#Luigi is holding out a defensive palm while Mario's hands are both balled into fists
pianokantzart · 7 months
I’m like, 90% sure you talked about this before, but the pure VITRIOL in Mario’s face right before he punches bowser in the ending fight when they get the star is still something I can’t fully get over. Especially in how it almost becomes comical in comparison to Luigi’s more sternly determined expression. Like Mario wants this man turtle? DEAD.
Side note: I just gotta say, I have been LOVING ur “Luigi goes on his own adventure with his arch nemesis King Boo while Mario is kidnapped by said arch nemesis” so much! Seriously, it’s such a treat. The way you characterize everyone, the plot, and just the wonderful way you tie everything together!! Ahhh!!! It’s so good!
Thank you! I'm having a good time writing that AU, and what better way to pass the time until we get that Mario Movie sequel? But back to what you were saying... yes, I LOVE that look on Mario's face. It's personal for both of them, but for Mario it is super duper extra personal. Luigi's mostly just defending his sibling while getting a bit of payback, but Mario has seen firsthand all the damage Bowser does and everything/everyone he threatens. That, plus the fact that he held his brother captive for days and nearly killed him? Mario is ready to obliterate.
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Another tiny detail: the difference in their facial expressions right after the punch
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Luigi maintains a determined expression. Mario is grinning from ear to ear. It's pretty clear who's enjoying this beatdown more.
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milos-fanfics · 5 years
The Evils Within - Chapter 15
“No sign of him?” Peach asked. 
Mario and Luigi shook their heads. Back in the conference room, they sat in the seats across from Peach. Mario sat back in his seat while Luigi rested his cheek on the palm of his hand.
“Hey,” Mario spoke up, turning to Luigi, Luigi returning the gaze. “Didn’t you mention something about seeing Mr. L in a dream?”
His attention now caught, Luigi sat straight up. He knew what his brother was up to.
“I just thought, if you were to go to sleep right now, do you think you'd be able to see what Mr. L is up to?” Mario asked.
“We can’t find out until we try,” Peach commented.
Peach led Mario and Luigi back to the small room where Luigi crawled onto the bed and lied down. Mario and Peach stood on either side of the bed giving him a smile as he quickly drifted off into sleep.
Luigi found himself in a room in Bowser's Castle. He couldn't move at his own free will. He could look around, however. Looking around, he could see he was back in his old jumpsuit. If he could, he would have shuddered at the sight of it. This wasn't his body. He was seeing through Mr. L's eyes.
Mr. L paced back and forth in front of a blackboard with bullet points on it, twiddling his fingers and talking to himself. “Alright, one more time. One more time,” he told himself, now facing the board. "Sneak into the house tomorrow afternoon. Green's taking a nap and Red should be at home by then. Pose as that feeble dopplegänger of mine. Let Red's guard drop and…" he giddily read off the board. "Oh, that oblivious blockhead would never see it coming!" He laughed maniacally to himself.
Outside the dream world, Mario and Peach watched Luigi attentively. It hadn't been too long since he fell asleep before a, rather peculiar, smile began to form on his face. From the smile, emerged giggles. These were no 'cheerful' giggles, they had a more 'sinister' meaning.
Mario, now confused, reached over and lightly poked Luigi in the side. "Bro..?" He said quietly before jumping back in exclamation as his brother say up with a gasp.
“I saw him!” Luigi suddenly blurted out, “I saw Mr. L!”
Now calm, Mario asked, “You did? Where is he?”
“He's at... Bowser's Castle…” He said with a twinge of uncertainty. He knew for a fact that Mr. L was in Bowser's Castle but had no idea why.
“Bowser's Castle?” Peach spoke up, “What's he doing over there?”
“He's playing attack. An attack on…” Luigi stopped. His attention shifted from Peach to Mario, his face drawing more concern than it was originally. “...On Mario…”He continued, quieter than before.
Mario was discomforted at the thought of his brother, or rather, his brother's look-alike, scheming anything against him. He and Luigi shared a look.
“But, it's nothing to worry about. I might have an idea!” Luigi gave a nervous smile.
Mario walked in the forest that laid just outside of the house, Luigi hiding in the trees next to him. They had only been walking for a few minutes when they heard a rustling in the tree. Luigi hid himself deeper into the forest, Mario getting in a defensive position.
From the trees emerged...Luigi? Mario didn't know what he expected. He knew the person standing before him was not his Luigi, but the resemblance was uncanny.
Mr. L, now back in his overalls, strolled with a smile through the forest. He contemplated his plan but was thrown completely off track seeing the red hero before him. “Oh? Hey, Mario… What are you doing out here?” He asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. The last thing he needed was to be suspicious.
“Just wanted to get some fresh air. I've been home all day. What are you doing out here? I thought you were taking a nap,” Mario asked in a partially teasing partially suspicious tone.
 “I just wasn't tired. That's all.” A single stream of sweat rolled down Mr. L’s face. “But I'm glad I ran into you,” he said, changing the subject. “There's something I wanted to show you.” He stepped closer to Mario. His hands behind his back began to spark with electricity.
Out of reflex, Mario took a step back. He didn't know it was coming next, but he was ready for it. Luigi slowly inched his way through the trees, watching the two carefully.
“Do you by any chance remember a little thing called... thunderhand? Right as he spoke, Mr. L threw his hand from behind his back towards Mario, who caught it with his own hand before he could process what was going on.
After receiving a little shock through his gloves, Mario realized that Mr. L had Luigi's old powers. Powers that neither he nor his brother have used in years. Powers he wasn't sure he had the ability to control anymore. Surely, this was definitely not going to stop him. He pushed Mr. L back.
Mr. L stumbled backward. Before he could go in for another hit, he was restrained by someone behind him. It was Luigi. “You're not getting away with any more of this!” he shouted.
“Oh yeah? Who's going to stop me?” Mr. L swung arms to the side, throwing Luigi off his back. It was Luigi’s turn to fall back. He wasn’t going to let Mr. L stop him that easily. Mr. L turned around to Luigi who start to charge to him. “Stay out of this, Green. This is our fight, not yours!” he extends his arm out to Luigi, a bolt of lightning shooting from his fingers.
The bolt hit Luigi in the stomach with great force, sending him into the trees around them. His back slammed against a tree trunk before he fell to the ground on to his knees.
Mr. L turned back to Mario, a sharp pain piercing his back. He frantically looked around. No one had hit him. He shook it off and turned all of his attention to Mario, his fists now flaring with electricity.
He and Mario fought. Punches thrown, kicks given. Luigi could feel it every hit Mario landed on his enemy. It hurt him. In more ways than one. He tried to get up to help his brother, but every blow knocked him down farther. Luigi could only watch in distress.
The more Mario fought, the more discomforted he became. This was because Mr. L although technically still being him, looked just like his brother. His attacks only grew weaker. He didn’t want to fight, but he knew he had to.
Mario jumped, Mr. L, doing the same, yet jumping higher the red hero. He smirked, holding his hands together and swinging them over his head before throwing them down over Mario's, sending him crashing into the ground.
Mario, now in a crater, tried to push himself off the ground, Mr. L softly landing behind him.
Luigi yelled out to his brother once he hit the ground, the look of absolute horror in his eyes, as he tried to get up. At this moment, it felt like a dream he had.
Mr. L smiled nefariously to Mario.
“But…” Mario groaned weakly, “...why?” He swore he knew the answer. This felt all too familiar to him.
Mr. L's smile turned to a frown.  “Why? I’m tired of being in your shadow, being seen as the 'lesser' brother. You know, I want some credit from time to time, and I’m going to get it,” his hand began to spark, “It’s my turn to be ‘player one’,” his hand grew brighter as it was pointed to the sky.
Mario was confused, but then it hit him. Not only was this situation similar to a dream he had, but Mr. L was a part of Luigi's mind. The two shared similar opinions. Mario looked past Mr. L to Luigi, who had finally managed to stand back to his feet, with a look that read, ‘I is that what you really think?’ 
Luigi shared a gaze with his brother, before nervously rubbing his arm and looking to the ground.
Angrily, Mr. L redirected his hand from the sky and pointed it to Mario, a ball of lightning forming at his fingers. Luigi remembered this part. He knew what he had to do. But instead of going one direction, he had a different idea to go another.
Just before Mr. L released the ball, Luigi ran towards him, tackling him to the ground. Startled, Mr. L released the ball, but not to Mario. He missed, sending it into the trees just above him.
Mr. L pushed Luigi off of him. Before he could attack, Luigi tightly gripped both of his hands to keep Mr. L from hurting Mario anymore.
“You and I may not be the same, but you're still me and I know, deep inside, you don't want to hurt him. You care about him. You love him. You don't want anything to happen to him,” Luigi cried, struggling to hold Mr. L back. He could see a look of regret flash over his face. However, this only lasted for a second as his face went right back to anger.
Mr. L angrily shook his head, “N-no! I’m not you and you’re not me! I don’t care about him! I want him gone!” With a shout, a wave of electricity shot from his arms to Luigi’s, electrocuting him.
Both Luigi and Mr. L gritted their teeth as they tried to withstand the pain. Neither of them could hold onto the other. They both took a step back, Luigi twitching a bit as he felt the electricity flowing through him.
Mr. L quickly summoned another ball of electricity and pointed it to Mario, who was trying to crawl away from the inevitable blast. Luigi recovered from the shock before pushing with Mr. all away. Again, the ball of lightning released without warning, but this time, it hit. It missed the heart, where Mr. L was aiming, but it did hit Mario in the side of the head, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. 
An extreme feeling of rage suddenly built up inside of Luigi at the sight. His breathing quickened. Any and all rationality he had was thrown out the window. Nobody hurts Mario on his watch. Now facing Mr. L, Luigi drew back his arm before sending it towards his face.
The proceeding punch hit. Hard. It knocked Mr. L out before he could even hit the ground. However, this also rendered himself unconscious. He could feel the pain in his forehead before falling onto the ground next to his doppelgänger.
Chapter 14 - Chapter 16 Cover
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