fates-factory · 7 years
Hi could you do a fanfic about M!Kana and Selkie (since she's the only one who doesn't friendzone him). There's no fanfics about them anywhere so you can do anything as long as they're a cute coulpe, Thanks! :)
Another apology for my slacking, but here is a super fluffy fic for you! Thank you again for the request, Enjoy!
Words: 1641
The clearing was quiet with the occasional sound of movement and life in the daylight hours in the forest. A rabbit hopped into the clearing, sniffing the air before hopping forward to search for a tasty morsel in the grasses. A sudden crash sounded, but the rabbit had no time to avoid the dragon that pounced on it from above. A fox hopped off it's back and gave a happy little twirl before becoming a girl again.
“You got it!” Selkie squealed happily, “and you didn't squish it this time!”
“I don't mean to,” Kana sighed, stowing the rabbit in a bag he had been carrying on his horn as a dragon, “I can't help that I'm much bigger than a rabbit,”
“That bear you got the other day sure needed a squish,” Selkie giggled.
“Didn't you knock it out of a tree?” Kana asked. Selkie giggled again and shrugged. Kana relented and laughed along with her.
Selkie suddenly paused, nose upturned ever so slightly, “There is a boar nearby,”
“Mama would love that,” Kana gasped, “That would feed a lot of people,”
Selkie was a fox again in no time and pointed with her nose, nodding her head a few times to show how far it was. Kana transformed in a flurry, suppressing the roar he wanted to let loose as the change overtook him, as not to scare the boar Selkie hopped on his back and he took to the air, Selkie signaling which direction to go and when to dive.
They had figured things out pretty well in terms of communication and teamwork. Selkie rode on Kana's back, leading him to the prey by sliding a claw along his scales or tapping on the base of his wings. When they were in the air, she would bark when the prey was close, but if they were on the ground she would quiet the sound into a huff. Growling meant another predator was nearby, and a whine would signal a human. Kana got to focus on being fast and strong, flying them to the prey and then taking whatever it was down. He also always kept his senses open to predators, protecting Selkie when one got too close. He might not have been as big as his mama, but he was still much bigger than any animal they would find in the forests.
Selkie gave two short barks and a growl. Kana slowed his flight and silently spiraled downwards, looking out over the forest, trying to see what was below. They both caught sight of two young boars and a cougar that had wounded one and was closing in on the second. Kana snorted slightly, questioning their target, but Selkie was already preparing to jump down. Her fur began to shimmer, the product of her kitsune spirit, which once she was older would become will-o-wisps like her father produced in his fox form. Kana dove down after her, but stopped just short of the tree line, looking for a suitable place to touch down. He knew she wanted to have the prey this time, so it was his job to startle the predator long enough for his fox friend to down the second boar. He found a hole in the tree canopy just large enough for him to slip through, but not quite big enough for a stealthy entrance like he wanted. The cougar's ears swiveled towards him until he clamored out of the tree onto the forest floor, causing the cat to turn its entire head at the sound. Kana straightened himself to his full height and unfurled his wings, tipping just his head forward to brandish his branching horns. The big cat twitched its tail, considering it's options until a streak crossed between it and it's initial prey. The cougar yowled and hissed, keeping its body towards Kana but it's head facing the new threat. Selkie, who had the little boar under a clawed paw, bore her teeth and growled, her hackles rising and her fur sparking wildly. Kana added his growl to the mix and stalked forward, aiming to be between the cougar and Selkie. The outnumbered predator gave one more flick of its tail before its ears flattened against its head and it slowly backed away from them. After it had gone far enough without pursuit, it turned quickly and launched itself out of sight.
After both boars had been incapacitated, Selkie turned back into human form, chattering happily as she helped load the two young boars onto Kana's back. After she secured their kills, Kana dipped his head towards her and snorted happily as she threw her arms around his neck. She vocalized the idea of heading back to the castle, to which Kana nodded, motioning for her to climb on his back.
“You sure you can carry me and those boars?” Selkie asked with an unusual note of concern in her voice. Kana nodded, then rustled his wings impatiently.
“I think I'll stay human then,” Selkie chirped, nimbly climbing onto Kana's back, “I'm much lighter this way and then you won't be as tired when we get back and we can play some more!” Kana made a noise of agreement before standing and taking off into the sky.
“Thank you Kana, Selkie,” Corrin smiled at the two children as they excitedly showed her their conquests, “I appreciate you bringing back such good meat,”
“We did roast one of the rabbits already,” Kana admitted, “But we saved the boars for you, mama!”
“That's okay my Kana-bean, you earned it,” Corrin ruffled his hair as she directed the meat be taken to the kitchen for supper that night.
“Kana!” Selkie called up from the ground.
“Mama, are you sure she won't mind,” Kana said up in the treehouse, “Most of the other kids all brush me off cause I'm littler than everyone else,”
“I think you should find out yourself,” Corrin knelt down face to face with her son, “Considering how often I see you two together, I think it will be just fine,”
Kana hugged Corrin before heading for the door, “Thank you, mama!”
“Be back before dark,” Corrin waved.
“I will!” Kana called back just before disappearing down the ladder.
“Come on, I found a great new place we can play!” Selkie tugged Kana's hand before he had touched down on the ground. Kana stumbled, but quickly regained his footing and ran along with her. She led him around the castle wall and past the grove of trees that his mother had sprung from the ground using the ever-present dragon veins. Kana could feel them thrumming, but his mama was the only one allowed to change things in the castle, even his aunts and uncles weren't allowed.
“Now it's just through here,” Selkie pointed to a small hole in the wall, one most people would miss on first glance. They squeezed through one at a time and on the other side, Kana could only gape at what was there.
A wide meadow of flowers stretched out along the castle wall and down the slope of the hill beyond. There were many different colors, as many as in the book of pressed flowers his mama had made from the ones he would bring her when he first joined the army in the castle.
Selkie stood by waiting for him to say something, but her natural impatience soon kicked in, “Kana? What do you think?”
“So pretty,” Kana said airily, “Like you,” he words escaped before he realized it and raised a hand to his mouth.
“Aw, that's really sweet Kana,” Selkie giggled, “But why're you acting weird?”
“I-I,” Kana paused briefly, “Yeah I guess I am acting a bit weird, but it's cause I want to say something to you but I don't know how,”
“You can tell me anything, I'll always listen to you cause we're friends right?” Selkie gave him a lopsided grin, “Let's go sit under that tree while we talk, papa always said that talking is always best done cuddling under a shady tree,” Kana went a bit red at the suggestion but followed her anyway.
Selkie turned to him expectantly as they leaned against the tree together, not cuddling, but close enough, “Okay, Go,”
“I hope you don't wanna stop hanging out with me after,” Kana gulped.
“Why?!” Selkie gasped, “Are you leaving? do you not like hunting together?”
“No, no,” Kana held up his hands, “It's actually the opposite, I want to keep doing all those things with you more, cause I really like you,”
“I like you too Kana,” Selkie chirped, then seeing the hesitant look on his face, it dawned on her, “OH! You mean you LIKE me, like that?”
Kana nodded hopefully before Selkie grabbed him in a hug, “I like you too Kana. As long as we can keep playing,”
“Of course we can, just instead of friends, we can be boyfriend and girlfriend, right?” Kana clarified.
“Yeah, that's even closer than friends, which means you and I will spend even more time together,” Selkie agreed enthusiastically, “A Fox and a Dragon, the unbreakable duo!”
“Now shall we go enjoy this meadow properly?” Kana giggled, jumping up and transforming.
“I'm gonna get you!” Selkie jumped up after him, fluidly becoming a fox and jumping after the dragon just as he took to the sky, giving a little roar. She jumped again, batting at his hanging tail, making a giggling yip as his flight faltered as he tried to catch himself in the air. He rose a little higher in the air before Selkie dashed off in one direction, and he swooped off after her.
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