#MSPW: horror
sunset-a-story · 1 year
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Witch Hunter Robin X Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. X Blood+
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A serial in three arcs (Sunrise, High Noon, & Sunset)
SolCorp was founded to hide the existence of knacked people and their myriad of superhuman powers from the world, keeping humans safe from out-of-control knacks and keeping knacked people safe from human intolerance. So when they discover that one rogue Sol scientist had generated 25 babies with a defective Probability Manipulation knack and abandoned them out in the world fourteen years ago, it's up to SolCorp to find them and bring them back. But maybe their knacks weren't so defective after all because as three of the Venus 25 grow into adulthood, improbable things start happening. Things that will change SolCorp and the world forever. Sunset is a slow-burn of mounting tension and stakes that only get higher with expansive worldbuilding and a majority LGBTQIA+ ensemble cast that has something for everyone from espionage to adventure to romance and even a dash of monster hunting.
found family
revolution vs mega-corp
coming of age (older teen)
growth and healing
power corrupts
Current Stage of Writing Process:
Sunrise (115k words/245 pages): in beta; plan to release in 2023
High Noon (307k words/683 pages): ready for beta
Sunset: in progress
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Artwork by my co-writer and partner.
Check the Sunset hashtag for more character profiles.
Content warnings (entire series)
mind control (telepathy)
explicit sexual content
weapons (guns, knives, munitions)
drinking/drug use (prescription, recreational, on-screen)
age gap (slight)
reference to child abuse (not on screen)
threat of sexual assault
mental illness
suicide (not on screen)/suicidal thoughts
religion (many but heavily Catholic)
intense monster violence
car accident
tag list @words-after-midnight @thathaunteddoll 
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Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Comp Titles
Arkham Horror (board game) x Betrayal at House on the Hill (board game) + 1 eldritch moose
Songs of Decay
Tom moves to a small town with his daughter to reconnect with his dad, a retired bodyguard, and find a better life. Unfortunately, the eldritch abound in this town and he's soon helping rhe local Eldritch Anomalies Department (EAD) investigate a murder. Local widow Esther is determined to find the culprit as well, as the body was on her land. She does NOT get on with the EAD though, which leads to some of its own problems...
1910 or so, with a few automatons. Elritch inspired audio drama. Cowriting with 1 author.
Mental health and illness
Dealing with and caring for those with illness
Content Warnings
Eldritch/paranormal creatures
Mild gore/body horror
Abuse (implied)
Mental illness
Societal misunderstandings and labeling of illness
Messy legal dealings with family
Writing stage
Midst of 3rd draft.
Public domain photos from the era (1910) for Tom and Esther found in library archives
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Related Links
We have a whole wiki that needs some updates but the basics are all there:
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moondust-bard · 1 year
Demon Countess of Anjou X Margaret Rogerson’s Vespertine X European witch hunts
Unholy Covenant #1: The Bloody Divine
Mordelia, the sole heir of an infamously bloodthirsty Count, strives to undermine her father’s crusade against witches and unearth the truth of her missing mother’s identity, pitting her against the Count’s newest young bride, a daughter of nobility snatched from a dying, war-torn land. As the new Countess, Evanor is determined to provide her power-hungry husband with the male heir for which he has yearned since he learned of the curse placed upon him: to never bear a living son. Unfortunately for Evanor, none of the Count’s previous ten wives survived beyond a year of matrimony—and the life and freedom of Evanor’s favorite brother depends on her safe delivery of a healthy son. Meanwhile, in a crumbling temple hidden in the mountains, acolyte Vivaine must take up the mantle thrust upon her by her goddess and uncover a wicked god’s scheme to paint the known world in his image before the birth of his coveted prophesied child.
• nature vs. nurture
• women’s roles & oppression
• immortality
• desire vs duty
• love & sacrifice
• role of religion in society
Current Stage in Writing Process: fleshing out the draft
Content warnings
• Body horror
• Mild gore
• Death
• Implied sexual assault
• Religious trauma
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Want to know more? Find the wip intro here!
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scribe-of-stories · 1 year
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Marble Hornets x Pact/Pale x Cult of the Lamb
Broken Whole
The modern age ended 15 years ago and what's left is broken countries, waring states, and a hidden society of mysticism revealed. A letter arrived for Jacob, a Godless Priest, saying that he inherited his father's land: a tiny island and its church. A Ghost of Worship lives within those walls, meanwhile a predictor in the trappings of religion lives without. The island is a new life for Jacob, a community to nurture, a new faith to found, and a past to confront. A collection of Broken people and Broken things gather, and together they might be able to make a Whole.
Found Family
Ethical spiritual practice vs rigid religion
Loss and Healing
Monster Hunting/Hunted by a Monster
Current Stage of Writing:
Finishing up planning and character building, starting the first rough draft soon.
Content Warnings:
Trauma related to Religion, Loss, Fear, and Failure
Psychedelic and Body Horror
Death of loved ones
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pure-solomon · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week 29/03
Noite (Night)
A paranoic girl needs to buy groceries late at night but the city is really weird today.
One shot, short story
Current stage in progress Being written slowly
Content Warnings:
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moon-and-seraph · 2 years
M+S Pitch Week: List of Hashtags
This is the official list of tags that participants of the Moon+Seraph Pitch Week will add to their pitch posts. The purpose of these tags is to allow people to sort through pitches based on their interests and tastes, so they're super important!
We'll have explanations of each category of hashtags, so read on to see which tags you'll want to add to your pitch! We recommend copy and pasting for ease.
This is a tag everyone will want to use, as it'll allow people to view all pitches collectively.
MSPW: pitch
Representation Tags
Use these tags to indicate the kinds of representation your pitch features. You may use as many of these tags as fit your story.
Please note, the tags with "ownvoices" in them are set aside for people of that identity. For example, a disabled person whose story features disability representation would use "MSPW: ownvoices disability rep" AND "MSPW: disability rep". However, a nondisabled person whose story features disability would only use "MSPW: disability rep".
MSPW: disability rep MSPW: ownvoices disability rep
MSPW: mental health rep MSPW: ownvoices mental health rep
MSPW: neurodivergent rep MSPW: ownvoices neurodivergent rep
MSPW: queer rep MSPW: ownvoices queer rep
MSPW: trans rep MSPW: ownvoices trans rep
MSPW: PoC rep MSPW: ownvoices PoC rep
MSPW: plus size rep MSPW: ownvoices plus size rep
Age-Specific Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by age group. You may only choose one of these tags.
SFF Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by main genre. You may use both tags if your story is sci-fi and fantasy.
MSPW: sci fi wip MSPW: fantasy wip
SFF Sub-Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by sub-genre. You may use as many as fit your story.
MSPW: cyberpunk MSPW: dying earth MSPW: space opera MSPW: steampunk MSPW: solarpunk MSPW: military sci fi MSPW: dystopian MSPW: alternate history MSPW: science fantasy MSPW: portal fantasy MSPW: high fantasy MSPW: low fantasy MSPW: dark fantasy MSPW: gothic fantasy MSPW: magical realism MSPW: urban fantasy MSPW: mythic fantasy MSPW: grimdark MSPW: historical fantasy MSPW: paranormal romance MSPW: horror MSPW: arcanepunk MSPW: romance MSPW: political fantasy MSPW: epic fantasy MSPW: fairytale retelling MSPW: adventure MSPW: time travel
Critique Tags
Use this tag if you're open to receiving feedback on your pitch.
MSPW: crit welcome
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