wolfgirllesbian · 3 months
WLWeek 2024
heres a lil something i wrote for @rexscanonwife event c: i did the prompt "morning routine"
its a rare occasion when diego wakes up before paku. when they open their eyes, the room is still dim, though the first few rays of sunrise are peaking through the blinds. beside them, paku sleeps peacefully. a few strands of hair have fallen in her face. diego reaches out and brushes them behind her ear gently. as they do so, her eyes open ever so slightly.
"good morning, my love," diego says softly. "did i wake you?"paku shakes her head slightly and grunts out a "nuh-uh". diego lets their arm drape over the curve of her waist and closes their eyes again, relishing the warmth and comfort of the moment.
"what time is it?" paku murmurs. her voice is husky with sleep and diego melts inside.
"mmm five or six? the suns just rising," diego responds. "are you gonna get up?" paku nuzzles closer to diego, pressing her face to the crook of their neck.
"not yet," she says, her voice softer than before. "i want to enjoy this as long as possible."
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infinityhype · 1 year
🕷 Who is your favorite phantom troupe member and why?// 💳 What type of hunter would you be? //🧐 If you were a hunter exam proctor, what type of challenge would you run?//💯 What would motivate you to take the hunter exam? //🐜 If you were turned into a chimera ant, what animal(s) do you think you’d be?//👶 Do you have any hxh OCs?//💭 What is an idea for a fic/drawing you’d like to see?
Once more on mobile and hoping it looks okay lol
Who is your favorite Troupe member and why?
It's a tie between Phinks and Paku, love a blockhead with a heart but also, Paku is my beautiful evil girl boss wife
What type of Hunter would you be?
Monograph/Manuscript Hunter, looking for rare books and scrolls to take back to the library and also helping other Hunters do research
If you were a Hunter Exam proctor, what kind of challenge would you run?
Make contestants research a topic and tell me or write about it, if they explain it well and I think it's cool as hell they get a pass
What would motivate you to take the Hunter Exam?
Money and access to rare things closed off to the public, HxH world gotta have some kind of scary library that's like, a death trap but also full of good resources
If you were turned into a Chimera ant, what animal(s) do you think you would be?
Some kinda weird fox/cat hybrid, I'd still have my glasses tho
Do you have any HxH OCs?
Answered this in the other ask so just gonna do a different character!
Actually, I don't think I've talked about Morel's dad all that much, so a bit about him.
Lysander "Sandy" Markovic possesses both a doctorate in paleography and a Hunter license (it is a miracle he didn't go darkside from the Ph.D.) He caught measles when an epidemic ravaged the town where his family lived and went deaf at age 11, so he communicates primarily through sign language. He met Ursaline Mackernasey when he chartered her to take him to the Green Chantry, an abandoned monastery containing thousands of invaluable tomes and scrolls…smack dab in the middle of an extremely dangerous island. They became good friends over the course of the journey, then friends with benefits, and then Ursaline had Morel. They never married but are basically good friends who happen to have a kid together.
Sandy is a specialist, and his nen ability is Restoration/Destruction Memorandum. He can restore or destroy just about anything with a few nen-infused words scribbled down in a notebook. Cannot bring back the dead nor kill anyone directly with his ability. Created it to restore old manuscripts and hieroglyphs and the like, his services are very in demand and he's published in all sorts of academic journals.
Other facts about Sandy: wears glasses, keeps a full beard because otherwise he looks super young, always has pencils or pens stuck behind his ears, has escaped faculty meetings and/or talking to people via an open window more than once, easily moved to tears (Morel inherited this particular trait), very proud of his son boy always and so glad he can talk shop with his nerdy son-in-law Knov
What is an idea for a fic/drawing you would like to see?
Always down to see more morelknov stuff!!!
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togashicomeback · 4 years
Y’all hate Chrollo for being a greasy pretentious goth yet forget that by simply existing he caused Paku’s death
like, she died to protect him and the spider
forget the kurta clan, no amount of redemption arcs can reedem Chrollo for this
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neechees · 2 years
Hi :) I stumbled upon one of your posts about Katara’s confrontation with Pakun, that instead of female empowerment it was her disrespecting an important/respected person. I can see that, despite disagreeing with his sexist views. Your POVs are interesting so I wondering, if you could rewrite that part, what would you change? Like should Katara have moved on to find a different teacher or something?
That was my initial reaction when I was like. 12 & watching it, but that was also coming from a Cree perspective, but I don't know the Inuit perspective or how THEY would've written it, since the Water tribe is based on their culture. I feel like a lot of my perspective has changed as I've gotten older since I've become more knowledgeable. I feel like my feelings as a Cree person on that scene now is less important than an Inuk's so that's why I say that. I wouldn't rewrite it, I'd hand it over to an Inuk, if it was to be rewritten.
I think the main issue here isn't necessarily that Katara is confronting an older person, & it's not that I don't think Natives shouldn't question misogyny from "traditional" Native men (which is an intracommunity issue & I think we should, but I don't think the White writers have the right to depict that at all) irl, but rather the main thing that makes this a whole issue is the fact that the writers decided that the Water Tribe were misogynist, only highlighted misogyny in the Water tribe, & then nowhere else. I feel like this whole scene was unnecessary. But this is also racist & weird since Inuit culture is egalitarian & values Women & their work.
It also goes against some of their own worldbuilding. The water tribe seems to emphasize that women are not warriors or don't fight in season 1, & that they ONLY waterbend to heal, but then later in season 3, when we see flashbacks of the Fire Nation invading, we see the female water benders resisting them & fighting them. This discrepancy is never mentioned or addressed. We also know that since Sokka was young, he was being raised by his grandmother, Sister, and surrounded primarily by adult women in his wife, but is misogynist in the beginning. Who was teaching misogyny to Sokka when there were no men around? Do the adult women also act that way? The women besides Katara never had anything to say about it? If its so ingrained in their culture and "traditional" then why is Sokka misogynist but Katara isn't? How did it get that way? Why are Sokka and Paku singled out as misogynist but no one else?
This scene & the whole "the Water Tribe is sexist" thing was racist to Natives but specifically to Inuit, & they should've at least showed other characters being misogynist or different cultural examples of the other Nations at some point being misogynist.
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
I just went through you r blong and it's?? So amazing??? Like omg I wass literally screaming when I read all that glorious stuff, you're doing god's work here love💕 but I would like to know what Kikyo, Illumi, Milluki, Kurapika, Pakunoda, Chrollo and Silva + Shigaraki, Overhaul, Monoma, Chronostasis, Setsuno, Tamaki, Endeavor, Shinsou and Aizawa do for winter and/or Christmas/other religious holidays activities with their darling? Bc I'm ready to sell my vital organs for it ;_;
Thanks you <3
Also, Christmas wit da bois is an amazing idea. (I’ll be doing normal Winter stuff and some religious holidays.)
Since they are a family, I will combine them (and to make this large post a bit shorter and easier haha).
Anyway, they celebrate Christmas more for the gifts and to spoil their kids. You better expect a large, family gathering for the entire two weeks of Christmas and New Years. It doesn’t really matter, you will be forced to celebrate Christmas with them. I mean you are part of the family.
Think of it as a resort holiday, you are treated like a queen/king and anything you want will go. Well, other than freedom of course. Still, you receive many gifts that are beyond your price tag, and the gifts you give them are more decorative to be honest. You don’t have as much money to spend as them, so you decided to make all of your gifts because you hoped the thought would be enough. They might not look the best, but each Zoldyck will treasure it to the end of their days.
They will try to incorporate any traditions as long as they are family oriented, they aren’t monsters. And even if you have other holidays you celebrate, you will still celebrate Christmas with them. With that being said, they will be kind enough to celebrate your own holidays, it will be a smaller scaled thing though.
He finds it to be a bonding moment, and he doesn’t get enough of those for obvious reasons. He will go above and beyond to please you, simply to get back on your good side a bit.
Cocoa, apple cider, blankets, decorations, traditions, ANYTHING is on. He wants you to relax and feel at home around him. Despite his extremely controlling attitude, he wants you to love him. Sadly he prioritizes your absolute safety over your mental health.
But it’s sweet for the most part, he actually seems to act normal, he doesn’t seem as if he is going to snap and try to force you into anything. But yes, he might try to get things to be hot and heavy, you being relaxed is too perfect of an oppertunity to waste. He still has a clan to rebuild.
I wrote chrollo’s before Paku’s, so it’s kinda the same. She will be more active in putting things together and getting into the festivities. She will get really close, using the excuse that she’s cold just to cuddle with you.
Christmas sex? Yeah, probably. She’ll take care of everything, you could sit back and watch her do everything. But it’s more fun together right?
Everyone is invited, so expect the rest of the Troupe and their darlings!
He doesn’t mind, he’s pretty accommodating too! He’s honestly the most okay with anything. I would think the people of Meteor City look forward to Christmas, there isn’t a lot but people who really care for one another take the time to chill with each other.
With you around, they have a really big excuse to go all out! Chrollo will sit back and relax, having you and the rest of the Troupe decorate and get presents. He will help of course if you ask, but he will mostly be on the side lines.
Anything else is a-okay too! He doesn’t care as long as you are happy, and the Troupe can join in the festivities.
Christmas is something he does know! But he knows nothing of any other holiday to be honest. All for One gave him a few gifts in his life time, not much but enough for Shigiraki to develope the concept of Christmas. I mean when he was a kid he loved Christmas with his family. It was one of the happiest times back then.
So he genuinely had a love hate relationship with the holiday. You will ah e to take initiative on this one. Giving a gift, starting decorations, making hot coco or something. Anything to get the ball rolling and he would begrudgingly comply.
Secretly, he is excited to join the holiday festivities with you. Specifically with you, anyone else and they would be dust. He is okay with learning new holiday traditions too, like why do you guys light candles for a holiday? Well oh tell him with a smile and help him light one on fire. He almost burns the whole hideout down. You’ll have to watch him.
He celebrates Christmas, but he’s more of a grinch. He celebrates it with his kids and wife, just because it’s something families do. Though throughout his life he never found it more than a obligation.
When you come along, he’s on the path of becoming a better person, so he will definantly try harder. One Christmas with all the fun stuff with you, and another one for his family. He kinda lets you take the lead, of course if you really want something you will have to do some sexual trades. Can’t let you get too comfortable right?
Moreover, if you are on good terms with his immediate family, you could probably add more cheer to the holiday. Also if you celebrate another holiday then don’t worry, he’ll accommodate to be nicer.
Who cares about winter, it’s cold and you are more likely to get sick because of it. Your immune system will be more likely to be compromised so you better expect him to helicopter a bit more.
Warm teas, heavy blankets, vitamins, and supplaments are to be expected. Nothing sugary either, maybe a bit of medical honey in your tea but not much.
Christmas isn’t something he celebrates, but he will make a slight exception if you are good. If you act like a suck up, he’ll be nice and maybe get you Christmas gift. Maybe even a small Christmas tree for moral. I wouldn’t expect too much though.
He like winter, he doesn’t know why exactly, but he does. I can easily see him getting into the activities of December. Like the ballets and Christmas lights and other festive things that make you leave your house. Headcannon that he might be a decent ice skater too. He simply enjoys the activities more than the actual holidays.
He won’t mind helping decorate or getting gifts or any other holiday traditions. Actually, if they are fun traditions without much competitive fire, he’ll probably want to do them more.
Although I don’t see him liking the warm ness of cuddling and all that, I can see him enjoying the slight chill in the air. Supportive of any holiday you celebrate, might even try to make more traditions too.
He likes Christmas and the holidays, it’s the perfect time to get the best gifts for his little darling. Oddly enough he loves getting small gifts for you, it makes him feel prideful knowing you like what he got you, so he loves Christmas is general.
As for winter, he likes it! It’s an excuse to get you under the covers and warm you up. That can be taken both ways if ya’ know what I’m saying.
I think he would prefer warm drinks like tea and apple cider over hot chocolate, but hell totally make some for you. Any decorations are also game, just expect some teasing for the childish stuffed animal you keep on the fireplace mantle.
He is kinda clueless in the sense he just doesn’t know where to start. Like he knows about the basics of holiday traditions, but he doesn’t know if you do those traditions. He’ll be pretty laid back when you get excited about it though. This clingy man will simply sit back and watch the entire time.
Winter isn’t his favorite, but he doesn’t mind being able to hold you close so you won’t be cold. He is very possessive considering what happened to his last lover. He will be perfectly fine with helping with easy things, but when it comes to the more taxing things, he’ll let you take the reins.
He’ll try to buy you a present he thinks you’ll like, but he won’t get too fancy. After all he really just wants to hold you close and soak in your warmth.
Nervous boy feels most comfortable in winter, at least in his home where he has you to cuddle, bake, and hold. He loves the warmth found in a home, and he will encourage any baking you want to do. It just leaves him with a warm feeling inside when he can bake cookies and brownies with you by his side.
Although he’s all hands on deck when the holidays come along, he’s still nervous about it. He’ll ask questions and make sure everything works how it’s supposed to because he doesn’t want to mess something up for you. Might accidentally go a bit overboard with gifts or other traditional activities.
He just wants to please you though, a real sweetheart when it comes down to it.
I think Shinsou likes winter because it means spring is on its way. I can see him being a spring loving boy because of all the kittens and flowers blooming. Winter is good though, might be his second favorite season. He loves the blankets and the hot cocoa and the baked goods and the holiday cheer. Especially the gift giving, he likes seeing you happy when he gives you a gift.
He probably won’t be too enthusiastic about any holiday stuff, but he will sure support it and help with anything you need. Need a Christiana’s tree because you can’t have a Christmas without it? You better bet he’ll get it right away.
He loves watching you get excited about the holidays, everything in the house just seems a bit more cheerful because of you. He will wrap you in blankets and jackets and hold you closely in his arms. You also better bet anything you do he will be there to help you. He might not be the most into the holidays, but he surely loves getting ready for the holidays with you.
Winter is not his favorite season, but I’d say it’s probably second place. He doesn’t do too much, as he simply doesn’t want to put in that much effort in something so minuscule. But, he defiantly encourages his Darling if they want to decorate or bake or something wintery.
Christmas also isn’t really a big thing for him, as he doesn’t usually buy presents for other people. Of course, his Darling is another story. Unlike most people, he buys a few presents for you because you are his special kitten.
He will also help decorate or bake small things if you want to. Hot chocolate is a must, he has a special, bitter hot chocolate just for himself that he loves. You have your sweet beverage and he has his bitter one. Just don’t forget the marshmallows.
Warm cuddles is a blessing to him. When it’s cold he grabs blankets and wraps you up like a baby is a swadle just to hold you close to him. As for other holidays, he will respect them and whatever stuff come with them. Like Hanukkah and the candles for each night. Just don’t expect anything too crazy, he just wants a comfortable holiday evening with you.
Happy Holidays sweethearts!!! I hope you have an amazing whatever you celebrate and if you celebrate nothing, than have a wonderful day!
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seiyasabi · 4 years
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
(This is a Yandere Pakunoda x Female Reader story! To be completely honest, she could trip me down some steps and I’d still UWU!!!
TW; Reader is lowkey easy to manipulate so that may be annoying!, babies you alot !!!!, Manipulation!, !Use of a strap!, Consensual sex!, Use of a Mommy kink!!, light domming!, Stockholm syndrome!!!!, etc.
Please proceed with caution! If this is too OOC, I apologise! She’s lowkey a comfort character for me lol) 
“Look at my pretty girl, so precious,” Your blond lover pinches your cheeks lightly between thumb and forefinger, a flush coating your cheeks. Currently, you’re sitting in her lap, trying to make up for lost time. She recently got back from a ‘work trip,’ and it seems like you both missed each other very much. 
“Paku,” You gasp, feeling her remove her hand from your face, only to settle them on your ass. She squeezes lightly, chuckling at your surprised face. 
“What is it? Can I not touch my beautiful wife?” Smiling bashfully, you bury your head in her plush chest, cuddling close to her. You want to be on her good side, especially when you wish to ask her for something that she’s sure to become angry at. 
“Paku, can I- can I ask you a question?” She reaches a hand up to caress the back of your head, a light smile gracing her features.
“Of course,” Pakunoda murmurs absentmindedly, cradling you closer than before. 
“Is it ok if I top tonight?” Your fingers fiddle with her shirt, as you avoid eye contact. Her chest rumbles with her chuckles, reaching a hand up to grab your chin, she forces you to look her in the eye. 
“My darling pillow princess wishes to top tonight?” Raising a perfect eyebrow, she continues to laugh, “Don’t be ridiculous. You belong under me, Sweetie, not above me. Look at you, you can’t even look me in the eye whilst asking.” 
You flush in embarrassment, trying in vain to move away from her, “Never mind, then,” You pout, crossing your arms over your chest. Paku practically coos at your adorable expression, quickly flipping you so your back is now on the mattress. She straddles your thighs, her hands quickly starting to unbutton your pyjama shirt, exposing your bare chest. 
“Look at your pretty chest,” She cradles your (size) tits, smiling at your bashful face. 
“Paku-“ She gives you a stern look, causing you to whine, “Mommy, why won’t you let me? I just wanna try!” She chuckles some more, lightly pinching your nipples. 
“No, Baby. You know that you’re a pillow princess at heart, just let Mommy take care of you,” You give a final huff, before nodding. 
“Fine,” You pout a little longer, before giving her a pretty smile, “I missed you.” 
She gives your tits another squeeze, “I missed you too, Sweetie. Now, let me show you just how much I yearned for you.” 
Her slender hands lightly pull on the sleeves of your shirt, helping you out of its long sleeves. Your top half is now completely exposed, causing her eyes to glint in predator-like glee. Moving to your spandex clad thighs, Pakunoda can’t help but love how the slightly too-tight shorts cause the fat of your thighs to squish out. She lightly pinches it between two manicured fingers, making you gasp prettily. 
“So adorable for Mommy,” She ghosts over your covered mound, pulling at the fabric so it can bunch up in your slit, “Is my sweet girl not wearing any panties?” You cover your face with your hands, trying to cover your blush. 
“Yes, Mommy,” She releases the spandex to uncover your face, placing multiple smooches all over it. 
“Dirty girl,” The blond smiles down at you, pushing your hands down on the mattress by your head, “Keep these here, Sweetie. If you move them, I’ll have to punish you.”
You nod rapidly, not moving your wrists from that spot, “Yes, Mommy,” Her hands trail down your sides, lightly pinching down on some spots. Once at your waist, she grips the hem of your shorts, before shucking them down your legs. 
Paku can’t help but salivate at the sight of your bare cunny. Running a slender finger up your slit, she collects your juices, and holds it up to show you, “Look at this! Has my little Baby played with her pussy without her Mommy?” 
You shake your head no, a pleading look on your innocent face, “No, Mommy! I promise! I haven’t touched myself, I’m just excited to see you!” She sticks the slick covered finger into her mouth, tasting your essence. Her eyes practically roll to the back of her head, you taste wonderful. 
Gazing down at you, she smirks, “I believe you. But, I have to make sure my Baby doesn’t touch herself, don’t I? What do you want, Sweetie? Do you want Mommy’s strap? Or maybe a cute, little vibrator on your pretty cunny?” 
“I want your strap, Mommy! Please fill me up!” At your words, she shoves two finger into your wet pussy, immediately fucking them into you with a ‘come hither’ motion. A surprised moan escapes your throat, causing your Mommy to chuckle. 
“Don’t act too surprised, Sweetie. Mommy needs to open you up before she fucks you,” Her thumb rests on your clit, rubbing insync with her ministrations. Your cunny practically gushes around her fingers when she finds your g-spot, causing her to focus on that one spot. 
Your moans and cries are music to Pakunoda’s ears, and he can’t help but bring you into a heated kiss. Her tongue massages yours, swapping your spit with each other. Her soft lips mold with yours, swallowing your noises down. The feeling of her fingering your cunny and her plush lips on yours causes you to orgasm prematurely. Your juices squirt out like a geyser, soaking her hand, pelvis, and sheets below you. 
Separating from the kiss, you look down at you and your now soaked wife with a gasp, “I’m sorry! I promise I didn’t do it on purpose-” She shushes you softly, looking down on you tenderly. 
“It’s alright, pretty girl,” She reaches down to her now soaked plum coloured mini-skirt, zipping it open, and sliding it off of her frame. Her black lace panties are now exposed to you, as she quickly strips out of the rest of her outfit. Her large breasts now exposed, he grins down at your flushed form, “You just helped Mommy strip faster,” She kisses your forehead, “And you looked so sexy squirting all over me, I’ll make sure you do it again when I fuck your cunny open.”
She shifts towards your bedside table, opening the bottom drawer, and fishing out her double sided strap-on. She sets it on your shared bed, before shutting the drawer, and turning her attention back onto you. 
“Mommy, can I please taste you? Please” She chuckles at your eagerness, but shakes her head. Paku strokes your head tenderly, giving you another kiss.
“No, Sweetie. I’m supposed to be pleasuring you, not the other way around. How could I be your Mommy if I let you raise a single finger? Hmm?” Pouting, you nod in understanding. 
“Can I please have another kiss?” The blond smiles, nodding yes. 
“Of course,” She gives you a long, closed lip smooch, before sitting up tall, and sliding off her panties. Once off, she eases a long finger into her soaked pussy. She slowly fucks herself open, easing in a second, then a third. Keeping her moans to a minimum, she grinds down on her hand, creating an erotic scene above you.
Her juices drip onto you, running down the curves of your hips. Once she deems herself wet enough, Paku grabs the strap, untying the sides like a swimming suit. Lining up the inside dildo with her dripping pussy, she pushes it inside with a small moan. Now fully seated on the dildo, she ties the strings of the harness, and shifts farther up your pelvis. Grabbing a black remote from the top of your bedside table, she turns on the vibrating function of her dildo, immediately stimulating her gummy walls. Using all of her self control, she tries not to moan. 
“Are you ready, little one?” You glance down at the plum coloured cock, you gulp. You’d forgotten how big her strap was. It has many bulging veins, a very thick girth, and it is about eight inches long, “Is baby scared?”
“No, Mommy. Please, I want it! I want it so bad!” She grins down at you, and quickly slots her lower half between your thighs, her own thighs above yours. Using a free hand, she guides the cock to your weeping entrance. With one powerful thrust, she seats the entire thing inside your pussy. A loud whine rattles your chest, as you try to adjust to its size. 
“Is my baby’s cunny full?” She bucks her hips into yours, causing your clit to rub against the leather of her strap. A pitiful moan escapes your mouth, causing Paku to laugh, “Awe, you’re already so fucked out, and I barely did anything.” 
You whimper out a, “Please, Mommy,” Prompting her to pull out until only the tip is inside, before slamming down her hips again. Hearing you keen in pleasure is enough to cause her to fuck into you violently. 
She sets a hard, fast pace, your juices flying everywhere. Practically humping into you, Paku grinds the tip into your cervix, causing another gush of slick to splash out of your poor cunny. 
“You’re taking me to good, Sweetie,” Paku’s own juices coat the inside of her harness, as she tries her best not to cum at the sight of your fucked out face. 
“Mu-Mommy!” She starts pinching at your tits, rolling them between her fingers, whilst propelling her hips into your at rapid pace. 
“Yes? Is there something you need?” She teases, not stopping for a single moment. 
You can feel the coil in your tummy tightening, signalling your oncoming release. Tears stream down your face at the intense feeling of pleasure, as you practically scream, “Please, please let me cum! Please!” She places a kiss on your drooly lips, squeezing the fat of your tits in both hands. 
“Hmm, I don’t know, should you cum? Have you been a good baby for Mommy tonight?” You practically sob at her words, trying to stop your orgasm. 
“Yes, yes! I-I’ve been good! Please! Please!” Dropping a hand down to your clit, she starts rubbing against your nub in hard, fast movement, mirroring her thrusts. 
“Go ahead, Sweetie, cum for Mommy!” With a loud cry, you cum. Your orgasm is so great, that your squirt launches the dildo out of your slick cunny, smacking against Pakunoda’s stomach, and launching her into her own orgasm. Her own moan is heard throughout the room, as she brings you into another heated kiss. It’s all tongue and spit, but it’s amazing, nonetheless. Whilst doing so, she flicks off the constant vibration inside of her, giving her relief from overstimulation. 
Breaking away from your mouth, she huffs out a small chuckle, “You’re so pretty, all fucked out and adorable.”
You can barely keep your eyes open at this point, but you dutifully anwer her, “Thank you, Mommy,” She lightly pinches your cheek, smooching your forehead. 
“Go ahead and sleep, I’ll take care of you,” Nodding, you almost instantly nod off. 
Pakunoda smiles to herself, as she looks down at you. You’re her picture perfect darling, so sweet, pretty, and kind. 
She almost feels bad that she manipulated you into dropping everyone you knew. You always trust so freely, and unfortunately for you, you trusted the wrong person. Now, the only person you talk to is her, and when she’s off on missions, you’re practically in solitary confinement. The only difference is that you’re able to freely move around your shared apartment. 
But, she knows that you’ll never leave her. You’re too in love with her to ever do something so silly. You also know of her profession, so it would be foolish to run away. If she can’t find you, then one of the Spiders can. 
Sighing in content, Pakunoda stands to her feet. 
It’s time to clean you up, seeing as only she can properly take care of you, because your cute baby self already passed out. 
Giving your head a light pat, she stalks off to the ensuite bathroom, carefully untying the harness tied around her waist. 
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goldenraziel · 4 years
All the characters that I own plus my family background in the storyline
Christian: i will start with the first character that i created:
Daniel (Dan) Cusoe: the older twin brother of him and his sister and oldest sibling in the family, made him back in 2004 on a website that no longer functions like it use to, 1 of 3 co-leaders of the Golden Makers kingdom to maintain it safe and secure, marry to Christina, father to Link and Pit Cusoe. Dan Cusoe is loving and thoughtful angel that have wrath and 8th sin(still working on the name) lead the kingdom to battle when it arises, he is driven through Fear of the Lord and willing to lay down his life to protect his home.
Stanley (Stan) Cusoe: the younger brother of Dan Cusoe and their sister 2 of 3 co-leaders of GoldenMakers, after Dan's supposed death he took up the mantle to protect any outside threats that happened to the old kingdoms, marry to Lila Cusoe. He have the same motivation as Dan but more personal if anyone gets attacked.
Masquerade: a enemy once to Dan Cusoe and Dan Kuso but was redeem through my actions to become a ally to GoldenMakers, he notified the members any dangerous attacks and monitors any activity that is in Golden Makers, marry to Elyse Cusorade, Father to Palutena. He is more sassy but serious when is needed and he is the sin of Pride.
Lila Cusoe: was Agent Lexus, a ally turn enemy turn ally to the 6 heaven (pervious 7 heaven kingdom). She was the main character for my ex girlfriend Lexus and went along for the disturbed ride of her owner manipulating her new owner to "fall in love to her" but after being beaten down months after the rift she rejoin my group to aid the group as caregivers after a battle since her powers were diminished, marry to Stan Cusoe, and Mother to Link Cusoe and Pit Cusoe.
Elise Cusorade: was Elliot Cusorade/Miss Agent L was a runaway after the rift happened that she had enough with her old owner just abusing her and Lila around for their entertainment, she also is a caregiver but unlike Lila, she fight to defend her new home, she is the twin sister of Dan Cusoe and sister to Stan Cusoe, Marry to Masquerade and mother to Palutena.
Link Cusoe: oldest son to Dan Cusoe and Lila Cusoe, he helps with the soldier training that his dad and uncle do for the angels or aid his mom Lila and aunt Elise with the wounded, he plays with kids in the 6 heavens to light the mood.
Pit Cusoe: youngest son to Dan Cusoe and Lila Cusoe, he helps along side with his brother with training but plays with kids in the 6 heavens to light the mood.
Palutena Cusorade: the daughter of Masquerade and Elise Cusorade, she does the same as her mom and the boys but she also help her uncle Dan with maintenance on 2 robotic animals.
Danielle (Dani) Cusoe: the youngest sibling of the Cusoe family, she helps monitor the surveillance of GoldenMakers to notify me and my family for threats.
Paku: stands for Protective Automation Killer/Koala Unit is a robotic koala built by Dan Cusoe to aid Lila with her job, does exterior designs for the kingdom and help me and my daughter train.
Paris: stands for Protective Automation Ravage Interior Stylist is a robotic cat built by Micah to combat Paku in the pervious heaven kingdoms but now aid Elise with her job, aid the Long family with training and notify everyone the updates that's happening on earth.
Boxer: a dalmatian puppy that i own that helps anyone with tracking or missing parts and loved by everyone.
(The mom in this one I bring back after sacrificing a limb)
Roy Long: the husband of Rebekah Long and father to Carrie Long, a skillful and tactical ninjutsu artist that help get Carrie away from the onslaught blows of the azure knight Nightmare, he helps with the weapons maintenance to the kingdom and assist with the training when maintenance are clear
Rebekah Long: the wife of Roy Long and mother to Carrie Long, skillful ninjutsu artist and loving to her family, she help Roy to get her daughter away but was killed in the process. She help maintain the food and cleaning if the kingdom is not being under attack.
(These 2 i sacrifice my ability to walk normal without a muscle tension on my right leg and have epilepsy)
Obadiah Cusoe: husband to Kayla Cusoe and the father of Dan, Stan, Dani, and Elise; he was killed by the old serpent through envy of the happiness of him, his wife and 2 kids(Dan and Elise). He helps with training, shaping and honing in the soldiers of the 6 heaven kingdom.
Kayla Cusoe: wife to Obadiah and the mother of Dan, Stan, Dani, and Elise; she was also killed like her husband. She helps with cleaning and caregive of the kingdom if she need to but she helps the girls (Lila, Elise, Palutena, Carrie and Carrie Angela) grow more precise with their training if they fall behind me.
Carrie Angela: the daughter of Christian Cruz and Carrie Long, and granddaughter to Roy Long and Rebekah Long; she help the kids train in her father and grandfather mentally of fighting but make it easier to understand, also attend to the ill as well, notify her parents anything unusual in the kingdom and she motive her dad to stay persistent
Carrie Long: the wife of Christian Cruz, mother to Carrie Angela and daughter to Roy Long and Rebekah Long; she helps with the training, household chores and notify her husband if anything is wrong with the situation along with keeping him motivated to keep persistent and reassure him if he lost his way to God.
Christina: archeia to Christian Cruz that protects him and his family from the old serpent attacks, wife to Dan Cusoe and help train Christian and the others to grow stronger.
Jophiel: archangel to Christian Cruz that protects him and his family from the old serpent attacks, he helps educate the kids and his protection anything that they might have a question to and trains them in any advance techniques or skills they need.
Jochara: archeia to Christian Cruz that protects him and his family from the old serpent attacks, helps the kids understand the subject that is shown in front of them by slowing show them.
Raziel: Archangel to Christian Cruz that protects him and his family from the old serpent attacks, refined Christian and the others skills and techniques before going to battle and be the encourager to Christian if Carrie Long or the others make it through him.
And the last person
Christian Cruz: the owner all the characters listed here except Carrie Long her family and Carrie Angela, the owner of Raziel, Jochara, Jophiel, and Christina, one of the 7 chosen ones that on earth that (without spoilers, follows Jesus to battle in final days) and your storyteller for this ride; What i do is: go in prayer for 2 hours to strengthen the shields of the kingdoms and earth, main leader of GoldenMakers to shape(drawing, storytelling, training, teaching) everything up what God wanted to be.
I hope enjoy what the story brings.
Everyone: enjoy the story. :D
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hereforhoweverlong · 3 years
I personally believe that iroh was in love with (and had lu ten with) a waterbender and nothing can change my mind
like iroh obviously knows A LOT about waterbending as a fighting style but he also knows about water tribe culture and history which is something that many outside of the water tribe wouldn't really know
and I know he's part of the white lotus which kinda transcends countries but I doubt paku would have said a lot about the history of his country and the white lotus would be the perfect place for him to meet a water tribe girl
and irohs wife is never mentioned (at least not in the show) and so what if she got banished as well when azulon found out about her origin (the fire nation obviously has no problem with banishing members of the royal family)
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hisbutlerisahunter · 4 years
Adding to the Paku mom vibes. This woman takes one look at you and knows exactly what’s wrong. If you’re about to catch a cold soon, she sensed it somehow. Feeling insecure? She’s telling you you’re beautiful. If you look drained? She’s running a hot bath with candles and a bath bomb. She does NOT play when it comes to you. She’s sickly sweet to you but if you’re neglecting yourself she gets protective and will smother you with care. And she regularly lets you lay on her boobies. She’s perfect:(
Hhhhhhhhh my wife is perfect you are right anon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
The bath one...... omg i just- i just wanna bathe with Paku and if i laid my head on her boobies id spontaneously combust and yall know it 🥴🥴
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Dec. 12 - Anime Log
Since I started/finished a few anime today, I decided that I wanted to list my thoughts for each of them. I was debating whether I should’ve put this on my spam account, but I decided that this account might be better.
Dame x Prince (started and finished)
Kamisama Hajimemashita (finished)
Zetman (started)
I’m going to work backwards starting with Zetman’s first impression. 
The art was pretty good. TMS Entertainment is a studio I don’t actively search through, but I found out that I watched a lot of their anime. They definitely have a lot of hits including the Detective Conan series, Yowamushi Pedal, Megalo Box, and since we’re talking about it, they did Kamisama too. 
The music didn’t stand out too much, but it’ll take some time to grow on me. This part always goes like that since I find that a score grows more with the progression of a series.
Okay, but the biggest letdown was probably me finding out that Romi Paku was going to be replaced with Daisuke Namikawa for the main character’s child vs adult voice. If Romi can be Edward, she can be Jin. Besides that, Mamo and Kana Hanazawa are solid picks for literally any roles.
The story, characters, and presentation seem a bit like a mix of Code Geass and Devilman. Hear me out. Devilman is probably more obvious (I’m referring to Devilman Crybaby). They both are a bit on the explicit side, they both depict violence with demon-like creatures, and they both use the common thing of, “You see this mortal you like? It would be a shame if something were to happen.” Code Geass was brought up because of the two protagonists. One is a bit of an anti-hero while the other has an arguably warped sense of justice. Let’s just see how this plays out. So far, this seems like a far more palatable but different version of Devilman. I couldn’t even finish that series because it scared and scarred me too much.
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Kamisama took me a really long time to finish. I kept picking it up and dropping it because I found the characters to be a bit... lacking. I heard this was a classic shoujo anime, and I’m not necessarily the target audience, but I find myself enjoying it from time to time. 
I find that art palettes always look a bit pale for some reason. I find a lot of anime during those years did though. The character designs made a lot of characters look more emo than they needed to be, and their eyes look like they have that pencil stuff (edit: eyeliner). Their eyes are also already very large. 
The story is more on the lighthearted side. There are some overarching stories, but it’s mostly episodic with outside conflicts. Like a lot of shoujo anime, it’s mostly about the growth of the relationship with the two romantic interests and the futile efforts of anyone who isn’t the main love interest.
We have the cold-tsundere-ish Tomoe, the playful seems-like-they-can-be-a-cutesy-yandere Mizuki, the average heroine Nanami that becomes head-over-heels for the main character, and a few other side characters here and there including that dad who went out to buy milk and never came back and the feminine guy who fabulously wrecks things up. Other characters appear episodically. There’s also a fish guy with the underappreciated wife (that episode made me laugh a little), a purple-haired supernaturally being who falls in love with that mortal who’s voiced by Ryohei Kimura.
I paused watching it three episodes in then stopped again after episode seven then took it to the end. It really wrapped up nicely at the ending, and I really like series that end well. That usually boosts it up in my books.
Score: 7.7/10
I wanted to save Dame x Prince for last because it’s something that surpassed my expectations, and that’s because I thought it was going to be terrible.
Just like many reverse harems, it’s based off an otome game which means it’s about a bunch of ideal guys with the same faces competing for the same girl while trying to remain true to their trope.
But this anime doesn’t take itself seriously, and that’s where it makes itself different. None of these guys are ideal except for maybe... Teo? But even then, he’s not even listed in the main cast. Let’s go through some cast introduction:
Not Your Typical Otome Protagonist (VA: Sayuri Yahagi) - She’s realistic, she calls out these guys on their bullshit, and she even says to the guy, “I don’t want your self-portrait.” She’s immune to all the guys’ so-called “handsomeness”.
Feather Boa (VA: Kaito Ishikawa) - egotistical bastard who has servants follow him to give him lighting, mirrors, and confetti. He’s the first in line to the throne, but all he cares about is making women swoon and getting an artist portrait of him literally every month.
Flower Boi (VA: Yuichiro Umehara) - take a shot every time he says, “My little flower (ohana-chan)” then you will die from alcohol intoxication. Personally, I prefer Umehara’s lower voice because it sounds more badass, but this role was... something else. He’s a womanizer as well. Also, if you call everyone pet names like that, you don’t have to remember their actual names. Good to know. 
Sunny Child (VA: Soma Saito) - I thought he was a girl. I was wrong. Even the main character thought he was a girl. He’s so bright that they didn’t even censor his dick, he just censored his whole body in a glowing light. He looks creepy.
Every Tumblr User Ever (VA: Ryohei Kimura) - He complains about the sunlight melting him, he has a waifu, he’s directly creepy regarding his waifu, he would protect his waifu at all costs, he stays up reading manga, and he is socially awkward. Yes, Ryohei voices both his character and his puppet waifu. 
Manure (VA: Tomoaki Maeno) - He’s the only normal otome-standard guy here, and he’s supposed to be like that. He also fills in the childhood friend trope.
Ugly Blob (VA: Ayaka Saito) - She’s supposed to be the cute mascot, but the protagonist summons her through a self-described vague (seriously, the characters say, “This stuff is vague as hell”) process. She even says, “You’re ugly... in a cute way though!”
Most episodes actually made me laugh because of the writing and how stupid it was. They don’t have an actual overarching story until... maybe near the end? Everything is mostly antics and whatnot. There’s a stereotypical onsen episode in there too. They even say, “Great, a hot springs episode. Just what this anime needed.”
Music was pleasant enough. The OP was standard and forgettable, and the EDs were too (but they were sung by certain seiyuu). I don’t remember much about the score. The animation wasn’t bad because it didn’t demand that much. Usually, these adaptations have ridiculously bad animation quality anyways.
Seiyuu did a good job. This was probably due to the fact that the writing wasn’t something straight of a Twilight fanfic or something. Pretty much all the seiyuu that were cast have a good amount of experience, so I’m really not surprised.
Score: 7.4/10 (that’s pretty darn good considering the genre)
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“Hurry now, Dro’azi! The day is young! We must bring praise to Rezan. Rise up, my little devilsaur. Open your eyes!”
The sun had just sunk over the humid jungle of Zandalar. The citizens made their way to their homes. Though the threat of the Blood Trolls still lingered, Rastakhan’s own complacency was yet to be discovered. The people still believed in their King, and it showed. As each and every one of them found their beds that night, they assumed that they were safe, and that Rastakhan and his forces would slow the Nazmani.
But would they?
Nazmir was already a wasteland. A place of no return. A place riddled with death, sacrifice, and corruption. Here, was the home of G’huun’s followers. The matriarchal society of Trolls that worshipped blood magic. Even in the past, their numbers were cumbersome. Every day, warriors would leave the safety of their homes to embark on some journey of honor. Most of them never returned. And those that did, brought with them the horror stories of true savagery.
Even now, the King was hesitant to take action against the Blood Trolls. The borders were still well protected, but instead of deciding to eradicate the threat, Rastakhan let it lie dormant. Handling it as it rose to a head. This would prove to be his undoing in the future, without the assistance of his Loa. Because of this negligence, a small invasion force managed to push through the border, slaughtering any that stood in their way.
The invasion occurred at night, when most of the warriors were off duty. Sleeping. Unprepared. The only soldiers that protected the border were those of lesser rank, still seeking something to prove. These rookies would never reach their true potential, however, as the incursion began. None of them stood a chance against the sheer number, the absolute velocity of their foes. Nor did they expect one.
In truth, the border was easily penetrated. The men and women that watched over it were outnumbered two to one. They had no chance to repel the incoming assault. The Nazmani ripped through the jungle with ease, devastating every village and camp they stumbled upon along the way. Any semblance of resistance was overwhelmed, and suffered the same fate as their brothers and sisters.
The night was long, and merciless. The moon soared across the sky and barely illuminated the world below. Providing only enough light for the Blood Trolls to find their targets, it took them some time to finally reach the outskirts of the city. And when they did, they brought the merciless fury of G’huun with them.
The day was still young. The sun had just risen. A youthful Dro’azi was awoken from his slumber by his mother. A priestess of Rezan. “Hurry now, Dro’azi! The day is young! We must bring praise to to the Loa! Rise up, my little devilsaur. Open your eyes!” She exclaimed, pulling the covers from her son so that he would have no choice other than to crawl from his bed.
Mel’tana, was a kind woman. She had patience, and honor. She was not one to be underestimated. Nor was Juk’tulza, Dro’azi’s father. A renowned warrior that served Rastakhan for many, many years. The pair had dedicated their loyalty to the King, and pledged to find their homes outside of the city. Scouts, if one would assume.
This idea would be their bane, especially this day. The entire night had run crimson with the true savagery of the Nazmani. The jungle was stained red from the carnage. The very land they crossed was stained sanguine, while corpses were hung and others were posted on spikes for display. All sacrifices for G’huun.
As the sun began to shine through the doorway of their home, the jungle itself grew dangerously silent. The wildlife had evacuated, flying to safety. Juk’tulza found himself growing restless. He kept his eyes locked on the jungle. Nothing felt right, not today. Usually the road in front of his home was much busier. As the sun found its peak in the sky, this very path was left abandoned.
“Something is not right, Mel’tana. It is too quiet. This silence is almost deafening.” Juk’tulza growled, before turning to face his wife. “Do you think that they are holding merchants up by the border?” He asked curiously, approaching the table to set his sword down.
“I cannot be certain, my moon and stars. The days here have all been quiet. It would seem that there is.. Something coming. Even Rezan himself has come to me in my dreams. Warning me. But this warning.. Seems unjustified. There has been peace for some time, now. What could possibly happen..?” Mel’tana asked, sitting at the very same table.
Their discussion was cut short. Very, very short, as a pair of Nazmani trolls ripped through the door, and tackled Juk’tulza to the ground. Even in this state, the massive man grabbed his two assailants by the tusks, and cracked their skulls together. This worked well, as the two were sent to the ground, stunned from the impact. But it did not stop the next pair of Blood Trolls from tackling him. There were too many.
Juk’tulza did his best, killing several of the Nazmani before he was overwhelmed by these very Blood Trolls. He had no chance at survial. The commotion itself caused Dro’azi to roll beneath his bed. To be woken up moments before your parents demise? The only words he could hear were those of Rezan. “Run, my child. RUN.”
Mel’tana suffered a similar fate. The priestess was no match for the sheer number of Blood Trolls that invaded her home. However, what she did manage, was gracing Dro’azi with a barrier. One that would protect him from the threat of these Blood Trolls. “Go, my wildfire! B-Bring glory to Rez-..” She was cut short as the maw of a Nazmani clamped around her throat, and began cannibalizing her corpse. It took no time at all for the pair to be left as mere disgruntled piles of bones.
Afraid for his life, the child rushed into the very same wicked wilds. The youthful Troll survived on berries and leaves for days, before being discovered on the very beach he chose to take refuge on. Each night was haunted by the very same wicked nightmare. His home being invaded by Blood Trolls, while he was left helpless to watch, and run.
One week had passed. A long, stretched out week, before a massive ship took harbor in the very inlet the youthful Zandalari had overtaken. Even now, he could not pose any threat towards these sailors. They were loud. Dangerous, even. The vessel was lined with cannons, and wicked looking sails. It took them no time at all to find landfall upon this very beach.
And it took no time at all for Dro’azi to be discovered by that very crew. “Ay! Dere be a youngling here! Lookit dis camp! How long ya been here, brudda..?” The chunky Zandalari asked, cracking a wide grin. “I be Zin’telwa! First mate o’ dis lil voyage ‘ere. She be known as the Slipstream of Paku. You look radda’ deserted, lil’ mon. How bout chu come an’ join us, eh? We will teach ya de way of de sea. How does that sound!?” Zin’telwa was kind. Jubilant. Very different from many of the Zandalari that Dro’azi had met by now.
Without much consideration, the youthful Zandalari agreed to join the crew. For years, he sat beside the captain himself. Nu’wanda. Learning everything that he could from a Troll with such knowledge. Navigation. Moon cycles. And shamanism. The pirate was his first teacher, and was quite the Shaman himself. He saw a certain potential within the child, and helped him further understand the art.
Years had passed, and by now, Dro’azi himself was an adult. He had earned his place upon the Slipstream, and everyone respected him. He was the voice of reasoning whenever Nu’wanda would stray too far from the path. Eventually, it had seemed that G’huun had seeped into the ranks of the Slipstream.
By now, Dro’azi was a well known seafarer. His growth was substantial. He took an immediate grasp of the Elements, and commanded them with true reason. The purpose: To guide these Zandalari to glory and victory, wherever they went. Many bridges were burnt, of course. Many relations spoiled by the selfish nature of the crew, but Dro’azi never let that truly get to him.
Nu’wanda, however, was influenced by G’huun. Promised false victories. He believed the words of the Blood God. A new Troll kingdom, led by the Zandalari. By Nu’wanda. It seemed possible. But by now Dro’azi watched his teacher sink into his own sort of insanity. Helpless.
Whispers fell heavy upon every ear. Each crewmen complete shocked by the fact Nu’wanda pledged his loyalty with the Blood God. Though the ignoramus saw the future as bright, he never truly observed the consequences of his actions. And this, in time, would show. Days would pass, and the crew grew more reckless. Ready for battle.
With the rumors of Nu’wanda floating around the ship, the crew had decided on the one person worthy enough to take down the captain. His adopted son, Dro’azi. Even now, the young man had witnessed enough from his former tutor, to understand that he was no longer the man he thought him to be. And so, he spent days meditating over the sea.
The meditation was clouded. Constantly disrupted by his crewmates. But inside, he knew what must be done. Nu’wanda had become too much of a problem. He threatened to be the very downfall of this crew he built himself. And when the moment rose to a natural climax, Dro’azi stepped forward.
“We will turn our cannons upon the decimated forces of Zandalar, and eliminate the innocence that fill the city. Together, we can rule this land.”
“You are no teacher of mine. False promises and power have muddied your perception of leadership, Nu’wanda.” Dro’azi’s words held purpose, and even Nu’wanda could see this. The youngling had matured into someone worthy of leading this very crew. But he would be damned if he would go down without a fight.
The crew was split. Half of them supporting Nu’wanda, while the others stood solidly with Dro’azi. They saw him as the future of this ship. The very man that would lead them all to the treasures they sought in life. Using his connection with the Elements to his advantage, the youthful Shaman called upon a wicked storm. One that would stop the Streamline in it’s very tracks.
“NU’WANDA! YOUR ACTIONS HAVE PROVEN YOU CORRUPT. YOU ARE NO LONGER FIT TO CAPTAIN THIS SHIP!” Dro’azi’s voice echoed out over the howling winds of his own storm. Lightning struck the water all around them, as the split crew fought itself. Half for Nu’wanda, and the other half, for Dro’azi.
It took no time at all for the two to meet, sat before the navigation wheel. The ship rocked violently in the storm, no anchor holding it in place. The motions caused both Dro’azi and Nu’wanda to stumble, before launching for each other.
“YOU HAVE TAUGHT ME EVERYTHING, NU’WANDA! WHY DO YOU WALK THIS PATH?!” Dro’azi exclaimed, finding himself beneath the man, locked up in a tight grapple. It was only for a brief moment that Nu’wanda was in control of this fight, before Dro’azi gripped the man by the tusk, and slammed him face-first into the deck.
This quick thinking provided Dro’azi with enough time to roll the pair, and with a hand clutched around Nu’wanda’s throat, the young man roared. “I HAVE ALREADY LOST MY FATHER TO THE NAZMANI. I WILL NOT LOSE ANOTHER!” Emotion gripped at the back of his tone, causing his voice to waiver. Here he knelt over the very man that taught him everything. The man that saved him from starving to death. The man that revealed the path of Shamanism.
This fight would go on for some time, the deck below ravaged by the battle between two halves. However, it had seemed the ones that had chosen Dro’azi as their new captain, were taking control of the heat. The Nazmani were relentless. This vessel would serve well beneath Blood Trolls forces.
But would it even make it that far?
The upper hand was presented to Dro’azi, who still had the advantage over Nu’wanda. “Stop this now, comrade! How can you find yourself beneath the control of the Nazmani! You SWORE to me!” The man pleaded, but his words were cut short as Nu’wanda dug a dagger into his side, turning the tables once more. With the knife stuck in his side, the young Zandalari saw red. As his heart began to pound, his survival instincts kicked into gear. Without hesitation, Dro’azi ripped the knife from his side, and jabbed it into Nu’wanda’s chest, as the deranged Troll attempted to bring a weighted cannonball upon his head.
The motion was stopped prematurely, and the sudden shock of death ripped through Nu’wanda’s eyes as that dagger found its home deep within his heart. The man twitched several times, before dropping the cannonball, and falling aside. Lifeless. It took several moments for Dro’azi to rise to his feet, before he stood straight, overlooking the remainder of this crew. His crew.
“We celebrate tonight! And tomorrow, we stake our CLAIM! Azeroth will forever tremble before our might. THE MIGHT OF THE SLIPSTREAM!” He pounds his chest, and soon after joins his crew below deck. As one could assume, they all partied. Drinking the last of their reserves, and raising their finest rations to their new captain..
The party lasted for hours, before the intoxicated Dro’azi made his way to the wheel. He ran his fingers over the smoothed wood, and grinned to himself. He had earned this. Himself. All of it. These men and women placed their faith within him..
And he still failed them.
Indeed, the story of the sunken ship was true. As the drunken Zandalari navigated his ship forward, he neglected to take a storm into account. The currents were too strong, and seemed to try and pull the ship below their might. But Dro’azi stood stalwart, doing his best to steer his crew from danger.
Truth be told, he never had a chance to lead that crew. As they all fell into a drunken slumber, the Zandalari struggled to pull them from that storm. It grew worse, and worse, before he discovered the situation was no longer in his control. The storm had blinded him, blocking his view from the southernmost reaches of Zuldazar.
He had no time. Not a single moment to waste. He let out a scream of dismay.. “LANDFALL! GET UP!” But his crew was dead asleep below deck. In these few seconds of clarity, it fell to a decision within him.
Abandon ship and survive, or sink to the depths of the sea with his crew.
He made the choice. And shook his head. As the ship propelled towards the rocky shores, the Zandalari threw himself from the starboard side, diving into the water below just before the ship made contact. It stood no chance, as the jagged rocks ripped it to shreds, devastating everyone inside. It happened so fast, and the crew within had no chance to scream as they were scrambled into the sea, drowned beneath the wreckage of the Slipstream.
The man would not return to Zandalar. He knew his fate, even now. With no hesitation, he began his journey for the sands of Vol’dun, anticipating nothing but death, and suffering.
As he so thought he deserved.
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chrollo-tw · 4 years
6 characters: machi, pakunoda, shizuku, phinks, feitan, nobunaga
push off a cliff: nobunaga, he’s fun to bully
kiss: machi 💖
marry: paku, she’s my wife <3
set on fire: idk, maybe feitan :p
wrap a blanket around: shizuku
be roommates with: i don’t know how I’d survive this but phinks
0 notes
wansyahrulamry · 4 years
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Makanan yang bagus melahirkan manusia yang bagus inshaAllah. Apatah makanan yang berkat. Pelepong (dialek Kelantan) atau paru yang digoreng garing diperkenalkan oleh arwah ayah saya ketika saya remaja. Terbaik dimakan bersama nasi putih bersama lauk nasi sumatera (nasi paku) terkenal di Restoran Hover Kota Bharu. Rezeki saya dipermudahkan kerana kawan baik dari sekolah sekarang adalah pengusaha/pembekal paru frozen yang hanya ready untuk digoreng sahaja. Terima kasih my Sultan Ismail College Alumni @aliidris_mohamed and wife Mimi untuk special delivery hari ini. I think I have to or should reactivate my YouTube Makan Makan Show nampaknya 😂 Tak sabar nak goreng dan gaul bersama nasi putih panas di samping cili burung and kicap 🤤 Check out @alimparufrozen IG gais 💕 (taip sambil berair mulut nih) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIZDYxpr0NcP5_YC6i-DuKFRx-ZqxDEYgyn1w0/?igshid=10o6wh9qj541g
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askingexorcists · 7 years
Welcome to my Masterlist, I hope this works - as this is supposed to be a mobile and web master list - let me know if you face any problems. It is also not completed yet because I have too many posts to add all int ne space of time, so I’ll be adding the rest of my requests to this when I can. I will also add new ones to it whenever I write new requests.
Dating _ would include: 
Rin Okumura 
Yukio Okumura
Mephisto Pheles
Ryuji ‘Bon’ Suguro
Renzou Shima
Konekomaru Miwa
Saburota Toudou
Lewin Light
Shiro Fujimoto
Sex with _ would include:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Ryuji ‘Bon’ Suguro
Izumo Kamiki
Renzou Shima
Mephisto Pheles
Being best friends with _ would include:
Igor Neuhaus
Shiemi Moriyama
Kinzou Shima
Izumo Kamiki
Shura Kirigakure
Konekomaru miwa
Reiji Shiratori
Walking in on their s/o masturbating:
Renzou Shima
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Ryuji Suguro
What underwear they wear:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Ryuji Suguro
Renzo Shima
Konekomaru Miwa
Nemu Takara
Shura Kirigakure
Shiemi Moriyama
Izumo Kamiki
Noriko Paku
What they think of weed/if they walked in on their s/o smoking it:
Yukio Okumura
Rin Okumura
Shiemi Moriyama
Izumo Kamiki
Noriko Paku
Ryuji Suguro
Renzo Shima
Konekomaru Miwa
Nemu Takara
Mephisto Pheles
Reacting to s/o hurt in battle:
Yukio Okumura
Izumo Kamiki
Reacting to their s/o being pregnant:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Ryuji ‘Bon’ Suguro
Mephisto Pheles
How they take care of a pregnant s/o:
Rin Amaimon Mephisto
How they would be as parents:
Valentines day head cannons:
Everybody almost
Reactions to a demon s/o:
Renzou Shima
Ryuji Suguro
Konekomaru Miwa
Chubby s/o:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Ryuji Suguro
Renzo Shima
Konekomaru Miwa
Mephisto Pheles
Reacting to getting a boner during class:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura:
Ryuji Suguro
Renzou Shima
Konekomaru Miwa
Nemu Takara
Rin’s life before his demonic powers awoke:
What sports would the exwires play:
Ryuji’s piercings:
Reactions to a text from their s/o with a nude attached:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Ryuji Suguro
Renzo Shima
Konekomaru Miwa
Shiemi Moriyama
Izumo Kamiki
Noriko Paku
Nemu Takara
Rival romance with Yukio:
Okumura sister dating Renzou, demon bros reaction:
Rin Okumura
Yukio Okumura
Mephisto Pheles
Okumura sister x dating Renzou head cannons:
Demon kings reacting to getting a boner in public:
Seeing their s/o sleeping in their clothes:
NSFW - Showering with Bon head cannons:
Bon’s reaction to his s/o wanting to drunk together:
Renzou reacting to a male confessing their feelings for him:
S/o with a younger sibling:
Rin Okumura
Renzou Shima
How they snuggle/cuddle/kiss their s/o:
Renzou Shima
Yukio Okumua
Ryuji Suguro
Ryuji Suguro 2
Kinzou Shima
Mephisto Pheles
Mephisto Pheles 2
Mephisto finding out his s/o has a plushies of him:
Ship head cannons:
Rin x Amaimon
Shura has a crush on Mephisto/jealous of his s/o:
S/O who’s older/buying them illegal items:
Favourite bands/music:
Jealous of their s/o’s new pet:
Reacting to their s/o being English royalty:
Favourite anime:
Mental illness head cannons:
What they’re bedrooms would look like:
Everybody almost
Being _’s wife:
S/O with insomnia:
Depressed s/o:
Reactions to being sunburnt:
Uncle Renzou head cannons:
272 notes · View notes
biofunmy · 5 years
New Zealand releases 9 names of volcano victims
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Police released on Wednesday the names of nine people missing in New Zealand’s volcano disaster. They are seven Australian tourists who made a day trip to White Island from a cruise ship that had left Sydney a few days earlier and two tour guides from New Zealand. Police said the list is not complete because they have not been able to speak to all next of kin. A total of 16 people are believed to have died from the eruption.
Police said they believe eight of those dead remain on the volcano, which teams have not been able to reach because the conditions are considered too hazardous.
Another 28 rescued people remain hospitalized, including 23 with critical burns.
Half of the 47 visitors on the island when the volcano erupted were Australians and most were from the cruise ship. Authorities say there were 24 Australians, nine Americans, five New Zealanders, four Germans, two Britons, two Chinese and a Malaysian on the island when the disaster struck.
Some of the stories of those listed by police as officially missing:
The Dallow family in Adelaide in Australia said they were told by police on Wednesday that the body of Gavin Dallow, 53, had been identified in Auckland. They learned late Tuesday that his wife, Lisa Hosking, 48, was critically injured with burns to half her body and was being treated in a Hamilton hospital.
Police said Hosking’s 15-year-old daughter, Zoe, was missing. Her family said police told them she was thought to be on the island.
Dallow’s father, Brian Dallow, said his lawyer son would have examined the risks before taking his family to the volcano.
“Gavin was always one for being fairly articulate on what he did,” Brian Dallow told reporters. “I’m pretty sure that they weren’t fully informed of the dangers, otherwise they wouldn’t have gone.”
St. Aloysius College, where Zoe was a student, said the school community shared the family’s deep grief.
“The whole staff, along with many students and their families, have gathered in the chapel to pray for Zoe and her family and to console one another,” principal Paddy McEvoy said.
“The family’s pain and that of their friends and the school community are beyond words, yet we cherish all that we have shared with Zoe and her family over 10 years,” McEnvoy added.
The family of a mother and daughter from the Australian city of Brisbane said the volcano had appealed to their sense of adventure.
Family friend John Mickel said they had held out hope that Julie Richards, 47, and daughter Jessica, 20, had survived until official notification came from New Zealand police on Wednesday morning.
Mickel said the family had been excited about the mother and daughter going on a cruise across the Tasman Sea.
“In particular, they loved the adventure that went with all the outdoor sports,” Mickel said. “If there was an adventure that offered itself, they were the ones to do it.”
Jessica was a promising Australian Rules footballer and was studying to become a veterinarian, he said.
Police said Karla Matthews and Richard Elzer, both 32, a couple from the Australian east coast town of Coffs Harbor, are among those missing.
Their companion, Jason Griffiths, 33, was confirmed on Tuesday as being critically injured in a New Zealand hospital.
But their six traveling companions on the cruise said on Wednesday that all three had since died.
“We … located our third friend, Jason Griffiths, in a hospital in the early hours of the next morning,” the friends said in a statement distributed by the Australian government. “From that moment until the moment of his passing, Jason was surrounded by friends and family members.”
Griffiths appears to be the hospital patient whose death increased the confirmed death toll to six.
“We are incredibly saddened to have lost three of our closest friends,” the friends said.
Police have identified Melbourne student Krystal Browitt, 21, as among the missing. Her former high school, Kolbe Catholic College, said her sister, Stephanie, is also unaccounted for.
Principal Nick Scully told Australian Broadcasting Corp. that Krystal Browitt had been described by her former teachers as a “beautiful soul.”
According to her Facebook account, she was studying veterinary nursing at Melbourne Polytechnic.
Hayden Marshall-Inman’s brother described the tourist guide as having a passion for the volcano.
“My brother, he’s a genuine, good kiwi guy,” Mark Inman told Australia’s Ten Network television. “He’s got a love for life, he lives in the moment of time and he’ll do anything for anyone.”
“He stalked about the passion for the island, the passion for the water and the passion for the people — he loved the fact that he could interact with internationals, locals and show them what New Zealand culture and White Island has to offer,” Inman added.
Marshall-Inman was a guide for Whakatane-based White Island Tours and was leading a tour group on a 7-hour trip from the cruise ship to the volcano when it erupted.
Inman expected the volcano would continue to be a tourist destination despite the tragedy.
“100%. It’s extremely unfortunate what’s happened. The tourists and the locals have been going to that island for 30 years plus and everybody’s experienced what is such a unique and magical place, but unfortunately on this day it wasn’t,” Inman said.
Tipene Maangi, another guide, was identified by police as among the missing, but some relatives refuse to give up hope.
“I’m not giving up on you I promise, never,” the 24-year-old’s cousin, Anihera Paku, wrote on Facebook hours before the police announcement.
Following the eruption, Maangi’s partner, Kuini Morehu-Waenga, suffered a sleepless night with worry and is now “absolutely devastated,” the Newshub website reported.
The couple have been “inseparable” since they met, it said. They grew up together and were best friends for years before starting a relationship about three years ago.
Maangi began his job with White Island Tours in September and was really enjoying the position, Paku said.
Maangi’s grandmother, who did not want to be identified by name, was at Whakatāne Wharf early Tuesday waiting for news.
“We’re hoping he may have found a cave but knowing him, he would have been helping others before he thought about himself,” the grandmother told NZ Herald.
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