konigsblog · 3 months
orlaaaa !!!! i’m graduating from college on monday !!!! hope you’re having the best day <3 love u !!!! kisses muah muah
AGH, congratulations, my dearest ♡, i'm so happy for you !!! sending you kisses and virtual hugs, mwuah ! 🪼
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btsqualityy · 1 year
parks fluff 💛 jimin and the rest of the guys are waiting for a meeting to start. while everyone is talking amongst themselves, jimin gets a facetime call from his wife. he answers only to see his adorable 3 year old daughter holding her mamas phone with a pout.
jimin: hi bab- why are you pouting princess?
syd: you didn’t give me a kiss when you left 🥺
jimin: i did but you were napping 😂 i’d never leave without giving you a kiss,
sydney’s pout gets even stronger and her duck lips are poking out even more, jimins excuse wasn’t good enough.
jimin: okay okay, how about daddy gives you kisses through the phone?
sydney nods excitedly,
jimin: is 3 kisses on each cheek okay princess?
sydney: and one on the nose daddy!
jimin: ah yes of course of course-
jimin gives sydney 7 virtual kisses in total including the extra dramatic *muah* kissing sound effects which makes sydney giggle
sydney: okay daddy, you can work now! i love you!
jimin: i love you more princess, i’ll give you more kisses when i get home okay? be a good girl for mommy and oppa 🥹
after jimin and sydney say their goodbyes he notices how deathly quiet it is around him. he looks around and sees all 6 of the members staring at him blankly
ot6: 😐😐😐😐😐😐
jimin: 😗
yoongi: …..and i thought i was bad.
ot6: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
jin: you are!
namjoon: you’re worse.
jimin: yoongi hyung i know you aren’t talk-
yoongi: okay but this isn’t about me.
Jimin can never find it in his heart to deny his baby girl, especially since she looks like his wife 😭and not Yoongi saying he thought he was bad 🤣Namjoon was correct because he’s wayyy worse 😭
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enluv · 3 years
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bubblesuga · 4 years
the first time they say i love you
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It would be an accident. 
Obviously he knows he loves you, but he was never the greatest at finding the best time to admit it. After dating casually for a few months, he had definitely made up his mind that he was madly in love with you. He wasn’t sure what made him realize this, maybe it was the way you danced in his kitchen at three in morning, or the sensual touches you laid across his chest after having sex, or maybe it was the way you never failed to laugh at his jokes. 
Either way, he didn’t expect to tell you like this. 
It was the first morning since he came home from touring, and he was finally able to sleep soundly since you spent the night at his place. When he woke up, you were in the kitchen with the radio playing softly, singing to yourself as you flipped pancakes. 
His shirt was long on you, but not long enough to completely cover your behind, so the hints of your skin peaking out made him admire your beauty even more. You didn’t notice when he entered the kitchen, standing in the doorway with his broad shoulders leaning against the wall. Then he watched you. 
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the only thing he could think about was how he found his soulmate. 
“God, I love you.” He says without thinking, the words feeling foreign on his tongue but also falling from his mouth so graciously he didn’t have the opportunity to regret it. Especially after he watched you jump, your hand flying to your chest while you gasped. 
“You scared me!” you yell, taking a step towards him to smack his chest lightly. A smile stretches across his face, opening his arms to pull you into his chest. He panics for a second, thinking that you didn’t hear him and he would have to find yet another way to tell you he loves you.
After holding him for a few minutes, you look up at him with your chin rested on his chest. He looks down at you, the smile never leaving his face, “You’re so cute.” 
A giggle falls from your lips, “I love you too.” 
He relaxes instantly, leaning down and pressing a hard kiss to your lips. He pulls away with an audible ‘muah!’ before biting his lip and leaning around you to see the stove, “Your pancakes are burning.” 
“Shit!” You yell, whipping around and sure enough, the bottom side of the pancake was now black. Seokjin only laughs, deciding it best to take over because he loves you and he’s willing to do anything for you. And you love him, so much. 
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Yoongi had issues with admitting his feelings, and you were aware of this long before you started a relationship with him. 
The truth is, he knew he loved you when you two were just friends. He never let anyone else bother him or take him away from his work but you, and he especially never complained when you showed up with take out and new gossip about whatever was happening at your job. 
Then when you two finally started dating, he shied away from telling you he loves you and instead showed you in various ways. 
Whether it be slipping a single rose in place of him on the bed when he has to slip away particularly early to go to work, or not being afraid to kiss you in front of all his friends, his hands always keeping a protective touch on your hips. 
One day he showed up to your apartment with groceries covering his arms, knowing you hadn’t had time to go shopping because you were swamped with work. 
He stayed for a while, helping you put away your things and keeping casual conversation. Eventually you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss in thanks. 
As you pulled away, his lips followed you, not wanting the kiss to end. His eyes were still closed, and his hold on your waist was now a little tighter. Bunching up your shirt in his fists, he drops his head to your shoulder and lets out a small sigh. 
He was overwhelmed by the sudden rush of comfort he felt from you. Never in his life had he felt like he belonged somewhere, yet here he was in your arms, feeling like he had finally found his place. He had forgotten about the hurt and rejection that prevented from admitting his feelings for you before, and all he wanted was to tell you how much he loved you. 
One of your hands fly up to his head, your fingers scratching comfortingly against his scalp. It’s not until your neck starts to feel wet do you realize that Yoongi is crying. 
“Baby,” you whisper, “what’s wrong?” 
Yoongi leans up, his eyes rimmed with red and a tear falling from each of them. You reach up, your brows furrowed with worry as you wiped away the tears on his cheeks. You had never seen him cry before so you tried your hardest to hide the shock you were feeling. 
“I love you.” He says, inhaling as he tried to swallow a sob that threatened to fall from his lips. It felt so damn good to say that, he never wanted to say those words for the first time again. They were only for you. 
You let out a relieved laugh, almost in disbelief, catching another tear from his eyes while your own began to well, “I know you do, baby. I love you too.” You lean up to pull him into a kiss, your tears mixing with his where your lips meet. 
Yoongi begins to laugh as well, pulling away and finally wiping his own tears, “What are you doing to me, princess?” 
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Hoseok has known you for most of your life. You two met in primary school, and were attached at the hips for most of your adolescent life. 
He distinctly remembers growing up his mom teasing him about you two ending up together, and on the surface he would scrunch his nose in disgust but deep down he secretly hoped she was right. 
So, when he tried out for BigHit and found himself moving away from you, keeping in contact with you was much more difficult than he anticipated. When he wasn’t sleeping he was eating and when he wasn’t eating he was practicing and when he wasn’t practicing he was sleeping. His free time was completely non-existent so your communication was limited to a few texts here and there. 
You watched from behind a computer screen, happy to see your best friend and love of your life succeed in all his dreams. Although you didn’t find yourself content with the fact that you no longer saw him everyday, you knew that it was inevitable that he was going to succeed. 
As the years went by, your contact with Hoseok had become even less frequent. 
Then you were in Seoul. 
Not for him, your job had allowed you to move to the big city and start a new life there. You decided to take a couple weeks before you told him, wanting to surprise him when the time was right. Every day you walked passed the BigHit building, staring up at the top floor and grinning because you knew he was up there working hard and living his dream. 
The 24 hour grocery store had become Hobi’s favorite place in Seoul, because virtually no one was there at 3 in the morning when he decided to take some time for himself and get out of the dorms. 
He swore he was dreaming when he saw you standing at the end of the diary isle, contemplating aloud what kind of yogurt you wanted to buy. Your finger tapped against your bottom lip, and Hoseok was frozen in place. His mouth opened and shut a few times before he shook his head, wondering if you were going to disappear once he closed his eyes. 
But no, you were still there, and now you had noticed him. A sheepish smile spread across your face and Hoseok had dropped the basket he was holding, before running to you and scooping you up in his arms. 
“What are you doing here?” Hoseok almost yells, holding you as tight as he can for fear that you might disappear. 
“I live here now, I was going to tell you but I wanted to wait and surprise you.” 
Hoseok wouldn’t let you leave his side after that. As far as he was concerned, if you disappeared he would lose you again. Much like when you were kids, you were virtually attached at the hip. On your days off you were at the studio with him and on his days off he was in your apartment, relaxing and watching movies with you. His feelings for you had not diminished one bit. 
“So she’s the one you’ve been telling us about all these years?” Yoongi’s voice sounded out, stopping you from entering the dance room. 
“Yeah,” you could hear Hoseok’s smile, “she’s the one.” 
“I don’t blame you for being in love with her,” Seokjin chuckled, “she’s pretty hot.” 
You let out a gasp, covering your mouth and leaning just enough to peak into the room. 
“That’s not cool Jin,” Hoseok’s face was hardened, “I’m gonna tell her I love her eventually. I just don’t know if she feels the same.”
You made your presence known then, stepping hard enough to cause an echo to sound through the room. Hoseok jumped, whipping his head towards you and hoping you didn’t hear him. It wasn’t until you ran towards him, grabbing his face between your hands and causing him to stare directly into your eyes did he realize that you definitely did hear the conversation. 
“I- I-” he stuttered, but you cut him off by slamming your lips onto his. The initial shock of the situation was wiped away quickly when he realized how soft your lips felt against his, and the smell of your conditioner filled his nose. 
“I love you too, you idiot.” You spoke as you pulled away, and then you heard footsteps leave the room. Hoseok stared at you, his mouth agape, “I didn’t want to tell you like this.” 
“I don’t care how you told me,” you straddled his thighs on the bench so you could be as close to him as possible, “I’m just glad you did. Say it again.” 
He pulls you in for another kiss, “I love you. I love you. I love you.” 
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Namjoon watched you in the lap of another man across the bar, his mouth burning from the amount of tequila he had drank to distract him from the fact that you were there with him but you weren’t with him.  
You thought you had been obvious with you attraction to him, but apparently the only way you could get him to look in your direction was if another man had his hands on you. So you flirted your way onto the lap of a stranger, graciously accepting drinks. 
Namjoon swore if he squeezed any harder on his glass of bourbon, he was sure to shatter it into a million pieces. When your finger came up to the man’s bicep, gently tracing the ink that peaked out of his sleeve, all bets were off. 
Namjoon slammed the glass onto the table, shoving his way through the crowd of people and grabbing your arm, you shrieked as you felt him tug you to the exit. Once outside and way from the bustling movement of people in the alley beside the bar, Namjoon stopped and looked at you. 
“What the fuck was that, Namjoon?” You yell, throwing your hands up in exasperation. 
“You think that’s cute, what you’re doing in there? Having another man’s hands all over you directly in front of me?!” God he was sexy when he was mad, but you had to resist the urge to tell him that while you played dumb. 
“Why are you so angry? It’s not like your my-” 
“Because I fucking love you! You’re so goddamn infuriating sometimes, you know that? How the hell could you not know that I loved you, huh?!” His words were slightly slurred and his voice echoed off of the walls surrounding you two but he stopped his ranting once he saw the large smile stretched across your features. 
“You love me?” Your tone was teasing, clearly the endless stream of drinks you consumed was having an affect on you as well on the opposite end of the spectrum. 
“Wha- that’s not important! What matters is why you were on that dude’s lap! You never did that shit before!” Namjoon shook the confusion from his face and continued his rant. When you looked up at him, both of your eyes glazed over, Namjoon finally managed to put two and two together. 
“You’re unbelievable.” He growls, grabbing your face in his hands and kissing you. You kiss back immediately, holding him as close to you as possible. You can taste the bourbon on his tongue while you backed up against the wall, allowing him to lift you and wrap your legs around his waist. 
“For the record, I love you too.” You say, and he kisses you again. 
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“I love you.” 
The words left your mouth faster than you could comprehend, your panicked voice sending shivers down your own spine while you stare at your boyfriend sat across from you in the restaurant. 
It hadn’t been long since you started dating, but you were already sure you loved him. How could you not be? He was unbelievably attractive, the funniest man you had ever met, and the most caring soul. Every second you spent with him was a second not wasted and soon you had fallen madly in love with him. 
Trying to gauge his expression, he dips his spoon back in the broth of his noodles, slurping it down calmly. Embarrassment flooded your body, and you knew you were read in the face as he didn’t say a word. He just kept eating. 
“A- are you gonna say something?” You stutter, nervous for the first time since your first date. He looks up at you, a gleam in his eye, then looks back down and sucks some noodles into his gorgeous mouth. 
Your utter disbelief was obvious. Had he not heard you? Was he deliberately ignoring you because he didn’t feel the same? The restaurant wasn’t loud, you spoke in the same tone you had been using all night, so why the hell wasn’t he responding? 
“Yes, baby?” He looks up, setting down his chopsticks. 
“I love you.” You repeat, only to see a smirk fall across his face. Then he laughs softly, “I’ve been waiting for you to say that forever.” 
Your confusion was evident. 
“Say it again.” Jimin says, his tongue in his cheek. He leans forward, grabbing your hands in his and stroking your knuckles softly. 
You laugh, relieved, “I love you, Jimin.” 
Jimin inhales, cupping his ear. “I can’t hear you!” He sings, and you look around the restaurant with a few eyes watching you guys. He stands up, leaning across the table, gesturing with his hand. 
You take a deep breath and you yell, “I love you, Park Jimin!” 
Your face was red as more heads turn towards the two of you, and Jimin plops his happy ass back down onto his seat, “I love you too, baby, but you don’t have to shout about it. Jeez.” 
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest, but not taking your eyes away from his or wiping the smile off your face. 
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Waking up in the morning next to you was Taehyung’s favorite part of the day. Although you haven’t officially moved in with him, you were always at his house. The left side of the bed was yours, the nightstand covered in your lotions and filled with various items of clothing that you had left. Mostly underwear to be fair, but he didn’t mind washing your clothes and watching you walk around his house naked as he did so. 
This morning was no different, you both laid there for a moment and then you slipped out from beside him, stretching and allowing your hair to fall from it’s bun. Taehyung watched you stand up, moving around the room and picking up your phone to check if you had any texts because you knew that you were late to work. At this point you didn’t care, deciding mornings with your boyfriend was better than mornings at the office. 
Taehyung’s heart thumped in his chest, your naked body causing heat to rush through his veins, but it felt different from before. It wasn’t that he wanted to have sex with you again (but lets be fair, he definitely did), it was a different kind of heat. 
Then he realized it was love. 
You glanced up from your phone, spotting his reflection staring at yours. You smirked, “What you looking at, boy?” 
“Just how unbelievably sexy my gorgeous girlfriend is.” Taehyung grinned, standing up from the bed and walking to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. His lips were on your neck, pressing gentle kisses on the hickeys from the night before. 
“Sexy and gorgeous, huh?” You tease, turning in his arms and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. 
“And funny, cute, smart... and the love of my life.” He whispers, causing you to look up into his dark brown eyes. 
“You’re the love of my life too.” You respond, your heart beat moving to your ears. The look on Tae’s face was something you would remember forever. Suddenly he picks you up, spinning you around the room while you giggled. When his lips met yours again, you knew that you were gonna have to call off work. 
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He was beyond nervous.
When he woke up this morning, he felt nauseous. This was the first time that he had seen you in a month because your schedules never matched up. The two of you made it a point to make sure you were both off today and he waited anxiously for you outside, making sure his car was clean and there was no crumbs on his passenger seat. 
Then you walked out, dressed in a simple black dress and clutching your phone and wallet in your hand. He jumped out, running to the other side to open the door for you and let you in the car. 
When he jumped back behind the drivers seat, you already had your face across the center console to kiss him. Unfortunately, he didn’t notice and turned his head quickly, knocking your foreheads together. 
You both backed away, each putting a head on your foreheads and groaning in pain. “Shit, I’m so sorry, honey!” Jungkook exclaimed, leaning to put his hand on top of yours. 
You giggled, “You’re okay, Kookie, accidents happen.” You finally lean in and give him a kiss, pulling away with your bottom lip dragging between your teeth and your eyes still shut. 
“I love you!” Jungkook blurts, covering his mouth and panicking. He turns away and hits the steering wheel repeatedly, muttering insults at himself. 
Your eyes fling open, reaching and grabbing his wrists before he hurts himself, “Hey, hey!” You yell, grabbing his chin and turning him towards you, “What’s going on?” 
“I wanted to tell you when we got to the ice rink, I had this whole thing set up where I’d get you to the center of the ice with your favorite song playing then kiss you and tell you I loved you but I- I ruined it.” He whispers dejectedly, running a hang through his perfectly styled hair. 
“Kookie, look at me,” you say softly, furrowing your brows, “you don’t need to do all these extravagant things for me. I love you for you, Jungkook.” 
He looks up at you through his lashes, sniffling softly. He couldn’t thank you more for being so understanding. He was hesitant to start dating because it seemed like every girl wanted him for his fame and money, yet here you were just wanting him in anyway he’d give it to you. 
“You love me too?” He questions softly. 
You scrunch your nose with a giggle, “You’re a dork. I love you very much.” 
His smile was bright, his bunny teeth adding an adorable charm to his face. You brought him in for another kiss, lingering a little longer this time. 
When you pulled away, Jungkook looked shy, “Let’s go ice skating now?” 
“Yes, let’s do that.” You grin. 
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cloudystevie · 4 years
it’s the way i’m unlabeled and still don’t have a partner 😞 i get more lonely everyday pls i just want a hug and maybe a kiss 💔
manifesting a hug and kiss for u but until then i hope my virtual hug and smooch comes through muah <3
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hi just wanted you to know that i love and appreciate you a lot and i hope you're having a wonderful day!! here, take this virtual forehead kiss muah
thank you so much! love you too anon <3 and i’m having a pretty nice day if i do say so myself
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cardreading · 4 years
I can't stop thinking about laying in bed with you and kissing you
you know....that’s a lil bit gay <3  my heart is very doki doki - it is a nice thought anon, and I will welcome such a thing ! muah --- a virtual kiss from afar!
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pinkcherrybombs · 3 years
muah ! sending kisses your way.
enjoy your day author <3
MWAH MWAH MWAH 😘😘I’ll gladly take all the kisses, <<33 I hope you have a wonderful day, and weekend💕💕<3 sending all the virtual hugs and kisses
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slut4mysme · 7 years
Hi!!!! I really in love with your writing!!!! OMG!!!!! Virtual hug to you!!!!! Can i request minific like rfa+saeran lost their wife MC in their anniversary night because of car accident? Like MC die on the spot? Thank you! I love u soooo much! Muah!
Did you miss me? Cos I missed you all a SHIT TON. LIKE OMG. So I’m like the absolute worst because of my two-month hiatus. Honestly, guys, life has just been sucking. Welp, I’ll go more in-depth later buuuuuut I am posting once again. I want to apologize because my writing is SUPER DUPER RUSTY. So I apologize ahead of time if the ficlets suck :( BUUTTT YA GIRL IS BACK. So without further ado the request :3 It was a GREAT prompt but ya girl can only do so much with car accidents D: Leave me some comments guys, critiques anything you’d like to see me do, or anything :)
As always show ya girl some love FOLLOW/LIKE/REBLOG
Oh, and if I were you guys, I’d uh prepare your hearts for some major angst >:D
Wanna know why I was MIA????
Need a master list? I gotchu
It was your first anniversary together as a married couple. Four years of having your beautiful soul in his life, Yoosung was thankful for the fateful day you staggered into the RFA chat room.
In the beginning, he didn’t think anything of it, he knew he thought he was just attached to you because you had filled Rika’s spot. The differences between you and Rika were colossal. He loved you more and more every day; he couldn’t believe his ears when you accepted his marriage proposal.
You were his and he was yours. He had finally graduated school and now he couldn’t wait to start a family together with you. He bolted out of work, excited to meet you. You guys were celebrating your first anniversary together and everything had to be perfect.
He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He grabbed a bouquet of flowers, sunflowers, your favorite. You always thought roses were super cheesy and excessive, in his opinion he thought that it was fitting to you. Like the flowers, you made his life much sweeter and brighter by simply existing.
He began walking to your rendezvous point when he spotted you. He felt his heart skip a beat and his breath lightly catch in the back of his throat. You were beautiful. Feeling his eyes on you, you glanced over at him, smiling brightly and Yoosung just melted. He felt his pace quicken, the need to have you in his arms overwhelming him.
 You quickly made your way over to him, not paying attention. That’s when it happened, a car ran a red light and smashed into you. Yoosung froze. He couldn’t register what was happening. The world was spinning and he couldn’t seem to hear anything. He was your limp body lying there on the pavement as the car sped away.
He saw blood pool near your body and that shook him back into reverie. He ran towards you, tears streaming down his face. This couldn’t be happening. It was your anniversary, the first of many. You were his happily ever after. How could this happen?
He gingerly lifted your head, his tears slowly falling on your face. There was no movement or reaction from you. Cold realization settled over him. He became hysterical, “MC? MC? Open your eyes babe. Please” he broke down sobbing.
Darkness clouded over his eyes and the next thing he knew was he woke up in a hospital bed. Seven sitting in the corner noticed the movement and quickly was at Yoosung’s side. “Hey bud, how are you feeling?” he asked tentatively.
Yoosung groaned, “I don’t know what happened dude, I just had the worst dream that MC was in a car accident.” He clutched his head and let out a breathy laugh. “Speaking of, where is she Seven?” he asked.
Seven just looked at Yoosung, heartbreaking in his eyes. The color drained from Yoosung’s face. It wasn’t a dream after all. His life was a living nightmare. Tears began running down his face once again. He didn’t know what to do, what to say, he just needed to see you, one last time. 
He walked into the solemn operation room, the hum of the machinery just clawed at his ear drums. He knew what exactly the ominous sound meant. He walked over to the bed, a silhouette was draped in white cloth. Its funny, a year ago seeing you draped in white cloth brought tears of joy to his eyes, but this white cloth was the antithesis of that.
This white cloth signified the end, happiness being wrenched from his arms. With shaky hands, he removed the cloth to see your face one last time. He couldn’t do it. First Rika and then you; he couldn’t bear to see your face. He covered your rigid cold body once more and slowly kissed your forehead. Tears streamed down his face as he made his way out. 
He walked out of the hospital into the night. He never did show up to the funeral. He didn’t think his heart could take it. You had managed to glue the pieces that Rika has shattered but how could he ever get over your death? You were his everything. He lost contact with the RFA, moving into a quiet rural area, practicing animal husbandry. He vowed that he would never fall in love again. It was much too painful and he simply couldn’t move on from you. You were his soul mate, his life partner. He just lived his life quietly and alone, waiting for the day he could meet you again.  
She never really knew what her life would be without you. Honestly, everyone has a life but until the day Jaehee had met you she hadn’t really lived.
Her days previously were dull, focused on working and becoming a successful, thriving member of society. Now she looked forward to so many silly things. Waking up in the morning next to you, sharing a simple meal with you, stealing quick glances at you, your little inside jokes and so much more.
She found joy in everything that involved you. In the beginning, she was hesitant. She didn’t know if this was friendship but she knew it was something deeper. Never in her life, did she have such a connection with anyone and she was grateful that you had the patience to wait until she realized her true feelings.
She loved you. It was as simple as that. You two had tied the know two years ago and were celebrating your two year anniversary. You both didn’t like doing anything too extravagant. Just spending time with each other was more than enough.
Jaehee was lost in thought, as she walked alongside you. Admiring your beauty, she didn’t know how on earth she was able to live before. Looking back at how she used to be, she seemed so dull and serious. She was grateful having you in your life.
She heard skidding, and she saw a car barreling towards her. She froze, finding herself unable to move. “Jaehee” she heard you screech. To her surprise, she felt herself hurtle over and a sound of a crash behind her.
“No,” she thought to herself. “Please, it can’t be” She turned to see your limp body lying on the side of the road, smoke coming out of the assaulting vehicle. A whirlwind of emotions flowed through her, but she got ahold of herself. She dialed 911 and reported and accident with casualties. She then sent a mass text out to the RFA, alerting them of what happened as she sidled up to you.
You appeared to be unconscious. That’s a lie. She didn’t need to be a doctor, but she knew there would be no way you could survive with your body laying like that. She had faith though. She knew life couldn’t be so cruel. 
She felt numb as she climbed into the ambulance with your body, not responding to the EMT. She couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t feel anything. She sat in the waiting room of the hospital as the members of the RFA hurriedly shuffled in. She looked up with blank eyes, “Everyone, it seems that MC is no longer with us,” she stated as calmly as she could. She heard the boys break down in tears, holding their heads in disbelief.
Jumin walked over to her, and bent down, “Assis- Jaehee, are you alright?” She wanted to laugh, how on earth could she be all right? What an asinine thing to ask? She looked up at him incredulously ready to fight, but her eyes met with his grey irises, his heart breaking in them.
He knew she wasn’t all right, he wanted her to stop pretending that she was. Her eyes filled with tears and her body shook as she let out a cry, “It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. First father and then mother, I tried so hard to protect my heart but she wheedled herself in and now she was taken from me as well. How can life be so utterly cruel?!”
She buried her face in her hands as she felt arms around her. Everyone loved MC and it broke their hearts to see such an abundant expression of sadness from Jaehee, the stoic ex-employee of Jumin.
She held the wake for the funeral for MC at the coffee shop, she knew its what you would’ve wanted. Your family and friends showed up, everyone loved you. Jaehee smiled bitterly, it was so hard for her. She was so used to having you in her life, being the center of her joy. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She was grateful. She was happy that she had the chance to get to know you and fall in love with you. She was grateful that you showed her how to truly live. She would never forget you as long as she lived, she felt eternally indebted to you. She closed her eyes as she slowly wiped the trickling tears from her eyes, “Goodbye MC, I love you.”
He was handsome, that was common knowledge. What Zen loved the most about you was how down to earth you were. All his previous relationships were so incredibly shallow; it’s no wonder that they ended. Actually, that’s wrong, it was destiny. They ended because he was waiting for you.
You were always there for him and so supportive. When you had mysteriously joined the RFA, he had joked about being single. Sure, you piqued his interest. He thought you’d go running when you saw how narcissistic he was, to his pleasant surprise you saw right through him. You saw that it was simply a coping mechanism, seeing that he was actually really insecure and he just “faked it until he made it”.
Zen was sure he fell in love with you in the chat room, even to him that sounded silly. How on earth could you fall for someone you’ve never even met before? He just felt such a strong connection to you he couldn’t help you. When you had shown up to his apartment, he was absolutely floored. You were just as beautiful on the outside as you were in.
He knew he was moving fast, but when you were almost kidnapped he realized that he wanted to be with you. He knew, that he had gotten it right this time. Here you were celebrating your first year together as a married couple, two years together in total.
Everyone said you two were moving too fast, but you didn’t care. Zen loved you more than anything in the world and he knew you loved him just as much. He was still so insecure; you deserved everything in the world, the absolute best. He was still climbing the ladder to fame but you never ever voiced a complaint. Was he doing a good job loving you?
He made sure that your first anniversary together would be special. He picked you up on his bike and tossed you a helmet. You grinned as you put it on and hopped on the bike behind him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He felt your warmth against his back as he revved up and drove.
He took you to your special place and you were pleased to see a blanket laid out with all your favorite foods and a bouquet of flowers. You looked up to your movie star as he bashfully laughed and lead you over to your feast. He loved this, these little moments, spending time together. He kissed you deeply as he asked you to close your eyes. You looked at him skeptically as you obeyed.
You felt him reach around you and move your hair to the side. He placed something around your neck and you opened your eyes. You held up your phone to get a better look at the necklace as you saw a simple pendant with a gold star.
He blushed, “I know it’s nothing too fancy, but when I’m a huge star I’ll get you a proper one. I just wanted to give you that so you know that no matter how famous I become, I am always your star first. ARGH, I’m being too cheesy” he said as he buried his face in his arms embarrassed.
You grabbed his face and kissed him deeply, smiling as he returned it appreciatively. “Zen, unfortunately ” you said breathlessly, “I love you more than anything, don’t ever forget it please.” He was on cloud nine, as he peppered you in kisses. You both cleaned up and started to head back.
He zoomed on his motorcycle, carefully maneuvering his way through traffic when he heard a loud honk and just silence.
Zen found himself gaining consciousness in a hospital room. He smelled the stale air in the hospital and he heard Jaehee stir as she cried out, “He’s finally awake.”
He groaned as he held his head and felt bandages. His leg was in a cast and his shoulders were throbbing. He opened his eyes to see the members of the RFA in front of him, well except-
“Where is MC guys?” he asked as he clutched his head once again, “Yoosung, why are you crying I’m fine?” he exclaimed lightheartedly.
Everyone was silent for a minute and then Zen heard Jumin break the silence, “Zen, I am sorry to in, unfortunately, did not make it. You two were struck by a drunk driver and she was pronounced dead at the scene,” he said stoically.
Zen snorted, “Very funny guys, where is she? Hiding in the hallway?” He started to get up from his bed. The RFA members just looked at him solemnly as it slowly dawned on him. They weren’t joking.
That’s not possible though, there is no way you could be gone. You two were destined for each other, made for each other. How could this happen? “I need to see her,” Zen said forcefully as he abruptly stood up, pushing the members away. 
Seven blocked his path. “Zen please, she’s gone,” he pleaded with her. Zen grew aggravated, “Get out of my way,” he roared as he shoved the red-head to the side. He found Jumin standing in front of him.
“Zen, I understand you are upset but please, you need to rest, you were also badly injured.” Zen couldn’t take it anymore, he felt all of this emotions and frustrations bubble over and he punched the chairman’s son in the face. “MOVE.”
Jumin gingerly touched his lip and swiftly raised his hands to calm his bodyguards down, “Let him go, he’s grieving” 
Zen hurriedly made his way down to the reception desk, “Excuse me, can you tell me where my wife MC is?” The nurse led him over to a room, void of any light. There you lay in the middle of the room, lifeless. Your body was covered in cuts and bruises but you were still as beautiful as ever. No wonder the room was dark, lifeless, you had taken it all when you passed. Just like this room, his life would be reflected like this dull, lifeless.
There was no him without you. He felt tears stream down his face as he began to sob. Everything that he had, it was thanks to you. All of his efforts it was for you, hell he even forgave his family for you. How could he possibly go on? He went to check out of the hospital. His wounds would heal, at least the ones that he obtained from the accident. However, his heart would never heal. Zen knew you were his one.
The funeral was small and quiet, just family and members of the RFA came to show support. Zen was devoid of all emotion; you had taken his heart. He approached your open casket to say some final words when he felt his breath hitch. You were wearing the necklace he had gifted you and everything flowed out of him. He lost energy in his legs as he fell to the ground sobbing. To his surprise Seven and Jumin came to his side, squeezing his shoulder supportively. He recollected himself as he held his fingers to his lips, kissing them tenderly and placing them on your cold blue ones, “Goodbye my love, until we meet again.”  
“Money can’t buy happiness” When Jumin had first heard that, he simply thought it was something commoners used to say to not feel so inferior to people like him who were better off. He foolishly believed that he had everything, and then he met you.
Sure at first he had his suspicions. Would you be another one of those gold diggers that liked him for his brand and money or would you be like his mother and break his heart. You see, he had very little faith in women. His stoic nature was a product of his upbringing; he couldn’t exactly help it.
Yet you understood him at a deeper level than anyone else had. When he lost his mind when Elizabeth the 3rd went missing you were there for him, you understood him and the pain he felt, the loneliness he felt, the fear he had of giving himself to someone just to have them break his heart. You accepted all of that and in turn loved him, the man he is today is all thanks to you.
For once in his life Jumin Han, could say he was actually happy. He had a beautiful wife that gave him everything, including a family. You two had gotten married pretty quickly and when you told him you were expecting twins he was ecstatic but terrified. He wanted to be an amazing father, fill the voids he felt when he was younger and you assured him that he would be amazing. Not only that but he wouldn’t be alone, Jumin had finally found a home.
You had been married for five years now; life was amazing. Jumin woke up every day with a smile. You had given birth to your youngest son two years ago and life was blossoming. Jumin felt blessed every day to wake up next to you. Sure your Elizabeth, your two sons, and daughter sprawled across your bed ruined the mood a tad, but he loved every second of his life.
Seeing you tackle being a mother to all three of his kids and be the poised collected wife of the C&R Heir, he was awestruck at how you managed to do it all. Every day he found himself falling deeper in love with you. 
Because it was your five-year anniversary, Jumin had made sure to have his father watch his children. He needed time with you alone and he loved his kids but this was his day with you. Money was never an issue with Jumin, but he knew you hated all the extravagant presents. So he took you to a suite in a hotel and made you dinner. Candles and all, the table filled with your favorite foods. 
He loved it because to him, the little things were what made your bond stronger. He rested his head in your lap and you just enjoyed each other’s company. Sure it wasn’t lavish and expensive but this was exactly how you two loved it.
Jumin abruptly sat up and turned to you, “MC, if you would please be honest with me my love. Have I done a good job as a husband, loving you, caring for you?” 
You grabbed the poor man’s face and hugged him tightly, reassuring him that yes, you were the luckiest girl in the entire world.
Jumin closed his eyes and breathed in your scent, his heart pounding, tears threatening to fall. It’s odd, everyone teased him for being robotic and stoic, but you stirred all types of emotions in him. 
It was getting late and you two knew that the Chairman had probably had his fill of his grandchildren. You two made your way down the stairs and settled next to each other in the car, cozying up to one another. The driver started up the car and made its way down a busy intersection when your vehicle was stuck.
Jumin felt his body fly forward as he lost his grip on you. He awoke outside the vehicle, lying on the cold hard ground. He groaned as he grabbed his head in agony, his skull was throbbing. He heard sirens in the distance and he looked around and finally spotted you.
He made his way over to you, but he knew. You had not made it. Not with your body at that angle. He clutched your lifeless body and sobs escaped him. He cried out your name over and over again. Screaming. “Please god, I’ll do anything, please don’t take her. She is the only thing I have ever truly wanted, PLEASE”. 
He cried out, but it was futile. You had left him. What was he going to do? How was he going to survive? You were his everything, his only reason to live, you understood him like no other. What was he going to do, oh mc? He let out another loud cry.
The funeral was painful. The magnitude of despair in his eyes was enormous. He took one last look at you. Hair, that you changed every day, always making you beautiful not matter how it was styled. Your eyes, that captivated him, the mischievous glint, how they sparkled when you smiled. Your smile, that gave him warmth and solace. Your arms which embraced him, finally giving himself a home after all these years of being alone. He couldn’t, he didn’t want to go back to the cold loneliness he felt before, the abyss of darkness he felt of being devoid of any emotions.
He turned; he was going to let Assistant Kang know that he was going to pour himself into work. Not to be bothered, he couldn’t deal with emotions they were too troublesome. He saw his three children, your three kids, in the arms of the RFA.
You hadn’t left him alone after all. He broke down once again as he embraced his children. How could he forget? How could he abandon them?
Emotions weren’t troublesome. After all, all three of your children were born from the love you two had. He wouldn’t regret a second, not one moment of him being with you. He wanted it all, the good, the bad, the heart-wrenching.
He kissed your forehead for the last time, “Thank you, my love, for everything you have done and everything you have given me. Words can’t begin to explain how much I love you, but just know that I do. Don’t worry, I will take care of the kids properly and love them just as much as I love you. Wait for me my love, for I will be forever yours.”
He didn’t deserve you. Seven knew that he knew it better than anyone in the world. The problem was he was madly in love with you. From the second he had laid his eyes on you on the security camera, he knew he was in trouble.
He also knew that he was no good for you. But the more you two talked the deeper he fell for you. You were perfect for him; he wanted you. This was him though; he didn’t get a happy ending. He was sentenced to a life of misery.
He pushed you away; it hurt him more than it hurt you. You, however, were as stubborn as ever and he was happy you were. Every step he took back from you, you took ten forward. He didn’t want to hurt you, he wanted you to be happy and safe, even if that meant that he had to be mean to you and show you better options.
He couldn’t do it though. At the end of the day, he loved you, more than anything in the world. To his disbelief, you loved him too. After the whole debacle with Mint eye and his brother, you two could finally be together.
Everyday Seven had to pinch himself, to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Surely there wasn’t a catch, right? There was no way he could be this happy without any catch? There wasn’t though, it was simple you loved him and he loved you. 
You had gotten married after a year and were celebrating your two-year anniversary. He couldn’t believe it, he had spent two years with you as his beloved. To be with him through sickness and in health, through good and bad, he would do it all as long as it meant you would be by his side.
It was your two-year anniversary but he planned to do the same thing every year. He packed up a fulfilling lunch of HBC and Ph.D. pepper and you two hopped into one of his babies and made your way to the countryside. Stargazing was your favorite pastime, sure you weren’t able to get married at the space station, but you would take a look at the stars every anniversary.
You lay on the blanket giggling gazing at the stars, as Saeyoung looked at you. You were so beautiful; he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to find someone as amazing as you in his life. You were there for him when things were rough and he was so lucky. He felt his eyes fill with tears and drops trickle down. “Fuck,” he cursed.
You looked over at him, worried at his sudden sadness, “Saeyoung, what’s wrong babe?”
He pulled you into a tight embrace and kissed you. “Nothing, absolutely nothing is wrong as long as you are going to be with me forever.”
You giggled as you wiped the tears from your redhead’s face. “I plan on being here forever mister, so don’t try to get rid of my any time soon,” you joked. He laughed as he grabbed you to cuddle. 
It was nearly dawn; you two began packing your stuff to get ready to head back. In the distance, Seven saw a vehicle, which struck him as odd since this area was extremely deserted. He saw the vehicle zoom closer and recognized it, as someone from another intelligence agency.
He yelled at you to get down, as he sprinted towards you. It was too late, you turned and he saw the confusion etched on your face as your body was thrown into the air. You hit the ground with a sickening thud. He pulled out a gun from his car but it was too late, the perpetrator had gotten away.
He sprinted to your limp body, praying with everything he had, that you were ok. That God was not so cruel to take you from him. He pleaded, bargained, begged him, saying that he would leave your life forever, that he should take him instead of you.
It was too cruel. He was the target, why had they come after you. Why did this happen to everyone he loved? Was he cursed? Damned to roam this planet, forbidden to get close to anyone or anything. Please God, if you’re there, don’t take her away from me. She is all I have ever wanted. I will do anything, anything you want me to JUST PLEASE DON’T DO THIS. 
He sobbed ad he lifted your lifeless body into the car. He saw a tiny box wrapped up sitting on the passenger seat, which belonged to you. He opened the box carefully, wondering what on earth you could have gotten him.
He held the note and read it in disbelief, “Dearest Saeyoung, now my love you can make all the stupid dad jokes you want. I love you.”
His hands shook as he held up the positive pregnancy test. Tears flowed out of his eyes as he screamed. You were pregnant. How could the world be so cruel?
He cried and punched his seat until his throat was raw and his fist were bloody. There was only one emotion running through him now. He drove back to his house, contacted the RFA and held a small funeral; halfway through he disappeared, he couldn’t take it.  God damn it MC, I told you, I told you I was no good. Sure I would be heartbroken, but I’d rather that than have you dead. 
He went off the grid; his bloodlust was the only thing that he felt. He didn’t stop, he hunted day and night for the people who did this, for the people that took away his one source of happiness; the people who robbed him his wife and child.
Vengeance was the only thing that was on his mind. He finally found the perpetrators and exterminated them. He felt nothing; he had accomplished the final thing he had to do. MC, I can’t do it. I can’t live without you or our baby. I’ll see you soon.
He lifted the gun and held it to his head; he wasn’t scared. He was going to see you, and finally be happy. With a pull of the trigger, he made the ultimate profession of love for you.
He never said, “I love you” to you. Which seeing that you two had been married for a year, seems odd. Sure he felt it and you conveyed it verbally more times than he could count.
He did love you. He didn’t know why he couldn’t say it. It was your one year anniversary and Saeran was determined to say it to you today.
He chalked it up to nerves but honestly. Saeran had no idea why you were with him. You were beautiful, smart, kind and patient. It seemed that everyone in the RFA loved you, but you wanted to be with him. Was it because you felt bad for him? Did you pity him?
As pathetic as it was, even if that were the case, Saeran would take it. You made every day bearable. He loved how warm your embrace was. How your eyes seemed to light up when you spotted him in the crowd. How you always did all the talking but always remembered the little things he would say. He loved you. It was as simple as that.
Being with him wasn’t a walk in the park. Sure he had gotten better but you had been with him for five years. It took him four years to open up to you and even then he couldn’t say those three stupid words. He knew, that you knew how he felt. It was nice to hear it though, just like how his heart swooned every time you told him, he wanted you to melt as well.
He began walking over to your usual ice cream parlor for your annual date when he spotted you outside. He groaned inwardly, how was it possible for you to be this cute? You turned and spotted him, lighting up immediately, and he felt the heat rise to his face.
You excitedly grabbed his hand as you grabbed your ice cream and made your way to the park to cloud watch. You were happily chatting away as Saeran began feeling down. You deserved everything in the world, someone to tell you that he loves you every second of the day, someone affectionate and kind, someone that was the complete opposite of him.
He felt a pang in his chest. Maybe you deserved better, maybe he should let you be happy. Was he holding you back? He dropped your hand and began walking the other way 
“Wha- Saeran? Where are you going?” you called as you chased after him.
“I can’t do this. I need to go home. We need space,” he said as he began crossing the street.
“Saeran, a break? I love you! What do yo-” you were interrupted by a loud honking sound as you were flung into the air.
Saeran hearing the commotion, turned around only to see you sprawled on the ground. He broke out into a run, his feet pounding the pavement. No. NO. NO. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You deserved better. He was giving you a shot to be better. You were right behind him how did this happen. He shouldn’t have turned around.
He finally made his way to your body, as he lifted you onto his lap. His hands were wet and matted with blood, he let out a sob, “No, MC, babe I’m sorry you can’t leave me. I’m sorry please, say something anything please.”
Tears began flowing down his face. He called and ambulance and then his brother, “Saeyoung, I don’t know what happened she was right behind me and now she’s bleeding, please oh god.”
He broke down crying hysterically. He couldn’t do this. He had never loved anyone like you. He never wanted to love anyone else but you. He heard you groan, “Sae- Saeran? Don’t cry love, I’ll be fine.”
His body shook, even now you were tending to him. He cried, tears flowing freely down his face, a siren in the distance alerted him that help was near. He saw your eyes flutter lightly, “Hey no, no. MC stay with me. I love you. You hear me you idiot, I love you so you can’t leave me ever.”Your eyes fluttered, the ghost of a smile played on your face, “You finally said it… I love you too Saeran. I lo-” and with that, your head lolled to the side. He kissed you, saying “I love you” chanting it like a mantra that could possibly bring you back to life. 
He watched as the EMT’s lifted your lifeless body into the ambulance. They pronounced you dead at the scene. He saw his brother and broke down in his embrace. Why didn’t I tell her that I loved her sooner? Why didn’t I tell her I loved her every second of every day? Why is life so cruel?
He couldn’t even attend the funeral. He saw your face and locked himself in the bathroom to cry. He spent his days at your grave, and he spent his nights awake, often crying himself to sleep, just to repeat the cycle the next day. He loved you more than anything in the world and he couldn’t believe you were gone. He didn’t know what to do without you. He was empty. The only thing he seemed to be able to say was, “I love you MC”. If only I had been able to say it to you before it was too late.
WOW. Holy shit this was a loooooong one and hella depressing. OMG, I like low-key cried a few times while writing this. Worse because I played this song on a loop while I wrote this D:  be warned kiddies. But um hello? Who is amazing for reading this long ass ficlet, that is a bit rusty because of this ol’ writer, YEAH DAS RIGHT YOU BABY GORILLA Just a friendly PSA- so just like in the fic, driving can be super dangerous. Please make sure that you all drive safely and responsibly because it’s not only your life that can be affected. Let me know which fic broke your heart the most >:D As always I love you guys
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confusedapprentice · 6 years
Moon Emoji Anon here! Thank you, I’m glad you are doing good. Unfortunately I’m a little sick at the moment, but other than that I’m doing just fine. Well for now I’ll send you a virtual *kiss/MUAH* and *cuddles* as well, and maybe tomorrow I’ll send some flirty (AKA horny) asks heheheheh. I’m off to bed now, so goodnight hun! ❤️
Caught it ;3 haha thanks for the kiss dear. Sleep well and hopefully see ya tomorrow 💙
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god-damn-it-miranda · 7 years
platonic anon here uwu! i think i'll reveal my identity soon, but here! MUAH! i love you! sending you a virtual hug/kiss uwu
I love you too you amazing human being person you! 
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cloudystevie · 4 years
I just woke up from a nap but not much tbh, went to the store earlier and that’s about it. Hope your cramps lessen 🥺 sending a big ass virtual hug your way ✨
i tried to nap but instead i laid in bed for 3 hours so that was obviously extremely productive of me. big kiss pour vous muah muah
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