#mspw: neurodivergent rep
andromedaexists · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week!
It's time! I'm gonna talk about Call Me Icarus today
Lore (Alexandra Braken) x American Gods x Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Call Me Icarus
These monsters are in every corner of our society. They are heralded as Gods among men, but not for long. I am doing everything in my power to show who they really are behind their masks. Soon, everyone will see these nasty creatures for what they are…
A Tragedy following Icarus as he takes a look behind the curtain of the Elysian Program and sees the disgusting framework that he was disillusioned to. Now the only thing on his mind is bringing down the program and the entire ATLAS corporation. Will he be able to when the world and his body seems set against him?
Greek Mythology
Overthrowing A Corrupt Government
Social Outcasts/Found Family
Mental Health (not recovery, but learning to live with it)
Physical Disability (and learning to live with it)
Current Stage In Writing Process
Writing! I am over halfway done with this draft, then just one final look over/edit before starting the query process
Art Related To WIP
A Moodboard for Icarus, the main character:
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WIP Relevant Links
WIP Masterlist Icarus Docs CMI Info Page Taglist Signup Picrews!
Content Warnings
Listen, CMI is a dark tale. It is heavy and I want to make sure I get everything here, so please be mindful of the content warnings. I do not put them here for shits and giggles
Child Abuse/Physical Abuse
Police Brutality/Violence
Sexually explicit scenes/Slut Shaming
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yors-truly · 1 year
Around the World in 80 Days x Amphibia x Life of Pi
Beyond Time and Space
When an often-flighty young girl is conflicted by her desire to express her capabilities and her fear of doing more than what she can handle, the moment arises when a team of brave individuals are needed to carry out a quest to explore and gather information on alternate universes. However, the drive of another blocks their path in reigning successful; so much so, the team is left to go on a journey that’s much longer than they wished. 
courage and bravery (as a catch-all term for several possible themes, as well as being the main theme)
coming of age
friends and family
love (and letting it go)
power (and the lack thereof)
loyalty and commitment
Current Stage in Writing Process: LOTS of world-building, episodes 1 and 2 outlined (and still drafting ep.2), first season plotted
Art related to wip
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^ A relevant poster for Beyond Time and Space season 1, created March 16, 2023
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^ An outdated but still relevant poster for Beyond Time and Space season 1A, created October 10th, 2022.
Wip-relevant links
A PDF preview script of the first episode of BTaS; the first draft of a complete rewrite
A wikidot blog I (ideally) update every two-to-three weeks covering my progress on BTaS; currently considering on moving it either to tumblr or dreamwidth for the sake of faster and easier access, so it hasn't been touched in a while
A toyhou.se profile for all BTaS-related art, simply for the purpose of (1) storing it somewhere without having to worry about storage and (2) having shareable links
The Beyond Time and Space side blog, where you can learn more about the series and join the taglist
Content warnings
fantasy violence
metaphorical and literal displays of mental health topics (ex: depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.)
mentions of war
character death/harm
fictitious religions/practices that highly resemble real life religions
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cee-grice · 1 year
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Comp titles: D&D x Minecraft
When White Crows Cry
Waking up from death in the city one had been exiled from would be a concerning situation in and of itself. Quilin, a gifted yet disgraced mage, soon discovers those are the least of his issues, as Endra, his lover, who, two years ago, had seeked him out in desperation to find a cure for his magical affliction, was now missing and had Quil’s former magician community after him. As Quil tries to find common ground with the people from his past and piece together what had happened in the year he’d been dead, he is forced to face everything that had culminated in said death.
morality of science
the darker aspects of academia
bodily autonomy
mental deterioration
love, obsession, and the line between them
death and grief
“what goes around comes around”
Current stage in writing process
Deep into the first draft
Art related to WIP
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WIP-related links:
WIP intro
Content warnings:
suicide ideation
PTSD, depression
anxiety, panic attacks
(light) body horror
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starlightelegy · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week
The story was revealed to me in a dream (you can just consider it a mix of all the space operas I've watched so far)
Starlight Elegy
What could happen when the forces of the universe bring two people together? Starlight Elegy is the story of Nyx and Ganymede, two people with only one thing in common : their love for the cosmos. But when the fate of the stars is being threatened, this love turns out to be the key. It all began with a simple voice, an echo of the stars, then the tale became a legend.
Fate, self-discovery, becoming a better person, not everything is black or white, friends to lovers, soulmates, rebellion/war, mad scientists
Current stage in writing process
Draft of the first book is yet to be finished. I have currently 15 chapters roughly written and have a few left before going for the editing part. Then I have two other books planned for the main story and there's a possibility that I will write more for the extented universe.
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WIP-relevant links
My ko-fi page, if you wish to support me financially
If you wish to apply to be a beta reader
Content warnings
Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, PTSD, violence, blood, religion, mentions of abuse/childhood abuse, discrimination
Note: the religion in question is entirely fictional. The characters casually mentions it from time to time and it is an important part of the lore.
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Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Percy Jackson X Game of Thrones
The Traitor’s Heir: City of Marble Book 1
Novellia de Rege, daughter of notorious traitor Leonora, must protect herself, her family, and her heart while hiding her magical abilities at a court that fears sorcery
Love despite the odds
Current Stage in Writing Process: First drafting/plotting
Art related to story:
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Relevant links:
OC Asks
OC Faceclaims
Content Warnings:
Sexual content
Strong language
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moondust-bard · 1 year
Truthwitch X Sailor Moon
Lost Souls’ Night Saga — a 5-book series
Magic reemerges in a realm brought to its knees by an empire forged in blood and greed. The magically "plighted”, thought eradicated ages ago by the very dynasty now in power, emerge seemingly from nothing, ensnaring six unalike girls in a charismatic warlord’s scheme to bring about a magical renaissance.
• nature vs. nurture
• imperialism
• fate vs free will
• coming of age
• life & death
• environmental destruction
• society & gender roles
Current Stage in Writing Process
draft 1 of book 1
Content warnings
• childhood
psychological and physical abuse
• neglect
• death of a parent
• family separation
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Want to know more? Find the wip intro here!
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Moon+Seraph Pitch Week March 2023
The dark magical girl flair of Madoka Magica meets the messiest group of queer fantasy Costco adults in...
Goddess Gang
A newly formed magical girl group, the Goddess Gang, fights for the safety of their home and families after an unknown source suddenly grants them and their enemies power that hasn’t been seen in ages. They prove their worth as they haphazardly figure out their own version of teamwork, but the girls are full of mystery and despair and they must figure out their mysteries before it's too late. The one with the deepest mystery, the weakest link, is Bambi - Evelyn Wirth's recently reunited brother. The leader of the team, Lila Wirth, feels like this is deja vu but no one knows why, not even Bambi. Even with her decades of training and study in the dark arts, Lila can't solve this mystery, and if she doesn't... it may spell doom for all of them.
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power in femininity
love and friendship
despair and hope
learning to love yourself again
the harm that mothers do
trauma recovery
Quick note!! This story is a memoir, from my life in 2015-2019. All of it is based on and connected to real events and people - highly fictionalized, but based on a true story nonetheless.
Current Stage in Writing Process
I wrote the Internal Struggles plotline years ago and it was good but I got stuck. BUT I recently got unstuck by developing the External Struggles plot as well. So now I’m heavily editing the plot and preparing to start on the first draft. Also it was originally a comicbook project, which is why I haven't started on a prose manuscript.
Content warnings
self-harm mentions
emotional abuse
relationship abuse
past parental abuse
past religious trauma
drug use
past SA/CSA
disordered eating
Thank you @moon-and-seraph for organizing this pitch week!
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
Moon & Seraph pitch week
The Wildfire King
Two hundred years ago, the gods and mortals of Tirnaeia went to war. The ancient kingdoms of Nalaam and Fosiá, with the God King’s help, woke the dark, twisted magic of the world, and the gods had no choice but to sacrifice themselves in the conflict. Now, rumours of God King’s return circle, and Lorren Jat’ana, a mage of high esteem, vows to take his people across the sea and reclaim their rightful place in Tirnaeia, with the help of the young Fosián king. History repeats itself, and a war of gods and mortals is about to unfold again before his eyes.
Fate vs free will
Corruption of power
Current Stage in Writing Process: Beta prep (see Wip-relevant links if interested!)
Art related to wip
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Wip-relevant links
WIP intro/masterpost
Character posts: Lorren / Kaia / Meredith / Zeta / Viktor / Serafine
WIP playlist
WIP tag
Fill in this form if you're interested in becoming a Beta reader!
Content warnings:
Mild gore
Sexual abuse
Like or reply to be added to the taglist!
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moonyswritinq · 1 year
Atlas' Story — Moon+Seraph Pitch Week
Pitch by me, @moonyswritinq, event week brought to you by @moondust-bard and @saintedseraph
Seven to Die
Tension between non-magical and magical people, magicks, have been rising for decades, now a greater divide between the two than ever. The New Rebellion have been rising in strength and numbers, fighting back against the oppression of magical people, and is rumoured to have an intricate device to enhance a magick's abilities. Kaede Kutsuki, under the orders of the Small Council of Albion, is sent to hinder the Rebellion's advances by stealing the device. With the help of a group of as immoral criminals as herself, she has to manage the journey to pull off the job and to not lose the fight within herself — especially as old wounds open and her past has come back to claim the final victim that escaped.
found family
morally grey conflicts
power and corruption
Current Stage in Writing Process:
rough draft in process
Art related to wip: N/A
Wip-relevant links: N/A
Content warnings
mental / psychological abuse
physical abuse
childhood trauma
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leebrontide · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week pitch
Comp titles BNHA X Midsomer Murders by way of Asimov.
Title of book Names In Their Blood, Book 2 of the Second Sentinels series, after Secondhand Origin Stories
Blurb Four queer teens on the fringes of the superheroing world head to a small town in Minnesota for what’s supposed to be a month off. Officially, they’re there for some stressful family reunions and to use the only full hospital for genetically altered people in the US. But, when they realize that the government beuro that gives the Sentinels their missions has been hiding the disappearances of missing alterds for years, it sets them in the path of a mission that has them questioning who they can trust.
Themes Disability, bodily autonomy, identity, queerness, ethics, corruption, eugenics
Current Stage in Writing Process Editing round 4, soon to go to my beta readers!
Art related to WIP
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Wip-relevant links
Book 1 in the series (currently free!)
Tag list WIP post/longer intro
Series tag on my Tumblr
Content warnings
ableism, gore, death, misgendering, microaggressions, medical trauma and abuse, child abuse, family conflict, incarcerated family members, fire, racism, microaggressions, estrangement, claustrophobia, violence, intergenerational trauma, complicated adoption history, cults, eugenics
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elizaellwrites · 1 year
Legacy of the Fallen
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus x Harry Potter
Low Fantasy x High Fantasy
The great civilization of Hecathians has fallen, leaving millions dead and thousands to flee. Thirteen years later, many have left their origins behind to blend into the human world; however, some retain their culture. Anna has always left the past alone, but now at fifteen, she is faced with the world they have been running from. Brought to a cultural sanctuary where their people have begun to rebuild, her reality begins to unravel, and the truth can no longer be hidden.
Rebuilding after disaster
Overcoming differences
Things aren't always as they appear
Courage isn't the absence of fear
Finding oneself
Current Stage in Writing
In progress: 71k words (Prologue + 14 chapters)
Link to Read Work
Content Warnings
All chapters containing triggering content are marked
Mild Gore
Occurrences of
Emotional and Physical Abuse
Child Death
Mild Bullying
Mild Homophobia
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Six of Crows X I Hunt Killers
(Working title)
Terran is an assassin in Calson City, where a criminal syndicate controls the city. 3 years ago, Terran covered up the death of Raymond, a traitor he was supposed to execute. Now he has to keep anyone from finding out what he's done all while grappling with realizations of morality, of wanting escape, and wanting to be a better person that he sees in Raymond. The safest option is to keep his cover, do his job, and keep Raymond far away from Calson City-- but that may come at the cost of the person he wants to be. The secret of Raymond being alive is threatening to come out amidst assignments, discoveries, and investigations-- all while Terran is surrounded by the Syndicate's watchful eyes.
Escaping vs feeling trapped
Abuse, trauma, and masking
Morality-- learning, sacrificing, and compromising
Current Stage:
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(Image sources here)
Full Intro
Links to excerpts
Info on the magic system
Characters: Terran Raymond Mika
Content Warnings
Abusive Relationship, Anxiety, Attempted Murder, Child Abuse, Death, Emotional Abuse, Fire, Gun Violence, Hostages, Kidnapping, Murder, Physical Abuse, PTSD, Stalking, Torture
Note: I was fairly generous with these and took from the list m+s posted-- please ask me to expand on any of these. But yes it is a book that deals with both abuse and with criminals/assassins.
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Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Comp Titles
Pirates of the Caribbean (movie) x Tangled (movie)
Frozen Sands
Nashida, a young woman from the sands of the south, meets Halim, a clumsy young man with a knack for trouble, in the ice up north just in time for the Festival of Lights. However, Halim's family found problems with a pirate in the past, and he's about to cause some real trouble. Plus, Nashida is starting to find some unsettling clues about the origins of the lifelike statues in the area...
POC main characters, both bi, one trans with bipolar disorder and ADHD, the other with relationship trauma and anxiety.
Writing with 1 coauthor.
Pirates are gay
Different is okay
Content Warnings
Kidnapping, descriptions of food, bullying/manipulation, some romantic spice, transphobia, homophobia
Writing stage
Draft one complete, will likely need to be split into 2. Waiting to edit. Some of the content warnings may change with editing.
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Moon and Seraph Pitch Week
Brought to you by @sabels-small-sphere
The Tiger at Midnight x We Hunt the Flame x Beasts of Prey
The Shifting Tides
The blood of the innocent is always spilled by tyrants. Those who wish to fight have no choice but to continue the cycle of violence and death to survive. But there stands those who want to put an end to it all, regardless of how much of their soul they must sacrifice. And if losing their souls means they gain peace for their loved ones, so be it. Sometimes, we must fight for a future we ourselves cannot see.
Project Themes
Found family
Fighting against oppression
Friends to enemies to lovers
Self discovery
Rebellions and war
Trauma recovery
Current status
Draft number three in progress
Rough draft, first draft, and second draft finished.
Content warnings
Childhood abuse & trauma
Physical & mental abuse
Violence, torture, blood, gore, and death
Sexism (against women)
Project links
Side blog is @the-shifting-tides-wip
Want to be added to the taglist? Like, or reply to this post!
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week
Brought to you by @moondust-bard and @saintedseraph
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The Imperium Chronicles
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse x Mortal Instruments x Black Dagger Brotherhood
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When the Horsemen are called it creates chaos in Hell, and they take over.  Now with Death as the Queen, War as the King, and a legion of their friends and family, they will take on the remaining Princes off Hell across multiple realms.  Connected through a Web of Lives, no one is disconnected from another, even if those spider silk connections are at first invisible to see.  Rooted in Imperium (Upper Hell), Human Realm (Earth), Uffern, and Pustota, the web will be woven into an intricate and beautiful pattern of violence, love,  death, life, destruction, and ultimately victory….but for which side?
Currently - In Process
Please just let me know if you would like added to the tag list.
Story Page https://theimperiumchronicles.tumblr.com/
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Content Warnings -
evil, demons, angels, religion, blood, viscera, evisceration, gore, swearing, slavery, manipulation, ptsd, emotional manipulation, dv, sa, abuse, death, hell, torture, violence, war, fighting, anger, injury, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, PTSD
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Moon+Seraph Pitch Week March 2023
The Godfather meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer in...
The Incubucks
The Santorini mafia is a crime syndicate made up of seven head families. Each have a son who is expected to take over once their fathers are gone, but these young men are pushed into the fray before their time as their consigliere is abruptly replaced. The new one  - who simply goes by Comet - is enigmatic and strangely young for the job but Rudolph, heir of the Santorini family, finds out that he is actually a demon who buys and trades information with otherworldly entities, and uses that intel to advise Mr. Santorini - which has resulted in them nearly tripling their earnings overnight. And at the request of Mr. Santorini, Comet grants Rudolph and the other heirs the arcane and enticing magic of an incubuck - an incubus buck - and tasks them with protecting their own from other forms of supernatural harm prowling the streets. Being thrust into gang violence at a young age doesn't do well for anyone, but there's no harm if it's for the sake of your family, right? ... Right?
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coming of age
overcoming societally enforced internalized bigotry
toxic masculinity and comphet
the burden of dealing with the mess your parents' made
(in a sense) child soldiers
grudges and vengeance
Current Stage in Writing Process
This idea came to me 4 months ago and in that time I was focusing on my main project, Goddess Gang (when I wasn't scrambling to finish up my degree), so this is a very much a zygote of a story.
Content Warnings
internalized homophobia
more TBD
Thank you @moon-and-seraph for organizing this pitch week!
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