alesseia · 1 year
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week (Mar 28)
Percy Jackson meets Undertale meets Avatar: The Last Airbender
Axel, a young child with no one but their father for company, leaves their childhood home to discover that the rest of the world is magic, and that fate isn't a kind storyteller.
love of all kinds (familial, friendship, romance, and self-love)
finding a place to belong when you're an outsider
identity and what it means to be you despite everything
Current Update: Book 1 is being drafted
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WIP-relevant Links: WIP intro | WIP tag
Content Warnings:
strong language
fantasy violence
death of minor and major supporting characters
queerphobia (both external and internalized)
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Moon+Seraph Pitch Week March 2023
The Godfather meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer in...
The Incubucks
The Santorini mafia is a crime syndicate made up of seven head families. Each have a son who is expected to take over once their fathers are gone, but these young men are pushed into the fray before their time as their consigliere is abruptly replaced. The new one  - who simply goes by Comet - is enigmatic and strangely young for the job but Rudolph, heir of the Santorini family, finds out that he is actually a demon who buys and trades information with otherworldly entities, and uses that intel to advise Mr. Santorini - which has resulted in them nearly tripling their earnings overnight. And at the request of Mr. Santorini, Comet grants Rudolph and the other heirs the arcane and enticing magic of an incubuck - an incubus buck - and tasks them with protecting their own from other forms of supernatural harm prowling the streets. Being thrust into gang violence at a young age doesn't do well for anyone, but there's no harm if it's for the sake of your family, right? ... Right?
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coming of age
overcoming societally enforced internalized bigotry
toxic masculinity and comphet
the burden of dealing with the mess your parents' made
(in a sense) child soldiers
grudges and vengeance
Current Stage in Writing Process
This idea came to me 4 months ago and in that time I was focusing on my main project, Goddess Gang (when I wasn't scrambling to finish up my degree), so this is a very much a zygote of a story.
Content Warnings
internalized homophobia
more TBD
Thank you @moon-and-seraph for organizing this pitch week!
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moon-and-seraph · 1 year
M+S Pitch Week: List of Hashtags
This is the official list of tags that participants of the Moon+Seraph Pitch Week will add to their pitch posts. The purpose of these tags is to allow people to sort through pitches based on their interests and tastes, so they're super important!
We'll have explanations of each category of hashtags, so read on to see which tags you'll want to add to your pitch! We recommend copy and pasting for ease.
This is a tag everyone will want to use, as it'll allow people to view all pitches collectively.
MSPW: pitch
Representation Tags
Use these tags to indicate the kinds of representation your pitch features. You may use as many of these tags as fit your story.
Please note, the tags with "ownvoices" in them are set aside for people of that identity. For example, a disabled person whose story features disability representation would use "MSPW: ownvoices disability rep" AND "MSPW: disability rep". However, a nondisabled person whose story features disability would only use "MSPW: disability rep".
MSPW: disability rep MSPW: ownvoices disability rep
MSPW: mental health rep MSPW: ownvoices mental health rep
MSPW: neurodivergent rep MSPW: ownvoices neurodivergent rep
MSPW: queer rep MSPW: ownvoices queer rep
MSPW: trans rep MSPW: ownvoices trans rep
MSPW: PoC rep MSPW: ownvoices PoC rep
MSPW: plus size rep MSPW: ownvoices plus size rep
Age-Specific Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by age group. You may only choose one of these tags.
SFF Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by main genre. You may use both tags if your story is sci-fi and fantasy.
MSPW: sci fi wip MSPW: fantasy wip
SFF Sub-Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by sub-genre. You may use as many as fit your story.
MSPW: cyberpunk MSPW: dying earth MSPW: space opera MSPW: steampunk MSPW: solarpunk MSPW: military sci fi MSPW: dystopian MSPW: alternate history MSPW: science fantasy MSPW: portal fantasy MSPW: high fantasy MSPW: low fantasy MSPW: dark fantasy MSPW: gothic fantasy MSPW: magical realism MSPW: urban fantasy MSPW: mythic fantasy MSPW: grimdark MSPW: historical fantasy MSPW: paranormal romance MSPW: horror MSPW: arcanepunk MSPW: romance MSPW: political fantasy MSPW: epic fantasy MSPW: fairytale retelling MSPW: adventure MSPW: time travel
Critique Tags
Use this tag if you're open to receiving feedback on your pitch.
MSPW: crit welcome
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