#MB pg 26
intothemidnightcity · 2 years
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In which Circe draws Ace Attorney fanart as a hobby.
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2022f · 2 years
tomokoujirr:旦那様が当選してたので、なんとか行けそうです😭😭 横でめちゃくちゃドヤ顔してくるので、ちょっとムカつきますが(笑)ホッとしました😭😭  *お声掛けのツイート、削除しますね。リツイートして下さったフォロワーの皆様、ありがとうございました🙇‍♀️  #藤巻亮太 #3月9日 twitter.com/tomokoujirr/st… [https://twitter.com/tomokoujirr/status/1625505155683844103] NekonomeTokei:【聴き逃し】サウンドクリエイターズ・ファイル | 2月12日(日)午後10:00放送 | NHKラジオ らじる★らじる #radiru 藤巻亮太 www2.nhk.or.jp/radio/pg/share… [https://twitter.com/NekonomeTokei/status/1625499308190756866] REFLECTIONsaiko:藤巻亮太のまほろば、良いじゃん [https://twitter.com/REFLECTIONsaiko/status/1625492894537904130] REFLECTIONsaiko:藤巻亮太さん(43歳)の新譜を聴きます pic.twitter.com/AJH6Vrak7u [https://twitter.com/REFLECTIONsaiko/status/1625487746214273027] hiroko_fujimaki:@eimu_asuma 色々分かりませんが、これはもう聴いてみてのお楽しみですね⁉️ 何はともあれ藤巻亮太特集なのは確かだし‼️😆🎶 [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1625486309350592515] ateliertanoUTA:粉雪 / レミオロメン cover by たのうた youtu.be/bG1dH2dYv4Q  初レミオカバーです! 今回はセッションスタイルです😊 やっぱりラストに近づくほど熱くなるので是非最後までお聴き下さい♪ #粉雪 #レミオロメン #藤巻亮太 pic.twitter.com/diOK6kVfm9 [https://twitter.com/ateliertanoUTA/status/1625467201699586048] smk_toon:キキキに便乗して私も宣伝しちゃおー sumikaさんのアコースティック形態の新曲聴けるよ^^  EVENING TAP(18時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 18:00-19:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP ##藤巻亮太 ##KNOCK OUT MONKEY [https://twitter.com/smk_toon/status/1625466553142759424] hiroko_fujimaki:「藤巻亮太特集」のオンエア曲リストも載ってた❗️ 亮太さんの曲がズラ~ッと32曲も‼️ホントにこんなにやるのかな⁉️  #MBSラジオ #Mラジ #藤巻亮太  mbs1179.com/mt/ [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1625466157250621442] 3gatsu_no_Kaze:3月9日のTHANK YOU LIVE、お席をご用意いただけませんでした( ;  ; ) アルバム出たばっかりだしな。 破格のチケット代だしな。 激戦だったんだな。 もう抽選ないんだよな。 LIVEに行けない3月9日どうやって過ごそう。 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/3gatsu_no_Kaze/status/1625462412567810048] hiroko_fujimaki:今度はちゃんと聴く❗️ 亮太さんからの「お疲れ様」は嬉しい🎵 でも私、明日に限って休みなのがちょっと残念⁉️😅  EVENING TAP(19時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 19:00-20:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP #藤巻亮太 #KNOCKOUTMONKEY [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1625458392667152384] hiroko_fujimaki:うっかりしてたら聴き逃しちゃったけどまだ番組はやってるからなのか?巻き戻しできない💦(何かやり方あるのかな⁉️)なのでとりあえず3分間のお試しで‼️「ゆけ」は後でちゃんと聴く❗️😅 #藤巻亮太 #FM802 #EVENINGTAP  radiko.jp/mobile/events/… [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1625446065108570113] milk_tre114:亮太くんからお疲れ様頂けて疲れ癒されました🍵 体調不良で休んでたけど、明日からまた頑張ります٩(。•ω•。*)و #今日のお疲れ当番 #藤巻亮太 #FM802 [https://twitter.com/milk_tre114/status/1625440167040528384] hiroko_fujimaki:これって今夜というよりほとんど明日の早朝だけど聴けたらいいな··😳  Mラジ Music Treasures MBSラジオ 2023/2/14(火) 26:30-29:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #ミュートレ #ミューミュー(女性AI) #トレトレ(男性AI) #音楽との出会いが楽しめる #MBSラジオ #Mラジ #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1625437256361328640] happeeeach102:ゆけっっ  EVENING TAP(19時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 19:00-20:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP ##藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/happeeeach102/status/1625436088402866178] FM802EVENINGTAP:#FM802 #802TAP #今日のお疲れ当番 は #藤巻亮太 さんが登板でした⚾️💨  皆様、本日もお疲れ様でした👏 藤巻さんからのエールを受け取って、明日からも頑張りましょう📣  お仕事中・勉強中の方は、終わったら こちらから"お疲れ様ボイス"を お聴きください◎↓↓  radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… twitter.com/802nowonair/st… pic.twitter.com/RjNWLrPK03 [https://twitter.com/FM802EVENINGTAP/status/1625435421999259649] Alice_Love1211:去年単独ライブで聴いた、藤巻さん作曲の「愛娘」と「萬みきフラメンコ」流れた🤣ライブツアーBlu-rayの発売が楽しみ🎶早く観たいなぁ😊 #サンドラジオショー #萬みきお #藤巻亮太 twitter.com/sandradioshow/… pic.twitter.com/6c4YPdGxFB [https://twitter.com/Alice_Love1211/status/1625435286229618689] 802NOWONAIR:[2023/02/14 19:01] ゆけ / 藤巻亮太 #FM802  ●Radikoタイムフリーで聴く↓ radiko.jp/share/?sid=802…  ●iTunesで試聴↓music.apple.com/jp/album/%E3%8… [https://twitter.com/802NOWONAIR/status/1625435184324820992] Alice_Love1211:バナナサンド岩手旅の最後、あの温泉での粉雪最高だったなぁ🥹✨そして最近はブラッシュアップライフのせいで粉雪聴くとあいつがよぎってくるわ〜🤣 #サンドラジオショー #藤巻亮太 #バナナサンド #ブラッシュアップライフ #粉雪は加藤 twitter.com/sandradioshow/… pic.twitter.com/CSOC3aUK4w [https://twitter.com/Alice_Love1211/status/1625434258298003456] FM802EVENINGTAP:#802TAP 19時台最初は アーティストが日替わりで "お疲れ様ボイス"を届けてくれる  \ #今日のお疲れ当番 ⚾️ /  本日は、、 1/25に4th Album「Sunshine」をリリースした  #藤巻亮太 さんが登板!  #FM802 を聴く📻 ⇨radiko.jp/#802 pic.twitter.com/6JWG85HHoj [https://twitter.com/FM802EVENINGTAP/status/1625432643939749889] tomokui:ケツメイシ「夜空を翔ける」/EVENING TAP(18時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 18:00-19:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP ##藤巻亮太 ##KNOCK OUT MONKEY [https://twitter.com/tomokui/status/1625425237730025473] tomokui:EVENING TAP(18時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 18:00-19:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP ##藤巻亮太 ##KNOCK OUT MONKEY [https://twitter.com/tomokui/status/1625423229572780032] tomokui:EVENING TAP(18時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 18:00-19:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP ##藤巻亮太 ##KNOCK OUT MONKEY [https://twitter.com/tomokui/status/1625421718071422979] remi_pompom:藤巻亮太さんの「Sunshine』より 大地の歌をリクエストします 39ライブに落選したので、ヤケクソになってます💧 twitter.com/fm802eveningta… [https://twitter.com/remi_pompom/status/1625419620894273538] 39_RF_223_030:39(´△`)↓  #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/39_RF_223_030/status/1625417218090749952] FM802_PR:【EVENING TAP】☆19時台☆ 「今日のお疲れ当番」 藤巻亮太(@Ryota_Fujimaki) 登場! #802TAP  #fm802  詳しくは⇒funky802.com/i/PN1118 pic.twitter.com/n1V0lKWDIh [https://twitter.com/FM802_PR/status/1625412038565691392] satotama_x:藤巻亮太さん!!! ありがたいですねぇ…🥰💕 (見せてくれてありがとう❤️) twitter.com/yadorararayumi… [https://twitter.com/satotama_x/status/1625410384093130752] mini_mahoroba:@erichaaan39 え~~んありがとうございます😭ひたすらTwitterで藤巻亮太タグを追ってるのですが、今回なかなかの激戦だったようですね…! 都内住みなので、席が空きさえすればいつでも駆けつけられることもあり、なおさら諦めきれませんッッ😭😭😭 [https://twitter.com/mini_mahoroba/status/1625409750497361920] FM802EVENINGTAP:2/14(火)18時~  #FM802 EVENING TAP 🌆  ⏰19時台 ▶︎ #今日のお疲れ当番  【 #藤巻亮太】登場✨  ▶︎繋ぎの匠  ⏰20時台 ▶︎キニナルアニマル  ▶︎ゲスト🗣 【 #KNOCKOUTMONKEY】生出演!  📩 funky802.com/service/Reques…  📲 #802TAP pic.twitter.com/9v1JgYJU0F [https://twitter.com/FM802EVENINGTAP/status/1625390707581292544] nibu_fumika:からかい上手の高木さんで  カバーされてる粉雪歌ってる   藤巻亮太はヴァンフォーレ甲府に  歌書き下ろしてるよな [https://twitter.com/nibu_fumika/status/1625382553501962242] nuifabric:ミュージックステーション様 ハマスカ放送部様 藤巻亮太様 スペースシャワーtv様 より奥田民生様へ💐💐💐💐 pic.twitter.com/BeH0mZghGG [https://twitter.com/nuifabric/status/1625378764107698184] tomokoujirr:39…やっぱりダメやった…😭😭😭😭  どうして、そんな狭き門なの?? 皆んなでお祝い🌸したかったよー😭😭😭😭  #藤巻亮太 #3月9日 [https://twitter.com/tomokoujirr/status/1625375863838740481] RIKIKO_08_21:藤巻亮太さんのTHANK YOUライブのチケット 都合が悪くなって行けなくなった等の理由でお譲り頂ける方がいらっしゃいましたらお声掛けください。 宜しくお願い致します。 #3月9日 #藤巻亮太 #THANKYOULIVE [https://twitter.com/RIKIKO_08_21/status/1625372445418074112] hirorin_0710:藤巻亮太さんの3.9ライブチケット余ってる方いたら、譲ってもらいたいです!お願い致します! #藤巻亮太 #チケット [https://twitter.com/hirorin_0710/status/1625362896984342528] chamomile_chika:藤巻亮太さんのサンキュー(3月9日)ライブ当選❤️嬉しい~🤗💕  3月はスタレビはお休みで、 藤巻亮太さんと玉置浩二さんのライブ🎶✨  この調子で、明日の小田和正さんのチケットも当選しますように...🙏  #藤巻亮太 さん #玉置浩二 さん #小田和正 さん [https://twitter.com/chamomile_chika/status/1625361284047966216] fumiremi:39ライブ、また外れてしまいました😭😭😭 狭き門なのか? #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/fumiremi/status/1625358751300726785] maoricomama:藤巻亮太さんのTHANK YOU LIVE2023  3月9日(木)I’M A SHOW にて開催 チケット1枚 もし余剰や同行者が行けなくなったなどがありましたらご連絡ください。宜しくお願い致します。 #藤巻亮太 #3月9日 [https://twitter.com/maoricomama/status/1625354893321179136] sadasadattmmssf:39ライブまた外れました😢#藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/sadasadattmmssf/status/1625352006507565056] tdm1179:#MBSラジオ 📻MusicTreasures  ⏰今夜26:30-29:15  🆕アルバム「#Sunshine」発売中 // #藤巻亮太 特集 \\ 藤巻さんナビゲートで165分🌟 トークもたっぷり  📡#radiko 1⃣bit.ly/3YBiWH7 2⃣bit.ly/3HFxH4E OAセトリ▷spoti.fi/3E2eHMM  #ミュートレ mbs1179.com/mt/ pic.twitter.com/8OZDZLNqOp [https://twitter.com/tdm1179/status/1625331863681400833] TVer_Promo:『#道との遭遇』 「#7MEN侍」佐々木くんが険道走ってみた。県道12号、三重県伊勢市~度会郡南伊勢町へ  配信終了が近づいています 2月15日(水)12:00 終了予定  @cbc_michi #ミキ #石井あつこ #佐々木大光 #呂布カルマ #藤巻亮太 #LILLEAGUE #浅野真澄 #林田百加 #TVer tver.jp/lp/episodes/ep… [https://twitter.com/TVer_Promo/status/1625313883190853633] hiroko_fujimaki:きょうはこのラジオに生出演らしい❗️ 登場時間は19時台とのこと。それならリアタイで聴ける‼️ 楽しみ~🎵😆💕  EVENING TAP(19時台) FM802 2023/2/14(火) 19:00-20:00 radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… #radiko #FM802 #802TAP ##藤巻亮太 ##KNOCK OUT MONKEY [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1625249012055166976] FM802_PR:14日ゲスト4 18:00~EVENING TAP 登場 藤巻亮太  生出演 KNOCK OUT MONKEY    #fm802 [https://twitter.com/FM802_PR/status/1625243425196109825] tom_kyodo:『中華・香妃園』 ⇒ ameblo.jp/tomnagashima/e… #アメブロ #鶏煮込みそば #香妃園 #岸谷香 #荻野目洋子 #藤巻亮太 #感謝祭 [https://twitter.com/tom_kyodo/status/1625179432389607424] y6ivDqjEPA1Hf8N:Huluで「乃木坂スター誕生! 乃木坂スター誕生! 2 #20 涙の最終回SP! 藤巻亮太登場! 北川&筒井と「3月9日」▽賀喜&柴田「粉雪」▽掛橋&黒見&佐藤&清宮&矢久保「ザ☆ピ~ス!」▽全員で「明日があるさ」」を視聴中! hulu.jp/watch/100106039 #乃木坂スター誕生 [https://twitter.com/y6ivDqjEPA1Hf8N/status/1625167662006562817] trasparenza_i_8:亮太くんのソロ曲で一番好きな曲はずっと「ベテルギウス」だったけど、配信ライブで初めて聴いたときからお気に入りの「サヨナラ花束」がそれに匹敵するくらい好きなのだ。 とか言いつつ、結局全曲好きなんだけどな。 とにかく、ライブが楽しみで、楽しみで…。 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/trasparenza_i_8/status/1625167413556969473]
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scabopolis · 3 years
lv au week, day 2: super heroes
Title: superbloom Fandom: Veronica Mars Rating: PG-13 for content, R for swears (Veronica writes in her feelings journal and really lets those swears go) Pairing: Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars Other Characters: Mentions of Mac and Meg Additional Tags: Secret identity (again?! what?), unnecessary epistolary literature (does a journal count as epistolary?), half-baked world building, a vague understanding of superhero lore Word Count: ~1,075 Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Again, written solely because @cubbiegirl and @marshmellowbobcat are earth angels. I even added a title this time so that MB doesn’t have to come up with one. 
Why did I write this as Veronica’s journal? Mostly because it’s a style which seems to be a fanfic right of passage and I haven’t tried it so...here we are.  
I probably owe a lot to other superhero universes and their world building (as in, referring to them as ‘supers’ ala The Incredibles). What are the full extent of Logan and Veronica’s powers? *shrug emoji*
Date: February 15 Tracked a low-level Kane agent to a tourist trap bistro in downtown San Diego. Place was packed. Is this the new thing? Shitty men forget to make Valentine’s Day reservations, so they make them for the day after? 
Thought I had the guy but when I mistimed my pulse he metamorphosed into a cockroach and scurried away. 
Best part of the night was the chocolate mousse I got to-go. Despite appearances within, the food wasn’t too bad. 
Date: February 17 Caught up to Cockroach. Real name is Abel Koontz. Slimy guy tried to escape again, but Mac outfitted me with a souped up Morph Choke as backup — emphasis on the choke. Gonna need to recalibrate that a bit, Mackenzie. 
Bonus! Forgot it was laundry day, so had to wear my backup uni. Next time I run into Meg out in the field I’ll have to ask her if she can see my underwear through it. 
Date: February 18 Finally got around to watching season two of The Boys. Where do they get this shit? 
If Piznarski brings up forming some sort of super team for the 7-millionth time at the summit this year, I’m siccing Clayton on him.
Date: February 21 Got into a fight with Mac. Technically my fault. 
I faded while in public, and look, I get it. 
Being detected while living as my alter would be bad. BUT!! Being forced to interact with my ex as he is on a date with a woman who legitimately looks like she could be my doppelganger is very bad. 
Date: February 22 Clarified with Mac: me fading in public did not worry her. Me tripping Leo on purpose as I faded was apparently a problem.
Date: February 24 Cockroach stood me up.
Date: February 25 For all that is good and holy if another fucking cocky cowboy of a super moves to Neptune, I am going to lose my shit. This newest one? Got in my way as I attempted to track Kane, Jr into a warehouse. Fucking Smirky McCowboy stepped in my way and assured me I didn’t want to follow. Something about a dozen armed guards with guns aimed at the door. MAYBE THAT WAS MY PLAN!
(Because, of course the guy ripped a powers page right out of Superman’s book and has x-ray vision.)
(And, his uni? Not hard to tell when a super has money. They’re always the worst.)
Date: February 28 Ran into Smirky McCowboy again. This time outside of a poker game hosted by a real estate developer with connections to Kane. Smirky said it was a coincidence. 
Still no sign of Cockroach. 
Date: March 2 FUCKING HELL. He beat me to it. AGAIN! How is he doing this? 
Date: March 4 Smirky’s name is apparently Logan. Which I learned because I was getting coffee at Willow Grove (just minding my business while covertly eavesdropping on previously mentioned real estate developer) when some guy sat at my table. Unprompted. Uninvited. UNWELCOME.  
Mask or no mask, THAT SMIRK. 
The more concerning thing is that his x-ray vision apparently sees through the skeletal enhancements Mac wired into my mask, meaning he ID’d me right away. 
Date: March 5 Why do they keep coming here? Doesn’t New York have more crime? Go there!
Mac says it’s my fault for busting the Fitzpatricks, outing Kane as the sociopath he is, and helping all those kids find their lost dogs. 
Okay, she only mentioned the first two, but I think the third has value. 
The point is! these hangers-on need to find their own territory.  
Date: March 6 Mac traced at least 70 arrests to Smirky in the Los Angeles area alone. I hate him.
Date: March 10 If he scoops another one of my cases…
Date: March 11 He calls me Supergirl. 
He calls me Supergirl and I want to punch him. 
Mac says Cockroach’s tracker is still active but the signal is being blocked.
Date: March 13 Saw Meg today. She took down her own parents. Fucking savage. God, I love her. She flew me up to American Plaza and we drank champagne to celebrate.  
Oh! And good news! She says my backup uni isn’t see through. 
Date: March 13 Woke up with this terrifying thought: can smirky see through my uni? 
He wouldn’t...right? I mean...he’s an asshole but I don’t think he’s a creep. 
Date: March 16 I punched him. 
Not for the underwear thing! He swears he’s never looked and I weirdly believe him. 
And I didn’t punch him as much as he walked into a pulse. Yes, fine. 
I maybe purposefully put up the pulse to see if his x-ray vision could detect it. But I didn’t tell him to walk into it. 
(He can’t detect it, btw. I did it a second time just to be sure.)
Date: March 18 Found Cockroach. Or, I guess I should say Koontz. He washed up on Dog Beach as his alter. 
Mac said it could be a coincidence but we both know that’s not true. 
Date: March 19 Did I do this? Did I get Cockroach killed? 
Date: March 19 Logan has very good alcohol. 
Date: March 20 Hangovers. Bad. 
Date: March 20 Logan makes very good pancakes. 
Date: March 21 Logan has seen me drunk, which means Logan must be destroyed. 
Date: March 22 In a certain light, the smirk isn’t so bad. 
Date: March 23 Oh god. 
Date: March 24 Oh god.
Do I like him?
Date: March 25 I hate myself. I’m a giant cliché. I apologize to all women supers everywhere. 
Logan swears he can’t see past the new enhancements Mac made to my uni.
He also asked me to dinner. Was tempted to 1) fade, and 2) run away, but I did neither. 
Date: March 26 Adding insult to injury, Smirky McCowboy really knows how to kiss.
Date: March 27 Mac says I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. 
Actually, what she said was that neither he nor I are all that pleasant to be around so we might be meant for each other. 
Date: March 28 He really knows how to do some other things, too. 
Date: March 29 Logan got me a present: surveillance footage of Kane’s mysterious second-in-command with Koontz the night before he was found.
He’s been upgraded to not the absolute worst. 
Date: March 29 To be perfectly clear: we are not a super team. 
Date: March 30 Logan and I are on surveillance detail tonight. 
Maybe I can convince him to stop for some chocolate mousse. 
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satloading933 · 3 years
Rt5161 Driver
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Men In Black: International 2019 Movie is a USA English language Drama film. Director by F. Gary Gray and Film released on 14 June 2019, Chris Hemsworth 2019 new movie Men In Black: International film starting Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail Nanjiani. Movie is Produced By Walter F. Parkes, Laurie MacDonald and the Production company is Reel Life Productions, Salman Khan Films, T-Series.
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Movie NameMen In Black: InternationalStarring Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail NanjianiDirectorF. Gary GrayWriterMatt Holloway, Art MarcumDistributed bySony Pictures ReleasingRelease DateJune 14 2019CinematographyStuart DryburghMusic byChris Bacon,Danny ElfmanProducerWalter F. Parkes, Laurie MacDonaldProduction CompanyColumbia Pictures, Amblin EntertainmentGenreAction, Adventure, ComedyCountryUSALanguageEnglish
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Men In Black Collection (1997-2012) 1080p BluRay x264 Hindi-English DD5.1 - MSUBS ~Ranvijay Men in Black (1997) 1080p BluRay x264 Dual Audio [Hindi DD2.0 - English DD5.1] - MSUBS ~ Ranvijay [/font] Format : Matroska Format version : Version 4 / Version 2 File size : 3.91 GiB Duration : 1 h 37 min Overall bit rate : 5 707 kb/s Movie name : Men in Black (1997) 1080p BluRay x264 Dual Audio [Hindi DD2.0 - English DD5.1] - MSUBS ~ Ranvijay Video ID : 1 Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec Format profile : [email protected] Duration : 1 h 37 min Bit rate : 5 000 kb/s Width : 1 920 pixels Height : 1 040 pixels Display aspect ratio : 1.85:1 Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS Audio #1 Audio Source: : The Punisher (Thanks) ID : 3 Format : AC-3 Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 224 kb/s Channel(s) : 2 channels Channel positions : Front: L R Language : Hindi Audio #2 ID : 2 Format : AC-3 Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 448 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Language : Hindi Service kind : Complete Main Default : Yes Forced : Yes Text #1 ID : 4 Format : PGS Language : English Text #2 ID : 5 Format : PGS Language : Hindi Men in Black II (2002) 1080p BluRay x264 Dual Audio [Hindi BD DD5.1 - English DD5.1] - MSUBS ~ Ranvijay Format : Matroska Format version : Version 4 / Version 2 File size : 3.77 GiB Duration : 1 h 28 min Overall bit rate : 6 120 kb/s Movie name : Men in Black II (2002) 1080p BluRay x264 Dual Audio [Hindi BD DD5.1 - English DD5.1] - MSUBS ~ Ranvijay Video ID : 1 Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec Duration : 1 h 28 min Bit rate : 5 000 kb/s Width : 1 920 pixels Height : 1 042 pixels Display aspect ratio : 1.85:1 Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS Audio #1 ID : 2 Format : AC-3 Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 640 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Language : Hindi Audio #2 ID : 3 Format : AC-3 Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 448 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Language : English Text #1 ID : 4 Format : PGS Language : English Text #2 ID : 5 Format : PGS Language : Hindi Men in Black 3 (2012) 1080p BluRay x264 Dual Audio [Hindi BD DD5.1 - English DD5.1] - MSUBS ~ Ranvijay Format : Matroska Format version : Version 4 / Version 2 File size : 4.52 GiB Duration : 1 h 45 min Overall bit rate : 6 119 kb/s Movie name : Men in Black 3 (2012) 1080p BluRay x264 Dual Audio [Hindi BD DD5.1 - English DD5.1] - MSUBS ~ Ranvijay Video ID : 1 Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec Duration : 1 h 45 min Bit rate : 5 000 kb/s Width : 1 920 pixels Height : 1 040 pixels Display aspect ratio : 1.85:1 Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS Audio #1 ID : 2 Format : AC-3 Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 640 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Language : Hindi Audio #2 ID : 3 Format : AC-3 Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 448 kb/s Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Language : English Text #1 ID : 4 Format : PGS Muxing mode : zlib Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs Duration : 1 h 37 min Bit rate : 37.3 kb/s Count of elements : 2896 Stream size : 25.9 MiB (1%) Title : ~Ranvijay~ Language : English Default : Yes Forced : Yes Text #2 ID : 5 Format : PGS Language : Hindi Default : No Forced : No Don't walk as you are king, walk as you don't care who the king is..!!
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Delhi Metro Various Post Online Form 2019
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Delhi Metro Various Post Recruitment Online Form 2019 Post Last Updates: Thursday, December 12, 2019 @ 8:04 PM
DMRC Various Post Recruitment 2019
(Delhi Metro Rail Corporation) Post Name – Various Executive & Non Executive Posts (On Regular & Contract Basis) IMPORTANT DATES • Starting Date- 14-December-2019 • Last Date – 13-January-2020 Fee Payment- 14 – December – 2019 To 13-January-2020 Exam Date – Available Soon • Admit Card – Available Soon APPLICATION FEE • General/EWS/OBC – Rs. 500/- • SC/ST/PH /Women (All Cateogory) – Rs.250/- The Fee can be paid through online by using credit card/debit card or net banking JOB LOCATION Delhi AGE LIMIT (As on 01-December-2019) For Executive Posts : Maximum– 28 years For Non Executive Posts : Maximum– 28 or 30 years Number of post- 1493 post www.SarkariNaukria.com
Vacancy Details For Delhi Metro Various Post Recruitment Online Form 2019 Short Information: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has Recently Invited to Online Application Form for the Post of Assistant Manager, Junior Engineer and other Various Post Recruitment 2019. Those Candidates are Interested to this Following Vacancy and Have All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online. Post Name & Post wise vacancy – Vacancy | Eligibility Details Total Vacancy : 1492 Post Post Code Post Name Total Post Eligibility RE01 Asst. Manager (Electrical) 16 1. BE/ B.Tech in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2. 2 Yrs. Experience. RE02 Asst. Manager (S&T) 9 RE03 Asst. Manager (Civil) 12 RE04 Asst. Manager (Operation) 9 1. BE/ B.Tech/MBA in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2. 2 Yrs. Experience. RE05 Asst. Manager (Architect) 3 1. Bachelor Degree in Architecture with 60% Marks. 2. 2 Yrs. Experience. RE06 Asst. Manager (Traffic) 1 1. PG Degree in Mathematics/Statistics/Economics/Transport Planning. 2. BE/ B.Tech in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 3. 2 Yrs. Experience. RE07 Asst. Manager (Stores) 4 BE/ B.Tech in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2 Yrs. Experience. RE08 Asst. Manager (Finance) 3 CA/ ICWA with 2 Yrs. Experience RE09 Asst. Manager (Legal) 3 LLB Degree with 2 Yrs. Experience. RNE01 Junior Engineer (Electrical) 26 3 Yrs. Engineering Degree in Related Trade. RNE02 Junior Engineer (Electronics) 66 RNE03 Junior Engineer (Civil) 59 RNE04 Junior Engineer (Environment) 8 RNE05 Junior Engineer (Stores) 5 RNE06 Fire Inspector 7 B.Sc Degree with 1 Yr. Fire Safety Course. RNE07 Architect Assistant 4 Diploma in Architecture. RNE08 Asst. Programmer 23 BCA/ B.Sc/ Diploma in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2 Yrs. Experience. RNE09 Legal Assistant 5 LLB Degree with 50% Marks. RNE10 Customer Relation Assistant 386 Bachelor Degree in any Stream with Computer Course. RNE11 Accounts Assistant 48 B.Com Degree with 2 Yrs. Experience. RNE12 Stores Assistant 8 B.Sc/ Diploma in Related Trade. 2 Yrs. Experience. RNE13 Assistant/ CC 4 PG Degree/ Diploma in Journalism Mass Communication. RNE14 Office Assistant 8 BA/B.Sc/B.Com Degree. 2 Yrs. Experience. RNE15 Stenographer 9 Bachelor Degree in Any Stream with 1 Yr. Course in Office Management & Secretariat Practice. English Shorthand : 80 WPM and English Typing : 40 WPM. RNE16 Maintainer Electrician 101 ITI in Related Trade. RNE17 Maintainer Electronics Mech. 144 RNE18 Maintainer Fitter 18 CE01 Asst. Manager (Electrical) 1 BE/ B.Tech in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2 Yrs. Experience. CE02 Asst. Manager (S&T) 17 CE03 Asst. Manager (IT) 7 BE/ B.Tech/MCA in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2 Yrs. Experience. CE04 Asst. Manager (Civil) 73 BE/ B.Tech in Related Trade with 60% Marks. 2 Yrs. Experience. CE05 Asst. Manager (Finance) 8 CA/ ICWA with 2 Yrs. Experience CNE01 Jr. Engineer (Electrical) 120 3 Yrs. Engineering Diploma in Related Trade. CNE02 Jr. Engineer (Electronics) 125 CNE03 Jr. Engineer (Civil) 139 CNE04 Asst. Programmer 1 B.Sc./ BCA/ Diploma in Related Trade. with 2 Yrs. Experience. CNE05 Architect Assistant 10 Diploma in Architecture. CNE06 Assistant/ CC 3 Bachelor Degree/ PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication. Pay Scale- As per rules Note : Post Wise Qualification Detail will be available from 14 December. How to Apply: DMRC Various Post Recruitment 2020 – Interested candidates may apply online through the official website of DMRC on or before 13-January-2020. Documents to be Uploaded –Upload the scanned copies of following documents: i) Recent passport size photograph (Max 80kb) ii) Scanned Signature (Max 80 kb) iii) Caste certificate (Max 1 MB) iv) Date of Birth Proof (Max. 1 MB) v) Qualifying Marks Certificate /Last Semester Mark Sheet (Max 1 MB) (All in JPEG/JPG Format) Mode of Selection- Computer Based Test , Group Discussion and Personal Interview Delhi Metro Various Post Online Form 2020, Delhi Metro Online Form 2020, Delhi Metro Recruitment 2020, DMRC Various Post Recruitment 2020, DMRC Recruitment 2020,Delhi Metro Recruitment 2019, DMRC Various Post Recruitment 2019
Important Links
Apply Online Regular Post Link Activate From 14 December Download Official Notification Link Activate From 14 December Official website Click Here हिंदी में जानकारी के लिए यहां क्लिक करें   Read the full article
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dvdshopvn · 5 years
QUỶ ĐỎ 3 (Hellboy)
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Hellboy (2019) 2h | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 12 April 2019 (Vietnam)
Director: Neil MarshallWriters: Andrew Cosby, Mike MignolaStars: David Harbour, Milla Jovovich, Ian McShane
Summary: Based on the graphic novels by Mike Mignola, Hellboy, caught between the worlds of the supernatural and human, battles an ancient sorceress bent on revenge.
Countries: USA, UK, BulgariaLanguages: English, Spanish, German, Russian
Source: imdb.comDisclaimer: This plugin has been coded to automatically quote data from imdb.com. Not available for any other purpose. All showing data have a link to imdb.com. The user is responsible for any other use or change codes.
Hệ: NTSC Tỷ lệ: 16:9 Âm thanh: Anh (5.1), Pháp (5.1), Tây Ban Nha (5.1) Phụ đề: Anh, Pháp, Tây Ban Nha Thời lượng: 2:00:55 Menu: Có Extra: Có DOWNLOAD
Hệ: NTSC Tỷ lệ: 16:9 Âm thanh: Anh (5.1), Việt (5.1) Phụ đề: Anh, Pháp, Tây Ban Nha, Việt Thời lượng: 2:00:55 Menu: Có Extra: Có DOWNLOAD
Hellboy 2019 ViE 2160p UHD BluRay TrueHD Atmos 7.1 HDR x265-SumVision.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 2160p UHD BluRay TrueHD Atmos 7.1 HDR x265-SumVision.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Size: 20.58 GiB Bitrate: 24.3 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: HEVC (Main [email protected]@High) Resolution: 3840 x 1604 (11.5 Mb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 9.75 GiB (47%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS ES XLL) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 5 234 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.42 GiB (22%)
+ Audio #1: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (3%)
+ Audio #2: English / Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos (A_TRUEHD / MLP FBA 16-ch) Duration: 02:01:02.256 Bit rate: 5 255 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.44 GiB (22%)
+ Audio #3: English / Dolby Digital Plus (A_EAC3 / E-AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.272 Bit rate: 1 536 kb/s (CBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.30 GiB (6%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: PGS Stream size: 31.1 MiB (0%)
+ Text #2: English Format: PGS Stream size: 37.2 MiB (0%)
+ Text #3: French Format: PGS Stream size: 35.9 MiB (0%)
+ Text #4: Spanish Format: PGS Stream size: 29.4 MiB (0%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HEVC TrueHD Atmos 7.1-HDT.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 2160p UHD Blu-ray Remux HEVC TrueHD Atmos 7.1-HDT.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Size: 65.81 GiB Bitrate: 77.8 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: HEVC (Main [email protected]@High) Resolution: 3840 x 2160 (66.1 Mb/s) Ratio: 16:9 Stream size: 55.9 GiB (85%)
+ Audio #0: English / Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos (A_TRUEHD / MLP FBA 16-ch) Duration: 02:01:02.256 Bit rate: 5 255 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.44 GiB (7%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.272 Bit rate: 448 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 388 MiB (1%)
+ Audio #2: Vietnamese / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS ES XLL) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 5 234 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.42 GiB (7%)
+ Audio #3: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (1%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: PGS Stream size: 31.1 MiB (0%)
+ Text #2: English Format: PGS Stream size: 37.2 MiB (0%)
+ Text #3: French Format: PGS Stream size: 35.9 MiB (0%)
+ Text #4: Spanish Format: PGS Stream size: 29.4 MiB (0%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 2160p WEB-DL DTS HDR HEVC-DEFLATE.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 2160p WEB-DL DTS HDR HEVC-DEFLATE.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:00.384 Size: 13.06 GiB Bitrate: 15.5 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: HEVC (Main 10@L5@High) Resolution: 3840 x 1608 (13.3 Mb/s) Ratio: 16:9 Stream size: 11.2 GiB (86%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS (A_DTS / DTS) Duration: 02:01:00.384 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.28 GiB (10%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital Plus (A_EAC3 / E-AC-3) Duration: 02:01:00.352 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (4%)
+ Text #0: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 45.0 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 53.2 KiB (0%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p BluRay TrueHD Atmos 7.1 10bit x265-CHD.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p BluRay TrueHD Atmos 7.1 10bit x265-CHD.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Size: 12.06 GiB Bitrate: 14.3 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: HEVC (Main 10@L4@Main) Resolution: 1920 x 800 (6 708 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 5.67 GiB (47%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-ES Matrix (A_DTS / DTS ES) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.28 GiB (11%)
+ Audio #1: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (4%)
+ Audio #2: English / Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos (A_TRUEHD / MLP FBA 16-ch) Duration: 02:01:02.300 Bit rate: 5 255 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.44 GiB (37%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: PGS Stream size: 37.2 MiB (0%)
+ Text #2: Chinese Format: PGS Stream size: 104 MiB (1%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE BluRay 1080p TrueHD 7.1 x265 10bit-CHD.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE BluRay 1080p TrueHD 7.1 x265 10bit-CHD.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.368 Size: 10.78 GiB Bitrate: 12.8 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: HEVC (Main 10@L4@Main) Resolution: 1920 x 800 (6 708 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 5.67 GiB (53%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.368 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (5%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos (A_TRUEHD / MLP FBA 16-ch) Duration: 02:01:02.300 Bit rate: 5 255 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.44 GiB (41%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 45.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #2: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 54.0 KiB (0%)
+ Text #3: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 71.1 KiB (0%)
+ Text #4: English Format: PGS Stream size: 37.2 MiB (0%)
+ Text #5: Chinese Format: PGS Stream size: 104 MiB (1%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p BluRay TrueHD Atmos 7.1 x264-CHD.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p BluRay TrueHD Atmos 7.1 x264-CHD.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Size: 17.23 GiB Bitrate: 20.4 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 800 (12.4 Mb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 10.5 GiB (61%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-ES Matrix (A_DTS / DTS ES) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.28 GiB (7%)
+ Audio #1: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (3%)
+ Audio #2: English / Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos (A_TRUEHD / MLP FBA 16-ch) Duration: 02:01:02.300 Bit rate: 5 255 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.44 GiB (26%)
+ Audio #3: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 448 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 388 MiB (2%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: PGS Stream size: 37.2 MiB (0%)
+ Text #2: Chinese Format: PGS Stream size: 104 MiB (1%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p Blu-ray Remux AVC TrueHD Atmos 7.1-HDT.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p Blu-ray Remux AVC TrueHD Atmos 7.1-HDT.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Size: 33.99 GiB Bitrate: 40.2 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (28.3 Mb/s) Ratio: 16:9 Stream size: 23.9 GiB (70%)
+ Audio #0: English / Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos (A_TRUEHD / MLP FBA 16-ch) Duration: 02:01:02.300 Bit rate: 5 255 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.44 GiB (13%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (2%)
+ Audio #2: Vietnamese / DTS-HD Master Audio (A_DTS / DTS ES XLL) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 5 234 kb/s (VBR) / 8 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 4.42 GiB (13%)
+ Audio #3: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (2%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: PGS Stream size: 31.1 MiB (0%)
+ Text #2: English Format: PGS Stream size: 37.2 MiB (0%)
+ Text #3: French Format: PGS Stream size: 38.4 MiB (0%)
+ Text #4: Spanish Format: PGS Stream size: 29.4 MiB (0%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE BluRay 1080p DD 5.1 x264-DRONES.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE BluRay 1080p DD 5.1 x264-DRONES.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.368 Size: 9.286 GiB Bitrate: 11.0 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 800 (9 702 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 8.20 GiB (88%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.368 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (6%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (6%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 57.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 45.9 KiB (0%)
+ Text #2: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 54.0 KiB (0%)
+ Text #3: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 71.1 KiB (0%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p BluRay DTS-ES x264-DRONES.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 1080p BluRay DTS-ES x264-DRONES.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Size: 10.56 GiB Bitrate: 12.5 Mb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1920 x 800 (9 702 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 8.20 GiB (78%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-ES Matrix (A_DTS / DTS ES) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.28 GiB (12%)
+ Audio #1: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (5%)
+ Audio #2: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (5%)
General Name: Hellboy.2019.ViE.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTG.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:00.416 Size: 7.417 GiB Bitrate: 8 775 kb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC (High@L4) Resolution: 1920 x 800 (7 492 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 6.33 GiB (85%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:00.416 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (7%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital Plus (A_EAC3 / E-AC-3) Duration: 02:01:00.352 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (7%)
+ Text #0: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 46.7 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 52.9 KiB (0%)
Hellboy 2019 ViE 720p BluRay DTS-ES x264-DRONES.mkv
General Name: Hellboy 2019 ViE 720p BluRay DTS-ES x264-DRONES.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Size: 6.187 GiB Bitrate: 7 318 kb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1280 x 536 (4 528 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 3.83 GiB (62%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / DTS-ES Matrix (A_DTS / DTS ES) Duration: 02:01:02.283 Bit rate: 1 509 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 1.28 GiB (21%)
+ Audio #1: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.304 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (9%)
+ Audio #2: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (9%)
Hellboy III 2019 ViE mHD-720p BluRay AC3 x264-TRiM.mkv
General Name: Hellboy III 2019 ViE mHD-720p BluRay AC3 x264-TRiM.mkv Format: Matroska (Version 4) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Size: 3.806 GiB Bitrate: 4 501 kb/s Frame rate: 23.976
Video Format: AVC ([email protected]) Resolution: 1280 x 534 (3 219 kb/s) Ratio: 2.40:1 Stream size: 2.72 GiB (72%)
+ Audio #0: Vietnamese / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:00.416 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (14%)
+ Audio #1: English / Dolby Digital (A_AC3 / AC-3) Duration: 02:01:02.336 Bit rate: 640 kb/s (CBR) / 6 channels Sampling rate: 48.0 kHz Stream size: 554 MiB (14%)
+ Text #0: Vietnamese Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 66.7 KiB (0%)
+ Text #1: English Format: UTF-8 Stream size: 45.9 KiB (0%)
The post QUỶ ĐỎ 3 (Hellboy) appeared first on DVD thuyết minh tiếng Việt.
source https://dvdshopvn.com/2019/07/29/quy-do-3-hellboy/
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methodofmancy · 7 years
This is a fb thing but I'm doing it on Tumblr because fb is trash
1. Real name:(that's a secret) 2. Nickname: Jae 3. Favorite color: Dark brown 4. Gender?: Female 5. Elementary school: i went to like six 6. Middle school: i went to two 7. High school: only went to one 💕 8. College: community college, AAS in CS (goal) and then an MB at SFSU 9.Hair color: Eh? 10. Tall or short: eh? 11. Sweats or jeans: SWEATS BOI 12. Phone or camera: i wish i had a camera lmao 13. Health freak: boi tf you think I am helll nah 14. Orange or apple: APPLE 15. Do you have a crush on someone: MY BOYFRIEND 16. Guy friends or girl friends: GUYS. 14+ of them 17. Piercings: nine total, currently 5 18. Pepsi or coke: pepsi 19. Have you been in an airplane: yes 20. Have you been in a relationship: yes :3 21. Have you been in a car accident: no 22. Have you been in a fist fight: surprisingly no 23. First piercing: ears! 24.Best Friend: i have 3 and they're all boys and I fUCKING LOVE THEM WITH ALL OF MY HEART 25. First award: reading a lot 26. First crush: Megan Fox 27. First word: idk??? 28. Any talent: innuendos 29. Last person you talked to: mom 30. Last person you texted: my boyfriend 💕 "I just accidentally whacked a snail in the face with my skirt" 31. Last person you watched a movie with: mom and brother 32. Last thing you ate: ice cream and choc cake 33. Last movie/ TV show you watched:The Huntsman 34. Last song you listened to: Car Radio 35. Last thing you bought: mcdonalds.... 36. Last person you hugged: my little brother •Favorite: 37. Food: pasta :D 38. Drink: caffe Ibis hot chocolate 39. Bottoms: me :}}}}}}}} 40. Flower: sunflowers, dandelions, wildflowers 41. Animal: OCTOPUS 42. Color: dark brown 43. Movie: lol 44. Subject: science?? •Have you ever? (Put an X in the brackets if yes.) 45. [x] fallen in love with someone 46. [x] celebrated Halloween 47. [x]Had your heart broken 48. [x]went over the minutes/ texts on your phone 49. [x]had someone like you 50. [x]hated the way someone changed 51. [ ] got pg 52. [ ] had an abortion 53. [] did something you regret 54. [x]broken a promis 55. [x] hidden a secret 56. [x] pretended to be happy 57. [x]met someone who has changed to your life 58. [x] pretended to be sick 59. [] left the country 60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it 61. [x]cried over the silliest thing 62. [x] ran a mile 63. [ ] gone to the beach with your best friend 64.[x] gotten into an argument with your friends 65. [x] disliked someone 66. [] stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever •Currently: 67. Eating: NOTHING I AM STARVING 68. Drinking: water 69. Listening to: The White Trash Period of My Life by Josh Rouse 70. Sitting or laying: sitting on a rock 71. Plans for today: coding 72. Waiting for: the bus 73. Want kids: NO 74. Want to get married: honestly yeah 75. Want to travel: HELL TO THE FUCK YEAH BOI •What do you look for in a partner? 76. Lips or eyes: EYEEEESSSSS OH MY GOD 77. Shorter or taller: taller tbh 78. Younger or older: older bc everyone is lol 79. Romantic or spontaneous: why not both 80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: idk 81. Hook up or relationship: currently in a relationship so not a hookup 82. Looks or personality: personality 💙💙💙 •Have you ever: 83. Lost glasses: yes 84. Snuck out of the house: not my own house 85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: yes 86. Killed somebody: would i admit that 87. Broke someone's heart: yes 88. Been in love: YEESSSS 89. Cried when someone died: yes •Do you believe in: 90. Yourself: HELL TO THE FUCK YEAH (someone has to) 91. Miracles: idk about that 92. Love at first sight: nooooo 93. Heaven: in a way yes 94. Santa clause: lol nah 95. Aliens: why not 96. Ghosts/ angels: maybe •Truthfully? 97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: YEP 98. Do you know who your real friends are: YEAH BOIII 99. Do you believe in God: a couple :} 100. What are you afraid of: not a damn thing
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New Service Manual has been updated on https://www.ebookmanualspro.com/nissan-x-trail-repair-manual-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-diy-factory-service-workshop-manual-x-trail-xtrail-87841129
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1. EXT Exterior
2. LNR LAN System RHD
3. STR Starting System
4. BCS Body Control System
5. SE Seat
6. BR Brake System
7. STC Steering Control System
8. LAN LAN System
9. MA Maintenance
10. PWC Power Window Control System
11. PB Parking Brake System
12. RF Roof
13. EM Engine Mechanical
14. EC Engine Control System
15. INT Interior
16. MIR Mirrors
17. SBC Seat Belt Control System
18. RSU Rear Suspension
19. AV Audio, Visual & Navigation System
20. RAX Rear Axle
21. FSU Front Suspension
22. CL Clutch
23. IP Instrument Panel
24. ACC Accelerator Control System
25. GI General Information
26. EXL Exterior Lighting System
27. DLN Driveline
28. WT Road Wheels & Tires
29. SRC SRS Airbag Control System
30. SN Sonar System
31. CHG Charging System
32. WCS Warning Chime System
33. ST Steering System
34. DLK Door & Lock
35. MWI Meter, Warning Lanp & Indicator
36. PCS Power Control System
37. INL Interior Lighting System
38. PG Power Supply, Ground & Circuit Elements
39. SEC Security Control System
40. CO Engine Cooling System
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50. LNL LAN System LHD
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52. TM Transaxle & Transmission
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54. PWO Power Outlet
55. EX Exhaust System
56. FAX Front Axle
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Dodge vs. GMC vs. Nissan at Spring Creek 
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Title: Intersecting Feelings (Omoi no Kousaku)
Artist: Pomiwo
Original doujinshi: Here
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Bruno/Yusei
Notes: This is the sequel to “Closer”.
Size: Pages - 26 pages. 756 x 1075 pixels. Download - 8.4 MB
English translation by Budiamond
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Click “Keep Reading” to view.
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poetryofchrist · 4 years
Psalm 119 SimHebrew with sharpened tools
After several weeks of programming, my conversion to SimHebrew with what I have learned from the conversion of the WLC to a malé unpointed text has resulted in many changes to the Psalm 119 that I published at the beginning of the month. a awri tmimi-drç,
hholcim btort ihvh.
[1 All joy for the complete of the way,
who walk in the instruction of Yahweh.]
b awri noxri ydotiv bcl-lb idrwuhu.
[2 All joy for those observing his testimonies. With a whole heart they search him out.]
g af la-poylu yvlh,
bdrciv hlcu.
[3 Also they do not work injustice,
in his ways they walk.]
d ath xivvit pqudiç lwmor maod.
[4 And you commanded your precepts to keep in full.]
h aklii iconu drcii lwmor kuqiç.
[5 Ah that established were my ways to keep your statutes.]
v az la-abow,
bhbi'ti al-cl-mxvotiç.
[6 And then I would not be ashamed,
to take note of all your commandments.]
z aodç biowr lbb,
blmdi mwp'ti xdqç.
[7 And I will thank you with an upright heart,
when I learn the judgments of your righteousness.]
k at-kuqiç awmor.
al-tyzbni yd-maod.
[8 And your statutes I will keep.
Do not forsake me in full for ever.]
't bmh izch-nyr at-arko,
lwmor cdbrç?
[9 But how will a youth clear his path,
to keep it according to your word?]
i bcl-libi drwtiç.
al-twgni mmxvotiiç.
[10 By all my heart I have searched you out.
Do not let me stray from your commandments.]
ia blibi xpnti amrtç,
lmyn la ak'ta-lç.
[11 By my heart I have treasured your promise,
in order that I will not sin against you.]
ib bruç ath ihvh lmdni kuqiç.
[12 Blessed are you Yahweh. Teach me your statutes.]
ig bwptii sprti,
col mwp'ti-piç.
[13 By my lips I have recounted,
all the judgments of your mouth.]
id bdrç ydvotiç wwti cyl cl-hon.
[14 By the way of your testimonies I joy as above all value.]
'tv bpqudiç awiikh,
vabi'th aorkotiç.
[15 By your precepts I will ponder,
and I will take note of your paths.]
'tz bkuqotiç awtywy,
la awck dbrç.
[16 By your statutes I will revel,
nor will I forget your word.]
iz gmol yl-ybdç akih vawmrh dbrç.
[17 Grow your servant. I will live and keep your word.]
ik gl-yinii vabi'th,
niplaot mtortç.
[18 Give discovery to my eyes,
and I will take note of wonders in your instruction.]
i't gr anoci barx,
al-tstr mmni mxvotiç.
[19 Guest I am on the earth,
do not hide from me your commandments.]
c grsh npwi ltabh,
al-mwp'tiç bcl-yt.
[20 Ground down is my being for longing,
for your judgments at all times.]
ca gyrt zdim arurim,
hwogim mmxvotiiç.
[21 Giving, you rebuke the presumptuous, cursed,
straying from your commandments.]
cb gl mylii krph vbuz,
ci ydotiç nxrti.
[22 Get from me reproach and contempt,
for your testimonies I have observed.]
cg gm iwbu wrim bi nidbru.
ybdç iwiik bkuqiç.
[23 Grand sultans sat. Against me they spoke.
Your servant will ponder on your statutes.]
cd gm-ydotiç wywuyii anwi yxtii.
[24 Grand your testimonies and my revel. They are my personal counsels.]
ch dbqh lypr npwi.
kini cdbrç.
[25 Dust-cleaved is my being.
give me life according to your word.]
cv drcii sprti vtynni lmdni kuqiç.
[26 Declared have I my ways and you answered me. Teach me your statutes.]
cz drç-pqudiç hbinni,
vawiikh bniplaotiç.
[27 Direct my discernment in the way of your precepts,
and I will ponder on your wonderful works.]
ck dlph npwi mtugh.
qimni cdbrç.
[28 Drips my being with sadness.
Raise me according to your word.]
c't drç-wqr hsr mmni,
vtortç knni.
[29 Deceitful way put aside from me,
and with your instruction grace me.]
l drç-amunh bkrti.
mwp'tiç wviiti.
[30 Deliberated have I a way of faith.
With your judgments I have agreed.]
la dbqti bydvotiç.
ihvh al-tbiwni.
[31 Determined I cleave to your testimonies.
Yahweh, do not put me to shame.]
lb drç-mxvotiç arux,
ci trkib libi.
[32 Directed by your commandments I will race,
for you enlarge my heart.]
lg hornii ihvh drç kuqiç vaxrnh yqb.
[33 Help me learn Yahweh the way of your statutes and I will observe with foot firmly planted.]
ld hbinni vaxrh tortç vawmrnh bcl-lb.
[34 Have me understand and I will observe your instruction, and I will keep it with a whole heart.]
lh hdricni bntib mxvotiç,
ci-bo kpxti.
[35 Have me go in the pathway of your commandments,
for in it I have delighted.]
lv h't-libi al-ydvotiç val al-bxy.
[36 Hearten me to your testimonies and not to extortion.]
lz hybr yinii mraot wva.
bdrcç kini.
[37 Hide my eyes from seeing vanity.
In your way give me life.]
lk hqm lybdç amrtç,
awr liratç.
[38 Hold high to your servant your promise,
which is to your fear.]
l't hybr krpti awr igortii,
ci mwp'tiç 'tobim.
[39 Hide my reproach that I am afraid of,
for your judgments are good.]
m hnh tabti lpqudiç.
bxdqtç kini.
[40 Here I have longed for your precepts.
In your righteousness give me life.]
ma viboauni ksdç ihvh,
twuytç camrtç.
[41 Well come to me is your mercy, Yahweh,
your salvation as your promise.]
mb vaynh korpi dbr,
ci-b'tkti bdbrç.
[42 With which I will answer a word to one reproaching me,
for I trust in your word.]
mg val-txl mpi dbr-amt yd-maod,
ci lmwp'tç ikltii.
[43 Word of truth do not remove from my mouth utterly,
for of your judgments, I have hope.]
md vawmrh tortç tmiid lyolm vyd.
[44 Watch over your instruction I will continually forever and ever.]
mh vathlch brkbh,
ci pqudiç drwti.
[45 Walk in a spacious room I will,
for your precepts I have searched out.]
mv vadbrh bydotiç ngd mlcim vla abow.
[46 Words I will have of your testimonies before kings and I will not be ashamed.]
mz vawtywy bmxvotiç awr ahbti.
[47 Wherefore my revel will be in your commandments which I have loved.]
mk vawa-cpii al-mxvotiç awr ahbti vawiikh bkuqiç.
[48 Wave my palms I will to your commandments, which I have loved and I will ponder on your statutes.]
m't zcor-dbr lybdç,
yl awr ikltnii.
[49 You remember a word to your servant,
on which you give me hope.]
n zat nkmti bynii,
ci amrtç kitni.
[50 Yes - this is my comfort in my poverty,
for your promise gives me life.]
na zdim hlixuni yd-maod,
mtortç la n'titi.
[51 Yet though the presumptuous hold me in much scorn,
from your instruction I have not swerved.]
nb zcrti mwp'tiç myolm ihvh vatnkm.
[52 Your judgments I bring to remembrance from of old Yahweh and I comfort myself.]
ng zlyph akztni mrwyim,
yozbi tortç.
[53 Yang of fire grasps me from the wicked,
forsaking your instruction.]
nd zmrot hiu-li kuqiç bbit mgurii.
[54 Yin of psalms your statutes have become to me in the house where I am guest.]
nh zcrti blilh wmç ihvh.
vawmrh tortç.
[55 Your name I have remembered in the night, Yahweh.
I have kept your instruction.]
nv zat hiith-li,
ci pqudiç nxrti.
[56 You are mine,
for your precepts I have observed.]
nz klqi ihvh amrti lwmor dbriç.
[57 Chosen share, mine you are, Yahweh. I have promised to keep your word.]
nk kliti pniç bcl-lb,
knni camrtç.
[58 Craved have I your presence with a whole heart,
be gracious to me according to your promise.]
n't kwbti drcii,
vawibh rglii al-ydotiç.
[59 Considered have I my ways,
and turned my feet to your testimonies.]
s kwti vla htmhmhti,
lwmor mxvotiç.
[60 Came quickly I did and I would not linger,
to keep your commandments.]
sa kbli rwyim yvduni.
tortç la wcktii.
[61 Companies of the wicked continue around me.
Your instruction I have not forgotten.]
sb kxot-lilh aqum lhodot lç,
yl mwp'ti xdqç.
[62 Come midnight I arise to give thanks to you,
over the judgments of your righteousness.]
sg kbr ani lcl-awr irauç,
ulwomri pqudiç.
[63 Companion am I to all who fear you,
and are keepers of your precepts.]
sd ksdç ihvh mlah harx kuqiç lmdni.
[64 Covenant mercy yours, Yahweh, has filled the earth. Your statutes you will teach me.]
sh 'tob ywit ym-ybdç,
ihvh cdbrç.
[65 Too well you have dealt with your servant,
Yahweh, through your word.]
sv 'tub 'tym vdyt lmdni,
ci bmxvotiç hamnti.
[66 Teach me good taste and knowledge,
for in your commandments I have believed.]
sz 'trm aynh ani wogg,
vyth amrtç wmrti.
[67 Time past, afflicted I was going astray,
but now your promise I have kept.]
sk 'tob-ath umi'tib lmdni kuqiç.
[68 Too good are you and doing good. Teach me your statutes.]
s't 'tplu ylii wqr zdim.
ani bcl-lb axor pqudiç.
[69 The presumptuous smear falsehood over me.
As for me, with a whole heart I will observe your precepts.]
y 'tpw cklb libm.
ani tortç wywyti.
[70 Their heart is grossly inert.
As for me, in your instruction I will revel.]
ya 'tob-li ci-yuniti,
lmyn almd kuqiç.
[71 That I was afflicted is good for me,
so I will learn your statutes.]
yb 'tob-li tort-piç,
malpi zhb vcsf.
[72 The instruction of your mouth is good to me,
more than thousands in gold and silver.]
yg idiç ywuni viconnuni.
hbinni valmdh mxvotiç.
[73 Your hands have made me and established me.
Give me understanding and I will teach your commandments.]
yd iraiç irauni viwmku,
ci ldbrç ikltii.
[74 Yes - those who fear you when they see me will be glad,
for of your word I have hoped.]
yh idyti ihvh ci-xdq mwp'tiç,
vamunh ynitni.
[75 Yet I know Yahweh that righteous are your judgments,
and in faithfulness you afflicted me.]
yv ihi-na ksdç lnkmni,
camrtç lybdç.
[76 Your mercy to comfort me, may it be,
according to your promise to your servant.]
yz iboauni rkmiç vakih,
ci-tortç wywuyii.
[77 You will come to me in your compassion and I will live,
for your instruction is my revel.]
yk ibowu zdim ci-wqr yvtuni.
ani awiik bpqudiç.
[78 Yon presumptuous will be shamed for in falsehood they subverted me.
As for me, I will ponder on your precepts.]
y't iwubu li iraiç,
viodyi ydotiç.
[79 You will let those who fear you turn to me,
and those knowing your testimonies.]
p ihi-libi tmim bkuqiç,
lmyn la abow.
[80 Yea, let my heart be complete in your statutes,
so I will not be ashamed.]
pa clth ltwuytç npwi.
ldbrç ikltii.
[81 Faints my being for your salvation.
Of your word I have hoped.]
pb clu yinii lamrtç,
lamor mtii tnkmni?
[82 Faint my eyes for your promise,
saying, When will you comfort me?]
pg ci-hiiti cnoad bqi'tor.
kuqiç la wcktii.
[83 For I have become like a bottle in vapour.
Your statutes I have not forgotten.]
pd cmh imi-ybdç?
mtii tywh brodpii mwp't?
[84 For how are the days of your servant?
When will you do judgment against my persecutors?]
ph cru-li zdim wikot,
awr la ctortç.
[85 For me the presumptuous dig ditches,
that are not of your instruction.]
pv cl-mxvotiç amunh.
wqr rdpuni yzrni.
[86 Faithful are all your commandments.
In falsehood they persecute me. Help me.]
pz cmy't cluni barx,
vani la-yzbti pquvdiç.
[87 For scarcely they consume me in the earth,
but as for me, I do not forsake your precepts.]
pk cksdç kini,
vawmrh ydut piç.
[88 For your mercy give me life,
and I will keep the testimony of your mouth.]
p't lyolm ihvh,
dbrç nxb bwmiim.
[89 LORD (Yahweh) forever your word,
stands firm in heaven.]
t ldor vdor amuntç.
connt arx vtymod.
[90 Lo from generation to generation is your faithfulness.
You established earth and she stands.]
ta lmwp'tiç ymdu hiom,
ci hcol ybdiç.
[91 Living in your judgments they stand this day,
for they all are your servants.]
tb luli tortç wywuyii,
az abdtii bynii.
[92 Love, unless your instruction is my revel,
then I have perished in my poverty.]
tg lyolm la-awck pqudiç,
ci bm kiitni.
[93 Let me never forget your precepts,
for in them you have made me live.]
td lç-ani howiiynii,
ci pqudiç drwti.
[94 Love, to you I myself belong, save me,
for your precepts I have searched out.]
th li quu rwyim labdnii.
ydotiç atbonn.
[95 Lying in wait for me to make me perish are the wicked.
Your testimonies I will understand.]
tv lcl tclh raiti qx.
rkbh mxvtç maod.
[96 Lo, to all consummation I saw an end.
Very spacious are your commandments.]
tz mh-ahbti tortç.
cl-hiom hia wiiktii.
[97 My - how I love your instruction.
All the day long it is my pondering.]
tk maoibii tkcmni mxvotç,
ci lyolm hia-li.
[98 Making me wiser than my enemies by your commandment,
for it is mine forever.]
t't mcl-mlmdii hwclti,
ci ydvotiç wiikh li.
[99 Midst all my teachers I have insight,
for your testimonies are my pondering.]
q mzqnim atbonn,
ci pqudiç nxrti.
[100 More than the aged I understand,
for your precepts I have observed.]
q a mcl-aork ry clati rglii,
lmyn awmor dbrç.
[101 Missing every path of evil I have restrained my feet,
so that I will keep your word.]
q b mmwp'tiç la-srti,
ci-ath hortnii.
[102 Mid your judgments I have not been stubborn,
for you yourself have instructed me.]
q g mh-nmlxu lkci amrtç mdbw lpi.
[103 More than gratifying to my palate, your promise than honey to my mouth.]
q d mpqudiç atbonn,
yl-cn wnati cl-aork wqr.
[104 Minding your precepts I have discernment,
therefore I have hated every path of falsehood.]
q h nr-lrgli dbrç,
vaor lntibti.
[105 Nigh a lamp to my feet is your word,
and light to my pathway.]
q v nwbyti vaqimh,
lwmor mwp'ti xdqç.
[106 Now I have sworn and I will arise to it,
to keep the judgments of your righteousness.]
q z nynitii yd-maod.
ihvh kini cdbrç.
[107 Near to much poverty am I, Yahweh.
Give me life according to your word.]
q k ndbot pi rxh-na ihvh,
umwp'tiç lmdni.
[108 Now may you accept, Yahweh, the freewill offerings of my mouth,
and your judgments teach me.]
q 't npwi bcpi tmiid,
vtortç la wcktii.
[109 Now my being is in the palm of my hand continually,
and your instruction I have not forgotten.]
qi ntnu rwyim pk li,
umpqudiç la tyiti.
[110 Netted the wicked a snare for me,
but from your precepts I did not wander.]
qia nklti ydvotiç lyolm,
ci-wwon libi hmh.
[111 Near are your testimonies, my inheritance forever,
for the joy of my heart are they.]
qib n'titi libi lywot kuqiç lyolm yqb.
[112 Nuanced have I my heart to do your statutes, forever with foot firmly planted.]
qig sypim wnati,
vtortç ahbti.
[113 Schismatics I hate,
and your instruction I have loved.]
qid stri umgni ath.
ldbrç ikltii.
[114 Secret mine and my shield are you.
Of your word I have hoped.]
q'tv suru-mmni mryim,
vaxrh mxvot alohii.
[115 Stay from me, you evildoers,
for I will observe the commandments of my God.]
q'tz smcni camrtç vakih.
val-tbiwni mwibrii.
[116 Support me according to your promise so I will live.
Let me not be ashamed of my reliance.]
qiz sydni vaivvwyh,
vawyh bkuqiç tmiid.
[117 Sustain me and I will be saved,
and I will look to your statutes continually.]
qik slit cl-wogim mkuqiç,
ci-wqr trmitm.
[118 Suspended have you all who stray from your statutes,
for falsehood is their deceit.]
qi't sigiim hwbt cl-rwyi-arx,
lcn ahbti ydotiç.
[119 Swill you eradicated all the wicked of the earth,
so I have loved your testimonies.]
qc smr mpkdç bwri,
ummwp'tiç irati.
[120 Shivers from your dread my flesh,
and your judgments I fear.]
qca ywiti mwp't vxdq.
bl-tnikni lyowqii.
[121 I have dealt judgment and righteousness.
Do not leave me to those oppressing me.]
qcb yrob ybdç l'tob.
al-iywquni zdim.
[122 Insure your servant for good.
Do not let the presumptuous oppress me.]
qcg yinii clu liwuytç,
ulamrt xdqç.
[123 I - I - my eyes - faint for your salvation,
and for the promise of your righteousness.]
qcd ywh ym-ybdç cksdç vkuqiç lmdni.
[124 I ask you to deal with your servant according to your mercy, and your statutes to teach me.]
qch ybdç-ani hbinni,
vadyh ydotiç.
[125 I am your servant, let me understand,
that I may know your testimonies.]
qcv yt lywot lihvh.
hpru tortç.
[126 It is time to act, Yahweh.
Your instruction they have thwarted.]
qcz yl-cn ahbti mxvotiç,
mzhb umpz.
[127 I have loved your commandments therefore,
above gold and above pure gold.]
qck yl-cn cl-pqudi col iwrtii.
cl-aork wqr wnati.
[128 Indeed all your precepts, all I find upright.
Every path of falsehood I hate.]
qc't plaot ydvotiç,
yl-cn nxrtm npwi.
[129 Plentiful of wonders are your testimonies,
therefore my being will observe them.]
ql ptk dbriç iair mbin ptiim.
[130 Penetration of your words gives light, giving understanding to the simple.]
qla pi-pyrti vawaph,
ci lmxvotiiç iabtii.
[131 Parting mouth, gaping, I sigh heavily,
for to your commandments is my longing.]
qlb pnh-alii vknni,
cmwp't laohbi wmç.
[132 Put your face to me and be gracious to me,
for judgment to those who love your name.]
qlg pymii hcn bamrtç,
val-twl't-bi cl-avn.
[133 Prepare my footfalls in your promise,
and do not let any mischief dominate me.]
qld pdni myowq adm,
vawmrh pqudiç.
[134 Pray ransom me from the oppression of a human,
and I will keep your precepts.]
qlh pniç har bybdç,
vlmdni at-kuqiç.
[135 Pyre your face on your servant,
and teach me your statutes.]
qlv plgi-mim irdu yinii,
yl la-wmru tortç.
[136 Pouring streams of waters descend from my eyes,
that they do not keep your instruction.]
qlz xdiiq ath ihvh,
viwr mwp'tiç.
[137 So righteous you are, Yahweh,
and upright are your judgments.]
qlk xivit xdq ydotiç,
vamunh maod.
[138 Set you have the righteousness of your testimonies,
and much faithfulness.]
ql't xmttni qnati,
ci-wcku dbriç xrii.
[139 Stricken I was for my zeal,
for my foes forgot your words.]
qm xruph amrtç maod vybdç ahbh.
[140 Supremely refined is your promise and your servant loves it.]
qma xyir anoci vnbzh.
pqudiç la wcktii.
[141 Small am I and despised.
Your precepts I have not forgotten.]
qmb xdqtç xdq lyolm,
vtortç amt.
[142 Saving righteousness, yours, is righteousness forever,
and your instruction is truth.]
qmg xr-umxoq mxaunii.
mxvotiç wywuyii.
[143 Strain and distress find me out.
Your commandments are my revel.]
qmd xdq ydvotiç lyolm hbinni vakih.
[144 Such righteousness of your testimonies forever let me understand, and I will live.]
qmh qrati bcl-lb ynni ihvh kuqiç axorh.
[145 Queried I with a whole heart, answer me Yahweh. Your statutes I will observe.]
qmv qratiç howiiynii,
vawmrh ydotiç.
[146 Queried I you, save me,
and I will keep your testimonies.]
qmz qdmti bnwf vawvvyh.
ldbrç ikltii.
[147 Quested I in a twilight hour and I cried for help.
Of your word I have hoped.]
qmk qdmu yinii awmurot,
lwiik bamrtç.
[148 Quested my eyes in the night watches,
to ponder on your promise.]
qm't qoli wmyh cksdç.
ihvh cmwp'tç kini.
[149 Quest of mine, hear for your mercy, Yahweh.
In your judgments give me life.]
qn qrbu rodpi zmh.
mtortç rkqu.
[150 Quite near are those pursuing an agenda.
From your instruction they are distant.]
qna qrob ath ihvh,
vcl-mxvotiç amt.
[151 Quite near are you, Yahweh,
and all your commandments are truth.]
qnb qdm idyti mydotiç,
ci lyolm isdtm.
[152 Quite from of old I knew from your testimonies,
for you founded them forever.]
qng rah-ynii vklxni,
ci-tortç la wcktii.
[153 Regard my poverty and rescue me,
for your instruction I do not forget.]
qnd ribh ribi ugalni.
lamrtç kini.
[154 Reason my reason and redeem me.
Of your promise give me life.]
qnh rkoq mrwyim iwuyh,
ci-kuqiç la drwu.
[155 Remote from the wicked is salvation,
for your statutes they do not search out.]
qnv rkmiç rbim ihvh.
cmwp'tiç kini.
[156 Richly abundant are your compassions Yahweh.
According to your judgments give me life.]
qnz rbim rodpii vxrii.
mydvotiç la n'titi.
[157 Running after me are many foes.
From your testimonies I do not swerve.]
qnk raiti bogdim vatqo't'th,
awr amrtç la wmru.
[158 Regarding the treacherous I was upset,
that your promise they disregard.]
qn't rah ci-pqudiç ahbti.
ihvh cksdç kini.
[159 Regard for your precepts I love Yahweh.
According to your mercy give me life.]
qs raw-dbrç amt,
ulyolm cl-mwp't xdqç.
[160 Right true is your word,
and forever is every judgment of your righteousness.]
qsa wrim rdpuni knm,
umdbrç pkd libi.
[161 Sultans persecute me for nothing,
but from your word my heart stands in dread.]
qsb ww anoci yl-amrtç,
cmoxa wll rb.
[162 Singing I joy over your promise,
as finding abundant spoil.]
qsg wqr wnati vatybh.
tortç ahbti.
[163 Scandal I hate and abhor.
Your instruction I love.]
qsd wby biom hilltiiç,
yl mwp'ti xdqç.
[164 Seven times a day do I praise you,
for the judgments of your righteousness.]
qsh wlom rb laohbi tortç,
vain-lmo mcwol.
[165 Such abundant peace to those who love your instruction,
and there is for them no stumbling.]
qsv wibrtii liwuytç ihvh,
umxvotiç ywiti.
[166 Steadfast my reliance on your salvation Yahweh,
and your commandments I have done.]
qsz wmrh npwi ydotiç,
vaohbm maod.
[167 Shelters my being your testimonies,
and I love them much.]
qsk wmrti pqudiç vydotiç,
ci cl-drcii ngdç.
[168 So I shelter your precepts and your testimonies,
for all my ways are before you.]
qs't tiqrb rintii lpniç ihvh.
cdbrç hbinni.
[169 To your presence let my shout of joy come near, Yahweh.
According to your word, give me understanding.]
qy tboa tknti lpniç.
camrtç hxilni.
[170 To your presence let my supplication come.
According to your promise deliver me.]
qya tbynh wptii thilh,
ci tlmdni kuqiç.
[171 Tumbling from my lips is praise,
for you have taught me your statutes.]
qyb tyn lwoni amrtç,
ci cl-mxvotiç xdq.
[172 Tongue of mine will answer your promise,
for all your commandments are righteous.]
qyg thi-idç lyzrni,
ci pqudiç bkrti.
[173 There your hand will be to help me,
for your precepts I have chosen.]
qyd tabti liwuytç ihvh,
vtortç wywuyii.
[174 To your salvation I have longed to come, Yahweh,
and your instruction is my revel.]
qyh tki-npwi uthllç,
umwp'tç iyzruni.
[175 To live let my being and it will praise you,
and from your judgments you will help me.]
qyv tyiti cwh aobd bqw ybdç,
ci mxvotiç la wcktii.
[176 Time and again I wander like a newborn lamb that is perishing. Seek your servant,
for your commandments I do not forget.]
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
The Call of Nature
Hair: Tableau Vivant – Zephyr hair Body: Maitreya Outfit: +MB+ Loana Outfit @The Ark Leg Tattoo: Enemy – Chita Tattoo @The Ark
Leopard: Jinx – Snow Cloud Gacha – Snow Leopard Rideable @The Ark Trees: The Little Branch – Southern Magnolia Shrub{Animated}*4 seasons Pack @The Ark
  The Ark is presented by: Pale Girl Productions
– Event dates: Sept 13 – 26 – Every store will showcase a new and exclusive item related to animals – The Sims are PG so please make sure all private parts are covered – A Complexity limit of 50,000 will be enforced for the first weekend
The Ark – Shopping Guide
The Call of Nature published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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jguidein · 6 years
PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment 2018 Notification For 151 Demonstrator & Senior Residents Jobs Apply Online at www.uhsr.nic.in
PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment 2018
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www.uhsr.nic.in Recruitment 2018 Brief Details:
Organization Name: Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences Posts Name: Sr. Resident, Demonstrator Posts Total: 151 Vacancies Starting Date: Available Now Last date: 19-06-2018 Application Process: Online Mode
PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment 2018 Highlights:
Name of the Posts: Sr. Resident & Demonstrator: 151 Post-Wise Vacancy Details Senior Resident Department Vacant Posts Anesthesiology 46 Orthopedics 03 General Surgery 26 General Medicine 16 OBST & Gynae 12 Radiodiagnosis 10 Radio Therapy 02 Community Medicine 03 Skin & V. D. 01 T. B. & Respiratory Medicine 02 Demonstrator Anatomy 04 Pharmacology 05 Physiology 06 Forensic Medicine 06 Pathology 03 Biochemistry 04 Microbiology 02 Educational Qualification (शैक्षिक योग्यता): Sr.Resident/Demonstrator: Aspirants should complete MBBS from any recognized University/Board. Also, Must be registered under State/Central Medical Registration Act. And the preference will be given to the Postgraduate candidates. How To Get Good Marks In Examination Age Limitation (आयु सीमा): Minimum age: 22 years Maximum age: 40 years Salary Details: For MB/MD/DNB Degree Holders – Rs.18,000/- With Grand Pay Rs. 60000/- and Other Allowances. For Non-PG Holders: Rs.17,440/- + Rs.5,400 Grade Pay and Allowances. Selection Process: Candidates will be recruited based on their performance in given below round. Interview. Document Verification. Interview Preparation Tips How to Prepare For Exam Last Time Study Way to Apply: Please check mention below steps before Apply: All interested candidates need to visit the official website of Organization which is “www.uhsr.nic.in”. Go to Latest News & Notification on the home page. Pres on the suitable link related to PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment 2018. Download and read all the instructions and eligibility credentials. Fill up the application form with necessary details. Attach all the required documents to the application. Send the application to the mentioned postal address. Postal Address: The Office of Assistant Registrar, Rectt & Estt. Branch Pt. BD Sharma UHS Rohtak. How To Fill Application Form PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment Important Dates:   Starting Date to apply: Available Now Last Date to apply: 19-06-2018 PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment Important Links: Download Official Advertisement Official Website All Government Jobs JSSHS Recruitment 2018 NIOS EDP Supervisor Recruitment 2018 BFUHS Staff Nurse Recruitment 2018 Arunachal Pradesh PSC Recruitment 2018 Northern Railway Recruitment 2018 Odisha Postal Circle Recruitment 2018 AP Police Driver Recruitment 2018 OPSC Dental Surgeon Recruitment 2018 Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2018 Jharkhand Police Recruitment 2018 Read the full article
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livetimek · 6 years
Tổng hợp D/S swift code vietcombank mới nhất 2018
Mã Swift Code Vietcombank/Swift BIC Vietcombank khá quan trọng cho những ai muốn giao dịch thanh toán từ Việt Nam chuyển sang nước ngoài hoặc nhận tiền từ nước ngoài gửi về Việt Nam. Bởi đây là mã mà trên các website sẽ yêu cầu để khách hàng có thể thực hiện giao dịch. Trong bài viết này tài chính HaNa tổng hợp danh sách mã Swift Code Vietcombank, Swift BIC Vietcombank của tất cả các chi nhánh Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Đà nẵng,… được cập nhập mới nhất năm 2018.
Mã Swift Code Vietcombank 2018
Mã Swift Code Vietcombank/vietcombank swift code là gì?
Swift Code Vietcombank là mã nhận dạng chuẩn của Vietcombank tại Việt Nam phân biệt với các ngân hàng khác trên thế giới.
Mã swift code Vietcombank bao gồm 8 đến 11 ký tự như sau:
Tên ngân hàng + Quốc gia + Chi nhánh
4 ký tự đầu dùng để nhận diện ngân hàng
2 ký tự kế nhận diện quốc gia
2 ký tự nhận diện địa phương
3 ký tự cuối, nếu có, dùng để nhận diện chi nhánh. 
Mã Swift code được sử dụng để thanh toán, rút tiền từ nước ngoài về Việt Nam hoặc ngược lại. Đặc biệt đối với lĩnh vực kinh doanh tài chính cần phải biết mã này. Các nhà giao dịch ngoại hối, người chơi Casino, cổ phiếu, người chơi vàng…đặc biệt sẽ cần phải biết Swift Code Vietcombank.
Danh sách swift code ngân hàng Việt Nam mới nhất 2018
Mã Swift của Vietcombank này được áp dụng cho tất cả các tỉnh ở Việt Nam. Vì vậy bạn đang ở trong bất kỳ chi nhánh hoặc trong bất kỳ khu vực nào, bạn có thể áp dụng mã này.
Dưới đây là danh sách vietcombank swift code cùng SWIFT/BIC code các ngân hàng lớn khác tại Việt Nam.
STT Bank name / Tên ngân hàng Swift Code 1 Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) Ngân hàng TMCP Á Châu ASCBVNVX 2 Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (VietcomBank) Ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại Thương Việt Nam BFTVVNVX 3 Vietnam Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank): Ngân hàng TMCP Công Thương Việt Nam ICBVVNVX 4 Vietnam Technological And Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Techcombank) Ngân hàng TMCP Kỹ Thương Việt Nam VTCBVNVX 5 Bank for Investment & Dof Vietnam (BIDV) Ngân hàng TMCP Đầu Tư Và Phát Triển Việt Nam BIDVVNVX 6 Vietnam Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MaritimeBank) Ngân hàng TMCP Hàng Hải Việt Nam MCOBVNVX 7 Vietnam Prosperity Bank (VPBank) Ngân hàng Việt Nam Thịnh Vượng VPBKVNVX 8 Vietnam Bank For Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) Ngân hàng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Việt Nam VBAAVNVX 9 Vietnam Export Import Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Eximbank) Ngân hàng TMCP Xuất nhập khẩu Việt Nam EBVIVNVX 10 Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Sacombank) Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn Thương Tín SGTTVNVX 11 DongA Bank Ngân hàng TMCP Đông Á EACBVNVX 12 North Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (NASB) Ngân hàng TMCP Bắc Á NASCVNX 13 Australia and New Zealand Banking (ANZ Bank) Ngân hàng TNHH một thành viên ANZ Việt Nam ANZBVNVX 14 Southern Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Phuong Nam Bank) Ngân hàng TMCP Phương Nam
15 Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank (VIB) Ngân hàng TMCP Quốc tế Việt Nam VNIBVNVX 16 Vietnam Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (VietABank) Ngân hàng TMCP Việt Á VNACVNVX 17 Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank Ngân hàng TMCP Tiên Phong TPBVVNVX 18 Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB Bank) Ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần Quân đội MSCBVNVX 19 OceanBank Ngân hàng TM TNHH 1 thành viên Đại Dương OJBAVNVX 20 Petrolimex Group Commercial Joint Stock Bank (PG Bank) Ngân hàng TMCP Xăng dầu Petrolimex PGBLVNVX 21 Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank (LienVietPostBank) Ngân hàng TMCP Bưu Điện Liên Việt LVBKVNVX 22 HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd Ngân hàng TNHH một thành viên HSBC (Việt Nam) HSBCVNVX 23 Mekong Housing Bank (MHB Bank) Ngân hàng Phát triển nhà đồng bằng sông Cửu Long MHBBVNVX 24 Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SeABank) Ngân hàng TMCP Đông Nam Á SEAVVNVX 25 An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ABBank) Ngân hàng TMCP An Bình ABBKVNVX 26 CITIBANK N.A. Ngân hàng Citibank Việt Nam CITIVNVX 27 HoChiMinh City Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HDBank) Ngân hàng TMCP Phát triển Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh HDBCVNVX 28 Global Petro Bank (GBBank) Ngân hàng Dầu khí toàn cầu GBNKVNVX 29 Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank (OCB) Ngân hàng TMCP Phương Đông ORCOVNVX 30 Saigon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) Ngân Hàng Thương Mại cổ phần Sài Gòn – Hà Nội SHBAVNVX 31 Nam A Commercial Joint Stock Bank Ngân hàng Thương Mại cổ phần Nam Á NAMAVNVX 32 Saigon Bank For Industry And Trade (Saigon Bank) Ngân Hàng TMCP Sài Gòn Công Thương SBITVNVX 33 Saigon Commercial Bank (SCB) Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn SACLVNVX 34 Vietnam Construction Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VNCB) Ngân hàng thương mại TNHH MTV Xây dựng Việt Nam GTBAVNVX 35 Kien Long Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Kienlongbank) Ngân hàng Thương mại Cổ phần Kiên Long KLBKVNVX
Xem thêm: Công Thức Tính Lãi Suất Ngân Hàng Theo Tháng
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kentahayashimusic · 5 years
Tumblr media
My Hakuba & Nozawa Snow Japan Tour was nicely done!😊🙏 Arigato @play_at_gateway @electriquehakuba @_the_globe_bar @blizzardhakuba @penke_bar @balance_nozawa 👏 My next mission is whole Italy!!!🇮🇹 And Malta & Georgia!!!!😎 白馬&野沢スノーツアー大盛況にて完了!ありがとう!!!!!^ ^✌️ いよいよ今週イタリアツアー🇮🇹開始です♪☻ @rockettalive Presents KENTA HAYASHI - a.k.a. 444Hz Loop Pedal Ninja - Italian Tour 2020 Feb 12 (Wed) EDEN CAFÈ, Treviso 11PM~ https://www.facebook.com/edencaf/ Feb 13 (Thu) POMOPERO, Breganze (VI) 7:30PM~ http://www.pomopero.it/ Feb 15 (Sat) DELIRI, Sora (FR) https://www.facebook.com/deliricafe/ Feb 18 (Tue) Fugu, Lecce https://www.facebook.com/fugurestaurant/ Feb 19 (Wed) CIBO PER LA MENTE, Taranto https://www.facebook.com/CiboPerLaMenteTaranto Feb 20 (Thu) CAFÈ RETRÒ, Lamezia Terme (CZ) https://www.facebook.com/pg/retro.bianchi/about/ Feb 21 (Fri) MUG, Comiso (RG) https://www.facebook.com/mugcoffeeshop Feb 22 (Sat) MONO, Catania https://www.facebook.com/monocentromulticulturale/ Feb 23 (Sun) BUKOWSKI, Milazzo (ME) https://www.facebook.com/bukowskimilazzo/ Feb 24 (Mon) CAMUS, Palermo https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Art/CaMus-553646848482509/ Feb 25 (Tue) PLAY MUSIC FESTIVAL, Reggio C. https://www.facebook.com/playmusicfestivalRC Feb 26 (Wed) “Heroes” @PADDY’S, Catanzaro Lido https://www.latest.facebook.com/paddyscz/ Feb 27 (Thu) HUB, Cosenza https://www.facebook.com/HUBcosenza/ Feb 29 (Sat) LINEA GOTICA, Ferrandina https://www.facebook.com/lineagoticaferrandina/ Mar 2 (Mon) Na Cosetta, Rome https://www.facebook.com/nacosetta Mar 3 (Tue) MARLA, Perugia https://www.facebook.com/marla.perugia/ Mar 4 (Wed) DIAGONAL, Forlì https://www.facebook.com/diagonal.loftclub/ Mar 5 (Thu) BOTTEGA ROOTS, Colle Val D’Elsa Siena https://www.facebook.com/bottegaroots/ Mar 6 (Fri) KHORAKHANÈ, Arezzo Mar 7 (Sat) ORIGAMI, La Spezia https://www.facebook.com/OrigamiLaSpezia/ Mar 8 (Sun) ARCI IL RITORNO, Seregno (MB) https://www.facebook.com/circoloarciilritorno/ Mar 10 ((Tue) BLAH BLAH, Torino https://www.facebook.com/blahblahtorino/ Official Website http://kentahayashi.com/ https://www.kentaha (at Nozawa Onsen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MEopIj4eV/?igshid=14efdijn71w91
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netmyname-blog · 7 years
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