#Marrice Anthony
kehlaniteam · 6 years
Episode 46 - Black & Milds and Fried Chicken
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thecookiegawd · 7 years
wrote this piece the day before a show i had at r coffee house, & read it live for the first time that night. this was written to perform, in case u want to imagine that u were there.
who here has ever heard of a gentleman named kain carter? well, long story short (or maybe short story long), he's a pretty popular youtuber, mostly known for making satirical videos based on life & relationships. recently though, he's been absent from the internet due to things happening in his personal life. he just released a video the other day where he talks about how he was coming out of a gas station, & a guy recognized him & asked where all the funny videos were. his response, prompted this piece. 
his response was "...shit just ain't funny to me no more". now that's interesting, because what lewel of rock bottom do u have to be at to not find ANYTHING funny?
i can sit here & talk to u about a bunch of things that are funny.
seeing someone trip but not completely fall & bust their ass is funny. that "charlie bit my finger" video is kinda funny.
seeing someone talking on the phone, searching the room for their cell phone & even going as far as to call their cell phone to find their cell phone is funny.
dave chappelle...hilarious.
some people say life is funny. but life is only funny in that weird way.
you know when your manager tells you that you're getting written up because you didn't do something that you clearly did, but you feel like they're out to get you so they just make up shit, so when they turn the corner to go back into their office you just silently slide them the middle finger?
when you gotta be to a very important meeting in like 30 minutes but you HAD to get your eyeliner JUST right because let's face it- how you supposed to nail that presentation if your face isn't put on the correct way- & now you have 15 minutes so you rush out to your car & you turn the key & you hear that AMAZING sound of your car saying "FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCK YOOOOOOUUUUUUUU"?
that time when the person u were in love w/ out of the blue starts treating u different, & one day u find out that they've found someone else via a post on their instagram w/ the caption, "i've got me good one, so why not smile"?
so why didn't we laugh?
i know why we didn't laugh.
because humor is about timing.
& time...
time's time.
time can be 1 second or 300 years.
idk about you but i ain't tryna wait 300 years for no punchline.
so when is shit funny?
shit's funny when that manager that was out to get you gets demoted because the big bosses find out that they're not doing their job the correct way, & then they make u the new manager so now u get to tell THEM what to do.
funny is when just at the time that ur car is cussin u out a friend rolls by & asks if u need a ride, so u make it to that meeting just in time, u kill that presentation, & all throughout ur eyeliner looks flawless.
funny is when u see ur now ex-significant-other going thru relationship problems w/ the person they left u for & now ur in a flourishing, healthy marriage, w/ a kid on the way.
& u just bought a big ass house w/ mad rooms & a swimming pool.
in a documentary he put out, he told a story:
the short version is that when he was 11 his home life was a mess; his mother married a man who abused him & made every day a struggle. he received news from his biological father that he was gonna get him a baby sister, & from that day on he made the decision that he would never cry again because he had to be strong for her. on the day she was born he got that call...& there was silence on the other end of the phone. she didn't make it. he attended an elementary school across the street, & despite how close to home it was he says that walk home from school the next day felt like a mile. he looks & sees that the car is gone, so no one's home. his stepfather, who was in the military, taught him how to clean, break down & put back together a shotgun that was stashed in his mother's room. he goes in, grabs the shotgun, takes his shoe off so that his tiny legs can reach the trigger, & pulls it. CLICK. the gun jammed. now, over a decade later, he walks around w/ the bullet he loaded that shotgun w/ in his pocket, not for sentimental reasons, but because every once in a while he looks at it & thinks to himself, "hey...remember when u fucked suicide up?"
u see? that's funny...
right now at this very moment, i'm 24 years old, jobless, damn near homeless, i can't honestly tell u where my next meal is coming from, i wake up every morning & wonder how i'm going to make it thru the day, & all i have the energy to do anymore is rap.
i wanna travel the world rapping to people whether it be a crowd of 200 people or 20, taking goofy pictures of people who tell me that that one thing i said in that one song helped them thru their day.
i wanna make art my profession. 
& as i sit here in a room filled with artists, we all know that shit don't always go like that.
u have this person that u have to work for, or this person whom u have to take care of, or this person that u have to live life for right now because that's what's most important. 
some of u, however, make art ur hobby. 
u have a real passion- like maybe some fancy job that pays all ur bills but is ACTUALLY ur career & ACTUALLY what u wanna do for the rest of ur life, & in ur spare time u just make cool shit & show it to ur friends.
i just wanna let u know that i envy u.
because i literally am not good at anything else.
i can't build shit, i don't know how to lay concrete, i can't drive an 18-wheeler, i can't do graphic design, i don't have the patience for small children so i can't be a babysitter...
writing & rapping are literally the only two things in life that i'm good at.
& right now, life will not let me do just that.
so now i have people in my ear (as they normally are when ur jobless) telling me stupid shit like, "yeah i understand that this is ur passion but we have to be realistic". 
lemme tell u something realistic.
i woke up this morning w/ a thousand raps in my head & i've spent the entire day playing catch up so i could bottle them up into the back end of a pencil long enough for me to write them down.
tomorrow when i get them written down i'll record them in my room on my $200 set up, mix & master it as a song, & post it on the internet.
& at some point, someone in the universe is gonna hear that song, relate to it, & it's gonna make them feel something.
that's realistic to me.
fuck what u think reality is.
reality to me is knowing that some day i'm going to wake up in a bed bigger than my house, turn over & kiss my beautiful wife whose body looks like it was designed by apple, run downstairs & cook my children some breakfast because yes...i will eventually learn how to cook.
i'm gonna make a phone call to a very important person & we're gonna talk about this huge tour i'm going on & how i just made so much money off of my last record that i can fund it on my own, & how kanye called me a genius.
then i'm gonna hop in some car that some rapper used in some rap video but that don't matter cuz i actually own my shit.
then i'm gonna go pick up all my friends & we're gonna go to some random place we used to always hang out at when we were broke & had nothing to do- like r coffee house, & we're gonna talk about how we're about to make the biggest move in all of our careers.
then we're going to sit & reminisce about how shit used to be.
how we used to share food off of a dinner plate.
how we used to have to walk across town just to make it to mcdonald's not to eat, but to use the wi-fi to apply for jobs so that we could make some money so that we could eat.
how we used to record 10 songs a day & how those were the good old days because we didn't have jobs so literally all we had time to do was watch House, eat pizza & create.
& i can't wait for that day...
i can't wait for all of this shit to be funny.
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mellamame · 4 years
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lovexrage00 · 3 years
May 23, 2021
I went to Dollar General yesterday with my boyfriend Manuel, and we bought a Tampico and a tub of ice cream. When we came home, I was kind of worried that we wouldn't be able to finish the ice cream. I said, "I'm going to find some friends to share my ice cream with." and Chris Khan was sitting in front of us, and he said that he wanted some. I told him that I wasn't talking to him. So he started cussing me out. I told him that with the way he talks to me, and treats me every day he doesn't deserve ice cream from me. It pisses me off, and stresses me out. I don't like him, and he is not my friend. I don't want to talk to him, and I don't want to share anything with him. He doesn't respect me, and he doesn't treat me like a person. He doesn't deserve my respect, or my kindness. I wish he would go to hell, and die. I want to record his bullshit, and tell staff what I am talking about. I hate him more than I hate Anthony, or Tara. Which I don't like Tara more than I dislike Anthony. I'd rather give Anthony a piece of my sister's cake before I ever give a piece to Chris Khan. I hope someone beats his ass. He gets away with all sorts of bullshit, because we can't beat his ass here at Marric. I hope someone puts him in his place, because he is such a fucked up person.
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amnglobal · 7 years
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musicbullet-blog1 · 7 years
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Marrice Anthony - All My Niggas
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audiobookers · 7 years
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New Audiobook has been published on http://www.audiobook.pw/audiobook/accuse-the-toff/
Accuse the Toff
The Toff – or the Honourable Richard Rollison – was ‘born’ in the twopenny weekly Thriller in 1933. Five years later, in the first book featuring him, the Toff took on characteristics all his own and became a kind of Saint with his feet on the ground – a Mayfair man-about-town who could get on with the rough diamonds of the East End.
Born in Surrey, England in 1908 into a poor family in which there were nine children, John Creasey grew up to be a true master story teller and international sensation. His more than 600 crime, mystery and thriller titles have now sold 80 million copies in 25 languages. These include many popular series such as Gideon of Scotland Yard, The Toff, Dr Palfrey and The Baron. Creasy wrote under many pseudonyms, explaining that booksellers had complained he totally dominated the ‘C’ section in stores. They included: Gordon Ashe, M E Cooke, Norman Deane, Robert Caine Frazer, Patrick Gill, Michael Halliday, Charles Hogarth, Brian Hope, Colin Hughes, Kyle Hunt, Abel Mann, Peter Manton, J J Marric, Richard Martin, Rodney Mattheson, Anthony Morton and Jeremy York. Never one to sit still, Creasey had a strong social conscience, and stood for Parliament several times, along with founding the One Party Alliance which promoted the idea of government by a coalition of the best minds from across the political spectrum. He was also involved with the National Savings movement, United Europe, various road safety campaigns, and famine relief. He founded the British Crime Writers’ Association, which to this day celebrates outstanding crime writing. The Mystery Writers of America bestowed upon him the Edgar Award for best novel and then in 1969 the ultimate Grand Master Award. John Creasey’s stories are as compelling today as ever, with one of the major factors in his success being the ability to portray characters as living – his undoubted talent being to understand and observe accurately human behaviour.
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kehlaniteam · 4 years
Episode 102 - Cokiana
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mellamame · 4 years
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kehlaniteam · 5 years
Episode 89 - Sticks and Stones
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amnglobal · 7 years
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amnglobal · 8 years
Marrice Anthony - The Nimbus Files, Vol. 2
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amnglobal · 8 years
Marrice Anthony - The Nimbus Files, Vol. 1
“6 months ago i released an open-style recorded called "glitch". it was this clunky ass beat i found that seemed like the theme music to a lewel in a video game. most ppl would've skimmed right over it but i was like, "nah...i'ma rap on that shit." so i did. & after listening back to the finished product it didn't seem to fit w anything that i was working on @ the time (or still currently working on) so i just dropped it. no promotion. no before-hand mentions about the record. just a record-and-drop type of deal. two weeks later, i dropped an unreleased record called "overdose", which was recorded back in 2013. idk. i woke up one day & was like, "...i'm finna drop overdose." again- no promotion. just released it. after that, a pattern began to surface- i began dropping unreleased or brand new songs that didn't fit w any project i was working on every two weeks, free of charge w little-to-no promotion. after a while i realized i was building something. so now, we have THE NIMBUS FILES. nimbus (for all my dragonball z nerds) is the cloud that goku (& gohan) ride on sometimes. get it? songs randomly dropped on soundCLOUD? nimbus? yeah. so now, as it is presented to u as more than just 13 random songs, as a full length project, take a listen. from my joint "PNTHS" where i'm talking about the trials & tribulations we go thru on earth, & how sometimes we as humans glorify or PRAISE earthly things to simulate or overcompensate for things that may or may not be in heaven, to the remake of pj's "alright" where i address a young woman who's experiencing major self-doubt & depression, to my numerous love songs (the "you don't know my name", "let her go" & "fancy clown" remakes), to my letter to God, "undeniable", where i talk directly to my maker about a friend who passed away. we rappers like to call these kinds of songs "one-off's"- songs where literally every record was treated more like a project within themselves, rather than working towards a much bigger project as a whole. this is some of my most impromptu & proudest work, & now i get to share it w u in full form. this is the mixtape i literally built before your eyes. ‪#‎Nimbus‬ “ -
- m.a.
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amnglobal · 8 years
Marrice Anthony - PNTHS (FR35HMix) (prod. TH3 FR35HM4K3R)
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amnglobal · 8 years
Marrice Anthony - 8 (infnity symbols)
Marrice Anthony releases a NSFW song for valentine’s day, perfect for that secret freaky side we all have.
- @marriceanthony
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