thecookiegawd · 5 years
first thought: i think i hate men.
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amongst all of the serious movements that erupted in early 2018 there was one that always bothered me whenever it showed up on my timeline: the hashtag “men are trash”. i was always taken aback by it, even if i knew that it was either a troll or not directed at me (which, already is toxic, because who am i to think that i’m the only person in this world who isn’t “trash” in some way?). up until recently i always thought this was a new way for the feminists to bash men instead of dealing w/ more urgent issues. one time on twitter i saw a homosexual gentleman standing in front of a huge pile of garbage w/ the caption, “a photo of me and a bunch of men.” again, obviously a silly troll, but i took the bait & the shit continued to fuck w/ me. why do i give a fuck so much? even if i am trash...so? you are too, in a way. we’ve all done things that are trash in our lifetime, otherwise there would be nothing to grow or mature from. i look back at old photos of me from high school & it instantly brings back memories of me desperately trying to sag my pants in a way that the administrators or my grandmother wouldn’t notice, spraying a mountain of axe on in the morning even if i didn’t shower because i wanted to smell more “manly”, wearing my hat to the back no matter what because that was how all the rappers did it, wearing two watches for literally no reason at all...i vomit just thinking about how hard i was trying to be something i wasn’t. that’s trash, isn’t it? 
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remember the day you woke up & decided to be yourself? you probably don’t, because if the decision was conscious then you’re probably an entirely different kind of trash than the type i’m addressing here- seek therapy. for the entirety of my twenties i’ve always tried to go against the normalcy of things; my taste in music, my fashion sense (or lack thereof), my speech, etc. i don’t want to be like you. i’m sure that people are going to always compare me to others because that’s the only way humans interact w/ new humans. if someone says, “yo, have you met my friend? he reminds me of so-and-so”, depending on how you view so-and-so, you might be inclined to meet them & strike up a conversation. i’ve always given way too much of a fuck about how i’m looked at in the public eye, which is why, till this day, i don’t do anything drastic to my body like getting a face tattoo or wearing knock-off sneaker brands (yes, to me that’s drastic), or getting a fucking android. for Christ’s sake, if the shit can call, text & work instagram i shouldn’t really care, right? i don’t even like taking pictures of myself on my phone.
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let me get to my point. i was in a group chat w/ some gentlemen, most of which i had went to high school w/ & had shared at least 7 words or more w/ in my lifetime. the situation that happened is petty so i won’t speak on it, mostly because nobody but the people in that group chat are gonna care anyway. whatever happened happened, & i immediately got the fuck out of there. it was the first time i had ever seriously referred to anything as “toxic”. now of course, if the gentlemen were to ever read this, they would automatically assume it was because i was mad or my feelings were hurt, which is not only untrue but ironically toxic. i thought not about the situation itself, but why i felt the way i felt about the situation clear into 9am the following morning during my morning routine, which nowadays is sitting on the toilet and playing tetris. the thought zoomed into my head & i looked up and stared at the wall in silence as my blocks stacked on top of each other messily: “yo...i think i hate men.” the shit sounded wild nuts in my head so i immediately texted a close (male) friend of mine to make sure i just wasn’t overthinking things. after a long talk w/ him & some other people who are near & dear to me, i was given some clarity & i DEFINITELY had overthought it.
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i was introduced to the idea that i might actually just hate non-creative people, but non-creative MEN specifically. it makes more sense in the grand scheme of things, considering how close-knit my friend group is, & how i’m always hesitant to even SPEAK to new people. honestly, if i could only ever converse w/ people who are in the business of creating, my life would be a lot more enjoyable. i HATE going to my 9-5 & staring these uncultured ass white people in the face whom i know have never worked hard for a thing in their lives, but are dropping more money on the services i provide them in two weeks than i make in an entire month. i never wanna know how your day is going, go the fuck away. i then think about how even the WOMEN i associate w/ are creative. a lot of you lame ass niggas (you know who you are) will kick it w/ any girl as long as she fucking. i’m 25 years old, my nigga. sex is a thing that’s happened to me time & time again- i require more now. if she ain’t talkin about shit i’m not even entertaining it. the craziest thing is that i’m called weird for thinking like that, as if wanting to actually enjoy the people i hang around is a crime. shit has me confused.
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as corny as the shit sounds, my life requires color. the world is much more than black and white & that nondescript grey area in the middle. i’ve walked away from the idea of me hating men, but i do genuinely hate ANYONE regardless of gender who doesn’t add value. i was also told that i have an elitist attitude, which further pushes my distaste for non-creatives, seeing as it takes a lot to impress me. can’t just throw paint at a wall & call it art, my nigga. you gotta show me something else. idk if any of this shit made sense, it was just a thought.
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thecookiegawd · 7 years
wrote this piece the day before a show i had at r coffee house, & read it live for the first time that night. this was written to perform, in case u want to imagine that u were there.
who here has ever heard of a gentleman named kain carter? well, long story short (or maybe short story long), he's a pretty popular youtuber, mostly known for making satirical videos based on life & relationships. recently though, he's been absent from the internet due to things happening in his personal life. he just released a video the other day where he talks about how he was coming out of a gas station, & a guy recognized him & asked where all the funny videos were. his response, prompted this piece. 
his response was "...shit just ain't funny to me no more". now that's interesting, because what lewel of rock bottom do u have to be at to not find ANYTHING funny?
i can sit here & talk to u about a bunch of things that are funny.
seeing someone trip but not completely fall & bust their ass is funny. that "charlie bit my finger" video is kinda funny.
seeing someone talking on the phone, searching the room for their cell phone & even going as far as to call their cell phone to find their cell phone is funny.
dave chappelle...hilarious.
some people say life is funny. but life is only funny in that weird way.
you know when your manager tells you that you're getting written up because you didn't do something that you clearly did, but you feel like they're out to get you so they just make up shit, so when they turn the corner to go back into their office you just silently slide them the middle finger?
when you gotta be to a very important meeting in like 30 minutes but you HAD to get your eyeliner JUST right because let's face it- how you supposed to nail that presentation if your face isn't put on the correct way- & now you have 15 minutes so you rush out to your car & you turn the key & you hear that AMAZING sound of your car saying "FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCK YOOOOOOUUUUUUUU"?
that time when the person u were in love w/ out of the blue starts treating u different, & one day u find out that they've found someone else via a post on their instagram w/ the caption, "i've got me good one, so why not smile"?
so why didn't we laugh?
i know why we didn't laugh.
because humor is about timing.
& time...
time's time.
time can be 1 second or 300 years.
idk about you but i ain't tryna wait 300 years for no punchline.
so when is shit funny?
shit's funny when that manager that was out to get you gets demoted because the big bosses find out that they're not doing their job the correct way, & then they make u the new manager so now u get to tell THEM what to do.
funny is when just at the time that ur car is cussin u out a friend rolls by & asks if u need a ride, so u make it to that meeting just in time, u kill that presentation, & all throughout ur eyeliner looks flawless.
funny is when u see ur now ex-significant-other going thru relationship problems w/ the person they left u for & now ur in a flourishing, healthy marriage, w/ a kid on the way.
& u just bought a big ass house w/ mad rooms & a swimming pool.
in a documentary he put out, he told a story:
the short version is that when he was 11 his home life was a mess; his mother married a man who abused him & made every day a struggle. he received news from his biological father that he was gonna get him a baby sister, & from that day on he made the decision that he would never cry again because he had to be strong for her. on the day she was born he got that call...& there was silence on the other end of the phone. she didn't make it. he attended an elementary school across the street, & despite how close to home it was he says that walk home from school the next day felt like a mile. he looks & sees that the car is gone, so no one's home. his stepfather, who was in the military, taught him how to clean, break down & put back together a shotgun that was stashed in his mother's room. he goes in, grabs the shotgun, takes his shoe off so that his tiny legs can reach the trigger, & pulls it. CLICK. the gun jammed. now, over a decade later, he walks around w/ the bullet he loaded that shotgun w/ in his pocket, not for sentimental reasons, but because every once in a while he looks at it & thinks to himself, "hey...remember when u fucked suicide up?"
u see? that's funny...
right now at this very moment, i'm 24 years old, jobless, damn near homeless, i can't honestly tell u where my next meal is coming from, i wake up every morning & wonder how i'm going to make it thru the day, & all i have the energy to do anymore is rap.
i wanna travel the world rapping to people whether it be a crowd of 200 people or 20, taking goofy pictures of people who tell me that that one thing i said in that one song helped them thru their day.
i wanna make art my profession. 
& as i sit here in a room filled with artists, we all know that shit don't always go like that.
u have this person that u have to work for, or this person whom u have to take care of, or this person that u have to live life for right now because that's what's most important. 
some of u, however, make art ur hobby. 
u have a real passion- like maybe some fancy job that pays all ur bills but is ACTUALLY ur career & ACTUALLY what u wanna do for the rest of ur life, & in ur spare time u just make cool shit & show it to ur friends.
i just wanna let u know that i envy u.
because i literally am not good at anything else.
i can't build shit, i don't know how to lay concrete, i can't drive an 18-wheeler, i can't do graphic design, i don't have the patience for small children so i can't be a babysitter...
writing & rapping are literally the only two things in life that i'm good at.
& right now, life will not let me do just that.
so now i have people in my ear (as they normally are when ur jobless) telling me stupid shit like, "yeah i understand that this is ur passion but we have to be realistic". 
lemme tell u something realistic.
i woke up this morning w/ a thousand raps in my head & i've spent the entire day playing catch up so i could bottle them up into the back end of a pencil long enough for me to write them down.
tomorrow when i get them written down i'll record them in my room on my $200 set up, mix & master it as a song, & post it on the internet.
& at some point, someone in the universe is gonna hear that song, relate to it, & it's gonna make them feel something.
that's realistic to me.
fuck what u think reality is.
reality to me is knowing that some day i'm going to wake up in a bed bigger than my house, turn over & kiss my beautiful wife whose body looks like it was designed by apple, run downstairs & cook my children some breakfast because yes...i will eventually learn how to cook.
i'm gonna make a phone call to a very important person & we're gonna talk about this huge tour i'm going on & how i just made so much money off of my last record that i can fund it on my own, & how kanye called me a genius.
then i'm gonna hop in some car that some rapper used in some rap video but that don't matter cuz i actually own my shit.
then i'm gonna go pick up all my friends & we're gonna go to some random place we used to always hang out at when we were broke & had nothing to do- like r coffee house, & we're gonna talk about how we're about to make the biggest move in all of our careers.
then we're going to sit & reminisce about how shit used to be.
how we used to share food off of a dinner plate.
how we used to have to walk across town just to make it to mcdonald's not to eat, but to use the wi-fi to apply for jobs so that we could make some money so that we could eat.
how we used to record 10 songs a day & how those were the good old days because we didn't have jobs so literally all we had time to do was watch House, eat pizza & create.
& i can't wait for that day...
i can't wait for all of this shit to be funny.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Taste Test: Wale - One Reason ft. Eric Bellinger (Single Review)
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aight, so i’m probably the biggest wale fan i know. i been following wale since i 1st heard “nike boots” a MINNNOW ago. i always fucked w the fact that homie could pretty much rap on anything & make that shit sound dope & natural. it really ain’t about how many words & patterns & cool shit u can use/say, it’s about how u project that shit, & wale was always good at projection. 
now w that being said...i’m probably the only nigga amongst the people i know who really don’t fuck w eric bellinger like that. i like certain songs & shit, but that nigga be turnin his autotune up to the most ignorant lewels & i be over that shit by like song 4. i ain’t saying the nigga trash or nothin, but i can probably count on 1 hand how many EB songs i’ll play more than once. so when these two niggas came together to make this shit i was kinda iffy on it...
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...aaaaanddd for good reason. this shit trash dawg. now before y’all start killing me, i need to let y’all know WHY i feel like this shit is trash. cuz honestly the beat ain’t too bad & eric decided to leave his autotune at home the day they recorded this shit. the reason why this shit is whack to me is cuz wale musta forgot he can’t really sing. like...at all. i loved the album about nothing but even the singing on that shit wasn’t as bad as what he givin us here. not to mention he not really trying. wale know he could write bullshit like this in his sleep. songs like “clappers” & “slight work” (actually the whole ambition album, tbh) is the shit that make niggas forget that this nigga can actually R A P. i mean, it ain’t like he not rappin on these songs but i come from the era when wale cared more about what he was saying than what the beat was saying, & these bullshit stripper pole anthems finna make me skip right over this new album if this what it’s gon be. on the second listen it’s gon grow on u but u gon be able to tell real quick that he been hangin around rick ross too much. if u a nigga who just casually listen to shit & like it as long as the beat’s hot, u might throw this shit in ya tapedeck. but if u like me who remember back to the feature & more about nothing wale, u prolly gon do like i’m doing & throw this shit in the recycle bin. (5/10)
...oh & he got a fire ass song out called “my pyt” if u wanna flush ya ears of this bullshit when u done.
RESULTS: maybe u need another stove, son. i ain’t even know maybach made ovens.
music is BEAUTIFUL. music is GOD. and that’s all i got.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Taste Test: (Bugatti) Beez - Hey Tomorrow EP (Album Review)
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aight so i know some of u niggas don’t know who this nigga is. it’s ok. if u not on youtube as much as i am u kinda not supposed to. this nigga beez really didn’t get poppin from music, he got poppin from doing videos on youtube…
…& as u can see, the nigga pretty funny. but rap ain’t jokes (shout out lil dicky), this shit bout more than makin a mufucka laugh. so just because the nigga got u lil bitches kee-keein’ all over the damn place don’t mean the nigga can write songs. when i first heard a bugatti beez project it was his BEETLEJUICE project, & i was like, “…NAH”. homie sound like he just put a buncha freestyles on there & called it a day. i was not impressed. but i started thinkin maybe this was some old shit just to get niggas used to the idea that he a rapper too, & maybe this was just a teaser, so i ain’t kill him too bad for it. plus finding a youtube nigga who actually make good music that ain’t just playin guitar or doing covers is like tryna find Jesus in hell, so again i wasn’t trippin too hard. THEN homie started droppin freestyles like this…
…and i was like “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH THIS NIGGA GOT FIRE”. yeah, typical whack bars here & there but the nigga flow was damn near perfect & he knew what he was doing w this shit. so i kinda felt like he had gotten a lil more mature & figured the game out. so now we got this new ep & the chips done fell so we gon see if homie done got it or if he lost it.
1) what you want - nigga what i want is for u to find a better beat. this shit ain’t really bad if u listening to this in 2007 waiting for the bus to come & take u to school. but if u like me, in 2016 in yo studio apartment this shit kinda whack. not to mention DEEZ BARS is fuckin terrible. matter fact i’ma make a foot note at the end of this shit of my favorite whack bars in this shit. when this beat cut off i’m like damn this shit over? then he start doing this “IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?????” shit over the 808 & i’m like, “damn, this nigga prolly did this shit & thought this was the most fire shit ever.” i’m not ever playin this shit again. (2/10)
2) round here - this beat sound like they took kanye’s “on sight” shit & slowed it down to an unbearable tempo. this shit awful dawg. he channeling his inner big sean on this shit. rapping fast don’t make this shit any more dope, dawg. i’m lookin at this album art & it’s clear he got ears, so i don’t see how he felt like this shit was fire. i’m bored as fuck. this nigga bars on this shit so whack i actually caught myself nodding to this beat a couple times. when u hear this shit u gon see why that’s bad. (1/10)
3) retro - when i 1st heard this shit i think this was the song where i was like, “AYO WHO THE FUCK IS MAKIN THESE TRASH ASS BEATS????” apparently they all made by this dude named bruce waynne. shit sound like they was made by alfred. but aight. this shit terrible too. at 1 point i’m tryna figure out why this shit called “retro”- ain’t nothin retro about this song at all, dawg. this shit sound like new age bullshit trap. in the hook this nigga literally says, “i am too sick for a doctor”. bro that line was played out like in like 1989 or some shit. u a grown ass man. if u don’t stop rappin these childish ass jungle gym bars. i’m over this ep already & we still got 5 songs left. y’all pray for me. (1/10)
4) no wifi - this was the single from this shit, & i damn neared cried over how whack this shit was. i think this shit called “no wi-fi” cuz he ain’t have no wi-fi to look on youtube & find better beats. this bruce waynne nigga gotta stay away from the boards dawg. he prolly go two “n’s” in his name cuz whenever he play beats for niggas they say no twice. ayo beez, when u get u some wi-fi, if u read this shit, just know i still fuck w u, but u need to leave this bruce waynne nigga alone. (1/10)
5) who ya know - this song start out w him saying, “I GO DUMMMMMMMMB, I GO DUMB…I’M A SONNNNN OF A GUN” & off rip i wanted to kill myself. bain needa break this nigga bruce waynne’s back again. this beat really a synth w a bullshit drum kit thrown in it. sound like he found frank ocean’s “solo” beat, pitched it down, threw some snares on it & was like HERE YA GO DAWG. this hook don’t make no mufuckin sense. i’ma go get me some food. brb. (1/10)
6) donuts in a lambo - now i know at the top i said that “no wi-fi” was the 1st single off this shit, but i guess this song was so forgettable that i forgot THIS was actually the 1st single. in the context of this whole goddamn ep this song ain’t even that bad tho. beat ain’t as whack & beez actually kinda holding it together on the rappin side of things. i ain’t saying i’d ever play this shit again, but if a nigga turned this shit on i’d at least wait until the second hook before i told em to turn it off. (5/10)
7) bezerk - u know what? fuck it. this shit prolly 1 of the whackest songs i’ve ever heard. these two niggas go together like macaroni & ice cream. plus this nigga bruce waynne so ass on these beats i’m finna throw away all my batman shirts. (0/10)
8) already - bugatti sean back at it again rappin on this stock piano loop talkin bout “DA COME UP”, like at this point we sposed to light a candle & get sentimental or some shit. bro at this point u prolly woulda been better off havin robin make all these beats. u should sue this nigga for pain & suffering the way these beats sounding. “i wish i was who i’ma be already” NIGGA ME TOO. maybe the new u gon have a better fuckin mixtape. Jesus Christ. oh & the skit at the end don’t got shit to do w shit. thanks a lot. (0/10)
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all in all, i’m disappointed. this nigga really can’t rap, & it’s said cuz i know the nigga’s at least a LITTLE bit creative cuz of how he be doing his videos. i really ain’t got too much to say on this shit, i just hope that down the road he find him a better producer…& some bars…& his own sound. cuz if not i’ma prolly just unsubscribe. i’m a man of God & ion need this kinda bullshit infectin my spirit. HERE’S THE LINK FOR THIS SHIT THO. u be the judge.
RESULTS: (1/10) - i seen u was tryna make batman cookies. why batman look like patrick star tho? u know what dawg just go grab some eggs, i got this. 
“you know what ohana mean? that mean family” (bro what do that got to do w the song? nigga tryna teach us hawaiin & shit.)
“i got girls that’s tryna kick it at my crib every day, but this shit ain’t a dojo”
“high as hell, man i’m on a cloud- i feel like goku” (??????????????)
“i be going nuts like a squirrel” (????????????????????????????”
“i got more bars than ur cellular”
“i never sneezed but she blessed me”
“take a look at my crib & u’ll see that all of my telly’s tubby like i’m pbs”
“don’t get it twisted like rubix”
“i want big green like reptar”
“all we got is spinach w no popeye”
“take em to the crib & treat they backs like toaster strudels”
“let’s get ghost…let’s get casper”
“stackin my racks like a tennis game” (i think he meant rackets?? but then what do it mean when a nigga is stackin rackets? idk dawg)
“fucked up the game now she pregnant” (u mean u FUCKED THE GAME & now she pregnant???)
“ i see thru niggas like a glass door” (pause?)
“these bitches call me daddy, funny thing is i’m not they father”
“peek-a-boo” (this ain’t a bar but it’s whack cuz he really said “peek-a-boo” on a song)
“dozin off like a jeep” (BRO WHAT DO THAT MEAN??????)
“now the seats peanut butter & got these people all jelly”
                                 SHIT I FORGOT TO REVIEW
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aight i’m startin this new segment called “SHIT I FORGOT TO REVIEW”, where basically i’m talkin to u in brief about joints that i heard but ain’t have time to do a full review on. so we got this nigga tory lanez who been makin (fire ass) thot anthems for a lil over a year now & he finally dropped his debut album, I TOLD YOU. i wasn’t ever gon hear this shit cuz it’s TWENTY EIGHT MUTHAFUCKIN TRACKS long, but when i finally did it was actually pretty solid. no whack songs, it all tied in together, & if u take all the skits out it still all flows. 1 of the best albums i done heard all year. my fav track off this shit is “to d.r.e.a.m”. if u like trap&b, & u like loud ignorant beats mixed w dope singin & moderate rappin, be my guest. (10/10)
music is BEAUTIFUL. music is GOD. & that’s all i got.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Taste Test: Frank Ocean - Blond(e) (Album Review)
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so about 30 muthafuckin years ago this nigga frank ocean dropped this fire ass album called Channel Orange & it managed to make even the toughest niggas cry in the middle of the street to these soft & tender ass songs about love, drugs, prostitution, etc…& then the nigga just disappeared. some think that it had something to do with the break up of ODD FUTURE. some think it was artistic expression. some think it was due to the album constantly being tweaked & revised. i personally had no idea why this nigga decided he wanted to become the r&b version of jay electronica, but whatever. do what u do frank. when u ready, i’m ready nigga. then…the bomb came…
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randomly, out the blue, this nigga frank drops a 45 minute…FORTY FIVE MINUTE VIDEO of him building a club house while a bunch of gorgeous audio plays in the background. so u just gon do a heavenly cover of “at your best” my nigga?! ok. do u be true. i’m just saying i don’t exactly know why u had to make us watch u build a rocket ship for a little less than an hour for us to hear this album, but it’s cool. so at this point i’m like AIGHT. GUESS THIS WHAT WE GOT FOR A WHILE. COOL. I’MA JUST THROW THIS ON FOR A WEEK OR TWO AND ENJOY THIS SHIT. 
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then homie was like AIGHT. TIME TO LIGHT THIS SHIT UP. boom. new album. all audio this time. 24 hours later. in front of God & everybody. this nigga been teasing us w this album since the day Jesus died & he finally decides to drop it. so of course, we gon take a listen & determine if this shit was worth the wait.
 1) nike - soon as this beat started i was like YUP. OLD FRANK BACK. simplistic ass beat. this shit really don’t change up the whole duration of this song. to me, that was always a thing that nobody could take away from frank- the fact that he could take a beat that doesn’t even seem all the way fleshed out, like a skeleton, & make a powerful song with it with what THENEEDLEDROP referred to as “raw emotion”. all that extra shit in the instrumental really don’t matter if u not saying shit. this nigga frank is really tryna paint a picture for u here. this shit almost sounds like a stream of consciousness. he’s just giving u a bunch of gold & expecting u to know it’s worth (that was a gem. ur welcome [that was too. i’m ill as fuck.]). whether we talkin in terms of this just flat out being a new frank ocean album, or in terms of this being the first new frank ocean song u done heard since michael jackson was darkskinned, this is a great start either way. (10)
2) ivy - not gon lie to u, when this song started i kinda got worried, cuz this shit sound kinda weird. then i remembered frank is weird, & tossed that thought out the window. i really love the way frank is singing on this song. very strong, like he’s hurt over something that happened to him long ago. maybe when he was a kid. i figured when the track started that maybe he was tryna do what he did on “nike” with the pitched up vocals- maybe capture the essence of some sort of long lost innocence. this shit goes over pretty well, with the acoustic, lowkey beat & his deep singing. it’s almost like u can feel that, even tho he ain’t dropped an album since run dmc was poppin, that he took his time with this shit. also, that loud crashing sound at the end sound like him rippin that small cabin he was building in endless down, so that might be another reason why he took so long to release this shit. (9)
3) pink + white - somebody gon have to let me hold this beat. this shit kinda remind me of “super cool kids” from channel orange. i lowkey thought earl was gon pop up rappin like kermit the frog, but he don’t. tyler made this beat tho, so there’s that. this actually 1 of the better tyler beats i’ve heard, but then again u really don’t gotta do too much when it comes to a frank ocean instrumental. pharrell had a hand in this shit too, & u can kinda hear it. apparently those spacey ass background vocals belong to beyonce, so that’s probably why when u hear em u lowkey wanna pick up the nearest blunt & attempt to get as high as this beat make u feel. i can feel my feet lifting off the ground when this shit play. we three songs in & i ain’t heard a whack song yet. pretty good for a nigga who ain’t dropped a song since niggas said shit like, “YOU AIN’T NOTHIN BUT A JIVE TURKEY, JACK”. (10)
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4) be yourself - look, moms. u talkin to a nigga that came out the closet on his last album. this nigga’s first popular joint was called “novacane”. he hang out with a bunch of niggas who do random shit like make themselves into cocaine-snorting centaurs & bounce on giant inflatable booties in they videos. he got homies w names like TYLER, THE CREATOR & EARL SWEATSHIRT, & he changed his own name to FRANK OCEAN. he once took madonna on a date to a chance the rapper concert. his favorite color is orange. his biggest break out single was a 10-minute joint talkin bout prostitution…i think marijuana is the least of ur worries here. (?)
* 5) solo - first off, let’s address how disrespectful this nigga is for making it to where the first lines of a song directly after a skit where his mom is telling him to not smoke marrijuana are about doing drugs. nigga was like NAH MOM. FINNA DO THESE TABS REAL QUICK. IT’S LIT. LUH U DOE. nah but this prolly my favorite joint on this album. it’s so easy-going. i fuck with how, even tho he singing, it kinda come off like frank rapping on this shit. he lowkey snapping if we being dead ass. this a real nigga song. them chords in the background so mellow it just give a feeling of fleeting. he gotta make a silent film to this shit where it got scenes of teenage white kids smokin weed in the park & constantly throwin up the peace sign to the camera wearing jean jackets & dirty chucks while he stand somewhere offset like by a tree or some shit just staring into the distance wearing a monacle & flashy red boots for no fuckin reason. this song dope tho. (10)
6) skyline to - this shit almost sound like an extension of “solo”. same kinda feel, but more subdued. he also takin it easy on this shit. just tryna give u the feel. even w the (actual) rap/chant sections in his verse it still just eases ur mind. i’ve always liked how frank could do this kinda shit for multiple songs in a row & it don’t bore u. anytime u can make mufuckas care more about the message than what’s going on in the background u lowkey become a god to me. oh, & kendrick lamar somewhere on this shit too. whoa. (9)
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7) self control - this song lowkey came out at the perfect time of the year cuz this one of them songs that make a nigga w an established career a wife & a house full of kids go outside & sit in a pile of leaves reading a book feeling like his life crashing to the ground & he get hella frustrated cuz he wanna be sad so bad but he keep coming to the realization that he got nothing to be sad about. then he stub his toe on the tree & he just cry himself to sleep outside. nah but this shit beautiful. oh & apparently yung lean is on here somewhere. whoa. (10)
8) good guy - yup. i’m sad. (10)
9) nights - this shit smooth as hell. u lowkey gotta milly rock to this shit. this shit feel like a queluuuuuuuuuude. might gotta eat some asian pussy to this song. not saying that’s what i’ma do but i’m just saying. that guitar riff at the end of the song kinda throw me off but the beat switch that comes after is ill. frank start gettin on his outkast shit w this shit. not sure what was the point of the song randomly fading at the end while he singing but word. (10)
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10) solo (reprise) - andre was like NAH WE FINNA RAP LIKE WE AIN’T GON NEVER RAP AGAIN on this shit. u & i both know he snapped so i’ma leave it there. (10)
11) pretty sweet - this shit sound like he was tryna channel (orange) his inner bon iver. this shit real spacey & multilayered. then the beat switch to some real fast pace shit & it make me wanna do ecstasy while doing the harlem shake on top of a local jail. this shit make me feel like i got long hair & my name is pudd. it’s lit. (8)
12) facebook story - get u a blow up doll, dawg. (7) 
13) close to you - i need this beat too. this autotune shit frank is doing all over this shit is fire. make me feel like some 90′s soul shit. feel like puttin on a jump suit & gettin me a pager. really hate that this shit was so short, tho. apparently, not only is this a cover of a carpenters song, but francis and the lights had something to do with this. & it got a stevie wonder sample. whoa. (9)
14) white ferrari - this song kinda reminds me of “and so it goes” by billy joel. the slow acoustic guitar & the loud, airy vocals at the end just bring so much passion to this shit. there really wasn’t no half-steppin here, even with the shit being so stripped back. finna go cry now. brb (btw apparently james blake & playboy carti are on here somewhere. whoa.). (10)
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15) seigfried - this song kinda remind me of “we all try” & “bad religion” smashed together. my nigga frank really know how to tug at them heart strings, bro. even after not having dropped a album since lil kim was fine. we just gon let this one ride out while i run to the grocery store- i ran out of tissue. (8)
16) godspeed - the chords that start this song off is the chords that play at that part of the movie where the boy get shot & he wake up in the hospital w the bitch he been tryna get w the whole movie holding his hand crying & shit talmbout, “oh my God…i thought i’d lost you!” & then she tell him that he ain’t really fuck w her jock boyfriend anyway cuz he’s “a jerk” & that she really wanna be w him. frank singing on this shit sound like the nigga w the band at they wedding reception where the bride & groom do the first dance. btw that’s kim burrell singing at the end. whoa. (10)
17) futura free - random as fuck but i really like this title. pitched up vocals again. he prolly tryna bring the whole album around full circle. should i pause the part where frank talmbout lettin his nuts hang? i can lowkey see frank driving down the road w the top dropped & his hand out the window w this shit playing in the background. when the beat drop it sound like a partynextdoor kinda feel. the beat pause & i’m hella confused. thinkin he finna do that hoe shit childish gambino did at the end of the original version of because the internet. then u start hearing teenagers doing some sort of street interview w somebody playing piano in the back & i’m like O_o. i kinda wanna give a fuck, but this track 9 minutes long & i ain’t hearing NOOOOO singing so i’ma just let them have it. (9)
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yo truth be told, i prolly woulda had to find frank & smack orange fairy dust out that nigga if i had waited since the day blacks & whites was allowed to drink from the same water fountain for this album & it was trash. but all in all we got a better album than channel orange, in my opinion. it was vintage frank (pause), but a lil more mature & focused. u really gotta be in a special place in ur life, just like him, to appreciate what he doing here. this shit ain’t for everybody, but i don’t think it’s supposed to be. he really did this shit for him, & we just got a chance to hear it. next time a frank ocean album drop it’s gon be the same time robots take over the earth, but after hearing this shit, i think i can live w that.
RESULTS: 8/10 - took a lil long to cook, & u burnt the crust a lil, but u really not finna find nothing else that taste better than this shit no way. plus the bakery closed till next year, so u might as well just shut up & eat the shit.
music is BEAUTIFUL. music is GOD. & that’s all i got. 🍪
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
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she both breaks & completes me
my long lost friend due to late birthdays & early shuffles
she tears my heart into pieces when she cries
I want to make her feel what i feel
the key to her liberation & the road to finding that key is my bible
the veins pulsing in her neck when i kiss her are my scriptures
the way she wriggles when i rub her spine defines her divinity
she’s both my inspiration & my writer’s block
pushing thru all the stop signs & the detours to hug her waist 1 last time
i taste her love until my jaw’s broken
i took gauze from The Lord’s chamber to mend her smile
...& in turn her smile healed mine
her imperfections make her perfect
her insanity keeps me sane
her eyes were dead when we met, now it’s like they have their own little heartbeats
i hate when she’s mad at me, but it fuels my fire to see her happy again
i wake up every morning wanting her to be mine, then instantly reminded that she already is
the curves in her face & her physique, coupled with the twists & turns of our bond...
the bumpy tracks leading to our final destination...
the speed in which this vehicle we’re in called “LOVE” zooms us...
& the way that no matter which route i take it always leads me back to her...
all drive me WILD
(inspired by)
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
my phone flashes.
she sends the address.
i almost wanna decline...but i go.
"new faces, new escapes, new experiences."
the saying goes.
my impala slides around the corner to the ramp & i almost crash.
not because i'm in a hurry, but bc my back tires don't have any tread.
i pull up.
she's at the entrance.
she hugs me.
not like a..."hey how u doing" kinda hug...
more like a..."i wanted to see u, & i'm glad i did" kinda hug.
i could be wrong.
i overthink things a lot.
(that's why we're here)
we're at a hotel.
a dirty one.
the hallways smell like dirty feet.
her room does too.
i didn't even know this place existed here.
i don't wanna be a dick, but this place is kinda sus.
she gets in the bed & puts her feet under the covers.
i sit across from her in the chair & smoke.
idk...i kinda wanna leave, but i kinda jst wanna know why the fuck she's in a place like this.
pretty girl.
like...super pretty girl.
red hair. 
she kinda looks like a character from kill bill.
not lucy liu, but all i can think of is lucy liu.
like the part where the scenes are all animated & shit & she has short hair.
yeah. but if it was red.
& if she wasn’t asian.
she could kill me if she wanted to, is my point.
she walks weird but who doesn't.
sweats & a long-sleeve shirt.
it’s summer- let’s me know she never goes outside. 
jersey shore on the small tv.
lingerie under the sink.
she explains why.
i figured.
she explains some more.
& some more....
& some more.
idk if i like her...like...like LIKE her...but we're friends.
she tells me & tells me...& i listen.
i look into her face, bc i'm interested in why she's this way.
why are u here? 
where are ur parents? 
where's ur car? 
how do u get around? 
why this life? 
why not jst leave & go to texas?
she answers. 
they're really good answers.
she gives me $10 for gas money.
she didn't have to.
i almost didn't ask.
i give her 3 hugs.
they're not..."ur cute & i wanna show u that i think ur cute by giving u a bunch of hugs & 'accidentally' brushing ur breasts" kinda hugs.
but some..."hey. ur alright. & i'm glad that u are" kinda hugs.
i leave. she's broken...& that's cool.
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[click HERE for song]
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
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even though i was never really a fan of atcq that don’t mean i wasn’t aware of the legacy, nor does it mean i’m ignorant to the stamp y’all niggas have on the game. if it wasn’t for y’all idk where the fuck i’d be in this rap shit, & for that i’ll forever be grateful. rip phife. rest easy dawg.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Week of Yeezy (Day 3)
just wrote up a whole fuckin piece for day 3 & tumblr was like NAH FUCK OUTTA HERE SON & deleted my whole shit. two posts tmrw to make up. in the meantime check out this dope rendition of “family business” by chance the rapper. all hail yeezy.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Week Of Yeezy (Day 2)
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aight right. so day 2 of #WeekOfYeezy is a look back at some of my favorite kanye joints over the years. the joints that (to me) solidified this nigga kanye’s spot in the game, & caused all of us to pay attention to the moves that he was making as not only a rapper, but as a producer as well.
Through The Wire
come on dawg. how could u not respect this shit? this was the 1st kanye joint i ever heard (w him rappin on it) & i could never forget that 1st verse. homie got into a car accident not too long before he recorded this shit & ended up recording it w his jaw wired shut. nigga that’s amazing. this is the song where when niggas tell u that kanye not about the culture u just point em to this shit & tell em to shut the fuck up. niggas don’t be knowing what they talkin about nowadays b.
All Falls Down
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i’ll never forget sitting in my mama’s living room in detroit on school day mornings at 5am havin this shit blasting on vh1 wakin everybody the fuck up. fuck y’all. ain’t no volume button bih. i’m lit as fuck in the 3rd grade before puttin my uniform on lookin at stacy dash’s sexy ass runnin thru the airport singin along w syleena johnson before i even washed my ass or brushed my teeth. certain songs just take u back to specific places in ya life & this is definitely 1 of em.
Heard Em Say
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planned on tellin y’all this shit later on this week, but late registration is my favorite kanye album dawg. might actually be my favorite rap album ever. to me wasn’t nothin whack on that shit, & even tho i heard that shit back when i was in middle school i can still damn near rap 70% of that album word-for-word. so nigga’s couldn’t really tell me shit about kanye back then. this the 1st joint u hear on that album too. started that shit off the correct way. ain’t no way u can hear this shit & not drop at least 1 (thug) tear. i dare u.
Touch The Sky
this the 2nd joint u hear on that album. this shit was also the introduction of lupe fiasco. also the last time u heard lupe rap some shit that didn’t have a message, inside of a message, wrapped in a message, thrown out to sea, & when u reel it back in it’s about 7 more messages in that bitch. i love this shit tho.
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that 1 time when kanye brought some random ass anime, daft punk, hype williams & cassie together.
Love Lockdown
at 1 point in ye’s career u could see him slowly start to spiral out of control, & this is kinda where the shit was made super apparent. homie did a whole album singin. SINGIN. IN AUTOTUNE. shit was still fire but it was kinda like...where the rappin at. i fucked w it tho.
this whole fuckin thing. not even bout to go into it.
word. visually, lyrically, musically- really all the way around sonically- kanye been proved again & again why he deserve the spot that he got right now, & why he ain’t gon never go nowhere. all hail yeezy.
- @marriceanthony
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Week of Yeezy (Day 1)
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what’s poppin niggas. that’s right. this week on my shit is officially yeezy week. last week was supposed to be yeezy week, but shut the fuck up & get out my business. look man wtf can we say about the crazy ass nigga kanye west, man? we been knowing about this whacko nigga forever, how he suck as a person but he got about 80% of the classics in hip hop over the last 10 years. homie been buggin since he dropped out the womb, but whenever u hear the nigga music u be like WOW WHO THE FUCK IS MAKING SHIT LIKE THIS NOWADAYS???? homie might actually be the best & worst thing to happen to hip hop when u really think about it. so this week, we gon delve into some of the good things & act like the bad shit didn’t happen...like yeezus.
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kanye omari west was born somewhere in space a million fuckin years ago, right around the time God made earth & shit. & while he was makin the animals kanye approached him like “YO. AYO. GOD. THIS THING HERE. EARTH? EARTH NIGGA? THAT’S A MOVIE YO. THIS IS A MOVIE. LEMME MAKE THE SOUNDTRACK TO IT.” u know since shit hadn’t been made yet God ain’t know wtf a soundtrack was so he was like yeah sure wtf ever & kanye made some of the most heavenly shit u ever heard. so God, being the real nigga that he was, held it & wouldn’t let it drop cuz he ain’t think the animals was gon be able to understand the shit, & it was only gon get two listens if only adam & eve were around. homie hold it & let it drop february 10, 2004 under the name COLLEGE DROPOUT. 
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this album began what is now the kanye west discography, aka the most fire shit in hip hop since the sugarhill gang or whatever the fuck, & raps was never the same. hate him or love him, the man works hard. the man has shifted the culture & made all these other lame rap niggas try to get on they a-game. over time it became less about the rhymes, but more about the art & that’s exactly what the game needed. don’t get me wrong, u gotta have the rhymes, but the most important thing is the MESSAGE, & the message ain’t shit if the art behind it ain’t strong. so we gon take a few days to reminisce, remember, & reflect on the nigga who deserves way more than a fuckin week but honestly i ain’t got time, kanye fuckin west.
tmrw i’ma go deeper into this album & thruout the week i’ma do my take on kanye music, & how it’s shaped the game over the years. so for niggas that are kanye haters, u a weirdo son. no way around that. i don’t get it. so the question for this week is: YOU AIN’T GOT NO FUCKIN YEEZY????
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
3) New Favorite Song: Jaque - My Pieces Hittin’
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Travis Garland - When We Were Young (Adele Cover)
if u don’t know who this nigga is by now u on some weird shit but i’ma let u slide. catch up.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Taste Test: BJ the Chicago Kid - In My Mind (ALBUM REVIEW)
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aight right. i know u niggas like “WAIT WTF THIS AIN’T NO RAP ALBUM LEE FUCK U DOIN SON” aye aye aye ayyyyyye. calm down. y’all niggas gotta remember i’m super open-minded w this music shit. tbh even tho most my blog be rap shit i don’t even listen to rap that much. i’m pretty sure the populous would be quick to tell u that even tho rap is great as fuck & probably the greatest genre to ever be created & if u disagree u a weirdo & probably should be banned to a place where there’s only trash cans & pixie dust, u kinda gotta be in the mood for that shit. that being said tho this nigga bj the chicago kid done had niggas waitin for fuckin ever for this album so i’d be doing niggas an injustice if i ain’t give my take on this shit. word.
if u niggas ain’t heard about this nigga just stop this shit rn. homie been in the background for some time but i honestly can say that he’s one of the few niggas who’s bringin r & b back no games. we got niggas like TREY SONGZ & CHRIS BROWN who (no disrespect) seem like they wanna be rappers more than singers. meanwhile u got niggas like TY$ & RICH HOMIE QUAN who ain’t even singers @ all but get mistaken for em all the time. nah. what u niggas bout to hear the second u press that triangle is PURE r & b, my nigga. so if u thinkin u finna get 15 tracks of bitches & molly u can jst close this whole window out & go play some future. aight let’s get into it.
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1) intro - it’s an intro. there ya go. homie settin up the scene tho. apparently the reason why he named his album what he did was bc he forreal wanted to give niggas a look into his head (pause). so he givin u game & some shit that’s gon help u understand the album.
2) man down ft. buddy & constantine - i kinda feel like the intro shoulda been attached to this shit but whatever. the second this beat come on the whole shit light up. nigga couldn’t have picked a better track to kick this album off w. i’m pretty sure that’s that nigga buddy doing the hook but idk. looks like the futuristiks had a hand in a lot of the production on this record, including this joint. them horns is makin this shit epic. i don’t even know if homie had any sort of direction for this shit cuz there doesn’t seem to be any verses here but this shit so fire i don’t even care. perfect intro.
*3) church ft. chance the rapper & buddy
when this record 1st came out i automatically could tell where bjtck was goin w the concept of this album. nigga really talkin bout turnin down pussy bc he got church tmrw. like...who thinks like that?! chance snapped but niggas who fuck w chance don’t need me to say that. all around this was a good way to talk about somethin awkward. i honestly don’t think too many ppl coulda pulled this concept off. good go.
4) love inside ft. isabella - now this song is fire, but the main issue i got is the part where this nigga say “i want you to feel the love i have inside me” nigga, what? i mean, i know where the nigga goin it just make me uncomfortable when i’m playin the shit out loud. u want her to feel what? nah. u ain’t mean it like that. then he say “insiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide youuuuuuuuuuuuu”. idk. it’s just a lot goin on right now & this shit kinda just caught me off guard. song ain’t whack by no means i just can’t fuck w that 1 part. btw i just wanna say that u can tell the growth from pineapple now-laters to now. homie done really stepped his game up & really done used his label budget to bring all these songs to life. even if u don’t like nothin this nigga doing u actin like a whole hoe if u say that shit shit don’t SOUND amazing. we not even finna play these games.
* 5) the resume ft. big k.r.i.t
lemme talk to u lil niggas real quick: 1st off, sex songs are always a sensitive subject bc if u do it the wrong way it can turn a bitch all the way off, & it can distance ur male audience. me personally, i don’t mind listening to niggas talkin bout fuckin as long as they got some sort of finesse to the execution. like trey songz? can’t listen to the nigga. homie always wanna be super graphic w the shit. like fam. i ain’t tryna hear that shit. i’m pretty sure i know what u gon do to the bitch fam. i don’t need a vivid ass picture. plus homie do the exact same shit w every sex song so the shit not even creative. 2nd off tho if u not playin this shit for ya bitch @ least once a day u doing something wrong. & if she not droppin down after the “9 to 5″ part u done wifed u a dud. glo up fam. i ain’t mad @ nothin here. niggas know that i fucked w k.r.i.t’s last album but also know i ain’t fuck w him AT ALL before then, so the fact that homie ain’t have an entire verse here seemed just right for what was goin on. this whole shit gon get like 6,000 bitches pregnant this year. mark my words.
6) shine - this song is an example of what bjtck brings to the table that a lot of other r & b niggas don’t - they can make a super lovey dovey song & not make it soft. i don’t feel like i’m listening to lotion on thighs right now. i feel like homie just speakin some real shit to a girl but givin it to her gentle. that’s how u sposed to do the shit. u not sposed to be like “YO BITCH I LOVE YOU MY NIGGA WHAT’S POPPIN U FEEL THE SAME OR NAH” but @ the same time u not sposed to be like “my buttercup my heart & spirit u make me so moist i just want to pick flowers in a field with you here hold my hankerchief i gotta go tinkle”. this shit is that happy median. i fuck w it.
*7) wait til the morning ft. isabella - correct me if i’m wrong, but this shit sound like he beggin his main’s sister or homegirl or whatever not to tell shorty that he been cheatin...GENIUS. bro who thinks of shit like this? fuck the fact that this beat is fire. fuck the fact that this nigga singin the shit out of this song. fuck the fact that everything SOUND-wise is right up on par. THE CONCEPT here is fuckin perfect. even if the lyrics here was trash (which they not) i’d give this nigga 2 thumbs up for even workin this up. the transition out w isa is fire too. u really don’t even see the shit comin. she kinda just ease u out the climax of the joint real effortlessly w/o takin away from what just happened. u don’t feel like u gettin two songs here. she makin this shit seem like it’s shorty talkin to homie about his infidelities or whatever. u can tell bjtck put a lot of work in on this 1 & as a fan i appreciate it.
8) heart crush - usually when r & b niggas take a grunge rock type of approach to they shit it don’t be workin out, but it seem like bjtck got the formula to make any fuckin thing work. this ain’t too much & it ain’t too little. plus u don’t feel like the r & b sound is gettin lost in the shit. he perfectly mergin the two. @ the same time tho i don’t feel like anybody could do this except him so it’s mad unique. i wanna take the time out to show my appreciation again bc it’s been 8 songs & homie ain’t slacked or gave out no filler. he really struggled to make every track stand out in it’s own way & niggas not doing that a lot nowadays. so far this album solid as much as i can tell halfway thru.
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*9) jeremiah/world needs more love (eric ingram) - CHURCH. nigga this shit beautiful. i remember when i 1st heard this shit i was driving out of town & wasn’t no aux cord or nothing so i had to play this shit out loud on my phone so i could barely hear the shit so i thought this was a gospel song, but it’s not. it’s a love song sorta like “church” except more organic. this gotta be the best song on the album son. even when homie breakin down the meaning behind jeremiah durin the vamp i’m like UH HUH. DATS RIGHT. AMEN NIGGA. this shit cold. homie really didn’t half-ass shit on this album. real quick tho i just wanna say that this album ain’t for no millennials. if u were born in the year 2000 or later u not ready for this fam. go back & listen to boosie or somethin. this shit for grown folks. that’s it. really enjoying the outro on this shit too. 
10) the new cupid ft. kendrick lamar - if i can guess this shit right this song is kinda takin on the whole “love ain’t what it used to be” angle. again...GENIUS. this time more in execution. this shit wasn’t corny or too preachy. homie just talkin game to these lil niggas out here thinkin love is what it ain’t. love ain’t when she so bad u don’t pull out homie. don’t let twitter tell u different. kendrick snapped but again, u don’t need me to tell u that.
11) woman’s world - another ballad. another slow song that ain’t soft & moisturized. as u can guess from the title homie takin a different approach to the james brown shit. an approach that real niggas actually agree w. come on son. a woman made u. u think u run this shit? foh. better get u a book. this album for book readers. if u get all ya info from wikipedia this shit ain’t for u. read a book nigga.
12) crazy - the skit @ the beginning paintin the picture again. i kinda feel like there shoulda been more of these but then again i’m sure homie ain’t wanna do like lyfe jennings & make niggas wait 30 fuckin seconds before/after every song so i respect it. this nigga got a good point on this shit too. u gotta be crazy about somethin. u don’t have the driving passion for SOMETHING in this world u kinda losin out. not only the passion but just the will to do more w yaself. this basically the anti-couch potato anthem. this another joint where there really ain’t no structure to it it’s just usin very little to get the point across, & again i fuck w it. long as the message is there & it sound good homie could had this song max out @ 45 seconds. fuck it. it’s dope.
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13) home - typically when a nigga talkin for the better part of a whole minute before the 3-minute song i’m listening to starts i’m like BRO WHERE THE FUCK THE SINGIN AT but here i’m just like TALK THAT SHIT B. homie just takin the angle of missing home, which is relate-able, but u gotta think- he from chicago. the murder rate there STUPID. i’m sure homie get questions all the time about why he would ever wanna go back there. nigga? bc it’s home! i love home! fuck u mean?!?! this shit was so beautiful i might have to run this shit back like 3 times cuz ain’t no way.
*14) falling on my face - another ballad. any other time i’d be like YO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE SO MANY BALLADS ON THIS BITCH but right here i’m not really carin cuz he sayin somethin on all these joints. this the part of the album where u grab u a chai or some other hot ass gay beverage & just stare out the window while birds & shit fly by & a thug tear roll down ya face & u wipe that shit away real quick cuz u not no bitch & any nigga who try to test u could catch the hands from God himself on yo mama. *sips chai* nah this shit gorgeous tho.
*15) turnin’ me up - when i 1st heard this joint it sounded more like the intro, but it’s still dope that the album ends on an upbeat note. the trumpets in this shit so glorious. ain’t no way u finna play this shit & not move. if u do u prolly like satan too. fuckin weirdo. if this was a movie this would be the part where the nigga get the girl & the band walk up behind em & they just do the harlem shake while the credits run. this shit shoulda been the song that was playin while sandy & danny flew away into the sky on they whip. if this shit ain’t got u milly rockin u gotta go take a seat son.
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yo this album fire. i know it’s pretty early for me to be sayin some shit like this but this is 2016′s male r & b album of the year. fuck the grammy’s. we talkin bout to real niggas. if u a real nigga that like real nigga music & S O U L, then this shit is for u, g. u not finna be upset w not a thing this nigga do on this album. all mistakes & missteps (if any) were intentional & they make this shit that much more fire. don’t burn ya hands while playin this shit. this shit all flame emoji’s & lighter flicks. every joint had a message & had some sort of direction. even if on 1st listen u not gettin what the direction is on this shit u gon get it. this ain’t no super scientific ass album, this shit straight from the heart & SOMETHING on this bitch gon stick w u. the homie bjtck hooked us up w something that later on down the road gon be considered a classic. real shit.
music is BEAUTIFUL, music is GOD, & that’s all i got.
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
this plus the last two joints i did inspired a new segment called WEIRD/DOPE SHIT I JUST RANDOMLY FOUND. ion know what’s goin on here but i fuck w it. y’all be the judge tho.
Lorn - Acid Rain
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Kanye West - 30 Hours
yo nah i need everybody to @ NELLY & find out which 1 of kanye’s bitches he fucked cuz we need these answers for the culture.
- @marriceanthony
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thecookiegawd · 8 years
Loaded Lux - Work (Rihanna ft. Drake Remix)
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