blackbrownfamily · 1 month
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Marcus Garvey Born Day Today 🌴🌎❗
Universal Negro Improvement Association 💯🌍❗
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ausetkmt · 1 year
How the FBI got its first Black agent, used to derail Marcus Garvey
Marcus Mosiah Garvey’s UNIA was derailed after one of the closest confidents to Marcus Garvey was a turncoat snitch for the FBI. this individual was the reason Marcus Garvey spent time in jail for wire fraud before being excumunicated from the us and his followers.  Never trust anyone who always knows everything but has no real source.  They Are the Source -
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serious2020 · 2 years
Oakland & Sacramento Welcome Dr Julius Garvey Son of Marcus Mosiah Garvey : 11/12 & 11/13/2022
Oakland & Sacramento Welcome Dr Julius Garvey Son of Marcus Mosiah Garvey : 11/12 & 11/13/2022
SAVE THE DATES! twitter.com/duanedeterville/status/1590792079462273024
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nothoward · 1 year
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panafrocore · 7 months
Marcus Garvey: Champion of Black Empowerment and Pan-Africanism
Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. ONH, born on August 17, 1887, remains an iconic figure in the history of Jamaica and the global fight for equality. As a Jamaican political activist, he is best known as the visionary founder and first President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL), an organization that profoundly shaped the course of the black…
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venicepearl · 4 months
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Amy Euphemia Jacques Garvey (31 December 1895 – 25 July 1973) was a Jamaican-born journalist and activist. She was the second wife of Marcus Garvey. She was one of the pioneering female Black journalists and publishers of the 20th century.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. ONH (17 August 1887 – 10 June 1940) was a Jamaican political activist. He was the founder and first President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL, commonly known as UNIA), through which he declared himself Provisional President of Africa. Garvey was ideologically a black nationalist and Pan-Africanist, his ideas came to be known as Garveyism.
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If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you have started.
from The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey (available to read for free on Internet Archive). Amy Jacques Garvey—an activist, a feminist and pioneering journalist—published the first volume of this classic work in 1923, which is a collection of her husband’s essays, speeches, and articles that she compiled and edited.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jamaica’s first National Hero, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and a Black nationalist leader, was born in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica on August 17, 1887.
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duelsatdawn · 8 months
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ptseti · 1 month
Happy Flag Day! ❤️🖤💚 Born August 13, 1925, and Commissioned by The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
In a 1984 visit to Harlem, New ork, #ThomasSankara spoke on the resemblance between his nation’s (#BurkinaFaso ) flag 🇧🇫 and the Black Liberation/RBG/Pan-African Flag. ⁣
PanAfricanism #BlackPeopleUnite
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
"One must never stop reading. Read everything that you can that is of standard knowledge. Don't waste time reading trashy literature. That is to say, don't pay any attention to the ten cents novels, wild west stories, and cheap sentimental books, but where there are a good plot and a good story in the form of a novel, read it.
It is necessary to read it for the purpose of getting information on human nature. The idea is that personal experience is not enough for a human to get all the useful knowledge of life because the individual life is too short, so we must feed on the experience of others. The literature we read should include the biography and autobiography of men and women who have accomplished greatness in their particular line.
Whenever you can buy these books and own them and [while] you are reading them make pencil or pen notes of the striking sentences and paragraphs that you should like to remember so that when you have to refer to the book for any thought that you would like to refresh your mind on, you will not have to read over the whole book." Ancestor Marcus Mosiah Garvey
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lkkuntuoasare · 8 months
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We don't need the government to tell U.S. that only in February
The birth month of, Frederick Douglas, one of greatest abolitionists, in memory
That it will reluctantly and hesitantly teach U.S. a watered-down version of our glorious Black History.
The only history books about Black folks in which the joke of a Governor, Ron Desantis, would approve of, is a history that's "anti-woke".
Like the Rage Against The Machine song-Bulls On Parade:
"They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove em"
Not just because the books make their "snowflake" children feel guilty, about the harsh realities of slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, red lining , and for-white-profit and black-agony penitentiaries, where like cattle, inmates are kept behind barb wire fences and are kept in check by armed sentries
The books are removed to control the minds of the youth and future policy makers for another century.
Forgot about black history lessons that will inspire the adolescences
No true stories of how Harriet Tubman , like a black woman Moses, spread justice through treacherous enemy lines, like it was the red sea and freed her fellow woman and man from white brutality, chains , whips , and rapes of Antebellum southern slavery, Or how she became a union spy who risked her life behind crimson soaked bloody earth to bring clandestine information to the union to help save northern army lives.
I'm sorry, but in American public pre-schools to universities, in deeply and devilishly red states run by makers of political policies like "anti-woke" lady Arkansas Governor, Sarah Huckabee, in class your babies, young men and ladies will never learn about great men like Pan-Africanist and black freedom fighter, Marcus Mosiah Garvey .
No information on Egypt's 25th Dynasty, that's when in 744 BC Nubian King, Piye, conquered Egypt, and reunited the two African lands of splendid gold jewelry and granite stone pyramids into one Nile Valley Monarchy .
No revolutionary history from the year 1804, that's when a bunch of poorly treated and trained, self-freed maroons, brought black doom and apocalyptic misery upon the Napoleon's Imperial navy and Army in Haiti
This defeat forced the Empire of France to sell its remaining remaining 15 states in "louisiana purchase" territories for for a meager 15 million dollar fee
Creating much of the land in the country of the land of the free that you currently see from sea to shining sea.
At an "anti-woke" elementary, high school, or university, they might let you hear about MLK's "I Have A Dream", but you never hear that that the dream was also anti-Vietnam war or that the dream included reparations for the descendants of the blacks who suffered the world’s worst froms of brutality, lynchings, Jim Crow and slavery.
No student research paper inquiries on how in 1999, in a court in Tennessee, the King family won civilly against Jowers, and several U.S. government agencies, for their part in the Dr.King assassination conspiracy.
If we leave it to the Alt-Right, Matt Walsh and the Ben Shapiro types to rewrite black history, it will read and only in February:
Blacks were put in Antebellum slavery due to their mental inferiority, and kept in modern slavery (mass incarceration) due to their criminality.
No mention of systematic white supremacy, mis-education, and over-policing and poverty.
#Poetry #BlackHistory
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ausetkmt · 1 month
Marcus Garvey - Garveyites And The Garveyism Movement 
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the master organiser, was born into Jamaica's colonial system and decided to fight for change. After reading Booker T Washington's autobiography, he was devoted to teaching the black community the importance of being self-reliant through education. 
He had high aspirations for building a worldwide organisation to empower people of African descent. His goals would inspire later leaders like Kwame Nkrumah, Steve Biko, and Malcolm X. Garveyism symbolised the transformation of how black people worldwide looked at themselves and their place in the world. 
Garveyism taught that Black people would only be recognised when they were economically and spiritually strong, preached an independent Black economy within the structure of white capitalism, and inducted a black spiritual leader, a flag and a black national anthem. 
The UNIA established the Negro Factories Corporation, the Black Star shipping Line (1919) and a chain of businesses, including grocery shops, restaurants, a printing press, laundries and a hotel. .
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serious2020 · 2 years
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curryvillain · 1 month
OLDIES SUNDAY: The Visionaires - Marcus Garvey (1982)
Yesterday (August 17) was celebrated as the birthday of the late Rt. Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The Pan-Africanist was Jamaica’s first National Hero, and inspired many Civil Rights Activists, Rastafarians, The Nation Of Islam, and Black Power Movements. His teachings and influence continues to connect with many generations, but on “Oldies Sunday“, we look back at one of his tributes. Today’s…
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. (August 17, 1887 – June 10, 1940) was a Jamaican-born political activist, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator. He was the founder and first President-General of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, through which he declared himself Provisional President of Africa. A Black nationalist and Pan-Africanist, his ideas came to be known as Garveyism.
He became involved in trade unionism before living in Costa Rica, Panama, and England. He founded UNIA in 1914. He moved to the US and established a UNIA branch in New York City’s Harlem district. Emphasizing unity between Africans and the African diaspora, he campaigned for an end to European colonial rule across Africa and the political unification of the continent. He envisioned a unified Africa as a one-party state, governed by himself, that would enact laws to ensure Black racial purity. He was committed to the Back-to-Africa movement, arguing that many African Americans should migrate there. His ideas became increasingly popular and UNIA grew in membership. His Black separatist views, and his collaboration with white racist groups like the kkk to advance their shared interest in racial separatism, divided him from other prominent African American civil rights activists such as W. E. B. Du Bois promoted racial integration.
He launched various businesses, including the Negro Factories Corporation and Negro World newspaper. He became President of the Black Star Line shipping and passenger company, designed to forge a link between North America and Africa and facilitate African American migration to Liberia.
He married Amy Ashwood but they separated after three months, and he obtained a divorce. He married Amy Jacques Garvey, and they had two sons. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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zigzagderogeliogarza · 2 months
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- 01/03/2024 20:50
El Rey del Reggae es tendencia por la película Bob Marley: One Love, del director Reynaldo Marcus Green, con la producción del clan Marley / Tuff Gong, el sello que cuida y distribuye la marca del artista jamaicano. La cinta cumple para el público que lo desconoce, pero se queda corta respecto al personaje que unificó al pueblo de Jamaica con la música.
Tiene el sostén documental y musical de la familia Marley, pero el director evita la sordidez que caracteriza a los guetos de Kingston. Opta por un Bob Marley descafeinado en el exilio, más cercano al símbolo sexual que fuma churros hípsters que a un músico revolucionario en conflicto, y hace un tratamiento visual maquillado con tantos filtros que hasta la pobreza se ve cálida. Se entiende que hayan limado las aristas del personaje. La cinta arranca con el atentado en su casa. Y ahí empieza su mayor problema: la edición de Pamela Martin cuenta la vida del músico en un ir y venir de flashbacks que remiten a su infancia y su juventud, postales que brincan del presente al pasado y de regreso sin contexto ni referencia. Pretende abarcar todo, pero no aclara nada: ni el conflicto político en Jamaica, ni los orígenes cafres y rastas de Marley, lo que le permitía codearse con todos los bandos. Su iniciación rastafari es una escena pacheca del Rey León. Tampoco queda claro el origen musical del reggae, pero sí aborda la explotación que obligaba a los músicos a dejar la isla.
La película de Marcus se basó en el documental Marley, del director Kevin McDonald, también producido por Tuff Gong y el clan Marley en 2012. Es el material más completo sobre el Rey del Reggae, realizado para una audiencia que ya conoce su música y profundiza en los orígenes y motivos sociales, religiosos, políticos, musicales y personales de Marley, con entrevistas a las esposas, novias e hijos, así como a personalidades del calibre de Bunny Livingston, Peter Tosh, Jimmy Cliff, Chris Blackwell y Lee Scratch Perry, quienes explican la evolución del calypso - ska - rocksteady - reggae - dub - ragga y confirman la condición de ser músico explotado y rasta perseguido en Jamaica.
La Onda Jamaiquina surgió en los cincuenta, disc jockeys que recorrían los guetos animando bailes de cafres y rastas a ritmo del rock jamaiquino. La primera película sobre los músicos de Jamaica, The Harder They Come, es del director Perry Henzell, producida por Chris Blackwell –quien llevó el reggae a Inglaterra y Estados Unidos– y la protagoniza Jimmy Cliff en 1972. Es cruda y
sórdida: Ivanhoe llega a Kingston en busca de trabajo y consigue uno como cantante de reggae. Graba “The Harder They Come”, se vuelve un éxito, pero tiene un pleito con el productor y lo pierde todo. Sobrevive como díler y termina matando a los policías que lo siguen. Los rastafaris seguidores de Marcus Mosiah Garvey y Haile Selassie han sido santos, inadaptados, revolucionarios, parias, delincuentes y atracción turística. Pero nunca han dejado de ser la conciencia negra de Jamaica. 
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