#MICA Direct admission
mbamanagementquota · 5 months
MICA Ahmedabad management quota-Call @ 9354992359- MICA Ahmedabad Direct admission
The Evolution of MBA Admissions: Trends in Selection Criteria
The landscape of MBA admissions has undergone a transformative evolution, reflecting the changing dynamics of the business world and the expectations from future business leaders. In this era of innovation and diversity, institutions like MICA Ahmedabad have adapted their admissions processes to align with contemporary demands. This article explores the direct admission and management quota pathways at MICA while delving into the evolving trends in MBA admissions criteria.
MICA Ahmedabad: Adapting to Changing Admissions Trends
Direct Admission at MICA Ahmedabad: A Strategic Pathway: For aspiring business professionals eyeing MICA Ahmedabad, renowned for its focus on strategic marketing and communication, direct admission presents a strategic pathway. This streamlined process allows candidates to bypass traditional selection procedures, providing a direct route into the institute's transformative MBA program.
Management Quota in MICA Ahmedabad: Recognizing Diverse Talents: MICA Ahmedabad's management quota is designed to recognize exceptional talents, including those with unique industry experiences, beyond conventional academic metrics. This approach ensures a diverse and enriching learning environment, where students contribute a variety of perspectives to the MBA cohort. Try to Delve into other possibilities like management quota in SIMC
Shifting Trends in MBA Admissions Criteria
Beyond Academic Excellence
Holistic Approach to Admissions: Contemporary MBA admissions increasingly adopt a holistic approach, looking beyond academic excellence alone. While strong academic performance remains crucial, admissions committees now consider a candidate's overall profile, including work experience, leadership qualities, and extracurricular involvement.
Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives, many MBA programs, including MICA Ahmedabad, actively seek candidates from diverse backgrounds. This may include individuals with non-traditional career paths, different nationalities, or those who have demonstrated a commitment to fostering inclusivity.
Emphasis on Work Experience
Professional Experience as a Differentiator: Work experience has become a significant differentiator in MBA admissions. Many institutions, including MICA Ahmedabad, value candidates with real-world experience, as it contributes to richer classroom discussions and enhances the practical application of theoretical concepts.
Focus on Quality Over Quantity: While the quantity of work experience remains important, there is a growing emphasis on the quality of experience. Admissions committees look for candidates who have demonstrated leadership, initiative, and impact in their professional roles, irrespective of the number of years in the workforce. Try to Seek out more information about direct admission in TISS Mumbai
Assessment of Soft Skills and Leadership Potential
Importance of Soft Skills: Soft skills, encompassing communication, teamwork, and emotional intelligence, are now integral to the admissions process. MBA programs aim to develop well-rounded leaders, and candidates with strong interpersonal skills are better positioned for success both during the program and in their future careers.
Leadership Potential Evaluation: Assessing leadership potential is a key aspect of MBA admissions. Admissions committees seek evidence of candidates who have taken on leadership roles, initiated projects, or demonstrated the ability to influence positive change. This focus aligns with the expectation that MBA graduates will become impactful leaders in their respective fields.
Adaptation to Technological Advances
Integration of Technology in Assessments: The advent of technology has led to the integration of innovative assessment methods. Virtual interviews, online assessments, and digital portfolios are becoming common tools in the admissions toolkit. This trend not only aligns with the digital age but also facilitates a more accessible and inclusive admissions process.
Digital Presence and Impact: Candidates with a strong digital presence, including professional networking platforms and thought leadership contributions, are often viewed favorably. Admissions committees recognize the importance of individuals who can navigate and leverage digital platforms effectively—a skill highly relevant in the contemporary business landscape. Consider to Research additional avenues such as PUMBA Pune management quota
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Navigating MBA Admissions Successfully
Strategic Application Process
Researching and Targeting Programs: A successful MBA admissions journey begins with thorough research. Candidates are encouraged to understand the unique offerings and values of each program, aligning their aspirations with what the institution seeks in its students.
Tailoring Applications to Program Values: Crafting personalized applications that align with the values and strengths of the chosen program increases the likelihood of a successful admission. Admissions committees appreciate candidates who demonstrate a genuine interest in and understanding of the institution.
Showcasing Unique Contributions
Highlighting Diversity and Unique Experiences: Candidates are encouraged to highlight aspects of their identity, experiences, and perspectives that contribute to diversity and enrichment within the MBA cohort. This might include cultural background, unique skills, or unconventional career paths.
Demonstrating Impact in Professional Roles: Whether through professional accomplishments or community involvement, showcasing the impact candidates have had in their roles adds depth to their applications. Admissions committees are interested in individuals who make a positive difference. Consider Uncovering more options such as WELINGKAR Mumbai direct admission
Preparing for Interviews and Assessments
Developing Strong Interview Skills: Interviews play a pivotal role in MBA admissions. Candidates should prepare thoroughly, anticipate common questions, and be ready to articulate their goals and motivations. Demonstrating interpersonal skills and a clear vision for the future is crucial.
Nailing Assessments and Tests: For programs that require standardized tests, candidates should invest time in preparation. This includes understanding the test format, taking practice exams, and seeking additional resources to enhance performance.
Conclusion: Adapting to the Modern MBA Admissions Landscape
The evolution of MBA admissions criteria reflects a commitment to creating diverse, inclusive, and dynamic learning environments. As institutions like MICA Ahmedabad embrace changing trends, prospective candidates are encouraged to approach the admissions process strategically. Whether through direct admission or the management quota, the contemporary MBA admissions landscape values not only academic excellence but also the unique contributions and experiences that each candidate brings to the table. In navigating this landscape, aspiring business leaders can position themselves for success in both the admissions process and their future careers. Scout for alternatives eg.  direct admission in JBIMS Mumbai
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mbaquota · 5 months
MICA Ahmedabad Direct admission-Call @ 9354992359-Management quota in  MICA Ahmedabad
Strategies for MBA Success: Tips for Effective Time Management
Embarking on the journey of pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an exhilarating yet demanding endeavor. Success in an MBA program often hinges on one's ability to manage time effectively amidst a myriad of academic, professional, and personal responsibilities. Aspiring students, considering prestigious institutions like MICA Ahmedabad for their MBA journey, can benefit from understanding and implementing key strategies for effective time management. This article explores essential tips for success, including insights on direct admission and the management quota at MICA.
MICA Ahmedabad: A Hub of Excellence in Management Education
Direct Admission at MICA Ahmedabad: A Strategic Entry Point: For those aspiring to join MICA Ahmedabad, renowned for its focus on strategic marketing and communication, direct admission serves as a strategic entry point. This pathway streamlines the admission process, allowing students to concentrate on optimizing their time and energy for the challenges of an MBA program.
Management Quota in MICA Ahmedabad: Recognizing Diverse Talents: MICA Ahmedabad's management quota provides an alternative pathway, acknowledging the diverse talents that individuals, including those with unique industry experiences, bring to the table. This approach ensures that the student body benefits from a rich tapestry of perspectives, enhancing the overall learning experience. Try to Delve into other possibilities like management quota in SIMC
Understanding the Importance of Time Management in an MBA Program
Balancing Academic Rigor and Real-World Application
Intensive Curriculum Demands: MBA programs, including those at institutions like MICA, are known for their intensive and comprehensive curricula. Students are exposed to a mix of theoretical concepts and practical applications, requiring a delicate balance between in-depth study and real-world problem-solving.
Integration of Case Studies and Group Projects: The integration of case studies and group projects in MBA programs emphasizes the practical application of knowledge. Effective time management is crucial when navigating these collaborative efforts, as students must coordinate schedules, contribute meaningfully, and meet project deadlines. Try to Seek out more information about direct admission in TISS Mumbai
Essential Time Management Tips for MBA Success
Prioritizing and Planning
Use of Task Lists and Planners: Creating detailed task lists and utilizing planners are foundational to effective time management. This practice helps students visualize their commitments, set priorities, and allocate time efficiently to various responsibilities.
Breaking Down Large Tasks: Large assignments or projects can be overwhelming. Breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks not only makes the workload more digestible but also enables students to track progress and meet deadlines effectively.
Utilizing Technology and Tools
Leveraging Productivity Apps: Modern technology offers a plethora of productivity apps designed to streamline organization and time management. Apps like calendars, to-do lists, and project management tools can be invaluable in keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and collaborative projects.
Setting Reminders and Alarms: Setting reminders and alarms serves as a practical way to stay on track. Whether it's a class deadline, a meeting, or a study session, timely reminders help prevent oversights and ensure that commitments are met promptly. Consider to Research additional avenues such as PUMBA Pune management quota
Creating a Dedicated Study Environment
Establishing a Productive Study Space: A designated study environment can significantly enhance focus and efficiency. By creating a space conducive to learning, MBA students at MICA can optimize their study sessions and minimize distractions.
Effective Use of Breaks: Taking breaks is essential for maintaining productivity. Short, intentional breaks allow the mind to recharge, preventing burnout and enhancing overall concentration during study sessions.
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Effective Communication and Collaboration
Clear Communication in Group Projects: In the collaborative environment of MBA programs, effective communication is paramount. Clearly communicating expectations, progress, and challenges within group projects ensures smooth collaboration and prevents misunderstandings that can lead to time inefficiencies.
Synchronous Communication Tools: Utilizing synchronous communication tools facilitates real-time interactions among group members. Platforms such as video conferencing and messaging apps enhance collaboration, allowing students to coordinate efforts seamlessly. Consider Uncovering more options such as WELINGKAR Mumbai direct admission
Time Management and Professional Development
Networking and Industry Engagement
Strategic Networking Opportunities: MBA programs offer unique opportunities for networking with peers, faculty, and industry professionals. Managing time to attend networking events, workshops, and seminars can contribute significantly to one's professional development and future career prospects.
Involvement in Extracurricular Activities: While managing academic commitments is paramount, participating in extracurricular activities can provide valuable experiences and connections. Time management skills ensure that students can strike a balance between academic demands and engaging in activities that contribute to their holistic development.
Conclusion: Navigating MBA Success Through Effective Time Management
In the challenging yet rewarding landscape of MBA education, effective time management is the linchpin of success. As students consider institutions like MICA Ahmedabad for their MBA journey, strategies such as direct admission and the management quota offer strategic entry points. Implementing these tips for effective time management ensures that aspiring business leaders not only navigate the academic rigors of their program but also emerge with the skills and experiences needed for success in their professional journeys. Scout for alternatives eg.  direct admission in JBIMS Mumbai
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mbadreamcollege · 1 year
Direct admission in MICA Ahmedabad| Call@ 9354992359| MICA management quota
Secure Your Seat at MICA through Management Quota
MICA, also known as the Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad, is a prestigious institution that offers courses in marketing, advertising, media, and communication studies. If you're interested in pursuing higher education in these fields and want to secure your seat in MICA without having to go through the standard admission process, direct admission through management quota is an option worth considering.
What is Management Quota?
Management quota is a reserved seat for students who wish to secure admission in a college or university without going through the standard admission process. These seats are reserved for students who have exceptional academic records or have the means to pay a higher fee.
Direct Admission in MICA through Management Quota
If you're interested in securing your seat in MICA through management quota, here's what you need to know:
1.         Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for direct admission through management quota in MICA, you must have completed your graduation or equivalent examination with a minimum of 50% marks. Additionally, you must meet the minimum requirements for the specific course you wish to enroll in.
2.         Application Process: To apply for direct admission in MICA through management quota, you will need to submit your application along with the required documents and fees. You can obtain the application form from the official MICA website or the admission office.
3.         Fee Structure: The fee for direct admission through management quota is higher than the regular admission fee. However, the exact fee structure varies depending on the course you wish to enroll in.
4.         Benefits of Direct Admission: The main benefit of securing your seat in MICA through management quota is that you don't have to compete with a large number of applicants. You can secure your seat based on your academic performance or financial capability.
5.         Other Considerations: While direct admission through management quota can be a great option, it's important to note that these seats are limited in number. Therefore, it's advisable to apply as early as possible to increase your chances of securing a seat.
MICA is a top-tier institution that offers exceptional courses in marketing, advertising, media, and communication studies. If you want to secure your seat without going through the rigorous admission process, direct admission through management quota is an option worth considering. However, it's important to meet the eligibility criteria, submit your application on time, and be prepared to pay a higher fee. With these considerations in mind, you can secure your seat in MICA and pave the way for a successful career in the field of your choice.
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homomenhommes · 3 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … March 16
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The first day of the Bacchanalia in ancient Rome. Introduced into Rome from lower Italy by way of Etruria (c. 200 BC), the bacchanalia were originally held in secret and only attended by women. The festivals occurred in the grove of Simila near the Aventine Hill on March 16 and March 17. Later, admission to the rites was extended to men, and celebrations took place five times a month. According to Livy, the extension happened in an era when the leader of the Bacchus cult was Paculla Annia — though it is now believed that some men had participated before that. In Empires of Trust: How Rome Built — And America Is Building — A New World by Thomas Madden, the author cites the words of the scandalized contemporary Roman investigative consul in his report to the Roman Senate:
"There was no crime, no deed of shame, wanting. More uncleanness was committed by men with men than with women. Whoever would not submit to defilement, or shrank from violating others, was sacrificed as a victim. To regard nothing as impious or criminal was the sum total of their religion. The men, as though seized with madness and with frenzied distortions of their bodies, shrieked out prophecies; the matrons, dressed as Bacchae, their hair disheveled, rushed down to the Tiber River with burning torches, plunged them into the water, and drew them out again, the flame undiminished because they were made of sulfur mixed with lime. Men were fastened to a machine and hurried off to hidden caves, and they were said to have been taken away by the gods. These were the men who refused to join their conspiracy or take part in their crimes or submit to their pollution."
In 1984 gay philosopher, activist and historian, Arthur Evans directed a production of The Bacchae at the Valencia Rose Cabaret in San Francisco of his own new translation, from the ancient Greek, of Euripides' play, Bakkhai, dealing with the Greek god Dionysos. In 1988, this translation, together with Evans' commentary on the historical significance of the play for gay people and women, was published by St. Martin's Press in New York under the name of The God of Ecstasy.
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Seventeenth-century North American depiction of a fornicating Puritan couple
1680 – Legislators of New Hampshire pass the colony’s first capital laws, copied almost word for word from the Plymouth laws of 1671: If any man lie with mankind as he lies with a woman; both of them have committed abomination; They both shall surely be put to death: unless one party were forced, or were under fourteen years of age. And all other Sodomitical filthiness shall be severely punished according to the nature of it.
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1822 – Rosa Bonheur, nee Marie-Rosalie Bonheur (d.1899), was a French painter, animalière and realist artist, one of few female sculptors. As a painter she became famous primarily for two chief works: Plowing in the Nivemais (in French Le labourage nivernais, le sombrage ), which was first exhibited at the Salon of 1848, and is now in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris depicts a team of oxen plowing a field while attended by peasants set against a vast pastoral landscape; and, The Horse Fair (in French Le marché aux chevaux ), which was exhibited at the Salon of 1853 (finished in 1855) and is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City.
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Bonheur is widely considered to have been the most famous woman painter of the 19th century. Writers used to explain Bonheur's penchant for dressing in men's clothing by saying that the famous painter of animals needed disguises to paint unmolested in the markets she frequented for her subjects. It's a nice thought, but untrue. Rosa Bonheur, who lived together with Nathalie Micas for most of her life, dressed as a man because she wanted to. She drank, she smoked, she became one of the most popular painters in the world and a member of the French Legion of Honor. She was, in short, very much her own person. As she once said to a male friend who was concerned about her movement through the world of men (gasp!) unchaperoned, "Oh my dear Sir, if you knew how little I care for your sex, you wouldn't get any ideas in your head. The fact is, in the way of males, I only like the bulls I paint."
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1937 – Today is the birthday of American pianist and composer David Del Tredici. Born in Cloverdale, California, he studied at Berkeley and Princeton.
Much of his early work consisted of elaborate vocal settings of James Joyce: I Hear an Army; Night Conjure-Verse; Syzygy; and a decade long obsession with the work of Lewis Carroll (Pop-Pourri, An Alice Symphony, Vintage Alice and Adventures Underground, and Final Alice, to name just a few of these works). He was awarded a Pulitzer prize in 1980 for In Memory of a Summer Day, the first part of Child Alice. Sir Georg Solti made the first recording of his epic Final Alice with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Del Tredici detached himself from Carroll to write three large, dissonant works for orchestra, March to Tonality (1985), Tattoo (1986), and the threatening Steps (1990). However, the real turn in his career came in 1996, when he attended a workshop in gay sexuality and self-acceptance held by Body Electric, a national organization devoted to such workshops.
During that workshop, he set two overtly gay poems for voice and piano. This led to the composition of a number of songs based on gay texts and experiences. After attending that retreat for gay men, Del Tredici decided to integrate his sexuality into his work. For instance, a setting of Paul Monette's "Here" was dedicated to Del Tredici's lover Paul Arcomano, who died of AIDS in 1993. When he encountered Beat-era icon Allen Ginsberg at a conference, as he later related to The Advocate, Del Tredici told the poet, "I'm looking for something really dirty to set to music." Ginsberg responded by giving Del Tredici his Collected Poems, one of which, "Personal Ads," became part of a six-song cycle, Gay Life. "Personal Ads" was dedicated to gay activist Jody Dalton, director of Composers Recordings Inc.; and a setting of Thom Gunn's "Memory Unsettled" was dedicated to Del Tredici's mother, who died in 2000, and who had accepted her son's life choices. Gay Life also included poems from Paul Monette, Michael D. Calhoun, and W.H. Kidde.
These songs became the core of the cantata Gay Life (1996-2001, premiered by the San Francisco Symphony under Michael Tilson Thomas in May 2001). A related collection is Brother (1997-2001), a song cycle created with drag performance artist John Kelly, which premiered at P.S. 122 in New York in May 2001.
"I no longer want to pretend and I'm not sure what the repercussions might be," he told The Advocate. "I can survive and be a serious composer and be gay. It has fallen [to] me to do it. One generation's silence can become the next generation's nectar."
His later works have included many vocal settings of contemporary poets such as Allen Ginsberg, Thom Gunn, Paul Monette, James Broughton, Colette Inez, and Alfred Corn — often celebrating a gay sensibility (three examples: Gay Life, Love Addiction and Wondrous the Merge). OUT Magazine has twice named Del Tredici one of its people of the year.
His "On Wings of Song" was premiered in New York City in 2004 as part of the Riverside Opera Ensemble's 20th Anniversary Concert. His notable students include John Adams, Richard St. Clair and Tison Street.
Del Tredici met his life partner Ray Warman in 1999; the couple held their commitment ceremony in 2000.
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Maccubbin (R) with partner Jim Bennett
1943 – Activist and former bookstore owner, Deacon Maccubbin was born on this day. Well-known as the founder and owner of Lambda Rising Books, Maccubbin has also been a supporter or founder of many gay Washington, DC institutions including youth outreach, media, the annual Pride celebrations, community social and business organizations, and the Lambda Literary Awards.
While still in the Army, Maccubbin became a gay activist, joining the Gay Liberation Front-DC briefly. In 1971, he took over a craftshop at 1724 20th St NW, turning it into the Earthworks tobacco and headshop. On June 8, 1974, Earthworks’ shelves of magazines and books became the core stock for the new Lambda Rising, one of the nation’s largest and most successful groups of gay bookstores.
As leader of the Community Building (a nickname from antiwar and counterculture days), Maccubbin turned the building into an incubator and haven for many new and struggling community groups, including the Gay Switchboard, gay youth groups, the Blade, off our backs, Roadwork, and many others.
Maccubbin was a founder and chair of the first major community group, the Washington Area Gay Community Council (WAGCC). In 1975 WAGCC launched the planning process for the second gay community center and published Just Us, the first guide to DC’s gay community. That same year, Maccubbin organized the first official Gay Pride, held on 20th St NW in front of the building.
In the 1973, he was arrested with Cade Ware and Bill Bricker from Gay Activists Alliance at a sit-in protesting police entrapment. His protests and civil disobedience continued during the 1980's in response to federal inaction on AIDS research and funding with an arrest at the White House, and in the 1990's in response to Clinton's signing the Defense of Marriage Act, as well as additional arrests at protests against apartheid at the South African Embassy and against the Pope at Catholic University.
Maccubbin has played important roles in the reform of D.C.'s sodomy law, passage of the D.C. Human Rights Act, and in responding to Bible-based attacks on homosexuality.
In 1982, he and his life partner, Jim Bennett, were among the first to celebrate a Holy Union and they were the second couple to be registered as Domestic Partners in the District of Columbia.
In 2003, Deacon saved the Oscar Wilde Bookshop in New York City (which had inspired him to launch Lambda Rising) from closing. Maccubbin commented, "The store never closed its doors. It was open right on through. Historically, that's important to me." In 2006, the bookstore was sold to a local manager.
Facing competition with online book stores, the store closed its doors on December 31, 2010. It was part of a spate of LGBT brick and mortar bookstores closures in the early 21st century, including the Oscar Wilde Bookshop in New York and A Different Light in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
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1949 – Victor Garber is a Canadian film, stage and television actor and singer. Garber is known for playing Jesus in Godspell, John Wilkes Booth in Assassins, Jack Bristow in the television series Alias, Max in Lend Me a Tenor, Thomas Andrews in James Cameron's Titanic, and as Canadian ambassador to Iran, Ken Taylor, in Argo. He currently guest stars as Dr. Martin Stein on The Flash and stars as a regular on Legends of Tomorrow.
Born in London, Ontario, Garber is of Russian Jewish descent. His mother is Hope Garber, actress, singer, and the host of At Home with Hope Garber. He attended Ryerson Elementary School. He also was enrolled in the children's program of the Grand Theatre, and at age 16 he was accepted at a six-week summer theatre training program at the University of Toronto taught by Robert Gill.
Garber began acting at the age of nine, and studied at the University of Toronto's Hart House at age 16. In 1967, after a period working as a folk singer, he formed a folk band called The Sugar Shoppe with Peter Mann, Laurie Hood and Lee Harris. The group enjoyed moderate success, breaking into the Canadian top 40 with a version of Bobby Gimby's song "Canada" in 1967. The band even performed on The Ed Sullivan Show and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson before breaking up.
He has worked in various American and Canadian films and television, including James Cameron's Titanic (1997), in which he used a Northern Irish accent to play the shipbuilder Thomas Andrews, and CTV's E.N.G. (1991-1993), on which he had a recurring guest role.
Other well-known appearances include Godspell (Canadian stage version, 1972, and film version, 1973) as Jesus, Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Annie (1999), Legally Blonde (2001), and Tuck Everlasting (2002).
He is most well known for his portrayal of Jack Bristow on ABC's show, Alias, for which he earned three Emmy nominations. He recently appeared on the now-canceled television series Justice on Fox and ABC's Eli Stone. His most recent TV appearance is as a mysterious character named "Olivier Roth" in 4 episodes of the Canadian science drama ReGenesis. He appeared in the third episode of the Fox series Glee as Will's father.
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Rainer Andreesen and Victor Garber
Victor Garber has confirmed that he's a gay man and has been quietly living with his longtime partner, artist Rainer Andreesen, in New York. Garber first spoke of his relationship with Rainer to blogger Greg Hernandez, who pressed the actor to publicly confirm that he's gay after learning via Wikipedia that the 63-year-old star is partnered with a man. He asked the Garber if his partnership with Rainer had ever been made public, and noted that Garber seemed surprised by the question:
"I don't really talk about it but everybody knows," Garber told Hernandez before adding, "He's going to be out here with me for the SAG Awards." The handsome, happy couple have been together for 14 years.
On October 10, 2015, Andreesen announced on his instagram page that he and Garber were just married in Canada.
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1976 – Matt Evers is an American pair skater, model and TV personality. He is the 1998 U.S. Junior champion.
With his partner Heather Allebach, Evers won the Junior pairs title at the 1998 U.S. Championships. The following season, they competed at three senior international events, 1998 Skate Canada International, 1998 Cup of Russia and 1998 Nebelhorn Trophy. He quit competing and moved to Los Angeles where he worked for a number of years before receiving an invitation to join Dancing on Ice.
Evers is currently training as a professional actor, model and spokesperson for U.S. and European manufacturers at trade shows, in commercials and print media.
Evers, who was married to a woman previously, came out as gay in January 2018 in an interview with Attitude magazine. He said it was partly the death of his uncle from AIDS and the presidency of Donald Trump that resulted in his decision to announce his sexuality publicly, saying: "I live my life by example, and I want to show young people that what you feel or how you were born isn't something bad."
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1977 – Donal Óg Cusack is an Irish hurler who played as a goalkeeper for the Cork senior team. He is current Chairman of the Gaelic Players Association. (Hurling is a kind of cross between grass hockey and football.)
Born in Cloyne, County Cork, Cusack first excelled at hurling whilst at school. He arrived on the inter-county scene at the age of eighteen when he first linked up with the Cork minor team, before later lining out with the under-21 side. He made his senior debut in the 1996 Oireachtas Tournament. Cusack went on to play a key role for Cork, on and off the field, and has won three All-Ireland medals, five Munster medals and two All-Star awards. His brother, Conor Cusack, was an All-Ireland runner-up with Cork.
Cusack represented the Munster inter-provincial team on a number of occasions in the early part of his career, winning one Inter-provincial medal on the field of play in 2005. At club level he won one championship medal with divisional side Imokilly, while he also plays with Cloyne.
Cited by many as one of the most influential inter-county players of his generation, through his championing of the cause of player welfare with the Gaelic Players Association and his innovation as a goalkeeper, Cusack became the first openly gay elite Irish sportsman in 2009.
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Cusack and team-mates in traditional salutory (and very homo-erotic) stance.
Cusack has made 54 championship appearances for Cork, more than any other goalkeeper in the county's history. He announced his retirement from inter-county hurling in March 2013 after effectively being dropped from the team.
On 18 October 2009, ahead of the release of his autobiography, Come What May, Cusack disclosed to the Irish Mail on Sunday that he is gay. In Come What May he writes:
I get more out of men. Always have. I know I am different but just in this way. Whatever you may feel about me or who I am, I've always been at peace with it.
The following was serialised in the Mail on Sunday:
Since I was 13 or 14, I knew I was a bit different. I hate labels though. That's the way I am. I live with it and I am fine with it. People close to me will tell you there were never any tears. There was never agony. I just know this thing … I've had to say this to people I'm close to again and again. This is who I am. This is what I do. I spend a lot of time trying to work things out but once I know something about myself, I know it. I don't agonise. It's logical to me. I thought about this but never had any problems dealing with it.
According to Cusack, discussing his sexual orientation strengthened his bond with his fellow players. He went for a walk with then captain Seán Óg Ó hAilpín, whom Cusack had known since they were boys, and told him "the whole story, stuff that I thought he would have guessed", had "a deep and complex conversation from both sides and we came out of it like brothers."
Since then Cusack has been noted as one of the few "openly gay sporting heroes" both at home and abroad. Come What May won the William Hill Irish Sports Book of the Year for 2009
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1987 – A Louisiana appellate court upholds the solicitation conviction of a man for placing his finger through a glory hole in a bookstore and then placing his mouth at the hole, without saying a word.
1998 – Pope John Paul II asks God for forgiveness for the inactivity and silence of some Roman Catholics during the Holocaust.
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avajones12 · 7 days
Procedure to Get PGDM Direct Admission 2024 In Top Colleges
Securing a spot in a top PGDM college is a goal for many students. While entrance exams like CAT, XAT, MAT, and SNAP are common pathways, there's also an option for PGDM direct admission. Here's a detailed guide on how you can get PGDM direct admission in 2024.
Eligibility Criteria for Direct PGDM Admission
Most colleges have specific criteria for direct admission, which often includes:
Academic Performance: Typically, candidates need a bachelor's degree from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks.
Work Experience: Some institutions may consider professional experience.
Entrance Exam Scores: Even for direct admissions, some colleges may accept scores from national-level exams like CAT, XAT, or GMAT.
Documents Required for Direct Admission
Prepare the following documents for the admission process:
Undergraduate Provisional Certificate/Mark Sheet
Class 12 Certificate
Class 10 Certificate
Proof of Identity
Transfer Certificate (TC)
Passport Size Photographs
Application Process for Direct PGDM Admission
To apply for direct PGDM admission, follow these steps:
Research: Identify the colleges that offer PGDM direct admission. Some top institutions like IBS Hyderabad, UPES Dehradun, MICA Ahmedabad, and SP Jain offer this route.
Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria of the selected colleges.
Application Form: Fill out the application form online or offline as per the college's instructions.
Submission of Documents: Submit all required documents along with the application form.
Admission Process: Some colleges might require you to go through a group discussion (GD), personal interview (PI), or written ability test (WAT).
Selection Process
The selection process for PGDM direct admission generally includes:
Application Screening: Evaluation of academic records and work experience.
Group Discussion (GD): Assessment of communication and teamwork skills.
Personal Interview (PI): Questions about background, interests, and career aspirations.
Written Ability Test (WAT): Evaluation of writing skills and critical thinking.
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Prefer to avoid extensive entrance exam preparations.
Have a strong academic or professional background.
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PGDM direct admission offers a viable alternative for students who wish to bypass entrance exams. By meeting the eligibility criteria and preparing the necessary documents, you can secure admission to a prestigious PGDM program and pave the way for a successful career.
For personalized assistance and more information on direct PGDM admissions, contact "Top B School Admission" at +91.9921499691 or [email protected].
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trumpcareer · 5 years
Direct MBA Admission in Top MBA Colleges
Direct MBA Admission in Top MBA Colleges
Direct MBA Admission in Top MBA Colleges
To Take Direct MBA Admission in Top MBA Colleges under Management Quota Contact TRUMP® Career Solution [AN ISO 9001:2015 certified Company] Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) || 9632226036 (Shekhar) Visit our website- www.directmbainfo.com or email us: [email protected]
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blueskittlesart · 4 years
Any advice for a kid trying to get into an art school who still has to build portfolio?
hmm im not sure im qualified to give advice seeing as i have one (1) single acceptance so far but i’ll try to give u some of the advice my teachers have given me. to start you want to have a good mix of observational/technical and personal work. my portfolio right now is largely comprised of a comic series i did last year for the AP 2d art exam, along with several observational drawings in a variety of mediums. the idea is to show that i have the technical ability to create art from observation, and then show the college what i’m really interested in, i.e. comic art and storytelling. in general you want to have variety in your pieces, but it’s a good idea to have at least a few pieces of work that all relate to one theme or series. Showing that you’re capable of creating a unique, focused body of work along with having technical ability can set you apart from other applicants!! it lets people know that you're serious about your art and you have a direction you want to take it/a personal voice that comes through. I’ve also been tailoring my portfolios slightly differently for different schools based on the advice i’ve gotten from admissions counselors during portfolio reviews (for example the mica rep i talked to specifically said she wanted to see more of my process and sketches in my portfolio so i added a few unfinished sketches and progress shots when i had space to fill in that application.) I highly recommend portfolio reviews if you can get them, because the only people who really know what a school is looking for are the admissions faculty, and they’ll often give you advice specific to your body of work. 
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gloriousflowerllama · 3 years
Get direct admission in MICA management quota seats. Call us at (+91) 8115575843 to discuss more about the admission process, eligibility and placements. When it comes to getting admission in one of the best MBA colleges or business schools in India, you need to go through CAT/XAT/MAT/other examinations. Obviously, if you score great in a respective entrance examination, you are likely to get admission in your chosen MBA colleges in India. But what if you couldn’t score well in an entrance exam, will you not get admission?
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Token: A Guns N’ Roses FANFICTION
Chapter 8: The Wrath of Betsie Tate
Story Summary: Story inspired by the movie She’s the Man. A female Duff is tired of dealing with the bullshit of trying to make it on the strip as a female bassist. In a desperate attempt to make it big doing what she does, she cuts her hair and mascardes as Duff. What’s the wors that could happen?
Chapter Summary: Betsie pays Michelle a vist at work.
Taglist @viralwolf02 @littlemisscare-all @smokeandmirrorz @aratbaby @slashscowboyboots @achiweyow
My mind had created two lists of almost equal importance.
The first list contained the following names:
Six people, only six people knew that Duff was actually Michelle the former bassist of Pixie. It could be worse since I had been doing this for a little over a month now, but it could also be a hell of a lot better. I was careful to never get too tipsy. I made sure to watch what I said and even how I sat, but there is still a sinking feeling that resides in the bottom of my stomach. The feeling that one day everyone would find out, and everything I’ve worked for would be gone.
No more Duff.
No more Guns N’ Roses.
No more music.
Maybe if this didn’t work out I could move to New York and become a secretary or some boring shit ass job like that. I wasn’t sure what I was more afraid of, losing Guns N’ Roses or giving up on my dream. Bottom line, both of them terrified me.
The second list was much shorter. It only had two names on it, Macy and Izzy. This list, which barely even qualified as a list by the fact that there were only two names on it, was the list of people I trusted with my secret.
Walter had been rather blunt with his disliking of me performing as Duff. I quickly learned that the entire intervention was all Walter’s idea from Macy this morning when she profusely apologized. She swore up and down that he forced her to help him. I wasn’t sure what to believe, but I trusted her none the less. I really didn’t have any other options. A list of one name was defiantly not a list.
Ever since Betsie stood by as Pixie kicked me out and dragged my name through the dirt, I don’t trust her. I used to though. I used to trust her with my life, but now I couldn’t trust her to poor me a glass of vodka. Her comments on how I’m betraying females everywhere also don’t help the unpleasant taste in my mouth.
Derek is and forever will be a wildcard, and he is probably mad that I didn’t tell him.
Kendal. Kendal. Kendal. Kendal was the reason I showed up to work this morning two hours early. I was hoping, no praying, that I could talk to her and try to explain myself. It was the least she deserved after yesterday.
I felt the nerves multiply in my stomach the second I opened the shop early. I tried to distract myself by singing along with the songs that came over the radio that echoed through the coffee shop, but as I prepped the shop my mind still focused on one thing...Kendal.
Last night, I chased after her the moment the gig had ended. I knew where to find her, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind to where she was. The coffee shop on Minlter Street, the shop I worked at, the shop where she spent her child hood, the shop she would one day inherit. I shoved my keys into the door and unlocked it full force. Instead of a Kendal sitting at her favorite table sipping on her cup of favorite coffee, I was met with nothing. I fought back tears as I stood in the middle of the hauntingly quiet coffee shop. Fuck.
I could already feel it unraveling.
I watched as the clock struck 6 AM and I flipped the small sign to open. I eyed the door all morning waiting for her to walk in as I worked. Bottom line, we needed to talk. 10 minutes turned into 5 hours later as I watched the clock strike 11 AM. Where the hell was Kendal? Usually she would get to the coffee shop by 9 AM at the latest when she was in town, but today was obviously not one of those days. I peeled up as I heard the bells that hung on the door chime. A customer, or hopefully Kendal had just walked in.
To my surprise Izzy walked in holding a small stack of papers in his hands. It was clear that he had just woken up from his hair that stuck out almost every which way from under his hat. The hat he must have tied to use to control that chaos that was growing on his head.
“For someone who lives on the other side of town, you seem to frequent this coffee shop a lot. Must be it’s great customer service,” I said as he walked up to my counter. I could feel the stares that were directed towards us from some of the customers. I tried to ignore them, but I could feel them judging.
“Nah, I come here because I look forward to getting glared at by it’s older clientele,” he teased back. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“How are you doing?” His question caught me off guard. It sounded genuine. He sounded like he actually cared.
“I’m still employed, so I got that going for me,” I let a sigh escape me as I hunched over, defeated.
“Bye Michelle, thank you for the stories!” I turned and sent a smile towards Suzy who was a mother of the cutest twins I have ever met. She would come every Wednesday morning during the summer for peace and quiet, and if it was slow like this morning, I would read her kids a story.
“Oh Michelle, he’s hot! Is he your boyfriend?” I turned red at the Suzy’s daughter’s question. I didn’t dare look over towards Izzy who was most likely enjoying the situation as he did in most situations where I squirmed.
I felt my cheeks get hot as I tried to find words, “No...he is just a friend...who is a boy.”
Suzy took my nerves as a cue to quickly escort her daughters out of the coffee shop.
“Friend who is boy?” I let a groan escape me as Izzy smirked leaning over the counter.
“I thought we were AT LEAST band mates,” he added.
The bell rang again as another customer walked in. My heart sunk when I noticed once again that it wasn’t Kendal.
“Shut it Stradlin, I gotta go help a customer,” I then went back to the front counter to take the woman’s order.
Luckily the customer only wanted a black coffee, so I was able to quickly make it for him. Not that I wanted to go and talk to Izzy or anything, but because I wanted to see what papers he was holding.
“So, what brings you to my coffee shop?”
“Your coffee shop? Didn’t know you owned the place...” Izzy replied as he began to fake ponder and look around the shop.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, and snatch one of the papers he was holding.
“Guns N’ Roses Live at the Troubadour. Get yourself together, drink till you drop, forget about tomorrow, and have another shot,” I froze for a second when I noticed the date and time.
“Izzy this is an add for Saturday night.”
“Yeah, and we need fliers out now,” he added as he dramatically held the small stack he had in his hand. I would have giggled at him being unintentionally cute, but I was more focused on the fact that we were stealing Pixie’s weekly gig.
“Pixie plays Saturday nights at 8 at the Troubadour. They have been for the past six months,” I simply received a shrug from Izzy.
“Did they get a better gig, or are we taking their spot,” I groaned as I received another shrug.
“All I know is that Axl has been wanting to play at the Troubadour, and stopped by there this morning to have a talk with someone. The next thing I know he came bursting in and asking me to make fliers,” I nodded as he spoke.
“Hope you don’t mind the photos I chose for you. We need someone to take a group shot of us, so we at-least look a little more professional,” I immediate shook my head when Izzy finished talking. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of Guns N’ Roses being professional.
“No, I look pretty bad ass, good choice,” I sent him a warm smile as I looked over the flier.
“Can I hang one up on your billboard over there?” I nodded a motioning for him to go right ahead. He handed me some extras, I’m assuming in hope that people would take the flier for the $3 admission discount.
I watched as Izzy went to go hang up a flier, and tried to ignore the girls who were curiously eyeing him.
“Good show last night,” I turned to see Derek who was currently restocking the remaining pastries. I tried to read him, but his face remained stoic with each cherry pastry he stacked.
“Thanks, I really appreciate your help. Even though it didn’t go as planned,” I replied. My heart slowly sunk as Derek didn’t look over towards me.
“Hey, Derek....” he turned around as I spoke finally giving me his full attention. Thank god he actually looked at me.
“I mean it. Thank you so much, here,” I handed him a flier, but before he could read it I began to talk again.
“We’re playing again Saturday night. It’s a prime time show and it’s going to be insane. You and a plus one will get in for free,” I sent him a warm smile as he began to read the flier.
“Okay, cool. Thanks! I’ll ask Mica tonight,” he sent a warm smile my way causing me to relax.
“The Troubadour is a cool place and I can’t wait to see y’all there,” I smiled back.
Before I walked away I felt him pull my arm back, “I meant it. You guys are really good. Plus...I will admit I was pissed you didn’t tell me at first, but I don’t know that last time I saw you actually enjoying yourself onstage. You seemed free, and you were right. If I was you I would do whatever takes to make my dream come true. Let me know when you release your first album! I’ll be first in line.”
I sent him a nod before I went back to work cleaning down dirty tables. I quickly shooed Izzy out of the coffee shop, much to the displease of the girls he was talking to, in hopes that Kendal would be more forgiving if Izzy wasn’t here.
Two more hours had passed, and I eventually gave up on Kendal showing up. The place was rather busy for a Thursday morning, and I already had to replace the flier twice.
I was pulled from my thoughts as I saw a familiar blonde throw on her apron and hat before joining us behind the counter.
“Hey Patty, what are you doing in early?”
“I honestly don’t know, I got a call from Kendal to come in a couple hours early,” she then shrugged before she went to inspect our coffee machines. Panic filled me as I remained frozen. Patty either worked the shift opposite of me or late nights, not while I was working during lunch.
I turned towards Derek who shared the same expression as me.
“Hey Michelle can you come into the office real fast,” I tried to keep my breath easy as I followed my uncle to his office. When the hell did he get here, I was watching the door all day? Unless he came in when I was talking with Izzy.
His office was small, but it didn’t need to be large. That’s not who my uncle was. My uncle never needed to have some sort of reminder to everyone he was in charge like a large desk or office. We always joked that the only reason he had the office was to keep him from eating all of the pastries. All he had to do was walk onto the shop floor and customers and workers alike would smile at him. He was never a dictator and it wasn’t uncommon to see him helping with the dishes when a large rush came in. Calling in an employee to come in early was rather unusual.
The moment I walked into his office I felt the uneasiness that resided in my stomach grow larger than the Grinch’s heart.
“Michelle, please sit,” I offered my uncle a kind smile before I sat down.
I turned to give one to Kendal as well who was lurking in the corner, but she refused to make eye contact with me. I didn’t need to be psychic or a mind reader to know what this meeting was about. The scowl that was planted on my cousin’s face was enough to know.
“So this meeting is nothing to serious, I just want to ask you a couple questions,” my uncle calmly stated. I sent him a soft smile before nodding.
Nothing serious? SERIOUSLY? With Kendal glaring me in the corner I felt like I was on trial.
“Well, how are you today Michelle?”
“I’m good, never better,” I cautiously replied. Every word I spoke felt like taking a footstep through a minefield.
“Recently we have received some customer complaints about you,” I nodded my head trying to figure out which customer her was talking about. Over the past two weeks I haven’t really had any ‘incidents’. Six months ago I had a poor encounter with a customer, but that was SIX MONTHS AGO.
“What were they about?”
“The clientele that you let into this coffee shop,” I froze and stared right at Kendal when the words left my Uncle’s mouth. That fucking bitch tattled on me. I thought we were practically sisters. I thought she would confront me about it in private. I thought wrong.
“Uncle, we let everyone in,” he cut me off before I could continue.
“We let everyone who pays in,” his sharp words cut right through me.
“Izzy’s and Axl’s coffees are ALWAYS paid for,” I quickly shot back. One quick look at my Uncle’s face told me that I said the wrong thing. I shouldn’t have let those words out of my mouth.
“By who?” And so the demon speaks. I shot Kendal a glare at her stupid question. I was relieved to see that she wasn’t receiving a glare from just me. My uncle, her father, was also sending one towards her.
“Me or them depends on the day. I made them coffee for a long practice, and the other day Izzy bought some,” I tried to keep my voice calm as I spoke. It was clear that my Uncle wasn’t entirely pleased with Kendal at the moment.
“So you bought your boyfriends coffee,” before my uncle could continue talking I immediately interrupted him, “band mates. Not boyfriends.”
I watched as a flash of realization crossed his face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a smirk flash across Kendal’s features. FUCK. I slipped up.
“You’re still trying to be in a band? I thought you quit that dream last year,” I shook my head no at his question.
“No, I just stopped telling you about my bands, and you assumed that I stopped playing I never lied to you,” my uncle sighed at my response before pinching the bridge of his nose with his two fingers. Saying that I never lied to him probably wasn’t the best defense.
“Does this band affect your ability to perform your job,” my uncle eventually broke the uncomfortable silence that had grown in the room. Kendal and I immediately answered the question with two drastically different answers, yes and no.
Our lovely meeting was quickly interrupted by shouting before we could continue. I followed my Uncle and cousin, and immediately regretted it.
“What the fuck Michelle,” I didn’t need to see her to know who was screaming. I remained frozen, I didn’t even need to guess what she was screaming about. It was clear that Betsie was pissed that Guns N’ Roses stole Pixie’s time slot.
“WHOAH Whoah woah, calm down,” Derek immediately hopped over the counter in attempt to block Betsie from coming after me.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN? That two timing traitor bitch stole my band’s gig,” she shouted back.
“You don’t own a gig!” I casually replied, not really thinking my actions through. My uncle placed his arm in front of me gently guiding me behind him.
It was clear that today was only going to get worse.
She only got angrier from there, “you listen here you two timing whore of a bitch, and don’t you dare try to hide behind your uncle. You think that just because Axl promised strippers on stage that you can take MY GIG. Is that all you think I am? Nothing more than a fucking stripper?”
By now the entire coffee shop was watching us.
“What is going on?” My uncle bellowed through the shop.
“Your barista or whatever the fucking hell you call her is a damn traitor who dresses up as a guy and plays in a rock n’ roll band on the strip” she shouted at my uncle.
He then quickly turned towards me, as if I had a logical straight forward answer. Getting fired was now the least of my worries.
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hareefluffs · 5 years
Looking Back and Marching Forward (Dec 2019)
Alright, 2019 is wrapping up and it has been a wild one, both personally and out in the world. I wanna take a look back in everything I’ve achieved over this past year (bc I could really use the positivity) and set up some goals for the next.
What I did, 2019
I finished my junior year of high school with a bang and had a relatively uneventful summer, though I did get the chance to bond with my cousins a lot more
I actually created my tumblr blog and tried posting on it before accidentally deleting it last week and am now trying this again
I finished my 2018-2019 concentration and grew a TON as an artist. I feel like I’ve super developed my style and figured out what doesn’t work. I’ve explored areas that I’m interested in as a career (screenwriting, comics, animation) and I’m pretty happy with what I’ve seen so far
was in my first few zines (the Spooky Spice Charity zine and the Undiscovered Gems zine). Overall a new and interesting experience
applied to colleges in my area of interest (film/animation) and will soon get my admission letters, so fingers crossed I can attend the school I want to go to. (ah anyone else trying for MICA as a college freshman?)
What I plan on doing, 2020
Create a bullet journal (haha basic I know) and generally get a hold of my time-management/organizational skills
I wanna start getting more into the DIY scene? Gardening, bookbinding, herbal remedies, homemade clothes and shit like that. I like the idea of creating and growing things for myself.
Open up commissions! I need some of that extra income, esp since college is coming up. 
Get back on the book I worked on last year
Help script/direct a film with my film club
Organize a successful tech fair at my school and finish my installation piece on my highschool’s campus
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vineetshukla0987 · 3 years
MICA was established in 1991. It is considered among the top MBA colleges in India. If you are seeking admission in MBA in marketing and communications, MICA can be a final choice.
MICA provides different types of PG management courses in communications and marketing.
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mbamanagementquota · 8 months
To Get direct admission in MICA Ahmedabad management quota Call@ 9354992359.
Workshops: Interactive Learning Spaces
Workshops are platforms for interactive learning, where students can actively engage with industry practitioners and faculty members. MICA offers a range of workshops to its students, including those in the management quota. These workshops foster:
Problem-Solving Skills: Workshops often present real-world business challenges that encourage students to apply their classroom knowledge in practical scenarios.
Creativity and Innovation: MICA's workshops emphasize creative thinking and innovation, helping students approach problems with fresh perspectives.
Communication Skills: Given MICA's focus on communications, workshops are an ideal space to hone communication skills, a crucial asset for future careers.
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mbaquota · 8 months
To Get direct admission in MICA Ahmedabad management quota Call@ 9354992359. Workshops: Interactive Learning Spaces Workshops are platforms for interactive learning, where students can actively engage with industry practitioners and faculty members. MICA offers a range of workshops to its students, including those in the management quota. These workshops foster:
Problem-Solving Skills: Workshops often present real-world business challenges that encourage students to apply their classroom knowledge in practical scenarios.
Creativity and Innovation: MICA's workshops emphasize creative thinking and innovation, helping students approach problems with fresh perspectives.
Communication Skills: Given MICA's focus on communications, workshops are an ideal space to hone communication skills, a crucial asset for future careers.
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nehavats5697 · 3 years
Get direct admission in MICA management quota seats. Call us at (+91) 8115575843 to know your eligibility, fees, admission process and placements stats. MICA (Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad) is one of best MBA college in Strategic marketing and communications found in 1991. The institution offers PG programs in marketing and communications. IN 2019, 2 out of 5 students got POP’s in MICA.
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vanshika7871 · 3 years
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priyankasingh5835 · 3 years
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