thecookiegawd · 9 years
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no idea who she is but i'm here for whatever she's selling.
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thecookiegawd · 9 years
Taste Test: Kid Cudi - Speedin’ Bullet To Heaven (ALBUM REVIEW)
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ayo. know it’s been a minute. don’t judge me. fuck off. i been busy. anyways, we got a new album on the horizon people! kid mufuckin cudi got an album out, &....there’s that. 
look man, it’s not that i don’t like cudi, it’s that he done got SUUUUPPPPAAAHHHHHH whack since he dropped his 1st flame ball man on the moon: the end of day back in 2009. ever since then homie, been on a steady decline. it’s been kinda sad, too. from the nigga’s classic moans & groans to his spacey ass beats that niggas loved to sit @ home late night & just...ya know...think about shit to, to now apparently he duckin a fade from lupe fiasco & is on every drug known to man. it’s crazy son. homie seemed like he a had bright future ahead of him. but when i heard that indicud shit he put out back in 2013 i was done with the nigga. that was literally THE. WORST. album i’ve ever sat & listened to (not the worst rap album tho, that goes to sean price’s mic tyson album. r.i.p. tho). shit was so bad i jst skipped over satellite flight. but with the sudden whirlwind that was behind this new shit that cudi got out (& by whirlwind, i mean the large mass of people saying that it was ass juice), it peaked my interest, & i brought on my homie SHVKXIR to help me check this shit out.
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(click HERE for “TxxT Bxxp” ft. ME & Josue EC)
shvkxir: Bro
marrice anthony: wassup
s: Review?
m: u ready?
s: Are you? Smh this Christmas music on full blast so i might as well keep the trash rolling in my ears.
m: leggo dawg. i got the album pulled up rn.
s: Bet I’m on a playlist on youtube. What’s the first song?
m: edge of the earth is the 1st track. playing now.
album starts of w static & a beavis & butthead skit. either that or two retarded ppl mumbling.
cudi doing them moans that got him (IN)famous.
s: LMAO nah what i read that’s beavis & butthead allegedly there’s these skits everywhere. And idk them woaaaaaaahssss and mmmmmmmhmmmmmsssss is fire...
m: jst guitar & this nigga groaning thru a filter. doesn’t sound bad.
s: I actually like this intro. I can’t understand what he saying but this is good....”mmmmmmhmmmmssss a beautiful ending mmmmmmmmm”
m: yeah this cool. no problems w this track.
except this shit supposedly gon last for a whole 4 minutes...
s: LOL cudi starts sounding like a trumpet at the end of the track moaning
m: cuts to another B&B skit.
nah nbm it was the track attached
this nigga swear he a rockstar, dawg
he sound like bob saget when he drunk
s: I fucks with this and i don’t know why
m: it ain’t bad it’s jst funny. he sound like he takin a shit
s: Ignorant sidenote: imagine if kid Cudi met auto-tune and a Metro booming beat with these moans [flame emoji]
m: ok well that song is done. confused is nxt
s: This is the best song on the album. I’ve heard it already.
m: moans start the track off. shit sound like bon jovi on acid
s: This is like that WZRD track “Love Hard” that i fucked with
m: oh yeah the 1 i didn’t fuck w. [side-eye emoji]
i’ve heard this 2. it was the 1st single i think.
s: This is so depressing...[sad emoji]
m: nigga jst saying random shit. “SEEMS MY COLOR’S BLUE”
this is cool
s: Yeah. Ima go on a wild guess and say this is the good before the bad and ugly come
m: “I HATE THE GUN BUT I WANT THE SUN” ayo my nigga what do this mean??
s: “I hate the drugs but I love the numb” I think kid cudi one of those people who wanna commit suicide but is scared to pull the triger.
m: this shit sound like fake suicide music to me. like he think he sound better if he sad.
s: Yeah I don’t understand that line. AYO REAL SHIT I NEED ASAP TO SAMPLE THAT
m: man in the night is nxt
s: Oh and it begins....
Man in the night................................................no.
m: is he rapping?
nigga got possessed by the soul of meatloaf
s: I think this is full rock. That’s not rapping
m: bro i think i’m liking this.
s: Yeah this beat is dope.
m: & what he doing ain’t too far off from what he’s done in the past
i need this beat tho
s: beavis and butthead skit at the end of here is pointless.
m: ........why are they hear again?
s: I wish kid cudi never did “Erase Me”...he just said fuck rap.
m: WHY DO THIS SKIT LAST A MINUTE?????????????????
s: Yeah ..smh idk.....
m: screwed up nxt
s: Screwed....this moan is epic dope..
m: yup. #YodelGod
s: Yeah he need to just roll with that.
m: what he doing @ the top of the track ain’t all that bad
same guitar riff as all the songs before it tho
s: This wasn’t bad, wasn’t good. I thought they was.
m: this nigga cudi HAD to do all this shit by himself. there’s nobody else who could’ve done had any part in this.
s: Can we just skip to the next Song....
m: wow that song was fuckin short
aight man fade 2 red
s: *Fade 2 next song
m: ok...this might be bad.
u knw what he saying???
s: If you was to just listen to the instrumentals....this a good album
“No saving me” “I got the rage running thru my veins” “no one’s home”
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m: this the background music to what happened in disappearing acts when wesley snipes got drunk & smashed all the records
s: the best thing about this album so far is these songs not over 3 minutes. 
m: this beat is fi...re...?
s: Half...way....
m: switched to jst guitar. the drums come in & it’s kinda lit. he doing his best eric benet impersonation.
s: Wtf is he talking about tho??
m: bro i thought u was gon tell me
s: Kid cudi be singing parables
Only crazy makes sense...it’s starting to make sense...her Vagina is moist and warm...I’ll keep you safe and warm...what???
“I explore the Galaxy nightly...MMMMMMMMMMMM” bro what
Yodel God going OFF at the end of this tho
m: i think the qualms of this album came more w the vocals than the beats cuz the instrumentals ain’t too bad. we only on track 6 tho
s: another pointless skit
m: how do these niggas even come into play w this shit?
s: Did he pay for these niggas to do this??????????????? This was easy money.
m: mind u i never thought  B&B was funny. the actual voice actor came in & did the voice overs
s: Me either. One of those shows like south park I think you gotta be white to like
m: aight bro the nothing
s: Should have been the name of the album.
m: ayo these songs ain’t that bad but i’m bored as fuck
Ayo this song is 3 minutes long [sad emoji]
m: lmao ayo wtf is this???
s: This lowkey fire
Lmao his effects on his voice make this lowkey tight but I’ll never play this shit
m: ayo he jst writing fucking haikus & singing em over & over
m: nigga swear he kanye on hell of a life
s: Irony he said at the end of this track “fucking waste” which is what I felt about that song
m: who’s out here playing this shit?
who’s the chipmunk singing @ the end? i got so many questions bro
s: Does he tour on this shit??? Or even perform??? Like do people go to concerts to see this?? And if you do I bet you can do meth in the crowd.
m: kid cudi: the dusthead tour
s: This song “Amen” should be “AYE MAN (TURN THIS BULLSHIT OFF)
Kid cudi got me crying he be singing the riffs as his lyrics “dun dun dun”
m: this nigga got mick jagger swagger w soulja boy taste
s: *Soulja boy talent
m: soulja boy’s made better shit than this
s: Yeah cause Soulja Girl is [50 flame emoji’s]
Handle with care. Aye he just uses the same fucking chords over and over
And over and over and over and over
m: this the same song bro
if i ever do drugs i’m going to cudi’s dealer cuz he got that GOOD SHIT
s: what he says to the niggas producing his beats
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i jst got to handle w care. this riff the same shit
i’m not disliking this
s: Yeah but liked confused too. This the same beat. No drums.
m: bro this all cudi. he the nigga playing the guitar
s: Adlib cudi is undefeated
m: the budget for this album was 30 cents
s: Oh beavis and butthead on this album to suck his dick.
that’s weird.
s: Judgemental c**nt this is the WORST SHIT I’VE EVER HEARD
m: that’s crazy. nigga’s said this was 1 of the better joints
m: yo is he serious?
s: Very. As a heart attack. As testicular cancer. Nh.
This is a meth heads album. You gotta play GTAV. There’s a character named Trevor who this entire album sounds like his theme song and music.
m: yo u know how niggas ask “if u had to be trapped somewhere & listen to 1 album forever what would it be?” this make me feel like i’m trapped somewhere in shackles & this shit jst playing on blast
s: This is probably what is played in hell. Just constant repeat. 
Seance Chaos ayo fuck this.
m: i think this the music neo was listening to the 1st matrix when he was sleep on the keyboard
s: Bro this is the WORST song I’ve ever heard.
s: I can’t choose. They keep coming.
m: thank God that was short
fairy tale remains
s: I think God is the speeding bullet to heaven that stops us from ever hearing this shit.
m: he got [insert 80′s pop artist here] for the intro
this sound like a rock version of the “break up” beat from mario
this is what all rape victims hear in they nightmares
this abortion clinic music
s: LOL @ rape victims I’m really crying.
m: aight bro wedding tux
s: What is this fairy tale shit. Lmao gah damn it. He doesn’t write this shit. He gets into the booth and feels the “vibe” and groans out some shit.
m: this ain’t bad...........................................................
i heard the word “maggots”...so there’s that.
s: Not good tho. Can I say I think Kid cudi back to the local level of music making? 
m: YUP. this what we hear @ every random local rock event
s: Like his talent is zilch. I think he’s a better producer now. He kinda went backwards
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m: well that was short.....................................................
these beats is cool but they not nothing to write home about. basic shit. he made em on garage band. or in the trash can oscar lived in on sesame street.
m: angered kids bro
s: This is to all the people that made it thus far in the album.
i wonder what a conversation w kid cudi would be like? “ayo cudi how’d u get ur start??” “MMMMM NOODLES!”
s: He just whining in my ears. 
This lowkey groovy. Imagine if he actually did something with this.
m: nigga jst screamed BAD MAN WALKING followed by YAH YAH YAH YAH
s: Red sabbath.
This is tough.
This beat is dope.
m: same riff
s: Yeap.
Sigh. I like this.
m: i don’t. i’m bored.
s: He’s gonna ruin it with a skit
m: skit would actually be an upside
s: And yeap. Lol hadn’t even got there and it happened.
m: sound like golem screaming
s: Yo fuck these skits
Fuchsia butterflies
m: i like how it transitioned.
this groovy. i could fuck a white bitch to this.
s: Except what the fuck are the words.
m: sigh. i like this.
speedin bullet 2 heaven
s: You can have that. 15 second ad. Lmao i need youtube red or whatever. 
Sounds like a old cudi beat. 
Should have snapped on this.
Imagine a beat drop and a DJ scratch and cudi snapping this would have been crazy
m: yeah but i still like this
some1 prolly tried that dj scratch shit & cudi was like “NAH NIGGA IM SAD LEMME SING HMMMMM” 
kurt co-cudi
s: We can get this Fuck tard to make and put out an album every year but we can’t get frank ocean album??? God mad at America for real.
m: boys don’t cry...except when the listening to this album
s: Robin Cudillams
m: embers. a white boy @ a house party told me this was tight
s: Explains why he told you this was tight.
Imagine you call a suicide hotling bout to off yourself and this music is playing. Trigger pulled.
Oh I heard this. Yodel God on fire. 10/10.
m: ok well that was boring. anamoly. or a-NAH-moly
s: If i was on a mountain smoking weed with a red head chick with a braided ponytail I would have loved that.
I guess we at the bonus demo’s. So ima assume this is shit that didn’t make the album for whatever reason, ain’t this shit 18 tracks long with it??
m: cudi locked himself in a studio shirtless w a syringe filled w heroine & a bowl of cheerios & this is what we got
s: We listening to him getting a fax from his label telling him no.
m: ayo this is bad lmao
he neighing like a horse lmao
s: What is this??? I’m mad we waited till 1:45 to get vocals.
m: bro why this shit damn near 5 minutes?
the return of chip douglas
ain’t no words bih
sound like he saying “found myself a new friend”. he also sounds like a half-sleepy michael mcdonald
on family guy
s: These demos are awful. He ain’t waste a second to start humming. I don’t think cudi know any more chords
m: or any more words. #AintNoWordsBih
he sang “this is not a nuisance” yes it is, cudi.
his name is cudi cuz we gotta CUT DEE music off
s: LMAO touche
m: oh shit he speeding up the pace it’s lit
s: Again this is almost 5 minutes
m: i get it! after this album u gotta commit suicide to get the feel of it.
s: Just mumbling blah blah blah fuck it.
m: he is growling right now bro
s: She should think he’s stupid and he’s a weirdo
m: trauma
s: LMAO WAIT he said sucking my cock and blow me...dawg this is laughable awful.
Afljg;flgkjsd;flgkjsdf;lgkjs;lgkjsfd;lgksdjfs;ofdi the end of this shit was ridiculous
I’m on youtube and fetty wap “my way” came on. Good music for 15 seconds. But we back on track.
m: u on trauma?
s: Yeah he talking about seeing his dad’s corpse mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm @ 11
m: he jst said that over & over & then started humming. #YodelGod
s: Now he seen his friend dead @ 15. If this is true he’s seriously got a fucked up life.
m: ya knw what man after all that it still dnt mean jst go in the studio & give us vomit for 26 tracks
s: Yeah exactly. Smfh bro he hates his life so much he just shits in a booth and yodel over it
m: ?
s: I think this is a troll album. We was supposed to be following directions aka the song titles
Btw that’s the name of the song. WAIT!
m: ah. thought u had found meaning so i actually waited...
he got g.g. allin in his soul bro.
s: He was excited about this song at the end of the track he was yelling “let’s hear it back” bro what the hell
We still got 3 fucking songs left. Fuck
m: insides out
s: This is one of the better tracks over the entire album.
m: yeah it’s whatever tho
s: I wanna play “Hey there delilah” now.
m: ayo this album called speedin bullet to heaven but i dnt think even God want this shit
s: God praying to himself he don’t actually shoot himself cause he don’t wanna hear this shit in heaven
m: yeah this screw is fire
s: Acoustic version of Speeding Bullet to Heaven
m: niggas wanted to kill themselves but they didn’t cuz the bullet going to heaven & they dnt want it to be there either
is these even the same words? bro idk
i now knw what “bored to tears” feel like
s: This is boring. As. Fuck. I don’t know I don’t remember much of the words. Cause nothing memorable. I think so tho.
m: a disc w nothing but static & fat men farting would be more enjoyable @ this point.
worth. which this album has none.
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s: LMAOOOOO love youtube.
m: this isn’t too bad
this what uma thurman play in her house in pulp fiction when nobody there
speedin bullet 2 OH MAMA FUCK NO
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s: This type of shit scares me. 
Aw fuck this song is 5:12
s: LMAO Dawg this youtube comments is wild. I just read “Cudi the dopest muthafucka alive.
This harmony thing the back was fire
Them lalala’s
m: i gotta go to church after this album
s: Aye this kinda tight at the 3:40 mark with the echos.
m: he doing banshee screams @ the end. he sad cuz he lost his needle.
s: If the song started there it’d be fire. I fuck with it.
m: melting. last song bro
s: The build is fire. Fuck this is tight.
m: this sound dope. he in autotune
s: FINALLY. didn’t we start this review at 3? Smfh
We need Earl on this beat and tyler.
m: yeah we started @ 4:30. earl would fuck this beat up
this song fire idcidcidcidcidcidcidcidcidcidcidcidcidcidc
WHELP. that was the worst album i’ve ever heard.
s: Gah damn it this album too fucking long. But this is fire. The worst?? INDICUD ain’t beat this??
s: Funny only worse albums i can think of is all him
m: cudi dead bro
s: Aye this makes me think a cudi and fetty wap track would be dope.
Cudi finished. He like what happens when the drugs don’t completely take you out like they did Charles Hamilton.
m: i mean if cudi could stop doing this slow moan groan bullshit yeah
s: Is he independent now?? No way a label backing this shit.
m: it was released on republic/his own label “wicked awesom”
finna go play some kirk franklin so i can get my soul back
s: LMAO yeah fuck kid cudi anybody who love em. -
yeah bro so that was how me & the homie shock survived kid cudi’s latest dumpster dive. idk man. i think cudi’s gone on to Jesus. or Satin. Jatin? Sesus? i guess. but this album weak as shit. hate to be the bearer of bad new but ayo if u a cudi fan after this album u might be a serial killer bro. jst stay the fuck away from me. thanks for reading tho. I’ll holler at y’all later.
RESULTS: 1/10 - just....just stop my nigga. you tryna bake some shit & ain’t even turn the oven on.
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thecookiegawd · 10 years
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thecookiegawd · 10 years
Taste Test: Slaughterhouse - House Rules (Mixtape Review)
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aight so i been fans of these four niggas collectively & [somewhat] individually since 2009. at first i was just like everyone else, skeptical because of the shit that had went on w/ royce & em, & joe budden not having a mainstream hit since 'pump it up', so at first i wrote these niggas off - especially i had a major dislike for joell ortiz & i ain't even know who that nigga crooked i was. this shit at first seemed like four random no-name niggas came together & decided to do music together since apart they wasn't makin no moves. truth is these niggas actually were makin big moves BEHIND the scenes for years & niggas was just sleep. i digress tho. their two albums were FIRE & they're back again w/ some more shit to heat up niggas systems, fam. i'm all ears. just puttin bets in that i'ma fuck w/ this shit no matter what.
1) house rules (intro) - aight so i copped the day i'm writing this review, i copped this mixtape at exactly 2:30 pm on a wednesday. went to work from 3-8 w/ one break, & every chance i've gotten i've played this record. NIGGA if this shit ain't some of the greatest champion music ever made ion know what the fuck it is. i really appreciate the fact that they've evolved from just 'tagging' in when it's they time to rap to actually trading off & makin actual songs w/ going back & forth w/ bars & shit. most slaughterhouse fans already know that it's damn near impossible to distinguish royce & crooked from each other on the first listen, but when shit get knockin & niggas start jumpin inbetween bars shit get real nasty. i enjoyed this shit so much if i ain't have to do this review i highly doubt i'da been able to get thru the rest of this tape, tbh. great intro.
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2) saydatthen - when this shit dropped i was mad ecstatic for the new slaughterhouse project. this shit just feels like that chemistry that's never compromised. ain't nobody slackin or none of that shit, everybody really rappin & givin a thousand. THAT'S what i fuck w/. only thing ion like about this shit is that i guess this was supposed to be some sort of personal joint? but this beat mad gritty? niggas wanting to talk about cancer & all types of shit so i'm lowkey mad confused, but it ain't like the rhymes was whack so i'ma just let this shit slide. 
3) illmind interlude - aight so ion give a fuck about what niggas say; if the shit is beyond 1 minute, it is NOT an interlude, my nigga. ion give a fuck what canibus albums you done picked up where it did that corny shit but it's not true, my guy. interludes ain't full song length. that being said this beat mad gritty. if i could freestyle i'd find this shit on youtube somewhere & just blackout on the shit for 4 minutes straight. apparently crooked is freestyling, which doesn't surprise me. i wanna say that's joell on the second verse, but i can't tell since it kinda sound like him but you know homie's voice done dropped like 4 notches now that he stopped eatin all them yaowa cakes. was it illmind, maybe? ion know but the nigga snapped so fuck it. still don't see why we need an interlude at the beginning of a 10-track mixtape but i guess i'm lettin that shit slide too. 
4) trade it all (joe budden ft. emanny) - aight so let me take a quick minute to address some shit...JOE. BUDDEN. IS. THAT. NIGGA. niggas wanna play like dude ain't one of our generation's greatest lyricists, & those are them niggas that i don't want anywhere near me. them mood muzik's got a nigga thru some hard times, g. stop sleeping on my nigga, yo. anyway this shit mad gorgeous. i'm cool w/ my nigga rapping for 15 min over a marvin gaye sample, but i'm really fuckin w/ the new grown-man-music joe budden, rappin over shit that's gon touch the soul forreal. this shit open up w/ some girl singing & i know this shit finna be all kinds of glorious. to be dead ass i'm conflicted cuz ion know if i wanna hear everybody else on this shit, but at the end of the day w/ the knowledge joe spittin on this mixed w/ how emanny laced the hook kinda make me not give a fuck. i love this shit so much. 
5) keep it 100 (royce) - whoever that bitch is doin the araabmuzik tag can get her titties sucked by me any time. anywho, this shit on the same shit HAMMER DANCE was. super lyrical & very easy on the ears. lately them niggas been rappin on these fancy ass epic beats, but ain't nothin wrong w/ some lay back shit every once in a while. tryna figure out why the fuck it's only royce on this shit, but ok.
6) offshore - i wanna call this shit TRUTH OR TRUTH pt. 2, but that shit was 15 min & this shit only 9 so nvm. but yoooooo these niggas get nostalgic & take us on a ride. crooked get on & just bring the mood in right after joell. i'm really fuckin w/ how effortless this shit seems w/ these niggas. bars-on-bars, but it's not overwhelming tho. royce's verse super real w/ him going at the j.u.s.t.i.c.e league manager. also w/ him making that mention w/ that one thot leakin they threesome pics awhile back. just when i think joe can't be any more realer he prove me wrong. this shit is just great.
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7) struggle (crooked i) - crooked i just come on this bitch w/ no hesitation spittin that real shit again. for all you niggas who try to make up for bad rapping by saying that a nigga spit that 'real shit' - this is where you get to shut the fuck up. you can rap like you got some damn sense & still be real. stop being a faggot. at this point i'ma just guess that everybody gon have a song by themselves, so i ain't too mad that this was just crooked. i fuck w/ how these niggas can hold they own anyway.
8) life in the city (joell ortiz) - here come joell w/ his song. i'ma just say that i consider joell to be the weakest member of slaughterhouse, so when he go off, the record usually a problem. though i'm tired of hearing this nigga talk about how he used to have a butt crack full of crack (pause), this shit ain't bad. he held it down for the team.
9) i ain't bullshittin - this beat is NUUUUUUUTSSSSS. niggas really be gettin them heaters, bruh. araabmuzik could prolly put out a beat tape & i'd just listen to that shit w/o wantin vocals on em. ion know where they find that nigga but he got that shit. same back & forth between these niggas as the other songs, just keepin the head noddin going. it's track 9 & i ain't been bored not one time. this album finna be something major if these is just the throwaways. no joe tho?????
10) i don't know - IS THIS A SAMPLE OR A NIGGA SINGING?? nigga what is this? this shit so great, bruh. off rip this shit a great end to the tape. joell startin to come w/ these budden type verses & that shit could be a major PROBLEM for niggas. this shit pretty much a straight forward joint. niggas just sayin they peace & not worryin about dumb shit. real rap & what not. i fuck w/ it. (10/10)
aight so most niggas be tryna front like they want niggas to experiment w/ each new record, but sometimes it's good when niggas just stick to what they do best. if you know these four guys & the WORK they've put into this game, you will never say that they ain't some rappin ass niggas. fuck what they did in the past, fuck how you view them as people, this mufuckas RAP, & if you ask for a slaughterhouse project, they gon bring you some of the best rap shit they can offer. honestly, i really can't wrapped up any better than that. HOUSE GANG.
House Rules: Taste Tested
Results: 9.5/10 - everything is right where it belongs, & the meal is ready for serving. 
follow these niggas on twitter & shit, b: @JoeBudden @RoyceDa59 @JoellOrtiz @CrookedIntriago @Slaughterhouse
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