i Need to draw post escape ran in the trans sweater but i literally don't even have a design for them yet
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sprinklepartyfall · 3 months
So, in light of this, and finding out Bloodmoon died apparently, the brainrot began, enjoy.
@o-i-w-u pspspspsps-
The trick board.
(Spirit/Monster?) Bloodmoon twins x Reader
[Insignificant Warnings: This is medium-long in length, I did not proofread this, it basically gets cut off as a cliffhanger at the end.]
In a far off timeline, the world was shattered. Chaos from the breakdown of the leaders and the cowardly actions of the followers. Luckily, you never liked people, so you were already pretty skilled at avoiding them, yay anti-social behavior-!
As a lone survivor, you learned pretty fast that most easy things were probably a trap made by other survivors. You had been currently walking around a store, sneaking around the people already there to grab supplies and go. That was before you heard them... talking to themselves? To air maybe?
Once you got a closer look, it seemed they'd been trying to use an ouija board... how someone could find one was a mystery, and why they would keep it was beyond you. But it was funny that they tried, and quite clearly failed to talk to whatever ghost or demon they were trying to find.
You stuck around, mostly since they were arguing and, well, it was over something stupid and you needed entertainment. That was when you got one idea, it only seemed to be three people... so you stole the ouija board while they were distracted, causing quite the fright when they noticed. Chaos was one thing that would never leave the broken world you lived in, and that was somehow a small comfort for you.
You'd left the building, walking through the shadows with your newly acquired item as the yelling of panic fades behind you. Was it mean? Yes. But was it funny? Hell yeah. The board, along with its little planchette, was under your arm.
You walked to an abandoned park nearby, climbing up a tree burgrudgingly so you wouldn't be spotted, and set the board down. You didn't expect it to work, so you didn't bother trying, unlike the probable ghost that made it quite clear it wanted to talk. You nearly fell out of the tree when you saw it start moving, firstly because that was definitely not just the wind, and Secondly because that's not how it worked...
The piece went to the 'hello' area showing this was happening whether you wanted it to or not, you did not get a say in this. But of course, after a couple minutes of stunned silence, the spirit spoke again; 'R-E-S-P-O-N-D–T-O–U-S' that wasn't comforting, that wasn't comforting at all, there were MULTIPLE.
"...Hi..." You mumbled out warily, panicking a lot more internally than externally. 'H-E-L-L-O' The spirit spelled out, even though there was a spot that already said hello- 'Y-O-U–L-I-V-E' The spirit pointed out, making you tense even more, maybe you were just insane? That would probably be... worse actually... "I am." You responded hesitantly, glancing around to make sure you weren't about to die some cruel death.
'W-H-Y–T-E-N-S-E' oh gee, you wonder why, it totally isn't the fact you're probably haunted or cursed now. "No reason." You stated simply, because you aren't going to be a jerk, that would be rude. "Who are you?" Your tone was polite although with a hint of anxiety, which was probably not fine. Most people would run from this... in fact, you would have been too, if it weren't for the fact you were in a tree, and would probably just lay there in defeat if you fell.
'B-L-O-O-D-M-O-O-N' You had to pause at that name, it wasn't common at all and definitely didn't scream "I'm friendly!" But you were probably stuck with it in some way now. "...nice to meet you." You responded politely, how else were you supposed to react to this? You were an anxious introvert and this was a potentially bloodthirsty ghost, not a great combination.
'Y-O-U–S-M-A-L-L' they pointed out, in which you weren't actually THAT small... so how tall was this ghost?? Apparently, much taller than you. "Okay... why are you... talking to me?" You asked, ignoring the strange spirits words. 'Y-O-U–L-O-O-K–F-R-A-G-I-L-E' the spirit responded, a sudden chill running down your spine as it spoke. "...is that a good thing to you?" You responded sheepishly, tilting your head slightly as you spoke. Instead of an answer, however, the planchette was thrown at your head, hitting the tree behind you. A few small bits of bark fell from the trees trunk, and you felt so thankful that you tilted your head out of its way.
"Nope, nope, nope, nope-" You started repeating as you moved to get up, you were ready to climb down and run now, but that was before you were grabbed by something... maybe someone.
You yelped, yet it was muffled by a cold hand over your mouth, another wrapped around your waist as you were pulled into the tree. Your eyes wideneding before shutting completely, a dizzy feeling overwhelming your senses as you were taken away.
Once you had regained your senses, finally opening your eyes, you were met with a void and... a face strangely close to you. You flinched back, now noticing the feeling of someone holding you from behind as they had chuckled at your feared reaction. "Other, they are finally awake." The one in your face stated with a grin.
It seemed like it was themed after the moon, yet showed no sign of silver aside from the silver star on its chest... it had various shades of red adoring its large form. It was a good four, maybe five feet taller than you and god was it intimidating. It looked like some sort of beast, claws, sharp teeth bared in that eerie grin it showed you. It looked... scaly in a way, its skin looked rough with the fading scars along its chest, arms, and left hip. It wore some sort of navy blue robe of sorts, yet it didn't cover much of its appearance like most would, more so just... kept it warm, maybe?
"Indeed other! It seems they survived!" The one that held you, or 'other'? Spoke, its excitement clear. its appearance quiet similar to the other creatures, the only differences being its star was gold, it had less scars, and it felt a bit fuzzy...
"They seem confused." 'Brother' spoke, its voice holding clear amusement as it held your chin up. "Yes, but I like them like this." 'Other' stated mischievously, squeezing your form in its grip, earning a slight squeak from you. "W-where am I‽" you blurted out, finally choking out the words stuck in your throat.
"In a void." 'Brother' stated bluntly, its grin widening slyly as it looked you up and down. "But- no- why-" You stammered, trying to lean away from both of them, but you couldn't move much... you were trapped with them. "Relax, little human! We won't hurt you, much~" 'Other' teased, pressing you further into it with a smug expression. "I-I can't stay here! I need to go back!" You exclaimed, trying desperately to reason with them, but it only earned chuckles of amusement. "No, no. You can' leave..." 'Brother' trailed off, both their grips on you tightening possessively...
"You're ours now, human."
[Oh my god, I contemplated giving up like three times while writing this. This is what happens when I get a prompt and make it up as I go. My notes app says this is like nine pages long too.]
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raziraphale · 7 months
I've learned not to trust my memory, so I wanted to make a note for myself of some things I enjoyed from the Neptune production of RAGAD before it all leaks out my ears. It's mostly for me but thought I'd post it here in case it's interesting to anyone else.
Note for people that aren't me: this is the only production of RAGAD I've seen live. I've seen the movie and the 2017 NTL recording as of writing this, for reference. So, forgive me if I gush about elements/choices that are common to RAGAD productions and not unique to this one lol. Also I was an English major but not a theatre guy outside some Shakespeare, so also bear with me if I'm lacking some specific terms.
I feel like this almost goes without saying but Boyd and Monaghan are excellent as Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. Their chemistry is great. There was an excellent rhythm to their dialogue together that was really fast-paced without feeling artificial (imo there is a certain point where performers talk so fast it can only feel fake. They were all believable enthusiam).
I particularly liked Monaghan's Rosencrantz! like there was just something so earnest about him. He had this character tic of chewing on his finger most of the time out of anxiety or inattention and that stuck out for me for some reason. It was endearing. Also the line "I wanted to make you happy" made the whole theatre let out a wounded animal noise.
Also Boyd's Guildenstern really did a good job of projecting an aura of "person trying really hard to appear in control but may also snap any moment". Control freak recognizing control freak o7
The Player (Michael Blake) was amazing. He had such huge stage presence that you really believed the character was a seasoned performer. I fully believe this man could successfully sell me snake oil with the power of his presence alone.
Personal note but I was jazzed to see Drew Douris-O'Hara as Alfred. I'm not a regular Neptune patron so I don't know how often he appears in their productions, but I have seen many a Shakespeare By The Sea show in my time so he's a very familiar face. Always a really fun presence.
I also feel like I have to mention Ophelia (Helen Belay) even though she obviously doesn't get much to do here. The actress really sold every small appearance though like my heart broke a little every time I saw her in anticipation for her off-stage fate. Less important but have you ever seen a woman so beautiful you started crying?
I really liked Ros and Guil's tattered suits. They looked like they were dragged behind a horse. These are the clothes of two guys that have been trapped in a play for like 50 years, truly.
They also had an inverted colour scheme (Ros had a blue suit with a green waistcoat, Guil had a green suit with blue waistcoat) that really emphasized the two-sides-of-the-same-coin/ yin & yang vibe. Also the colours weren't really shared by the rest of the cast much (they tended to be a bit more muted) so it made them stand out as separate from the rest of what was happening.
Also personal note but I was enchanted by Monaghan's slightly stupid-looking grown-out fauxhawk. He basically had a lesbian mullet haircut. That combined with his single dangly earring was a Look.
The Player's coat was gorgeous. It felt grand but also appropriately dated/worn. It wasn't fully a feather jacket, but it had a smattering of large feathers that got more dense as it went down. It kind of reminded me of a vulture, honestly, which I think is fitting, with him being an opportunist that loves some corpses.
Misc. Stage Stuff:
Unless I'm really mistaken, I think they cut/modified the few lines with some outdated racial terms (I have two specifically in mind, referring to Chinese and Inuit people). So unless I just somehow missed hearing those, that's nice.
Just a note to say that the line about who the English King is will depend on when they get to England got a huge laugh. Thank you to King Charles' cancer for making everything funnier
The lighting !!! It really did a lot to separate the scenes from Hamlet from the rest of it. The stage was dark for most of it, with cool lighting (like a blue darkness). For the Hamlet portions, though, the lights were suddenly bright and warm yellow. That combined with the differences in the performances gave a strong impression that the curtain had just suddenly risen on a more traditional production of Hamlet right in the middle of Ros and Guil just doing whatever.
I really liked how they used the two risers on wheels they had (not sure if that's the right word -- they were those three-tiered platforms I remember from doing choir in school. Kind of like bleachers). They looked like they belonged on an empty stage and also gave the actors something interesting to climb on. They were able to reposition them pretty easily with the wheels, which really worked for the portions on the boat tbh. They just pushed them together so that the lower tiers touched to create a half-pipe-shaped skeletal "boat". They could climb "above deck", or even go below while still being fully visible from whatever angle. The whole thing was spun around a lot during the pirate attack, which was fun.
The risers also separated the stage really well in the first two acts. For most of it, there was one on the left side facing the audience, for characters to sit on, and one on the right facing backwards and partially obscured by the curtain they had covering that side of the stage. The curtain was backlit, so you could see the silhouettes of anything behind it. At some points, you could actually see shadows of events in Hamlet happening in the background while Ros and Guil were doing their thing in the foreground. Unfortunately I didn't get the best look at them, bc I was sitting at far right of my row, so the far right of the stage was partially out of my sight line. Still a really cool effect!
They did turn the risers fully around to face the back during the players' performance of The Murder of Gonzago, with the curtain pulled across. You saw the shadow of the king standing up and storming out.
For the final scene, they did the expected thing, where Ros and Guil are alone in the dark, illuminated by a single narrow spotlight each. The spotlight goes out when each of them die and they disappear from view. The detail that made me insane though is that each time a spotlight went out, they played the sound of a flipped coin hitting the stage and the audience was so quiet it felt like a gunshot both times.
After all the deaths they had Rosencrantz and Guildenstern start from the opening scene again tossing coins for a bit before the final curtain. They did not escape the narrative 😔
Will add more if anything else comes to mind?
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reliabledragon · 7 months
Hi! I’m genuinely curious, why is Seattle a bad place to live? I’ve thought about moving there at one point, until I realized I wouldn’t be able to afford it.
Ah, well, I should probably clarify that I don't think it's, like, an inherently bad place or anything. It was just a really bad fit for me, so being stuck there for several years really sucked. Basically, it boiled down to a few things:
Making Friends: Seattle is so notoriously unfriendly that the "Seattle Freeze" even has its own Wikipedia page. People will be plenty nice to you, but most have no interest in actually becoming friends, and it takes ages to build a social network there.
Lack of Diversity: In this case meaning the cultural sense, not the racial one. (It is racially homogenous as well, but I'm not really qualified to open that can of worms.) Seattle basically does like, three things: extreme outdoor activities, substances, and computer stuff. ("Substances" here meaning things like weed, but also beer, coffee, etc.) So if you want to go skiing every day, climb mountains, smoke weed, drink artisanal beer, play video games, or found a startup, it's a good place for that. However, if you want to do anything else then you are going to be fighting against Seattle every inch of the way.
The Dating Scene: Again, Seattle does some things very well here — it's probably the best dating market in the country if you're poly! But again, the monoculture means that if you're Seattle's kind of person then you're going to have the time of your life, but if you aren't, then you will simply be screwed. And I wasn't, so I spent three years basically unable to find anyone to seriously date. (I will grant that part of this could have been a me problem, but I certainly had far less difficulty both in SF before and NYC after.)
Urban Design: Maybe this is a personal one, but Seattle is in this really awkward middle ground, where it absolutely sucks to have a car in the city, but it also absolutely sucks not to have one. It's my least favorite city in the US that I've ever driven in, but it's also a pretty rotten experience trying to get around town on the bus or (very limited) light rail system. I'd much rather live somewhere with functional public transit, but if that's not possible then I'd at least like my mandatory car usage not to feel like I'm turning the ignition key in a Saw trap.
Distance: Unless your friends and family are in the PNW, you're probably going to want to leave occasionally to see other people, and Seattle is really very far away from everything other than Portland and Vancouver. Perhaps this isn't the biggest issue on this list, but combined with the Seattle Freeze, it can make the city intensely lonely. And combined with the weather, it makes it even harder to get away when the sky starts feeling oppressive in the winter. And speaking of winter...
Climate: This is a big one, and one that I think you can't really understand until you live there. Or at least, I certainly didn't grasp the implications beforehand. Everyone knows Seattle as a "rainy city", but it's one thing to hear about it and another to live it. The thing about Seattle is that it's both accurate to say that it always rains, or to say that it never rains. It's not like most of the country, where you have rainstorms and then times when it isn't raining. No, not in Seattle. In Seattle is drizzles, constantly. From September until June, every time you step outside, it's just... Damp. And cloudy. Once the clouds come in the Fall, you will not see the sun for nine months. The sky is just a bright gray mass hovering oppressively overhead, not dim enough be properly melancholy, not bright enough to be cheerful. It just looms, vaguely too bright to look at, no matter which direction you look. For most of your life in Seattle, you live in hollow light and hollow rain.
Despite all that, I really do think Seattle is a great fit for a lot of people, but it's hard to know if you're one of those people before you move there, and the penalty if you're wrong can be a pretty terrible living experience. My response on that poll was playing along with the "city hate group" thing they were asking about a little bit, but I really did have a very bad time there. It might well be a great fit for you, I know it is for a lot of my friends who live there! I would just advise anyone thinking of moving there to make sure they understand what they're signing up for, because it's easy to get taken in by the aesthetic and not realize what sort of place it is, and what sort of person you need to be to enjoy it.
Thanks for the ask! I'm always happy to talk about cities. :)
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elytrafool · 3 years
I am literally running around in circles trying to make sense of this finale twist and while I still do Not like it by any means, I think I might've managed to come up with...something. Is it incredibly dependent on chance and gambles? Yes. But C!Dream is a character known to think very highly of himself and his abilities, so...maybe he'd go for it, if he was confident enough that everything would play out the way he wanted it to. Who knows. It's certainly not any more of a gamble than this entire fake Punz betrayal plan, lol.
If we ignore all the complications that have sprung up due to Punz's entrance being all part of the plan, all we really need to focus on is Why Dream would want to be locked up in the first place. What would he gain? The ends certainly need to be greater than the means for him here, but that isn't exactly an uncommon path for him to take.
The easiest way to go about this, in my opinion, is by looking at both what he says to Tommy in their confrontation and what would've happened in the Disc Finale if Punz hadn't come in.
"Everyone will think I've changed while I make your life a living hell," Dream says.
Now. If Punz hadn't gotten everyone to the Disc Finale, what would've happened? If Dream is attempting to wrangle server perception of him, he's certainly going to have a hard time of it if he walks back to that crowd of people anxiously awaiting Clingyduo's return, announces that he's just killed Tubbo and had Tommy thrown in Prison, and continues living on the server each day with business as usual. I doubt they'd let him get away with that, and I'm sure he was very aware of that fact.
So. As absurd as it sounds, the best possible way at this point for Dream to convince all of these people he's changed is to...not interact with any of them. At all. For an extended period of time. And what's more effective at facilitating that than willingly putting yourself in a prison cell? Techno's escape probably took a lot longer than he would've liked, sure, but that basic idea is still there.
He knew Tommy would visit him. That revivebook scenario was going to happen regardless of whether Tommy was the one in the cell or not, but now...they're in an enclosed, separated space. One that Dream doesn't have to leave. He isn't the one that needs to walk out of the Prison with Tommy's death message blaring over his head, he isn't the one that needs to explain himself– in a way, he's getting off scott free.
Nobody needs to come and see him. There aren't any chances of someone accidentally catching him in an act. Instead of people making their own judgements on whether he's changed or not due to seeing him every day, he's now got plausible deniability. No one can comment on his actions or manner during that time, because there was no one around to see them.
And now that we appear to be moving towards a 'Boy That Cried Wolf' type of scenario, I have to wonder.
Tommy was only dead for two days. Since Dream was the one stuck in the cell, all anyone saw was Tommy leaving the Prison significantly more shaken up than he was when he'd entered it.
But that's understandable, isn't it? Being trapped for a week in a tight space with someone you don't like would leave anyone a little upset.
The only words they have to go off are Sam's– who is certainly not the most favored person on the server at the moment– Wilbur's, which. as much as I would like people to take Wilbur at his word I think the only person that would legitimately try to do that is Tommy himself, and Tommy's. Frazzled, anxious, Tommy, who...seems to be seeing Dream everywhere he goes recently, hasn't he? And Dream was in there for so long– it really does seem like he's changed. He seems far more composed than Tommy does, certainly. People's minds can conjure anything, if they're scared enough.
Tommy saw the reaction to his death, as well. Even if the server doesn't end up thinking down this route, I wouldn't put it past Dream trying to make Tommy think that they will.
He'll start small, of course. This would be more like the giant snowball at the bottom of the hill. Lord if I want to know what comes before it.
So, tldr; Dream got himself thrown in prison because it was the easiest way to, ironically, make everyone more receptive to viewing him positively/neutrally again.
It's already happening with the new members, after all.
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certified-bi · 2 years
Okay I'm going to rant on y/n and my interpretation of them. So in my head every y/n is the DA. And my reason for that is the mirror. Now it is a perfectly fine interpretation to say the the DA is only in that mirror and can't really be active in the plot. My take is that the mirror trapped them as the observer. They will always be the player character. But think of it less as they are making choices and more like Fix it Felix where Felix follows the commands of the player. Only in this scenario y/n can't break free from the script.
So basically y/n is trapped in the observation role with no way to interact with the other characters but dark outside of videos. That's the only time their form exists to me. Otherwise they are trapped in the mirror. But not just the mirror. In my mind they can see out of any mirror or reflective surface. But they can't be seen and they can't impact the real world. Think they can take a book from a library and carry the mirror version around But the real book never moves and when they leave the library the mirror version resets. So they can see everything and anyone they want.
But they can't interact and they have to be in the same world as dark. I think the mirror travels with him since the DA's soul is linked to the body he's in. I follow a very similar world set up to @/septic-dr-schneep in my head(cause I had these ideas while reading her stuff lol) so the ego world rules for the other characters are the same. But for the DA it works differently because they are the permanent observer. So they see the shifts that come in the egos when Mark makes changes. And unlike the others who just accept them, they can track it much more rationally.
I think they blame dark(who they don't see as their friends but as the house playing pretend). And so they feel angry at him. Because while this was the Actor's plot, the house made him fucked up. And then absorbed the victims and played martyr. And most importantly stole the DA's body and trapped them in eternal hell.
As for the others I think personally the DA is fond of those who were in the manor. Like yes Chef has "killed" them in some videos but... not really. And first he was the weird but ultimately harmless cook. And Abe was trying. Failed, but tried. As for William/Wilford... that's complicated. But presumably they saw the Abe & Will epsiode so they get he's just another victim. And it's not like the DA's hands would be clean if they had a choice.
And for egos that's where things get interesting. Because like with Chef they remember the paths where they were "killed." But again it wasn't really death. Just a game over screen for the player. I think it's again a fondness. They see how everyone else is just a victim of the same game and in my head that creates a fondness. Probably a slightly wary fondness but still fondness.
Then comes my more headcanon/fanfic idea. What if the DA got out? They don't have a traditional body anymore. So it's very ghost like but in my head also based in mirror. So like when they get upset or disappear they crack and shatter like a mirror. Also ghost shit cause angry ghost. And because of the one way connection of the soul and the body, anything Dark does to hurt them reflects on his body, but not the other way around. Because the body knows that's its real soul but the DA isn't connected fully to the body. Mmm so many thoughts.
Edit: I forgot to mention the fact that even if they got out they'd still be stuck as the observer for videos! They'd just be free to move around in the ego world. And not to be able to fully take anyone out. Cause egos aren't killable in the same way.
Also they don't like the Actor but he's more of a secondary issue for them.
They're also mute in my head. Hence why there's no talking and they point when a decision has been made. I also think it might just be in universe bs that makes people able to understand them in videos. Outside of videos in my head only Dark, Google(and Bing), Wilford, and the Actor understand them signing. Google and Bing because they're AI, and the other three because presumably they were at one point friends and learned it.
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blazingsaadi · 3 years
Everything wrong with Demon Slayer. In Bullet Points. Spoilers. Obviously.
•Tanjiro doesn't know what a demon is even though there's no reason why he shouldn't. There are so many around that a whole corp is needed to fight them, people in the village believe it, and Giyu was nearby which implies demons are in the area
•We're never told why the Demon Slayer Corp isn't recognized by the govt, nor does it make sense. Demons have been around for 100s of years as the strongest beings on the planet, with many witnesses and victims to verify their existence
•Tanjiro's setup is not done well. A common trope is for the mc to have a good life and have it taken away. When used correctly, the story takes the time to make us learn and care about the characters. The family is on screen for 2.5mins just to show they're a happy family and they aren't memorable. If I'm wrong give me each of their names, personalities, and guy to girl ratio without googling it
•What is the point of having 5 siblings if they're just going to die in less than 3 minutes? If we don't know the characters there's no reason to care if they die
•The training arc is greatly misused. 2 years in 1.5 eps. Should've been longer to flesh out Tanjro's forms and the overall power system (see my post on that if you're interested)
• It was never explained why Tanjiro could see the ghosts of former students
• Zero reasons to care about Nezuko and her 2-year sleep. We dont know anything about her and we know nothing bad will happen cause she's the entire focus of the mc's mission
• No explanation as to why she slept for 2 years. That may be how she heals, but why that long? Nothing prompted that time
• Nezuko's entire character is being cute. Cute is not a personality trait
• Zenitsu is a bad character. He's comic relief, but he isn't funny. His jokes: he screams, screams about girls, passes out from cowardice. Repeat
•Cant as get invested in fights because we don't know the movesets due to the abilities being specific and restricted (the result of bad training arc)
• Only thing good about the fights is the animation. The choreography is basic and uninspired. MHA is even better in that aspect
• 4 of the 6 lower demon moons were killed for no reason and we never see their abilities. They could and shouldve been used to show progression
• Ranking system is barely used and has 0 references for strength. Tanjiro didnt even know how to check his rank and never did it again
•Tanjiro couldnt beat the 2nd weakest demon moon yet somehow beats the strongest of the lower six, roided up on Muzan's blood, with Inosuke's help
- Said demon not using his full power
is nothing more than plot
•Rengoku dies after the first arc where he's relevant. There's little reason for Tanjiro or the audience to be sad about his death because we barely knew him
• Tanjiro later goes on to talk to Rengoku's family like he knew him his whole life
•The Sound Pillar has a similar issue where he shows up for one arc, we get a bit of info and he's gone for the rest of the story. As for the rest of the pillars, there isn't much to them because we dont get to properly know them
•Example: Snake pillars backstory was shoehorned into the final battle where it had nothing to do with what's going on
•Inosuke gets stabbed in the chest by a poison hook and survived. The Sound Pillar who was trained to fight off poison succumbed to it, but Inosuke is fine because he's "a rugged mountain boy"
•Inosuke still had the strength to decapitate number 6
•Zenitsu randomly has a new ability called Godspeed. Never once mentioned or foreshadowed. Not even in the previous (2nd) training arc after infinity train
•A pillar gets stuck in a water trap by the 5th upper demon moon and cant break through it with his sword. A kid swordsmith fails to do it with a knife, be he somehow blows through it with his lungs
• The comment from the mangaka that the illustrations of the breathing forms are just visual representations and not actually there does not make any kind of sense with a lot of the fights
•Giyu and Tanjiro are losing badly to Demon Moon 3 and only won cause Tanjiro's face looks similar to someone he knew (who we dont care about) and lets himself die cause he Tanjiro helped remembered his past
• Misuse of flashbacks and backstories for most characters. They're either unnecessary, irrelevant to the whole story, or dont contribute anything
•Nezuko is way too op for no reason. The only demon who can recover from sleep, regenerates limbs at the pace of an upper 6 demon moon, gets a whole new transformation which was never explained, doesn't need to sleep to recover the energy, and still has enough power to burn away everyones poison
- her blood demon art is to set HER
BLOOD on fire, so that makes no sense.
There's zero explanation to it so choose
your headcanon
•Nezuko is the chosen one. Literally, she overcomes the sun. Because she can. The asspull was so great it echoed to the main villain, changed his plan, and changed to the overall plot
•Muzan isn't a good villain. Tanjiro just walked up to him and grabbed him like it was nothing. He then didnt kill Tanjiro even though he has the same earrings as another demon slayer who tried to kill him just to keep his human persona.
-Why is he even bothering posing as a human?
-He has a kid that is the result of a demon and
human, how on Earth is that not touched
on?? Was he trying to find the spider lily? If so
how does being around random ordinary
families help? IT'S NEVER EXPLAINED
•Zenitsu goes through a very drastic character change with practically 0 transition (due to his old training partner becoming a demon)
• He uses a brand new form to beat him, which we never saw him develop in the training arc before the fight what so ever
• He goes right back to being the person he was before
• Genya's ability is never explained
• Upper moon 1 says he's seen it before but it's still never explained
• The final fight with Muzan is over 10% of the manga and drags on
•Muzan pulls a "this isnt even my final form"
• Tamiyo claimed she needed the blood of the 12 demon moons to find a way to beat Muzan and heal Nezuko, but just ended working with the insect pillar to develop a poison
• Said poison ages Muzan even though he said to be immortal
• Poison counteracts Muzan by going "this isn't even my final effect" and hinders him in 3 more ways
• Tanjiro becomes a demon for honestly no reason
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x morally grey! reader
Warning: None
Saw something on Pinterest and had an idea.
This will be a new storyline. Not a fic, just the one-shots will be connected, though you'll be able to read all of them separate and it still makes sense. You can send requests for this storyline just put 'Peter Parker x grey!reader'
Morally grey- a character who does too much good to fully be bad, but too much bad to fully be good and their motives are unclear.
Hope you like it!
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Peter had been warned against people like her.
She kept him on his toes, always switching sides. She wasn't like the other villains he'd known.
Mysterio, Scorpion, Otto Octavius. They were bad. There was no doubt about it. They'd each brought some turmoil on the world in one form or another.
They needed to be stopped. So Spiderman stopped them. Simple as that.
But [Y/N]. She was different.
"Watch out for the morally grey ones," Mr. Stark had told him early in his superhero career. "They're the confusing ones. The ones ya just can't fully be mad at."
Natasha was much more clear with her approach. "Take my advice, kid," she said. "Don't make it personal. I've seen how you act with your villains.. one like that, where they're so close to being good, yet so far. One like that would kill your spirit."
And it certainly seemed Peter had finally found his match.
"Give it up, [Y/N]! I always catch you!"
He'd been tracking her for weeks now. At first it seemed she was just a common thief. But she was smart. She had skills. She had plans. And well, if you wear a costume, you can't just be some common thief.
"You forget, Spiderman!," she chirped as she ran, a large, bulging bag on her back. "We're twelve to seven! I've been coming up lately!"
Peter rolled his eyes as he hopped into action. "Is this just a game to you?"
"I'm just saying," she laughed. "Gotta give credit where credit is due!"
Peter scoffed as he swung to catch up. "You say that as you hold a bag of hundreds of people's stolen money!"
This was her fifth time this week. Going to rich people's banks and sneaking past the security systems and stealing their money.
For a few weeks, Peter hadn't eaten. He hadn't slept. He was practically going crazy searching for her. Trying to pin an M.O. to make it a bit easier for himself. But she was untraceable. The only thing he'd found out about her was her name. Which basically led to nothing being that she was practically a nobody. The only time he could see her was when she made herself visible.
Today, she'd hit the bank Norman Osborn had been storing sums of his money into. But hardly anyone knew that. She'd done her research and some heavy snooping.
"It's mostly just Osborn today, he'll find a way to bounce back! He always does!," she yelled, jumping to the last building on the block.
She looked around desperately as she felt her chaser getting closer. She was trapped. "Crap," she muttered.
"Gotcha," Peter whispered to himself as he swung to the building she stood on. Once there, he quickly webbed the bag from her back.
Quickly noticing what he was doing, [Y/N] caught it just as he began to snatch it. She kept a tight hold on it and they began to fight for dominance, stuck in their own little game of tug-of-war.
"Let...go!," Peter grunted.
"Not on your life," she shot back, feeling her feet slide on the concrete. She was about to lose.
They both realized it as her feet began to give way and her body became airborne, almost crashing into Peter before he quickly moved out of the way.
[Y/N] screamed as her entire back crashed into wall of the building. Looking up, she watched as Spiderman grabbed the bag.
"Oh, hell no," she spat.
Peter smirked as he picked up the bag. "Sorry [Y/N]. But I guess it's thirteen to seven now- AGH!"
He collapsed in an instant, feeling something hard sling across his face. It was too hard to be a fist. And God it hurt like hell.
[Y/N] scowled. "You threw me into a wall!," she screamed as hit her nemesis again and again with the butt of her gun. "You asshole!"
Peter grimaced, attempting to grab hold to her wrists and push her off of him. "Well, I didn't BREAK YOUR NOSE!," he hissed through gritted teeth. Luckily, that was the only thing that felt broken of his.
She continued her brutal attack on his upper body, almost as if she's was trying to put the gun through him before he finally got the upper hand and threw her off.
He moved to try to stand, but he fell back down, an entirely new, different pain aside from his face starting.
[Y/N] propped her head up. "Was that your stomach?," she asked.
Aunt May was out of town, so there was no one to make sure Peter had been taking care of himself, which he hadn't. The last thing he'd prepared was a pop-tart, that was still burning in the toaster in his home as he sat on that building.
[Y/N] stood, rubbing her back to relieve some of the pain she felt that was keen on staying. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was your stomach."
Peter scrunched his eyebrows together, confused. Still, he put his fist up to fight, ignoring the heavy and loud rumbling of his stomach.
Rolling her eyes, she threw the gun down. "Well, I'm not gonna fight you now." She moved toward him to pick up the bag he barely had a hold on. Unzipping it and reaching in, she pulled out a few bills and put it in the hand that wasn't pressing his cheek. "Here. Take it."
Peter backed into the wall some more, if that was even possible. "I don't want your dirty money," he protested.
"Well, it's from a rich people bank. It's actually pretty clean," [Y/N] joked before kicking his uninjured leg lightly. "C'mon man, don't be weird just take it, okay?"
"Put the money back in the bag," Peter ordered, making a second attempt to stand. He didn't make it this time either, cursing quietly as he fell back to the ground. Was he hurt or was he just really tired he asked himself.
"You need to eat something."
Peter frowned, wrapping both arms around his grumbling stomach. "You need to mind your own business."
[Y/N] stepped forward slowly, arms held out in front of her, palms up. "You fainted on me last week, remember idiot? And I can hear how hungry you are now." She walked a bit closer, picking up the bills her enemy had thrown on the ground, then looked back up to him. "If you won't take the money, at least let me buy you some food," she bargained.
Peter watched the mixed expressions flicker on her face. Annoyance. Concerned? She sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Look Spiderman, you help everyone. Let someone help you for once. Don't let your pride stop you from taking the help you need to continue saving lives, okay?" She smiled crookedly. "To continue stopping people like me."
Peter stared, mouth agape. "[Y/N], what is this?," he questioned. "You're not nice.. you're rude, a-and you only care about yourself." He winced, shuffling to lay his back on the wall of the building you'd thrown him into moments before.
"Well, I've always preferred 'rough around the edges', but okay," she snickered, rolling her eyes and then looking down at the ground right in front of his feet. This was completely out of her element, but she couldn't help but feel like she was obligated to do it.
"Alright, but.. you hate me," Peter said, looking up to see her completely unreadable face.
She finished stuffing the rest of the money in her bag. "I think you've got me messed up with Doc Oc," she said, wiping off her pants, getting ready to help Spider-man up. "I'm not like most of them, y'know. Us villains aren't all the same. Some of us actually do have some morals."
He watched as she looked around, muttering to herself. If it were anybody else, they wouldn't have heard her. But with his senses, Peter heard her loud and clear.
'God, give me strength.'
She held her hand out to him. "Come on, let me get you outta here, Spider."
Underneath his mask, Peter's frown deepened. "No, I got it... just go, okay?" He still had a hold on the bag with his webs. He was offering her a chance to escape.
"Don't be an idiot, dude," she scolded. "I just pistol-whipped you. Even if you swing, I'm sure all that wind blowing on your cuts and bruises wouldn't be comfortable..."
Peter blew out a breath. He knew she didn't really want this. So why was she so insistent? She was a criminal and he was the hero. Simple as that. Or at least, it's supposed to be.
But now she was helping him? Offering him a meal? He hated to admit it, but at this moment, he preferred criminals like Doc Oc or Green Goblin. At least they didn't confuse him like this.
But she's didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. And he did still need to take the cash she'd stolen. So swallowing his pride, he chuckled. "Um, [Y/N]... look.."
And now they were in the Olive Garden parking lot.
She'd helped clean most of his cuts in her car (his mask only going up to his nose of course).
After he'd had a bit of time to calm down, he turned his face toward her. "So, um, there's no drive-thru?"
The villain scoffed lightly. "Hell no," she responded. "I'm not throwing my whole day off on you. We're movin' on my schedule bucko. And anytime I lose against you, and not get thrown in lockup, I go drink, okay? That cool with you?," you teased. "Or are you gonna tell me how unhealthy that is Mr. Superhero Guy?"
Peter huffed. "Well, you can go eat. But I'm not taking off my mask. I'll stay here."
"And let you steal back my cash? I don't think so," she retorted.
"So what?," he asked, frankly annoyed at this point. "Spider-Man just walks into an Olive Garden with a random girl?"
"Wouldn't be that way if you'd just take off your mask," [Y/N] defended. "Then it'd just be two random people walking into an Olive Garden."
"That's not an option."
Tapping on the dashboard, she groaned. "C'mon, I take my mask off in front of you all the time! You know who I am. Why can't I know who you are?"
"You don't care about keeping your identity a secret because you have nothing to lose. I'm not the same. I want my loved ones to be safe."
"That's implying that I'd hurt someone you love, Spider-Man. I'm not sadistic," [Y/N] corrected.
Peter frowned. "You literally pistol-whipped me about an hour ago."
"And I just spent that last hour nursing your wounds," she shot back.
"Sometimes you go out of your way to beat me up though."
"That's because sometimes you aggravate me," she laughed. "Occasionally, you deserve to get punched in the face."
It was quiet again.
Until two minutes later Spiderman's stomach growled once again.
"Look dude, we could always pass you off as a overenthusiastic cosplayer?," she offered. "You wouldn't have to take off your mask that way, but you would get weird looks."
For probably the hundredth time since starting his hunt on her, Peter rolled his eyes. "Why do you want me to eat so much anyway?"
"I don't care about you if that's what you're suggesting," she said. "I just don't like people going hungry. And it's obvious you're not taking care of yourself." Her eyes shifted a bit. "And what's the fun in beating you if I'm not beating you at your highest, right?"
Peter chuckled at [Y/N]'s excuse. "Right.."
And now they were sat at a table. [Y/N] in a cute shirt she had in her car and some jeans. Peter still in his Spiderman suit.
Awkward, to say the least.
But the stares from waiters were the least of Peter's worries.
'What am I doing???'
He should've left hours ago. He should've grabbed the money and returned it and taken this girl to jail.
But the more he talked to her, and the way she nursed his wounds without question and gave him some food. It made him think of all the other things he hadn't noticed before.
How she only stole from the rich (which was very bad of course but way better than just taking from everybody). How she never went for kill shots, or even for spots that'd cause heavy injury.
She was a bad guy, yes. But maybe she wasn't a bad guy.
"I'm sorry for that time I shot you, by the way," she spoke in the middle of their meal. "It was meant to just be a warning shot. But you moved and it got your leg. It's been bugging me for a long time. That didn't take too long to heal, did it?"
Peter shook his head as he chewed his food.
"Good," she said. "Also for pistol-whipping you earlier today. I kinda got carried away."
"Yeah, I could tell. It hurts to chew right now," he said.
"Well my back still hurts from being thrown into a wa-"
"Why do you steal?," Peter cut in to ask.
Without any hesitation, [Y/N] responded. "It's just my way."
He frowned. "Just your way?," he repeated. "Haven't you-"
"Don't want a job. Tried them and didn't like them. And there's nothing more schools can teach me. Stealing has the thrill I love and it helps me to get around and, if the opportunity presents itself, to help somebody out."
Peter stared, dumbfounded. So [Y/N] was a good person...who just happened to like stealing? But then that else make her a bad person.
How could one person be so contradictory?
"You are an enigma," Peter marveled.
"Thank you," she replied, taking a sip of her wine.
When it came time to leave, [Y/N] paid and they made their way out of the building, actually laughing together and enjoying themselves.
They made their way back to her car. [Y/N] smiled. "Well, thanks for that, even though I never saw your face the whole time," she giggled. "Wait, does this count as a date? I'm sorta dressed up and you're probably in the best suit you've ever worn." She pinched at a spot of his suit on his shoulder. "Had a semi-fancy dinner-"
Peter held his head back and laughed. "I mean, I guess if you want it to, then it does. But I'm still gonna arrest you if I catch you again."
[Y/N] smirked. "And I'm still gonna steal, so.."
"Right..," Peter sighed. It wasn't like he thought he could actually change her in one night. But someone so insistent on doing a bad thing.
So close, yet so far...
Which made him remember..
"Oh yeah!," he exclaimed as he bursts off running towards the car, leaving a confused [Y/N] behind him.
She didn't get a chance to ask what he was doing before he kicked and busted the tires of her car and broke one of the windows to reach in and steal the bag of money inside.
Jumping onto her car, he pulled his mask up to right above his mouth. "Thanks for the meal! Gotta blast! Remember to stay off the streets!," Peter yelled before he jumped into the air.
Shocked, [Y/N] stood there frozen. "I-i, I-i.... I'M GONNA KILL YOU, SPIDERMAN!!!"
"You say that a lot!," he joked. "I'm beginning to doubt your commitment!"
"How'd it go, underoos?," Tony asked early the next morning.
Peter looked up from his computer with a unreadable expression on his face. "Hey Mr. Stark," he started. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I think I met one of those villains you used to talk about. The good but bad ones?"
Tony crossed his arms. "And?"
"I think we're kinda friends..."
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helloalycia · 5 years
cheater [three] | kara danvers
summary: Kara catches on to the way you're distancing yourself from her and tries to get to the bottom of it.
warning/s: none (I think?).
author's note: This is the final part to the mini imagine so I hope you like it! I'll be posting a lena one tomorrow :)
part one | part two | masterlist | wattpad
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A few weeks had passed since Anna had spoken to me, and in those few weeks, I had become more aware of how I was treating those I cared about. Specifically, Kara.
I still hung out with her and spoke to her, obviously, but I was cautious as to how much of myself I was giving out. I didn't want to appear reliant, clingy or annoying towards her. She didn't deserve that and I didn't want to risk her leaving me because of it. We still went out for lunch and hung out at each other's flats, but it was less frequent than usual. Anytime I thought I was inputting my opinion into her life, I drew back. If we were hanging out, I cut it a little shorter. I didn't want her to feel trapped.
I thought it was going well, really well actually. I thought I was doing it right, having her as a friend without suffocating her with my apparent power to over-care. But then she confronted me about it and I knew I'd screwed up.
I was photocopying something when she approached me, cornering me in against the photocopier.
"Hey," I greeted her, smiling politely before realising she wasn't smiling back. "What's up?"
"I'm hoping you can tell me," she said, crossing her arms.
"I don't understand."
She sighed, her blue eyes staring back at me with confusion. "Did I do something wrong? Have I upset you somehow? Are you angry at me?"
I immediately shook my head, stepping forward to place a hand on her crossed arms. "Kara, no, of course not! What's made you think that?"
She breathed out through her nose, uncrossing her arms. "You've been very withdrawn recently. I feel like I may have offended you somehow."
I pursed my lips, feeling my face go warm. "You haven't... I don't understand. Things are good between us. We hang out. We talk."
"Barely," she added. "You seem off with me. Distant."
I tried to laugh it off. "Kara, I don't get it. I'm fine!"
Her blue eyes darkened as she searched my expression curiously. "No, you aren't... I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong."
I gave her a knowing, albeit, nervous look. "Kara."
She shook her head, jaw locked with certainty. I tried to walk away, but she blocked my exit by stepping in front of me. I tried to side step her, but she simply followed, cornering me in with the photocopier.
"Kara, this is stupid and you know it," I complained, no longer joking now.
"What's stupid is how you've been acting lately," she said, just as seriously. "What is going on with you?"
I upheld her stare, determined not melt under her gaze and give in. I tried again to get out of that corner, but she was too quick and way stronger than me, so she stopped me every time. I sighed, feeling my stomach twist uncomfortably.
"It's not a big deal," I said quietly, avoiding her eyes.
"What isn't?"
I chewed the inside of my cheek nervously, before realising I had no other choice but to tell her the truth. I couldn't lie to Kara – she'd see right through me.
"Anna spoke to me a few weeks ago," I said, in a nonchalant way, hoping Kara would realise it wasn't an issue. "She told me she loved me still and wanted to get back together."
Kara's expression faltered as she widened her eyes with surprise. "What?"
"It was dumb on her part," I explained, feeling a sudden urge to let Kara know I wasn't interested. "I've moved on."
Kara pursed her lips with concentration as I continued.
"I reminded her that she cheated on me and she basically told me why," I said, giving a small smile to hopefully refute the pain that was returning in my heart. "I am apparently too loving to those I care about."
I breathed out slowly, losing my smile. "She said I was too good. Too perfect. Too caring. I was too suffocating and so I pushed her away. It's dumb because I know I shouldn't care what she says, but it stuck with me."
Kara had an unreadable expression and I began to feel guilty.
"Look, Kara, I'm really sorry," I said, meeting her eyes. "I never wanted to make you feel like you were doing something wrong. I just, I thought that if I backed off a little... you know, gave you some space. Cared a little less. That you might stay around. I didn't... I didn't want to risk pushing you away like I did with Anna. I'm... I'm really sorry..."
I waited for a response, verbally or even a hint of an expression, but she simply stared at me with frozen eyes. I genuinely thought I'd screwed up, that she was fed up of my shit and was ready to call it a day with our friendship. Instead, she said nothing and stormed off angrily.
"Kara!" I called after her, before following her down the hall.
She was quick, as she manoeuvred around everybody, eyes searching the offices for somebody, I didn't know who. I kept calling her, trying to catch up to her but bumping into several colleagues instead. What was she up to?
I saw as she found who she was looking for – Anna – and widened my eyes, realising what would happen.
"You are the most selfish, egotistical, manipulative woman I have ever met!" she yelled, storming towards Anna and getting in her face. "How dare you make Y/N question her relationships, our friendship!"
"What the hell are you talking about, Danvers?" Anna growled, pushing Kara back.
Kara seemed furious as I finally reached them. People were beginning to take notice of the two angry women and I managed to step between them before things escalated further.
"Woaaaaah, Kara, calm down," I said, blocking her vision of Anna and instead trying to get her to look at me. "Kara."
"You didn't deserve her." Kara glared daggers to Anna just before I managed to drag her away.
Reluctantly, Kara followed as I led her to a deserted conference room – anywhere to get away from Anna and what I was sure would soon be a fist fight if I hadn't stepped in.
"Kara, what the they hell?!" I shouted after closing the door.
Kara's jaw was clenched with anger as she shook her head. "I never liked her! She's always thought she was the best! That she could have anything she wanted!"
"She hurt you!" she yelled, finally meeting my eyes. "It's her fault, all of this!"
My mouth closed as I breathed out through my nose, trying to find some way to argue her point, but she was right.
"She cheated because she's a horrible person, not because you care too much," she said with certainty. "One of the best things about you, Y/N, is that you care as much as you do. You make people feel seen and you make them feel good. And that isn't a bad thing at all!"
I felt embarrassed as she spoke, mostly because when she said it, it seemed right. Like I couldn't question it at all and that everything I thought about myself was false. Kara always sounded so certain that one couldn't help but want to believe her.
"She is hurting you even when you let her go," she said, swallowing hard. "She never deserved you, Y/N. And I hate that she's made you doubt yourself."
I didn't think Kara cared this much, yet she seemed so invested and it made me feel good, to know I had someone who actually cared.
"She never deserved you," she stated, her eyes glassy. "I'm sorry for shouting and getting angry, but she never did."
Seeing her this upset made me feel guilty, and also hurt. I didn't think it would have this much of an effect on her.
"You're a great person, Y/N, one of the best I know. And you deserve someone who can see that. Someone like..." She paused, locking her jaw as she glanced at the ceiling before meeting my eyes. "Someone like me."
It took me a moment to realise what she'd said, and when I made sense of it, I was taken aback.
"Someone... someone like you?"
"Yes," she said, blue eyes softening as each second passed.
I felt my heart beating quickly the longer she stared, and it only intensified when she stepped closer to me, enough for me to feel the warmth of her skin.
Her eyes darted to my lips very obviously and I found myself drawn to hers, wanting to feel them against mine. She raised her hand, pressing it to my cheek, causing me to look her in the eyes again.
"How long?" I got out, feeling stupid for not realising sooner.
She licked her lips. "A long time."
I didn't know what to say, how to respond to that. It made sense though, now that I thought about it. Especially with how protective she'd been over me when it came to Anna. I thought it was her being a good friend, but it was a lot more than that.
Her other hand rested on my waist, sending shivers up my spine, before she moved closer and pressed her lips against mine. I closed my eyes and let her, resting a hand on her chest and returning the kiss.
I didn't realise how much I'd wanted to kiss her until now when it was actually happening. She was gentle yet passionate and I knew that she'd been bottling this up for awhile now, since she was kissing me like she was afraid it would be the first and last.
We pulled away soon enough, to my dismay, and I found myself staring into her pools of blue, attempting to puzzle together the confusion that was my brain.
"I think...," she spoke gently, her breath tickling my lips because of how close we still were. "I think that you deserve better than her. That you deserve me. And I'm here. If you want me."
I was still catching my breath as she looked between my eyes, calm and collected. I didn't know what to say – everything was happening quickly, too quick for me to keep up.
"And if you don't, which it seems you don't," she continued, stepping back and smiling awkwardly, "I can be your friend. Though that might be a little strange now."
I watched as she backed up awkwardly, nearing the door.
"Kara, that's not it," I spoke, earning her attention. "I don't– I don't know what to say. This happened quite fast and... I'm still trying to acknowledge the fact that you, well, you like me."
"I didn't mean to confuse you," she said, pressing her lips together as she nodded. She opened the door and glanced at me. "I'll go. Sorry if this messed things up. I just couldn't hold it in any longer and you deserved to know the truth."
I watched as she smiled once more before leaving. I tried to think of something to say to stop her, but I was still tongue-tied. And then she was gone.
I knocked on Kara's door and waited impatiently for her to answer. I could barely keep still, all of my thoughts wanting to burst out of my head. I had so much to say to her and I was never good with my words, but I didn't have time to write this down – I had to let her know how I felt.
She finally answered the door and seemed confused, but she smiled nonetheless.
"Hey, Y/N..."
"I should have come sooner, but my mind has only just decided to co-operate with my heart, so I'm here now," I explained, knowing it didn't quite make sense when I said it aloud.
She nodded slowly, still staring at me with furrowed eyebrows. She stood to the side, signalling for me to come in and I did, glad to not be stood in the same spot.
When she closed the door, I spun around and breathed out.
"You want a drink?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No, no, I just need to tell you this," I said, cutting straight to the point. "You've helped me through a lot, and it probably would have taken a lot longer for me to be okay after everything that happened with Anna if it wasn't for you."
Kara nodded, looking like she wanted to speak, but thankfully, she let me continue.
"I care about you a lot, Kara. I do. I don't want to lose you, not now that I know what it's like to have you in my life. I thought that the way I cared about you was platonic. But then you told me everything you did and you kissed me and it was... it was perfect." I breathed out slowly. "I don't want to lose that."
"Why do you keep saying that?" Kara finally spoke up, shaking her head. "Why do you think I'm going to leave?"
I chewed on my lower lip as I glanced at my shoes. "As I said yesterday, I tend to care too much and evidently, that makes people want to leave. Or in my case, cheat."
"And as I said yesterday, that's completely false," she said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently. "I would never do that to you."
"I'm not saying you will," I said, shaking my head. "I just, I don't want you to think that... god this doesn't make sense..." I groaned to myself. "I know what I want to say, but it makes no sense."
"Tell me what you're scared of," she said sternly, eyes glued to mine with a look of determination. "Tell me exactly what you're thinking, Y/N."
I avoided her eyes as I tensed my jaw nervously. "You're not like her... I know you're not." I rolled my eyes at how silly I sounded. "But I overthink. And I can't help but wonder if it'll happen again. We might get together and it might be great, but then I'll do something wrong and you'll get tired. And I don't think... I don't think I could take that. Especially if it meant losing you."
"Y/N, are you going to look at me?"
I reluctantly raised my head to meet her eyes.
"Do you remember when we first met?" she asked, her blue eyes sparkling beautifully.
I wondered what relevance that had, but I nodded. "Yeah... you showed me around when I first got the reporter job. You were Miss Grant's assistant back then."
She smiled reminiscently. "Exactly. And do you remember when we first properly hung out?"
I nodded. "You asked if I wanted to get coffee together because we had the same break."
"Yep. And what about when we exchanged numbers?"
"Kara, I don't understand wha–"
"Just answer," she said, giving me a knowing look. "I have a point."
"Okay... you asked me to add your number when you said you couldn't find your phone and I rang it off mine. It was under your desk."
"And do you really think I misplaced my phone under my desk?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow.
I pulled a face. "Well... now that you say it aloud, it sounds kinda dumb."
"Uh-huh. Now, what about the first time we hung out outside of work?" she asked, smiling at me adorably now.
I was growing agitated, mostly confused at what her point was. Nonetheless, I answered. "We were tracking down some contacts for an article and finished pretty late. You asked me if I wanted Potstickers at a place you know."
"Okay, I know you wanna slap me for all these questions, so I'll cut to the point," she said with an amused smile. "One more question though. Do you know what all of those instances have in common?"
I sighed. "No idea, Kara."
She began to play with my fingers between her hands as she chuckled. "It was me who asked you everything. I initiated our friendship always. I always wanted to hang out. One may argue that I am the clingy one in our friendship."
She was smiling knowingly, but I was still confused.
She laughed at my expression. "Your fear? Of being the overly-caring one? Of pushing me away because you're too involved? It's been proven wrong by the likes of me. It's impossible for me to leave because I'm the one who doesn't leave you alone. I'm the one who wants to be around you."
I realised what she was saying and didn't know how to respond. Once again, Kara Danvers had a way of sounding right and making me feel wrong. I had no choice but to believe her words.
"That time I asked you to go out with me for coffee? That was when I began to like you," she admitted. "And the time I asked you to get Potstickers, that was when I fell in love with you. Which, by the way, is another thing you should consider. I'm in love with you, Y/N. And I know you probably don't feel the same, but you should know. Because that means I loved you first, which means, once again, I'm being super clingy."
I felt my lips lifting into a suppressed smile as she watched me confidently, a comforting smile on her lips.
"I'm here, if you want me," she said seriously, though her eyes were gentle as they stared through mine. "I promise you won't lose me."
I breathed out, feeling my eyes go blurry a little. Her revelation had made me a lot more emotional than I thought, but it was good. My heart was swelling with adoration, the first in a long, long time.
"Well, firstly, fuck you for making me cry," I said, letting go of her hand to wipe the corners of my eyes. She laughed as I met her eyes again. "Secondly, you're the only person I've ever met to say things as sweet as those. Thank you."
"I meant every word," she promised.
I cracked a small smile. "Thirdly... you really fancied the shit out of me back when we first met, didn't you?"
She rolled her eyes playfully, but her cheeks were turning pink; it was my turn to laugh.
"What do you say to giving us a shot?" she said, staring at me, a hint of hope in her expression.
I nodded. "I want to make this work. I actually fancy the shit out of you, too, Kara."
Her smile widened into a grin, making her eyes squint up adorably.
"I think it's my turn to initiate something," I joked, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips.
I knew that I would always worry about my relationships, second-guess genuine actions and hesitate over little things – it was inevitable after what Anna did to me – but one thing I was certain of was Kara. It would work out, despite my fears. She reassured me always.
I trusted her.  
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mikaa-exe · 5 years
Demon hunter au | Demon!Hyunjin x DemonHunter!Reader
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Requested by @jung-snoopy-woo, thank you so much for your kind words ^^
•Gender neutral reader
•fluff uwu
•some swear words here and there
•might have some typos but I'll fix them asap if I find any
We don't want to brag here but
You kinda were the best demon hunter of your area
Those naughty creatures got nothing on you
You were always one step ahead
You've been doing this for so long that you already knew every trick they would use to mislead you, every action and almost every face and name -_-
And you could see that they were scared of you, even if they didn't show it
You're basically a whole badass reader damn!!
Let's give some context here
So there's been demons around since before you were born
They aren't the evil bloodthristy creatures that you normally find in books or movies
Well most of them aren't
Some of them kill and do that whole satan thing but the rest are chill most of the time
They're just a pain in the butt jesus
The demons love to be mischievous and play tricks on every one
They steal not because they need money or products but because they love chaos
They go to peoples houses just to mess with their closets and dishes
They eat your food before you can even finish cooking it
They even steal candies from children >:( those bastards
So it's your job to capture these creatures when they get too out of control
You're amazing but there is one specific demon that haunts your nightmares
Hwang Hyunjin -_-
This demon has been YOUR pain in the butt for almost 6 years now!!
The first time he appeared was in your bedroom, you were about to fall asleep when you felt your hair being pulled from behind you
Boy you were hella fast to jump from your bed and grab the closest thing to you in that moment, which was YOUR GUN- no I'm joking, it was a knife, you don't bring guns to bed, that's gross
You looked around but it was too dark to see anything so you sneackly walked to the switch and BAM
No one was there
The fuck
Now at this point you were positive it was a demon but why wasn't he showing itself or attacking you again? That's not common of them
-"Did you lose something?"
The voice behind you made you jump and hit your head in the light that hanged from the wall
Well ouch that was really unecessary
You looked up and--
Wow hello cutie
The little shit had the audacy to l a u g h
- "Aren't you supposed to be the best demon hunter here?"
You gave this little shit your scariest gaze
At least the scariest you could while sitting on the floor with your hair all over the place
-"WhY? dO yOu hAvE A pRoBlEm SiR?"
-"Mmh idk... Thought you'd be taller"
And just like that he desapeared, leaving you on the floor still trying to digest what the heck had happened here
So there you go, that's how you two met
From that day on he made sure to visit you almost everyday
He's the one who switches your socks right before you go out just to see you wearing mismatching socks like an idiot
He puts salt on your morning cereal and sugar on your lunch
He goes to school with you and just follows you everywhere
-"Is this what you chose to wear to school? Geez"
-"vxhdbxvvx can you not"
-"That girl is looking at you funny, you should spit on her"
-"WtF sPiT?!"
-"Omg the teacher asked you a question and you're taking this long to answer?"
-"Shut up I'm thinking!!!"
-"What if you stood up right now and started dancing the floss?"
-"Why would I do that?"
-"Why aren't you talking to me? :("
-"Hyunjin I am in class and I don't want to talk"
-"Why do you keep responding then?"
-"I'm about to punch you so hard--"
-"You can't, you're in class"
You would laugh at how ridiculous this situation was if it had nothing to do you with you
You tried everything to get Hyunjin to leave you alone
Demon traps, boxes, holy water because why not
You tried violence once but the best you managed to do was throwing him some cookies
Guess what
You missed
And you waisted some perfectly good cookies :(
You're not a violent person in general bUT THIS BOY AHH
You even tried talking to him at one point about this whole situation but he was too busy drawing on your kitchen walls with tomato sauce
It was starting to get to you so you reported him to your superiors but they said they didn't have any complains about a demon named Hyunjin
So that means this idiot is only here to mess with you and you only
Let's be fair
He never seemed interested in actually hurting you or doing anything too mean
He just seemed to want your attention God knows why
So if you're stuck dealing with him might as well try and enjoy this situation
What do people usually say?
If you can't win, join them
Instead of yelling at him or throwing him your book collection for the third time you asked how his day went and even offered him some cookies
Let's just say he was s h o o k
He just stood there, mouth open and completly lost
You?! Being nIcE to him?!
Is this a joke, where are the cameras?!
The only thing he managed to say was a shy "Good.." and a mumbled "no thanks"
O M G :o
The demon that's capable of spending the whole night talking about God knows what is out of words .. WOW!
The next day you found him repainting his old masterpiece on your kitchen wall but with mustard this time
You quietly walked up to him and replaced the mustard in his hand with a rug
-"I like this smell better"
He looked down with the face of someone who was having an existential crisis and started cleaning your wall
You smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up to which he responded with a blink and a worried smile
So yeah, from that day foward you tried being nice to him and understanding his needs and actions
And if we're being honest here
He wasn't all that bad when you got to know him better
Aparently the other demons didn't like him that much so he tried to find other ways to entertain himself
You thought maybe boddering you was his way of expressing himself??
He thought that was the only way he could get your attetion
So you tried teaching him how to help instead of being annoying
He still went to school with you but now he insisted to help by carrying some of your stuff
He was quieter during classes and even started answering some questions on a notebook that you offered him
Maybe it was out of boredom but you were so happy!!
He was learning and that was so good and adorable! ^w^
He asked for your help sometimes with the things he couldn't solve
And you thought he looked so cute when he would bite your pencil whenever a harder question came up
You two started doing homework together and he was getting so much better at each subject
You felt like a proud mother :')
He would now watch you while you cooked for you both and would occasionally ask some questions like why did you put that in there or why were you mixing the ingredients with a fork and not a spoon
So you tried teaching him how to cook
Let's just say he was a whole m e s s
So after hours of intense baking you ended up with a weird red mix and some mashed potatoes
Your kitchen was dirty, sticky, slippery and oN FIRE OMG!!!!!!
After a visit from the fire department Hyunjin promised he would be more careful and ask you before turning on anything
You also discovered he was a whole teddy bear
Omg this boy was so soft and cuddly
He's such a clingy demon but he was also kinda shy, specially at first
He started by getting closer to you until your shoulders touched but if you looked at him with a questioning gaze he would immediately push you to the ground and run away with a evil laugh and some flushed cheeks
Whenever you had free time you two would do a movie marathon that always ended up with holding hands or falling asleep on each other
He once had the brilliant idea that you two should definitely watch a horror movie one night
He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to prove you how strong he was and how he could protect you
But it didn't go like he had hoped to
You two ended up a trembling mess of limbs, cuddled up to each other as Hyunjin whispered how bad of an idea that was and how it was all your fault
Some days you would just arrive home totally exhausted and Hyunjin would make you some warm tea and cuddle you on the sofa until you fell asleep
He'd try to stay awake in case you wanted to move or go to your room but you were so warm and cozy that he was gone not even a minute after you
He'd also insist on doing your hair when you were going out
He loved it and he had a lot of fun so anytime he had the opportunity he would ask you to let him help
At first you ended up with a mess of braids and accessories that formed a weird nest on your head
You ended up going out like that
But he got better with time
Whenever you had to leave him alone at home you would write him a list of things for him to do and others that he shouldn't even attempt to
You arrived later and found your house a little messier than before and Hyunjin cleaning a weird green goo that mysteriously fell on the floor
Y o u r f l o o r
But you couldn't be mad at him now, specially because when Hyunjin saw you he tackled and trapped you in a big bear hug that immediately melted all your anger
How can someone be so cute Hwang Hyunjin wHAT IS HE DOING TO YOU
How dare he mess with your feelings this way
You two started opening up more and more to each other and BAM that's how you got your super demon best friend :D
His mischievous side wasn't all gone, he still pranked you once in a while but now you were sure it wasn't for the sake of being mean
And he made sure to compensate you with cuddles, an attempt of a meal or a gift made of things he found around the house
It so was weird
At first you couldn't handle him but now you two are inseparable!
It's unusual but you both make it work
Your own way ^^
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chisanluv · 5 years
Schadenfreude (Overhaul/Kai Chisaki x Reader) Chapter. 1
Based in the movie Saw
I will post this chapters in Wattpad too!
( Please keep in mind that this contains explicit violence and gore. Also, my native language isn't English but I do the best I can ! )
The three tall men walked inside of 'The Casino's Life', one of the most appreaciated casinos in Japan, full of alcohol, cigarette and strippers. Some people were on the machines, while the other part was playing cards. The Yakuza boss from the group scoffed and ajusted his mask, the toxic air was enough to make him upset.
Not so far away from them, Shimasu Damasu (also, more known by the name of 'Card's Master') was sitting on a big but plain chair, surrounded by women and some men that had their faces red thanks to anger. He was pretty known because of his high status and 'good luck' with Casinos in the 'normal' life, while in the underground he would be one of the best people to ask for 'clasificated' information. His work wasn't cheap, thought.
He simply smiled after he had eye contact with some amber eyes.
-" You came pretty early, Overhaul. "-
-" I could say the same thing "- stated Overhaul, taking a chair in front of the table. -" So, how many information do you have about the new one ? "-
Card's just sighed, it was one of those weird occasions where he felt fear and danger about a new wanted person.
Three months ago, twenty-six people went missing in the same day; twenty were important people, both women and men. The other six were middle class people.
The problem was that all of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.
The first one that was noted was the most famous and important of all the twenty-six people, this man was described by his people as a selfish, ungrateful, cold and racist man. He would normally make racist comments and also offend many of his costumers.
The second one, was more pleasant at least. He was a layer, had good reputation and a really good life. The problem was that the infamous layer would always make his best to protest against homosexual people, and support pedophiles. Of course, he kept all of this in secret, but everything went to the light after his missing.
Most of the other missing people were alcoholic, thieves and drugs addicts. In addition of that, all the women in the list where prostitutes who worked in various casinos ( including The Casino's Life ). Obviously, this caused a huge impact, sending waves of terror in the city.
At first, the police and heroes that were working on the case thought that the kidnapping of the victims was for gaining easy money, but days after the incident there was no call or any proof that could hold the theory.
No investigator or hero had a clue, but afterwards of important searching the missing people's life, they saw a patron on it.
From star to end, all of them had done illegal things, 17 could be considered villains of low level but the most notable thing was how ungrateful and brats they were. The common sense hit the heroes like a truck.
The time was very curious, it went from exactly 7am to 6pm. It was like the kidnapper knew how many time would cost to the assistants or bosses to take note about their disappearance.
The case was extremely hard to pick parts and proofs.
After the news were spread, one man from the cell decided to speak. Normally, prisoners who want to give information would ask for a reward, but he didn't ask for anything, so it was like a plus to the police. The information given from the thief wasn't a lot, but it kind of helped.
The man who talked simply said that it was the kidnapper's fault of why his teammates were dead. Just because they tried to sneak up into their place for robbing some guns and knives.
Somehow, the base were this person keeps people had an 'air poision' that made everybody who smells it quirkless for 24 hours. Making everyone really weak, specially because many of them never went to train or cared about their strength, thinking that their quirks would 'keep them safe'.
After explaining many parts of the case, Damasu decided to make a disappointment face, it was the first time that there wasn't any explanation or description of the kidnapper.
But the worst part was when the Heroes found all the lifeless corpses of the missing people.
It was so disgusting.
Some of them didn't even have their faces or skin; You could literally see all the putrefact bones, flesh and organs that were cut and ripped apart from the bodies. Hell, one of them had all of his body intact, but his chest was stabbed 12 times and in his face, one of his eyes was out, with his mouth all wide open without any teeth.
Every single soul was disgusted. The heroes were literally speechless, frozen and scared, while the villains were quite surprised. Sure, they weren't good people but that was reallly repugnant for them. Never in their life they saw and/or heard such cruel and bloody torture. Just what kind of monster could do something so inhuman like that ?
It may be a coincidende, but half of the tortured and death people had a debt with the Yakuza. And that's why Overhaul got a little spark of interest in this new criminal.
Everyone was asking the same question:
What kind of quirk could they have ?
Because you obviously need help to do such torture.
Apart from that, the searching of this criminal was exahusting; no clues or good information were found. Obviously, many investigators left the case because there was nothing to do about but pray. Pray so this massacre wouldn't happend ever again.
There you were. Sitting in your black chair, staring into the screens while you took a bite of your hamburguer.
Everything that you could see and hear throught the cameras was pathetic.
The heroes were discussing with the police about you, and how they must continue with your case.
You used one of your last victims to hack into security cameras of the city and the police that was trying to investigate you. Sadly, the man didn't past your test and died in the process. Huh, he could have been a good tool but he wasn't good enough, so he getting a painful death didn't affect you. Actually, he deserved it, even if he passed the test he'd try to charge back at you with anything that he could find in your base and that would have end up with his blood everywhere, and you didn't want that.
Just the first time in a long time that you decided to open up a little and you got betrayed. Idiots. They got involved in your traps and ended up killing themselves.
Your work is pretty dangereous, thought. But you don't really need help in kidnapping other people, so it's better if you work alone.
But lord help'em
All people faces that you saw when they found the bodies were priceless. They are 'heroes', aren't they supposed to be used to see things like that?
The thought alone made you chuckle. If they can't stand that they won't be able for the next time.
You decided to select heroes in this round. The list is of only 10 people, but that doesn't matter. After all, they must experiment your traps and see if they are worh living or not. This time, you could take an assistant ! Of course, it can be impossible because they are of low level, but you'll teach them many things.
It was weird how people couldn't see from another point of view. Everyone had the same idea, that you were the one who killed them.
That was a horrible lie.
You didn't kill them. Actually, they were so deseperated to get out that they ended up killing themselves, such as stabbing, betraying each other and more things.
And it finished in their deaths.
Basically, or they get stuck/committe an error in your traps and kill themselves in the way, or they betray each other. Not even caring about listening your instructions.
Mentioning betray made you think about that guy.
He almost gets it. He scaped his first test, helped 3 other people but in his half way his teammates decided to use him. All because they didn't listen to the instructions.
You almost feel pity for him.
What kind of trap could you use the next time? Huh, maybe the buckets are a good option.
Finishing your hamburger, you started to move with your chair that has small wheels between traps being worked on, broken dolls, and unfinished books, leading to your photo's section while you slowly hummed a sweet lullaby.
I know this is short but this is just the prologue so yeah
Chapters will have between 3.000 and 9.000 word
I hope you like my story!
Started 20/July/2019
Finished 00/Month/0000
Next chapter: In progress
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