#Lute's weapon is a SWORD
barblaz-arts · 6 months
The last thing hellaverse needs is new names for existing ships. There are plenty that I have to think too hard to decipher who they are for. At least chaggie is obviously Charlie and Vaggie
Yeah it's hard when you dont know who the shipname's for too. Especially when you have cases like Charlie and Lucifer who share some aesthetics, so shipnames with the word apple or star would make you wonder which it's about. Even the word "fallen" can be confusing cuz now is it about Vaggie or Lucifer? Then some people use moth for Vaggie too but there's Valentino who's also a moth. That's why i usually always prefer to just mash together the characters' names.
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Elsa: You look happy. And a good thing for you she does.
Kristoff: Is this the part where you say if I hurt her, you'll kill me?
Elsa: No. If you hurt Anna she's quite capable of killing you herself. Possibly with a variety of weapons.
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goated33 · 7 months
“You always were weak” but Vaggie was one of Adam’s top girls. She killed thousands of sinners.
Vaggie’s ultimate “flaw” that led to her ‘fall’ was her compassion - her “bleeding heart”. I wonder if she’d had doubts about the exterminations before that? If she’d even just been kinder to and stuck up for the angels, who in Lute’s eyes were less virtuous and undeserving. Weak, to the point that it lead to her undoing.
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deathinfeathers · 9 months
//Also Lute with her swooooords!!!
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chubs-deuce · 6 months
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(^it's his turn with the child but he has an overlod meeting so this is how he shows up)
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I brainstormed a bunch with some friends on a server for how Dawn came to be and we had many fun ideas, some of which I'll elaborate on under the cut for anyone who wants to hear :D
Dawn was kind of created by accident! With Lute in charge of the exterminations now, Sera trying to hide Sir Pentious' redemption and her eyes opened towards heaven's doings, Emily wants to make good on her promise to help Charlie's efforts in hell. She learns through Remiel that heaven has been safekeeping Lucifer's old grimoire since he fell and decides that Charlie as his rightful heir should have it, hoping something in it would help her defend the hotel. It's written in the ancient language of the angels though, and while Charlie is able to translate it, she's by no means fluent in the language, but they find a ritual for the creation of an infinitely powerful weapon! Alastor of course is intrigued when she tells him of this and so he leverages his status as her work partner (and a powerful mage in his own right no less) to convince her to let him help attempt it. They figure out the components needed to fufil the ritual and perform it perfectly and create... a child. (this is because the definition of "weapon" can differ greatly depending on who you ask - it can be a sword, it can be ruthlessness, or it can be words, courage, hope and kindness. The ritual would therefore merely provide a blank slate for them to mold into whatever they need it to be! Charlie mistranslated slightly, since the word used in the ritual would translate more to "tool".)
Charlie and Alastor aren't (yet) romantically involved when Dawn gets created, though she does pull them together out of necessity over time. Alastor is very apprehensive about the concept and insists something must've gone wrong, but ultimately he absolutely recognizes that no matter the intended outcome, he's got a responsibility now, and decides he's at least got to be a better parent than his own father was, so he stubbornly still does what he can to raise this kid. Charlie is overwhelmed with the sudden responsibility they've both been burdened with at first - especially because she already has so many other things to worry about and take care of - but her infamous bleeding heart of course can't deny following its calling. I actually don't think her innate maternal instincts are particularly strong? Ultimately neither of them asked to be a parent and the upheaval of their personal lives that came with it, but they quickly learn to love their newest resident and how it ends up redefining and redrawing their own relationship to each other as well >:D
The newly shared responsibility for a literal child is what finally gets Alastor to cave into agreeing to acquire a phone with a camera - if only to soothe Charlie's nerves whenever she can't be there herself.
A friend from the server even wrote up a whole detailed ritual for me to visualize this whole thing and offered to help with insight on like. Heaven lore(?) and adding onto this concept if need be and I'm honestly having a blast with figuring out the details of this plot, so I might attempt writing a fic out fo this if I can solidify it all a bit better?
Either way, this is kind of escalating into a Whole Thing but I hope y'all are enjoying it nonetheless :'D
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Me: don't make Charlie's habit of twirling / spinning Vaggie into a THiNG it can just be CUTE with no other headcanons behind it-
also me: what if Vaggie always loved dancing but took being an exorcist very seriously bc of the whole "learned to trust people on the battlefield" thing so the only time she felt she had an excuse for dancing with a partner was when she called it "training" or "unarmed sparing" and goaded Lute into doing it with her (Lute being Adam's second and Vaggie one of his best girls) (what, is Lute scared of not being able to keep up with her-?)
Lute: "This, is stupid."
Vaggie: "It's just like sparring."
Lute: "Then why can't I use a sword."
Vaggie: "The point is learning to read your opponent's body and move with it. A weapon only gets in the way."
Lute: "Or maybe you know which on of us would win in a real fight."
Vaggie: "OR maybe it's nice to practice WITHOUT someone losing feathers over it."
Lute: "Only losers lose feathers. If they don't like it they should start WINNING."
Vaggie: "Just put your fucking hand on my waist and do a box step."
Lute: "A what? Put my hand- where!?"
Vaggie: "Forget it. We'll dance like we're in a damn period piece ballroom scene. You can at least survive spinning me, right?"
Lute: "SPIN you?"
Vaggie: "Just hold up your hand and-"
Lute: "We look dumb enough as is! I'm not making myself look SILLY just so you can do a stupid spin."
Vaggie: "Fine."
Lute: "You need to watch yourself. Exorcist are heaven's first line of defense- we are the divine blades guarding the pearly gates. We need to keep ourselves sharp, focused- If you slip even once-"
Vaggie: "I said fine! I get it! Alright? God let's just, let's just get this over with..."
And then she's in hell, a year or so after Lute grabbed her wrist and pulled her eye-first onto a sword instead of a dance,
and it turns out the princess of hell is an eager and willing dancer, even if she's maybe not the most graceful or easy to follow- but it's the kind of challenge Vaggie loves-
(and not the only thing Vaggie loves)
-especially when Charlie's the one who cleared out a space, put on a playlist, and waved her into the middle of the room so they could laugh and bow / curtsy before making tracks across the carpet-
all of this, even though Charlie's still rusty at dancing, never was into it other much other than as another way to flail around to a beat, and here she is now, seriously trying to remember or learn all the different steps Vaggie shows her
this time it's a waltz
Vaggie's been avoiding waltzes. And sure enough she finds herself spacing out in the middle of it, coming back to the excited sound of Charlie's voice
Charlie: "I think we're doing it!"
Vaggie: "...hm?"
Charlie: "The waltz! It's been ages but, this is about right, right?"
Vaggie: "Oh uh, yeah. You've got it. Told you you would."
Charlie: (laughing) "And I told YOU if we made it through this it'd be because you're so good at making ME look like a good dancer! Even when my hooves keep snagging on the carpet... Even when you're a million miles away."
Vaggie: "Shit. Sorry."
Charlie: "No it's fine! Good practice for me leading!" (leading them onto a new patch of floor) "So! A lot on your mind?"
Vaggie: "Just remembered something, is all."
Charlie: "Waltz related?"
Vaggie: "I wouldn't compare this with that."
Charlie: "Aww, shoot." (pouts) "Well give me a few months and I'll get there."
Vaggie: (chuckling) "Charlie, you're already WAY past the last dance partner I had."
Charlie: "Wow. That bad huh?"
Vaggie: "What'd I just say about you and dancing?"
Charlie: "That at least I'm not totally the absolute worst ever?"
Vaggie: "Yeah no. Try again."
Charlie: (grinning) "I'm better than they were."
Vaggie: "You sure are. Actually trying counts for a lot, honestly."
Charlie: "You make trying things a lot easier." (hoof catches) (stumbles) (vaggie steadies her) "Case in point!"
Vaggie: "We really gotta remember to roll up the carpet next time."
Charlie: "Orrrr you'll just have to go on catching me!"
Vaggie: "I'll do that with or without the carpet."
Charlie: "Right!" (face hot) "Er so, were they clumsy too? Lacking in the whole smooth moves department?" (blushes MORE)
Vaggie: "The moves were fine, the ego got in the way a bit."
Charlie: "Ego?"
Vaggie: (sighs) (rolls eye) "Apparently twirling me would've looked too silly."
Charlie: "Wh- Twirling you?"
Vaggie: "Spinning. Whatever. They cared about that a lot and- I know I know- it's a dumb thing to still be hung up on."
Charlie: "Well I'd be honored to look silly with you!"
Vaggie: (laughing) "Okay?"
Charlie: "Can I spin you?"
Vaggie: "You really don't have to."
Charlie: "So we can do it on three? One. Two-"
Vaggie: "Really it's- watch out, table at 3 O'clock-"
Charlie: "-Wheeeeee~!"
Vaggie: "WHOA- that-" (breathless) "Now THAT was a spin."
Charlie: "Eheheh. Whoops?"
Vaggie: "Oh no, no whoopsing your way out of this one, I'm gonna need to inflict some payback spinning of my own." (grins)
Charlie: "Uh I'm kinda tall for-"
Vaggie: "You ever been lifted?"
Charlie: "I mean when I was a kid sure, but I'm like a foot taller than-"
Vaggie: "On three. One."
Charlie: "-Vaggie you come up to maybe my shoulder-"
Vaggie: "Two."
Charlie: "-not that you can't do anything you set your mind to, obviously! I'm just not sure how-"
Vaggie: "Three."
Charlie: "Hwha- OH!" (gleeful) (laughing) "Ohhh my gosh-!"
Vaggie: (smug) "There's more than one way to twirl a girl across the floor."
Charlie: "Spinning WHILE lifting!?"
Vaggie: "Fun right?"
Charlie: "SO MUCH FUN! Can we do it again!?"
Vaggie: "Sure-"
Charlie: "Ooh ohh can I do it to you too? Can we take turns??"
Vaggie: "Not worried about looking silly, huh?"
Charlie: "No! Why would-" (stops)
Charlie: (stops their dance)
Charlie: "Vaggie, I.... I really don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be silly with you. Or how it could ever be more important than seeing you happy like this."
Vaggie: "...Not everyone's like you, sweetie."
Charlie: "Or maybe everyone just needs to actually see you for once."
Vaggie: "I'd rather just stick to you for now. If, that's okay?"
Charlie: "Always."
(dance resumes, much slower, much closer)
Charlie: "It's, it's okay to miss people too, you know. I know, I mean. How much that sucks. If you, want to talk about...?"
Vaggie: "No. Thanks."
Charlie: "You're missing them though, huh?"
Vaggie: "It's not that. It's just, weird how much things change."
Charlie: "Like dance partners."
Vaggie: "Like your reasons for dancing with them."
Charlie: "....Oh."
(do they kiss???) (i have no idea) (maybe Vaggie just relaxes and rests her head over Charlie's heart) (maybe Charlie tries her best not to think about how hard it's beating)
(maybe somewhere up in heaven, an exorcist with a sword does a box step while training, slips, and slices her target in half in fury when she realizes it)
maybe Vaggie always loved dancing but had to end up in hell before finally getting to dance the way she always wanted to
or maybe
it feels like Vaggie never danced at all, until she had Charlie to share it with
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bg3storage · 2 months
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Everyone meet my child, Tav! A sorcerer/bard multiclass with a dark and mysterious past. Check out Tavcore for more personality tidbits.
I realized I never gave a full introduction to Tavie except her booty in the Astarion gifsets so here she is! I based the design of this gifset on the amazing template by @eeldritchblast which helped guide the way.
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⋆☁︎。⋆。☾ ゚。⋆ FUN FACTS ABOUT TAV ⋆☁︎。⋆。☾ ゚。⋆
She was a bard in Baldur's Gate under the tutelage of a satyr whom she considered her brother.
Said brother also had ties to the Zhentarim so Nine Fingers Keene and Tav grew up around each other. 
It was because of this satyr that Tav carries the Bard class along with her inherent abilities as a sorcerer. 
Tav always assumed she was given the gift of Wild Magic due to her own unpredictable emotions so her spellcraft must reflect this. 
Tav was haunted by nightmares and vile urges her entire life but gave herself fully to Bhaal after the death of her brother. 
Her favorite instrument is the lute. After the murder of Alfira, Tav carries Lihala's Lute with her for the rest of the game to honor the fallen bards. 
Loves dresses, bows, and all things fashion which is possibly what influenced the Temple of Bhaal’s fashion glow up between games.
Her eyes used to be a light brown almost hazel but her service to Bhaal gave her this new eye color 
As the game progresses and she resists the urge further her eyes revert back to their original color. 
Similar to her eyes, Tav’s hair grew gray and incredibly long during her time ruling the Temple of Bhaal → Due to her resistance the original brown her hair once was is returning. 
Has a journal full of songs, drawings, and musings (similar to Arthur Morgan’s journal from RDR2)
When the urge grows closer to taking over the writings and drawings can become manic and indecipherable 
Tries almost too hard to be good, it is obvious she is compensating for something. 
Attempts the “fake it till you make it” attitude when it comes to life after the Nautiloid crash. Since she is haunted by terrifying thoughts, Tav keeps this part of herself incredibly secret and puts up a mask of positivity and kindness. She is sure that once her companions find out who she really is they will turn on her. 
As the story goes on, Tav realizes that this “mask” is actually closer to who she is on the inside.
Rarely gets a full night sleep due to nightmares and head buzzing with plans for battle. 
Often goes on walks, sits by the fire, or goes for a swim to clear her head. 
A huge fan of reading, especially studying history to not make the same mistakes as her ancestors. 
This often informs her strategy and plans especially when creating the plan to take the Crown of Karsus. 
Reading is also what facilitated her initial bond with Gortash when part of the Dead Three. 
Was terrible at wielding any kind of weapon until Wyll graciously helped her train to use a sword and shield. 
However, if she has to she’ll whack you over the head with her lute. 
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chaggie4ever · 2 months
Ok I need to get this off my chest: people need to stop hating on my girl for her final performance against Lute. Vaggie has been out of practice for 3.5 YEARS (42 months), during which she lost her depth perception and wings and hid her identity, which definitely limited her ability to train (not even accounting for the psychological torment and phantom pains). Meanwhile Lute has been living her best life in heaven, likely training every day to keep her position and fully intact.
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She has one month to prepare and learn some basic self defense. Now mind you, training montages are hilarious because after the first week if you’re doing it right you probably can barely move out of soreness XD (the ONLY accurate portrayal I’ve seen was on Galavant, which everyone should watch - it’s a medieval musical with a similar tone to HH). I’ll cover more on her and Carmilla separately.
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Then Lute proceeds to watch the entire final battle while Vaggie is busy killing at least four angels by my count. When they fly up to Adam and Lute, she immediately sucker stabs Dazzle, dropping them hundreds of feet and disarming Vaggie in the process.
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Despite all of this, Vaggie is able to stop a full force sword charge directly at her eye bare handed. She deflects several more vicious blows, using tools in her environment to help (shard of glass, radio). Yes she is losing. She is unarmed and see above… also unused to fighting with long hair even pulled up XD (as an aside, I absolutely LOVE how Carmilla pulls her hair down the moment Vaggie complains when training lol).
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She gets a few more face cuts while we watch Charlie stab Adam, and ends up on the ground reaching for her weapon, which Lute uses to stab her hand before stupidly leaving it while gloating. Yes, Lute could (and should) have ended her here. I have a few separate theories on why that did not happen (later post). But regardless of the reasoning, Lute’s hubris left Vaggie alive enough to goad her second wind by mentioning Charlie. And Vaggie was SMARTER (and ultimately more spirited).
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Now the tables have turned but Vaggie spared Lute, more out of spite than kindness but ultimately because of Charlie. Lute only has her left arm pinned; she should have stopped the spear but basically asked for death. This is also deserving of it’s own analysis but I think all angels hate themselves :(
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Vaggie leaves and when she no longer has her undivided attention, Lute is irate enough to rip off her arm and pin her. Vaggie isn’t fighting at this point, she’s trying to get to Charlie but was sucker punched/tackled. Pretty understandable imho… interesting theories that Lute may have ironically saved Vaggie’s life here. I love her but she’s not stronger than Adam :( I’ll keep these Yuri headcannons to myself for now XD
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Ironically, I think this may end very badly for Vaggie and Chaggie (if Lute kills anyone I will kill everyone and then myself), especially after Adam’s death. We haven’t even seen Vaggie cry but Lute now has. The same girl who just pulled her own arm off in sheer rage (seriously what’s up with her brute strength XD).
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But ultimately, while I don’t feel comfortable saying Vaggie properly won this fight, she did a damn good job with what she had available and people need to stop hating on this character! Lute definitely did not win. And I’m REALLY hoping for a proper rematch because given Lute’s HATRED, she clearly feels at least challenged by Vaggie, one of Adam’s “best girls” who likely had at least Lute’s 275 kills annually… AND/OR she was dumped right before Vaggie’s last extermination and all the yuri 😍🥰😘😇🤣
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
her precious angel
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request: Maybe a Velvette x reader fic where the reader is a fallen angel that helped Charlie out during the extermination but ended up losing one of their wings and now Velvette is just taking care of the reader?👀 this might be too much to ask but it's a fun idea and I suck at writing fics😭 but if you do end up doing it I will be very thankful :3
(from @kimmyisachiisaiakuma)
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: *ask*
warnings: NOT PROPF READ probably ooc velvette, valentino not being a dick for the first time in his live, i’m not entirely sure if you can count it as angst but i guess a lot of crying-ish stuff??
notes: i’m still so fucking mad about this one like?? the amount of nerves i’ve wasted on this, tumblr💀 but anyway, it’s shorter than normally but i guess i like how it turned out anyway? i mean- it was hard with motivation yesterday/today but i managed to write it anyway so hurray! also i enjoyed writing lute as a bad guy a bit too much💀
requests: open!!
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it was all happening so fast. the whole battle for the hotel was supposed to go differently as none of you were prepared for alastor’s shield to go down so quickly. everyone was trying their best at fighting angels but it turned out to be easier said than done. angel and husk were fighting angels on the ground alongside charlie and vaggie while you were flying in the air trying to stop as many of your past sisters as you could. angelic weapons swinging right and left making many of the exterminators fall down to the ground lifeless.
as the battle went on, you noticed adam fighting with alastor and almost fully killing him. you turned your head to him noticing him just disappearing and squinted your face not understanding were he went to. just as you turned your head again, you saw lute flying at you at a high speed with her sword in her hands. not being able to do anything else you just used one of you wings to shield yourself so her weapon wouldn’t hurt you that badly. you groaned in pain when the sharp tip pushed into your wing and opened it immediately trying to push it away. lute took it away and grabbed your shoulders flying straight onto the roof of the hotel.
both of you hit the ground, your body obviously being the one that actually hit the ground. glass was scattered around you two as lute got up and pointed her spear at you.
“pathetic” she said moving the spear to your neck as you were laying on the ground. you grunted, your wings flapping against the roof. she chuckled. “i can’t believe you were one of us. you’re even worse than sinners now” she continued making the spear slit your throat so blood started to run down it. “can’t even protect herself and trying to be a hero for this stupid hotel” she shook her head and took the spear away. “i’ll make you fucking regret it” she added through clenched teeth and before you could react she grabbed your shoulders again pushing you onto the window, making it break and making you fall down into the hotel. the whole scene looked rather poetic, but you weren’t in a state to notice that.
when your body hit the ground again, this time the ground being the hotel’s hall lute flew straight in through the window she just broke with your body. noticing her your grabbed your throat with one hand and get up by the bar’s counter so you were standing up again. lute landed right before you, haterance filling her eyes.
“i’m better than any of you” you said holding your throat still so you wouldn’t bleed out. lute laughed loudly and pushed her spear into the ground.
“don’t be ridiculous” she said walking over to you and pushing you onto the counter of the bar you used to stable yourself. “we are doing the god’s work, making hell’s population bearable and you think you are better?” she asked pushing your hand away and squishing your throat with both of her hands. you wondered for a second if she was trying to keep you alive or make you bleed more by doing so. “you were an honour to have in our ranks. and you became this?” she asked taking her hands away and making your throat bleed more than before. you knew now. “pathetic is too soft of a word” she scoffed and walked over to her spear again. you tried getting up but the amount of blood you lost made your body too weak while also causing white spots to appear on your vision.
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“what a bitch!” yelled velvette watching the whole fight with vox and valentino. her hands gripped the phone she was watching it on almost breaking it in half.
“calm down velvette,-“ vox started saying but velvette send him a murder glare at which he rolled his eyes but kept his mouth shut.
“i’m going to fucking kill any angel i see in my way!” she yelled again throwing the phone into the couch and hiding her face inside her hands. both vox and valentino shared a glare of confusion and surprise.
“babydoll,” valentino started and sit down next to her on the couch purring one of his hands on her shoulder looking at vox still confused if what he’s doing is what he should be doing. “i’m pretty sure she’s going to be okay” he added and stroked her shoulder gently looking down at her hidden face. “you know her, you know how feisty she is” he said with a small chuckle at the end but when he heard velvette’s small sob his smile immediately dropped.
“i don’t want to loose her” she whispered hiding her face even more in her hands. valentino looked at vox again yet this time he was fully concentrated at the fight that was playing at their tv. valentino rolled his eyes and took velvette on his lap.
“doll” he said taking her hands away from her face noticing her smudged eyeliner. “she’s gonna be okay for sure” he said wiping her tears and flowing down make up. “she knows she has to hold on, she has someone to do it for, tesoro” he said with another small chuckle making velvette stop crying.
“i just…” she groaned and got up from his lap walking in a small circle thinking about her next words. “she should’ve been here with us. not there fighting” she said scoffing and wiping her own face. valentino got more comfortable on the couch while watching her and took a drag from his cigarette.
“she’s too stubborn for that. from all your stories about her, she wouldn’t bare watching her friends dying for her not to die with them” he said and shrugged velvette killing him with her eyes. “i’m not saying they’ll die, it was just a metaphor” he rolled his eyes taking another drag. velvette scoffed and grabbed her phone, walking to her room and shutting the door behind her.
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lute grabbed her spear again and walked over to you grabbing you by the hair and pushing you off the counter, making you hit the ground once again. you groaned but couldn’t do anything about it as she just simply laughed at you. she let go of your hair and pushed the spear into one of your wings making you scream in pain as your hands tried gripping your throat to stop it from bleeding out. lute smirked maniacally and moved the spear around in your wing, making a lot of your feathers become yellow from your blood. you tried pushing her away with your other wing but she simply grabbed it in her other hand and held in place. lute moved her spear more cutting your wing almost fully from your body and enjoying the sound of your screams as she watched the whole thing. she licked her lips and made the last cut on your wing making it barely handing onto your back she smirked and chuckled at you. “now at lest you look similar to your personality. ruined” she huffed and grabbed her spear taking it away from your wing and flying up leaving you all alone in the ruined hotel’s hall. you wanted to get up, chase her make her regret it all but you weren’t able to. the only thing you could do was close your eyes and pray for someone to help you or for a quick second death to come.
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the first thing you noticed when you opened your eyes was the amount of the color pink around you. you wanted to sit up but the immaculate pain going through your body made it unable to do so. you just laid there and looked around noticing you were laying in velvette’s bed, in her room. you thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open.
“oh dear, you’re awake!” exclaimed velvette walking into the room and rushing to your side. “i’m so glad you’re okay” she said looking at you with worry in her eyes. you looked back at her confusion on your face as you tried to sit up again but the pain stopped you once again. you whined in pain and velvette’s eyes got even more soft.
“what happened?” you asked your voice a lot more husky than normally. velvette sighed softly taking one of your hands into her.
“i…” she started but stopped immediately trying to stop the tears coming into her eyes. “you fought the angels” she explained and sighed once again looking at your whole silhouette.
“did we loose?” you asked interrupting her looking scared at her. she chuckled softly at your reaction and sighed once again stroking your hand gently.
“quite the opposite, darling” she said and looked at you with a sad smile. “you won, but at what cost” she added and looked away from you trying so hard not to cry. velvette gripped your hand with hers and took a deep breath.
“at what cost? what you mean? did someone die? how did i even got here?” you asked all at once being more and more confused with every second passing. velvette chuckled dryly at your words and shook her head a bit.
“i… after the battle was done, i rushed to the hotel for you and… did everything in my power to escort you here with less damage i could” she explained and tears started to fill her eyes fully this time, she looked away from you gripping your hand with hers once again. “i’m so, so sorry” she said letting out a sob from her mouth.
you looked at her confused and scared again, not understanding why she was apologising as your eyes slowly went from her face to your interlocked hands and then your bandaged back. your eyes widened a bit and then the pain you felt finally placed itself in your back. you looked terrified at the bandages trying to move your ‘wings’ around brining yourself even more pain as only one of them flattered around a bit.
“i’m so fucking sorry, darling” said velvette seeing the information getting to you. “i- i literally tried everything but… i couldn’t do much more to keep both of your wings connected to your body” she explained and started sobbing more, moving herself closer to you, leaning her forehead against your shoulder. “i’m so so so fucking sorry” she sobbed even more, wetting your bandaged shoulder. you felt tears coming into your eyes as well as you closed them shut and felt your breathing becoming faster and shorter.
“i’ve-“ you started but a sob interrupted you as velvette moved away from your shoulder. “i’ve lost my wing?!” you asked in a whine looking at her terrified and full of hate, not for her of course, but for everything else. you sat up slowly, not giving a single thought to the pain you were feeling.
“doll, i’m-“ velvette started and moved her head so her forehead was connected with yours, her eyes closed. “i’m… i’m gonna kill that bitch if i ever see her” she said and gritted her teeth sighing deeply, tears still strimming down her face.
you let out another whine, moving your head away from hers as you looked at your bandaged back. you moved your resting wing flattering it, not even caring about the pain as the adrenaline of loosing something so important got to you. you tried flying up a bit, obviously not being able to as another whine left your mouth alongside with many sobs. “how could she?!” you yelled, tears falling down your cheeks as your voice could probably be heard on the streets in the pentragram city.
velvette sobbed with you, moving even closer so she was now laying down with you on the bed trying to cling up to you while causing you as little pain as she could. “i’m so, so, so, so, so, sorry- literally, so sorry-“ she started repeating herself crying even more, as she was now cuddled up to you.
you continued screaming in pain and haterance as your remaining wing moved in place, adjusting to the emotions you were feeling. you wanted to scream and shout and just break anything that would stand in your way, but the worst part was that you even couldn’t do that. the battle exhausted you and that lost wing definitely didn’t help the case. you tried to control your breathing, trying not to hyperventilate as you utter a soft whisper. “it’s not your fault, velvette”
velvette grabbed both of your hands with one of her again, as her other one grabbed your cheek softly and started stroking it, her crying didn’t stop as well. “i’ll make her regret it” she said in between sobs looking you deep into eyes, making sure you understood the meaning of her words. your breathing calmed down a bit after a moment as you just started into her eyes. you let out w deep sigh still feeling like you might just break down any second now. she kept on stroking your cheek not taking her eyes away from yours. you closed your eyes finally, cuddling up into her hand more looking for any comfort. she smiled sadly at your and closed her eyes as well enjoying the sudden comfort between the two of you.
“you won’t take that pleasure away from me” you said and opened your eyes looking at her face, the corners of your lips going just so slightly up. velvette opened her eyes as well looking a bit out of place at the sudden sound of you voice but as soon as she understood what you said she smiled as best as she could at you.
“that bitch won’t even know what got her” she said and chuckled dryly, her fingers still stroking your cheek. you let out a deep sigh at her words and looked sadly into her eyes again. velvette sighed as well, just starring into your eyes. “you’re the most important to me in the whole hell, or world” she said suddenly, her voice a bit louder than a whisper. your eyes widened at her sudden confession but that didn’t stop your cheeks from blushing just a bit. you slowly moved your remaining wing, wrapping it around the two of you in a some sort of hug as velvette kept on touching your face.
“and to me, the world doesn’t exist without you-” you said as velvette tilted her head slightly. “-cause you are my world” you finished your sentence and velvette looked away from your face, feeling her cheeks reddening up as she gently grabbed the wing wrapped around her and put it onto her face not wanting you to see her blushing. you chuckled despite feeling the tears still on your cheeks, as you moved the wing away from her face not letting her hide anymore. she still didn’t look at you as you could easily notice the reddish color on her face. you moved your hand to her face this time, brining her closer to you once again, resting your forehead against hers.
velvette moved her head up slightly, so that your lips would touch but not just fully connect yet. she smiled to you, feeling the salty taste at your lips from previous tears as she moved her head once again, this time connecting both of your lips in a sweet and probably the most gentle kiss, the two of you have ever shared.
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comfortless · 8 months
Syl, my lovely, please. I need to see this vision come to life through your words. Would König take his darling to the Ren Faire?🌷
VANI!!! my angel!! of course he would… König is a just a hapless knight at heart & it gives him an excuse to treat you like an actual princess! 🗡💕 i can not promise you that he will not force you to sit in his lap and play skyrim or something when you get home though…! /:
“Danke for agreeing to come,” he whispers to you once you’re out in the sprawling field, an abundance of colorful tents, partitions and others in similar dress surrounding the two of you.
It’s a lot to take in, as though you’ve been whisked away to a separate world entirely; the air smells faintly of fresh food, a bard strums a lute somewhere out in the distance, and… was that supposed to be a dragon’s roar?
König dons a veil of tightly woven chainmail, only a glimpse of his jaw visible, lined with prickly stubble. The rest of his armor leaves little glimpses of him, his thick wrist between cuff and glove, the bob of his Adam’s apple as he curls his arm around you protectively. If it were possible, he seems even larger wearing the plates of armor, far more imposing like this.
Tucked at his side, stands you in your linen bliaut, a soft woolen cloak dyed a royal blue thrown over your shoulders; a stark contrast from the shimmering and hardened armor of the knight guiding each of your steps with his arm around your waist.
König has to look at everything— marveling at the handmade objects and shiny, smithed weapons in each booth.
When you give him a quizzical glance as he ghosts his gloved fingertips over the angular blade of an exceptionally smart spear, he pauses his frantic admiration for a time to explain to you that it reminds him of one he read about once— like Odin’s Gungnir, fierce and proud. Even you take a moment to admire its craftsmanship, to which the pale blue of his eyes seems to light up; he makes the purchase without a second thought.
You find yourself enjoying the atmosphere, especially with that ever-present grin on König’s face; he’s in his element surrounded by fantasies drawn from history. It’s a nice change, seeing him so filled up with whimsy as he whisks you from tent to tent, buying you anything that catches your eye, taking your picture any chance that he gets.
You humor him, lifting your skirts a little when you pass between two of the fabric structures, hidden away from the eyes of any other grinning merchants, pretty ladies, and bellowing bards.
Seated in his lap he tells you of holy grails and swordplay tactics while feeding you from a dish on a wooden countertop, a pastry stuffed full with apple.
You only think to offer a complaint once you note the three now emptied pewter goblets of mead in front of him as König proclaims he wants to act out a proper sword fight with one of the others donning armor in the small, hastily fenced in area serving as a knight’s training yard.
(It was certainly a coincidence that the one he chose to spar with happened to be the very same man who offered you a friendly wave in passing.)
He makes a display of his swordsmanship, swift knocks and parries that leave your eyes wide as you clasp your hands over your mouth; even a prise de fer as you dig your nails into the wood of the shoddy fence. You’ve never seen him so swift, so brutal, as when he finally knocks his opponent into the dust, the sharpened edge of his blade pointed downward. Had this not all been pretend, you could imagine the bloodshed that would have occurred here.
Thankfully, König backs off, dips his head in a begrudging bow to his opponent before wandering back to you.
Your hand is pried from the fence, a kiss placed upon every knuckle as you praise his talents. He smirks, proud, and whispers to you something about how he had to show off for his lady. Even has the audacity to tell you that he would kill for you, and you knew very well it was not said entirely in jest.
When the sun finally dims and lanterns are lit, bathing the green below your boots in a soft, tangerine glow, you find yourself helping to loosen the straps of König’s armor. Poor thing had not thought to wear a proper shirt beneath, or.. perhaps, that was intentional. The sweat glistens off of him when you’ve tossed his dark top and curved metal into a heap, the curls of his chest hair sticking to pale flesh.
You rove your hand over him to dull the ache of those straps digging into his shoulders. He groans, contented as he pulls you up to your feet, leaning down just enough to kiss you, to desperately grope at your hips, your rear, before the strumming of a lute and the cheers and giggles accompanied by dancing fills your ears.
Attentions turned, you find yourself curling your hand into his, tugging him towards the feathery songs and shuffling of feet.
“We should dance,” you suggest, all giggles when you tilt your head to offer a pleading glance to him over your shoulder.
“Anything for you, meine prinzessin.”
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minjeungsno1fan · 1 month
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wyd when you and the gang get stuck in a ttrpg (DRDT DND AU)
nerd stuff under cut
Teruko - Avariel Cleric that uses a magic sword. Her patron goddess is Mai.
Xander - Tiefling Rogue that uses a bow and arrow.
David - Human Bard that uses a lute and flute.
Eden - Elf Artificer that currently doesn’t have a weapon </3
Veronika (not visible) - omnipotent disembodied voice that guides them (dungeon master)
Basic AU plot - Veronika invites those four to play DND for the first time with her and it goes horribly wrong. They end up trapped in the world Veronika created for the campaign as their characters, and the only way they can leave is by completing the story Veronika set out (basically it’s like jumanji).
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barblaz-arts · 5 months
your Soul Eater AU makes my brain go brrr I love it!
I have a question though (and a couple headcannon/ Ideas I want to spill out but shhhh) since niffty is a witch what kind of animal is she? Because if I remember correctly some if not all witches have an animal motif.
For headcannon/ideas: for Vagis original miser Lute, I can somehow imagine her as someone who can both be a miser and a weapon (her new miser is Adam)
I briefly mentioned it in the post with Excalibur/Chain Knife!Alastor, but Niffty is supposed to be a mouse. Since she's a duo with Husk, who is a cat. I feel like it fits her too tbh
That would be cool, and I actually considered it, but I'm making Lute the Crona equivalent, with Adam being her Ragnarok.
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Instead of black blood, Adams's made of gold blood :D
Thought it'd be perfect since Adam has a lot of gold in his color palette, including his wings, while Lute already canonically wields a golden sword.
Anyways, here's a bit of Charlie and Vaggie going mad with gold blood.
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bones4thecats · 1 month
Hi maybe the transformers prime megatron, starscream and shockwave having a lute (hazbin hotel) s/o who is their second in command and is always by their side
TFP! Decepticons with a 'Con-Lute! S/O
Characters: Megatron, Starscream, and Shockwave (Transformers Prime) Requester: ❣️Anon A/N: Anons, please add emojis when requesting. I made a whole announcement on this. I don't mean to be rude, but just add an emoji when you do this! Thank you. Also, I'll give you an emoji, you'll be ❣️Anon, and I do hope you like this, it is mainly what they like about the Reader and how they bonded. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of war and physically harming someone ⚠️
Disclaimer: This includes spoilers for Season One of Hazbin Hotel
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╚═════ Megatron ══════════════════════════════╝
👑 As a former Gladiator within the Pits of Kaon and a former member of the Cybertronian Air Force, you were trained to be strict and highly dangerous. And that is always on full-display whenever you went against the Autobots
👑 You would wield your sword against the 'Bots while your sparkmate, the Decepticon-Warlord Megatron, would watch from the Nemesis as you handed your enemies their afts
👑 Whenever you are not out fighting and leading your own part of the Decepticon army, you would be right by Megatron's side. You would be walking alongside him, your arms folded behind your back like your lover
👑 He likes watching you fight and defend the Decepticon cause. Especially whenever it revolves around Starscream attempting to offline Megatron or you. But, whenever he tries attacking you, Megatron would intimidate him into submission again
👑 You're useful to the cause. And your savagery is very useful against your shared enemies, such as when Arcee attacked you and you managed to slice one of her optics in half, rendering her vision half-as-good as it once was
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╚═════ Starscream ════════════════════════════╝
💫 Starscream adores you. And I mean that.
💫 You are known far and wide for your mastery using your weapons, whether it be a sword or even a bomb, you would put use to everything around you at moment's notice
💫 Starscream initially found you to be helpful with getting his status up and keeping him safe from any who opposed him. But, over time you proved to be quite the loyal 'Con, using your fighting skills against anyone who proved a danger
💫 His feelings finally came to his processor when you stabbed an Autobot fighter from behind when he tried attacking the Seeker from behind during the start of the war
💫 Anyways, he uses his own mental tactics to get what he wants, you on the other hand use physical force more often. But, after spending enough time around the Cybertronian Seeker, you began to pick up some styles of mental manipulation, which made him proud
💫 You're his shield. I have no other way to put it. Like, he doesn't want to seem like he finds you useless, but he's built so tiny while you're like him, but have the strength of Wreckers like Bulkhead because of your training
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╚═════ Shockwave ═════════════════════════════╝
🧪 When Shockwave first met you, he was slightly surprised to see just how disciplined you were. He liked silence when working, so you would stand by his lab's door not making a sound while he walked around a worked. After all, Decepticons naturally have no care for other's opinions
🧪 He was also curious on how much you knew on his experiments. Hell, one time you had brought him an energon cube - as he was in dire need of it - and asked if you could question him on an alien species he had encased in a jar
🧪 When he told you their common name, believing you wouldn't know anymore about them, he heard you say their scientific one and begin to speak about how much you knew about their biology
"When I first studied them with one of my siblings back on Cybertron, since they were studying to be a scientist in the Council, I was surprised to see how their spinal system connected to their long Simmons-like tail."
🧪 Shockwave began to ask you to give him some mixtures of CNA and fossils, which began to bring you guys closer together as the days passed. And when the Predacons were created, they saw both you and Shockwave as their 'creators', as you gave them life
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kaledya · 5 months
Hey hey! It's a-me!! The essay writer again!
Lol, sorry.
This time, I just summed up some questions about your AU Exorcists
1. Since Lute's and Adam's personalities are different in Sinners Symphony, I suppose that the morale in the army is different from canon, far closer to "We do what has to be done" instead of the usual "Haha, die you little b@#es. I'm at 261 now, how about you?" Am I correct?
2. How do the Exorcists fight? Now we know that in your AU Blessed weapons are insanely overpowered (sinners are crying for a nerf constantly), I wonder if the soldiers still fight open and without cover just to mindlessly kill a bunch of sinners or if the ladies have more discipline in this?
3. And lastly, two questions in one, do the Exorcists leave behind their weaponry like in canon? Since if not, Carmilla Carmine would probably not become an overlord, or at least have far lower than in canon, since the weapons would be super rare and far more difficult to manipulate with, resulting in less employees, resulting in less deals, resulting in less power.
Have a great day/night. Richard.
And by the way, Sir Pentious in Sinners Symphony when?
Yes the exterminators are a well trained and disciplined unit of soldiers, some lieutenants are even trained by Azrael himself, they do not take pleasure or enjoyment from their work or see it as a game, they do what needs to be done, nothing more and nothing less. There is discipline in the army like in today's armies, the soldiers respect their superiors very much and obey their orders under all circumstances.
Lute is the most skilled exterminator at the moment, in fact she was personally trained by Azrael and is the closest exterminator to Azrael. Lute has the greatest respect for Azrael and will not hesitate to punish anyone who insults him.
War styles:
I haven't designed it yet, but I'll try put a sketch here. Exterminators are divided into 3 different classes
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Seraphic Smitebringers (Divine Strikers): These warriors are equipped with heavy weapons that reflect the power of the heavens.
Celestial Swiftwings: This group is known for the speed of their wings, descending upon their enemies like lightning.
Ethereal Vanguard: These warriors combine both powerful blows and swift movement to create a versatile force on the battlefield, but they are neither as fast as Swiftwings nor as powerful as Smitebringers.
Weapons they use
For Seraphic Smitebringers:
Divine Retributors: Great, luminous hammers that echo like thunder with each strike.
Judgment Hammers: Mighty war hammers, adorned with gold and silver, representing fair judgment.
For Celestial Swiftwings:
Heavenly Katanas: Long, slender swords that slice through enemies with speed and grace.
Windscythes: Light and sharp sickles that harness the power of the wind.
For Ethereal Vanguard:
Astral Lances: Spears made of stardust, effective at both near and far range.
Balance Blades: Two-sided blades that offer the perfect balance of power and speed.
The exterminators don't leave their weapons in hell as in the canonü (1. they don't leave a weapon in hell that can kill them 2. the weapons of the exterminators are made in a customized way, they have a spiritual value. 3 even if they leave it, nothing much changes, a sinner cannot touch it)
Carmilla is an arms dealer again. (Like Tony did before he became Iron Man), she is a weapon merchant, her power comes from the quality and uniqueness of the weapons she made in this AU, not from angelic weapons. she is still a 2nd place overlord, after all, Pride Ring is a battlefield and a battlefield needs weapons
+ Carmilla has destroyed all of her rivals, no one else in Pride Ring can enter the weapon trade because they are destroyed directly by Carmilla. so Carmilla's power is still the same, nothing has changed in the level.
I wish you a good day too
and I have no idea about sir pentious right now.
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gartenofbanny · 8 months
So before I make an indepth review on both Hazbin episodes that I have watched, i want to talk about how stupidly convenient this image is.
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So SOMEHOW an Exorcist died for the first time after a recent cleanse. The head was decapitated, and Lute exclaims that this has never happened before. So.. how has this never happened before?
I'm assuming that the yearly cleansing has been going on for many years, and no Exorcist has died before up until now, which is pretty stupid.
So this happened one of two ways. Either there's a demon or some force out there that's so powerful that it managed to kill an Exorcist without Adam or Lute knowing, or the Exorcist died by a weapon.
Both of these are honestly dumb because if there is a Demon strong enough to kill an Exorcist, you'd assume Lucifer would know about it. Secondly if there are weapons capable of killing Exorcists..uh what are they?
It wouldn't make sense if someone killed an Exorcist with a regular sword because Hell has all sorts of weapons, some more technologically advanced than Earth. If it was an Exorcist weapon, then it makes the Exorcists look dumb.
We might know who caused it later on, we might not, don't know but overall, this revelation is very bad in terms of writing.
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not-wholly-unheroic · 8 months
A Comparative Analysis of Hook’s Ship and Cabin in Popular Media Portrayals
Part 4: Peter Pan (2003)
P.J. Hogan’s 2003 film is full of life and color, and Isaacs’ Hook is likewise a colorful character who, though grounded in reality, most definitely has a flair for the dramatic and a taste for the finer things in life.
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Like the other Hooks we have seen thus far, Isaacs’ Jolly Roger appears to be the large stereotypical pirate ship that all children think of, despite the impracticality of a slower vessel in actual piracy. (By this point, I think we should just assume that all Hooks go for form over function when it comes to their choice of ship.) It’s a gorgeous ship, and I do wish we got more close-ups of the outside of this particular Roger so we could see more of what’s going on with all the decorative work on the outside of the cabin and the figurehead, etc. One thing, though, that stands out about this ship is that the mainsail itself has a giant skull and crossed swords on it. This would be completely impractical for any actual ship, as the enemy would see them coming and know they were pirates right off the bat…lending credence to the idea that this ship (and this Hook) may be deeply shaped by the children’s imagination. Then again…what else should we expect of a pirate ship whose name itself is the Jolly Roger?
The shots we get of the inside of Isaacs Hook’s cabin reveal the living space of a man who is accustomed to a decadent lifestyle but not so over-the-top as to be entirely unrealistic. While his beautifully decorated harpsichord is the centerpiece of the room, we also notice that he has several tables, a couch, and a globe.
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This is about all we can tell from the in-film shots of the cabin, but some promotional material and a pirate-themed hotel that purchased a few set pieces from the film and set up their own room to mimic Hook’s can give us a few ideas about what the rest of the cabin might look like. (Big shout-out to @annabellioncourt for providing several of these bonus material images!)
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In the one promotional photo, there is what looks like a lute, perhaps, in the background. I also love the little detail of the skull and crossbones on the candle stand…and his li’l stripey socks.
Here we can see the full-sized bed with a gun and what looks like it might be an Eton crest over it. (Note that if you pay close attention in Hook’s intro scene in the film, you will actually see that the tattoo on his left arm is an Eton crest as well.)
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Isaacs Hook also has a self-portrait in his cabin, it seems…which interestingly has a date on the frame of 1742. This is about the most specific we get with ANY Hook as far as time period goes. This is after the Golden Age of Piracy had really already come to an end, though it’s technically possible he might still have been “Blackbeard’s bosun” depending on his age, as Blackbeard’s career ended in 1718 in a battle off Ocracoke Island, NC. Isaacs himself was around 40 years old when the filming was done, so if we want to assume Hook was around the same age when he came to Neverland and the portrait was done shortly before then, he would have been around 16 at the time of Blackbeard’s downfall. A bit young but…it’s possible if he started his career at sea early. Cabin boys usually started out around age 12 but could be as young as 8-ish on occasion. However…this wouldn’t really track with Hook being an Eton student. Assuming he actually graduated, he would have been at the school until he turned 18. So while Isaacs Hook may have very well been a sailor or even more specially a pirate prior to Neverland…he likely wasn’t a peer of Blackbeard or the other more well-known pirates of the early 1700s.
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One last thing that is interesting to me is that in addition to the more standard weapons/tools like chains, guns, and boarding axes that we see in some shots, this version of Hook keeps what looks like an entire small cabinet of various tinctures and powders. At least the one of them which he removes is poison, but one wonders….are they all different kinds of poison? Or are some, perhaps, medicinal in nature or for recreational use?
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As a whole, Isaacs’ Hook is, I think, perhaps one of the most realistic portrayals of the character. While there are some highly fanciful aspects to his ship—like the giant skull on the mainsail—much of his personal space has the lavish furnishings one might expect of someone with an aristocratic background without feeling too entirely impractical. Add to that a concrete date on the portrait, and I’d say this Hook is more grounded in reality than nearly any of the others we’ve encountered so far.
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