moondust-bard · 1 year
The Hunger Games X greek mythology
Zenith Code
In the midst of infertility, war, and famine, the Gould Administration restored equilibrium to New America, his dominion a blessing—at first. To cull the blossoming rebellion, President Gould’s scientists concocted a scheme: man-made gods, products of human ingenuity, to protect us from ourselves. Styled after ancient greek deities, these “gods-on-earth” will quell the rebel dregs and enforce the totalitarian Gould regime. Or do they merely serve a monster hiding beneath an ambitious man’s skin?
Theander— or Zeus, as the world knows him— Captain of Basement Zero’s unearthly inhabitants, must decide this for himself, or risk losing the only family and home he’s known.
• greed & wealth
• family — found & biological
• loyalty & duty
• inner vs. outer strength
• law & justice
• heroism — or the perception of
• identity & self
Current Stage in Writing Process: world-building & character-building
Content warnings
• death
• violence
• childhood psychological abuse
Tumblr media
Want to know more? Find the wip intro here!
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tate-lin · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week
Hihi jumping into pitch week with day 1 - stories about characters of colour!
Joker of Ashes
You set me on fire. You can’t abandon me.
Burnt alive and left for dead by her own mother, Minh wants one thing and one thing only—to get down on her knees and beg for forgiveness. Now on the hunt for a woman long presumed dead, she has to lay low and away from her powerful and influential foster family if she wants to stay ahead of the search. She has the wit, she has the power… But none of the right skills needed. Alone and resourceless, she‘ll have to get creative. A phoenix wasn’t reborn from the ashes that night. A monster was.
Themes: Family, love, what it means to be alive & a person
Current Stage: Prepping! Gonna start my first draft during Camp NaNo this year
Content Warnings: Graphic violence, child abuse, mental illness
You can find out more here! 💖
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Moon and Seraph Pitch Week
Brought to you by @sabels-small-sphere
The Tiger at Midnight x We Hunt the Flame x Beasts of Prey
The Shifting Tides
The blood of the innocent is always spilled by tyrants. Those who wish to fight have no choice but to continue the cycle of violence and death to survive. But there stands those who want to put an end to it all, regardless of how much of their soul they must sacrifice. And if losing their souls means they gain peace for their loved ones, so be it. Sometimes, we must fight for a future we ourselves cannot see.
Project Themes
Found family
Fighting against oppression
Friends to enemies to lovers
Self discovery
Rebellions and war
Trauma recovery
Current status
Draft number three in progress
Rough draft, first draft, and second draft finished.
Content warnings
Childhood abuse & trauma
Physical & mental abuse
Violence, torture, blood, gore, and death
Sexism (against women)
Project links
Side blog is @the-shifting-tides-wip
Want to be added to the taglist? Like, or reply to this post!
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Moon + Seraph Pitch Week:
Comp titles: Gulliver’s Travels and Hadestown
The Curse of New Royston
The small town of New Royston is cursed: wealth correlates with physical size. 20-foot-tall Gio Violett, a sophomore recovering from a near-death experience, encounters 1-foot-tall Cricket Collins, a freshman who’s been left to fend for himself as his parents try to save up enough money to bring him out of town. Fed up with the town’s unofficial segregation, the two of them agree to try to break the curse.
But the closer they get to their goal, the more they uncover the town’s gruesome history. Danger stems from the least likely places, from political conspiracies to supernatural forces, from the shady figure that seems to always be on Gio’s heels to the reason why Cricket’s parents left in the first place; soon, it becomes clear that their, and their friends’, lives and livelihoods depend on breaking the curse.
Family, both blood and found
History, discovery, and retellings
Current Stage in Writing Process
Currently on third draft, ironing out scenes and fixing grammar, spelling, and tone.
WIP-Relevant Links
Sideblog is @new-royston-cursebreakers
Content Warnings
Violence (asphyxiation, blood, gore, amputation, burn wounds, assault, child abuse, police violence)
Discrimination (classism, ableism, queerphobia, ageism)
Strong Language
Mentally-disturbing content (dissociation, unreality, paranoia, claustrophobia, anxiety, trauma, brain injury)
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alesseia · 1 year
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week (Mar 28)
Percy Jackson meets Undertale meets Avatar: The Last Airbender
Axel, a young child with no one but their father for company, leaves their childhood home to discover that the rest of the world is magic, and that fate isn't a kind storyteller.
love of all kinds (familial, friendship, romance, and self-love)
finding a place to belong when you're an outsider
identity and what it means to be you despite everything
Current Update: Book 1 is being drafted
Tumblr media
WIP-relevant Links: WIP intro | WIP tag
Content Warnings:
strong language
fantasy violence
death of minor and major supporting characters
queerphobia (both external and internalized)
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
Blue Neighbourhood X Celtic/Irish mythology X Greek mythology
To Catch the Sea
Serving the Dragon King as one of his own is the highest honour, and what Adam always knew he would become before he ever had the choice. He always knew dragons' magic was of fire, and of sun. Chimeras' magic was of storms, and of poison. Unfortunately, the chimera who plays the piano at every banquet and walks the beach at twilight is the only one who’s ever made him feel.
And when a new recruit drowns under Adam's watch, suddenly, he has more important things to worry about than wooing a boy who doesn't know his name.
Forbidden love
Change vs tradition
Current Stage in Writing Process: Proofreading, Beta prep (see Wip-relevant links if interested!)
Art related to wip
Tumblr media
(I've made so much art for this WIP that limiting it to one was not easy)
Wip-relevant links
WIP intro post
Character posts: Adam / Shay / Caleb / Sara / Ivy / Olena
WIP playlist
Some of my favourite edits (with excerpts): Blue & Golden / Storms / Manticore
WIP tag (see more art and excerpt here!)
Fill in this form if you're interested in becoming a Beta reader! (May-Jun)
Content warnings
Child abuse
Mentions of child death/miscarriage
Like or reply to be added to the taglist!
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Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Comp Titles:
Dragon Rider (book) x Talking with Dragons (book)
[WIP] Dragons and Kingdoms
Graysen encounters the dragon Almyra in a snowy forest, and after they both panic, they start to realize that maybe neither is as problematic as they once thought. However, traveling entertainer Talwin throws their tenuous balance into chaos as she schemes with Keith, Graysen's brother, to get back at her sister. None of them realize the greater danger of the neighboring lord looking for refugees, both at the winter festival and in the woods, and he's closing in on their secrets.
Classic high fantasy but magic is rare and limited. MG/YA, limited 3rd POV with 2 POVs
Understanding the Other
Not fitting in
Fake dating
Mental health/illness, focus on Anxiety
Generational politics
Sibling rivalry
Content Warnings
Descriptions of panic attacks, occasional mild gore
Writing stage
First draft is mostly done but it needs a rewrite. The vibes are good but I have learned more about writing and plotting since starting it years back. It's on a hiatus but I'm starting to work on reorganizing it.
Commissioned sugarholicsheep for chibis of Graysen and Talwin.
Tumblr media
Related links:
Playlist for book 1:
Old Art from my deviantart:
Talwin family/sibling exploration:
Taglist: @sabels-small-sphere @surroundedbypearls @ink-flavored @pure-solomon
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perseverantdt · 1 year
As I said, I'm participating in the Moon + Seraph Pitch Week. Plus, it's about time I talked a little bit about Ethereal Dreams.
Ethereal Dreams
After accidentally discovering a world of magic hidden in dreams, Iris slowly uncovers both her past and the history of magic that the Arcane Assembly hid for decades.
accepting consequences
Current Stage in Writing
Plotting with some minor worldbuilding. Progress has been slow since I'm writing this while doing some other projects in the background, but it's still going.
Read about some of the details about the story's setting
Content Warnings
No major content warnings.
Misc. stuff
If you want to be added to a taglist, please send me an ask telling me to do so. I don't like using likes to determine if someone wants to be on a taglist.
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pure-solomon · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week 30/03
The ruby
A unexpected visit from the north of the country, a young man looking to finish his studies in the most prestigious school of the south.  He walked through the halls looking for something, someone, that could answer his questions. Carrying a mission, secret to everyone but him, that could torn the country apart. The flames of revolution growing inside him, the only follower of the most feared man in the country. And maybe the last of his bloodline.
High Fantasy
Betrayal and revolt
Following your destiny, and learning to derive its path
Powerful protagonist
Current stage in progress: First chapter almost done
Book Cover:
Tumblr media
Content Warnings:
Attempted Murder
Attempt at suicide (Minor)
0 notes
moon-and-seraph · 2 years
M+S Pitch Week: List of Hashtags
This is the official list of tags that participants of the Moon+Seraph Pitch Week will add to their pitch posts. The purpose of these tags is to allow people to sort through pitches based on their interests and tastes, so they're super important!
We'll have explanations of each category of hashtags, so read on to see which tags you'll want to add to your pitch! We recommend copy and pasting for ease.
This is a tag everyone will want to use, as it'll allow people to view all pitches collectively.
MSPW: pitch
Representation Tags
Use these tags to indicate the kinds of representation your pitch features. You may use as many of these tags as fit your story.
Please note, the tags with "ownvoices" in them are set aside for people of that identity. For example, a disabled person whose story features disability representation would use "MSPW: ownvoices disability rep" AND "MSPW: disability rep". However, a nondisabled person whose story features disability would only use "MSPW: disability rep".
MSPW: disability rep MSPW: ownvoices disability rep
MSPW: mental health rep MSPW: ownvoices mental health rep
MSPW: neurodivergent rep MSPW: ownvoices neurodivergent rep
MSPW: queer rep MSPW: ownvoices queer rep
MSPW: trans rep MSPW: ownvoices trans rep
MSPW: PoC rep MSPW: ownvoices PoC rep
MSPW: plus size rep MSPW: ownvoices plus size rep
Age-Specific Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by age group. You may only choose one of these tags.
SFF Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by main genre. You may use both tags if your story is sci-fi and fantasy.
MSPW: sci fi wip MSPW: fantasy wip
SFF Sub-Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by sub-genre. You may use as many as fit your story.
MSPW: cyberpunk MSPW: dying earth MSPW: space opera MSPW: steampunk MSPW: solarpunk MSPW: military sci fi MSPW: dystopian MSPW: alternate history MSPW: science fantasy MSPW: portal fantasy MSPW: high fantasy MSPW: low fantasy MSPW: dark fantasy MSPW: gothic fantasy MSPW: magical realism MSPW: urban fantasy MSPW: mythic fantasy MSPW: grimdark MSPW: historical fantasy MSPW: paranormal romance MSPW: horror MSPW: arcanepunk MSPW: romance MSPW: political fantasy MSPW: epic fantasy MSPW: fairytale retelling MSPW: adventure MSPW: time travel
Critique Tags
Use this tag if you're open to receiving feedback on your pitch.
MSPW: crit welcome
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moondust-bard · 1 year
Truthwitch X Sailor Moon
Lost Souls’ Night Saga — a 5-book series
Magic reemerges in a realm brought to its knees by an empire forged in blood and greed. The magically "plighted”, thought eradicated ages ago by the very dynasty now in power, emerge seemingly from nothing, ensnaring six unalike girls in a charismatic warlord’s scheme to bring about a magical renaissance.
• nature vs. nurture
• imperialism
• fate vs free will
• coming of age
• life & death
• environmental destruction
• society & gender roles
Current Stage in Writing Process
draft 1 of book 1
Content warnings
• childhood
psychological and physical abuse
• neglect
• death of a parent
• family separation
Tumblr media
Want to know more? Find the wip intro here!
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week
In the Evergreen City, eight 17-year-olds live, study, fight, and fall in love. Things come to a head at Margot Bishop’s 18th birthday party, when midnight strikes and they’re attacked by a creature from another world. They discover their home is not their home at all; they’re from all over the universe. They have special abilities not found anywhere else on earth. And their future is more uncertain than they could have ever imagined.
Found family
Current Stage in Writing Process: Beta prep (see Wip-relevant links if interested!)
Art related to wip
Tumblr media
Wip-relevant links
WIP intro
Comic Sans presentation
WIP playlist
The girls: Denise / Catherine / Logan / Margot
The boys: Eli / Dean / Isaac / Hari
WIP tag (see for excerpts!)
Fill in this form if you're interested in becoming a Beta reader!
Content warnings
Mild violence
Like or reply to be added to the taglist!
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week
Night World meets the boarding school mystery
Closet Pun
Up on that totally normal-looking hill over there sits a house. In that house, Rebecca Faulkner sits with her students, trying to teach them to get their abilities (and their emotions) in check. We’ve got vampires, werewolves, witches, and more - this much chaos in one home is not in fact a recipe for disaster. It’s a recipe for the queerest student body around. And when students start disappearing and the air starts to fog, who better to step up than long-time resident Jet and his new friends?
Found family
Current Stage in Writing Process: Structural Editing
Art related to wip
Tumblr media
A moodboard for Juniper!
Wip-relevant links
WIP intro
Characters: Jet / Juniper / Toby / Hazel / Richie / May
WIP playlist
WIP tag (see more excerpts and moodboards!)
Content warnings
Mild gore
Like or reply to be added to the taglist!
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week
Night World x the boarding school mystery (trope)
Closet Pun
Up on that totally normal-looking hill over there sits a house. In that house, Rebecca Faulkner sits with her students, trying to teach them to get their abilities (and their emotions) in check. We’ve got vampires, werewolves, witches, and more - this much chaos in one home is not in fact a recipe for disaster. It’s a recipe for the queerest student body around. And when students start disappearing and the air starts to fog, who better to step up than long-time resident Jet and his new friends?
Found family
Current Stage in Writing Process: Structural Editing
Art related to wip
Tumblr media
A moodboard for Juniper!
Wip-relevant links
WIP intro
Characters: Jet / Juniper / Toby / Hazel / Richie / May
WIP playlist
WIP tag (see more excerpts and moodboards!)
Content warnings
Mild gore
Like or reply to be added to the taglist!
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surroundedbypearls · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week
Blue Neighbourhood X Celtic/Irish mythology X Greek mythology
To Catch the Sea
Serving the Dragon King as one of his own is the highest honour, and what Adam always knew he would become before he ever had the choice. He always knew dragons' magic was of fire, and of sun. Chimeras' magic was of storms, and of poison. Unfortunately, the chimera who plays the piano at every banquet and walks the beach at twilight is the only one who’s ever made him feel.
And when a new recruit drowns under Adam's watch, suddenly, he has more important things to worry about than wooing a boy who doesn't know his name.
Forbidden love
Change vs tradition
Current Stage in Writing Process: Proofreading, Beta prep (see Wip-relevant links if interested!)
Art related to wip
Tumblr media
(I've made so much art for this WIP that limiting it to one was not easy)
Wip-relevant links
WIP intro post
Character posts: Adam / Shay / Caleb / Sara / Ivy / Olena
WIP playlist
Some of my favourite edits (with excerpts): Blue & Golden (above)/ Storms / Manticore
WIP tag (see more art and excerpt here!)
Fill in this form if you're interested in becoming a Beta reader!
Content warnings
Child abuse
Mentions of child death/miscarriage
Like or reply to be added to the taglist!
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pure-solomon · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week 28/03
Rainy Days Dream Away
Amaya hates rain, ever since she was a child she missed the rays of the sun. She doesn't quite know the reason for this hatred, but she knows it gets better when she is at home, warm, under the blanket and with a cup of tea. She didn't expect this comfort to also come when she was with another person.
Lesbian love
Sad stuff, and getting better with it
Low Fantasy
Current Stage in Writing Process:
First Draft
Book Cover:
Tumblr media
Content Warnings:
Emotional Abuse
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