tenebraevesper · 1 year
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Ah, yes... the old excuse of ‘Félix doesn’t have good chemistry with Marinette’. As someone who has written a 26+ chapters story with the setting in the Ladybug PV Universe, I have to say that I have never encountered any problems where it was “impossible” for me to write Félix and Bridgette’s dynamics without creating bad chemistry between them.
Although, maybe it’s because I’m using a very special and very unique writing technique known as - character development.
Honestly, the more I think about Miraculous Ladybug and its characters, the more I think that the only reason they decided to make Adrien a Nice Guy is because they couldn’t bother writing some actual character development for him and instead decided to just hand him everything he wants on a silver platter. After all, isn’t it easier when your character already is super cool and super special and has just the right amount of trauma to make people sympathize with him in order to let him get away with literal murder (on multiple occasions!)?
To me, Adrien is a very one-dimensional and bland character who has no progress aside from flipping an internal switch and no life aside from obsessing over a girl. Take away his role as Cat Noir and him being Gabriel Agreste’s (the main villain) son, and there is really nothing that makes him appealing nor interesting as a character. Even if he is given an opportunity to develop as a character, he whines until the universe bends backwards to reward him without doing anything to deserve it.
It is also hilarious how they brought back Félix to be the one to actually progress the plot instead of letting either of the main characters figure out that Gabriel is Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch, because they need to focus on unnecessary drama instead of actual story progression.
Seriously, this screams “We couldn’t bother to put effort into writing Félix, so we gave up”.
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rozunderpressure · 3 months
TBH what I really hate about the way Thomas Astruc speaks about MLB is the fact he sounds like a fanfic writer who is dedicated to canon compliance AND NOT as the person who WRITES THE ACTUAL SHOW!
It makes sense for a very canon compliant fanfic author to be very on top of it about keeping character consistency, they want to be loyal to the original, they don't want to rock the boat too much, when you're the person WRITING THE STORY you can do anything you want! Does a character realistic WOULDN'T CHANGE? Well, sir, good news: You are in charge of reality! You can alter literally ALL the circumstances around them! With the magic of writing, you change the world--
Literally-- Like, literally the whole world
Just admit you don't want to...
Why not say: "This character won't change because I PREFER the way it is, its better for the story *I* want to tell, and this is MY story to tell!" because, you know what? It IS YOUR story, IT IS yours to tell! That is fine!
Several writers got flack for the choices they made with their characters (specially the endings tbh)! Louisa May Alcott, K.A. Applegate, (sometimes by accident, like in Douglas Adam's case, whose last Hitchhiker's book was a real downer, even he admitted he was depressed when he wrote it, but he sadly passed away before he could write another one) even Joane KR, all of them did things to their stories the fans did NOT LIKE, from redeeming people the fans felt did not deserve it, to giving sad endings to certain characters, to not giving them their seemingly obvious ship, but they OWNED IT!
Just say it... Just say you don't want to do it, its okay
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nixthelapin · 11 months
So apparently the Miraculous writing team released commentary on the s5 finale, during which they explain that Chat Noir not being in the final battle was planned from the beginning. (All the way back in 2014/2015)
Like, they had to come up with a reason (they were struggling to figure out how to keep Adrien away instead of him, like, cataclysming the wall determined to help his Lady) for that specific outcome, rather than a good reason supporting the outcome.
And their big reason? Wanting to use the Bug Noire combination on Marinette. That’s it. They left out the second most important protagonist, one with personal connections to the villain… because they wanted a cool power up scene.
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate that outcome any more than I already did.
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tex-now · 1 month
Chameleon is the most ableist episode in all of Miraculous Ladybug holy fucking shit
this is all gonna be pre season 4 jsyk
Also serious note here, my words are not gospel. I myself am not physically disabled nor do I have severe enough disabilities that it requires specific accommodations. If anyone who has any experience with this has any input they want to add or wants to correct me on anything, you are more than welcome to.
Okay let's go
Immediately off to a bad start, Marinette is upset that she has to sit in the back because she doesn't want Lila to sit next to Adrien and no, this is not because she wasn't talked to about it beforehand, because when Adrien offered to sit in the back in her place Marinette adamantly refused.
And since Marinette really was causing such an unnecessary ruckus, (ill be momentarily ignoring that Lila was lying) she was making Lila feel bad for needing accommodations. Which is super fucked up of her. And also i distinctly remember Lila cuddling up to Adrien which made Marinette angrier but that's not in the transcript so take this with a grain of salt.
Okayyy the dreaded lunch scene. I have a lot of problems with this scene so I'll do the biggest one first: The fact that the narrative states that Lila is in any way benefiting from having a disability.
People carrying her lunch trays, getting her food, making sure she doesn't have to lift a finger because of her sprained wrist and treating it like shes benefiting from it is like. Atrocious on so many levels. Not only does it state that Lila is benefiting from having a disability but it also frames making accommodations for people with disabilities as being "used" in some way, which is why disabled people don't usually get the accommodations they need because they don't get "special privileges" or the people who should be accomodating them "refuse to play favorites." Horrible thing to teach children.
And then. The napkin scene. I'm gonna say it. Marinette is the fucking worst in this episode. She is being actively ableist here, assuming that since she had one bad experience with Lila being a liar, that she's lying about everything, including having a disability, which leads to her to try and "prove" that Lila is lying. Which is super fucked up.
She throws the napkin at her in order to prove that she's lying about having a sprained wrist, and since she doesn't like Lila this is an entirely okay thing to do ig/s. The reason why this scene in particular upsets me so much is because stuff like this happens in real life all the fucking time, and people have suffered because of it.
Neurodivergent and disabled people have to fight for accommodations or to be taken seriously, by literally everyone around them while neurotypical or able bodied people constantly brush them off or interrogate them in order to prove that they are disabled, and having the main character do someting like that and end up having her be framed in the right (eventually) is abelist as fuck.
The bathroom scene is also incredibly gross to me. Marinette corners Lila in the bathroom and LITERALLY SAYS (paraphrased) "I don't have the proof for it, but I know you're lying about your disability because you lied about being friends with a celebrity so therefore I get to be ableist as fuck towards you >:(" I don't think I have to explain why that's ableist.
Okay. The elephant in the room. Lila IS faking her disabilities. She IS pretending to have them in order to benefit off of other people. This is the biggest problem in the entire episode.
The narrative itself supports the idea that
1. People benefit from having disabilities
2. Attempting to "prove" that someone doesn't have a disability is okay
3. Making accommodations for people with disabilities is "using" the accommodating party in any way
4. Being ableist is okay as long as you're right in the end
And that is hammered in by this scene in particular. Marinette is being egregiously abelist throughout the entire episode and IS being the bad guy here but since the writer's need to make her NOT look like the bad guy turns out she's right Lila is faking everything and is evil lol/s
Its not just the characters themselves that are being ableist, the writing itself is so ableist that it is literally imbedded into the story of this episode and is essential in order for it to work at all. Which is a huge writing failure on the writer's part.
Okay I think I'm done. Is this coherent at all
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berkut-rigel · 1 month
Dudes went to massacre their cartoon because they tried and failed to prove a point about a middle school white girl.
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motherofplatypus · 2 months
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He's basically telling us that 95% of what we watched for the past 8 years was a total waste of time and could've been used for character development.
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youremarvelous · 1 year
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ah yes, spoken just like someone who has been raised to believe love is conditional and has gone from prioritizing his parents' feelings over his own to prioritizing his girlfriend's feelings over his own
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starlight-bread-blog · 4 months
I am no longer in need for Adrienette to know each other's identities. They have made me wait for too long. I have a new passion now.
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broadwaycutie16 · 9 months
Calling all Adrien stans! Calling all Marinette salters! Calling all salt fic haters!
For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a sequel to the infamous Karma of Lies fanfic, with the help of a friend, and have decided to start a series where I write sequels to fix certain salt fics, especially those who are harshest to Adrien. But I would like some co-authors. Anyone who is interested, please comment on this post.
No one sees me but know I’m right here by kellikat23
Rejection AU by various
The Wolves in the Woods by FoxWitchWrites and Rafe_Minsi
Two Letters by CartoonAddict564
The Karma of Lies by CartoonAddict564 (because that one is just so horrible and needs more sequels)
Karma Overbalance by Shadymissionary
New Life and New Friends by Cornholio4
What Goes Around Comes Around by Cornholio4
Leave comments if there are any other stories you want to see.
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To be honest, with this series double standards and how it treats Chloe compared to literally everyone else, I’m about 99.9% sure that the lesson that they are trying to purvey (whether if it be about concealment of identity, the mere fact that “not everyone changes” or even “you’re the one who’s solely responsible for your own actions”), only implies to her. Once she’s gone, then none of those lessons no longer exist and you’re not allowed to dislike anyone else, because “no one’s prefect” or “their bad actions are justified”.
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muggle-born-princess · 11 months
Another reason why Chloe being kicked off and being replaced by Zoe during Season 3 and 4 is because merchandise wise, it makes no sense.
Like look at how much merchandise we had of Chloé as Queen Bee with the other heroes introduced in Season 3 while it was in production along with Season 4.
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They were basically hinting that Chloe was gonna be a permanent holder. That she was gonna be a part of Team Miraculous for good. That she was ACTUALLY GONNA fucking change and redeem!
But no, last minute during production, our good friend Thomas Astruc went "Oh wait a minute, I forgot that I hate this character so much that she deserves every harsh treatment and hate in the world because I fucking despise teenager girls for some odd reasons!" ^^
And the rest is history as we know it.
Seriously, why have Queen Bee on your merchandise if you're gonna retire her? Why have her with the Season 3 heroes if she was never gonna interact with them other than expose them while teamed up with the bad guy? What's the point?
Yeah, I know the real answer is money. Obviously. I know how capitalism works, honey.
But seriously, if you weren’t gonna use her, don't have her at all.
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anastasia-queen · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug Meme 2 (Thomas Astruc Edition)
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I'm still tired of Miraculous Ladybug. However, I got bored, so I made this. Enjoy this meme.
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Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child. Give it a few months before we see Zoe start to act like an entitled brat .
If you want to know more about my thoughts on Andre : check out my post " Why Andre is a horrible father and badly written character" on my tumblr.
Please stay respectful
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“In a good show, you're angry at the characters. In a bad show, you're angry at the writers. I don't hate Chloe, Zoe, Luka, Kagami, Lila or Marinette, because none of them are being written consistently and so instead I feel vaguely bad for all of them, like I would a friend who has crappy parents.”
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ijustliketoreadstuff · 3 months
Just gonna get this out of the way to clear up some misinformation.
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motherofplatypus · 7 days
Watching London Special's trailer be like:
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Like, you can have opinion on NY, Shanghai, and Paris special, but at minimum they presented something new which fits their position as special.
London special doesn't seem to be planning on giving us any of that, but instead pull another Derision that, instead of acknowledging it as either a good thing, bad thing, or ambiguous, they wanted to justify it to spite us.
And to make it worse, it seems that this special is kinda necessary to start off S6, which defeats the whole reason of a special. If you need to watch something outside of the main story to understand it, then you already failed at its concept.
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