lokiiva · 5 years
Tumblr, Twitter and Reddit users have the same energy.
y’all are scary as fuck
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Beware of a Christian Cultist Group possibly involved in Sex trafficking
I’m going to share an experience that happened to my family as well as other information I’ve gathered on this cult, which will be featured under the readmore. All links will be underlined and provided as proof. But before we get started, I’ll be up front and I want people to be wary of these cultists, who are described as this:
They seem to frequent Malls and Universities trying to recruit people into their cult. Some have claimed to be “university students” when approaching. They approach people talking about a Female God mentioned in the Bible. They have also been known to go door-to-door for recruitment.
Are a Christian cult called “God the Mother” or “ World Mission Society Church of God”, originally a Korean Church, but has multiple sites worldwide, most notably now in Canada and the US. “God the Mother”
Some members are described as being “well dressed”, with some wearing head scarves (NOT Hijabs or Tichels, this cult is Christian). Most commonly it is female cultists approaching young women, often alone. The members we encountered also had Ukrainian accents
They are often said to be very persistent, invade people’s spaces, attempt to gain people’s personal contact information, and may get physical, often grabbing peoples phone’s or bodies to give the cult’s information.
Lately, in the past year, they have been very active in the city of Edmonton and Saskatoon.
With that, I’ll get into the actual proof and information regarding this group but please be very careful if you see any one of them!
On May 30th, 2019, I went to Edmonton with my 2 sisters and Mother. We went into Kingsway mall to shop, and after shopping in Forever 21, we decided to split up in the food court just across from it. Me and my second sister, who we’ll call G, went together, while my other sister who we’ll call M, went with our Mother to different areas. We didn’t know it at the time, but while my mom went to actually go get food, M went further away to shop for something else before getting her food. I don’t know what, but she wanted to get something from a store on the other side of the foodcourt that was next to more clothing shops. I think it was booster juice. Me, G, and my mother met up after grabbing our food and sat at a table together while waiting for M. Our mother told us, as we began to eat, of a strange experience she had just had while grabbing her food:
She told us that a woman had come up to her and asked her if she knew that the Bible mentioned that God was a woman, and tried to chat my mom up. My mom humored her somewhat, but thought nothing of it, and the woman eventually left. 
But not long after our mother told us this story, my sister M came quickly to us and hugged my mom, looking very scared. She sat down and told us that two women of color, wearing headscarves (note: NOT Hijabs or Tichels, it was likely a Christian head covering) with European accents (M said they sounded Russian or Ukrainian), began to ask her about the same thing. M said that these women had approached her while she was sitting down on one of the mall couches, while rummaging through her bag just after buying something from one of the shops, and the two women had sat on either side of her. One woman began to chat her up about a female God in the Bible, and while my sister was weirded out by this, she noticed that the second woman on the other side of her pulled out a syringe needle when she thought M wasn’t looking, and my sister sat up immediately and tried to get away from them. She went immediately to find a Mall security and told them about this, who told her they’ve had run-ins and complaints about these people before. After warning the security is when my sister came back to the food court to meet with us.
M posted this on Facebook to warn others, but it was taken down by Facebook. Some people have shared her story on instagram, so if you think you’ve seen her story, I must ask that you please be respectful and keep her identity anonymous as I have, since this whole thing has shaken her up quite a bit.
But after some digging, I realized we’re not the only ones who have experienced this. This cult is called the “God the Mother” cult (also known as World Mission Society Church of God) and there seems to be an active church or group in the city of Edmonton, although there have been more widespread reports throughout Canada, and even the US as well. They usually approach people who are alone, namely young women, and have been said to be persistent in trying to get people to enter their van, or obtain phone numbers and emails, for “Bible Study”. These people have been so aggressive in stalking and attempted recruiting that Saskatoon police have asked people to call and give information if they’ve come into contact with this cult.
This youtuber describes her experience of being approached by these people at Starbucks.
One reddit user notes that a missionary she encountered was more physical, invaded her personal space, and forcibly took her phone to add the cult’s contact information for “Bible study”. This cult woman proclaimed to be a “student” at the University of Alberta, but the campus is open for anybody to wander onto if they take the bus or train, so I find this unlikely. Another, different person reddit mentioned a similar experience in HUB mall also at the U of A in Edmonton. Someone also caught these cultists going door-to-door via doorcam, and they asked the homeowners if they were alone in the house. Someone notes in the comments that they’re apparently known to do this at night as well. The cultists seem to favor universities and Malls as recruitment areas.
Note that WCNC did an investigation in Charlotte, North Carolina and New Jersey on whether or not this cult is involved in sex trafficking and came to the conclusion that there is little to no evidence to support they are [news report featured in the video below]. However, because this was only done in several isolated areas, I think it is still possible that this group might be involved in sex trafficking elsewhere, but I have yet to find concrete evidence of this.
Either way, these people are not nice, and are aggressive in their pursuits and abusive to their members (As spoken of in the wikipedia page). If you come into contact with anybody talking about “God the Mother”, stay away from them. If you’re in a public place, tell security. Be careful out there. Please reblog to help spread awareness!
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