa Twitter-ka maalintii Khamiista ahayd, isagoo sheegay in Janaraalku uu howlgab noqonayo dabayaaqada bisha Febraayo "isagoo qaddarin gooni ah loo hayo".
Janaraal Mattis ayaa warqaddiisa waxa uu si dahsoon ugu sheegay in sababta uu shaqada uga tagay ay tahay isfaham waa dhinaca nidaamka ah oo soo kala dhex galay isaga iyo Mr Trump.
Tiro ka mid ah senetarada xisbiga madaxweynaha ee Jamhuuriga ayaa walaac ka muujiyay is casilaadda Mattis.
Muxuu Mattis uga tagay Shaqada?
Tallaabada uu qaaday xog hayaha gaashaan dhigga ee Mareykanka ayaa timid maalin ka dib markii uu madaxweynaha Mareykanka uu ku dhawaaqay in ciidammadiisa uu ka soo saarayo dalka Suuriya.
Inkastoo uusan si toos ah arrintaas ula xiriirinin, warqadda iscasilaaddiisa ayuu ku sheegay in madaxweyne Trump uu xaq u leeyahay inuu yeesho xog haye difaac "oo ay isku fikrad noqon karaan".
Mr Mattis iyo Tump ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore waxaa la arkay iyagoo kala aragti duwanaan ka ka muujiyay arrimo ay kamid yihiin go'aankii uu madaxweyne Trump uga baxay heshiiskii hubka nukliyeerka ee Iiraan.
Xukuumadda uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Trump ayaa noqotay tii ay ka huleelaan mas'uuliyiinta ugu faraha badan, waxayna dadka siyaasadda Mareykanka falanqeeya arrintaas ku micneeyeen cadaadis ka imaanaya dhinaca madaxweynaha.
Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah shaksiyaadkii xilalka ugu muhiimsan hayay ee sannadkan 2018-ka ka dareeray maamulka Trump, in kastoo qaarkood shaqada laga eryay.
Xog hayaha arrimaha gudaha - Ryan Zinke
15-kii bishan Diseembar, wuxuu madaxweyne Trump ku dhawaaqay inuu shaqada joojinayo Mr Zinke, oo horay u ahaan jiray sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidammada badda ee Mareykanka.
Waxa uu sidoo kale horay u ahaan jiray xildhibaan ka tirsan aqalka Koongareeska oo matali jiray gobolka Montana.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagayaa Zinke?
Madaxweyne Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka ku soo qoray in Mr Zinke uu xafiiska ka tagi doono dhammaadka sannadkan 2018-ka.
Wax faahfaahin ah kama uusan bixin sababta uu shaqada u joojinayo, walina si rasmi ah uma cadda in uu is casilay iyo in shaqada laga eryay toona.
"Ryan wax badan ayuu dhammeystiray intii uu shaqadiisa gudanayay waxaana rabaa inaan uga mahad celiyo adeegii uu usoo qabtay qaranka", ayuu yiri Mr Trump.
Mr Zinke ayaa wajayay baaritaanno la xiriira sida uu u maareeyay howlaha xafiiskiisa, waxaana kamid ah ahaa kiis ku saabsan heshiis dhul ku yaalla gobolka Montana oo uu wasiirku ku lug lahaa, sida ay shaacisay warbaahinta Politico.
Madaxa shaqaalaha ee aqalka cad - John Kelly
Janaraalka howl gabka ah ee ciidammada Mariiniska Mareykanka ayaa markii hore loo magacaabay inuu dusha kala socdo amniga gudaha, ka hor inta uusan Mr Trump u magacaabin in uu noqdo madaxa shaqaalaha aqalka cad ee dalka Mareykanka bishii Luulyo ee sannadkii 2017-kii, isagoo markaasi baddalay Reince Priebus.
Hase ahaatee, 8-dii bishan Diseembar ayuu Mr Trump ku dhawaaqay in Janaraal Kelly uu xafiiska faarujin doono dabayaaqada 2018-ka.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagayaa Kelly?
Tan iyo markii la soo gaaray bishan Diseembar ee sannadka 2018-ka, xiriirka u dhexeeyay isaga iyo madaxweynaha ayaa aad u sii xumaanayay, iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegayeen in labadan mas'uul aysan xitaa isla hadlin.
Horraantii sannadkan ayaa Mr Kelly lagu kallifay inuu beeniyo in uu madaxweynaha ugu yeeray "nacas" ka dib markii eraygaas lagu soo daray bug uu qoray wariyaha ku xeel dheer arrimaha baaritaannada qarsoon ee lagu magacaabo Bob Woodward.
Xeer ilaaliyihii guud- Jeff Sessions
7-dii bishii Nofeembar ayuu madaxweyne Trump shaqada ka eryay Mr Sessions ka dib markii ay in muddo ah hadallo qaraar is weydaarsanayeen.
Mr Sessions oo ahaa senetar ka tirsan xisbiga Jamhuuriga oo laga soo doortay gobolka Alabama ayaa noqday xildhibaankii ugu horreeyay ee garab istaagay musharraxnimadii uu Donald Trump ugu tartamayay doorashadii 2016-kii.
Intii uu socday ol'olaha doorashada, wuxuu noqday mid ka mid ah dadka ugu dhow ee Mr Trump kala taliya arrimaha amniga qaranka. Intii uu dowladda ku jirayna wuxuu aad u taageeri jiray qorsheyaasha madaxweynaha ee ku aaddan qaxootiga iyo dhaqan galinta sharciyada.
Maxaa shaqada looga eryay Jeff Sessions?
Mr Sessions iyo madaxweyne Trump ayaa aad isugu xumaaday tan iyo markii uu bishii March ee sannadkii 2017-kii dhinac uga istaagay baaritaannada la xiriira eedeeymaha ku saabsan in Ruushka uu fara galin ku sameeyay doorashadii Mareykanka. Wuxuu ku xigeenkiisa oo lagu magacaabo Rod Rosenstein u fasaxay inuu la wareego baaritaannada la xiriira arrintaasi, tallaabadaas ayaana aad uga careysiisay madaxweyne Trump oo filayay inuu garab istaagi doono.
Danjirihii Mareykanka ee Qaramada Midoobay - Nikki Haley
Ambassador Haley ayaa is casilaaddeeda ku dhawaaqday 9-kii bishii Oktoobar ee sannadkan 2018-ka.
Haweeneydan oo horay u ahaan jirtay barasaabka gobolka koonfurta Carolina ayaa ahayd qofkii ugu hooreeyay ee aan caddaan ahayn ee loo magacaabo xilkaasi oo kamid ah golaha wasiirrada Trump. Waxay sidoo kale soo noqotay qofkii ugu horreeyay ee dumar ah, kana soo jeeda dadka laga tirade badabnyahay, oo noqda barasaabka gobolkeeda.
waxay lahayd khibrad kooban oo ku saabsan siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda, marka loo eego xilka danjiranimo ee ay qabaneysay, waxayna ka mid ahayd dadkii dhaliilsanaa madaxweyne Trump markii uu ol'olaha doorashada ku guda jiray.
Maxay shaqada uga tagtay Haley?
Mar ay shir jaraa'id si wada jir ah u qabteen iyada iyo madaxweyne Trump ayey Mrs Haley ku dhawaaqday iney xilka ka dageyso, ka dib markii ay muddo 8 sano ah lasoo daalaa dhacday xilalka barasaabnimada iyo danjirenimada.
Waxay xafiiska si toos ah u faarujin doontaa dhammaadka sannadka 2018-ka. Balse wali ma oga waxay noqon doonto tallaabadeeda xigta ee ay qaadeyso.
Mrs Haley waxay sheegtay iney isku casishay si ay u hubiso in maamulka madaxweyne Trump uu helo "qofka ugu awoodda badan ee uga dagaallami kara" mareykanka xarunta Qaramada Midoobay.
Markii uu aqbalayay iscasilaaddeeda, ayuu Mr Trump uga mahad celiyay shaqada fiican ee ay qabatay, isagoo sheegay in xilkaasi ay ka dhigtay mid "aad saameyn u leh".
Xog hayihii arrimaha dibadda - Rex Tillerson
Rex Tillerson ayaa is casilaaddiisa shaaciyay 13-kii bishii Maarso ee sannadkan 2018-ka, iyadoo tallaabadiisa ay ka soo baxeen warar badan oo is bar bar socda.
Madaxweyne Donald Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka uga dhawaaqay in xog hayihii arrimaha dibadda ee Mareykanka uu ka tagayo shaqada isla markaana uu ku baddalay agaasimihii hay'adda sirdoonka ee CIA-da Mike Pompeo.
Xil ka qaadista Rex Tillerson ayaa timid xilli diblomaasiyadda Mareykanka ay mareysay meel adag, wakhtigaasi oo ay billowdeen heshiisyo wada hadal ah oo ay xukuumadda Washington la yeelaneeysay dowladda Kuuriyada Waqooyi. Bayaan ka soo baxay xafiiska Mr Trump ayaa loogu mahad celiyay xog hayaha arrimaha dibadda ee shaqada ka tagay, waxaana wanaag loogu rajeeyay isaga iyo qoyskiisaba.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagay Tillerson?
Warka ku saabsan is casilaadda Mr Tillerson ayaa yimid xilli uu soo gaabiyay safar uu ku marayay qaaradda Afrika, isagoo soo saaray war saxaafadeed uu ku sheegay inuu si deg deg ah ugu laabtay dalka Mareykanka.
Mr Tillerson ayaa lagu soo warramay inuu ka soo hor jeestay qaar ka mid ah siyaasadaha Madaxweyne Trump, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahayd qorshihii uu Trump ku doonayay in la kordhiyo canshuuraha la saaro badeecooyinka birta iyo almuuniyamka ee dibadda laga soo dhoofiyo.
Mr Trump ayaa la soo tabiyay inuu aaminsanaa in Mr Tillerson uu lahaa "fikrado u gaar ah", sida ay shaacisay warbaahinta Mareykanka, waxaana toddobadii bisha Desemabr ee 2018-ka uu Trump bartiisa Twiter-ka ku qoray in Rex Tillerson uusan laheyn maskaxdii lagu shaqeyn lahaa oo uu ahaa qof cajis badan.
Waxaa kale oo jiray mas'uuliyiin fara badan oo shaqada xukuumadda faarujinayay tan iyo markii uu xafiiska la wareegay madaxweyne Trump, kuwaasi oo qaarkood isku casilay iskood halka kuwa kalena uu shaqada ka eryay madaxweyne Trump.
0 notes
mfarmaajo · 5 years
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Sababta looga kala dareerayo xukuumadda Trump
21 Disembar 2018
La wadaag
Lahaanshaha sawirka GETTY IMAGES
Xog hayaha difaaca ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa warqad is casilaad ah u gudbiyay madaxweyne Donald Trump, wuxuuna ka mid yahay dhowr wasiir iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo shaqada ka tagay intii uu madaxweynaha ahaa Mr Trump.
Madaxweyne Trump ayaa arrintan ku shaaciyay bogiisa Twitter-ka maalintii Khamiista ahayd, isagoo sheegay in Janaraalku uu howlgab noqonayo dabayaaqada bisha Febraayo "isagoo qaddarin gooni ah loo hayo".
Janaraal Mattis ayaa warqaddiisa waxa uu si dahsoon ugu sheegay in sababta uu shaqada uga tagay ay tahay isfaham waa dhinaca nidaamka ah oo soo kala dhex galay isaga iyo Mr Trump.
Tiro ka mid ah senetarada xisbiga madaxweynaha ee Jamhuuriga ayaa walaac ka muujiyay is casilaadda Mattis.
Muxuu Mattis uga tagay Shaqada?
Tallaabada uu qaaday xog hayaha gaashaan dhigga ee Mareykanka ayaa timid maalin ka dib markii uu madaxweynaha Mareykanka uu ku dhawaaqay in ciidammadiisa uu ka soo saarayo dalka Suuriya.
Inkastoo uusan si toos ah arrintaas ula xiriirinin, warqadda iscasilaaddiisa ayuu ku sheegay in madaxweyne Trump uu xaq u leeyahay inuu yeesho xog haye difaac "oo ay isku fikrad noqon karaan".
Mr Mattis iyo Tump ayaa dhowr jeer oo hore waxaa la arkay iyagoo kala aragti duwanaan ka ka muujiyay arrimo ay kamid yihiin go'aankii uu madaxweyne Trump uga baxay heshiiskii hubka nukliyeerka ee Iiraan.
Xukuumadda uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Trump ayaa noqotay tii ay ka huleelaan mas'uuliyiinta ugu faraha badan, waxayna dadka siyaasadda Mareykanka falanqeeya arrintaas ku micneeyeen cadaadis ka imaanaya dhinaca madaxweynaha.
Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah shaksiyaadkii xilalka ugu muhiimsan hayay ee sannadkan 2018-ka ka dareeray maamulka Trump, in kastoo qaarkood shaqada laga eryay.
Xog hayaha arrimaha gudaha - Ryan Zinke
15-kii bishan Diseembar, wuxuu madaxweyne Trump ku dhawaaqay inuu shaqada joojinayo Mr Zinke, oo horay u ahaan jiray sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidammada badda ee Mareykanka.
Waxa uu sidoo kale horay u ahaan jiray xildhibaan ka tirsan aqalka Koongareeska oo matali jiray gobolka Montana.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagayaa Zinke?
Madaxweyne Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka ku soo qoray in Mr Zinke uu xafiiska ka tagi doono dhammaadka sannadkan 2018-ka.
Wax faahfaahin ah kama uusan bixin sababta uu shaqada u joojinayo, walina si rasmi ah uma cadda in uu is casilay iyo in shaqada laga eryay toona.
"Ryan wax badan ayuu dhammeystiray intii uu shaqadiisa gudanayay waxaana rabaa inaan uga mahad celiyo adeegii uu usoo qabtay qaranka", ayuu yiri Mr Trump.
Mr Zinke ayaa wajayay baaritaanno la xiriira sida uu u maareeyay howlaha xafiiskiisa, waxaana kamid ah ahaa kiis ku saabsan heshiis dhul ku yaalla gobolka Montana oo uu wasiirku ku lug lahaa, sida ay shaacisay warbaahinta Politico.
Madaxa shaqaalaha ee aqalka cad - John Kelly
Janaraalka howl gabka ah ee ciidammada Mariiniska Mareykanka ayaa markii hore loo magacaabay inuu dusha kala socdo amniga gudaha, ka hor inta uusan Mr Trump u magacaabin in uu noqdo madaxa shaqaalaha aqalka cad ee dalka Mareykanka bishii Luulyo ee sannadkii 2017-kii, isagoo markaasi baddalay Reince Priebus.
Hase ahaatee, 8-dii bishan Diseembar ayuu Mr Trump ku dhawaaqay in Janaraal Kelly uu xafiiska faarujin doono dabayaaqada 2018-ka.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagayaa Kelly?
Tan iyo markii la soo gaaray bishan Diseembar ee sannadka 2018-ka, xiriirka u dhexeeyay isaga iyo madaxweynaha ayaa aad u sii xumaanayay, iyadoo wararka qaar ay sheegayeen in labadan mas'uul aysan xitaa isla hadlin.
Horraantii sannadkan ayaa Mr Kelly lagu kallifay inuu beeniyo in uu madaxweynaha ugu yeeray "nacas" ka dib markii eraygaas lagu soo daray bug uu qoray wariyaha ku xeel dheer arrimaha baaritaannada qarsoon ee lagu magacaabo Bob Woodward.
Xeer ilaaliyihii guud- Jeff Sessions
7-dii bishii Nofeembar ayuu madaxweyne Trump shaqada ka eryay Mr Sessions ka dib markii ay in muddo ah hadallo qaraar is weydaarsanayeen.
Mr Sessions oo ahaa senetar ka tirsan xisbiga Jamhuuriga oo laga soo doortay gobolka Alabama ayaa noqday xildhibaankii ugu horreeyay ee garab istaagay musharraxnimadii uu Donald Trump ugu tartamayay doorashadii 2016-kii.
Intii uu socday ol'olaha doorashada, wuxuu noqday mid ka mid ah dadka ugu dhow ee Mr Trump kala taliya arrimaha amniga qaranka. Intii uu dowladda ku jirayna wuxuu aad u taageeri jiray qorsheyaasha madaxweynaha ee ku aaddan qaxootiga iyo dhaqan galinta sharciyada.
Maxaa shaqada looga eryay Jeff Sessions?
Mr Sessions iyo madaxweyne Trump ayaa aad isugu xumaaday tan iyo markii uu bishii March ee sannadkii 2017-kii dhinac uga istaagay baaritaannada la xiriira eedeeymaha ku saabsan in Ruushka uu fara galin ku sameeyay doorashadii Mareykanka. Wuxuu ku xigeenkiisa oo lagu magacaabo Rod Rosenstein u fasaxay inuu la wareego baaritaannada la xiriira arrintaasi, tallaabadaas ayaana aad uga careysiisay madaxweyne Trump oo filayay inuu garab istaagi doono.
Danjirihii Mareykanka ee Qaramada Midoobay - Nikki Haley
Ambassador Haley ayaa is casilaaddeeda ku dhawaaqday 9-kii bishii Oktoobar ee sannadkan 2018-ka.
Haweeneydan oo horay u ahaan jirtay barasaabka gobolka koonfurta Carolina ayaa ahayd qofkii ugu hooreeyay ee aan caddaan ahayn ee loo magacaabo xilkaasi oo kamid ah golaha wasiirrada Trump. Waxay sidoo kale soo noqotay qofkii ugu horreeyay ee dumar ah, kana soo jeeda dadka laga tirade badabnyahay, oo noqda barasaabka gobolkeeda.
waxay lahayd khibrad kooban oo ku saabsan siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda, marka loo eego xilka danjiranimo ee ay qabaneysay, waxayna ka mid ahayd dadkii dhaliilsanaa madaxweyne Trump markii uu ol'olaha doorashada ku guda jiray.
Maxay shaqada uga tagtay Haley?
Mar ay shir jaraa'id si wada jir ah u qabteen iyada iyo madaxweyne Trump ayey Mrs Haley ku dhawaaqday iney xilka ka dageyso, ka dib markii ay muddo 8 sano ah lasoo daalaa dhacday xilalka barasaabnimada iyo danjirenimada.
Waxay xafiiska si toos ah u faarujin doontaa dhammaadka sannadka 2018-ka. Balse wali ma oga waxay noqon doonto tallaabadeeda xigta ee ay qaadeyso.
Mrs Haley waxay sheegtay iney isku casishay si ay u hubiso in maamulka madaxweyne Trump uu helo "qofka ugu awoodda badan ee uga dagaallami kara" mareykanka xarunta Qaramada Midoobay.
Markii uu aqbalayay iscasilaaddeeda, ayuu Mr Trump uga mahad celiyay shaqada fiican ee ay qabatay, isagoo sheegay in xilkaasi ay ka dhigtay mid "aad saameyn u leh".
Xog hayihii arrimaha dibadda - Rex Tillerson
Rex Tillerson ayaa is casilaaddiisa shaaciyay 13-kii bishii Maarso ee sannadkan 2018-ka, iyadoo tallaabadiisa ay ka soo baxeen warar badan oo is bar bar socda.
Madaxweyne Donald Trump ayaa bartiisa Twitter-ka uga dhawaaqay in xog hayihii arrimaha dibadda ee Mareykanka uu ka tagayo shaqada isla markaana uu ku baddalay agaasimihii hay'adda sirdoonka ee CIA-da Mike Pompeo.
Xil ka qaadista Rex Tillerson ayaa timid xilli diblomaasiyadda Mareykanka ay mareysay meel adag, wakhtigaasi oo ay billowdeen heshiisyo wada hadal ah oo ay xukuumadda Washington la yeelaneeysay dowladda Kuuriyada Waqooyi. Bayaan ka soo baxay xafiiska Mr Trump ayaa loogu mahad celiyay xog hayaha arrimaha dibadda ee shaqada ka tagay, waxaana wanaag loogu rajeeyay isaga iyo qoyskiisaba.
Muxuu shaqada uga tagay Tillerson?
Warka ku saabsan is casilaadda Mr Tillerson ayaa yimid xilli uu soo gaabiyay safar uu ku marayay qaaradda Afrika, isagoo soo saaray war saxaafadeed uu ku sheegay inuu si deg deg ah ugu laabtay dalka Mareykanka.
Mr Tillerson ayaa lagu soo warramay inuu ka soo hor jeestay qaar ka mid ah siyaasadaha Madaxweyne Trump, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid ahayd qorshihii uu Trump ku doonayay in la kordhiyo canshuuraha la saaro badeecooyinka birta iyo almuuniyamka ee dibadda laga soo dhoofiyo.
Mr Trump ayaa la soo tabiyay inuu aaminsanaa in Mr Tillerson uu lahaa "fikrado u gaar ah", sida ay shaacisay warbaahinta Mareykanka, waxaana toddobadii bisha Desemabr ee 2018-ka uu Trump bartiisa Twiter-ka ku qoray in Rex Tillerson uusan laheyn maskaxdii lagu shaqeyn lahaa oo uu ahaa qof cajis badan.
Waxaa kale oo jiray mas'uuliyiin fara badan oo shaqada xukuumadda faarujinayay tan iyo markii uu xafiiska la wareegay madaxweyne Trump, kuwaasi oo qaarkood isku casilay iskood halka kuwa kalena uu shaqada ka eryay madaxweyne Trump.
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duljoog-blog · 6 years
Wiil Soomaali ah oo lagu eedeeyay dilka gabar cadaan ah
Wiil Soomaali ah oo lagu eedeeyay dilka gabar cadaan ah
Wiil Soomaali ah oo ku nool magaalada Columbus ee dalka Maretkanka oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed C/laahi ayaa waxaa lagu eedeeyay inuu ku lug lahaa dilka iyo gubista gabar cadaan ah  oo 23 sano jir ah, waxaana dilkeeda uu dhacay 14-kii bishan.
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