#MSPW: dark fantasy
andromedaexists · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week!
It's time! I'm gonna talk about Call Me Icarus today
Lore (Alexandra Braken) x American Gods x Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Call Me Icarus
These monsters are in every corner of our society. They are heralded as Gods among men, but not for long. I am doing everything in my power to show who they really are behind their masks. Soon, everyone will see these nasty creatures for what they are…
A Tragedy following Icarus as he takes a look behind the curtain of the Elysian Program and sees the disgusting framework that he was disillusioned to. Now the only thing on his mind is bringing down the program and the entire ATLAS corporation. Will he be able to when the world and his body seems set against him?
Greek Mythology
Overthrowing A Corrupt Government
Social Outcasts/Found Family
Mental Health (not recovery, but learning to live with it)
Physical Disability (and learning to live with it)
Current Stage In Writing Process
Writing! I am over halfway done with this draft, then just one final look over/edit before starting the query process
Art Related To WIP
A Moodboard for Icarus, the main character:
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WIP Relevant Links
WIP Masterlist Icarus Docs CMI Info Page Taglist Signup Picrews!
Content Warnings
Listen, CMI is a dark tale. It is heavy and I want to make sure I get everything here, so please be mindful of the content warnings. I do not put them here for shits and giggles
Child Abuse/Physical Abuse
Police Brutality/Violence
Sexually explicit scenes/Slut Shaming
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moondust-bard · 1 year
Demon Countess of Anjou X Margaret Rogerson’s Vespertine X European witch hunts
Unholy Covenant #1: The Bloody Divine
Mordelia, the sole heir of an infamously bloodthirsty Count, strives to undermine her father’s crusade against witches and unearth the truth of her missing mother’s identity, pitting her against the Count’s newest young bride, a daughter of nobility snatched from a dying, war-torn land. As the new Countess, Evanor is determined to provide her power-hungry husband with the male heir for which he has yearned since he learned of the curse placed upon him: to never bear a living son. Unfortunately for Evanor, none of the Count’s previous ten wives survived beyond a year of matrimony—and the life and freedom of Evanor’s favorite brother depends on her safe delivery of a healthy son. Meanwhile, in a crumbling temple hidden in the mountains, acolyte Vivaine must take up the mantle thrust upon her by her goddess and uncover a wicked god’s scheme to paint the known world in his image before the birth of his coveted prophesied child.
• nature vs. nurture
• women’s roles & oppression
• immortality
• desire vs duty
• love & sacrifice
• role of religion in society
Current Stage in Writing Process: fleshing out the draft
Content warnings
• Body horror
• Mild gore
• Death
• Implied sexual assault
• Religious trauma
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Want to know more? Find the wip intro here!
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Moon+Seraph Pitch Week March 2023
The dark magical girl flair of Madoka Magica meets the messiest group of queer fantasy Costco adults in...
Goddess Gang
A newly formed magical girl group, the Goddess Gang, fights for the safety of their home and families after an unknown source suddenly grants them and their enemies power that hasn’t been seen in ages. They prove their worth as they haphazardly figure out their own version of teamwork, but the girls are full of mystery and despair and they must figure out their mysteries before it's too late. The one with the deepest mystery, the weakest link, is Bambi - Evelyn Wirth's recently reunited brother. The leader of the team, Lila Wirth, feels like this is deja vu but no one knows why, not even Bambi. Even with her decades of training and study in the dark arts, Lila can't solve this mystery, and if she doesn't... it may spell doom for all of them.
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power in femininity
love and friendship
despair and hope
learning to love yourself again
the harm that mothers do
trauma recovery
Quick note!! This story is a memoir, from my life in 2015-2019. All of it is based on and connected to real events and people - highly fictionalized, but based on a true story nonetheless.
Current Stage in Writing Process
I wrote the Internal Struggles plotline years ago and it was good but I got stuck. BUT I recently got unstuck by developing the External Struggles plot as well. So now I’m heavily editing the plot and preparing to start on the first draft. Also it was originally a comicbook project, which is why I haven't started on a prose manuscript.
Content warnings
self-harm mentions
emotional abuse
relationship abuse
past parental abuse
past religious trauma
drug use
past SA/CSA
disordered eating
Thank you @moon-and-seraph for organizing this pitch week!
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week
Brought to you by @moondust-bard and @saintedseraph
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The Imperium Chronicles
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse x Mortal Instruments x Black Dagger Brotherhood
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When the Horsemen are called it creates chaos in Hell, and they take over.  Now with Death as the Queen, War as the King, and a legion of their friends and family, they will take on the remaining Princes off Hell across multiple realms.  Connected through a Web of Lives, no one is disconnected from another, even if those spider silk connections are at first invisible to see.  Rooted in Imperium (Upper Hell), Human Realm (Earth), Uffern, and Pustota, the web will be woven into an intricate and beautiful pattern of violence, love,  death, life, destruction, and ultimately victory….but for which side?
Currently - In Process
Please just let me know if you would like added to the tag list.
Story Page https://theimperiumchronicles.tumblr.com/
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Content Warnings -
evil, demons, angels, religion, blood, viscera, evisceration, gore, swearing, slavery, manipulation, ptsd, emotional manipulation, dv, sa, abuse, death, hell, torture, violence, war, fighting, anger, injury, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, PTSD
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mauannacreates · 1 year
Comp titles:
Undertale series x Wheel of Time series
Conjured Secrets
Log line:
A girl with light magic gets transported to a mysterious palace, and after finding her darker half, they must learn to work together for the battles ahead.
Current Stage in the Writing process:
Draft 4
Art related to WIP:
Moodboard / Character Sprites
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Wip-relevant links:
Content warnings:
Violence & gore
death / animal death
spiders and snakes
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elizaellwrites · 1 year
Legacy of the Fallen
Moon + Seraph Pitch Week
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus x Harry Potter
Low Fantasy x High Fantasy
The great civilization of Hecathians has fallen, leaving millions dead and thousands to flee. Thirteen years later, many have left their origins behind to blend into the human world; however, some retain their culture. Anna has always left the past alone, but now at fifteen, she is faced with the world they have been running from. Brought to a cultural sanctuary where their people have begun to rebuild, her reality begins to unravel, and the truth can no longer be hidden.
Rebuilding after disaster
Overcoming differences
Things aren't always as they appear
Courage isn't the absence of fear
Finding oneself
Current Stage in Writing
In progress: 71k words (Prologue + 14 chapters)
Link to Read Work
Content Warnings
All chapters containing triggering content are marked
Mild Gore
Occurrences of
Emotional and Physical Abuse
Child Death
Mild Bullying
Mild Homophobia
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Six of Crows X I Hunt Killers
(Working title)
Terran is an assassin in Calson City, where a criminal syndicate controls the city. 3 years ago, Terran covered up the death of Raymond, a traitor he was supposed to execute. Now he has to keep anyone from finding out what he's done all while grappling with realizations of morality, of wanting escape, and wanting to be a better person that he sees in Raymond. The safest option is to keep his cover, do his job, and keep Raymond far away from Calson City-- but that may come at the cost of the person he wants to be. The secret of Raymond being alive is threatening to come out amidst assignments, discoveries, and investigations-- all while Terran is surrounded by the Syndicate's watchful eyes.
Escaping vs feeling trapped
Abuse, trauma, and masking
Morality-- learning, sacrificing, and compromising
Current Stage:
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(Image sources here)
Full Intro
Links to excerpts
Info on the magic system
Characters: Terran Raymond Mika
Content Warnings
Abusive Relationship, Anxiety, Attempted Murder, Child Abuse, Death, Emotional Abuse, Fire, Gun Violence, Hostages, Kidnapping, Murder, Physical Abuse, PTSD, Stalking, Torture
Note: I was fairly generous with these and took from the list m+s posted-- please ask me to expand on any of these. But yes it is a book that deals with both abuse and with criminals/assassins.
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Avatar: Last Airbender X DNAngel X Bleach
Bleeding Black (Samsara Syndrome (WIP series title))
Seraphina is a normal high-schooler. Well, as normal as hallucinating dead bodies and having an imaginary friend that isn’t that imaginary. All that changes when she picks up a book about an infamous cult. Suddenly, she is tangled up in an ancient conflict spanning generations.
Darkness is not Evil
Light is not Good
Current Stage in Writing Process: Drafting
Art related to story: See Links
WIP relevant links: Initial Introduction, Main Characters
Content Warnings
Graphic Depiction of Violence
Suicidal themes
Mentioned Rape
Mental Illness
Body Horror
Minor Transphobia and Homophobia
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thesorcererspen · 1 year
Dragon Slayers Pitch
HunterxHunter x Demon Slayer x Greek Mythology
Dragon Slayers
Casimir Kincaide is a half-breed living in a world where humans are mere mortals and the spell-wielding hemomancers known as the Zegoshi reign as Gods. Upon his true identity being exposed, he is forced to undergo a trial by the unyielding God of Judgment, Sigmund Stein. His punishment is being conscripted into an organization of dragon slayers tasked with hunting down and punishing the beasts for infiltrating human society by disguising themselves as one among them.
Found family
Morally grey characters
Past trauma
Ruling class
Current Stage in Writing Process
Artwork: Cover
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Wip Relevant Links
Content Warnings
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pure-solomon · 1 year
Moon+Seraph Pitch Week 27/03
Evelyn Evelyn X A Series of Unfortunate Events X Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them
Bound together since birth, the twins Olivia and Lia must find a new home after an unexpected accident kills their parents, going with a freak show as a job to pay for transportation through this world full of strange people and a dangerous place for kids.
Historical Fantasy
Alternate History
Current Stage in Writing Process: First draft
Book cover:
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Content Warnings:
Mentions of suicide
Car accident
Body horror
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Moon & Seraph Pitch Week!
It's time! I'm gonna talk about Desecrate today
Good Omens x Marcionism and Gnosticism x Angels & Demons (Dan Brown)
What if Marcion was right about the Catholic religion? What if there were two Gods that created the Earth and everything on it? And what if the second God, the God of the Material, was imprisoned by their creation?
Queer! (not romance, but discussion of queer characters and acceptance by church figures)
Prophetic Dreams
Religious Overhaul
Current Stage In Writing Process
Writing the first draft! I am starting this book as a part of a class I am taking.
Art Related To WIP
A Moodboard for Kit, the main character:
Tumblr media
WIP Relevant Links
WIP Masterlist CMI Info Page Taglist Signup World Anvil
Content Warnings
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moon-and-seraph · 2 years
M+S Pitch Week: List of Hashtags
This is the official list of tags that participants of the Moon+Seraph Pitch Week will add to their pitch posts. The purpose of these tags is to allow people to sort through pitches based on their interests and tastes, so they're super important!
We'll have explanations of each category of hashtags, so read on to see which tags you'll want to add to your pitch! We recommend copy and pasting for ease.
This is a tag everyone will want to use, as it'll allow people to view all pitches collectively.
MSPW: pitch
Representation Tags
Use these tags to indicate the kinds of representation your pitch features. You may use as many of these tags as fit your story.
Please note, the tags with "ownvoices" in them are set aside for people of that identity. For example, a disabled person whose story features disability representation would use "MSPW: ownvoices disability rep" AND "MSPW: disability rep". However, a nondisabled person whose story features disability would only use "MSPW: disability rep".
MSPW: disability rep MSPW: ownvoices disability rep
MSPW: mental health rep MSPW: ownvoices mental health rep
MSPW: neurodivergent rep MSPW: ownvoices neurodivergent rep
MSPW: queer rep MSPW: ownvoices queer rep
MSPW: trans rep MSPW: ownvoices trans rep
MSPW: PoC rep MSPW: ownvoices PoC rep
MSPW: plus size rep MSPW: ownvoices plus size rep
Age-Specific Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by age group. You may only choose one of these tags.
SFF Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by main genre. You may use both tags if your story is sci-fi and fantasy.
MSPW: sci fi wip MSPW: fantasy wip
SFF Sub-Genre Tags
Use these tags so people can browse pitches by sub-genre. You may use as many as fit your story.
MSPW: cyberpunk MSPW: dying earth MSPW: space opera MSPW: steampunk MSPW: solarpunk MSPW: military sci fi MSPW: dystopian MSPW: alternate history MSPW: science fantasy MSPW: portal fantasy MSPW: high fantasy MSPW: low fantasy MSPW: dark fantasy MSPW: gothic fantasy MSPW: magical realism MSPW: urban fantasy MSPW: mythic fantasy MSPW: grimdark MSPW: historical fantasy MSPW: paranormal romance MSPW: horror MSPW: arcanepunk MSPW: romance MSPW: political fantasy MSPW: epic fantasy MSPW: fairytale retelling MSPW: adventure MSPW: time travel
Critique Tags
Use this tag if you're open to receiving feedback on your pitch.
MSPW: crit welcome
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MSPW Wrap-Up
it is extremely difficult for me to narrow any list of anything down, ever, but i have tried.
the clockwork woman by @andromeda-grace i'm sort of weak to steampunk fantasy. and stories that spit on destiny. and magic systems with consequences. and globe-traversing adventure stories. and capital-s spirits. you kind of just got me with this one on, like, all levels.
the curse of new royston by @new-royston-cursebreakers the concept of a town where everybody's physical size varies in the extreme is already so fun and cool that the added promise of a mysterious dark secret is giving me, like, pre-read butterflies
always the bridesmaid by @blind-the-winds you say the words 'collective dreamscape' and i am already in i am seated and i am listening. i want to know Everything. and it's a library? i want to know Everything.
kingsley by @thephoenixandthecrocodile literally what more can i say to convince you than the summary already has? if the crime isn't enough for you there is something so special, so [chef's kiss] about worlds like ours but with anthro characters in them
we did it fellas
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