#M!Anon Necrohuman
oraclememehacker · 2 years
The Trap
“Alright, everything is set up. I don’t know whether this is going to work or not, but unless they have some way of getting in here that I don’t know of, like using the metaverse, then it all should be fine.” Futaba had determined that they were going to kidnap the leader of the Phantom Thieves next, who was back in Yongen-Jaya because of various reasons. Everything up to this point was all about the metaverse and who else to get information from but the leader after all? So, Futaba had devised a trap, that way they would be caught and hopefully this whole thing could be nipped in the bud.
The plan involved setting up cameras in the attic, on him and then there was also motion sensors that when activated would set off alarms that would most likely alert someone to call the police. The plan was for a couple of them to stay up late that night, hidden in the cafe as they waited, hoping that the people responsible for kidnapping her, Sophia and Wakaba would appear to take Akiren. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was a plan, nonetheless.
Late that night, there was Futaba, Necro and Ann who was in the cafe, hiding behind the counter. Everything seemed to be all quiet, the only sound in the place was the occasional creaking of the attic floor and them shuffling around, and Necro’s weird breathing. They couldn’t risk using their phones in case the kidnappers suddenly arrived and were spooked by the light from the phone. Ann shifted around and quietly asked if tonight was going to be the night this happened, and Futaba just couldn’t answer because she wasn’t sure. 
Soon enough though, they would hear the front door being unlocked and opened. They couldn’t reveal themselves quite yet, as they could run off. But Futaba did peek over the counter and saw that they were in the hazmat suit, hiding their identity. Well, that was going to have to come off soon for sure. “Here we go...” The sounds of loud footsteps could be heard as they made their way across the cafe and towards the stairs. And then as they started to make their way up there was suddenly loud alarms blaring and that was when the plan got into action.
The trio made their way out from behind the counter and confronted this person in the hazmat suit, with Necro in front, ready to use her tentacles to rip that thing off them. They clearly were distressed and trying to figure out what to do, since they had the exit blocked now. What the trio wasn’t anticipating was that they would whip out a gun. Ann and Futaba flinched, backing up but Necro wouldn’t, and her tentacles would fly forward towards the hazmat person when suddenly...
Necro had been shot around the chest area, not flinching still but there was definitely dark blood running down her, and she wrapped her tentacles around the hazmat suit person and then slammed them hard against the wall, leaving a visible hole there before tossing them upwards, watching as they hit the ground. “N-Necro! No killing! You know better than this!” Then again, she had just been shot so it was fair game at that point. Akiren was at the top of the stairs and was asking what was going on. That’s when he saw the hazmat suit guy on the steps, not moving but was clearly still alive.
“So, uh...what do we do now?” Ann asked, since this wasn’t going to end well one way or another. “We interrogate them and ask where my family is.” Futaba responded simply, though she was concerned about Necro. “Y-You’re going to be alright...I hope.” Necro just breathed, unconcerned about her health currently but also seemed to be in a lot of pain. Futaba made her way to the steps and would now slowly reveal the person in the hazmat suit. It wasn’t anyone they knew, but they seemed to be a scientist type...and were clearly in a lot of pain from the attack on Necro.
And that’s when they would hear sirens...
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
Fuck it, why not?" 
She would let her still humanized of sorts persona make her way towards Katsu. He would see a humanish being with a ufo for a head, tentacles for arms and just a generally cybernetic look make her way towards him, where the tentacles would come towards him and wrap around him. Thankfully she had gotten used to not getting slime all over everything by now, so he wasn’t slimed. Unless he wanted it. So it was surprisingly pleasant.
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
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“Despite all the weirdness, Futaba’s persona Necro has been incredibly nice...as nice as a human like individual can be anyways. But it is part of her so I’m not really surprised as well.”
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
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“If Necro stares at me in my sleep one more time I am kicking her out at night. That’s not me denying my persona, is it?”
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
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“Oh geez, what has Futaba gotten herself into this time? There’s slime all over my cafe now...this is going to take ages to clean up.”
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
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“I guess I was overdue for strangeness but...ugh. What am I going to do with my vaguely human persona...if it is my persona anyways?”
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
M!Anon your persona is now humanish and is at your house.
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"I wonder...let's see..." Futaba was currently working on designs and concepts for a new game, one that would be a basic platformer and puzzle game where one would control a cat going through various levels to get to the end. It would have appropriate cat themed obstacles to deal with and the cat would of course be based on Morgana but not be exactly him so the not a cat cat would yell at her. As she was working on that this is when she would hear a knocking from the front door.
She wasn't expecting any visitors today and she was pretty sure Sojiro wasn't as well, or Wakaba and Sophia, all of which were at the cafe. This was giving her bad Deja vu flashbacks to when she was attacked and nearly killed, so she decided to look out her window but couldn't see them. So, she went out of her room and had something in hand as a self-defense weapon just in case. As soon as she got to the front door and opened it, she saw someone who looked...odd.
They were human...ish, with what looked to be a ufo for a head and tentacles for arms. Something about the design looked familiar and as it tried to speak, saying "Futaba..." The voice instantly became recognizable. Her persona?! How? It wrapped its tentacles around her, and she was suddenly too close to it and was squirming to get out of its grasp. "P-Please...l-let me go...Necro, I know it's you, I hope anyways...what is going on now? And how am I going to explain this to the others?"
Well, this was certainly an unexpected thing...
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