#I love how different their approach to fighting is in just that first image alone
pianokantzart · 7 months
I’m like, 90% sure you talked about this before, but the pure VITRIOL in Mario’s face right before he punches bowser in the ending fight when they get the star is still something I can’t fully get over. Especially in how it almost becomes comical in comparison to Luigi’s more sternly determined expression. Like Mario wants this man turtle? DEAD.
Side note: I just gotta say, I have been LOVING ur “Luigi goes on his own adventure with his arch nemesis King Boo while Mario is kidnapped by said arch nemesis” so much! Seriously, it’s such a treat. The way you characterize everyone, the plot, and just the wonderful way you tie everything together!! Ahhh!!! It’s so good!
Thank you! I'm having a good time writing that AU, and what better way to pass the time until we get that Mario Movie sequel? But back to what you were saying... yes, I LOVE that look on Mario's face. It's personal for both of them, but for Mario it is super duper extra personal. Luigi's mostly just defending his sibling while getting a bit of payback, but Mario has seen firsthand all the damage Bowser does and everything/everyone he threatens. That, plus the fact that he held his brother captive for days and nearly killed him? Mario is ready to obliterate.
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Another tiny detail: the difference in their facial expressions right after the punch
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Luigi maintains a determined expression. Mario is grinning from ear to ear. It's pretty clear who's enjoying this beatdown more.
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eat-limes-bitches · 8 months
Love After War
PAIRING: Female Reader x FATWS! Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY: The mind has a way of playing tricks on you, images you thought to be real are just a figment of your past. But how to get back to the present?
WARNINGS: Angst, nightmares, PTSD, panic attack, cannon-level violence, torture, smidgen of fluff at the end
Word Count: 1239
A/N: soooooo this was supposed to be the start of my Febuwhump challenge but with the way my life is going right now I won't be able to finish all the prompts by the end of the month, BUT I will post the ones I have done, and I will keep working on some prompts as well but don't expect them to be in order at all.
Prompt: Helpless
Enjoy! <3
Divider by Rookthorne
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The first thing Bucky realized as he came to was how incredibly cold he was. A shiver wracked his body, causing him to try and pull the flimsy material covering him closer to his skin as water poured down on him. Wait- water? He looked to find the source and realized he was in a shower. The cold water turned red as it ran across his body from all the blood there. Was it his or someone else's? Bucky couldn’t tell. 
“SOLDAT.” A voice boomed from behind, causing him to flinch aggressively. He knew that voice, it was one of his handlers, and by the sound of the rapidly approaching footsteps, he wasn’t happy.
“Poydem s nami, soldat. Dok khochet tebya videt'” The voice growled and Bucky froze. 
His frazzled mind still trying to work out where he was and what was going on. His hesitance must have been seen as resistance because the next thing he knew, a rifle butt was flying towards him. 
Confused, Bucky blocked it with his arm, the clash of metal reverberated around the room causing more handlers to pour in, each one with a gun all pointing in the same direction. His pulse was starting to quicken, and every muscle in his body tensed. 
He was so focused on what was going on in front of him that he didn’t notice the guard coming up behind him with a stun baton. The guard struck, causing Bucky to fall to his knees as he hissed in pain, the electric shock causing his arm to fall limp at his side he clutched the useless appendage in his right hand as he looked on in terror as they all started moving in on him. Two of the guards grabbed him and began to drag him out of the room. He knew where they were taking him and as those rusted double doors came into view he began thrashing as wildly as he could to get away but it was no use.
They flung open the doors, his senses on hyperdrive as the blinding lights of the room burned his eyes. Noise. There was so much noise, nurses scrambling around, guards shouting, and doctors preparing for whatever horrible things they had planned for him that day. 
He tried to fight against them as they strapped him into the chair, but it was no use, he felt utterly helpless as they began tying him down. His metal arm, although useless, was cuffed in 4 different steel brackets to keep him from moving, the rest of his body bolted into place as the panels of the machine began to lower over his face and just as they were about to connect to his skin-
He sucked in a large breath bolting upright in bed and scrambling far away from where he was until he managed to situate himself in the corner of the room. His chest, slick with sweat heaved up and down as he tried to get oxygen to fill his lungs, but his heart was beating too fast for him to do anything but hyperventilate. There was a quiet sound from the other side of the room that made him realize he wasn’t alone, and he let out a whimper as their footsteps got closer, curling in on himself to appear as small as possible. 
“Bucky?” This voice was soft and full of concern, a complete contrast to the voice he heard just moments ago. This intrigued him slightly, but not enough to make him uncurl himself to see who was speaking to him. There was a sigh from the other person and the floorboards squeaked as they moved their entire weight to the floor, sitting on the ground near him.
“Bucky? It’s me, baby.” The voice cooed gently, and with the next breath he took, the familiar smell of cedar and lavender invaded his senses. He peaked his head out from behind his knees and saw Y/n sitting on the floor looking at him with concern coloring her features and sorrow clouding her eyes. She noticed the small movement and smiled gently as her eyes caught his.
“There he is. Hello, my love.” She whispered, a gentle smile decorating her face. Bucky blinked owlishly at her, still not realizing who he was looking at, but still Y/n smiled. 
Progress she thought before she started speaking again, “It’s just me, love. You are safe. We are in our bedroom, in our apartment, no one is going to hurt you.” 
This made him cock his head to the side before looking around the room. There was no one else besides the two of them. Instead of the gurneys, there was a dresser. Instead of blood-stained floors, there was a soft, grey plush carpet. Instead of that chair, there was a bed, and her. Bucky took a deep breath, finally able to fill his lungs and when he did, his body began to shake. He would shake violently for a moment before his muscles would give out and relax before contracting all over again. Y/n watched him carefully and scooted a little closer. 
“Can I sit next to you?” It was a simple question, and it might seem trivial to ask someone you were just sleeping next to if you could be in their space but it was important for Bucky to feel in control of his situation, if he was in control, he was no longer there.  Bucky looked at her and gave a small nod and Y/n moved to sit next to him, her back plastered against the wall. Although she wasn’t touching him, Bucky could feel the warmth radiation from her body, another piece of proof that he wasn’t in the basement of a bunker in the Siberian mountains. The pair sat in silence for a moment, Y/n watching Bucky, and Bucky staring straight ahead at the wall. Y/n shifted, causing Bucky's eyes to leave the spot on the wall and look at her. 
“Can I touch you?” She asked softly. Buckys hesitated for a moment, before nodding again. Y/n scootched closer to Bucky so that their bodies were pressed against each other and she reached over with a hand and ran her fingers through his shortened chestnut locks. That simple action seemed to bring new life back to Bucky and he began to uncurl, leaning into her touch. Y/n began humming a soft melody as she continued to massage Bucky’s scalp. His tremors became less and less until they were all but gone. 
After some more time passed, Bucky wasn’t sure how much, Y/n stopped and gently stood up, offering her hand to him. 
“‘C'mon love, let’s get back in bed. Your back isn’t going to thank you if I let you sleep in the corner.” 
Bucky placed his hand in hers and allowed her to lead him back to bed. Y/n folded back the covers in a more orderly fashion before sliding under the soft grey sheets, motioning for Bucky to do the same. He did so, snuggling back into Y/n’s side listening to her steady heartbeat, reassuring him that he was safe.  She began humming that soft melody again. Feeling warm and safe, his eyes grew heavy and he fell into a dreamless sleep. The last thing he remembered was the whisper of an “I love you,” in his ear.
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brookghaib-blog · 3 months
Whispers of the past pt.11
Pairing: Hoshina Sohiro x reader
Summary: 10 years ago, Y/N went missing after being attacked by a kaiju, now working by Gen Narumi's side as his secret weapon, she hides herself in hopes that one day she reconnects with her first love, Hoshino Soshiro.
pt.10 - pt.12
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Y/N's pov:
The battlefield was quiet, the sounds of battle long since faded. I sat atop the massive corpse of the kaiju I had just defeated, my new scythe resting against my shoulder. The first light of dawn was breaking over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the scene. The air was still, carrying the scent of earth and the faint metallic tang of blood.
I wiped the sweat from my brow, feeling a sense of satisfaction. This was the first mission where I had used my scythe exclusively, not once relying on my kaiju form. The weapon had felt like an extension of myself, moving fluidly with my every motion. It was a testament to Narumi’s insight and the skill of the craftsmen who had made it.
As I sat there, catching my breath and watching the sunrise, I heard footsteps approaching. I didn’t need to turn to know who it was. Narumi’s presence was unmistakable, a steady and comforting force amidst the chaos.
He climbed up and sat beside me, both of us gazing out at the rising sun in silence. For a while, we just sat there, letting the tranquility of the moment wash over us. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange, a stark contrast to the destruction that lay around us.
After a while, I broke the silence. "If there was a world without kaijus, what do you think you would be doing?"
Narumi turned to look at me, his expression thoughtful. "A world without kaijus, huh? That's a tough one. I’ve been fighting them for so long, it’s hard to imagine life without them."
I nodded, understanding completely. The fight against kaijus had defined so much of our lives. "I’ve thought about it a lot," I admitted. "What it would be like to live in a world where we didn’t have to fight, where we didn’t have to lose so much."
He sighed, leaning back on his hands. "Honestly, I’d probably be a professional gamer. I mean, I'm pretty good at them."
I laughed, the image of Narumi as a professional gamer suiting him in an unexpected way. "I can see that. You’d probably be the best in Japan."
He chuckled softly. "I’d give it my best shot. But I guess it’s the same thing, in a way. Trying to be the best, pushing myself to new limits."
"And what about you?" he asked, his eyes curious. "What would you do in a world without kaijus?"
I paused, considering the question. "A cientist, that was the dream. But right now, all I can think about is slaying every kaiju that ever appears. I want to make the world a safer place, so no mother would be without her kids, no kid would be without their mothers."
Narumi looked at me, his eyes serious. "You’re already making a difference, Y/N. You’re one of the best fighters we have. You’re strong, capable, and you have a heart that won’t quit."
His words touched me deeply. "Thank you, Narumi. That means a lot, coming from you."
We sat there in silence again, watching the sun climb higher in the sky. The light grew brighter, washing away the shadows of the night. I felt a sense of calm settle over me, a rare moment of peace in our tumultuous lives.
"I know it’s hard," Narumi said after a while. "But we’re making progress. Every kaiju we defeat brings us one step closer to that safer world."
I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "And I won’t stop until we get there. No matter how long it takes, no matter how hard it gets. I’ll keep fighting."
He placed a hand on my shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. "And you won’t be alone. We’ll fight together, side by side."
I looked at him, grateful for his unwavering support. "Together," I echoed, feeling a surge of hope.
As the sun rose fully, bathing the world in light, I felt a sense of resolve solidify within me. This fight was far from over, but with allies like Narumi by my side, I knew we could face whatever came our way.
We climbed down from the kaiju’s corpse and started making our way back to the team. The battlefield was littered with the remains of the creatures we had fought, but there was also a sense of victory in the air. We had won this battle, and we would continue to win, one fight at a time.
"Come on," Narumi said, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Let’s go report back and get some rest. We’ve earned it."
"Y/N, I need you to read this."
I took the report, noticing the Third Division's emblem on the cover. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Soshiro. Since our last encounter, I had tried to focus solely on my duties, burying the pain of his betrayal deep within me.
"What's this about?" I asked, flipping through the pages.
"It's a report on the last mission in the Third Division," Narumi explained. "Two new recruits fought what we now call Kaiju No. 9. He was disguised as a human, part of the cleaning team. But that's not the strangest part."
I paused, my interest piqued. "What else happened?"
Narumi leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing. "Kaiju No. 8 fought against Kaiju No. 9."
I looked up, startled. "Kaijus fighting each other? That's never happened before."
"Exactly," Narumi said, nodding. "There’s no memory or record of kaijus engaging in combat with each other. It's unprecedented."
I continued reading, my eyes scanning the detailed accounts of the battle. It was clear that Kaiju No. 9 was a formidable opponent, but the fact that another kaiju had fought against it was baffling.
"And there's more," Narumi added. "Soshiro fought against Kaiju No. 8, but it managed to escape. Its behavior was...odd, almost human."
I felt a chill run down my spine. "You think there might be other humans like me, transformed into kaijus?"
Narumi's gaze was steady. "It's a possibility. The way Kaiju No. 8 fought, the strategic thinking, the hesitation—it all suggests a level of intelligence and emotion that’s unusual for kaijus. It's not just mindless destruction."
I took a deep breath, absorbing the implications. "If there are others like me, we need to find them. Understand them."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Narumi said, his tone serious. "Your experience, your insights—they're invaluable. We need to be prepared for the possibility that there are more like you out there, struggling with their new identities."
I nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "I'll do whatever it takes to help. If there are others like me, we need to find a way to reach them, to understand their situation."
Narumi handed me another document, this one detailing the Kaiju No. 8’s known movements and behavioral patterns. "I’m assigning you to a special task force to investigate this further. Your primary objective will be to gather as much information as possible on Kaiju No. 8 and any other potential human-kaiju hybrids."
"Is this your way of requesting me to go investigate the Third Division, Captain?"
Narumi lowered his head. "I don't like giving you this mission, but your living an unique experience, we have no collection of other person like you until kaiju n8 exposed this behaviour, I know, and you know too, that you would be the only officer in here able to detect something, if there's someone with your same condition, the kaiju in you will detect it. You are with us, but there's nothing that could prove that all of your kind have the same ideologies as you, if you request me, I'll go with you, but if you need more that one day to detect something, you know I can't stay away from that long."
I sighed, I knew I needed to do it, it's not like I could turn something like this down simply because of a person I didn't feel like seeing, we work under the same organizition, I knew I would see him eventually anyway. "Of course, there's no need Captain, they are colleagues now, in case of danger, I'll always be protected, the general declared me as an officer, they can't go against him anyway."
He got up from his chair, now facing me, he walk around the table, handing me the documents. "You'll call me everytime something happens, even if something personal, I'll be there as fast as possible if needed, it'll get easier with time to face some challenges, but I really need you to think as an officer, Kaiju n8 is to strong, if he's a turned human in the wrong side, we need to go after him as soon as we find him."
Looking in his eyes, I knew he was worried, but I was happy, he was finally treating as an offcier.
Arriving at the Third Division base unannounced, I felt a sense of unease settle in my stomach. The building was imposing, a fortress of discipline and strength. As I walked through the entrance, the bustling activity of the base reminded me of the First Division. Soldiers and officers moved with purpose, their eyes sharp and focused.
I made my way to the captain's office, my mind racing with thoughts of the mission ahead. I needed to gather as much information as possible about Kaiju No. 8. The possibility that there were other human-kaiju hybrids like me was too important to ignore.
Captain Ashiru greeted me with a nod as I entered her office. Her presence was commanding, her eyes sharp and calculating. "Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I’m here on a mission, Captain Ashiru" I began, trying to keep my voice steady. "I need information about Kaiju No. 8. Anything you can tell me would be helpful. There are suspitions from your last report, we need to investigate your base, the behaviour that was written was very peculiar for a kaiju, sure you are more than aware of that. "
Ashiru leaned back in her chair, considering my request. "Kaiju No. 8, you say? It's an unusual case. You’re in luck, though. We've had more than one of our officers to encounter with it."
"I'm aware, Captai Narumi assigned me to come here for that, I need a description," I continued, "something that could help me identify it and understand its behavior, my captain thinks it may be a species like me, if that, we need to find it, since your base was the first one with an interaction we will start from here."
Ashiru nodded. "You could interview Captain Hoshina. He fought Kaiju No. 8 directly. You should also speak with our new recruits, Ichikawa and Furuhashi. They were attacked by another kaiju, however kaiju n8 seemed to helped them, didn't even make a move towards them."
I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the task ahead. "I’ll interview all of them. Since they interacted with the kaiju at different times, they might have different information."
Ashiru smiled approvingly. "Good approach. Gather all the intel you can. And be careful. This kaiju is unlike any we've seen before."
With a nod, I left her office and headed toward the infirmary. As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and dread.
In the infirmary, I found Ichikawa and Furuhashi resting in their beds, their injuries from the recent battle still evident. Ichikawa looked up as I approached, his expression curious.
I sat on a near chair, introducing myself.
"Y/N from the First Division?" he asked, a hint of recognition in his voice.
"That's right," I replied. "I need to ask you both about your encounter with Kaiju No. 8. Can you describe what happened?"
Furuhashi sat up slightly, wincing in pain. "It was…strange. The kaiju that attacked us looked like a human at first. It was part of the cleaning team. But when it transformed, it was like nothing I’d ever seen. Kaiju n8 saved us, if it hadn't appear, we would be probably dead."
Ichikawa nodded in agreement. "It had this…intelligence. It fought strategically, not just with brute force. It was almost like it knew what we were going to do before we did it."
I took notes, my mind racing with possibilities. "But Kaiju n8?Did it say anything? Any behavior that seemed…human?"
Furuhashi shook his head. "Not really. But there was a moment when it hesitated. Like it was…conflicted."
Ichikawa added, "Why are you investigating that Kaiju?"
"I'm afraid that is not an information I could say to you, if that's all you can provide me, excuse me."
I thanked them for their information and left the infirmary, my thoughts swirling. If Kaiju No. 8 was indeed a human-kaiju hybrid, its hesitation and strategic thinking made sense. I still had no physical description of the other kaiju, but could it be the same one that attacked me before. It's so strange the sudden appearance and disappearance.
Next, I needed to find Soshiro. The thought of seeing him again made my heart clench, but I pushed the feeling aside. This was for the mission.
Searching the base, I found Soshiro in the training area, practicing his sword techniques with precision. He looked up as I approached, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Y/N," he looked at me, I couldn't read his eyes.
"I need to talk to you about Kaiju No. 8," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Captain Ashiru suggested you might have information that could help."
He sheathed his sword and wiped the sweat from his brow. "I fought it recently. It's unlike any kaiju I've ever faced."
"Can you describe it?" I asked, trying to ignore the tension between us.
Soshiro nodded. "It fought with intelligence and precision. It was almost…human in its tactics. There was a moment when it seemed to recognize me. It hesitated, like it was trying to decide whether to fight or flee. He didn't attacked just dodged the attacks and aimed my weapons, never me."
I took notes, my mind racing with the implications. "Did it say anything? Any behavior that seemed familiar?"
Soshiro hesitated, then shook his head. "No. But its behavior was…not kaiju-like."
So everyone had basically the same informations, this was going nowhere for now.
I thanked him for the information and turned to leave, feeling the weight of the past and the present colliding. Just as I was about to exit the training area, I heard Soshiro call after me.
"Y/N, wait."
I stopped, my heart pounding. I didn't want to hear what he had to say. Not now, not ever. I turned around slowly, my face a mask of indifference. "What is it?"
He took a step closer, his eyes filled with regret. "I…I want to apologize. For everything."
I clenched my fists, trying to keep my emotions in check. "We are colleagues now, Vice-Captain Hoshina. So please, behave yourself."
He winced at my words, the pain evident in his eyes. "I know I hurt you. I made a mistake, and I regret it every day."
I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. "Your regret doesn't change what you did. Please go on with our day, that chapter is closed."
He took another step closer, his voice filled with desperation. "Y/N, please. I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought that I was doing the right thing, I searched years for you, I thought that maybe you were dead, 10 years and I found you by purely coincidence, it cannot be a coincidence my love, Y/N please."
I shook my head, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes. "You thought betraying me was the right thing to do? You used my trust, my love against me."
Soshiro reached out, but I stepped back, putting distance between us. "I know I can't change the past. But I want to make things right. Please, give me a chance to explain."
I looked at him, the man I had once loved, now a stranger with regret in his eyes. "There's nothing left to explain, Soshiro. You made your choice. Now I have to live with the consequences."
He looked at me, his eyes filled with sorrow. "Y/N, I—"
I cut him off, my voice cold and detached. "We're colleagues now. Nothing more. So, please, behave yourself."
Soshiro's initial regret turned into anger as he stared at me, his eyes blazing. "Why didn't you come to me sooner, Y/N? You knew where I was. I've been quite famous due to my job and position. Why didn't you reach out?"
I felt a surge of pain and anger well up inside me. "I was scared, Soshiro. Scared that you would do exactly what you did. That you would see me as a kaiju and not as your Y/N."
He shook his head, his expression twisted with frustration. "It's because of him, isn't it?"
I blinked, genuinely confused. "What are you talking about?"
His anger seemed to intensify, his fists clenching at his sides. "I know for a fact you love me more, Y/N. You wouldn't have given yourself to me if you didn't. Even after being with him, the moment I appeared, you didn't hesitate. Why would you be with him?"
My heart raced as I tried to piece together what he was saying. "Who are you talking about, Soshiro?"
He stepped closer, his voice low and filled with accusation. "Narumi. I saw you two kissing in the bar. You were with him, and you didn't even remember it, did you?"
I felt a cold chill run down my spine. I didn't remember that at all. Panic welled up inside me as I struggled to recall the events. "Soshiro, I…What are you saying, me and Narumi, we're friends and co-workers…"
His eyes flashed with a mixture of pain and anger. "You were with him, Y/N. You chose him over me. You let him into your life, into your heart. Did you gave up on me?"
Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of his words hit me. "Soshiro, it wasn't like that. I never gave up on nothing, after what you did, you want me to feel guilty?"
He scoffed, shaking his head. "You don't get it, do you? You moved on. You chose him. And now you stand here, telling me to behave myself like we never had anything."
I felt a surge of anger and frustration. "You don't get to turn this on me, Soshiro. You betrayed me. You used my trust against me. How was I supposed to know you wouldn't see me as a monster? Which you did."
He took a step back, his expression pained. "Because I loved you, Y/N. I still do."
I wiped away my tears, my voice trembling. " You proved my fears right. You saw me as a kaiju, not as the woman you loved."
Soshiro's anger seemed to deflate, replaced by a deep sadness. "I…I didn't know what else to do. I thought I was protecting everyone."
I shook my head, feeling a deep ache in my chest. "Protecting everyone? What about me? How could you think that was the right thing to do?"
He looked at me, his eyes filled with regret. "I was scared too, Y/N. Scared of losing you, scared of what you had become."
I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "We are colleagues. Nothing more. I need to focus on the mission."
He reached out as if to touch me, but I stepped back, putting distance between us. "Y/N, please…"
I shook my head, my voice firm. "No. This conversation is over."
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leakyweep · 1 year
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Okay so yeah I'm doing both :D They both would have such different approaches... I'm living!!!! @stephisokay also that cake was amazing and exactly what I needed to do this ask!
Warnings: Afab reader, degradation, mention of brat taming, piv sex, doffy is so mean i am so sorry i want him to call me a slut, corazon is a sub and we love him for it, not proofread, MINORS DNI
Song to enhance the vibe: "Wallflower" by Tim Atlas
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- Doffy
So, we all know he has quite a big personality already. So for a person to stand before him, unflinching, unafraid... It entices him. Not only to test your limits, but to see if this is just a facade or not. He finds himself in competition with you, two giant temperaments fighting for dominance, inside and outside of the bedroom.
He'd begin by trying to scare the shit out of you, but when you just give him an attitude, he realizes you really have no idea how much power and influence he has. He assures you that he could have you killed just by speaking back to him, but he wants to play with you.
When he gets you to bed, he doesn't expect you to try and dom him. He should've expected it, seeing how you hold yourself to such a high standard, making sure to keep yourself well-groomed and managed. However, he shut that shit down quick, resulting in a bit of brat taming on his side. You refused to go down without a fight, but he was quickly overpowering you with that absolute fucking shlong he has between his hairy ass dad legs.
"That's right, you fucking overzealous slut. Think you can take me over in the bedroom?" he paused the merciless pounding of his cock deep in your weeping cunt to pull your hair towards him, meeting your tear-stained face. You were babbling absolute nonsense about how you wanted it harder, even though you were basically sobbing between broken syllables.
He laughed, pushing your face into the plush comforter and pistoning his hips to fuck you with thick length as deep as he could, his giant palms holding your ass and guiding it back and forth on his cock in time with his unapologetically rough thrusting.
"I'll teach you not to have such a bad attitude, slut. I'll fuck it right out of you."
And that he did, until you were squirting around his cock, begging him for release after release, until he was planting his seed deep inside your cunt over and over, making a mess of his pink satin sheets.
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- Corazon
Now, I want you to imagine a man who would shrink in your presence, even though he stands at a whopping height. One who would devote himself to you, constantly surprising you with flowers and candy and all of your favorite things.
He wouldn't be intimidated by you, per say, but he recognizes how confident you are, and how you realize you don't even need a measly man such as he to live. He knows you're comfortable enough to be completely alone, to leave him whenever, to find any other man, so he makes sure to treat you like the only person in the world.
In the bedroom, he makes sure to be obedient, kissing your feet if you asked him to. He always made sure to take care of your orgasm first; his favorite way to see you cum is around his fingers as you pull his hair and guide his hand thats using the vibrator on your clit. The way you moan his name through clenched teeth, praising him for doing so well, making sure to show him exactly how thankful you are for him...
"Aw, baby, you love that, right? The way I take care of you for being so good to me..." Your voice is as sweet as any chocolate he's bought you, lulling him into climax after climax with your praises. The way he whimpered your name when he came, bucking his hips into your hand, your cunt, whatever was enveloping him... it didn't matter to Corazon.
He would take whatever he could from you, and he would thank you over and over again for it as he spurted cum into your mouth, onto your back, wherever he could get it. He loved seeing you a mess with his ejaculation; it was an image he would have permanently etched into his mind.
Aftercare with this man is unbelievable; he showers you with massages, showers, baths, meals... whatever you ask him for, he will deliver. He loves you so much, and he wants to show you.
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soulfulazrael · 7 months
My Hellaverse Religions and Marriages. Or how my Asperger made up some odd worldbuilding over the dumbest reason imaginable.
We all know this shot. We all hate this shot (well... I do)
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And it's for one, big reason... what the hell are marriages in Hell? Well. I was wondering that too and honestly the answer is very simple... Who gives a shit? Viv wanted a contrived story with forced marriage where Moxxie looks like a total bitch so she did it as well as she could and since she could not do it well it came out how it did.
But it did made me think at least. What would marriages in Hell look like? And that lead me to a downward spiral of thinking up in a few hours how it works and why it works. And here is the result. Ladies and gentleman and all the inbetweens (I don't judge) I present my first rewrite post which I mostly do for myself as a note for future in case dementia catches me like it did with my grandparents. One is dead, the other is dying, but enough about my happy life. Let's get into autistic rambling.
So, before we get to the marriage system I have in mind, first let's delve into another thing. God. Or in this case. Deities. As in my version of HB/HH I write about in my AU there are several of them. All of which are different High authority figures of which the main ones are five and I will name all of them: First one is Lucifer
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Who in this version is... not as nice. In fact he is very, VERY cruel being. One that has little qualms about lives of anyone else. A being of Chaos from the times of the Rebellion in Heaven which he lead against God after he corrupted humanity to prove to The Almighty of his superiority, of that he is deserving of love much greater than mortals. Cast out from Heaven alongside all those that took side with him.
Now in Hell he embodies Pride that shaped the top layer of Hell. He is a Deity that preaches ultimate freedom. He preaches the idea of that you deserve all that you want. That every feeling, every desire you feel is correct and that you alone are deserving of those no matter what anyone says, no matter who it hurts. All that is important is you. That is the crux of those who follow him. Hedonists, narcissists, cruel, chaotic beings of pure selfishness who believe in righteousness of their desires and standing up against any authority that wants to keep them away from fulfilling their dreams and when all dreams become reality, there is no other outcome than Chaos which Lucifer adores.
They are called Light Takers. For Lucifer is one who brings light and those who follow him, take said light and all that they want.
That is Lucifer and now let's get to the Deity right under him that sides with him more so than the other one, another creature of Chaos (also be mindful that this is just short summary of those things, I can go more in depth about each one in other posts). Satan:
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I don't have a better image as my idea of how he looks is pretty different. I imagine him as a centaur like being with a lower body similar to a bull, more human like torso, a head similar to one on this app with mighty wings and 4 arms. A brutal, relentless deity, one who's philosophy is to spread death and prepare for fight against the Heaven. To drown the world in the blood of his enemies and for the bodies and blood to rise so high so that he can approach the Heaven's gates.
His followers are mostly Imps. Many of them sharing to lesser or greater extent this philosophy of slaughter. It gives them meaning to kill and make their own trail of Blood as they follow in the hoove steps of the Lord of Slaughter. Followers of Blood they are called. A numerous force of berserkers devoted to mindless murder and Chaos.
With all this Chaos there has to be a balance point though right? You'd be correct. As on the opposite end of the Chaos spread by Lucifer and Satan is The Lord Governor:
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Lucifuge Rofocale. He is in my version very similar to this depiction, although he very rarely smiles. He is known also as Bitter Governor for his rivalry with Lucifer in which he is mostly ignored by the latter as he tries to gain control over the Chaos of Hell.
He is the creature who values Order more so than anything. He is the Lawmaker. He is the lord of Laws that he writes into his Great Book, many laws there are, some of which contradict each other, some forgotten, other irrelevant. All his. He is the cruelty of order and subjugation incarnate. His name itself Lucifuge is one that was given to him after rebellion in which he took side of Lucifer in order to create a perfect society of his own. A society that was never to be. He who runs from Light for he was a Throne Angel of greater light than any other, a Light so strong he could never know even a smallest shadow. Light that he hated above all and could never fully rid himself off of it's taint.
When he came to Hell his Pride alongside Lucifer's shaped the Entire Ring. Lucifer controls the Central parts where Pentagram City is located and Lucifuge controls outer rings of Pride where his 5 towers on borders of Pride spreading to the blood sky surround the Chaos of Lucifer. His desire of control made manifest. A control he spreads with his Emissaries. Those who follow him and his laws faithfully and spread them with unmatched zeal. And his most faithful and powerful servant is the 4th of the Main Deities. The Silent King of all Ars Goetia.
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King Baal. His version in my AU is based on this picture. A creature with lower body of a Spider and torso of a man with head of a King with long hair at the top. Which ever direction he looks, his face changes shape, if to his right it takes form of a cat and left is the frog. Among the deities he alongside Satan were born in Hell and were since time of their Hell's manifestation bitter rivals and his beloved is Queen of Gluttony Beelzebub which is often a target of mockery. A spider who beds a bug instead of eating it, but no care to those words are given, no words... Only silence. Pride was originally meant to be his as it would embody his silence, but it was not to be as the Fall happened and Pride was born from the quiet grounds.
He was named an Ars Goetia by Lucifuge to whom he pledged allegiance to in Silent Promise and ever since his invisible web spread across skies of Pride, woven from threads attached to every life among Ars Goetia and to cut it is to be a Heretic condemned to suffering at the hand of Silent King. Baal's Faithful who are his followers are mostly Ars Goetia. All believing in Hell's security to be utmost priority. To make it safe at any means necessary. To make sure that Hell will be eternal and all who fall into it's flames will never escape it's torment. He is the one who keeps the Ars Goetia in check to follow the laws Lord Lucifuge laid out. For maybe side of Chaos has numbers and ferocity, but Order has power and stability.
A balance that is most crucial to never ending conflict festered by the most enigmatic and possibly most terrible of the Five. Mephistopheles.
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Who's looks are as everchanging as interpretations of how he looks. A Demon who fooled the world into believing he was, but a made up Demon in a story about Faust. Always cloaked in shadows creature, that despite looking a lot of times like the most basic denizen of Hell, is anything, but. As his nature is a mystery to all who inhabit it. A creature of Darkness that remembers the time of the first words that is alien to both Heaven and Hell. One that gave Hell it's currency made of Souls it caught with contracts they make on earth. A Creature that always maintains the balance of both sides. Making sure there is never a conclusion to this bitter conflict and flames of Discord never fade. Something that is cherished by his Brethren in Dark.
To be Mephisto's Brethren in Dark is to commune and listen to Mephisto's words. You are what you are. There is no change to that. So live your life as you see fit. Make of your life anything you want. Be it for order or chaos. Be it for your desire or duty. What is important is to know who you are and to believe in his words. It is to be on the side of yours and his and all that you must have will come to you, but the price will have to be paid, but it does not have to come from you now has it? No... You use others as much as you are used. You know that very well. You always will. For you are rotten, but so is everything else. So is that so bad?
There are many other deities. Such as King Paimon, by many considered as one of the if not the mightiest among Kings. A being who's promise of seeing his Labyrinth makes many shudder at the mere thought. Or the Sins who's patronage seek those who live on their rings. But the choice is up to the Hellborn... aside from mostly Hellhounds, who mostly only reside and do labor for the Beelzebub. A Cerberus insect of endless hunger.
But there is one more path. On the side of neutrality is also another side. Hell. To listen to the will of Hell.
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Listeners of Hell are those who feel the very wind among the bloody streets. To know intimately the desires of the ground you walk on. To serve Hell as it's listener and to reinforce it's will. This is path for those who seek a different path from all other deities. But to do so is to give all that you are to the home you have. Not to protect, but understand it. Breathe with it and to be a true part of it. Closer than many others.
These are all the paths Hellborn can... or rather have to choose. Because atheism is not possible in this realm. Hellborn have to believe in something otherwise it means they are a traitor to the Hell itself. Whatever one believes in it is up to the Hellborn in question. But the choice it is one Hellborn MUST make.
Now... after this little mythology lesson where does this lead in terms of marriages? Well. The marriage in itself is also a deal between deities. Each side has their own contract that has to be signed by the priest of their respective deity. And each priest is of different kind. Emissary is a political for the most part. Mephisto's Brethren could be of any kind. A soldier of Baal. Hedonistic royal of Lucifer. Berserker of Satan. If both sides worship same deity it means less issues, but both contracts are still required.
Both sides need to sign their respective contract and then place their cut hands on those contracts as they are connected by their blank sides. Letting their blood seep into them as both of them touch them. Letting their blood, believes and word to connect them forevermore, for them both to be servants together. That is unless one has a change of faith which may require redoing of the process at the chance of being shunned by everyone around. For it is a shame to be someone to turns away from their God.
So yeah... This is how I would personally write certain part of Mythology of Hell. I know I did not elaborate on certain other things like Paimon or Sins, but I think this is a good enough of a starting point to the mythology I want to make with 3 sides here. Chaos, Order and Neutrality. All with their own strengths and weaknesses. All with their own stories and people who worship them. All with their own traditions, beliefs and personalities... All of it... because I was iffy by the fucking Exs and Ohs priest. I need serious mental help. This is just sad to look at. Then again if you read this far, I guess we all lost here. Or maybe you liked it. If so then please leave a comment or something. I cherish those. And maybe think of who you would choose to follow.
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Rewrite the stars *Smut*
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Summary: The day came to marry Aemond with end in sight, however after enough time with him even if he couldn't always calm his strange urges..... You seem to have grown fond of him and his weird ways.
Word count: 4.1k
A/n: Part 3 of "My sweet Y/n" but can be read as a stand-alone, Enjoy~
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Once in the safety of your private chambers, you couldn't stop thinking over Aemond's question even as you got ready for bed "You do want to marry me, right?". Sitting in the bath longer than used to simply because you couldn't stop yourself from thinking of all the different outcomes of marrying the prince, trying to fight against it still but dealing with more punishments that Alicent seemed fine putting you through or actually giving in to what the prince wanted. Once a fortnight had passed the wedding was ready to take place which helped as Aemond eased up even if only slightly, but you had a much better time talking to him even if he was still glued to your side or banned certain people from even just looking at you or how often Alicent would be staring you both down looking angry but say she was fine. Having been separated from Aemond for the last few days once everything was done and over with it would be more special when you both finally saw each other even as Alicent and Helena helped you get ready for the wedding. Helena tried to be ever helpful as she spoke softly to keep you calm but couldn't help as she spoke in her riddled way of what she saw happening once you married Aemond as if knowing something nobody else did.
You stared at the mirror as the maids finished dressing your hair in braids and wrapping your head delicately with a headdress of flowers. Aemond walked down a carpeted staircase and into a large room. He was wearing a black doublet, embellished with silver embroidery. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. At the other end of the room, you were waiting for everything to start in your wedding dress. The dress was made of white velvet, with lace trimming along the hems. You looked like a vision of beauty. Aemond looked at you with awe and tenderness once you started walking down the long aisle. He knew he would soon make you his wife. He could not wait to take you in his arms. There was a hush among the crowd as you made your entrance, Aemond's eyes solely on you. You were taken aback when he looked at you with nothing but pure awe. You rarely had men or most people look at you in this way. As he approached you, you gently took his hand and held it tightly. His warmth and tenderness were both comforting and exciting. You felt a strange sense of calm wash over you at the thought of finally being with Aemond even if things were still very difficult between you both.
Aemond slowly made his way down the carpet-lined room, taking in the beauty that was you. You looked like a vision in your wedding gown, your beauty rivaling that of the Seven themselves. Aemond couldn't wait until you were finally and officially his wife, to hold and kiss and love you with all his heart and soul without hiding it anymore. "You look beautiful," he said softly, handing you the bouquet of flowers. "I can't wait to marry you, my love." He looked over at the Septon waiting nearby. "Shall we?" You took the bouquet of flowers. "Thank you, Aemond." You looked up at your groom, smiling. "Yes," you said softly, "let's do it." You looked at the Septon with a nervous smile. "Let us be wed, ser." The Septon stepped forward. "Dearly beloved…" Aemond squeezed your hand as the ceremony began. In his heart, Aemond was already married to you. He had loved you since the very first day you both met.
You smiled softly trying to stay calm even with all the eyes on you and Aemond who seemed used to this. Aemond and the Septon took their positions. "Do you, Aemond, Prince of the Iron Throne, take Y/n to be your lawful-wedded wife, to love and cherish, from this day forth?" the Septon asked. Aemond nodded. "I do." The Septon turned to look at you. "Do you, Y/n," the Septon asked, "Take Aemond to be your lawful-wedded husband, to love and cherish, from this forth?" You took a deep breath in and out, your heart beating quickly, your mind racing with thoughts of Aemond and what suddenly life would be like now. You slowly nodded your head, and your voice trembled slightly as you replied quietly, "Yes." As you repeated your vows, it felt as though your chest was expanding with pride, joy, and love. This was it, you were getting married even if it was to Aemond, the man you had fought against, the man you had understood was different than others and was now standing in front of you. It was like a fairytale come to life except it was very real.
The Septon spoke. "Then, by the authority vested in me by the Seven Who Are One, I hereby pronounce that Aemond and Y/n are one flesh and one body, now and forever." Aemond and you leaned forward and gently kissed for the first time as husband and wife. Aemond's hands remained on your hips. Aemond smiled. The Septon looked pleased. The guests cheered and drank champagne. "My wife," Aemond whispered into your ear. Aemond smiled at the Septon. Then he looked at you. His expression turned serious. "My wife," he said in a quiet voice. He took your hand and kissed the ring. "You are mine, now," he said lowly. "And I am yours." His eyes darkened as he looked at you enjoying that now no matter what you were only his no longer even having to work under his mother.
Truly feeling like his property, even if you didn't understand if it was in a good way or a bad one. No one else would ever be able to touch you, love you, or call you 'wife.' This moment was truly a dream come to life. As Aemond kissed the ring on your finger, you felt a rush of warmth flush over your body that only added to the fire of nerves. You knew now that you belonged to him, you belonged to him completely and he belonged to you in turn. No one could take Aemond away, and that gave you such a sense of peace and comfort it felt like a burden lifted off your shoulders. You felt complete. You were no longer you, you were Aemond's, his one true love, and you would have to wear that title with pride.
You and Aemond turned to the guests who attended the wedding as they clapped and cheered. Your body burned from embarrassment as you fiddled with the flowers you were still holding. You felt like your whole body was on fire after everything was settled and set in stone Aemond took your hand. "Let's go have a meal and celebrate," he said. Leading you to a feast table, filled with delicious foods. On it were roast fowl, baked capon, sweetbreads, lamprey pies, and lemon cakes. "My love," Aemond whispered. "I promise I will protect you and your honor. I will be faithful to you and love you and cherish you." Aemond was smiling. He looked deep into your eyes. "With all these wedding festivities, I nearly forgot that we shall soon bed, to finally consummate our marriage," Aemond smirked. "Are you ready for that, my wife?" You felt slightly embarrassed but happy by the applause and the cheering of the guests. You smiled at Aemond as he led you to the feast table filled with delicious food. You took in the sight of the feast table before you both, full of delicious foods. You couldn't wait to dig in. As Aemond whispered in your ear and promised to protect you and love you, you felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over you. Your stomach turned just slightly at his next remark, but you tried your best to ignore it and focus on your new husband. Then he mentioned consummation. You cleared your throat a little at his words but felt yourself nod nonetheless. "I am," you said softly. It was a big night for you both and there was nothing better than to consummate your marriage, to finally be one in flesh and hearts.
Feeling a rush of butterflies at his words, your cheeks hurting due to the smile you couldn't get to leave your lips as you nodded your head. You were ready, you only hoped you could satisfy your new husband. You both had been so close to each other, but never truly together. Now you would be in the most intimate way imaginable. You nodded once more, your chest burning as if you were on fire not knowing what you were doing. You couldn't believe that the moment you had prayed for just to marry and be happy beside someone for the rest of your life for so long was finally here, and it felt like a dream. "I am," you replied softly. Your heart fluttered at your now husband's words. Both of you would no longer be separated by this night. Your bodies would finally be intertwined, with your souls bound together forever. "I have waited a lifetime for this moment," you softly confessed, "so you better be ready."
Aemond felt the blood rush to his face. His body was alive. His whole body felt warm. His heart pounded. "Ready?" He said. "I am more than ready." Aemond stared at your lips. "My beautiful, sweet, and chaste bride." Aemond was grinning widely. "Tonight," he said, "my chaste bride will be mine." Aemond gently pulled you closer. "Tonight we will consummate our marriage." Aemond looked at you with a lustful smile. "My love," he said, "I have been waiting for this moment since our first meeting. You have no idea how much I want you." Aemond was blushing. This wasn't like him at all being so open but at least he wasn't telling you all the things he did behind your back, but he somehow couldn't restrain himself around you. Aemond caressed your cheek with his thumb. "Y/n," he said, "let's go back to my chambers. We need to consummate our marriage."
You could feel a fire in your blood. Aemond's lustful words were making you feel things you never thought you could feel. You were becoming more and more excited by his advances, but part of you was scared and nervous. This would be the first time you truly made love, and you wanted it to be perfect. "Take me," you said softly, meeting his lustful gaze with your own. "Take all of me, my love," you whispered gently like you didn't want others to know as you leaned forward, your kiss lingering on his lips. You could feel his warmth coursing through your body. "My lady," Aemond whispered, "I will gladly take you." He softly leaned forward and kissed your lips fiercely. It was not the romantic kiss you had given each other at your wedding. This kiss was different. The hunger and lust in Aemond's eyes, the way he squeezed you firmly, and the way Aemond's kiss did not want to end, showing you a passionate side of your new husband you had not yet known.
Aemond felt a rush of emotions. Lust, love, and desire for you overwhelmed his body, coursing through his blood like wildfire. He had waited a lifetime for this moment, the moment when his beloved would finally be in his arms. He leaned forward, his kisses more passionate than any he had ever given before. He pulled you closer into his arms, his hands exploring your body and pulling you tighter against him. His lips searched for your neck, and he kissed your neck passionately. His movements were not gentle now. They were aggressive and passionate. Your body was trembling with excitement, feeling that same fire coursing through your body. You couldn't help but moan as Aemond's hands explored your body, and kisses rained down your neck. You were losing your mind, your desire taking over in a way you never would have imagined. You were becoming a woman that night, your body, your mind, and your soul belonged to Aemond, and no one else your blood raced through your veins, the rush of excitement, lust, and desire being too much for you to handle as your hold tightened on Aemond. You kissed him back hungrily, tasting his lips and feeling his hands as they ran over your body. The aggression of his movements made you feel like he was claiming you with each kiss. Each caress brought you two closer together, your souls and bodies intertwined. Your lips and bodies met together, creating an explosive passion.
Aemond sighed happily as the passion between him and you grew. The kiss was intense, hungry, and filled with desire. The two had slowly but surely making way to the privacy of your now shared bed chambers, away from the feast and people who wanted to talk to you both and meet you someone who was just a lowly servant now married into royalty. Now in the bed chambers. You were lying on his large, king-sized bed Aemond's face was flushed. His body was warm. You could feel his breathing become heavier Aemond stared you in the eyes, his voice becoming raspy. "Your husband desires you," he said, "more than he has ever desired anyone for the past two years." He pulled your body closer. "My lady," he said, "I must have you." Slowly, Aemond peeled your dress down, revealing your figure to his heterochromia eyes. Aemond's eyes were filled with a lustful gleam. He hungrily kissed your neck, leaving marks with his lips. He looked into your eyes. "Are you ready?" You felt yourself shiver as Aemond's lips kissed your neck, leaving behind marks as if he were claiming you as his own which in his mind he was. His words ignited a fire within you, one that could only be satiated by your husband. "I am, my love," you whispered gently as you felt his hands on your body, your heart was beating rapidly, your mind racing. All of you belonged to him, forever. "Take me," you whispered softly, unable to wait any longer. Your words were filled with passion and desire. You moaned softly as Aemond's kisses traveled down your neck again, sending a jolt of desire through your body. He was aggressive and passionate, and you were loving every second of it. As his lips touched yours, you let out a muffled cry of pleasure. You wanted him to take you right here, right now. You were married now, and this was finally allowed. You couldn't stop yourself from feeling this way and your body wasn't helping as it all but screamed at you everything you needed to know.
Aemond's hands explored every curve of your body. His fingers traced your curves, touching every inch of you. Aemond could feel every little gasp and moan of pleasure that you were making. Aemond pulled you close to him. He could feel his blood boiling. He was becoming hungry for her. Aemond's face was flushed he kissed your shoulders, your neck, your tummy, your hips. He kissed wherever his mouth could reach. Aemond slowly kissed down your body all the way to your thighs. He could hear you moaning softly under your breath. Aemond looked up to see you looking at him with lust in your eyes. He let his voice whisper seductively "We shall be as one," he teased, "as husband and wife." Aemond's heart was racing. He looked at you with a wicked smile on his face. "My love," he whispered, "you are as beautiful as a goddess." Aemond looked at you with unrivaled passion and obsession. Your beauty was enough to render him powerless. He caressed the curve of your hips. Aemond smiled. "So soft and supple," he whispered enjoying how you felt under his fingertips without shame or guilt like he used to.
You moaned softly as he kissed all over your body, his mouth wandering over every inch of you. His words only served to further fuel your passion and desire. The passion and lust between you both were palpable. You let out another moan as Aemond kissed your thighs, your breath growing heavy and your heart beating quickly. You knew what was about to happen. You couldn't wait much longer. "Please," you whispered softly, letting him know that you were ready for more. Your lips continued to moan softly. You were feeling so much pleasure, your whole body shaking. You felt Aemond's hand move to your thighs spreading your legs open, slowly working way up to a more intimate place as his fingertips teased your pussy. Aemond kissed your thighs slowly. He kissed your hips. He kissed your womb, gently, teasingly. His mouth slowly licked at your skin. Aemond smiled. "The moment we have long anticipated is finally here," he said. "I am going to take you." You were experiencing something you had never felt before. It was intense and overwhelming, but Aemond's attention and love for you felt so blissful. He seemed so dedicated to worshipping you. Aemond's tongue entered your cunt slowly with a groan at the taste of you on his tongue.
Aemond watched you closely taking in your reaction. He was gazing at you with complete and total adoration. He was obsessed with every part of your body, every inch, every curve, every part that showed your dripping pussy. But, above all, he was addicted to your sweet lips and your breathy voice. Your legs buckled and shook as you tried to endure the pleasure of Aemond's tongue teasing you as his nose bumped against your cilt. Your body was a blaze, and all you could feel was the overwhelming sensations of Aemond's touch. You were so close, and the feeling would only increase as he worked his way deeper inside you. "Aemond," you whispered softly as your head tilted back, feeling your body quivering in his embrace. "Oh, Gods." You could not remember the last time you felt something this powerful. Your mind was all but gone, and your body was nearing the edge.
Aemond smiled as he heard Y/n's voice become more desperate. She likes this, my sweet lady, Aemond thought. She is mine. The moans of yours fueled Aemond's love and passion for you tenfold. He was eager to give you pleasure, and he did not want to lose this opportunity as he continued moving his tongue inside of you letting you grind against his face, holding on to your thighs as he groaned before feeling the spasm as your legs shook while you came hitting all over his face. Causing him to pull away shocked at what just happened before grinning as he moved to hover above you still teasing you as he roughly spoke in your ear "Such a good little wife for me aren't you? gonna let me take you again and use you."
You were lost in the pleasure you felt at the touch of Aemond's mouth and hands. Your body was shaking with desire, your words becoming lost as you felt yourself reaching your climax. Your eyes widened in shock, a blush creeping across your face as the words he spoke left you breathless. Was he joking? You didn't have time to think, not with the way he was teasing you and looking into your eyes with a gleam of passion. "Take me," you begged softly with a nod of your head, your voice filled with need and pleasure.
Aemond's lips continued to tease you, and your moans kept flooding the room. Aemond finally gave you what you both wanted. He gave you his entire body, in every way possible. His body was warm and tender as if he had become one with you like he had been waiting. His fingers, his tongue, his lips, his voice, every single one of his senses existed to please you. Aemond felt your body trembling and shaking with the pleasures you were having. Aemond was loving every moment of it. Aemond looked at you with a content, blissful expression. He moved his hands to your hips and pulled you close. He wanted to savor this moment, to savor the loving feelings his wife was giving him finally after all the pining and waiting paid off. "Oh, Y/n, you are mine now," Aemond whispered seductively in your ear. Aemond kissed you softly as he lined up his cock that was leaking and thrusted into you slowly as he laced your fingers together holding your hands up by your head.
Closing your eyes as he slowly lined up, your eyes meeting just for a moment. As he thrusted into your warm pussy, you let out a soft moan, your body filled with a sense of pleasure and satisfaction that you had never felt before. "My love," you whispered. Your eyes remained closed as your bodies moved together. "Please fill me with your love." Your words were filled with passion and joy, the moment of your coming together was the happiest moment of your entire life. Aemond was in bliss. Your love, your soft, sweet lips, your warm body, all of you. Aemond loved you which he felt he had proven enough times since knowing you. He loved you so much that his thoughts were filled with you. This is what you mean to him. You are his happiness. Aemond was grunting with every thrust as he started snapping his hips faster. His hands slipped away from yours and were gripping your hips firmly. It was as if Aemond was a beast with a fiery passion inside him. He couldn't stop. He wanted to give you more love.
"You are mine," Aemond whispered, his voice becoming more and more sensual. "I have been dreaming of this moment," he said softly. "I have wanted you as my wife since I first saw your beautiful face two years ago." Aemond looked at you hungrily as he thought of all the depraved things he did before being with you. He was your husband now. You were now Aemond's lover. Your paths were intertwined and your destiny was to be together forever. He kissed your lips passionately. You were in total bliss as Aemond's body moved with yours. You felt the love flow through your body, filling you, and all you could think of was the man on top of you. You felt his love and felt every emotion he felt. Your hands grasped onto him, holding onto him tightly as you continued to make love with him. You let out another moan, your legs wrapping around his waist as he groaned and swore under his breath each time you tightened around his cock. Your eyes were closed as you felt your whole body shudder with pleasure and satisfaction. Love filled every inch of your body. You had never felt more connected to another being.
Aemond kissed your neck. He moved his body at a fast pace letting his cock slam in and out of you. He kissed your lips again. He kept doing this again and again, his kisses becoming more and more passionate and rough. Aemond's heart was pounding. Your moaning was driving him crazy. He was close to the edge. His body was moving faster and harder. The moment was quickly approaching. Your moans were louder and more passionate as you practically screamed his name. His body was trembling. Suddenly, he released deep inside of you. You could feel Aemond's body become more intense as his kisses increased in passion. Your own body trembled as your breathing became faster. The moment was approaching and you could feel your body prepare itself for the climax again. As your bodies moved faster and faster, you felt his kisses on your neck become more and more possessive, as if he was claiming you in every way possible. You let out a loud, satisfied moan as you felt pure ecstasy throughout your body. Your body trembled and your blood raced through your veins. It was the greatest moment of your life as you saw white in front of your eyes.
With that, Aemond made you feel things you had never felt before in your life. All in all, it was an incredible experience for you which was better than any fantasy he had ever had about you. When the two of you were finished, Aemond held you closely. Aemond's face was flushed, and he was breathless from their love-making. He whispered to get your attention, "You are my true love." He spoke while dragging his fingertips across your body. You held onto your husband tightly as you lay together on the bed, his words making your heart melt. You enjoyed his closeness for once, listening to his breathing, and knew that this moment would forever be etched into your mind. "I am yours, my love," you whispered back to him. "I am yours right here, right now, and forever." You brought your hand up and caressed his cheek, smiling softly as you looked into his eyes.
"I love you, Aemond," you murmured gently but honestly about the words he had been waiting to hear from you.
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baglove · 2 years
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(via cat lovers Mask by mohammed elhachimi)
funny, cute, fear federal feel feeling few field fight figure fill film final finally financial find fine finger finish fire firm first fish five floor fly focus follow food foot for force foreign forget form former forward four free friend from front full fund future, game garden gas general generation get girl give glass go goal good government great green ground group grow growth guess gun guy hair half hand hang happen happy hard have he head health hear heart heat heavy help her here herself high him himself his, a ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although, always american among amount analysis and animal another answer any anyone anything appear apply approach area argue arm around arrive art article artist as ask assume at attack attention attorney audience author authority available avoid away baby back, institution interest interesting international interview into investment involve issue it item its itself job join just keep key kid kill kind kitchen know knowledge land language large last late later laugh law lawyer lay lead leader learn least leave, left leg legal less let letter level lie life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lose loss lot love low machine magazine main maintain major majority make man manage management manager many market marriage material matter may, civil claim class clear clearly close coach cold collection college color come commercial common community company compare computer concern condition conference congress consider consumer contain continue control cost could country couple course court, cover create crime cultural culture cup current customer cut dark data daughter day dead deal death debate decade decide decision deep defense degree democrat democratic describe design despite detail determine develop development die difference different, bad ball bank bar base be beat beautiful because become bed before begin behavior behind believe benefit best better between beyond big bill billion bit black blood blue board book born both box boy break bring brother budget build building, business but buy by call camera campaign can cancer candidate capital car care career carry case catch cause cell center central century certain certainly chair challenge chance change character charge check child choice choose church citizen city, myself name nation national natural nature near nearly necessary need network never new news newspaper next nice night no none nor north not note nothing notice now number occur of off offer office officer official often oh oil ok old on once one only, enough enter entire environment environmental especially establish even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything evidence exactly example executive exist expect experience expert explain eye face fact factor fail fall family far fast father, history hit hold home hope hospital hot hotel hour house how however huge human hundred husband i idea identify if image imagine impact important improve in include including increase indeed indicate industry information inside instead, sort sound source south southern space speak special specific speech spend sport spring staff stage stand standard star start state statement station stay step still stock stop store story strategy street strong structure student study stuff style subject, shake share she shoot short shot should shoulder show side sign significant similar simple simply since sing single sister sit site situation six size skill skin small smile so social society soldier some somebody someone something sometimes son song soon, third this those though thought thousand threat three through throughout thus time to today together tonight too top total tough toward town trade traditional training travel treat treatment tree trial trip trouble true truth try turn tv two type, difficult dinner direction director discover discuss discussion disease do doctor dog door down draw dream drive drop drug during each early east easy eat economic economy edge education effect effort eight either election else employee end energy enjoy, onto open operation opportunity option or order organization other others our out outside over own owner page pain painting paper parent part participant particular particularly partner party pass past patient pattern pay peace people per perform, cat, love, success successful such suddenly suffer suggest summer support sure surface system table take talk task tax teach teacher team technology television tell ten tend term test than thank that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think, animal, tie dye hippie hipster rainbow tumblr cool peace trendy colorful cute shaka trending trippy beach blue pastel hippy dye funny hang loose indie jeep ocean tie aesthetic boho fashion girly good vibes love popular positive surf vibes weed adventure bohemian, dope feminism girl green groovy grunge hand happy hawaii kawaii life loose mandala meme music nice pale peaceful pink purple space summer tiedye trend tye die tye dye vintage 70s 90s artsy be happy black california car colors drugs festival florida food, fun good goth hang hearts hippies instagram la logo lsd marijuana meditate new york peace sign pineapple psychedelic pun quote retro script shoes sign stay woke tie die top selling travel traveling tropical typography vibe water waves white woke yellow zen, 1960 1970 2019 3 420 60s aestethic alex morgan alien aloha anatomy apples atlanta atlantis avocado avocados awesome backgrounds ball basic beautiful bernie birkenstocks black and white bloodshot bob bob weir bones bong brandy melville bright bright side, bro bud buddha buddhas bumper ca cali calligraphy calm cartoon case chaco chacos chakra chakras chance the rapper chic chicago chill chill out city claire andrews claireandrewss classic clout clout goggles college colour colourful country cowabunga dancing, skeleton dark blue dead head death designs disco dolphin donut doodle dorm down drake dude edm elephant elephants emoji eno equal pay eyes fall fat buddha fist floral flower flowers font four stars fries fruit fry funds fye gd50 girl gang girl girl girls
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twilight-orchid · 3 years
How The Demon Brothers React After Fighting With Their SO
tw: some angst with resolution at the end, mentions of past arguments, insecurity.
This man is petty as hell.
He doesn’t do the silent treatment, but he acts like you aren’t dating.
If you need to work on something together, you’re a co-worker.
At RAD you’re a classmate.
Around the house you’re just a housemate.
His poker face is immaculate and it will not crack when you’re around.
If someone didn’t know what was happening, they’d probably think you two barely knew each other.
However, you won’t notice, but as soon as you look the other way his eyes are on you.
He’s used to arguing with his brothers and is no stranger to explosive fights that end with he and the other person not being on speaking terms.
But you’re different.
He tries to go on with business as usual, but he can’t think about anything other than how much he misses you.
Yet, he lets it continue because he just can’t put his pride aside and apologize.
If you decide to sleep in your old room it’ll both hurt his feelings and royally piss him off.
He thinks you’re being childish and will be pretty rude about it, but that’s because internally his blood just ran cold.
It adds a degree of seriousness to the argument that he’s uncomfortable with.
Yes he’s mad, but he can’t lose you.
If you still sleep in his bed, he makes sure to scoot over to the very edge so he doesn’t cuddle you in his sleep.
In fact, the first night after the argument he’d probably put a pillow between you just to really punctuate the fact that he’s still upset.
I’d say it could go 4 days to a week tops without you making up.
After a point though, he just can’t function until the issue is resolved. He can’t sleep, he’s falling behind on his work, and he’s just generally not doing well.
You get called to his office one night and find him at his desk surrounded by piles of paper, disheveled and exhausted.
“MC, come sit down. I’d like to talk this through. Please.”
He’s so dramatic.
You dare defy him? The Great Mammon can’t believe this tiny fragile human would have the audacity.
The theatrics are just a front though.
His ‘The Great Mammon’ act is a mask for his insecurity, one he hasn’t had to use with you in awhile.
Even as the words leave his mouth he regrets them.
He’s going to be very uncomfortable with everything until the argument is resolved, but most of all himself.
He’s learned not to take his brothers too seriously when they toss insults his way, but words have a way of morphing to belief over time.
Internally he is going to be super hard on himself. 
Regardless of if the fight was his fault or not, he’s going to kick himself constantly for making yet another mistake.
He’s over the argument pretty fast. The anger quickly melts into anxiety.
Are you going to leave him? Do you hate him? Did he hurt your feelings? 
That being said, he doesn’t know if you’re still mad and he doesn’t know how to ask. 
As a defense mechanism, he defaults to how he treated you when you first arrived in the devildom.
Calls you human, disregards you, stuff like that.
If you decide to sleep in another room, before midnight expect him to be knocking on the door.
“Oi, MC. You awake? I just - I can’t - *sigh* Can we talk about this?”
If you sleep in his bed, he makes a point of sleeping with his back to you.
Less because he’s actually mad and more because he doesn’t want his image of you as he drifts to sleep to be a look of anger.
Though as soon as he passes out he’ll roll over and tuck you into his arms on instinct.
I’d say any after effects of an argument with Mammon would be resolved in a day, maybe two tops.
Arguing activates his trolling the forums mode.
Goes back to calling you a normie and contradicts everything you say.
He’s less mad about the argument and more using the bitterness to cope with how upset he is.
He feels like a break up is less of an if and more of a when.
Why would someone as amazing as you settle for weird otaku like him?
Honestly doesn’t understand why you’re with him in the first place, so when there’s a serious argument he assumes its over.
Tbh don’t know how you and Levi would sleep together being that I doubt two could fit in a tub, but any deviation to your routine sends him into a panic.
It’s his reality check that the situation is serious and he needs to fix it NOW.
He’d have trouble apologizing in person. He can’t think of what to say, he stumbles over his words, and he feels like he’s on the verge of a panic attack.
Instead, expect a long ass text message.
He says how sorry he is, how much he misses and loves you, and legit begs you to forgive him.
If you sleep with him like normal, he’ll probably try to make up after laying there for awhile. His mind is going a million miles an hour and there’s no way he can sleep.
Still really has trouble verbalizing how he feels, so give the poor boy a break and take over the conversation.
He hasn’t had a serious relationship before and he doesn’t know what he should do to make it better.
So the after effects will last however long it takes him to read several mangas, watch some anime, and play a few games to see how the characters get over arguments in the story.
Satan makes sure not to fight with you over minor issues.
He’s worked tirelessly to tame his wrath and he refuses to feed into it over a minor issue.
Thus, if you fight with Satan it’s a major argument and it’s explosive.
The aftermath isn’t much better.
He doesn’t want to risk blowing up again, so he’s frighteningly calm.
He’s an absolute master of the silent treatment.
He won’t say a word to you until he’s certain he’s calmed down enough.
For the first few days he’ll straight up leave a room if you enter.
For a good while the only way you can expect to communicate with him is through his body language and the expression in his eyes.
Satan’s biggest fear is losing control and lashing out at you. 
He couldn’t live with himself if he hurt you and he can’t stand the thought of you being afraid of him. 
He’s a whirlwind of emotions, so he isolates himself until he can figure out how to deal with it.
Not just from you, but from everyone else too. 
Satan will not share a bed with you for at least the first night.
If he got worked up enough to actually fight, it’s gonna take him time to simmer down.
And he’d rather not risk doing or saying something he regrets in the meantime.
Once he’s ready, he’ll approach you when he’s completely calmed down and has thoroughly analyzed the situation.
He’s considered both of your sides, tried to pinpoint what caused the disagreement to turn into a fight, and made a plan of action to prevent it from happening again.
“MC? I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what happened. Would you please talk it through with me?”
He won’t apologize for the argument if he feels like he was right, but he will apologize for letting the disagreement escalate into a fight.
Satan could go weeks without making up if necessary, but he tries to resolve it within a couple of days.
Wants to give you the silent treatment, but is physically incapable.
He can’t stand to have you ignore him.
He’s the type to go back to normal then suddenly remembers you guys had a fight.
“Wait, no! I’m not talking to you! I’m mad at you!”
His biggest downfall is that he’s so stubborn.
If he thinks he was right, he will die on that hill.
There are arguments with his brothers that happened a thousand years ago and he could still tell you exactly why he was right.
But with you, he realizes that doesn’t matter too him nearly as much as it usually does.
If it means going back to normal, he’ll forget who’s right or wrong.
If you sleep in another room, he’s beyond offended.
“What?! Well fine! I don’t want you in my bed anyway!”
Laying in bed alone is a different story though.
He can’t sleep. All he can think about is you. Your face when you sleep next to him, your smell, the feeling of his arms around you.
He 100% cries.
Finally goes and knocks on your door with wet, glossy eyes.
“MC? Can we talk about this? I can’t get my beauty sleep and my tears are wiping off all of my skin care lotion!”
Will throw himself into your arms before you can answer.
If you sleep next to him still, he rolls over and watches you sleep.
It puts him at peace and he decides seeing your sweet, resting face every morning is worth more to him than the argument.
He’ll initiate the conversation the next morning.
I think Asmo could make it a few days if it was a really serious argument, but he will not function well until you make up.
Wants to make up immediately.
He doesn’t like to argue, even less so with you.
Whether he was right or wrong, he blames himself. He’ll take all the blame in the world if it makes you happy.
He’ll go make you your favorite food and bring it to you.
If he thinks you don’t want to talk to him, he’ll leave it outside your door and text you to let you know it’s there.
He’s honestly devastated if you decide to sleep in another room.
You guys migrate to your old room when you want privacy from Belphie, but you almost never sleep separately.
Seeing you grab your pillows and march out of the room nearly stops his heart.
He goes completely numb and silent as he just stares at the space you had just occupied.
Like Levi, he thinks this means the relationship is over and he genuinely does not know what to do with himself.
He can’t even bring himself to eat, he just wants to lie there, lost and trying to grapple with his emotions. 
He’s another one who will absolutely cry, but unlike Asmo he will make sure no one knows it.
If you still sleep in his bed, he’s very nervous about it.
He doesn’t know if it’s okay to touch you, what he can or can’t say, stuff like that.
He just lays there stiff as a board not even able to close his eyes.
Honestly the fight would probably have to be resolved before bed. His anxiety just can’t take it.
I don’t think he’d initiate the apology. Not because he doesn’t want to make up but because his confidence is rock bottom in these situations.
He catastophizes and honestly thinks you hate him.
If you don’t initiate the apology soon, Belphie will. He can feel what his twin won’t say, and he knows Beel won’t approach you about it for fear of making it worse.
Belphie will lock you two in a room if that’s what it takes for you to make up.
The embodiment of if looks could kill.
He won’t talk to you, won’t look at you, basically pretends you aren’t there.
If he must interact with you he’ll roll his eyes and sigh the whole time.
Tries to sleep through any interaction so he doesn’t have to deal with it.
He feels almost betrayed by the fight.
He thought the relationship was stronger than to have such a huge divide, so he’s really insecure about it.
After the first day, the anger has melted away to guilt.
He ‘s not guilty that you fought, but he is guilty about how he treated you after.
Guilt and self-blame have become unwelcome friends at this point. Guilt over Lilith, over his plans to destroy the human world, everything.
But more than anything else, the guilt for the fact that he attacked you weighs on him every day.
He moved past it quickly after, essentially pretending he hadn’t killed you, but that’s because he just couldn’t confront what he’d done. 
He feels like the luckiest demon alive that you forgave him, let alone  opened you heart enough to love him, and now it’s all in tatters.
Another thing to regret.
If you decide to sleep separately, it’ll hit him like a bag of bricks.
“You - what? Where are you going?” 
It’ll take him a second to process what you were doing, but then he’ll roll over and let you leave.
“Fine. Don’t let the door hit you.”
No one will see him for awhile. 
Belphie sleeps all the time anyway, but he just can’t make himself get out of bed.
If you don’t approach him to apologize, Beel will tell you that he’s been nauseous and randomly emotional which must mean his twin is coping very badly. 
Will beg you to go make Belphie happy again. 
If you sleep in his bed still, the argument will be resolved by morning.
He can’t keep himself from embracing you in his sleep, and it’s hard to say you’re mad at someone when you wake up in their loving arms.
It’s hard to pinpoint how long it could last with Belphie. If you don’t apologize first, he won’t let himself be conscious long enough to approach you.
This is both my first hc post as well as my first obey me post so I’m sorry if le boys are ooc. I just got this idea and couldn’t stop thinking about it so here we are.  Especially Belphie, he was hard to me for some reason. Let me know if you guys agree or disagree and if you want to send a request or ask, my box is open! 
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whiskehorange · 3 years
Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you but I’ve been feeling down lately and I really enjoy reading ur blog. Is it ok if you do Jason, micheal, bubba Thomas, Brahms ,pyramid head, asa and Harry warden if possible with an S/O who’s usually happy and willing and all of a sudden she breaks down one day bawling on the couch or something and she didn’t know they were there, not wanting to make them upset or sad? Sorry if it’s really sad, I just need a lil love, I love u and ur blog! Thank you! Take your time and drinks lots of water!
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Uhm, excuse me bitch what in the fuck is going on? You gave you the right to scare the shit out of Jason like that?
When he first came home the weeping made him freeze. He was positive it wasn’t you, he had never even seen you frown before so this absolutely cannot be your crying. Yet, as he walked in to see you whip around, tears streaming down your face as you look at him in pure shock you almost send him falling backwards
He doesn’t even care what made you cry of feel this way he’s going to be up your ass the entire day. Coddling, kissing, rubbing, and doing any and all for of comforting that he knows how to do
Jason absolutely hates seeing you cry, especially as hard as you did. You’re more than welcome to talk to him about it for as long as you want whenever you want and all he will do is listen and comfort you
Jason is a very physically affectionate man, even though he is a bit hesitant at first, so when you feel yourself in a time like this, you bess’ believe that he’s going to be around you 24/7. Even a few days after that, he needs to be your therapist (which he’s real good at)
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You won’t be able to see it, but Michael is panicking and sweating bullets underneath that mask. It’s an immediate fight or fight response
Michael, overall, isn’t too good with handling other peoples emotions, so don’t be surprised when he doesn’t come to you right away for any sort of comfort in those "typically ways"
Hugging, coddling, cuddling, and any typeof caressing is going to come later in the day when things have begun to quiet down. Not only is he completely unused to having to comfort you in anyway like this, but he's pretty pissed at whatever made you come to this point
The main thing Michael wants you to do is to talk to him, tell him what's wrong so that he knows just how to handle the situation: either to kill or to... not know what to do
It's very safe to say that he will get better with knowing how to comfort you if this does ever happen again, which he really hopes it won't.
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There is a lot that can make Bubba cry, at this is one of the times he wasn't expecting to. Everyday, no matter how hard it was for him, he knew he could count on your cheery face to great him when he comes running back inside
His first reaction is to panic; he's never been put in this sort of situation before with you and he really doesn't know how to approach you. He sort of just sits awkwardly next to you and whines
Comfort does eventually find your way with pets and hugs, there aren't really any verbal affirmations he can give you, but for what he lacks in communication he can make up with physical affection one way or another
A downside to Bubba, however, is that he almost has an out-of-sight-out-of-mind personality realistically. So don't get too upset if when you have some space from him that same day that he'll sort of forget you've been upset
In that case, be prepared for the exact same meltdown when he figures out how upset you've been for the second time
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Thomas' defense mode in immediately activated. Never would he have thought that he would have to be on the comforting side so you'll have to give him a minute, but it really isn't even that long
He's gentle and patient, he knows what its like to feel such extreme motions and most of all that they are pretty hard to get out, so take your time and he'll be here with you until you're back up on your feet. Literally
To say you scared him would be an understatement, but he pushes that aside to genuinely make sure that you are not physically hurt, because if that was the case whoever did it should be the one scared
Instead, Thomas has somewhere quiet for you to go with him, the least he would want is for Hoyt to complain about such "loud" crying in the house. It's better for him to give out physically comforting, too!
His go to's are hugs and petting/caressing, it's what he would want. It's comforting to say the least, but the fact that you can't even breath right doesn't go down well when he's crushing your spinal cord in a bear hug
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However oblivious, he's oddly able to tell that you're acting different before you even get the chance to melt down. From all of the time spent watching you from within the walls, you can say that he knows you like the back of his hand
Brahms has absolutely no clue how to address you. Of course he's fended for himself for a long time but any sort of emotional help is foreign to him
He'll come around, of course, the moment that you do breakdown he's by your side and he's ready to do just about anything you tell him to do but he's on edge
However, the sort of comfort you will get from him will be physical, it's the best way he can quickly show any form of care for you that he thinks will work. Brahms absolutely hates seeing you this way because he want to be able to fix the problem and he just doesn't know how
He insists that you tell him whats wrong as he holds you, curled up, in his lap. Gently caressing your head and face as he listens to your soft cries and explanation. It's the best he can do for you and he knows that that he'll have to pay close attention to when you baby him next, that way he's prepared for whenever this might happen next
Pyramid Head
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What the fuck even? Pyramid Head isn't going to catch on too soon, but the moment he hears your cries from anywhere he is by your side immediately
He hates it the most out everyone on this list, and I mean that heavily. Not only does he go on rampages because he doesn't know what's wrong, but it pisses him off to no end that he doesn't know how to handle it
Pyramid Head wants so bad to be able to comfort you and understand what's made you this upset that he can come across as a little overbearing, but mainly clingy. He doesn't leave your side well after you've stopped crying and makes sure to keep an eye on you from now on so that he can possibly be there before this happens again
While he isn't able to properly communicate to you, a lot of his body language displays signs of uncomforted alongside you. Just about any emotion you feel he absorbs and feels it right with you, mainly because its his way of showing you that you're not alone and he's here to spend this time with you
Just please don't ever do that again it's so stressful he likes seeing you bubbly not sad omfg-
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Asa is the most unreadable, really. He's able to keep his composure the entire time as you bawl your eyes out before him, but inside he's shaking up a little. He doesn't like seeing you upset whens it's not for play of course, so it comes as a bit of a surprise for even him
He's a little hesitant to comfort you because he is surprised, but is also just one of the most distant when it comes to comfort in this way, While being used to your much brighter personality, eventually he'll get better at it for for the time being, you don't have to deal with much of him
There is some physical reassurance, so you're not completely neglected, but Asa does have other things to do. He gently takes you in his arms and leads you up to the bedroom where he lays you down, caressing your head and covering you up
He'll leave to get you water or a drink and some other small things like your phone or a small snack if you haven't eaten, but mostly your phone so that you can call or text him if you need him. From there he'll shut the lights iff and let you get a bit of sleep
Asa stays in the house and cancels any outside plans for the day and makes sure that his phone's ringer is on at all times. By the time you call him for something he'll be up to your room before the ringtone even ends
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Harry is most definitely clueless and will feel like he's going to cry right alongside you. Harry is not good at handling his own emotions let alone yours
He adored being around your bright and shining face everyday, it was something that could regulate his own and he clung to you like a moth to a lamp. So, you can only image the confusion and terror Harry experiences when he comes home to you the complete opposite
It's a very frantic sort of comfort that he gives you, moving from one thing to another to try to figure out what's wrong and what do to. It's really almost as if Harry feels your emotions stronger than you do, but he wants to do everything in his power to fix you
He comes home extra aware in the future, always prepared to be there by your side in hopes to deal with your feelings better, but he still doesn't like it at all. He goes out of his way to do more things around the house of for you in general to lessen up any stress, even if there was none in the first place
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neon-junkie · 2 years
Why can’t this be Love? - Chpt.8
Summary: You’ve never really fit in, despite trying, despite being on the cheerleading team, despite awkwardly socialising with the popular crowd. It’s not for you - these people aren’t for you. Yet, you don’t know how to escape! Do you continue following a dead end? Or finally break away?
The answer is made for you after your ‘date,’ a boy on the basketball team, bails on you, and uninvites you from some stupid basketball after party. Whatever, that’s fine. But what’s not fine is the agonisingly long walk home. Oh, in the dark, late at night!
However, your saviour finds you, and not only does he save you from walking home alone, but the conflicting feelings that you’ve spent the last few years with.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Cheerleader Reader
Reader Description: Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. Not much detail is given about her appearance, other than she wears heavy eyeliner, and is clearly an outcast that is trying to fit in.
Word count: 3.3k
Warning: This chapter does contain physical assult (a fist fight.)
Tags: Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Slow burn, Awkward flirting, Drinking, Angst, Comfort, Generic High School Bullying, Denial of feelings, Feelings realisation.
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[Chapter 1]  [Read on AO3]  [Chapter 9]
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Chapter 8 - My Princess in Shining Armour
Hawkin's Mall is... well, it's Hawkin's Mall.
It's no Starcourt, but it'll do.
There's only so many notes stuffed in your purse, and you're eager to rid yourself of some coins, making your purse a little lighter. Your budget is set, and you ponder over the map, deciding which stores will work well for the image that you're after.
"Where first, Princess?" Eddie questions as he approaches you, handing you a can of soda that he's just beat up the vending machine for.
Beat up... with cash, because Eddie Munson is no thief!
Well, he's stolen your heart, but that's as wild as this devilishly portrayed boy will go.
"Shit, I don't know," you curse as you pop the can open, and take a long, fizzy sip.
Eddie's eyes gloss over the information board, and within seconds, he presses his finger on the board. Eddie looks at you with a smirk, and mutters the word, "Spencers."
"I'm after clothing, Eddie. Not a bong," you laugh. Whilst Spencers is a fun store, you're not after anything whacky, although you do feel like Eddie would be right at home if he wandered in.
"Trust me," he grins.
Well, how are you meant to disagree with that? "Go on," you groan, and watch with a sarcastic, irritated expression as Eddie begins venturing through the mall, urging you to follow.
Spencers soon comes into your line of sight, and Eddie grins like an excited child as you follow him inside. As always, the store is filled with naff knick-knacks, and the cashier is a textbook definition of a stoner. Oh, what a surprise!
"See," Eddie gestures to a few different rails, presenting the perfect set of accessories.
"Oh," you sheepishly sigh, realising that Eddie was right. Whilst they may not have the clothes that you're after, there's more than enough chains, rings, and necklaces to weigh your pockets down, even if your purse does become lighter.
"Here," Eddie mutters as he fishes your can of soda from your hand. "Go wild," he laughs. With your hands free, you're able to dig through the rails, picking out weird and wonderful accessories that your parents are, no doubt, going to question you for.
Every item that you pick up earns a positive comment from Eddie, gushing things like, "that suits you," and "yeah, nice choice!"
He's the reassurance that you've forever been after, providing nothing but support, and hopefully, love. But we'll have to see where Eddie takes us...
Soon, you waddle over to the counter, and the noise of heavy accessories hitting the glass desk causes the cashier to jump, his Playboy magazine almost falling from his grasp. He begrudgingly cashes you out, and returns to his 'reading' the second your hand meets your shopping bag.
You and Eddie wander from one store to the other, eager to find treasured items, hidden deep within over-crowded rails and grouchy shoppers. To your surprise, one store has two top that have caught your attention, and it only makes sense to try them on!
Eddie is sitting outside the dressing room, his foot thumping nervously like a rabbit, eager to see which top you're going for. Eddie expects you to try them on in private, unbothered by his opinion on such a thing like fashion. Even the sound of the dressing room curtain gliding open doesn't catch his attention, too fixated on fidgeting with the ring on his soda can.
"Eddie?" you call out, pulling his attention away.
Eddie lets out a soft, "hm?" as he gazes up at you, only for his eyes to turn wide at the sight of your possible new purchase. It's a simple cami top with a skull design across the chest. However, the slight peak of your chest is causing Eddie to blush brighter than the sun, despite the fact that you're showing nothing but a tiny peak of your chest.
Boys, huh?
You notice exactly where Eddie's eyes are fixated, and with a laugh, you reply, "I suppose this is the top that I'm going to purchase?"
"Shit," Eddie curses under his breath. "I was... uh, appreciating the design!" Eddie defends with a cheesy grin, and a silent expression that reads, 'please don't kill me!'
"And my boobs?" you smirk.
"I mean..." Eddie purses his lips as he shrugs, "you can't help natural attraction, right?" he stutters.
You shift your weight from one leg to the other, your hips swaying in time with your movement. Sure, you're trying to accentuate the curve of your body just to rile Eddie up, even if the tag on the back of this top is itching your shoulder. "You're attracted to me?" you bat your lashes, cornering Eddie even more.
Eddie's leg continues to thump against the floor, covering up the tense silence. "W-well yeah," he stutters, "but I was talking about... our biology, or whatever that science bullshit is?"
The laugh that you were holding back finally bursts out, as the changing room attendant throws his two cents in, "that's a deep grave that you're diggin', buddy," casting his words to Eddie.
Eddie shamefully buries his head into his hands, doing everything he can to hide his embarrassed expression, with the help of his moppy hair. It works, and the sight of Eddie looking like a scolded puppy causes even more laughter to rise from your chest. "I'm only messing with you, Eds!" you call out.
A shy gaze meets your playful one as Eddie peeks between his fingers, still covering his expression from the world. You decide to take pity on this poor man, and innocently raise your hands as you reply, "I'm going to get changed."
The curtains are drawn shut, and Eddie waits a few seconds before removing his hands from his face, ensuring that the area is clear. He takes a big swig from his soda, finishing the can, and crunches it in his grasp before disposing it in his bag, because a good boy like Eddie Munson does not litter!
As he finishes zipping up his bag, Eddie accidentally makes eye contact with the dressing room attendant, who slowly shakes his head. Shame fills Eddie once more, despite knowing that you're only messing about with him.
But, hey, at least Eddie got a cheeky peak at your tits!
The rest of your evening is filled visiting every other store, your purse becoming lighter, as your shopping becomes heavier. Even Eddie has purchased a few things for himself, including a new pair of jeans. When trying them on, Eddie put on his best feminine voice as he asked you, "does this make my bum look big?" to which you winked and replied, "massive."
The Mall music had turned silent for a brief second as an announcement trailed through the speakers, informing shoppers that the Mall would be closing in an hour. With that, you and Eddie headed for the food court, desperate to chow down on anything decently edible, seeing as you didn't get time to eat your lunch.
You're spoilt for choice, but you know that, deep down in your heart, there is only one cuisine that will fill the void in your stomach...
Ah, of course Eddie is the type to slurp his noodles, rather than spin them in place on his plastic fork. Well, he's attempted to do that too, but he's yet to prove himself successful. So, slurping it is!
To your surprise, despite his slurping, he's a tidy eater, minus the one blob of chow mein sauce just above his chin. As good as your food is, you can't help but fixate on that small blob, irritating the hell out of you!!
"Eddie," you call out.
His eyes peek up at yours, fixated in his meal - the meal that he paid for, refusing to let you buy your own seeing as you've "spent waaaaay too much today, Princess!"
You gesture to the spillage on his chin, silently explaining that, despite trying, he's still somewhat messy. With a nod, Eddie gulps down his current mouth full, and begins rubbing the cheap paper napkin over his face, attempting to remove whatever you're gesturing to.
Yet, the blob remains victorious!
Your brows instantly furrow as you mutter out, "come here." Using your own napkin, you reach across the table to wipe it away, and let out a deep, steady breath as the food vanishes from his pretty face.
"Thanks, Mom," Eddie sarcastically groans, before flashing you a sappy smile.
With a roll of your eyes, you smack the ball back into his court. "You're welcome, Sweetie," you coo, only to burst into laughter with Eddie.
Dinner is soon finished, and mutually, you decide that it's time to bring an end to your spontaneous evening out. Eddie attempts to carry your bags for you, to which you swat his hand away, and grumble that, "they're not that heavy, Eddie!"
"No problem," Eddie sighs, raising his hands innocently, before grabbing his own bags. "I'm only trying to take the load off for my Princess."
"Why do you call me that?" you blurt out, curious as to why he's taken a liking to such a nickname.
Eddie purses his lips before letting out a soft, "uhm..."
His spare hand finds the back of his neck, hidden beneath his wild curls, and he fails to maintain eye contact, despite his eyes being forward on your walk through the Mall. "I dunno," Eddie says with a shrug. "Must be because you're the Princess of Darkness," he chuckles, always attempting to bring humour to any and every situation.
"Princess of Darkness, hm?" you question, and briefly ponder on the title. Swiftly, you decide that the title takes your fancy, and with a wink, you tell Eddie, "I like it!"
Eddie's shoulder's instantly drop, and the last of his timid laugh escapes his lips. You've never been called such a nickname before, especially not when you were a member of the cheer squad. Princess of the cheerleaders? Yeah, more like Jester of the cheerleaders!
However, there is something in you that Eddie has always seen - and that others have, too, seeing as they've tormented you for it - which explains why Eddie took an instant liking to the nickname.
"What does that make you?" you question.
Eddie's shoulders theatrically shrug as he replies, "your Knight?"
"Oh, because you've saved me from further torment from the cheer squad?" you suggest, and grin at the way Eddie's eyes light up, springing to life at the sight of you joining in on his little imaginary scenario.
"Of course, my Lady," Eddie coos. "I would do anything to protect thyself from further shame and sorrow!"
Your hand falls on your chest as you cheer, "my hero!" whilst batting your lashes.
Both you and Eddie burst into a fit of giggles, unfazed by the strange looks that other shoppers are sending your way. Warmth is flooding to your chest as you make eye contact with Eddie, the man that is, quite literally, your knight in shining armour.
Without him, you'd still be miserable, stuck in an awkward social circle where you receive nothing but torment. Oh, and that cheer outfit? Hard pass! Thank whatever Gods are in the sky for fishnets and leather, as your shopping bags are full of them, and you can't wait to spring to life tomorrow, and try your first of many outfits.
Eddie licks his lips as his eyes trail from yours, momentarily meeting the floor before looking back at you. "You know, I... uh..." he pauses. His shoulders drop, and he sucks in a deep breath, making his nervousness even more obvious. "...I really like spending time with you," Eddie confesses.
Instantly, heat rises to your cheeks, and now, you're the nervous mess who can't maintain eye contact! "S-same," you sputter. Deep breaths. In... and out...
"Same," you confirm with a nod. "I lo- enjoy hanging out with you, too!"
Eddie smiles, and it's that damn smile that he does whenever admiration has taken over his body. "Yeah," Eddie chuckles. "We seem to be a good match, you know?"
Physically, your sappy expression remains. However, mentally, you begin screaming. Finally, an opportunity has approached - the door has opened, and you need to at least put your foot in it before it disappears!
Not wanting to feign innocence and risk losing your spark, you pull on your bold and flirtatious persona. "Match?" you repeat his word, and raise your brow curiously.
Seeing as you're the bold one here, that means Eddie has automatically taken the role of being the shy, timid mess. He lets out a nervous sigh, and purses his lips as he nods, "mhm!"
"What do you mean by match?" you coo.
Eddie lets out a long and deep breath as his eyes look forwards, mentally calculating the distance between you two, and the Mall's exit. He's not going to make a run for it, not unless you reject his offer. However, he still needs to drive you home, even if you act sour with him.
But that's not going to happen, is it?
"Match, yeah," Eddie eagerly nods, looking back at you. "I would... uhhh... like, if you'd have me..." Eddie begins gesturing with his hands, frantically motioning between the two of you. "M-maybe we could-"
"-Well, well, well."
Both you and Eddie pull the same disgusted expression as a certain someone interrupts your moment of truth. Turning around, you lock eyes with Jason, who looks ever-so-happy to see the both of you. As always, his crew is by his side, wearing their cute little varsity jackets, the equivalent of friendship bracelets.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Eddie mumbles under his breath, seeing red at Jason's silly interruption. It's taken Eddie so long to pluck up that courage, and of course, a child like Jason just had to go and ruin it!
"Look at what we have here!" Jason laughs, gesturing to you two. "It seems that freak really has corrupted our star cheerleader," Jason announces with a laugh, and his laughter echoes through his cronies
"Star cheerleader?" you scoff, "that's a first."
Eddie, with heapfulls of experience under his belt, imitates Jason's preppy tone as he replies, "and here's our Basketball Captain, Jason Carver! The fan favourite to anyone with half a brain cell!"
This time, you and Eddie are the ones laughing, earning a few confused expressions from the passing shoppers. They have far important deals to attend to, rather than watching High School drama unfold.
"You think that's funny, huh?" Jason spits, directing his words to the both of you.
"Yeah, his impression is good, isn't it?" you bite back, and share a cheesy grin with Eddie, who looks surprised to see you biting back at Jason. So much for being your Knight, huh?
Normally, you would shrug Jason off, mindlessly nodding along to his little tangent before heading off to class. Jason, like Britney, now deserves the same treatment - a spoonful of his own medicine!
Jason, unsurprisingly, looks disappointed in your response. His hands come to rest on his hips, and an unappealing scowl settles on his face. "You know, I had hope for you," Jason tuts, his gaze meeting yours.
Eddie beats you to it, and imitates a scoff before replying, "and I had hope that you'd finally leave her alone!"
Jason's hands instantly sling from his hips, and he bunches his fists up by his sides. Unfortunately, Jason begins slowly approaching both of you, and you know from experience that Jason's small serial killer stalk means that Eddie, most likely, is about to meet his fist.
Not that they haven't thrown hands before.
"You wanna go, freak?" Jason sneers at Eddie, with nothing but venom in his words.
Eddie rolls his eyes, "where are you taking me, babe?" Eddie smirks back.
The second that Eddie's words leave his lips, Jason's fist meets them, and Eddie topples back onto the tile floor with a thump!
Jason's crew seem unsurprised by his actions, although a few shoppers have pulled aside to watch the commotion unfold. Without a second thought, you place your palm on Jason's chest and give him a shove, hissing, "fuck off, Jason!"
Jason slaps your hand away, and both Jason's crew, and Eddie look like they're about to pounce on him. However, you beat them to it, and defend yourself exactly how women are taught to.
You land a swift and heavy kick to Jason's crotch, feeling his balls pop! under the pressure of your thick, leather boots.
Jason lets out a sound that can only be described as a pig's squeal, before grasping his crotch, and falling onto his knees. Tears are beginning to cloud his vision, and through the minor sight that he has left, he watches as you turn to offer Eddie your hand.
"Come on, babe," you huff as you pull Eddie up from the floor, the nickname slipping from your lips without any thought.
Eddie accepts your offer, and scrambles up like a newborn deer. He retrieves his shopping back, and turns to look at Jason, soaking up the sight of Jason sobbing on the Mall floor.
You know that Eddie is going to do something silly, wanting to give Jason one final taste of his own medicine, but you've had enough of their childish games. You grab Eddie's bare arm, and pull him away, to which Eddie follows, accepting that you want no more of this mess.
In the midst of angst and hatred, your hand slips down Eddie's arm, and introduces itself to his calloused palm. Eddie doesn't hesitate, and locks his fingers between yours, putting no thought into the gesture as anger is still clouding his mind.
It isn't until you two exit the Mall, that you both realise you're holding hands, although neither of you pull away. There's an unspoken agreement that you're both more than okay with this, even more so as you stop to meet Eddie's gaze, and ask him, "are you okay?"
Eddie softly chuckles, and replies, "yeah, are you?" with a light shrug.
"I'm fine, but I'm more concerned about you."
Your hand breaks away from Eddie's to check on something vital. Fingertips meet Eddie's chin as you tilt his head to the side, and analyse the swelling area. "That's going to bruise," you state, noticing the blotches already forming.
"Well, it's a good thing that purple is my colour," Eddie jokes.
Your expression sarcastically falls flat, only to be perked up again by Eddie's whacky grin. "Promise me that you'll put ice on it when you get home?" you sigh.
"Hmm," Eddie ponders. "Haven't got any ice, how about a bag of peas?"
"Eddie!" you laugh, and give him a playful whack to the arm. "Just promise me that you'll tend to it, alright? I know what you boys are like..."
"Irritating and smelly?" Eddie chuckles, forever making a joke out of every conversation - a clear coping mechanism that you can definitely relate to.
With a roll of your eyes, you agree, "very!"
Eddie's laugh trails off into a smile, and the twinkle to his eyes leaves you blushing. To make things even worse, he offers you his hand as he states, "your chariot is awaiting, my Princess."
The sensation of willingly sliding your hand into his leaves you weak at the knees, and you almost topple over during your first few steps, making your way over to his van. Finally, mutual feelings have somewhat been brought to light, and you know that, once home, you're going to sprawl out in bed, doodling yours and Eddie's initials in your diary as Dio softly plays in the background.
And to make things better, or worse, Eddie leaves a kiss on your cheek before you shuffle out of his van. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning!" Eddie calls out after you, to which you pathetically whimper, "okay!" before turning into a puddle of mush once you enter your home.
A Knight, he is!
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Tag list: @bubblegumcat229​ @buckys2thicc​ @livthelonleyfish​ @bubblebuttwade​ @sergeantbuckybarnes​ @kik51199​ @preciousbabypeter​ @rosaline-black​ @boundtomyfate​ @be-the-spark-bitch​ @summerofsnowflakesfics​ @fi-chanwrites​ @reveller-upon-opium​ @official-clint-barton​ @clzt4​ @chipster-21​ @dragon-ash13​ @carliuxima​ @eddiemattress​
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"First second I saw you and I couldn't get over how beautiful you were"
Pairing: Odo x gen!Reader Fandom: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Words: 1.4K Warnings: bit of angst and selfdoubt, but fluffy end Summary: Odo becomes self-doubting about his relationship. Readers try to dispel his dark thoughts. A/N: I wrote this short drabble because I love Odo and there is not enough love for our changeling. And since no one wanted to write anything, I had to take it into my own hands.
Not my Gif
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Their laughter echoed Odo as he left Quark's bar almost in a hurry. He couldn't have lasted another minute in there. As soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the same image over and over again, as if it had burned itself into his brain, even though he didn't really have one.
The sight of them sitting at the bar together with that vile man made Odo feel sick. Not that he would accuse Y/N of cheating on him, no.
He knew they would never do such a thing. However, the thought of how happy and content they had looked made him nervous.
Odo knew he would never be able to make them that happy.
Hell, in theory he was nothing more than a puddle of jelly-like goo.
Odo reached his office and waited until the doors closed behind him before dropping into his chair, face buried in his hands.
What a fool he had been. How had he believed that a person could ever love him. And then a person, like Y/N, for that matter.
They were a wonderful person. Breathtakingly beautiful, on the outside, as on the inside, helpful, kind, funny. Simply a person you wanted to be around.
And what was he?
The grumpy head of security at the station, who had nothing better to do than pop into the local bar three times a day to make sure Quark wasn't doing anything stupid just because he was lonely and the idea of at least some time with a familiar person, even if he didn't like that person, cheered him up.
He wasn't funny, he wasn't kind, and he wasn't handsome. So why was Y/N wasting their time with him when they could have a person like the Ensing who had hit on them earlier in the bar without them noticing?
Odo's train of thought grew darker and darker with every minute that passed. He didn't even try to fight it, because Odo knew, deep down, that it was true. Odo didn't deserve Y/N. He wasn't worthy of being with them. An ache spread through him and he gasped softly.
Odo could not remember ever feeling such pain. Not even the pain he felt when he was denied regeneration came close to this pain.
For this time the pain was not physical, it was emotional, psychological.
He felt like his head was going to explode and Odo did the only thing he thought would ease his pain.
With another pain-filled gasp, he returned to his natural state and Odo didn't care that his bucket wasn't in the room. However, this had been a bad decision. The pain was in no way relieved. If not, it was actually getting worse. So he tried something else. He crawled back and forth in his natural state in the hope that movement would help him, but this was not the case. His whole being ached, which should not be possible. He had no nerve endings, no nervous system that could register pain.
Next he took the form of all the creatures he knew. Animals from all different planets, Earth, Trill, Vulcan, Romulus, Ferenginar, Bajor. Nothing helped, the pain increased steadily with every minute and Odo had the feeling that he was about to lose his mind. Next he tried non-living objects, chairs, tables, a PADD.
Nothing. In a last desperate attempt, he assumed the form he usually took among the solids, tall, sunken eyes, beige uniform, blond hair slicked back tightly, before slumping in his chair. Odo propped his head in his hands. How had he ever believed he was worth loving. His name alone said it, screaming at anyone who tried to approach. He was a nobody. Nothing.
He was Odo'ital.
All at once, two arms wrapped around his torso and a head rested on his shoulder. "Stop it, angel," they whispered in his ear and Odo felt he could breathe again, metaphorically speaking, after all, he didn't really need to breathe. He closed his eyes and noticed how the pain eased, how he relaxed. And yet a little bit of doubt lingered inside him. Slowly, Odo turned his chair and looked up at them.
If he had to breathe, the mere sight would have taken his breath away. They wore simple clothes, their hair was tousled and yet he had the feeling he was facing a deity whose ground they walked on should be worshipped.
Carefully they stroked his cheekbones with a few fingers before letting their hand rest on his cheek, against which he instantly clung. "With what," he whispered back.
He knew what they meant, however he enjoyed every second of hearing their voice. Their second hand was now stroking his head, through the mop of hair and down to the nape of his neck.
"Beating yourself up. You're perfect, you know." Odo leaned forward and buried his head in their belly. This caused him to lose the contact their hand had made with his cheek, but instead they now buried their hands in his hair and down his neck.
Earlier, Odo's hair had been nothing more than a layer that had mimicked the appearance of real hair. He had done this not because he didn't want "real" hair, but because he couldn't replicate the texture and feel of it.
Y/N had been happy to help him out with this. They had put their head in his lap and invited him to stroke their hair. At first it had seemed unnecessary, but after a while it had been strangely soothing.
For months after that day, they had spent their evenings on the sofa, Y/N reading or watching a film, and Odo running his hands through their hair, gazing dreamily down at them as they lay nestled against him.
He had wanted them to be able to do that with him and, when they were away on an away mission, he had practised. It had been hard, but the love and excitement from them had been worth it.
"How can I think I'm perfect when you're standing in front of me?" Y/N hadn't believed it before their relationship with Odo, but they had quickly found out that the changeling was a true romantic. However, the timing was not perfect.
Slowly they settled on his lap and gently hugged Odo. "It's not hard, you just have to look in the mirror." Gently they pressed a soft kiss against his temple, then cheek, forehead, neck and finally the corner of his mouth.
"Perfect? Me?" Odo gave a sad laugh. "I'm not funny, or kind, or attractive, or anything. I'm nothing. You deserve better, someone better."
Gently they took his face in their hands.
"You're not nothing. Maybe you haven't noticed, but I don't want someone 'better' because there is no better. You are the jackpot. You are loving, respectful, trusting, faithful, fair and all around just wonderful. You are not nothing. You are my everything, my whole world, angel. I love you and that's not going to change anytime soon."
Odo looked up at them. His gaze was filled with affection and yet they could see the small doubt tugging at his heart. Lovingly, they pressed their lips to Odo's. It was not a passionate kiss. It was gentle, soft and filled with so much love that Odo thought he would burst.
When they broke away, they looked deep into his eyes. "Did I ever tell you why I call you Angel?" He shook his head silently and she smiled warmly down at him. Her fingers played with his hairline at the nape of his neck. "First second I saw you and I couldn't get over how beautiful you were. You were so beautiful I thought you could only be an angel, anything else would have been absurd."
Lovingly they stroked his cheek." You're welcome to ask Julian, he was there. According to him, as soon as I caught sight of you, I stood stock-still, eyes wide, mouth open and glowing."
Slowly stroking his hair, "You're worth loving, understand?" Odo laughed softly and bowed his head. "You're too good for me." "Oh, yeah? Actually, I was always sure you were too good for me, Angel."
They leaned their forehead against his. "No more dark thoughts, understand?" Odo paused for a moment. They were right. The pain was gone and the rest of his doubts had vanished into thin air. "No more dark thoughts," he gave softly and gently he pressed a kiss against her temple.
They chuckled softly. "What do you think about a round of snuggles on the sofa, angel? I think it's your turn to stroke my hair."
A raspy laugh escaped him. "How could I say no to that?"
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kkusuka · 3 years
Have I told you I hate weak y/n’s that get pushed around by fangirls? No? Well, I hate them 😊
Let’s have Oikawa, Atsumu, Akaashi, Semi, and Terushima react to their normally calm gf, beat the dog shit out of a fangirl that tried to intimidate her for dating said men above. Reader just has a soft smile before cocking her fist back and boxing her shit before holding up the fangirl and looking to the rest like “You wanna end up like her? No? Then know your place~ ☺️”. Then she faces her bf with a sweet smile and says something affectionate like “I brought you lunch, dear. I made it just how you like it 😄” before kissing his cheek like she didn’t go Muhammad Ali on a bitch
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Oikawa Tooru<3
Oikawa’s had more than a few less than pleasant experiences with women
Considering he’s always been surrounded by them, from his sister's friends in middle school and being swarmed by them in High school and college- having women around him was nothing new
And for the most part, they were all pleasant
Giving him little gifts and food- that he always gave to you- and just telling him how much they loved watching him play
All things he can deal with before talking to his favorite girl, you
Though, there have been instances of some bold woman who just never get the hint
Whether it be drunkenness or some weird dream of having Oikawa to herself or just blatant disregard of his relationship
And right now just happens to be one of those times- but now you got a firsthand view of the madness.
Whoever this was clearly didn't understand relationships or personal space for that matter
She had a hand on his chest and was just blubbering about how she would be the best wife for him and would make life so much easier- much more than you do for him- and that was just what you saw from the ten seconds you were in earshot
He would normally laugh it offend continue seeking out autographs but he seemed to be locked in an iron maiden
“I promise! Forget about your girlfriend, she’s useless anyways!” and finally a perfect chance to make yourself known
“Tooru, I have your lun-” you attempted to grab him away, him shooting a pleading look to save him before your wrist was snatched from his arm and tugged away and shoved to the side then pushing your body away from the two
“Back off bitch!”
Now,  you were normally a pretty calm person, you knew how to deal with the women and you have been for years.
But you stand by the fact that it was never ok to put your hands on someone- no matter the situation.
But at that moment, you could care less about your silly reparations and breathing methods, that lady put a hand on you and pushed you
You could hear Tooru telling her to keep her hands off you but you just looked around and made sure that everyone saw what had happened, you don't need to be arrested anytime soon
Grabber her arm you detached her from your boyfriends and in the next second your fist was connecting with her face, watching her wither on the floor you turn to your boyfriend who’s now coming towards you
“As I was saying, I have your lunch.”
Atsumu Miya<3
Another guy who’s constantly surrounded by women
Although he is far less appreciative and nice to them, and he makes it a point to be abundantly clear that you are the only woman he will spend the rest of his life with
Something that wasn't too popular with a few specific fans
Every blue moon someone will find his phone number and blow it up with loving messages or try and get his address
The worst it’s been was someone finding his apartment number and thankfully being too far away to come by themselves but they did send some inappropriate images to his PO box and that led him to create an even thinker line between fans and himself
Thankful, the whole of them understood and respected his boundaries
Buuuuut there are always people who go the extra step
Like whoever this is crowding your boyfriend after a win against the Alders with a giant poster of him and a …. Thong
If you were the slightest more stoic you would have held in the laugh that started it all but it seems crazy is crazy no matter how you provoke them
That lady heard you laugh and the flood gates opened, in a split second her hand was on your cheek then she was on the floor holding what you could hope was a broken jaw
You didn't even realize you punched her until a shooting pain went up your wrist
Though before you had a chance to return to your lovely boyfriend, who was standing in the same spot shell shocked (and slightly turned on)  hand grabbed your ankle the flung you to the ground
It was, for lack of a better term, a catfight
She was hitting you and you were hitting her and she was screaming random shit about how awful you were to her precious Atsumu- seriously this lady was insane
Nevertheless, security arrived, and let’s just say that you were in much better condition than she was, who knew you could fight so well?
Though you weren't allowed to come to the next game and had to apologize to the heads of the Volleyball association, Tsumu was proud of you and the internet was on your side- so it was kind of a win-win
Akaashi Keiji<3
He surprisingly doesn't have a swarm of fangirls around him
But it’s much much worse, you’d rather have a mob of girls around him than the four specific psychos that never leave the poor guy alone
Everywhere in school at least one of them is watching the two of you, in class, at lunch- no matter where you try and eat- you swear you even saw one at the boba show you pass on your walk home with him
The worst part?
He thinks it’s funny.
It is hilarious to him that you try so hard to keep them away full knowing he would never leave you for the likes of them. It’s just too cute how you puff up your cheeks and huff about them and honestly, it's a breath of fresh air considering how much everyone kisses up to him
Well- he likes it when they are at a distance
On the off chance they get close to him, it's a different story. They truly are intolerable, and they away try bad-mouthing you to him like it was supposed to mean something that they don't like you
And they only ever do it when you’re away- cowards they truly are. And since they’re always watching, as soon as you left to buy the two of you lunch, one of them was on him in an instant
She was annoying and all she could say was ho you were a ‘poison’ in his life and he had to leave you as soon as possible
He didn't even realize you were there until a hand grabbed the back of her uniform and flung her off him. And from the looks of it, falling on the ground really hurt
“I’m a poison? That’s all you could come up with?”
You didn't even have to say another word, she was already out of sight
Not missing a beat, you handed him his lunch and started talking about the latest episode of the volleyball anime you loved.
Semi Eita<3
First off- a total power couple
Not only are you willing to beat a bitch, but he’s also ready to hype you up while you do it
It’s not confirmed you have, but there are rumors that you fought more than a few girls who were less than pleasant. And it’s not like you do anything for rumor control, you just laugh and turn the other way
Still, even with the rumor mill running rampant, some girls still try and shoot their shot
But this girl has to be the boldest woman on planet earth
Not only was she flirting with an openly taken man, but she was flirting with him as he held his arm around your waist. She even looked at you as she spoke to him, the audacity of people these days
“You like music? That’s crazy, I do too!” you wanted her to shut the fuck up as soon as possible.
What pissed you off more was that he knew exactly what he was doing, and he was letting it happen to spite you.
What happened after this you blame solely on the alcohol the party was providing and not on the fact you wanted to clock this girl the moment you saw her
It was just that suddenly your drink was in her face
Then her drink was in her face, and she was running to the bathroom, maybe she should listen to rumors more often because you don't think strawberry daiquiri will come out of a white crop too so easily
Terushima Yuji<3
He’s an ass
But he’s your ass, somehow
He’s a manwhore and an attention-whore, mix that should have been shot before it could grow into something more
By now you're used to the girls slipping him their numbers and hitting him up on every social media site possible and you remain happy to say he doesn't respond- probably too busy dicking you down to care about any of them
Plus, less than 1%  of them actually approach them in public, and they just happen to be the most insufferable people on the planet.
Desperation doesn't even describe it
Of that 1%, at least half of them try to touch him, running a hand on his arm, tugging at his clothes, maybe even a strand of his hair, all you can deal with because he knows what’ll happen if he even entertains their advances
But for some reason, the only thing that sets you off is when they mention the tongue piercing.
It invokes a rage unknown within you, the second the metal ball’s mentioned you see red. And he fucking loves it, you could be three prefectures over and the second the girl mentions it, you magically appear at his side like you’d been there the whole time
All of a sudden you’re all over him, disregarding this girls words as she tries to bring the conversation back to her, going as far as grabbing your shoulder, and since she touched you first- you had the green light
Your arm pulled back and your fist connected to her cheek
And like nothing ever happened you turned back to the blond
tags: @diamond-3 @rinsangel @heyheyitsne @angelalje @monisi @crystal-lilac @sadpotato10
806 notes · View notes
husbandohunter · 3 years
Dear Father [Genshin Impact/Diluc x Reader]
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Synopsis: Wherever you are wherever you may be, even if you are beyond my reach, I only wish to see you again. -from a letter lost in the wind.
(A story where you and Diluc somehow managed to meet Crepus)
Genre: all fluff
"I know how late I am to father's day but here's my father's day take on Genshin Impact! Just let Diluc be happy for once T_T Mihoyo pls."
Discovering Master Crepus' old belongings was like wandering in a domain surrounded by ancient artifacts. Each piece holding the memory of someone you've never met.
The paintings. Master Crepus loved to paint. Typically birds were the main muse of this portraits since they deeply embodied Mondstadt's values for freedom which shows you how much he cherished this city just like his son did. In almost every hallway you walked through there was a collection of his paintings, some belonged to another artist but the majority was an original work. Diluc didn't have the heart to sell them.
Elzer. He was one of the oldest workers who served under the Ragnvindr name, ever since Master Crepus had appointed him during his earlier days. You were told that he treated everyone, both staff and noble, with equal respect. Almost all the denizens of Mondstadt knew this man for he was not only noble in riches but also in the soul.
"I'm sure he would have loved to meet you in person. Now that I think about it, you and Master Crepus are quite similar. Haha, it seems that Master Diluc was selective in terms of who he wanted for his future bride."
Elzer adds with a light chuckle but the statement only made you more curious. A man who affected the lives of so many others, he must have been a wonderful person.
Diluc. The bloodline Master Crepus left behind after his death, a piece of himself and the heir to the whole wine industry, his son Diluc. Although you could see the resemblance in appearance, both of them were men of prinicples and values, putting Mondstadt first before anything else and you suddenly realized if that was the reason why Diluc was so protective of this city. As if, it were everything he had? You could tell he loved Master Crepus very much, not because he said so, rather the painful expression buried deep within his crimson glare whenever someone brought up the topic. Diluc was skilled in hiding himself, it's something he practiced over the years of working alone, though he lowered his guard as long as you were the only one present.
Even so, he had many conflicts still wringing him internally and you didn't want to push him until the day he felt ready to personally tell you himself.
But it would be nice if he opened up, just a little bit.
There were times when you would worry since Diluc had the tendency to hide his feelings for the sake of not troubling you. He wanted to keep life simple and bright, bringing the best to the table while making sure that you lived safely out of harm's way. You couldn't seem to get him to understand that as lovers, you would be happy to help him, in anything. Unconditionally. It was natural for you to feel the need to force yourself in every once in a while and there was nothing more you wanted to know than the story of the man who raised him.
You would even jest on the idea of what it fel like to meet Master Crepus in person. Were you able to reach his standards by any chance? Would he have liked you just as everyone claimed? Of course, they were only silly indulgent thoughts so you quickly dismissed them in the end. Bringing back the past was impossible no matter how badly you wanted it. You closed your heart on that possibility.
On a lovely evening, while you and Diluc were taking your time off Angel's Share to make a stroll around Mondstadt's quiet streets, a strange merchant called over to you. She displayed various antiques ranging from different sizes to designs, none of them seemed to haven been carved in the same place but distinct cultures throughout Teyvat. The only thing they had in common was that they were all equally beautiful to the eye.
However a particular item of what looks like to be a heart locket snatches your attention and you instantly became mesmerized, allured by it's mysterious charm.
"Ah, the locked heart caught your fancy, my lady? It's said once you open it, you will be set free."
"It's magnificent..." you muttered, staring unabashed at the shining surface.
Diluc who was observing from behind folded his arms and tilts his head, "How much is that?"
Although you intended to simply inspect the choices, your lover immediately offers to pay. They all already gave the impression of a hefty price and you didn't want him to spend his fortune on things that deemed unecessary. Still, this wasn't the first time it happened. Diluc would always insist whenever you protested against him from buying anything, it was just a way of expressing his affections towards you. Mora was never a problem and you were priceless. That's how he sees things. You had to remind yourself to be careful when stumbling upon a bustling area full of salesmen next time.
"Five hundred thousand mora."
He purchased it without hesitation.
On your way home, Diluc noticed that something was amiss. You couldn't tear your gaze from the locket as if it had hypnotized you by the golden smooth surface. He had to ensure you didn't run into anyone by accident, tugging your arm closer so that it gave him an opportunity to lead you where you yourself could not. Surely it must have been the appearance but instead of being drawn by, you were drawn in. Completely.
I wonder...what will happen if I open it?
"(Y/n)?" Diluc narrows his eyebrows together. Did you like it that much? No, he knew you weren't the type to be so etranced by jewelry, this was certainly different. Even the merchant seemed a little suspicious when she approached you and Diluc couldn't ignore the heavy sense of aminosity that was emitted around her aura. He couldn't think within her presence but now that his mind was much clearer, he was able to use his skillful judgements.
"Wait...! Don't open it yet-"
However, he was too late.
The wind picks up at an alarming speed and you both brought up your arms to block the debris that had flown in the way. They swirled in non-stop motion until your worlds were engulfed with not even the sky in sight. Amidst the turmoil Diluc latchest onto you and holds your body close his chest as he was determined to protect against any force that dared to hurt you. Something heavy knocks his head and he winces, tighting his hold even further. Your voice could hardly be heard with all the noise that rung around and eventually you discovered the the world wasn't disappearing. You both were.
The last thought you had was the image of Master Crepus and you didn't know why.
"Diluc? Diluc?"
He faintly heard his name through a series of echoes. Diluc fights to regaind concousness, feeling your grip upon his shoulder while trying to urge him awake.
"Diluc are you alright?"
Your worried face was the first thing he sees other than the fog that looms above. Diluc blinks a few times in an attempt to ease his migraine, using one arm to force his body into a seating position as he allowed himself to be supported by you at the same time.
"Does your head hurt?" You ask, palming gently against his forehead to feel the heat. Even if her was usually very warm, there was no unusual rise in tempurature, something must have hit him instead, "Here, maybe this will help."
Bringing out your hand you concentrated on generating the water through your fingertips. Having a hydro vision meant you were capable of healing magic which Diluc appreciated since he often came home late at night with injuries hidden behind his sleeves. But nothing came out and he became even more suspicious of the situation.
"Eh? What's going on?" You blurted out, patting down your clothes and your pockets, "My Vision, it's gone too!"
"Mine as well," Diluc flexes his fingers to test his own element, "It seems that our powers were sealed once we entered this domain."
"A domain that prevents you from using a Vision? That doesn't sound very comforting," you scratched your head, suddenly remembering the cause of your current problem, "The locket...it's all starting to make sense now. Ugh, I should have listened to you earlier, I'm sorry Diluc."
"No (Y/n), you don't have to apologize," he interjects and you returned a curious glance, "I should have stopped you the minute I discovered there was something strange. I was too careless."
"You felt that too? I thought I was the only one," your tone and face mimics one of surprise. The fog continues to dance around, enclosing the two of you to the small area. You lifted your head and looked above in deep contemplation, "When I saw the locket I couldn't tear my eyes off of it, like something was pulling me in. Like...there was a spell casted on it."
"What do you mean?" he asked in an inquisitive manner.
You nod, "I can't put my finger on it bit Ifel that the locket wanted me to..." balling your fist upon your lap, you stared intensely at the floor as if drilling holes into them while digging into the depths of your mind for any specific clues. Initially you thought the locket was so captivating that you were simply charmed by it's craftmanship. But tere was more than that, you began deciphering, there was also a need for fulfillment. A yearning desire, "to know. The locket was calling me to know."
'Once you open it, you will be set free.'
"To know..." you trailed off. How strange. No matter how much you tried to rationalize, you were always brought back to the same square as if the locket knew exactly what you wanted. What you were lacking. Because the one thing you wanted to know most about was the person you've never met, "Someone very important to you."
The fog dispersed.
Diluc instinctively puts an arm in front of you defensively as he scanned his quick and thorough eyes around the area. It didn't take long for him to know exactly where everything was. In fact, the abrupt change isn't what puts him on high alert, but it was how familiar everything looked to the point he evaluates if there was any reason to be skeptical or if he should be breathtaken.
"What a beautiful house," However you didn't recognize it. Diluc knew because he had yet to meet you during the time he lived in this estate, "I wonder who does it belong to?"
"Father's old mansion...how?" Diluc breatlessly mutters, as if seeing the supremecy of Celestia for the first time. When years passed after his father died, he chose to sell off the majority of his belongings, the mansion being on for example. Currently it was in the possession of a well-known business associate that used to be a friend of Crepus. The mansion would likely have looked much different due to the renovations it gone through but Diluc remembers the picture as if this were yesterday. Everything was in tact. The vine yard, the gazebo where they drank tea, the hill that he and Kaeya used to race on when they were kids-
Revelation burns in his pupils as his eyes expanded.
"Welcome home, my son."
Both you and Diluc fall wordless at the sight that appeared like a miracle's blessing. Crepus stands at a distance, the graceful smile complimenting his warm features. He looked exactly how the court artists portrayed him in the Ragnvindr's family picture. Sharp face with gentle eyes and an aura that was as pleasant as what Elzer described.
"So this is why the locket was calling to us," you whispered, "I guess the mora really was worth it after all."
You snuck a glance at Diluc. From behind the resemblance was as clear as dawn, like you were staring at a carbon copy of Master Crepus himself. Almost. He was a less hardened version of Diluc during uncommon situations. It made you think just how much you didn't know before his father passed away. What kind of person was this man during his days as a knight? You never had the chance to know.
"Father is that really you?" Diluc couldn't help his voice from trembling, paralyzed in place when he could hardly make sense of what stands in front of him. The person he longed to hear from, the person who left the world too quick, Diluc was afraid to get his hopes up in case his father suddenly disappeared and everything was just an illusion conjured by his mind. He was already used to being betrayed and dealt with disappointment too often. Which is why he learned to trust only himself. But, right now, can he really trust himself?
Feeling your hand gently on his shoulders, Diluc was brought back to reality. You smiled with warm reassurance that bled into your voice, "It's okay Diluc. Go, I'm here for you."
There was the faintest light shining in his eyes as emotions swell in his chest. Ever since you came Diluc never had to feel alone anymore, truly, you were the light that was brought back into his eyes, to his life when he gave up the thought of seeing it again. If he couldn't trust himself then at the very least, he could trust you.
"Thank you," he embraces you wholly like you were everything, and you were, before letting go and taking off to the otherside.
The air hits him in a rush and knocks the ones out of his lungs, "Father!" Diluc yells with tearful eyes. For the first time in a long while he was finally letting his feelings run free, "Father!" A name that felt foreign upon words that is pushes him forward, wanting to claim the truth that was smiling from afar.
Crepus lifted his arms and openly catches Diluc when he crashed into him. Here. He was here. He certainly was.
"Haha its been a while hasn't it my son?" He begins, encasing Diluc in a hug like he did the day he turned eighteen. Crepus was a tall man and his genes seemed to have went through. Back when they were younger, Diluc managed to only reach the blade of his shoulders, just barely. Now they were practically the same height, "Look how much you've grown over the years. There were so many things I planned to say but I don't know where to start."
Seven years. That was how long Crepus spent alone with his thoughts. He saw what happened through that time span, the truth about the Knights and Kaeya's origins. To say that none of that bothered him would be a lie. Especially when his son was the most impacted throughout all the events.
"Father I...I-" Diluc tries to speak but the words dissolved the moment it reached his tongue. He wasn't the type to be very good at expressing emotions. None of it could simply be communicated by sentences. For him, actions spoke louder yet somehow, they still wouldn't be enough. Nothing can comprehend the weight of seven years.
Crepus seemed to have understood and fills in the gap instead, "I have also missed you and Kaeya. More than I can even say. It must have been so hard for you both to endure it all by yourselves. Life hits us when we least expect it but despite that, you still chose to persevere."
Diluc clenches his hold, face buried in his shoulders and mouth quivering as he barely answers, "Yeah."
"You're both my pride and joy no matter what happens, as a father I cannot be more proud," before knowing, everything that was said came out naturally from his spirit. Crepus may have his own set of things to share but he knew what Diluc needed the most, "So please don't stop relying on one another, don't always think that you have to do everything alone. Stength is a virtue. However, its okay to let go and allow new people to come into your life. I don't need to be avenged, as long as you and Kaeya are happy, its all I ask for."
As if the world had been lifted from his shoulders, Diluc allows himself to break just this once. On the outside, he was known to be an unstoppable force, the Mondstadt tycoon, the uncrowned king and a hero who serves at night. But here you saw only a boy who dearly missed his father as he hugs him tightly. Although you couldn't hear their conversation clearly, just watching them from where you stood was enough to make your eyes glisten from pure happiness.
"You finally chose to open your heart, right Diluc?" You quietly note to yourself, "You don't have to carry everything by yourself anymore, you're free."
'Once you open it, you will be set free.'
He was able to dwell in this one in a lifetime experience, all because you unlocked the heart and dispersed the fog inside.
They spent a good amount of minutes bringing the distance back together after being seperated for so many years. You made sure to make minimal movements in the consideration of their time. It was only temporary until Crepus noticed you standing in the distance and he gave you a quick glance. Your whole body tenses in response, suddenly feeling guilty as if you were a third wheel who didn't belong in the moment between two family members.
He's staring at me. Diluc's father is staring at me! Your thoughts panicked along with your thrumming heart. What should I do?!!
"I see you've brought someone along with you," He comments, the playfulness rising in his tone, "She seems to have been waiting for quite a while already. If you don't mind, may you do the honours of introducing her to me?"
Diluc turns to see you stiffened in place with your hands tightly clasped below your stomach and heat pooling from your ear to your cheeks as you dipped your head down. His father was a kind man and he couldn't understand there the discomfort came from, yet found it endearing nonetheless. Diluc walks over to you and extends his hand, silently urging you to come with him. You complied, albeit hesitantly at first.
"It'll be okay my love," he whispered softly, causing you to be taken aback by the nickname he called you by. Diluc often reserves them for special instances and this was one of them, "Whatever the staff told you about my father, they're the truth. Trust in their judgement. Trust in me."
"Diluc..." you say, voice fading. You knew him to be someone who always kept his word and someone who would never lie to you. Taking in a short breath, you nodded, "Alright, I will," and followed his lead.
There was once a time where you indulged in the idea of facing Master Crepus in person. But never did you prepare yourself for the amount of pressure it came with. Now that you were together with his son, there was a high chance that he would also become part of his family too, sooner or later. You weren't just meeting Master Crepus. You were also meeting your future father-in-law.
"Father, this is (Y/n)," Diluc starts the welcoming exchanges. You felt his hand squeeze yours gently. He turns to you so that you caught glimpse of his face, seeing the reverance in his gaze that was hinted among his handsome features, "She's the woman I fell in love with and I would do anything to make her happy. I cherish her more than anything else."
"D-Diluc!" you flushed, your embarassment as red as his own hair. But he wasn't bothered by it in the slightest.
"I only speak the truth."
Master Crepus lets out a content chuckle, drawing both of your attentions back to him, "He can be surprising poetic sometimes but I'm sure that he got it from me. Even my wife reacted the same way," he reminisced shortly before sighing, "In truth I already knew that you were together. Staying in the after life gave me the chances to watch things from an omniscient standpoint, I was sincerely worried how Diluc would handle things when I suddenly left, I hope you don't mind. If you do, I apologize for making you uncomfortable."
"N-Not at all!"
"Haha, you're very kind. Thank you. I'm glad that my son was able to find a woman like you to be his fated partner. As a parent, it brings me great reassurance," Crepus remarked, "I know he can be stubborn and a little too headstrong when it comes to making decisions. It really must be a handful for you to deal with at times but I promise you that he means well. So please continue to watch over him in my stead, take care of my son while I'm gone."
"You can count on me," you beamed, "I'll give it my all."
"You have my gratitude (Y/n)," Crepus replies and turned to Diluc, "And listen to her every once in a while. I may have been the previous owner of our wine industry but even I always make sure to get me sufficient amount of rest. Son you know its bad to get two to three hours of sleep every day."
You blinked, "Two to three hours?"
Diluc clears his throat, "I understand Father. You don't have to say it."
Oh I think he does.
With a satisfied grin, Crepus took both of your hands together in his and gave you his blessings. The man once considered to be an artifact through the vast mansion was going to be part of the memories in your life. All of your expressions held as much happiness as the future can become now that he gave you the closure you both needed.
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Caleb has, verbally, shown so little bloodthirst regarding the people who wronged him. He doesn’t know how he feels. He doesn’t know what he wants. He wants them to change, he wants the pain to stop. He wants to rehabilitate all these murderers under Ikithon because he was one of them and he wants to believe he’s not alone in this, he wants them to get better.
He also takes three steps into the place where he was sealed away like some kind of animal, full of simple (if skilled) guards who are so much lower on the food chain than the assassins Caleb knows... and for the first time ever he starts crushing people to death. Gone is the soft talk and hesitant hope. He asserts that they knew what they were doing. That they were not innocents.
He spent eleven years there. He can’t remember it. He also can’t think of the people who did that to him as people, whether they were actually the ones that guarded him or not.
I think Caleb’s trauma and his ability to react with extreme prejudice when confronted with it often gets underestimated both by the audience and Caleb himself. There’s a really interesting dichotomy that seems to go on with him, in that we’re constantly taken somewhat aback by these breathtaking displays of violence of his, even though they keep happening.
I realised it when we first met Astrid, actually. I don't know about anyone else, but the revelation that Caleb’s reaction to watching his parents die wasn’t running in to help them, or screaming himself, or even dissociating, but was instead attacking his peers? It surprised the heck out of me.
I don’t think anyone thought that would have been his reaction. All the pieces of fiction or art or meta about that moment that I saw assumed he had a much more passive or help oriented reaction. Even the cast themselves animated that moment as Astrid and Eodwulf stoically walking away from a silent Caleb on his knees in their own animated title sequence.
The fact that we all accepted the image of Caleb, on his knees, silently watching his family burn, is interesting to me. Because I do get why.
When Caleb is forcefully reminded of that moment of extreme grief, he dissociates. He doesn’t react violently when lost in his trauma in that particular way. Add to that that Caleb brushes over the immediate aftermath of his parent’s deaths, which makes it seem like his foggy, clouded state in the Asylum was the instant result of his trauma, and the idea that Caleb reacted passively to his parent’s deaths is a very easy assumption to make.
At this point I believe it’s also indicative of how Caleb sees himself. Caleb hates (hated?) himself, yes, but he doesn’t actually seem to see himself as a violent person. When asked to impress a high level mage from an alien culture, he chose the versatile reskinned Bigby’s Hand, Cat’s Ire. When trying to be intimidating, he uses his words, or points to his friends as threats, or uses Frumpkin as a prop.
He doesn’t seem to give his ease with violence much thought or weight in his own view of himself. I think he assumed he was passive during his years at the Sanitarium, and so therefore assumed that his “breaking” was similar. And if that’s what Caleb thought of himself, why would we think any different?
People don’t tend to think of Caleb as a fighter, least of all Caleb himself. The common view of him is that he’s a hesitant support character. He’s not someone who fans or other characters alike would easily call “bloodthirsty,” especially with him confronting and discussing the man who ruined his life and refusing to commit to killing him.
Everything about how Caleb verbally approaches these traumas shows that he’s not vengeance driven. Revenge has never been part of his game plan, never been something he cared enough to pursue. And because of that palpable lack of bloodthirsty vengeance, because of his soft spoken, cautious demeanor, Caleb is not someone who would generally be picked as having extreme, unrelenting violence as his knee-jerk reaction.
Except that’s exactly what Caleb does when backed into a corner. That’s like his biggest move. Wall of Fire and Fireballing Avantika and her crew on a hair trigger? Bleeding, on the verge of unconsciousness, out of spells, and still managing to deal the killing blow on Lorenzo because he chose violence over any other action? Opening the final fight against Obann by smashing through the window and burning half the cultists to death, because they were that desperate to get Yasha back after two failed attempts?
He woke up after eleven years of being addled, confused and not himself, and immediately killed a guard and broke out of the Assembly’s own Saitarium in the heart of Rexxentrum. He unexpectedly got stabbed by a full-fledged Scourger, and his instant reaction was to beat her over the head with a rock. 
And now, he’s infiltrated that same Sanitarium where he was kept only to flip from his desire to redeem those under the Assembly’s thumb to murdering half the people he came across in there with extreme prejudice.
His lack of interest in long-term vengeance is interestingly balanced by his frequent choices to pursue short-term retribution. It’s both his way of protecting his friends and himself, removing the threat and discouraging other threats, but it’s also, in my view, frequently an outlet for his heavily suppressed anger at the people who hurt him and his friends.
Caleb can be a good diplomat, but Caleb rarely chooses to be a diplomat. Caleb can be charming, but Caleb doesn’t like being charming. Caleb can be a good support caster, and Caleb is a support caster! But when he’s too compromised for strategy, when he stops thinking, he starts burning everything in his way. Because Caleb? He likes the way fire feels.
Caleb spent his formative years training to respond to conflict, physical or political, with lethality, and on a much more fundamental level, he is and always has been a man of action. 
He took action to get out of the Sanitarium as soon as he was capable. He took action in the Bright Queen’s throne room, made a risky ploy instead of letting them be arrested. He wanted to take action retroactively against his parent’s deaths the second he regained coherency.
Despite what we all assumed, doing nothing in the face of his parent’s deaths was never an option for Caleb, and he wasn’t taught anything that was going to help his parents once the house was on fire and the screams started. So what else was he going to do, after two years of growing into the Scourger mould? When he loses his mind, his ability to think, two of his reasons to care?
Of course it was violence. Of course it was lashing out at the people he must have thought, on some level, as being in his way. Of course it was fire. What else would it be?
And though these circumstances here aren’t the same... there are enough similarities. He’s once again in those familiar halls (in that familiar mindset) where he was treated as a weapon, nothing more. He’s with the people he loves and he knows they’re in danger, again. In fact, they’re in danger from the same people he spent eleven years feeling threatened by, that he viewed as obstacles, whether consciously or not.
He doesn’t want his loved ones to be in danger. He doesn’t want to be surrounded by the guards who he associates with his own helplessness. He especially doesn’t want those two things to go together. And he has never been able to sit idly by when he can act. But what kind of actions can he take? What can he do to get these guards away, away from him, away from his friends, out of his way, right now?
The tried and true method. Not burning, not here, not now, let’s not set a building on fire with his loved ones in it again (though it happened anyway). But no matter. He’s learned a lot of tricks in the last few months.
And hey, don’t worry, Caleb’s not angry. He’s not still working through his own pain and rage at these people. He really does want to heal, not hurt.
It’s just that these ones deserved it.
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libertybri · 3 years
Hi, I hope you are alright. I just found your blog after I discovered how much I love Fallout.
Since I played the Blind Betrayal Quest I had this crazy Scenario in my head for quite a while and wanted to get it off my chest.
So basically, Sole lives with all the campanions in Sanctuary and Maxxon hates Synths and Co. he must be really pissed when he finds out that Sole practically lives with everything he hates in perfect harmony.
So how would each of the Campanions react when someday Maxxon sends some of his Powerarmor wearing soldiers to Sanctuary to threaten or even attack the hideout, but Sole willingly steps alone infront of the soldiers and tells them to piss off, because Sole loves and cherish every single one of their friends and will not allow to let them be harmed?
If this ends good or bad it's up to you. Maybe I even managed to inspire you to something.
*for this specific request I won’t be adding the extra NPCs because it doesn’t quite make sense to me for them to be in this situation; I also put them in order based on who I think would react strongest to this situation + Codsworth and Strong
Sanctuary was a place Sole made to be a safe haven for all to live in perfect harmony. Everyone had a job they enjoyed and excelled in, children and animals ran around happily, and people got along for the most part. Even if there were disputes, they were handled in an ordered fashion that Sole put to law and seemingly held together pretty well. It was the clear definition of what every growing settlement strives to be; and they had perfected that image. With all kinds, human, ghoul, and synth, living in the quaint neighborhood in such harmony, attention was drawn to it by no other than Elder Maxson of the Brotherhood. He resented what Sole had created and wanted to put a stop to the abomination they call a happy settlement. With the order of the Elder, Brotherhood soldiers flew in on a vertibird to the neighborhood and approached a group of settlers where [companion] was having a conversation. They were given direct orders to confront Sole’s friend if there was no sign of the General. The confrontation catches Sole’s attention as they exit a nearby house and rush to stand point in front of the power-armored and heavily armed soldiers. “You’re not welcome here, and you can take a message back to Maxson for me. Tell him, the General doesn’t take kindly to his threats and if he ever acts on them, he will be starting a war that he won’t get to see the end of. The people here are happy and thriving, and I will not sit back and let his personal bigotry put it in ruins.” The companion looks at Sole in shock as the Brotherhood soldiers have no other choice than to retreat.
“Sole, while I admire you for standing up for us and what you believe to be right, do you really think it’s worth starting a war with the Brotherhood?” Danse would feel immediate guilt, assuming he would be the cause of Maxson sending soldiers in the first place. He would worriedly question Sole. “It wouldn’t be myself starting the war, Danse. Maxson should know to never send armed soldiers to my settlement and threaten to destroy everything I’ve made out of it.” They were fuming and passionate, and that passion is the only drive that Danse needs to fully support them. “Of course, Sole. Hopefully he doesn’t act in a blind rage because of this. I just want you to know that no matter what, I’ll have your back. You believe this is the right way of a society, and I question some of it, but you’ve done no wrong in this and I respect that far more than Maxson’s actions.”
“You would fight for this community even when those soldiers threaten to tear it apart?” X6 is beyond shocked with Sole’s drive to keep Sanctuary as it is without Brotherhood rule. They willingly stepped in front of armed soldiers with the intent of destroying the community they built, but Sole paid no mind to their threats and he was impressed. “Did you expect different?” Sole would ask him. “Quite honestly, Xir, I know it’s who you are to fight for this. While I do not exactly see eye to eye with what you have done, I know it is the best interest of those around you, of whom you care about. I… appreciate that.”
“Tell him where he can shove it too while you’re at it!” Hancock would yell after the soldiers, completely livid at just the mere thought of Maxson having the gull to send armed soldiers to Sole’s settlement. He would turn to his partner and shake his head, “Can you believe that guy? He’s gonna end up startin’ a war with the minutemen. What you’ve built here should set an example for the Commonwealth, but that sorry idiot is too dull to see it.” He would have a lot on his chest to get out and still be pretty pissed until he sees Sole’s smile. “Very passionate, you and I. That’s what Maxson lacks and why he wouldn’t win the war he started.” Sole tells him confidently. Hancock chuckles, “You got that right, Sunshine.”
“Seems like the young Elder’s going on a power trip…” Nick grumbles and shakes his head disappointed. He disliked the Brotherhood as they were, but now he absolutely despised them. Here they were living in perfect harmony, hurting no one, and Maxson decides he just wants to tear that all apart. Nick thought it took one really insecure and fragile person to attempt that chaos. “Think you could put him in a timeout, Sole?” He would attempt to divert the conversation to one of humor to mask his own livid emotions.
“Oh, mon dieu! What will you do, madame/monsieur?” She exasperated, very worried for the future of Sanctuary. While she trusts Sole to make the right choices and protect their people, she still has great fear in her heart for what the hate others hold can manage to do to another community. “Don’t worry, Curie. I won’t let him do anything to hurt anyone. I’ll just have to talk some sense into him.” Curie nods in great agreement, “He should learn from you, madame/monsieur!”
“I really didn’t expect anything less from the king of the Brotherhood. What a joke.” Deacon rolls his eyes behind his dark shades and huffs out. While he doesn’t want to dwell on the act any longer, he can’t help but to clarify his own anguished feelings. “He sees a good community, good people of all kinds getting along and it just tears him apart, huh. How is that fair at all? I know you’re all for keeping the peace, Sole, but I think you and I both know what should be done.” He insinuates to the plans the Railroad originally had for ending the Brotherhood’s reign over the Commonwealth before Sole cut in and formed a peace pact between the factions. Though now he wasn’t too sure if that pact could last any longer with Maxson acting out like this, and he was hoping Sole would feel the same.
“How could he threaten the General like that? Leave the Commonwealth be!” Preston would yell after the soldiers in pure hatred for the faction. He believes they have only been causing trouble for everyone else since they showed up and now with threatening Sole? Well, Preston is absolutely pissed. “Don’t worry, Preston. He won’t do anything.” Sole assured him confidently. Preston shakes his head in disappointment still, “I just can’t believe how ignorant some people can be. Shouldn’t Sanctuary be a clear stepping stone of a better future? He’s gotten too comfortable in that air ship of his and has quite the big head now.” Preston would sigh and look at Sole with a softer change in his expression. “You’ve done really good for everyone, Sole. And I appreciate you not only looking out for Sanctuary, but also for me and your other friends. You have the kind heart as a leader that Maxson should strive to achieve.”
“Oh mum/sir! Can you believe the Elder’s foolishness? How can he not admire what you have accomplished here? Surely he can see how great it is!” Codsworth is severely disappointed in Maxson and the Brotherhood, though he knows that is just in their nature and isn’t quite surprised. “Not everyone is going to be happy with what we do, Codsworth. That’s just part of it. But hey, that part doesn’t matter because we’re all doing well regardless of their opinions.” Sole assures the sad handy-bot and smiles at him kindly. “Absolutely right, mum/sir! We shall continue to prosper and positively rub it in his face!”
“Oi, who does that fascist arse think he is sendin’ soldiers ‘ere?” She almost growls at the thought, nothing more in mind than to protect Sole and what they have built. They gave her a true sense of home and community, and Maxson has another thing coming if he thinks that he can just tear that all apart. Cait would personally pay him a visit if it meant protecting it all, no matter if she got filled with bullets in the process. “He won’t do anything, Cait. No worries.” Sole calmly tells her, changing the tone of conversation as to avert the redhead’s anger. “I don’ get how yer so calm about it, but I’ll trust ‘ye. An’ if he sends anymore of ‘em, I can’t promise that I won’t try an’ beat ‘em.”
“Huh… you would think after all of this war, he would accept the victory alongside the Minutemen. He must be really bitter up in his metal palace with no friends, right Blue?” Piper attempts to stir humor into the discussion to hide her annoyance. Though her strained eyes and biting-tongue expression shows her true emotion clearly to Sole. “Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I couldn’t imagine what must be going through his big head right now.” Sole pats the reporter’s shoulder to ease her tension and offers a warm smile that Piper quickly returns. “You always know just what to say, Blue. He’ll definitely know better than to try and mess with you like that again.”
“The Brotherhood causing more trouble, what’s new?” He would roll his eyes in annoyance at the act that happened before him. He wouldn’t be seething with anger as he knows Sole would never allow Maxson to hurt anyone. However, he would be even more irritated that the soldiers approached him.
“Strong crush dumb metal man!” Strong yells angrily. Before he can stomp after the soldiers, Sole grabs his arm. “Hey big guy, there’s no war yet and we’re going to try and keep it that way. They will listen to me, don’t worry.” Sole assures him. Strong makes out a noise resembling a pout and then growls as he swings his super sledge at the ground. “Hate no war! Hate metal man! Strong want to kill anyway!” Sole chuckles and pats his arm. “I know you do, buddy. Let’s just hold off for now, okay?” The mutant lets out another frustrated grumble but reluctantly agrees, “Fine!”
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taechaos · 3 years
Silent Treatment
from Textbook Love drabble series
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you.
warnings: slight angst, drugs, arguing, dubcon, cunnilingus, mild degredation
word count: 4.2k
tags: @mwitsmejk @1-in-abillion @kooookie
a/n: the request (contains some spoilers). i'm gonna take a very short break from this couple to write other requests!! hope u enjoy 💗
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The shift in the Spring weather is unpredictable. One moment it’s chilly, and the other sunny. Humans can only adapt so much, and it causes an outbreak of common colds. Most people recover easily, handy medicine soothing their sore throats, syrups suppressing coughs, and nose sprays ridding the blockage. You, on the other hand, are not that lucky. With a weak immune system, you’re very careful to not get sick, but there must have been a slip-up because you’ve somehow lost your voice after catching a cold.
You sniffle and cough, but you can’t speak. It’s advised to not exert your vocal cords in cases like these, and that is just so unfortunate for you. The last thing you’d ever want to do is spread your sickness to Jungkook, and that meant not getting too close to him; it meant no kissing. 
A very large white placard is spread out in front of you on the wooden table, and you’re plastering printed images of a specific global issue on it. You’re sitting on a bench with two of your friends as they chatter mindlessly while you work. Jungkook has a project about climate change due in a few days, and it’s supposed to be very important for his final grade. You’ve already written him a script for his presentation along with a stick prop to point at specific pictures. It’s fun, glittery and he’s going to love it. 
“Hey,” Minnie, your friend, calls for you, “we’re going to get some coffee from Starbucks. Want us to get you green tea?”
Soyeon laughs when your eyes light up; it’s your favorite beverage, and it’s supposed to help with your sore throat. They leave with a smile after you give them a hyper nod and you’re alone as you adjust your woolen scarf around your neck. You need to heal as fast as you can so you’re no longer missing your beloved’s affection.
Jungkook has been feeling more inclined to approach you without reason lately, but that doesn’t mean it’s a common occurrence. Getting teased by his friend, specifically Taehyung, about having a sissy crush on a girl like yourself angered him to no end. A hit always got him to shut up, but not for long. He’s walking your way today because there’s no one around to judge him for talking to you. 
You’re tearing a double-sided tape when he sits on your table, carefully avoiding your materials. Your breath hitches as his eyes gloss over your work in progress. “Working hard, I see,” he comments with disinterest. He doesn’t say anything about your efforts, but he’s impressed. The corner of his lip tugs upwards before he leans in for a kiss. You have enough self-control and concern for his well-being over your desires to lean back before your lips make contact. His face is close to yours as he pauses and slightly frowns before trying again. He receives the same results and finally pulls back. 
“You did well,” he frowns at you and speaks as if you’re a child, “I’m praising you.” Your eyes are darting back and forth awkwardly and you don’t know what to do other than sit in silence. You put your hands on his knees as a resort and his frown deepens as he watches you. “I can take a hint, you know. You don’t have to fucking ignore me.” He roughly shoves your hands and stands up before storming off with a scoff. You’re torn between following him and being responsible over your belongings. You can’t let his grades go to waste because of a small misunderstanding, so you decide to text him instead. There’s always a possibility someone might steal his project. Or maybe after he’s cooled off? You delay the message, but somewhere in your heart, you’re satisfied by his reaction because it’s clear that he wanted to kiss you.
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Heavy footsteps clomp against the sidewalk before Jungkook slumps on the seat next to Taehyung. It’s an isolated area for smoking students at the back of the campus, and his friend group is no exception to this role. They’re taking drags of cigarettes individually as Jungkook glares at his boots. They’re chunky and a bold black, and his dark outfit paints him as the big bad wolf. It fits, because he’s ready to attack when he’s filled with so much resentment. Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you. It doesn’t make sense, but you also grimaced at him, but then why were you doing his homework? He’s feeling frustrated, and upset all the same.
“Someone’s troubled,” Seokjin points out with a mouthful of smoke. “Kookie?”
Said boy only grunts in response.
“Did the lousy girl finally see you for who you really are and leave you?” Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to mock him with a pout. “Tragic.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tae,” Jungkook spits and sends him a death glare, fire flaming in his fierce eyes. “Go actually talk to a girl or something, and leave me alone. I can’t take your shit right now.”
The low blow doesn’t affect Taehyung in the slightest as he holds up his hands in defence with comically wide eyes. “Relax, tiger.”
“Moving on from Tae’s inability to talk to girls in broad daylight, what’s up with you Kook?” Namjoon butts in, earning a fake cough from the receiving end of the insult.
He pauses for a moment before babbling, “I hate those bitches. My mother for one, couldn’t stand wearing clothes whenever she saw a dude. Moving on from guy to guy, unless they’re a fucking asshole. What do they want? Why are they never fucking satisfied?!”
A moment of silence passes among the huddled friends before Yoongi breaks it with a joke, “Who’s the lucky girl?” It doesn’t land as Jungkook deeply sighs in response. “Did she cheat on you?” he tries again.
“No,” he murmurs.
“She… I don’t fucking know, she gave me the silent treatment. She leaned away from me too,” he shakes his head with a quiet groan, “it just doesn’t add up. I got mad and left.”
“No way that could’ve ended up badly,” Taehyung chuckles but purses his lips when he’s sent another dirty look.  “How long was the interaction anyway?” 
“Like 30 seconds.”
“Are you coming out tonight?” Yoongi asks and puts out the burning tip of his stick. “Could help you feel better.”
“And we’ve got molly,” Namjoon adds.
“Yeah, fine, whatever.”
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Alcohol’s effect on a person differs in moods, and Jungkook is usually a horny drunk. Being a sad drunk is a first for him tonight, but he’s just so confused. It made his heart drop when you outwardly refused his advances and anxiety blossomed in his chest, which he has no idea how to deal with. It kicked in fight or flight instincts, and he just… hated the idea of you not loving him, even if it’s momentary. He can’t bear staying in a situation that makes him feel so insecure, and that feeling is supposed to be left in his childhood. You just about brought out the worst in him without doing anything. 
You didn’t do anything.
It’s 10PM and he’s waiting on your usual good night text that he never responds to. It’s so pathetic, and he hates himself for being so used to your affection that it worries him when he’s deprived of it. He’s never doubted your love for him, but his insecurities are churning his gut. It’s an overflow of all of his pent-up emotions, and he can’t handle it.
“Here,” Taehyung pops in out of nowhere, clutching a pill in his hand. There’s a bottle of water in the other as he holds them out for Jungkook to take. “Stop moping and get laid.”
“I’d say the same to you, but you’d probably start crying during sex,” he mumbles and uncaps the bottle before throwing in the pill and washing it down with the water. “Thanks.”
“See that girl over there?” he ignores him and steps behind his miserable friend to point at the owner of the sultry gaze directed at Jungkook from the bar. “She wants to fuck you. Or maybe me, but I’m passing her onto you.”
“How kind of you,” he sarcastically replies.
“Uh-uh, so you’re gonna be in ecstasy in about 10 minutes. Don’t fuck this up.” He slaps his shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. It’s a lonesome party because not a lot of people are allowed in when drugs are involved. Causing a ruckus, receiving a noise complaint and then getting arrested is out of the question. 
He isn’t interested in sex with a stranger - not today at least -, but he hopes for it to change as he waits to approach her. Maybe drugs will rile him up enough to have fun with someone else and rid his mind of you. It’s an annoying itch on his brain, so he rests his head against the couch to comfort himself with the soft fabric. He’s sleepy from the beer he drank earlier, and he doesn’t know how time goes by so fast when he closes his eyes.
A few minutes must have passed, because he’s starting to feel dizzy in his seat. A smile carves on his face as his mind grows slightly fogged, and he opens his eyes to find the girl quietly chatting with a friend. When she glances at him, he beckons her to come over. She mouths a “be right back” to her friend before strutting in his direction.
“Hey,” she smiles down at him before sitting on the couch. She’s aristocratic, chic and pretty. “Sorry if I weirded you out earlier.” Her voice is sweet like honey, and her words flow out of her tongue so naturally. A dream girl, really, and Jungkook is starting to get horny.
“I don’t mind,” he reassures with a subtle seductive tone, “what’s a girl like you doing with this crowd? You look too innocent.” He wraps a finger around a strand of her hair and twirls it. It feels strange.
“My friend sent me here, told me to watch over someone,” she lowly speaks. “I’m Soyeon.”
“Nice to meet you, Soyeon,” he breathes before crashing her lips with his. His hand reaches down to grip her thigh, tongue poking out to swipe the sticky gloss. It’s flavored, and it tastes of strawberry. When she kisses him back so slowly, innocently, it turns him on so much. His pants feel tight around his crotch as he runs another hand through her soft hair. Compared to him, she’s passionate whereas he’s sloppy. He’s starting to get dizzier, and it feels so fucking good, but he hates it.
There is not a single reason for him to not enjoy this, not when his mood is lifting so high. The hand on her thigh lands on her cleavage instead and she’s so submissive and shy, but something’s off. He groans into her mouth before biting her lip, ripping a whine out of her. Why does she sound so sexy and annoying?  
He pulls away from her before sighing in irritation. “Fuck, I can’t do this.” 
“Did I do something wrong?” she asks worriedly.
“No, just, fuck.” He starts laughing before rubbing his palms on his eyes, “I really want to fuck, but I just can’t.”
“We can just chat,” she softly suggests. “What’s your name?”
He removes his hands from his face when she goes silent. Her eyes are wide and she’s gaping at him… guiltily? “Crap,” she hisses quietly, “I was supposed to make sure you were okay. My roommate is like, super in love with you and asked me to come here.”
He says your name in a question, wondering if it’s you. When she nods, he asks for your dorm instantly.
“She’s in room 124… Why?”
When he stands up, there’s a sway in his posture but he recovers quickly. There’s an involuntary grin on his face as he thanks her ignorantly. He’s out of the villa in a rush, and he has the overwhelming urge to just run. The campus is a bit far away from the house, but he doesn’t care as his footfalls echo in the dark streets. He has so much energy to waste, and with his current stamina, he’s confident he’ll find you before dawn. It’s stupid but it’s fun, and he doesn’t care for catching his breath as the corner stores pass by him in a blur. 
Throughout the two hours of his reckless jog, where he mixed up directions multiple times, his mind is starting to clear up little by little. He’s happy because of what Soyeon told him, and he feels relieved upon seeing the familiar college building. He’s not allowed in dorms at this time, but he’s done this too many times to get caught. Except he was drunk in those instances, and being on MDMA was different. Sneaking past security was tough because he couldn’t bring himself to tiptoe without making so much noise. When they glanced at him, he thought it to be the only choice to just run past them. He’s in the elevator by the time they catch on, and the numbers look wonky in his eyes but he presses the button for the right floor. 
He’s shifting his weight repeatedly in an attempt to contain his excitement; he wants to see you so bad. The moment he hears the ding of the elevator, he’s running past the halls and stops upon seeing 124. He has to squint, but he knows this is your dorm. 
You wake up with a silent gasp when there’s a pound on the door. You clutch your sheets in fear until someone starts to sing your name. “Jungkook?” you mouth to yourself. You stand up and look through the peephole and there’s a man on the other side who’s bouncing on his feet impatiently.
“Open up,” he sings loudly. You’re worried when you swing the door open and yank him inside so he doesn’t wake up any other students. You try to talk but only a wheeze comes out, so you switch on the light to see him instead. The brightness hurts your eyes as you close them for a few seconds. “Well, well, well, look who we have here…”
He starts to circle around you slowly and stumbles behind you. “Sending people to spy on me after rejecting me like that.” His words are slightly slurred and you turn around to face him with a pout. You point at your throat to give him a hint, but his eyes don’t waver from your pleading ones. “What are your intentions, huh?” he weakly pushes you, “Sending me mixed signals. Who- who do you think you are?”
You hold his hands and place them on your neck, trying to communicate with him by mouthing, “I’m sick,” but he only chuckles. He seems sickeningly joyous, but he’s not over his anger. “Still not going to talk to me? What did I even do?”
You deeply inhale from your nose because he’s not paying attention to you. You’re frustrated with yourself until he yells, “WHY WON’T YOU TALK TO ME?” The surge of serotonin, his state of euphoria is crashing down on him the more you ignore him. He had believed the drug would only make him happy, but it intensified his sadness and anxiety just as much when he saw you. It helped him forget you in a social circle, but you confused him so much after he was reassured for so long - coupled with your silence, he’s raging.
“Why are you ignoring me?! What did I do that was so bad that you can’t bear talking to me anymore? You told me you loved me, please,” he chokes and tries to swallow the lump in his throat. “I-I’ll make it up to you, I’m so sad right now. Just say something…”
You’re watching him in shock and a hint of fear from his fluctuating mood. You want to cry at how pitiful he looks, but instead you aim to grab a piece of paper from your bedside table. He misreads your actions and pushes you against the wall. “Stop this. Stop!” He has your arms pinned and he’s trying so hard to intimidate you so you give in. A dry sob leaves you because he's going mad, but then he has a sudden epiphany. “Maybe you’ll love me again if I fuck you hard enough and engrave it in your brain that you’re mine. Yes, yes!”
He starts unbuckling his belt and you immediately try to stop him; he’ll get sick! He shoves you again and pulls down his jeans before mashing his mouth against yours. All of your efforts have gone to waste when his tongue forces its way down your throat. There’s no point to denying him now, so you hesitantly kiss him back. You’re so guilty, and he’s so careless as he roughly pushes his hand down your white cotton shorts. You’re wearing a navy blue sweater to match so you don’t get cold in the night, but the shorts are meant to prevent a fever. What’s the point now, then? He hasn’t even read your texts that you only remembered to send before sleeping. He missed a whole paragraph of your explanation and confronted you so angrily.
“I’m going to fuck you all night,” he growls against your lips, “then you’ll remember how much you love me.” Your moans are quiet and hitched as he presses down on your clit through your panties. His other hand is on his cock as he strokes it eagerly, ready to get inside you. “I missed you so fucking much in one day,” he whispers in a croak. Hearing it makes you feel even warmer inside as you nudge his hand to urge him to enter you. “You missed me too, huh?” he takes notice of your neediness. “Shouldn’t have fucking brought it upon yourself then.”
He removes his hand from your shorts and taps your thighs before demanding, “Jump.” You bite your lip in consideration until he taps them harder and you quickly wrap your legs around his waist. Your shorts are relatively short, resembling loose boxers, so when your back is pressed against the wall he only pushes them and your underwear to the side before thrusting into you. A scream gets caught in your throat, and you forget all about your aches as he roughly fucks into you without caring for protection or lube. It stings only slightly, but the pleasure in feeling so full of him outweighs the pain.
Jungkook is moaning and groaning as he bruises your thighs in his hold. Your panting is all he can catch, and though the feeling of you is an amplified sensation because of the drug coursing in his system, he wants to hear you chant his name as well. “Still quiet?” he tuts and carries you to your narrow bed and you cling onto his shoulder while trying to catch your breath after the sudden attack. “Your cunt is throbbing though,” he says as he pulls out of you and drops you on the bed. He manhandles you by flipping you on your stomach and holds up your ass. He finally takes off your bottom clothing, but he’s slightly dizzy as he yanks them off your ankles. He spreads your thighs apart and you’re on your knees with your head against the mattress. “I wonder why that is,” he says before slapping your pussy, making you whimper quietly. “So wet, yet you don’t even make a sound. Some whore you are.” You purse your lips and muster a whine, but it’s interrupted when he pistons his cock inside you without warning. Your sounds are hoarse as he pounds into you from the back, hands kneading your ass to the shape of his hands. He gives it a spank as he moans loudly; the new position makes it feel so much more intense, and Jungkook loves it. His ears finally get to hear your pathetic mewls as he thrusts so deeply inside you that your vision blurs with tears and your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You feel like a doll that can’t speak or move, and he’s evidently enjoying it going by his rushed pace. You’re challenging him with your silence, and he loves proving himself.
All of a sudden however, he stops moving. You look behind you with a pout and he quirks a brow at you. You grit your teeth because you know he's waiting for you to tell him to continue, or rather daring you to do something. A sudden surge of confidence overcomes you and you gently slam your hips against his, fucking yourself on his cock with your eyes screwed shut.
“Yes, baby,” he strains, “show me that you're still my good girl.” At his encouragement, you meet his thrusts faster and you're seeing stars at how amazing it feels. You want to be his good girl so bad, and you arch your back to savour the pleasure. “Your pussy is mine, all mine,” he affirms to himself and stills your hips to turn you around without removing his length. His fingers are digging into your flesh and your tits bounce under the fabric as he rams into you restlessly. Your mouth is open in a silent scream and he can barely make out your pupils, the whites of your eyes stirring his climax at how attractive you look under the poor lighting. “I love you so fucking much,” he cries, “say it back, baby.”
You try to, but you can only dryly cough. “You fucking bitch,” he hisses at your defiance and pulls out of you to pump his length. He’s close to his release, and he pushes up your sweater to see your hard nipples that make him salivate. He crawls to slide his cock between the valley of your breasts and it hurts when he harshly pushes them together. “Stick out your tongue,” he commands in a whisper, and you do so while panting like a dog. Every time he thrusts upwards, the tip of his head grazes your tongue and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. He’s massaging your tits as he stutters between whines, and eventually his load spurts out to land on your chest and cheek with a particularly loud groan. His cum surges down his shaft as he rides out his high with the last slow thrusts. 
“Oh fuck,” he sighs airily and collapses next to you in the tiny space available. You clumsily turn on your side to give him more room and he pecks your swollen lips. He zips his pants back up and you’re still naked from the waist down. You’re staring at each other adoringly in the romantic, fragile atmosphere; another first.
“I love you,” you croak finally. It’s quieter than a whisper, and it makes you cringe at how hideous you sound; it’s painful as well.
His face lights up once he registers your words before noticing the tone. “What happened to your voice?”
“Sick.” You can’t bring yourself to say anything more as you snuggle into his side and he instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Shit,” he murmurs, “why didn’t you tell me that sooner, idiot?”
You slap a hand on his front pocket where his phone is, and he hastily takes it out to see a bunch of notifications from you. “You sent it at night, you’re still the idiot.” You giggle and roll your eyes. “A promise is a promise, though,” he purrs before cupping your bare heat. “I did say I would fuck you all night.” You widen your eyes when his head lowers down to face your sopping wet cunt, and he slowly licks up a stripe over your soaked folds, making you shudder and grip his hair. He’s leaving kitty licks all over your sensitivity, the tip of his tongue lightly brushing against your clit every now and then. Your hips lift involuntarily, and he finally takes your clit in his mouth and sucks on it loudly. He slurps your arousal before spitting it back on your hood, and you can only squeak in response. Your hazed mind only tells you that you want more, and he doesn’t fail to provide.
Two fingers enter your clenching hole, and he’s scissoring your walls as he messily eats you out. The pleasure from earlier returns all too soon and you know you won’t be able to last long. His lids are hooded when you glance down at him and the way he’s looking at you makes it even harder to resist your orgasm. The knot in your stomach picks back up right before unraveling and your moan is raspy as you start twitching under his relentless mouth. He grows gentle and leaves kisses all over your vulva until your body falls limp on the sheets.
After another round of penetrative sex, the two of you fall asleep from exhaustion in your bed. It’s a first for the both of you, and Jungkook decides in his drunken mind that tonight won’t be the last. It feels so intimate when he cuddles you, and you won’t ever forget his love confession.
The next morning is not so pleasant however, as Jungkook wakes up with a loud sneeze and in his now nasal voice says, “God fucking damn it.”
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