amberizedcasey · 9 months
Diego heard once that you die two times, once when you die for real, and a second time when people forget about you. He swore to himself that he would never forget Lucie, so she would stay alive in his memories until the end. It was the least he could do.
He never had much, he carried half of his world in his backpack and he held the other half by the hand. It has always been just the two of them. Diego and Lucie. And that was enough for him.
Losing her was like losing part of himself. She was his best friend, his soulmate, his partner in crime. Without her he was just a broken piece of what was once a beautiful thing.
He blames Emi for that. He blames Carol. He blames Panacea. He blames the world. But mostly, he blames himself. He should have been there. He should have done something, anything. He just wasn't enough. And she died because of that.
Benito tried to tell him that yeah it was Carol's fault nevertheless but it was also Lucie's choice in the end. He calls him crazy, and worse things.
He can't believe it. She wouldn't sacrifice herself for a kid she had just met. She wouldn't be that stupid. She wouldn't leave him. She wouldn't die that way.
He knows deep down that he is wrong. He knew her better than everyone after all.
She had made her choice, and he should respect it. She was a hero, even if she didn’t believe in that, he knows that she probably didn’t, she would have made the same choice a million times over, she was ready to die, even if it wasn't fair.
And it wasn't.
He learns to forgive himself with time. He never hated Lucie for what she did. He tells her that. They never found her body and they couldn't really bury anything in a cemetery without raising suspicions, so they made her an altar at Luis's abuela home.
He tells her about everything. About his job at the taqueria. About Benito finally going to medical school. About Wallace II. And Wallace III. About Jeffrey learning to cook. About Luis' strange but effective Spanish classes. About Emi. He tells her a lot of things about Emi. He knows that she would like to hear about her the most, beside the usual gossip.
He never got a call back from her parents. He told her not to worry about it. Her real family was there with him, and they would keep her memory alive. They would remember her forever. The good, the bad, and the truth. She wasn't perfect by any means, she made many mistakes in life, and she would have probably continued to do so, but she tried, she really tried, and she was human, and that was enough.
He tells her that, at the end of every conversation, he knows that she had trouble believing in herself, he also knows that it is silly to try to bust a dead person's self esteem but he does anyway. She was his best friend. She will always be his best friend. And until they meet again he will keep her alive in every step he takes and choice he makes.
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amiracleilluminated · 5 months
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geralt-of-baevia · 3 months
Call It What You Want: Chapter Two
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine
pairing: nobreakout!joel x f!ofc (Violet Fletcher)
rating: explicit, MDNI 18+
word count: 1.9k (small but mighty! the next one is much longer)
summary: Seeking solace from a painful breakup, Violet relocates to a tranquil town, purchasing a neglected house to renovate. In her new neighborhood, she befriends Harlow, who introduces her to Joel, a gruff and seasoned contractor with a heart of gold. Despite Joel's initial grumpiness, Violet finds herself drawn to his expertise and hidden kindness.
As Violet immerses herself in home renovations alongside Joel, their dynamic begins to shift, with Joel unexpectedly opening himself up to the possibility of love. Their budding relationship faces challenges as shadows from their pasts emerge, testing their newfound connection.
warnings/tags: literally just some good ol' fluff. it's a slow burn, what can I say?
a/n: hi guys! i hope y'all liked the first chapter. this chapter is a short one, but don't worry! the next one is much longer and event filled muahahahah.
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A few days had passed after Joel fixed my door and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I tried to get him out of my head by making an apple pie, something I could just focus on throwing myself into. But flashes of his face and his arms kept interrupting me. He had ended up staying until dinner time fixing my front door. I helped him occasionally, holding a nail or a board for him. I admired his determination and how hard of a worker he was. 
There was no way in hell I could have done what he did, or at least nowhere as easily. It was making me start to doubt my ability to redo this house on my own. Maybe it was a stupid idea like my ex had said. 
I tried to shake the thought from my head. I put the finishing touches on the pie before placing it in the oven and setting the kitchen timer. 
A knock at the door made me jump, thankful it happened after I had put the pie in the oven. That was a mess I didn’t want to clean. 
I lazily made my way to the door, not in any rush to see what someone was potentially going to be selling me. To my surprise, Joel was standing on the porch, his hands in his pockets. An uncontrollable grin spread across my lips, causing my cheeks to instantly ache.
“Hi Joel,” I said, trying to contain my smile.
“Hiya Violet. I was hopin’ you were home,” he said nervously with a smirk.
“How can I help you?” 
“I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by to see how the door was holding up,” he said. I looked the door up and down. 
“It looks like it’s holding up well,” I said sarcastically. He looked at me blankly for a moment before cracking a grin at my stupid joke.
“Would you like to come in?” I asked, opening the door wider for him. He nodded happily and walked past me into the house. I shut the door and led him to the kitchen. My eyes winced at the mess. Dirty bowls, flour, and apple peels were scattered all over the kitchen table. 
“Sorry about the mess,” I told him, grabbing a bowl and taking it over to the sink. 
“It looks like you made an apple pie or somethin’,” he said. I watched Joel pick up a few things from the mess and walk them over to me at the sink. My heart fluttered. 
“Well, it’s your lucky day, sir,” I said I with a smile. I couldn’t help but notice his mouth twitch when I called him that, but I decided to keep that information tucked away in the back of my mind. 
“Is that so?”
“Mmhmm. Go open the oven.”
As I started to run the water, he went over to the oven and opened it a crack. A small smile formed on his face. I left my spot at the sink and continued to clean off the table.
“Is that an actual goddamned apple pie?” he said in disbelief, letting out a scoff and looking over to me. I nodded. 
“It is. I had some leftover pie dough in the fridge and some apples so I figured, what the heck?” 
“I’ve never known anyone who has just made an apple pie on a whim and it look that good,” he said, giving the pie one last look before closing the door. 
“Well then you must not know many pastry chefs,” I said with a shrug. He scoffed out a sigh, putting his hands on his hips. 
“Are you really a pastry chef?”  
“I am. I used to have my own little bakery and everything,” I told him. I finished cleaning the bowl I was working on and set it in the strainer, leaving the rest for later. 
“What was it called?” 
“La Petite Patisserie,” I told him, trying to hide the ache I felt saying its name. I loved that place. It was my absolute pride and joy. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you have it anymore?” he asked gently. 
I sighed. “I sold it and bought this house instead. The property I had was prime real estate, so I sold it for a good lot. I was able to buy this house and still have money left over to fix it up,” I told him. 
“What made you want to buy a house like this?” he asked, “one you have to fix up that is?”
I shrugged. “I wanted to make this house my own and do it myself. I’d always dreamed of doing so and enough people told me I couldn’t. So I finally did it and said fuck you to those people,” I said, uncomfortable pride swelling in my chest. Joel gave me an approving smirk. 
“Well, good for you.”
“Do you want a tour of the house while we wait for the pie to bake? It’ll be at least 45 minutes,” I said to him. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. “I figured you’d want to stay until the pie was done and you could have some.”
Joel’s face lit up. 
“I’d love to.”
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The tour of the house took about forty minutes altogether. In every room we went in Joel would look around, seeing the condition of the ‘bones’ of the house. He told me I had lucked out and this house was in very good condition. We joked about the colors, or lack thereof, in most of the rooms. The bathroom was the worst of them all. A weird split two-toned teal color. 
“That’s just not easy on the eyes,” Joel said, cocking his head as he looked into the bathroom. I giggled. 
“I know. I think this is the first bathroom I’m going to paint,” I said with a wince. Joel walked over and had a lookover of the clawfoot tub that sat in the corner of the room. He glanced up and pointed at the makeshift three-sided shower I currently curtain up, giving me a questioning look. 
“Look, okay I couldn’t find a rounded shower curtain holder, and honestly I don’t trust myself to put it up without falling on me in the middle of my shower,” I stated, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorframe. 
“I can do it for you, it’s not too hard. I’ve put up quite a few of them in old houses like this,” he said nonchalantly. I felt myself start to blush again. 
“That’s very kind of you, but please let me pay you this time for your help.”
“We’ll figure something out,” he said, and I could swear to god he gave me a small wink. 
The alarm on my phone went off. A wide, elated smile spread across Joel’s face. 
“Is the pie done?”
I nodded with a matching smile. 
We both rushed downstairs to the kitchen. I put on my mitts, opened the oven, and was immediately hit with apple cinnamon steam. After I got my vision back, a gorgeous apple pie sat there on the middle rack. I pulled it out and set it down on top of the stove for the time being, then I closed the oven and turned it off.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Joel asked. The butterflies in my chest began to flutter again. 
“Um, over there on the wall are some trivets. Will you pick one out?” I asked, nodding to the wall next to the fridge behind him. He turned around to see what I was talking about and went over to get one. As he did that, I went over to the window I had crawled through yesterday. “Will you put it down there in front of the window?” 
I went and got the apple pie and as I made it to the window, Joel met me with the trivet. He had picked out one that had two chickens on it and was surrounded by ornate ironwork. 
“Holy shit, Violet,” he said as I sat the pie down. 
“That pie looks incredible. Like, it’s almost too nice to eat,” he said with a chuckle, proud of his small compliment. 
“Well, we’ve got about 20 minutes before we can eat it. Would you like some coffee?” I asked. He nodded. 
“Oh yes. I could have coffee at any time,” he said happily. I giggled to myself, still stuck on him not being the grump he was cautioned to be. “What?”
I shook my head. “It’s nothing don’t worry.”
“No, what? I’m not gonna be able to stop thinkin’ about it. You want that on your conscious?” he asked jokingly. I rolled my eyes playfully. 
“It's just that I was warned that you were a curmudgeon of a person. And so far you’ve been nothing but kind to me,” I stated, my cheeks flushing again. He put a hand to his brow and shook his head, a little embarrassed. I tried my best to ignore it and continue preparing coffee.
“I’m assuming Harles is the one who said that?” he asked, looking up at me between his fingers. 
“She is indeed,” I responded. He shook his head again. 
“I mean, she’s not wrong. But maybe blown a little out of proportion,” he said. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
After about a half hour I cut into the pie, gave us each a slice, and set the plates down next to each of our coffee cups at the table. Joel cut into the piece hastily, shoving a giant bite into his mouth. I took a drink of my coffee as he chewed, and his face softened into a stupid happy smile. My eyes widened as he quickly cut another piece with his fork and shoved it into his mouth before he was even done swallowing the first bite.
“Are you breathing, Joel?” I asked with an airy giggle. He looked up at me from his plate and smiled. 
“Violet,” he started, his mouth still full of pie, “this is the best pie I’ve ever had. Does all of your baking taste like this?” He looked down lovingly at the pie.
“Actually, it does. There’s a reason I had a bakery,” I said, “but I will have to say this is a first for me, seeing someone eye fuck a piece of my pie.” 
Joel about choked on his mouthful as he swallowed it, causing me to giggle a little at his reaction. He coughed for a second but drank his coffee to wash it down. 
“Okay Violet, here’s the deal. I don't need any extra money. I make what I need, I live comfortably. So, let’s do this,” he said, placing his fork down on his plate with a clang, “You buy the materials for what needs to be done, and I’ll do the work. The trade-off is you make me food and baked goods. I’m not much of a cook myself, so I’d much rather be fed incredibly good food than get paid. How does that sound?”
“That sounds like you got yourself a deal, Joel.”
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solthesilly · 1 month
okay. full cult of the lamb experience i guess
long post btw
I originally had a normal mode save called cult of easter because i got it on easter. (loud incorrect buzzer, i got it one week before easter)
my favorite follower was a regular chicken with a moon necklace named punaon, who was really great.
at one point my faith was extremely low so i did a bunch of stuff to try to make it better, but then i did a fast because i got confused and thought it would improve faith, because i thought my faith was still very low. shunbhscbhwjd i m stupid
i had a follower named camelia who fell in love with one named pabreon who was a coward. u could do so much better camelia.
that save file ended up sucking and i had a skill issue when fighting leshy so i quit and made a save file called cult of the joy on easy mode which went WAY better.
I beat leshy, thinking I'd immediately get him as a follower, and was SUPER disappointed when i found out i had to beat the whole game first.
I went to anura and made my way through really easily, then met sozo wowie!
hes great
lmao anyway i beat heket on my second try and sozo died a bit after that unsuprisingly so i took the mushroom and planted it, and honestly, i wish i knew nothing about the game at the time because it wouldve made it so much more fun when he popped out of the ground like a zombie and ate all my mushroom crops then proceeded to run around and do a dance for no reason.
oh yeah and at some point during that i married arljumer, a green cow with a nose ring thingy :)
i went to anchordeep and kallamar immediately chose to make my wife sick fuck you kallamar
then plague oooooooooo!!!!
anyway i got really stressed about beating kallamar but then won really easily because easy mode
silk cradle wow!
arljumer died :(
uhhhh yeah at some point i got a follower i named gorpgorper who was cowardly but lost that trait soon after, and then i married them woaah!!
i gave them a skull necklace and made them my disciple a bit after that :)
anyway, i also had rain world themed followers.
Looks to the moon was a blue hedgehog i think
Five pebbles was a pink pangolin (i think thats the right creature??) who got ascended lmao
and Seven Red Suns was a yellow deer with red markings on his head.
unfortunately, srs was chosen as the follower for me to fight so lmao rip
i immediately made the mating tent and hatchery because why not and the first baby was a little caterpillar named uhhh hold on i forgot
i could just edit the forgetting part out but i wont. muahahahah anyway the baby was a descendant of leshyn’t (green deer) and albrear (brown hedgehog with purple markings) and turned into a caterpillar. which makes no sense.
and also there was a purple lemur named murtaugh (someone watching me play suggested that name, and said I should name the next one Riggs)
so I did that. it was one of those abomination kids (the ones with the fucked up mouths on their heads and stuff I mean)
yeah. babies
Anyway I beat shamura and narinder In one night and both stressed me out a LOT
my hands were buzzing when i beat shamura and vibrating by the time i was done fighting narinder.
then narinder was in my cult!! woahHhh!
he eventually fell in love with sozo and then with a deer named haar and had a nice polyamorous relationship for a while before haar died. rip
then i got leshy as a follower, and soon after gorpgorper died of old age, so i married leshy & gave him a gold skull necklace
then got heket, kallamar, and shamura and gave them all skull necklaces.
kallamar has the hot tempered trait and would only fight his siblings and sozo, and then had a kid with the hot tempered trait (yes i picked that one on purpose its just funny when they fight okay im not a psychopath i swear) who only fought narinder. his name is okayyeah and i think hes still alive lol?? hes a yellow abomination follower and i think a disciple but im not fully sure.
but anyway okayyeah ended up winning in a fight against narinder lmfao
leshy became a disciple
i revived gorpgorper and arljumer, and they were all just fine with that and leshy + gorpgorper had a baby named pearl and gorpgorper + arljumer had a baby named seashell.
then i married a moth named maple, which ruined all of it and made the code work properly so now all my spouses hate eachother :(
then arljumer and maple died :(
anyway yeah thats about it for now cuz im tired of writing
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cuppasunu · 4 years
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synopsis: where juyeon loses all his memories after a terrible accident. many years later he’s bound to marry another woman—not knowing their photographer used to be his girlfriend of seven years. will he remember their love?
genre: series (fluff; angst; suggestive)
pairing: lee juyeon x fem. reader
playlist: spotify link
status: completed.
w/c: 1.4K words
once more masterlist
kyu is listening to ... take her to the moon by moira dela torre
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“So, a spring wedding would probably be perfect for this venue, right y/n?” Juyeon’s fiancée, Sihyeon asks, breaking your trance reminiscing about your memories with Juyeon. 
“I’m sorry, I was distracted.. This is where you’re holding the wedding?” you asked, nearly choking on your water.
“Well, the date isn’t until spring next year so we’re still looking for options. It’s funny how my love actually insisted on the idea of having our engagement shoot to be done in a flower field..” she laughs, but hearing that just digs a deeper wound inside you, realizing this is exactly where Juyeon has taken you on dates. 
Taking a deep breath, you excuse yourself and leave the couple to look around the location. Your eyes cannot peel away from Juyeon’s smile, it looks like it could reach from one ear to the other. 
he looks so happy..
Rushing on your way to the back door, you bump into a person.. maybe two (?) coming from the parking lot. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sor-”
Hearing that familiar voice, your eyes immediately dart up meeting your old friend, Changmin. You glance past his shoulders—there’s Chanhee and Kevin. That persistent feeling of wanting to run away? Oh, it’s back and it’s even more intense. 
Before you can even move your feet, Changmin grabs a hold of your wrist out to the parking lot, checking if the four of you are out of the couple’s sight. 
“Y/n.. did you meet them already?” Kevin’s genuine concern is present on his face, but you’re not really sure if that’s for you or his dear friend. 
“Did you tell him the truth?” Changmin asks.
“Hold on- I think I need some explanation on my end too! I didn’t know I was meeting him today, much less find out he’s getting married and he doesn’t remember me? What happened? Does he remember you? When did the accident happen?” you finally burst, tears streaming down your face. 
You all stood there in silence, trying to make the situation make sense. Changmin looked like he was going to say something, and his expression seems like he wants to burn you alive. 
“..we should have come earlier..” Chanhee hisses out of frustration, while putting the effort of calming Changmin down.
“We don’t owe you anything, y/n. Not one explanation. Especially when you br- when you left Juyeon.”
His stinging words hurt as if it just slapped you across the face. You chose to keep your mouth shut, knowing how much those words may have been painful, it was equally as accurate. 
“Well, you know most of it. Before the accident, he already got rid of all your pictures, memories, everything.. So when we found out he had amnesia, we all thought it would be better to not remind him of you,” Kevin explained, “It’s better this way, y/n. They’re happy. He’s happy, now. And all those memories he had of you, it doesn’t hurt him anymore..”
but he forgot all our good ones too..
You sink down on the bench, processing the mess you have entered. The concrete was rough as you threw your head, leaning on the wall, “Is it too late to back out now?”
“Honestly, yea. Sihyeon has been raving about your work for months now. She’s been so excited about the thought of working with you but obviously we can’t stop her without raising any questions about your past with Juyeon,” Chanhee replies, “That’s why we were hoping to catch you before they did in case it all went wrong.”
“.. so she doesn’t know either..”
“She doesn’t. So please, keep this up. Until they get married at least. If you leave now, you’re going to have to explain why,” Changmin mutters bitterly, “Can you really live with the thought of hurting Juyeon again when he realizes the past five years of his life has been a lie?” 
You shake your head, coming into terms with everything that’s going to happen. You stood up from your seat, fixing your hair and wiping away your tears.
“How long have they been together?”
“2 years.”
[2008  — flashback]
“Y/n, it’s unfair to be pretty and smart and talented AND be in a relationship..” your best friend, Mina, jokingly complains. 
“And I think it’s time I set you up with one of Juyeon’s friends,” you replied, making the final touches on your hair in front of the mirror, “Hm, what about Kevin? Maybe Changmin?”
“Oh no, I’m not a sorry case! I’m perfectly satisfied being single,” she smiles, “Less distractions too, I have college to think about missy.”
“Who said that I’ll be abandoning my dreams for a relationship?” you protest.
“Alright- alright, I know you know better than that. It has worked for more than a year.. “
“Two years! It’s our second year anniversary today,” telling her as your ears perk up to hear the sound of your doorbell, “He’s here.”
“Now, have fun on your date!” Mina fixes your collar before ushering you out the door.
After waving your goodbye, you made your way to the gate, light on your steps. Juyeon is standing outside, sniffing a small bundle of tulips before hiding it behind his back when he hears you coming. 
“Hi hun, happy second year anniversary!”
Juyeon greets you with a kiss on the forehead before presenting the flowers to you, “Hey babe, happy anniversary.”
“As always, you know which one’s my favorite,” you tell him, beaming at the buds of vibrant orange on your hand.
“It never changes, y/n,” he pokes fun at your reaction, “Actually I switched it up this time. It’s orange instead of the usual pink.”
“Ha ha,” you laugh sarcastically.
While walking to the bus stop, Juyeon tells you that today’s location will be a secret. But judging on the basket he’s holding, it’s not much of a surprise.
“I have an idea~”
“That’s not fair..” he huffs.
“You baby. Okay, I won’t ruin the surprise. I’ll wait when we get there.” 
And as you guessed, he picked the Seoul Forest as your picnic location. Thankfully, on this cool spring day, it’s the perfect balance of sunny but windy weather. He lays down a blanket on the shade and sets the food he brought out of the basket.
“Wow, did you make all of this?” you’re amazed at the variety of snacks he made.
“I really should say Chanhee did all the work and I just ‘helped’ but I’m always trying to impress you so I’ll take the credit,” Juyeon sheepishly grins.
“Oh sure, yes. My chef boyfriend,” you say, pinching his cheek.
Juyeon scrunches his nose upon hearing that—boyfriend. It’s been two years since you gave him that sweet yes to his adorable confession, but he’s not going to get used to hearing you call him your boyfriend anytime soon. Of course you notice the way he gets shy when you do, so in every possible moment, you made sure to call him that. 
“Right- my gifts,” you remember, grabbing your bag for the small box you’ve prepared to give him.
With raised eyebrows, his eyes follow the box you’ve given him. Opening the ribbon that tied it prettily, Juyeon scans through the envelopes that carry the letters you wrote. Inside, there’s also a handkerchief neatly folded at the bottom of the box.
“You can read the letters later,” you mumble, “but quick, look at the handkerchief and check the embroidery.”
He touches the edge of the light blue fabric— L J Y with a tiny arrow right beside it. At the same time, you pulled your own handkerchief to show him where you have stitched your own initials at the same place, but instead had a heart right next to it. 
You look at his expression to gauge his reaction, and Juyeon’s face says it all. You swore he was so close shedding a tear or two, his eyes watering at the brim. Now, that genuinely surprised you; he wasn’t the type of guy that would seem to be easily moved. 
“Do you like it?” you ask him.
“Do I like it? y/n.. I love it,” he sighs, cupping your cheek on his hand, “Thank you.”
You got on your knees to reach over the food and give him a peck on the lips. Feeling his smile pressed against you, he goes back in to kiss you again. It was sweet and tender—the way you would describe your relationship.
The rest of the afternoon went by like a blur, but all it reminds you was that it was a day well spent.
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a/n: oooh we met the rest of 98z !! why are they so mad that y/n’s back.. hm? gee i wonder why :> anyhow feel free to shoot me any asks of your theories muahahahah. i mean the plot is pretty much all done but i’m curious about what you think heehee
@fullsunsays @haylo4ever @fleurseoul @deobi-pabo @amajeekies @lsangyeons @mydaintydaisy @sunwoowuvbot @elcie-chxn​ @zyoumeval​ @autumnleafez​ @nyuwings​ @hae-chans​ @mistresskate101​ @heartyyjeno​ @nanadreamies​ @bacardihs​ @sanniescat​ @gughoul​ @hhjvlogs
please let me know if you would like to be included or taken out <3
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
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What’s that I see on the horizon?  Is it a plane? Is it a bird?  Wait, no it’s a shit load of grimm!  But enough about this week’s episode; let’s get down to our latest contestant to the Rooster Teeth slug Fest! Hailing from Atlas and leader of the elite Ace op strike team; he’s the luckiest man alive till he fell for the unluckiest man alive, let’s give it up for CLLLLLOOOOOOOOVERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clover: *Reels in fishing line* Tyrian: Aw, come back for a rematch? Heheh. Clover: Losing to scum like you has left me dead inside. Tyrian: *Throws off coat and extends axes* You sure that’s not the gaping wound? HAHAHA -------------------------- Clover: *Reels in fishing line* Sarge: Son, you best turn around before you get hurt. Clover: you’re not lucky enough to hit me. Sarge: *cocks shotgun* You underestimate how much ammunition I brought. ------------------------- Nemesis: *Nano tech cloud appears and forms nemesis* Clover: What kind of grimm are you? Nemesis: Wha-wha-wha-a-ha-at kind of man are you? Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* So creepy grimm, that I can handle. --------------------- Nomad: *Walks in with wind blowing poncho* Clover: I hear you’re a wanted man, stranger. Nomad:  *Claps hands and several rocks come to life and circle Nomad* Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* Oookay; was not expecting that. -------------------- Clover: *Reels in fishing line* Grif: A fishing line…..seriously? Clover: You sound pretty confidant for someone who’s never fought me. Grif: *Loads mag into assault rifle* And you sound pretty stupid for GOING AGAINST A GUN WITH A FISHING POLE!!!! ------------------- Clover: *Reels in fishing line* Qrow: I…..I’m so sorry. Clover: Don’t sweat it; that fight just wasn’t my luck. Qrow: *Extends scythe* No….but it was mine. -------------------- Cammie: *Walks in with nugget at her feet* Clover: Before you get going let’s just skip the fishing jokes; I’ve heard them all before. Cammie: Even the one where you need to go fishing to find your pecker? Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* That’s a new one. ---------------------------- Clover: *Reels in fishing line* Ruby: Ironwood is lying to you, we’re not criminals! Clover: I trust James with my life and he’s never let me down. Ruby: *Extends scythe* But that doesn’t mean he’s right. ----------------------------------------------- Clover: *Reels in fishing line* Tex: You’re Special Forces? Clover: The best of Atlas. Tex: *Takes fighting stance* That gaping hole in your chest says otherwise. ------------------------------------------------ Toth: *Twirls knife between fingers* Clover: Fighting for your people is something I can respect. Toth: While blind loyalty is something I cannot. Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* We all need something to believe in. ------------------------------------------------- Valentina: *Removes stealth cloak* Clover: We could always use someone like you with the Ace Operatives. Valentina: I rather hunt tyrants than serve them. Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* James has made some mistakes, but he will always do what is best for Atlas. ----------------------------------------- Clover: *Reels in fishing line* O’Malley: Well if it isn’t the toy soldier come out to play. Clover: Fitting since you look like a rat king. O’Malley: *Hefts Rocket Launcher* Shall we dance then? Muahahahah!!! -------------------------------------- Qrow: *Walks in taking a drink from flask* Clover: I thought you said you gave up drinking? Qrow: And I thought you said I was your friend….. Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* You still are Qrow. --------------------------------------- Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* Don: I see people of the north are as drab with fashion as they are with using their brains. Clover: Excuse me? Don: *Draws sword* What part of negative 50 outside makes you think sleeveless is a good idea, hmm? ------------------------------------- Kazu: *Flips into room* Clover: Considered me impressed. Kazu: *Looks up and down clover* Consider me disappointed. Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* And here I thought we could be friendly. --------------------------------------------------- Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* Caboose: Take me to your pot of gold leprechaun!!! Clover: I don’t have any gold. Caboose: *Pulls out freckles* That is exactly what a leprechaun would say!   ----------------------------------------------------- Penny: *Lands in front with hero landing* Clover: The general wishes to speak with you Penny. Penny: I already gave him his answer. Clover: *Sighs, taps com link in ear* Clover to team, engaging the winter maiden. --------------------------------------------- Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* Blake: We don’t need to fight; we’re on the same side. Clover: I don’t get to run away when things start looking bad. Blake: *Draws weapons* I’m done running. --------------------------------------------- WL: *Drags chainsaw across the ground* Clover: Well aren’t you the fluffy one. WL: *Revs chainsaw* Bold words for a dead man. Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* No head scratches for you then. ---------------------------------------------- Clover: *Casts line then retracts it* Winter: Do you believe Ironwood knows what he’s doing? Clover: We all need to put our faith in something; and I put mine in James. Winter: *Draws knife from sword* I hope you’re right. ------------------------------------------  
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seljepw · 6 years
A Spell of Ice and Fire
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A/N: I took a bit of creative license; played fast and loose with the continuity.  Because, well… I find Pellegrino hotter than Casifer.  And I’m the Chuck of this little world. MUAHAHAHAH!  ::ahem::  …Anyway, I hope you like it!!!  Also, thank you for your patience.  See?  I do take requests!  I just…. take a long time on them…. 
Menu Warnings: ALL THE SMUT!!  Power struggle, sex magic, Demon Power!Kink, Cold!kink (is that a thing?  I’m sure that’s a thing), equal-opportunity oral sex, orgasm denial (more like inattentive partner, but…), unprotected sex (Porn is not real life, y'all.), really rough sex, restraint, ménage a trois, almost-death by hypothermia.  And if that’s not enough, strong language and drinking.
Word Count: 5,300ish (Yes, it’s a bit long.  But you’re getting two for the price of one, here.)
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The picture was everything Crowley liked.  You, in your black lace robe and nothing else, reclined on your bed, cut crystal glass of Glencraig in hand.  If this didn’t get his attention, nothing would.
<It’s rude to make me drink alone> You typed under the photo, and hit send.  And waited.  And waited.  And then you drank your scotch alone.
It had been three weeks since the bastard had contacted you.  Granted, you’d been keeping your relationship quiet (he had a whole dimension to run, you had your coven to look after, and his continued contact with the Winchester brothers could be hazardous to your health), but still.  He had never gone more than a day or two without at least a text.  You were starting to worry.  
Lucifer lounged on the throne, one leg thrown over the armrest, thumbing through Crowley’s phone.  When the picture and text came through, a look of glee diffused his face, and he leapt up to saunter over to Crowley’s cage.
“Well, lookie lookie here, doggie.  Seems your bitch is in heat.”  He crouched down to wave the phone in front of Crowley’s face.  The captive king lunged, threw his hand through the bars, and tried to grab the phone, but Lucifer was too fast.
“Bad dog.”  The devil studied your picture for a while, an evil glow in his eyes.  “You know, this one isn’t half bad.  Definitely out of your league- how did you get that?”  He squinted at the screen.  “Waaait a minute.  There are hex bag goodies on that table in the background.  Are you schtupping a witch?  Oh, that’s just too deliciously Oedipal.  Does your mother know what you’ve been up to, young man?”
Crowley snarled around his gag, which delighted his captor.  Giggling, Lucifer began tapping out a response.  “You know, I work really hard.  I think I deserve some fun, what do you think, Dog?”
The phone on your nightstand buzzed.  Still suspended between worry and annoyance, your heart somersaulted as you reached for it.  
<I’d love to see you lick that scotch off my cock.>
You were slightly taken aback.  Crowley usually bantered a bit more before getting to that kind of thing.  Was he trying to make up for weeks of silence by diving straight in?  
<You’re not getting off that easy.  Where have you been?>
<I think you’ll get me off just fine.>
Something was up. Avoidance tactics weren’t how your relationship worked, and Crowley knew that.  Flirting, innuendo, double entendres, of course.  But this felt… off.  Screw this cryptic shit.  You called him.
“Good evening, you’ve reached Crowley’s phone,” drawled the voice on the other end.  “I’m afraid he’s a little tied up right now, but I’d be more than happy to service you.”
“Who the hell is this?”
The voice in your ear giggled.  Actually giggled.  “Who the Hell, indeed.  Honey, I am Hell.  Didn’t you get the newsletter?  There’s been a change in management.”
You finally made the connection.  “Lucifer?”  You were vaguely proud that you kept your voice calm.
“Bingo, baby.”
“So.  Crowley’s dead, I assume.”
“Now why would you assume that?  Is my reputation that bad?”
You shrugged.  “It’s just what I would have done, after a coup.”  (In fact, it was what you’d done right after taking over your coven.  It was just good business.)
Another giggle.  “Oh, I like you.  Tell you what, buttercup; why don’t you shimmy that gorgeous ass down here and see for yourself.”
Your heels clicked on the slate floor as you made your way to the throne room.  You smoothed the short skirt of your dress down and tried to get your nerves under control by focusing on the sound.  Bad bitch, bad bitch, bad bitch, it seemed to say.  It wasn’t that you were scared, really.  You’d always wondered what Lucifer was really like.  He was kind of a big deal in your circle.  But it would be suicidally reckless to walk into the Devil (capitol D)’s presence unprepared.  You double checked your energy-shield hex bag and mental ward spells, took a breath, and blew open the doors with a flash of your hands.
They hit the stone walls with a satisfying BOOM.  You paused in the doorway for a moment to regard the man draped across Crowley’s throne.  You had been picturing tall, dark and malevolent.  This guy looked… softer than you had expected.  Sandy hair, rounded face, almost… dadlike.  It brought you up short, as did the temperature in the room.  It was cold.  Not see-your-breath cold, but enough that your exposed skin broke out in goosebumps.  You called on the magic in your hex bag, and shook off the chill.  You were on a mission.
Hands on hips, you glared at Lucifer from your stance in the doorway.  
“You rang?”
Something about Lucifer’s presence on the throne made it look… cheaper.  Even in a slouch, Crowley blended with the throne, made it complete.  Lended gravitas.  Lucifer- lounging like a frat boy, dressed in rumpled earth tones- just made it look like a chair on a dias. The Devil spread his arms wide in welcome, but didn’t get up from his lounge.  
“There she is!  Crowley’s mystery woman!  You know, you aren’t named in his phone.”  He waggled the device in illustration.  “Just an initial.  Like he was hiding something.”  Now it was waggling eyebrows aimed at you.  “If I had you on speed dial, I’d have it tattooed across my forehead.  Who are you, gorgeous?”
You weighed options for a moment.  Should you lie?  Could you really hide your name from Lucifer?  Probably, for a while.  Your mental warding was strong, but should you devote a piece of your power to that endeavor?
Eh, fuck it.  Best to get to business.  You reveled in the echoing click of your heels as you made your way toward the throne.  Bad bitch, bad bitch, bad bitch…
“I’m Y/N,” you said, “Where’s Crowley?”
“Oh! He’s right over here, where I can keep an eye on him.”  Lucifer lazily stretched out a hand, indicating one of the grates in the wall.  “He’s such a bad doggie when I’m not around.”
The iron grid swung open, and Crowley slid out, bound to a rolling platform.  He came to a stop a little to the side- but still in view- of the dias.  The perfect spot to have a trophy on display, but still be able to handle business.  Lucifer had clearly practiced trotting his captive out, before.  You crossed to inspect the huddled, grimey figure.  Chained, gagged, and wearing a Hawaiian shirt, of all hideous things.  Everything Crowley hated; restricted movement, loss of voice, and disgusting fashion choices, all at once.  He must be in agony, you thought.
You had been alive for about 12 decades.  Long enough time to develop a truly impressive poker face.  It took all of your considerable skill to hide the horror you were feeling.  Lucifer had swung around, leaning forward on the throne, laser-focused to gauge your reaction.  When you remained stoic, he huffed in disappointment and sat back.  Crowley knew you, though.  He knew a blank face on you wasn’t always what it seemed.  His bloodshot eyes bored into yours, with an equal mix of begging for help and rage at having to do so.  
You crouched down and met Crowley’s gaze on his level.  Under pretense of enjoying his predicament, you inspected the chains that bound him.  All pure iron and warded six ways from Sunday.  A hefty job- almost impossible to break.  Luckily, you were good with impossible.  Rapid-fire calculations sprinted around behind your mask in indifference.  You’d need some extra energy to take on this kind of mojo.  Only two things gave that kind of oomph- blood, and sex.  Blood wasn’t an option, right now, but… You crafted an evil grin and the beginnings of a plan. 
You rose to your feet again, turned the grin on Lucifer, and said, “Nice work.  I’m still confused as to why he’s breathing, but he’s not getting out of that any time soon.”  Crowley made a muffled keening noise at your apparent dismissal.  
“What can I say?” replied the Devil, “I like rubbing his nose in his own incompetence.  I’m a fan of the classics.  Would you like a drink, Y/N?”  
“That would be lovely, thank you.”  You crossed your arms; a subtle hoist of breasts.
“Great.  I trust you know where it is,” he dimpled at you, “Grab me one, while you’re at it.”
Cheeky bastard.  You smirked at him and added some extra sway to your hips as you made your way to Crowley’s well-stocked bar cart against the far wall.  You could hear Lucifer’s hum of approval as you went.  This is how he wanted to play it?  Perfect.  You were an expert at this kind of game.  And you were going to have so much fun playing it.  You poured a generous tot of whiskey for yourself- only yourself- and turned back to face him.  
You leaned back against the cart, swirling the liquor around the glass, watching it catch the dim light and flash amber/red/gold.  Buying a bit of time to firm up your plans.
“So.  You summoned me here.  You showed off.  What exactly is it you want from me, Lucifer?  I have things to do.”  You finally raised your eyes from your glass, and mixed a bit of smolder into your impertinence.  You took a slow sip, never breaking eye contact.  Crowley hadn’t taken his eyes off of you this whole time, but you kept him strictly in your peripheral vision.  The bulk of your focus was on the usurper on his throne.  
Lucifer pivoted his head a bit, raised an eyebrow, and regarded you in a new light.  He looked mildly impressed.
 “Well, now, Y/N.  You are one stone cold wicked witch, aren’t you?”  Your only response was a small salute of your glass before your next sip.  “Why on earth would a magnificent creature like you waste your time with a cut-rate pipsqueak like Crowley?”
There was a whining “now wait just a minute!” kind of growl from the chained figure on the floor, but neither of you acknowledged it.  
“He’s more useful than he looks.”  Another sip, and you took your time licking the errant drops from your lips.  “After all, a girl has needs.”
Finally, Lucifer looked down at the captive king.  He pursed his lips around a smile and seemed to come to a decision.  “I have a proposition for you, Y/N.  How would you like to upgrade to a…” he shifted on the throne, drawing attention to his hips and groin, “…first class seat?”
“Interesting offer.”  You let him see you noticing the bulge in his pants.  Let him see the appreciation you didn’t have to fake.  “What’s in it for you, though?”
He spread his hands like it was obvious.  “I told you.  I like making sure my dog knows his place.  And I’m a fan of the classics.  Nothing for screwing someone over quite like screwing their lover…” he sucked his teeth for a second, and gave a faux-innocence glance toward the ceiling- “ Especially right in front of them.”  Your breath caught a bit at that.  This game was shaping up to be very interesting, indeed.  To cover your shiver of anticipation, you slid away from the bar cart and started snaking toward the throne, glass of whiskey pressed to your lower lip, like you were mulling it over.
“And what’s in it for me?”
“Aside from the obvious?“  He glanced toward his lap.  “Witches are whores… for power.  You crave it, you chase it… After all, that’s what keeps your batteries charged, isn’t it?”  He pressed a fingernail between his teeth and regarded you from under heavy eyelids.  “You like power.  Well, I’ve got all the power right now, sweet cheeks. Whatcha gonna do?”
Showtime.  You didn’t even glance in Crowley’s direction.  All breasts and hips and badass heels, you slowly stepped up onto the dais and swayed your way to over to Lucifer’s knees.  
“Your highness,” you demurred, and offered him the last sips of your drink.  The brush of fingers as the glass changed hands elicited another shiver that you didn’t bother to hide.  His eyes raked up and down your curves, then finally lifted to meet your gaze.  He quirked a smile and a finger at you.
You leaned over him, gripped the finials of the throne.  This had the added bonus of bringing your breasts closer to his face.  Using the leverage, you slowly lifted one leg, then the other onto the armrests, and finally lowered yourself onto Lucifer’s lap.  Crowley loved that move, so you had made a point of perfecting it.  The Devil hummed low in his throat and drained the last of the whiskey, then tossed the empty glass over his shoulder.  The shatter of Waterford crystal cut through the charged air.  He ran rough, winter-cold hands up your thighs, under the hem of your dress, and over your hips.  When he reached the swell of your ass, he sank his fingers into your flesh and pulled you down, grinding against you.  You didn’t have to fake your gasp and moan.  Oh, yes.  This was gonna be Fun.  You were already wet enough to leave a damp spot on his fly.  
You slid your grip down to his rumpled, sandy hair, and lowered your mouth to his.  There was that cold, again- kissing him was like sipping ice water.  You noted a forked tongue sliding against yours.  Interesting… You used your hold on him to pivot a bit, get Crowley in your line of sight while moving Lucifer’s away.
Crowley’s eyes were blazing red.  His fingers were white-knuckled on the chains.  Every line of his face spoke his thoughts clearly.  What are you playing at?  You winked at him.  He recoiled a bit, finally catching on to your plan.  Lucifer switched his attention, kissing goosebumps along the swell of your breast and you continued your silent conversation with Crowley.  Chains clinked as the king indicated the spots that were holding his power at bay.  These bits, first, Love.  I’ll handle the rest.  You turned your nod into a full-body curve, undulating against Lucifer and dropping to suck at his neck.  
“Mmmm, this one’s a slut, Crowley.  Well done.”  You bit him, just hard enough. He let out a little, impressed “Oooo” and his hips jumped up, trying to trust through layers of denim and cotton.  “A rough slut, at that.  I’m gonna love making you scream, sweetheart.”
At that, a fresh flood of arousal hit you, and you put more effort into your movements.  You rutted against his erection- back and forth, side to side, a little swirl here and there.  You locked Lucifer in a devouring kiss, ran your nails down his biceps, and kept his focus on you.
While your body moved on the Devil, your brain moved on the chains.  Mentally- magically- you slid over every link, nudging and tapping the enchantments, looking for those infinitesimal cracks that exist in even the strongest spellwork.  You mapped out a likely plan of attack.
As you worked- and worked Lucifer’s lap- the Devil’s growls and humms started to rise in pitch.  He was getting close…  After a particularly dexterous twist of your hips, he threw you off with a guttural roar.  You flew back into the air, and hung there, suspended and splayed out as though strapped to a whipping cross, gasping, skirt crumpled around your waist.  The cold air on your soaking panties brought on a new set of shivers.
“Not so fast, Y/N,” he chided, “I plan on giving my dog a real show.  Can’t pop my cork, just yet.”
He leapt from his seat, took a step forward, and ripped your underwear apart.  The ragged pieces slid down your legs and onto the floor, leaving you completely exposed.  Cold fingers went straight for your dripping pussy, prying your lips apart and snaking inside.  Your groans echoed in the stone room.
“See, doggie?  She loves what I can do to her.  Your little bitch is getting so wet for me…” He twisted his grip and hammered two fingers against your g-spot.  You gasped and squealed at the unexpected sensation.  “Thaaat’s it, Y/N.  Let him know what he’s missing.  Show him you’re mine, now.”
He angled his mouth to your opening and that forked tongue shot out, flicking across your clit.  You convulsed against your invisible bods as Lucifer fucked you with his mouth, slithering along your folds and into your channel, spreading shocks of cold along your trembling nerves.  You lost your mental hold on Crowley’s bonds.  Lost your hold on everything but the ice cold lips and tongue that were setting you ablaze.
“Aaaaaaah! Fuck! Fuck!” You shrieked, “Oh, fucking shit- yes!”  
As suddenly as it had begun, his assault on your senses stopped.  He stepped back, let you fall to the floor, and towered over you as you knelt there, shaking with cold and confusion at the denial.
“What the fuck was that!?” You spat up at him.
“Not enough.”  He tore at his belt and fly, letting his erection spring free.  You only got a glimpse of the curve of him, the precome clinging to the purple head, before he leaned forward and yanked your dress up and off.  Your bra got the same treatment as your panties.  The energy-shielding hex bag you had been hiding went bouncing into the shadows, and the full effect of Lucifer’s presence hit you.
Goosebumps erupted onto your skin, and your nipples strained painfully in the chill air.  The shock was just what you needed to bring your mind back to the task at hand.  Bad bitch, you reminded yourself.
Lucifer’s labored breath fogged and fell around you in tiny crystals.  It had gotten colder since you started your game.  Did that mean you were winning, or he was?
“Not enough,” he repeated, getting control of himself, “I want my dog to see his slut sucking my cock.  Now, be a good girl and open your mouth.”  His eyes erupted with burning light.
Game on, then.  You slunk forward, closed the distance, and slid your focus from Lucifer’s dick- held tight in his fist- to his glowing eyes.  You didn’t look away from those twin blazes as you wrapped your lips around the freezing head and slid as far down the shaft as you could. You sucked gently, added a hum for vibration, and rolled your tongue along this length.  Again, the cold was shocking.  Like sucking an icicle.  
When his head fell back in pleasure, you really went to work.  Gripping his belt loops for leverage, you slid your mouth back and forth around his girth, working your tongue in swirls and twists, letting the wet sound of your mouth and his groans fill the room.   You ignored the fact that your lips were going tingly and numb.  Nothing distracts like getting head, and you needed Lucifer good and distracted.  
Again, you reached out to Crowley’s chains.  Pinpointing each place vulnerable to attack.  Setting invisible pins of magic into the fissures.  Tiny lightning rods to attract your spell.
After a few moments, with a feral growl, Lucifer’s fingers tangled in your hair and stilled your movements.
“Ah, ah, ah, Y/N. You’re trying to get me to come.  I’m gonna have some more fun, first.”  He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, you were laid across the the throne, facing Crowley’s platform, your hands gripping one armrest, the other supporting your hips, holding your ass in the air.  “Watch this, dog.  I want you to see her face while I fuck her.”
Crowley snarled and flung himself forward against the chains.  But, you noticed, not hard enough to disturb the work you had already done.  You gave a subtle nod and wink to show you approved of his little show, then glanced over your shoulder at Lucifer.
“Well, come on, Satan.  What are you waiting for?”
“Ooooh! Hear that?” Lucifer menaced at Crowley as he stepped behind you and fitted that ice cold tip inside your folds, “She’s begging me.  Begging to get fucked.  You haven’t been taking care of her, have you?  Bad dog.”
He slid into you, slower than you expected.  Ulterior motives aside, it was exactly what you wanted.  You were still buzzing from your denied release, and you enveloped him gratefully, purring and shivering and arching your back in welcome.
“Oooooh, she’s tight!”  Lucifer gripped the throne for extra purchase, rushed out and then slammed back into you, pinning you between his body and the purple velvet upholstery.  You screamed.  He did it again.  And again.  One merciless thrust after another, wringing shrieks and curses from you, that stinging cold radiating from your center; it was so fucking good.  You had to hold on- keep the magic building until it was strong enough… you concentrated on your power and pooled it around the gorgeous torment in your pussy, let the pain feed it, let it build.
Lucifer’s icy cock kept stabbing your center faster and faster until your teeth were chattering and your muscles were spasming.  You held on, wallowing in it.
He was talking to you, praising you as much for Crowley’s misery as his own pleasure.  “Oh, fuck, Y/N!  That cunt is so fucking tight!  He doesn’t deserve to fuck this cunt, does he?  It’s mine, now!  You like that?  You like that- OOOH FUCK!”
You caught the threads of your spell right before he came.  As the Devil spasmed inside you, a shockwave blasted through the room.  You grit your teeth and took the discharge; used the force of it to drive the magic into the weak spots of your king’s chains.  Lucifer, oblivious to everything but his own release, slumped forward onto your back, panting.  
You were so cold, you couldn’t really feel it, anymore.  Close to passing out.  Hypothermia facts flickered through your frozen brain.  Can’t sleep…  Sleep is bad….  So tired…  Your vision darkened around the edges, contracted in, enveloping you in unconsciousness; you had almost succumbed when you felt a familiar heat in your chest.  Crowley’s demon power.  You smiled with blue lips as the warmth grew, slow but steady; keeping your heart beating, your lungs working, keeping you alive.  You’d done it!  He was free!  
A metalic *chink* at your back, and the weight pinning you down was gone.  The snarling curses and scuffles behind you were a far-off thing, and not your concern.  You slid back, collapsed to a shivering heap on the floor at the foot of the throne.  Drifted.  Warm hands gripped you, cradled you against a broad chest, wrapped you in steady heat.  
You slept.
When you came to, you were cocooned in blankets on Crowley’s huge bed.  A fire roared in a marble fireplace, the room was sweltering.  You kicked free of the down comforter, dislodging the healing talismans tucked around you, then wrapped the sheet around your naked form, and padded over to the door.  The hallway beyond was deserted, flickering candlelight the only movement you could see.  You slowly made your way through the corridors of Hell, and saw not a demon nor soul.  Eventually, you arrived at the open doors of the throne room.  
Crowley was back in his place on the throne, resplendent in his tailored black suit, one polished shoe casually propped on the opposite knee, reading a comic.  Lucifer was gagged and chained to the dias at his feet, leaning sullenly against the side of the throne.  When you entered, the king laid aside his reading material and gave you a self-satisfied smile.  
“Ah, there you are, Love.  Was wondering when you’d join us, again.”  He tipped his head toward Lucifer.  “I’ve redecorated since yesterday.  Do you like it?”
“You don’t think it’s a little… obtrusive?” you smirked as you made your way toward the dias, “I mean, what’s the function of such an ornament?  You know how I feel about klutter, dear.”  When you reached the throne, you leaned down to collect Crowley’s offered kiss.
“I won’t make the same mistake twice, Love.  Satan’s going back in the pokey.”  He gestured to an altar to one side of the room, spell ingredients clustered around your favorite brass cauldron.  You smiled.  He was so thoughtful- bringing your toys to you.  
Crowley continued with a cunning leer, “But I couldn’t toss him back in the cage before you got to say goodbye.”  He waved a vague hand around at the silent fortress.  “I cleared the place out to give us some privacy.”
“You are sooo sweet to me, Crowley,” you simpered.  He grinned at your joking subservience, opened his arms, and welcomed you to sit in his lap.  Once you were settled, he brushed back your hair and laid little tickling kisses down the side of your throat. You’d think you’d had enough of shivering, but the bristle of Crowley’s beard and the heat of his breath was just the ticket.  
“My Queen…” he drawled.  “My warrior queen.  Why don’t you tell me what else I can do for you?”
You hummed thoughtfully, slid your fingers through that beloved dark hair, and leaned in for another kiss.  Crowley matched your hum and smoothed his hands across your shoulders and down your back, sending the sheet slithering to pool at your waist.
There was a disgusted snort from the captive on the floor.
“You know,” you said, pulling away to regard the king and adjust his tie, “Someone was awfully greedy with me, before.  I nearly died and I never even got to come.”  You pulled your lip into Crowley’s favorite spoiled-girl pout.  “Fix it, my king.”
He made a little sound of sympathy and leaned in for another quick kiss.  He reached up and took one of your nipples between his warm fingers and applied slow, twisting pressure.  A little whine of pleasure escaped you, and you undid all your tidying work by gripping his tie and pulling him closer.
“Hmmm… Yesterday, you seemed to enjoy playing with my new pet.  Would you like to let him try and please you, after all?”
You wicked grin was honest, this time.  “Oh, yes, my king.  But I’ll need your help…” you slid your hands under his coat and down his sides, just enjoying the warmth, “I got a little chilly, last time.”
Crowley reached over and yanked the Devil’s chain, dragging him to the front of the throne.  You twisted around to face Lucifer, now kneeling at your and Crowley’s feet.  
“Good dog,” you smirked.  With a flash of your fingers, the gag disappeared.  Against your back, you felt Crowley’s chest rumble in amusement.  He graciously handed you the chain.  You took it, wrapped it around your wrist for better control, and gave an experimental yank.  Lucifer’s face was pulled forward, toward your lap.  “Oh, yes.  This is perfect.”  You leaned back against Crowley and he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in Hell’s warmth. “Thank you, my king,” you purred.
His hot hands snaked down over your breasts and stomach to your thighs, spreading them slowly, opening you up so Lucifer could get to the throbbing spot between your legs.  As sullen and pouty as the Devil looked, his eyes also betrayed a hint of lust.  That hint just needed to be exploited- encouraged.  Crowley made a show of gently running his fingers through your folds, spreading your slick and making you whine and writhe against him. The hint of lust was starting to grow.  Lucifer stared at your soft, exposed center. He licked his lips.
“You took something from my queen, dog,” Crowley said in his best Kingly voice, “You need to give it back.  You will pay what’s owed.”
Lucifer was breathing harder, now, eyes still mesmerized by the glistening slit before him.  You yanked the chain again, and when Lucifer exhaled, the cool air fanned over your heated flesh.  His tongue flicked out and found your clit, again.  The icy shock made you gasp and pull harder on the chain that bound him, pressing his face against your core.  He gave up pretense after that.  
As he set to his task, working against your skin, dragging along the soft openness, plunging into you, curling the forks of his tongue along your inner walls, spreading delicious stabs of cold from your center, Crowley kept you warm.  The king caressed you with firey hands, twisted your nipples, breathed heat through you with his demonic power.  Trapped between Lucifer’s ice and Crowley’s fire, you wallowed in Crowley’s lap and cried out with the sensations.
“Ooooooh, yes!  So good, yes!  More- more please…”
“There’s my good girl,” Crowley rumbled in your ear and raked his fingernails down your shaking inner thigh, “Would you like to come, now, Love?  Would you like to come for us?”
“Fuuuuuck, yes!”
Crowley gripped your knees and opened you wider to Lucifer’s ministrations.
“As my queen desires.”
Phantom mouths clamped onto your nipples.  Licks of hellfire chased along your your veins.  And all the while, the Devil’s pulsing chill kept up its assault.  You felt a pressure in your core.  Deeper than Lucifer’s frenzied mouth could reach.  Crowley.  His power coiled and uncoiled inside you, the perfect balance to Lucifer’s biting cold. You felt your inner walls convulse around it, almost like Crowley was physically inside you.
“Oh, fuck yes!  That’s gonna make me come- oh! Oh!”
When Lucifer sucked hard on your clit, and Crowley’s power throbbed against the corresponding nerve bundle deep inside, you screamed and fell apart.  Spasms wracked you for what seemed like forever, suspended between the rulers of Hell.  
As you came down, Crowley kicked the Devil out of the way and gently trailed kisses along your shoulder, his fingers ghosting across your pussy, smoothing away the chill Lucifer had left behind.
“That’s my good girl,” he murmured, “That’s my gorgeous queen.”
A few deep kisses later, when you were able to stand, Crowley helped you up, draped the sheet around you, and you both stood to regard your captive.  Lucifer reclined as indolently as this bonds would allow.
“You sure you want to lock me away, again?”  He watched you with hooded eyes and threw your words from yesterday back at you. “I’m more useful than I look, obviously.”
You cocked your head, studying him for a moment.  It was easy to see the snake from the garden in this human shape.  You smiled sweetly at him, and he lit with hope.  
When the gag reappeared in his mouth, his hopeful look dissolved in shock.
Crowley laid an approving kiss on your throat, and moved to the altar in the shadows.  As he began preparing the ingredients of Lucifer’s fate, you crouched down to glare at the Devil.
“Don’t confuse convenience with usefulness, boyo.  You think everyone who shares my bed gets to stay there?”  You huffed sardonically.  “Just be glad you get to walk away from the encounter.  Some aren’t so lucky.  You’re a damn good time, sweetie, but you’re just not worth the headache.  Carry memories back to your cage.  And when you get lonely, trot them out and wallow in how you almost- almost- killed a queen of Hell.  And may you rot, pining away for my pussy.”
With that, you stood and swept over to the altar.  When you started chanting, you caught the Devil’s furious gaze and kept it throughout the spell.  Finally, with a feral snarl on the last word, you watched as he was sucked back into the deepest crevasse of Hell.  
You slumped forward when it was done.  The exertions- both good and bad- of the past two days were catching up to you. Crowley wrapped a solicitous arm around you and nuzzled against your hair.  
“Go sit for a bit, Love,” he said, nodding towards the throne, “Let me get you a drink.”
Forever Tags: @mamaredd123  @emilyymichelle @singingphoenix @motleymoose
  Queens of Hell: @roxy-davenport @fuschiarulerinthebluebox
  Just-this-once crowd: @scifinerd10 @fangasm202 @ilovelillies @shanty-lol @faeryprincess666 @cutebutnotinorcent @lucifer-in-leather @tema-laya @mona-stay @lucii-fer @nnegann @itstotalyblue @sirlsplayland
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Happy Halloween
“She forgot to lock the door…”
Rating: Pffttt idk. Some scary moments muahahahah!
Words: 1428
Letting the keys jingle from her hand while inserting one of them into the lock, Charlotte opened the door to her house and walked inside in a rush. This was the first Halloween that she would spend with her girlfriend and they had been planning the evening all week long. Pumpkin soup made out of the leftovers from their pumpkin carving, popcorn and candy for dessert, and some horror movies to finish the evening. And maybe some kissing and cuddling in between.
“Merel?” Charlotte called out, removing her shoes and coat in the process.
The lights were still turned off, not even the pumpkin on the dresser in the hallway was lit. As well as none of the other lights that they had been putting up the evening before.
“That’s strange…” Charlotte thought to herself, knowing that Merel had be home all day.
Rounding the opening to the living room and finding it dark, Charlotte made her way to the kitchen, eager to heat up the soup that she had been craving all day. Her steps halted though as soon as she saw what was on the kitchen counter. A red, lit candle cast its glow over the cupboards and counter top, a note with Charlotte’s name on it lying by its side. With a mischievous smile and a bit of excitement to what Merel had planned beating inside her chest, Charlotte picked up the note carefully and read it.
Her mouth opening slightly as she read the words;
She forgot to lock the door…
Dropping the note as she gasped loudly, Charlotte ran towards the light switch and pushed it with a shaking hand.
The kitchen was still dark.
“MEREL?!” Charlotte yelled.
Listening for a response, the redhead could feel how her heart started pounding in her chest. If this was Merel’s attempt to scare her she had done a pretty good job.
“Okay sweetie, you can come out now. Ooohhh I’m so scared.” Charlotte said in a mocking voice while gesturing with her hands.
The thud coming from upstairs immediately halted her movements.
“Merel! This isn’t funny anymore!”
No response.
“I’m coming upstairs. And then I’ll kick your ass!”
Trying to calm her still pounding heart, Charlotte took careful steps towards the stairs, ears strained to catch even the smallest amount of sound. She would play along with Merel’s little game. It was Halloween after all.
Her footsteps were placed with intent, avoiding all the creaky spots on the downstairs floor as she went to the stairs. Cars went past outside, the headlights illuminating the hallway and caressing the rails and the bottom part of the stairs.
“This is ridiculous.” Charlotte mumbled to herself, her hand tightly clutching the rails as she ascended the stairs. She could feel her pulse slamming against her veins, almost as if the blood wanted to escape what was to come. Which was insane, given that this was all just a prank. Merel had managed to disable the electricity somehow and managed to quiet down Iggy and Ro-
Charlotte halted her train of thought, realizing that she hadn’t seen her cats yet. The cats that always greeted her at the door. As well as the puppy who also greeted her when she had come home before Charlotte.
That’s when she felt it. Something slippery and sticky against her hand. With her mind in a panic, Charlotte fished out her phone from her pocket and turned on the flashlight. What she saw made her nearly drop her phone as well as producing a loud and sharp inhale. Blood was coating the top part of the railing, trails of it running down the wood and creating a pool on one of the steps.
Bringing her hand up to hide a shriek, Charlotte turned to run down the stairs, but something on the wall stopped her. Photos of Iggy, Roxy, and Merel were stuck to the wallpaper. Photos that were all familiar to the redhead. But one thing on them made her blood turn into ice.
The word as red as the blood on the stairs had Charlotte’s legs kick into overdrive.
“MEREL?!” Charlotte screamed as she started running.
This was not a joke. A joke would be a bad decoration lying on the couch or the juice suddenly being green instead of orange.
Reaching the top of the stairs, Charlotte ran from room to room in search for her girlfriend, her hands and arms turning furniture around and opening all the closets in her way.
That’s when she heard it. A manic laughter coming from the music room at the end of the hall. Grabbing the heaviest book in her immediate reach, Charlotte took a few shaky steps towards the room. This couldn’t be happening. They had just gotten together after years of being idiots and not telling each other how much they loved one another. She could not lose Merel. She refused to spend another day without her.
Swallowing down her rapidly beating heart as she got closer and closer to the door, the redhead’s hand reached forward and prepared itself to grab the handle and wrestle the door open. Charlotte felt how closer and closer she got to throwing up, but her mind was set on saving her girlfriend. When her ears felt like they started bleeding from the maniacal laughter and when her shaking hand was finally grasping the handle, the sound of a door opening behind Charlotte made her scream.
“AAAH- oh shit!”          
The thud had Charlotte’s mouth slamming shut, her phone aiming to catch whoever had made the sound.
It was Merel. Crumbled up on the floor together with the costume she was clearly wearing.
“Damn costume ruined everything!” Merel said through gritted teeth, her hands rummaging around in the fabric.
Too stunned to even move, Charlotte just stared at her girlfriend. Not a wound in sight.
“What… what…” the redhead managed to say, her brain still hadn’t caught up in what was happening.
Standing up, Merel straightened out her costume, a mix between Ghost Face from Scream and a bloody clown, and began speaking.
“Yeah. This was going so well and then this happened. All that planning for nothing!” the blonde said in a breathless voice, clearly disappointed and annoyed.
Charlotte’s mind on the other hand seemed to come back to itself, fury pumping through her veins and making her body tense.
“What the he- WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Charlotte shouted, her hand shoving Merel back against the wall and punching the blonde’s upper arm.
“Ouch, stop it, that hurts!”
“OH THAT HURTS HUH?! DO YOU KNOW WAT REALLY HURTS? WHEN YOU THINK THAT SOMEONE MURDERED YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND CHOPPED UP HER BODY!” Charlotte yelled, her fist continuing to hit Merel while her eyes filled with tears.
Close to sobbing, she dropped her hand, feeling how Merel wrapped her arms around her.
“I’m so so so sorry, I didn’t think you’d get this upset. It was just a prank!” Merel rambled into her girlfriend’s ear, her hand stroking the redhead’s back slowly.
“I’m okay. And Roxy and Iggy are-“ the blonde said and reached out her hand to open the still closed door. Two fur balls came rushing out and down the stairs, Charlotte catching a glimpse of a laptop with a Youtube window open, the maniacal laughter clearly coming from the speakers.
“I’m fine. The cats are fine. This was stupid.” Merel kept repeating, she close to crying as well.
Inhaling a couple of times while drying her eyes, Charlotte pulled back to look at her girlfriend. Merel’s eyes were red and clearly close to flooding over with tears. Her clown makeup was messy and the red nose was close to slipping off her nose. Reaching out her hand to put it in place, Charlotte leaned in to kiss Merel’s forehead. She was fine. Merel was here in front of her, not a scratch on her body. It was a joke, an incredibly idiotic joke, but a joke nonetheless. Forgiving her would take some time, but they still had an amazing evening planned. Together. And hopefully more incredible evenings to come.
“If you ever, EVER do that again…”
“I won’t!” Merel reassured her girlfriend, returning the kiss and smudging some of her makeup onto Charlotte’s cheeks in the process.
Feeling how her adrenaline level had completely dropped, Charlotte put her phone in her pocket and turned to walk down the stairs.
“Shut off the video and come downstairs. I really need that pumpkin soup right now. And turn the electricity back on!”
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