my-anime-goods · 3 months
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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season (The Irregular at Magic High School Season 3) - New goods with new illustrations (Roomwear) for Comic Market 104.
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waifubuki · 3 months
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gabbyp09 · 5 months
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anicastes · 6 months
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animemakeblog · 3 months
“Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Yotsuba Keishou-hen” The Anime Movie Announced
The 13th and last episode of the television anime Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season (The Irregular at Magic High School Season 3) revealed a teaser image for the Yotsuba Keishou-hen (Yotsuba Succession Arc) anime movie adaptation.
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ontheidiotbox · 29 days
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noisygothprunepatrol · 5 months
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Miyuki is back!
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annon-guy2 · 4 months
Character Thoughts: Miyuki Shiba
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Feel free to explain why in the comments/reblog and remember to acknowledge the original Light Novel Potrayal of the character along with the Manga and Anime Counterparts.
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smirkingcat · 2 years
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Miyuki Shiba
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mojo72400 · 2 years
Just Fuck Already
*at Café Einebrise, Tatsuya, Miyuki, Erika, Leo, Mikihiko, Mizuki, Honoka and Shizuku are having dinner*
Leo: *stabs the biggest piece of steak with his fork*
Erika: *grabs Leo's hand* What do you think you're doing? That's the big piece.
Leo: *yanks his hand away from Erika* Yeah. So?
Erika: The big piece goes to the big dog, AKA me.
Leo: And what makes you the big dog?
Erika: Um, everything. I'm smarter than you, I'm stronger than you, I can wet-nurse better than you. *lactates through her dress* Easy, girls.
Leo: Sorry, Erika. Anything you can do, I can do better.
Erika: I can do anything better than you.
Leo: No, you can't!
Erika: Yes, I can!
Leo: No, you can't.
Erika: Yes, I can. *stands up and sings* ♪Yes, I can!♪
Leo: *stands up and sings* ♪No, you can't!♪
Erika: ♪Yes, I can!♪
Leo: ♪No, you can't!♪
Miyuki: *activates Niflheim and freezes the restaurant* Enough! Can't we have one meal without you two getting into an angry singing contest?! Why is everything a competition? *unfreezes the restaurant*
Tatsuya: Yeah, you guys should just fuck and get it over with. *Everyone stares at Tatsuya while both Leo and Erika blush over his statement* Clearly, they have repressed sеxual feelings for each other that they're channeling into hostility.
Mikihiko: How's that Psych 101 class going?
Tatsuya: It's only day three, but I understand how the whole world works now.
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my-anime-goods · 5 months
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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season (The Irregular at Magic High School Season 3) - Kujibikido Online Kuji featuring goods with new illustrations from 16 May to 6 June 2024. Release: Mid-August 2024
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nanakibh · 2 years
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The Irregular at Magic High School (Collab) Note: There was a collab between Final Fantasy Agito and The Irregular at Magic High School LOST ZERO. These are the conversations from the bulletins. I watched Mahouka just so I could understand what they were talking about. Thank you to @kousuisetsu​ for the screenshots that made this translation possible.
Kurasame: As you may have already heard, we are pleased to welcome a pair of temporary exchange students from First High School in association with the National Magic University. Machina: International students?! We have a program like that? Kurasame: It is rare, but it isn’t unheard of. It’ll only be for a short period of two weeks, but I hope you'll get along.
Episode 1
Miyuki: It's nice to meet you, everyone. I am Miyuki Shiba. I'm from First High School, affiliated with the National Magic University. Tatsuya: I'm Tatsuya Shiba. A pleasure. It won't be easy for you to tell us apart if you refer to us by our last name, so "Tatsuya" is fine. Miyuki: Please, refer to me as "Miyuki" as well. Miyu: I am the cadet representative, Miyu Kagirohi. I welcome you both. Ace: I'm Ace. Nice to meet you, Miyuki, Tatsuya. Deuce: I'm Deuce. I'm pleased to meet you. Trey: I'm Trey. We may not have much time together, but I hope we can get along. Tatsuya: (Ace like "A", Deuce like "2", and Trey like "3"... I don't know if they're necessarily meant to be numbered, though.) Tatsuya: You all seem to have numbers in your names. Cinque: Eh? Numbers? Ace: Now that you mention it, you're right. Cinque, even your name means "five." Cinque: Hmmm? I seeee. Miyu: In Orience, names are often derived from numbers. However, it is unusual to see so many assembled in such an orderly fashion. Tatsuya: (So, it's a coincidence. Perhaps I'm just being nosy...)
Episode 2
Miyu: I've heard that the magic you use doesn't require the power of a Crystal. Would you kindly teach me about it? Tatsuya: If you don't mind the layman's interpretation. Miyu: Of course. That will do. Tatsuya: In our world, all phenomena is believed to be recorded in individual information, which we refer to as "eidos." The magic we use modifies the phenomena by altering the definition of its eidos. Nine: Modify? Phenomena? Tatsuya: For example, if you wanted to move a dolly with magic, that would first require you to cast a spell to accelerate the object, then a spell of movement, followed by a spell to decelerate the object, and lastly, a spell to stop it at its destination. Four magic spells become one. Miyuki, please demonstrate. Miyuki: Yes, big brother. Jack: Uwahhh, that sounds like a pain. Miyuki: It's not as difficult as you think. Ace: Our magic is granted to us by the Vermilion Bird Crystal in order to fulfill our grand role. The power that was passed down to individuals is managed and categorized by the Sorcery Division. Miyuki: The Vermilion Bird Crystal, you say...? Miyu: Indeed. All of our magic is thanks to the power of the Vermilion Bird Crystal. Each spell possesses an attribute such as fire, ice, lightning, wind, holy, and dark. Miyuki: Your method of classifying magic by elements is different from ours, I see. Miyu: For instance, let's see... This is "fire" magic. Tatsuya: ?! Miyuki: Big brother, what's wrong? Tatsuya: I thought I saw something odd... Rather, I should say that I didn't really see anything. Miyuki: Do you think that Rubrum's magic isn't utilizing psions? Tatsuya: I'm unsure. Nonetheless, I find it intriguing. Tatsuya: (Does this mean that the Crystal is even handling the output of magic formulas?) Tatsuya: If you wouldn't mind, could I take a look at the Vermilion Bird Crystal? Miyu: My apologies, but the Crystal is kept in strict security. Even we aren't allowed near it. Tatsuya: Hm, I understand... Pardon me for asking.
Episode 3
King: The handgun you carry... It isn't really a handgun, is it? Tatsuya: This is a Casting Assistant Device (CAD). As its name suggests, it's a device which assists in the invocation of magic. Despite its form, it isn't a weapon. Eight: Oh, so it's something like Cater's magic guns? Cater: Really? Lemme see that for a sec! Tatsuya: I don't mind, but precise adjustments must be made to the CAD depending on the user and its means of use. It's necessary. Using another person's CAD would be... inadvisable. Cater: Firaga! Flare! Holy! Whoa, this feels great! Miyuki: Cater, could it be that your magical computing characteristics are similar to my brother's? Tatsuya: No. To begin with, that CAD doesn't include the activation sequence for Rubrum's magic. Miyuki: That's true, now that you mention it. Tatsuya: Is it because psions have little effect on Rubrum's magic? It's very intriguing, but it seems it may be impossible for me to look into it. Miyuki: If you're interested in it, then there's nothing beyond your knowledge, big brother. Tatsuya: Don't speak the impossible. This exchange program is only for two weeks. Cater: I think I've taken a liking to this thing. Hey, Tatsuya, feel like trading it for my magic gun? Tatsuya: ... Tatsuya: If it's an unadjusted FLT monitor device, then I don't mind. However, instead of a gun, I would rather receive something I could give to my sister as a present. Miyuki: Big brother? Aren't you interested in the Dominion's magic? Tatsuya: It is a fine opportunity for abroad learning. But making more memories with you would make me happier than obtaining more formal knowledge. Miyuki: No way... Making memories with me is really more important to you, big brother? Tatsuya: (I think she may be interpreting that in her own way...)
Episode 4
Miyuki: Regretfully, the exchange program ends today. Tatsuya: That it does. Miyuki: These two weeks went by in a flash, but we must thank you for your hospitality. Miyu: Likewise, we must thank you as well. We learned a lot from you. Ace: The time really flew by... Queen: I feel a bit sad. Tatsuya, Miyuki, take care. Cater: W-wait! Wait a minute! Miyuki: Cater? Cater: Everyone worked together and made uniforms for you.
Natsubi: 56449 pairs Tsubomi: 33019 pairs Zero: 29213 pairs Type-839 Military Uniform: 33441 pairs
Seven: With this many, you'd even have enough for your friends, wouldn't you? Tatsuya: We could distribute them to not only each student, but to every student from First to Ninth High School. Sice: Yeah... We kinda went overboard, didn't we? Miyuki: Yes. It is a bit much. But it's appreciated.
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[Miyuki] Kuro Neko to Shiro Neko-san, Mio-san, Elena-san, 5351-san,
And to everyone else, as well, Thank you very much. With your help, I was able to make some wonderful memories with my big brother.
- Miyuki Shiba
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Cinque: Hey, you've still got some time, right? How 'bout you try on your new clothes?
Miyuki: Big brother... How do I look? Tatsuya: Yes, it suits you well. The design is different from what you normally wear, so you look like a different person. It gives you a new type of charm. It's as though you aren't my sister. Miyuki: It suits you, too, big brother. You look like the hero of an adventure story who fights against everyone and everything in the world for the one he loves. Tatsuya: (Can you call that type of guy a hero?) Tatsuya: It's almost time. Miyuki: Though parting is such sweet sorrow, it looks like this is farewell. Miyu: Let's meet again. Until then, goodbye.
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Note: Additionally, for completing the event, you could receive a Trident - Silver Horn CAD like Tatsuya’s.
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gabbyp09 · 1 year
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dryades-angeli · 19 days
The Brain roasted at Magic High School
I saw the Review on Youtube and decided the watsch "The Irregular at Magic High School". I liked Tatsuya from the beginning and other characters are also catching. The way of using magic is something new and that's why it's so interesting. I find the story of the anime to be consistently exciting. With three seasons, a film, etc., the anime is quite a chunk. The only thing I don't like is Miyuki and her behavier towards her brother. ~+~ From rejection to enthusiasm You quickly notice that Miyuki is in love with her brother. Her love developed in their childhood. Tatsuya protected her and her mother from the attacking torpedoes with his magic. Before that, she more or less looked down on him, which could have been instilled in her by her mother. Ultimately, the entire family looks down on Tetsuya. Anyway, I found the jump from "You suck" to "You're great because your magic is great" very strange. This looks to me, like she fell in love with him, because of his magic. But that's not what really bothers me.
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Miyuki's ridiculous attempts at seduction As we learn in the course of the story, Tatsuya's impulses were completely destroyed by an experiment, except for his protective instinct towards Miyuki. An impulse is defined as an external stimulus to which a person reacts more or less (emotionally) and acts. For example: As a man, you see a naked woman. Impulse 1: You want to have sex with her. Impulse 2: You are angry, because your child sees her naked too. Impulse 3: You're frustrated, because your wife doesn't look half as attractive. Impulse 4: You fall in love with her immediately. Impulsive people react to impulses more emotionally than other people. Tatsuya, on the other hand, doesn't react to impulses at all. He sees a naked woman. But there could be a cupboard or some other inanimate object standing in front of him. The result would be the same. And Miyuki knows that. Tatsuya himself says that he is glad that Miyuki is annoyed how her family behavies in front of him. Accordingly, I was quite confused when she tried to seduce on him in her underwear and asked him why he didn't succumb to her charms? HOLY SHIT. It's your brother!! Even if he didn't have the impulses to do so, he wouldn't find you sexually attractive. Generally, you don't find your sibling hot. Throwing yourself at your brother like that, is pretty cringe. But later you see that she dresses particularly revealingly in the apartment they share or in other situations, so that he notice her. o,o Why?
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Miyuki's constant bouts of jealousy: Miyuki knows her brother has no impulses other than to protect her. So even if she fires him as her bodyguard, he wouldn't really be free. Her words. And yet she's so jealous of every female that crosses Tatsuya's path that he might like? And sometimes so much so that she no longer has control over herself and everything around her freezes over. Yes. She is in love with him. But in doing so she takes away the last bit of freedom he still has. Shouldn't she be happy that her brother has someone else besides her? No. She is so selfish and wants his world to continue to revolve around her. But she's selfish anyway. Tatuya says that the Yotsuba family controls his life and that there is no point in killing his aunt Maya. Another Yotsuba would take over. So he's not happy with it. And this aunt suddenly gets her brother and sister engaged to each other. I guess to keep Tatsuya and his powers in the family. And what does Miyuki do? Worried about Tatsuya breaking off the engagement...
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No reaction is a reaction Which also bothers me a little... People are surprised when they see Tatsuya and Miyuki together. Because they think they are lovers even though they are siblings. But that's all there is to it. This gives me the impression that inbreeding is something completely normal. But it is not accepted by society. If you're going to write an incest story, you should portray it realistically. ~*~
I have to say, I have nothing against incest, especially if it is written realistically. Between cousins ​​or if the siblings didn't know each other before, I think it's fine. For me it becomes uncomfortable to watch. when the two live in the same household. And that is the case here. But even if the two weren't related... I find the ship pretty toxic. I love this anime. Because I think it's really well written and animated. But I really hope Tatsuya either stays alone or finds happiness with another girl. Mayumi, Shizuku and Honoka are really good contenders. Ship whatever you want. But I personally don't understand how you can promote this ship. No. Simply no.
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anicastes · 6 months
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animemakeblog · 9 months
“Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 3rd Season” The Opening Theme, Promo for Spring 2024
The third anime season's official website, which is adapting Tsutomu Satou's light novel Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (The Irregular at Magic High School), unveiled the opening theme and a promotional video. In April 2024, the anime is slated to debut on Tokyo MX, BS11, Tochigi TV, Gunma TV, MBS, and TV Aichi.
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