Moon+Seraph Pitch Week March 2023
The Godfather meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer in...
The Incubucks
The Santorini mafia is a crime syndicate made up of seven head families. Each have a son who is expected to take over once their fathers are gone, but these young men are pushed into the fray before their time as their consigliere is abruptly replaced. The new one  - who simply goes by Comet - is enigmatic and strangely young for the job but Rudolph, heir of the Santorini family, finds out that he is actually a demon who buys and trades information with otherworldly entities, and uses that intel to advise Mr. Santorini - which has resulted in them nearly tripling their earnings overnight. And at the request of Mr. Santorini, Comet grants Rudolph and the other heirs the arcane and enticing magic of an incubuck - an incubus buck - and tasks them with protecting their own from other forms of supernatural harm prowling the streets. Being thrust into gang violence at a young age doesn't do well for anyone, but there's no harm if it's for the sake of your family, right? ... Right?
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coming of age
overcoming societally enforced internalized bigotry
toxic masculinity and comphet
the burden of dealing with the mess your parents' made
(in a sense) child soldiers
grudges and vengeance
Current Stage in Writing Process
This idea came to me 4 months ago and in that time I was focusing on my main project, Goddess Gang (when I wasn't scrambling to finish up my degree), so this is a very much a zygote of a story.
Content Warnings
internalized homophobia
more TBD
Thank you @moon-and-seraph for organizing this pitch week!
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teapartyeternal · 1 year
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mrbexwrites · 1 year
M&S Pitch Week Roundup
Late to the party, as always! Sorry guys!
Thanks to @moon-and-seraph for organising the event. I really appreciate all the hard work you put into it!
My favs (and there were so many good WIPs out there!):
Supernova by @words-after-midnight
The Masked Ones by @lynsterswritingblog
Rainy Days Dream Away by @pure-solomon
The Heartwood Trilogy by @artcoffeecats
Syndicate by @dontjudgemeimawriter
Alesseia by @alesseia
The Incubucks @incorrectgoddessgang
Broken Whole  by @scribe-of-stories
Call Me Icarus by @andromedaexists
Magicians & Puppet Masters by @valentinerose529
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frombambi · 1 year
I'm also on Bluesky!
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Heya! I'm Bambi and this is my main blog. Here's a little intro about me, if you wanted to know!
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I'm a virgo & year of the rat (my combination of those 4 letter thingies is yet to be determined)
I have an Associates in studio art and I have an Etsy called Teaparty Eternal.
I will be applying to vend at Flamecon 2025, yippee! 🎉
I have two dream project comic books: Goddess Gang, and The Incubucks. A best friend I went to school with is also working on their dream project, Church of Apologetic. You can show them some support at @edgietales ^_^
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Here's the top stuff I have on my blog as of late
Buckshot Roulette
Madoka Magica
Yakuza/Like A Dragon
art (not mine tho, mine is on @teapartyeternal )
magical girls & boys
queer pride
surreal funnies
Animal Crossing
some OOTD selfies
fashion posts from others as well
*Bloodborne stuff is on @mensiswives unless it makes Evelyn uncomfortable, then it's here
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If you want to see posts from me on here, I use the tag #frombambi
And some links of where else you can find me
my art
my stories
my store (it's a work in progress but it's up there!)
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thetimelesskeyholder · 10 months
Last night I made a few discoveries. One, my grief seed is... uh, real? It's something alright, it's clearly got magical properties based on what happened last night. And two, my soul gem has been confirmed as broken and it will never glow again. I had a hunch about this previously because whenever I wore my soul gem, it felt uncomfortable. But now I know that's because my heart was rejecting it.
It's gone, its a done deal, I can't transform as a meguca ever again.
The headspace I'm living in/working on now is the bright miniworld where me and Rudolph are cervitaurs, since meguca is no more and I'm also trying to quit the Incubucks timeline. I affectionally call it "Bambi's cottage." for future reference. I hope I can make it more than just a miniworld in the future.
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concubuck · 3 years
I feel kinda dumb asking this but how do concubus work? Do you do shape-shifting? Are they hermaphrodite or just one type of genitalia. Could you explain please I'm new to Hell and native species.
Let me tell you a little secret: there's no such thing as a concubus. It's a marketing term.
So, here's the deal—as far as Hell's native population is concerned, succubus is a universal, genderless term. All bottom-ranked bright-red human-looking lust demons are succubi. A smaller subsection of succubi have also been made incubi—a slightly higher social rank that grants limited managerial authority over common succubi, in exchange for giving up almost all opportunities to take jobs on Earth. It's mostly archaic now, truth be told.
For reasons someone alive in the 1300s would have to explain, humans concluded that "succubus" is a female term and "incubus" is a male term. Either that, or, depending on who you ask, "succubus" means "bottom"—in a sexual context, I mean—and "incubus" means "top." And all this says more about human gender relations than it does about demons.
So! Enter the twenty-first century, when all of the sudden the English-speaking human population has concluded that maybe they'll deign to allow people to be something other than male or female; and on top of that, they realized they never bothered to come up with a "gender neutral" option for succubi and incubi. And so they made up "concubus" as an umbrella term for any succubus/incubus that doesn't fit tidily into what most humans consider "female" or "male."
Please understand that this term exists for the benefit and comfort of humans, not for the demons it's applied to. All succubi are simply succubi, the term doesn't imply a gender to hellborn demons. A human calling a notably androgynous succubus a "concubus" makes as much sense as a human claiming that a frog identifies as "non-binary." The only succubi you'll see use the term are the ones that regularly deal with humans.
But I'm one that regularly deals with humans, so!
Among hellborn demons, I call myself a succubus, because I am a succubus (although I won't argue with any who call me an incubus under the assumption that I must be a littler higher up than the rank-and-file).
Among humans? If I called myself a succubus, the majority of the sinner population would either assume that the Radio Demon is coming out as a woman, or else that I'm announcing that I only like to bottom. If I called myself an incubus, the sinner population would assume that, like most human men, I'm only willing to offer up masculine forms and behaviors. If I call myself a concubus, all anyone really knows for sure is that I'm not strictly one nor strictly the other, so it's worth asking what I am—like you just did.
And when I'm asked, I can answer: I'm anything you want me to be.
I'll be a switch. I'll be genderfluid. Yes, I do shapeshift. Anatomically, I can be either or both or multiple or neither or something completely different, any size and shape you want it in. I can top, I can bottom, I can be a woman, I can be a man, I can be a girl who wants boys who like boys to be girls who do boys like they're girls who do girls like they're boys, I can be the thing you see at the foot of your bed when you wake up unable to move, I can be the poorly-photoshopped fetish art you'd never even let your own spouse know you get off to, and I can be more.
But that's not what "concubus" means. That's just what I use it to advertise. The next succubus that goes by "concubus" around humans might only mean they like to do drag.
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Oh also !! last year as I was graduating, I sketched a little idea of what the Incubucks would look like in demon form. This is very rough, to the point I didn't like it when I made it, but I think it's still a starting point that I can work on to make the designs better!
I think what I'm missing is cohesion of color palettes, like, the hues are right but I need to play with the saturation and brightness is all.
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Word Search Tag Game
I was tagged by @clairelsonao3! My words are noon, neat, nurture, and nose. Admittedly, b/c Goddess Gang was meant to be a comic and The Incubucks is an itty bitty baby story, I don't have much of a first draft for either, but I have some ideas of usage of these words in my stories - so I will try my best!
(ngl I'm stumped on this one .w.;;)
Neat (Incubucks)
He would gel his hair, dry it with a hairdryer, and gel it again, to secure it. It had to be neat. It had to fit into a neat little box in a neat little category. Just like Rudolph himself.
Nurture (GG)
She was a godsend: a teacher, a protector, a kind woman, a lover, a friend, a nurturer. A mother. And Bambi was afraid.
Nose (GG)
"Aw why yes, built-in Insight and a sharp scent - I'm proud of her! She's got the eyes of her mum and the nose of her ma."
Anyone can do this but I particularly tag @famishedst @angelsofprey @coffeewritesfiction @arijensineink @minutiaewriter @regret-breathing @realfactsnlogic and your words are sweet, swear, sing, and sober! ^0^
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@moondust-bard PHEW okay I finally have the chance to discuss this.
The story is super-fetus super-zygote mitosis level, but basically the main romance is between Comet and Rudolph (Vixen and Dasher are another featured couple but Rudolph is the main character). The two of them have a lot of scenes together because Rudolph is the son of the leader of the syndicate and they grow closer as they work together. I don't wanna spoil a ton, but through their time together Rudolph slowly but surely begins to unlearn a lot of self-hate with Comet's help, and also process that yeah, stuff that happened as a direct result of his family's decisions were fucked up and definifely not healthy.
I think it's gonna be... regular burn?? Like, not as slow as the slow burn in GG, but also not quickly getting together.
They have to keep it secret though, since Mr. Santorini and Co would NOT be happy about it, but thankfully the rest of the Incubucks support them.
Comet wants to protect Rudolph so dearly. Not to spoil anything but Comet wasn't exactly born a demon so he's familiar with human experiences (and ngl, their romance begins to pick away at Comet's demonic exterior and reveal what's been hiding inside). Overall, the plan (which may change as mitosis continues lol) is the story will start out pulpy & action-packed but then shift towards dreary and dreadful as discoveries are made and inner mafia drama starts getting out of hand and we see that the worst cosmic horrors to ever exist are actually just the cruelties that humans can do to eachother (just like in GG I guess lol).
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teapartyeternal · 9 months
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tldr: Magical boy who was corrupted into a demon finds himself on the road to redeem himself, and his first step is reclaiming his magical tools from the Dealer.
Yippee, an OC of mine that I can see playing Buckshot Roulette 🎉 pls excuse the quality, I couldn't get a good scan of my sketchbook :C
I'm currently writing a oneshot fic about this but it's been so long since I last wrote a short story so it's gonna take a while, plus I'm really self-conscious about my writing skills being rusty :< Hopefully I'm brave enough to post it.
Edit: I just realized I can post the doodle at higher quality lol
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teapartyeternal · 8 months
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So yknow the headcanon floating around tha Dealer took in a cat? My brain apparently wanted to play with the idea of "What if I was that cat, but in reality I am a less evil incubuck (incubus buck, an original species). And I cause chaos and feed on the men at the rave. Huh. Huh how about that."
Doctor and Player designs by @/lpc-damn btw. Player is so damn cute aaaaaaaa
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frombambi · 2 years
AIIIIIEEEEEEEE that Majima hanya AU post gave me even more ideas for the Incubuck-Goromi story.
Ms. Hanya probably offered Incubuck the job, perhaps she needed a vacation, perhaps Majima was getting into too much trouble and she needed someone to tag team watching over him. Perhaps Incubuck took the job up as an internship of sorts - learning, as a fresh new demon, on the job. The original idea I had was that Incubuck came into the picture when Kiryu was back in jail for 3 years and helped Majima cope a whole ton - so it would make sense that Ms. Hanya needed another demon to watch over Majima.
Like, it just makes sense now??? bruh
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teapartyeternal · 3 years
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Last night I had a spark of genius for an Incubuck redesign! It's far from finished but this is what I managed to scribble on 4 hours of sleep yesterday lol
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teapartyeternal · 2 years
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POV: the last thing you see
I’m fairly new to the Yakuza game fanbase but Goromi is awesome. I had a mafiaso sona who is an intelligencer for the mafia (and he got that information by secretly trading goods and wealth with demons and otherworldly entities) who is pictured here with Goromi. His name is Comet and his demon form is Incubuck and I feel like if Goro and Comet existed in the same setting they’d get along really well, and same for Incubuck and Goromi! :D Maybe they keep meeting up in their separate disguises and can’t seem to put 2-and-2 together as to why they feel so familiar to eachother? Who knows!
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frombambi · 2 years
My current new obsessions:
ghost flowers
turning floral diagrams into sigils
Japanese windchimes
my new story of a multifamily mafia's supernatural task force of 9 incubucks with codenames based on Santa's tiny reindeer
snake familiars
refilling printer cartridges at home
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concubuck · 2 years
People I’d Like to Know Better!
(Doing this three weeks late but lmao whatever)
Alias / Name: Puff or ckret2
Birthday: :U
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: :U five and a halfish
Hobbies: writing, RP, video games, leatherwork, artsy craftsy thingses,
Favorite Color: silver or purple or mint green
Favorite Book: who’s the sadist who wants it narrowed down to one. Long-time favorites include Grendel, To the Lighthouse, Good Omens, Wild Seed, Hitchhiker’s Guide, and I guess I’ll extend an honorary award to the Cthulhu Mythos even though my opinion on Lovecraft himself has dropped and these days my preferences run toward “people who deconstruct/subvert his writings.”
Last Song: “Divenire - Reimagined by Mercan Dede & Kora”—it just popped up in Spotify’s release radar so I can’t tell you yet whether or not it’s good. I think I like the original Divenire better.
Last Movie / Show: Currently working my way through The Vampire Dies in No Time. I think last movie was Ouija: Origin of Evil.
Recent Read: Rereading Dracula alongside half of tumblr. Also recently reread Huckleberry Finn to see what else I think about it now that I know more about the time period it was written in. Next book might be War of the Worlds or the second Sherlock Holmes Vs Cthulhu.
Inspiration: Me getting real tired of “asexual character develops a libido” narratives that AREN’T presented like a horror story, because I’m pretty sure that desiring to fuck would be exhausting. 2/3 of my writing comes from having a very petty literary pet peeve and going “how could I write the exact same scenario but in a way that I actually like.”
Story behind your URL: Alastor is a succubus and a buck. “Succubuck” was taken. I didn’t want “incubuck” because it implied a character too cis for what I planned on playing; and anyway on top of that I follow with the fact that canon’s been using succubus like a gender-neutral term and I knew if I called him an “incubus” that was the only thing anybody else would ever call him forever. Of the newer gender-neutral terms for succubus/incubus currently available, “concubus” had the best easily-available search results for anyone who sees me use the word, doesn’t know what it means, and googles it. (I try to make a habit of not using obscure terms unless they’re easily googleable.) Every day I’m disappointed I couldn’t use “succubuck.”
Fun Fact: I do a lil Sims 4 modding! Maybe someday I’ll post it where people can download it instead of just keeping it on my computer.
Tagged by: @smiledotdeer!
Tagging: lmao i’m not good at tagging people and also this meme already went by three weeks ago
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