#Mac Cory
felsicveins · 3 months
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His heart belongs to another
And no other heart will do
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pinkhysteria · 9 months
cirie and felicia keep saying they're going to make oxtail for cory's birthday, and that's just so crazy to me 😭
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kiwiluvz-blog · 5 months
hey !! my names cleo
im 15, a libra, she/her, bisexual, USA, matt girl !!
favorites atm !! @mattitties @mangoposts
sturniolos, jake webber, johnnie gulibert, tarayummy, sam & colby, corykenshin, the weekend, alex g, TV girl, mac demarco, frank Ocean, kanye west, shameless, big mouth, southpark
i have diagnosed anxitey & bipolar. i dont like self- diagnosis cs its stupid.
ill be posting random shit !!
thank you for reading, you can send me questions too if you want !!
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July 13
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Hob is retired. Yes, he's a little young to have retired, but he lost Eleanor and had Robin to take care of, so he decided to get out of the mob game.
He didn't want Robin to brought up in the life. So he let the smartest of his people (Matthew, Lucienne, Cori......let's be honest, Joanna) buy him out and he took Robin and left the area.
All this is so say, he's out. He has fucking goats and sheep (*sigh* Robin likes the sheep, he has to get permission from his kid to shear them. How the mighty have fallen!) He's not busting heads or shooting people in the f'ing face anymore; he's teaching high school; Robin is thriving; and Hob is flirting with the very cute (mysterious) art teacher, Dream.
Everything is good. Hob is keeping his head down and suppressing his more stabby impulses. Then someone HURTS Dream.
Dream won't tell him who or why, but Hob is patient. He will find out,,,and he will rain terror on those who hurt his Dream. /He also may use it opportunisticly to have Dream move in to the farm.
Hob knows he looks good chopping the wood for the fireplace,,, with his shirt off (okay, okay, with a very tight short sleeve shirt on.)
AJAJSSJAH ex mob Hob is wonderful, I love him, and I need him to stab everyone who has ever hurt Dream in alphabetical order.
Imagine the shenanigans. Hob has just finished taking out a hit on one of the people who hurt his Dream, and this one got messy. Hob has only just finished disposing of the body when Dream comes knocking at the door! So Hob has to desperately hide the knife he just used to gut the guy like a fish, and strip himself out of his bloody shirt. He answers the door with no shirt on and he can't even appreciate the fact that Dream is definitely looking 👀 because he's worried that his secret is about to be discovered! In reality Dream is just there with his little suitcase ready to move in to Hob’s place because now he's terrified that the people who kidnapped him all those years ago are after him again. He's not to know that they're all dead now!
Dream is such a lovely house guest. He delivers AND picks Robin up from school when Hob is busy on the farm (shooting the guys who used to work for Burgess in the face). He cooks! He can only make mac and cheese but Robin loves mac and cheese! It's perfect! He even leans in the doorway of Hob’s farmhouse and watches Hob chopping wood while wearing one of his cute white undershirts (which has some quite suspicious red/brown stains on it but pfffft Dream isn't looking at THAT).
But Dream isn't stupid - he knows that Hob is more than just a farmer and a high-school teacher. He also knows that all his enemies have mysteriously disappeared. He can't help but link those two things together. Especially when he knows that Hob is absolutely DEADLY with an axe.
So he tells himself when he sinks down to his knees and mouths Hob’s cock through his underwear - its just a one time thing. He's just saying thank you. Hob deserves a little TLC.
Needless to say. It's not a one time thing. And Dream doesn't seem to be planning to move out of Hob’s place any time soon. Well, it wouldn't be fair now Robin is so attached to him! And it's fair to say that Hob fucks with just as much skill as he uses to hurt the people who hurt his darling.
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lightingelectra · 1 year
Jelicle cats as real cats! The Toms
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Bustopher Jones
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
Types of Magical cats
When watching cats the musical, it's clear to see that some cats are more magically gifted than others, but honestly I think alot more cats have magic (or at the very least the fun potential of magic) so heres a post depicting each type of magic cat!!
(OC's at the end)
Terpsichorean powers!
Now every cat has this! Terpsichorean means power of dance, and each year the cats reserve to use for the jellicles to use at the jellicles ball!
Basically it just means they can all dance together and vibe in sync without having to do months of practice plus no fear of messing up!!
(specific characters underneath)
The Fantastical Cat!
Mistoffelees (the most obvious magical cat of the jellicles) is a fantastical cat! His magic is powerful and unpredictable. Being able to do small things like manipulate lights and create sparkles, to some mid level stuff like changing his appearance and being able to project his voice into other places, like outside or down the hall, to even bigger things like teleportation (both himself and others) as well as sometimes even creating storms!!
His biggest trick he had ever done (before saving old Deuteronomy) was when he helped save 7 kittens by teleporting them threw an old hat out from under some junk that had collapsed around them!!
Mistos magic (like everyone elses) is inhanced by dancing and music, which helps because it really adds to his love to show off while performing! (The sparkles and lightning really help adding some fun piazza to the show!)
His one main drawback however is over use of his powers is incredibly draining, and can often lead him to sleep for multiple days after big stunts! (Que tugger fireman carrying him back to his den after the ball where he saved old doot!) His hands also have a permanent tingling sensation aswell!
Mistos magic also very similar to his fathers who was also a fantastical cat!
The Mystery Cat!
Macavity is a mystery cat! Now his powers is sort of difficult to distinguish, its most similar to Mistoffelees but alot more controlled and violent. His magic is centred on being able to trick people and stop people from tracing his crimes back to himself.
His levitation (aka glorified hovering let's be real) to stop others to follow his paw prints. Fire means ge can burn evidence. Teleportation to get away. Hypnosis to create an alibi (bc Macavity wasnt there). And finally other little forms of tricks and trickery to cause mayhem similar to mistos powers!
Now Macavitys drawback is arguably the opposite to Mistoffelees. Whereas misto becomes physically drained to the point of needing to sleep for long periods, Mac's powers force him to stay awake. The more he uses his Magic, the longer he is essentially kept from being able to sleep. (Hes always wide awake)
Now depending on the story, Macavity is either actively seeking out the manic effect on his body, willingly choosing to force himself into these periods of unrest just to use his powers for chaos and reveling in its distruction, OR his powers THEMSELVES are what have lead to his life of crime, slowly forcing him into insanity and unable to stop himself by never letting him sleep!
(Either option is great for angst!!)
The Physic Cats!
Now theres no denying that there is some sort of weird powers held by our beloved Tantomile and Coricopat! These twins are often shown to be the first to know/ react to anything new that was about to happen on stage (besides misto), literally sensing Old Deuteronomy before I comes on stage!
Now for there magic, I believe they both share similar types of physic abilities, my favourite hc for this is Tanto sees the past/ memories, and Cori can sense the future/ gets prophetic vision (ik I've seen @afairytalestray talk about similar hcs which I love them!!)
For Tantomile, her powers consist of being able to read peoples memories/ collect memories from objects and surroundings. Not everything is the easiest to read but specifically if it is or has interacted with water or earth it is usually stronger (water and earth hold memories) hence why it is somewhat easy to read other cats. With all of this knowledge, Tanto often ends up predicting alot of what will happen because she says history can repeat itself. However she can also get involuntary visions of peoples pasts.
Coricopat on the other hand can see the future. When hes not having visions, his powers usually manifest as being able to predict what will happen 5 - 10 seconds before something happens. However when it comes to his visions he would become prone for around a minute or two, which depending on where he is at the time, can end up being pretty dangerous, but the other cats look out for him.
When they use their powers together (especially during the ball) their powers meld together and they are able to use them to bolster themselves and others magic!!
The two also have a kinda physic link but whether or not that's bc they are magic or because they are twins is up to debate!
The Gumbie Cat!
Time for our first not quite obvious magical cat, Jennyanydots!! Now to me there is no way Jenny is not somewhat magically gifted, I mean she has 3 costume changes and a sick ass tap solo how is that not magic??
But on a serious note, I do strongly believe Jennyanydots has powers, even as they are not as obvious as her other magical counterparts!
She has the ability to speak with more animals than the average cat, (most cats can only really communicate with dogs/ understand humans) and Jenny can understand mice birds and most other creatures! She definitely uses this part of her powers to become a teacher to other animals!!
She also has the ability to shape shift her form between her 'Gumbie' form her 'Tap' form and her 'Normal' form!
The Knockabout Cats!
JERRIE AND TEAZER ARE MAGIC and you cant take this hc away from me!!!
Like Macavity, their magic isnt very specific, it's very much what they need in the moment to pull off their heists. They can switch places with eachother, disappear melt into shadows, minor teleportation of small objects and masters of disguise all that Jazz!!
Since it's not exactly a set 'set' of powers Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer dont have distinctive separations in their magic, but how it presents itself does allow each of their personalities to shine through!!!
Same as Tanto and Cori, they potentially have telepathy with eachother, whether or not its them being twins or their magic who knows???
Everlasting Blessed
Finally Old Deuteronomy and Jemima!! These two's magic is derived from the Everlasting Cats Blessing!!
Every cat who receives the Everlasting Cats blessing is destined to become the leader of their tribes and the one to pick the next Jellicle choice!
They also are granted with deep wisdom and are naturally gifted with being able to read people. Similarly, like the Physic twins, they can uses their magic to boost others magic!!
Finally! Other cats have small amounts of magic just not anything distinctive to be noticeable!!
I hc that both Victoria and Alonzo share a small part of Mistos magic that stems in enhancing theirTerpsichorean powers! And Munkustrap and Tugger have a mix of a sensitivity to both their father and Jems magic, as well as Macavitys magic!! But also the Terpsichorean powers to!!
Gus and Griz also had a strong connection to a more performance based magic but similarly it's just an off shoot of the Terpsichorean powers aswell!!
(And for people who also like my Oc content, Merlinite, Eglantine and Dylula are fantastical cat, Alibi and Admetus are Mystery cats, Mollycoddle and Magnolia are Gumbie cats, and Old Jillymonty and Dapple doo are everlasting blessed!!)
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Pet Safety Masterlist
Adrian/ Blanca/ Rosa/ Guard Dog Six
Adrian Delgado is a pet lib activist working for the enemy: as a pet safety inspector for WRU. At a routine inspection, against better judgement, he confiscates an abused Romantic, and ends up as her new owner.
He finds a young woman who loves cheese sauce and has a poetic sense of humor; but at the same time struggles with the trauma her past owners and WRU have left her with. And even though Adrian tells himself he has everything under control, more and more he realizes that he does, in fact, not.
Tropes: BBU, focus on mechanisms within the whole fucked up pet system, pet lib / WRU double agent, loss, angst angst angst, noncon/dubcon themes (not explicit, but very clearly stated). Recovery, caretaker as new owner, a happy ending eventually.
Writing - Present [main story]
Pet Safety
(cont. under the cut)
Guilt (short drabble)
Change of Hands
Passenger Seat
Coffee dust
Coffee to go
(here also the first two Noor pieces, see below)
Pick up
Files *
- small time skip -
Choices (Noor pov)
- maybe another time skip I don't even know -
Bea *
Writing / drabbles - present; not (yet) in the timeline
Shoes *
Writing - Past [backstory]
Walk-In (Blanca)
Tides (+ continuation )
Second time
more snippets coming up
Writing - Future [main story]
Pirate Lady *
more will be properly added when the story gets there; parallels to Angel's story (Tim arc).
For now: [Barcode] holds references to Blanca, [Jingles] is about Rosa
Writing - Spin-Offs
Rent (backstory)
Ali, Felix, Noor (before):
Rosa - Domestic/Platonic pet.
Blanca / Bea - Romantic pet.
Adrian Delgado - WRU pet safety inspector.
The Sixth Guard Dog - We don't know anything. Sorry. Missing.
Cory Woodward - Blanca's first owner, corporate lawyer.
Renee Woodward Harris - Rosa's owner, Cory's wife.
Jack Donnell - Blanca's second owner, Cory's business contact.
Izzy (Isadora) Greene - Doctor and Clinic Manager at WRU.
Kelly Jensen - WRU manager, Adrian's boss.
Jared Grimm - Senior WRU Romantic handler. Adrian's colleague.
Noor - Runaway Romantic Pet.
Marta Delgado - Pet Lib activist.
Felix Kane - WRU Marketing officer, Noor's handler.
Ali Beheshti - Hair stylist.
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yoa-artblog · 1 year
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The Shiki Cats Post TM
28.05.23 Show
I had the chance to see Cats in Nagoya last month and I still can´t believe it! I was also able to meet an internet friend who also loves the show and it was overall such a nice experience <3
Some pics are blurry but I was shaking haha, shiki was one of my most wanted to see shows, the photos I had seen were always so colorful and looked like so much fun! It did not dissapoint, tough it was very different to the 98 movie (the version I'm the most familiar with) and the past Intl. Tour (The only other version I've seen live) so I was furiously writting notes on things that stood out to me soon after the show.
• Tantomile (she looks like Cassandra) is the first cat you see on stage.
• They do the trapeze bit for jellicle songs for jellicle cats!!!!
• Munk was 😳😳😳 very good voice, super cute with the babies.
• They have both Syllabub and Jemima, Silly is the kitten, the one that helps Griz out, Jemima is a young adult cat.
• The gumbie trio were Tantomile, Jellylorum and Jemima.
• The beetles had wings they could move around as part of the choreo.
• Tugger has one yellow, spotted leg and it makes him look like he's wearing those pants with only one leg??? Very slutty, we love that for him.
• Munk sings the terrible bore line.
• Jellylorum sings the curious beast line.
• Grizabella still has the old cat design, we love to see it.
• Jerrie and Teazer don't do the cartwheels 💔💔💔💔💔
• Teazer is the cutest thing ever though, she was so fun!! I couldn't stop looking at her the whole time, she's already one of my faves but she is PERFECT in shiki.
• There was a little bit where Teazer and Tanto were cuddling behind Old Deut and Teazer kept pawing at her for attention and I melted.
• Pekes and Pollicles is still Munk's number through and thorough. The dog costumes were very cute and there were many different versions and "materials".
• The Rumpus Cat suit has muscle padding?????
• Shiki said Bombastrap rights and I owe them my life. You could see them cuddling on the bg at various points through the show.
• Pass de deux is performed by Tumblebrutus and Cassandra. (Cori and Tanto designs).
• No orgy???? They do dance in pairs but there's no """cuddle""" pile.
• Overall less horny and more playful.
• Tuxedo Mask Macavity my beloved!!!!! I think that's a very fun design for Mac asldjclsjfjskd but the threatening factor is negative, he just looks very fluffy and cute.
• Mac's fur texture and length is very similar to Old Deut's so that's nice!! Loving the family resemblance.
• They do Growltiger!!! I loved seeing the boys in their little pirate costumes 🥺💖🥺💖🥺
• They choreographed the sword fight so the clanks would match the music and it was SO COOL.
• Jelly had such a nice voice.
• Skimble has a little hat and my friend was telling me they change it for every city to match the uniform of the train conductors in that city. HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
• The girls are the passengers while the boys are the seats during the play pretend bit asdfkgjslnf
• The fake train has a window so you can see Munk is playing the conductor 🥺🥺🥺
• They also used a teapot as the chimney and it makes teapot sounds, I just loved everything about this number okay!!!!!
• The Macavity fight is a little weird because he doesn't take Munk 1v1 but rather is everyone against Mac from the beginning.
• I really wanted to see this specific Munk fight because of... reasons, so that's a bummer 😞
• Demeter has a deeper voice than what I usually hear for her, I really liked it.
• They let toms join the Macavity number!!!!!!! I was tunnel visioning into Munk but I'm pretty sure Alonzo and Tumble were there too.
• Misto comes down the rope!!!!!!!
• He does a lot more magic tricks, including making things and other cats fly.
• You can hear thunder crackling when he manipulates light, that was a very cool detail.
• Misto and Tugger have a lot of shared choreography, they do several different BFF handshakes 🥺
• Victoria is Misto's assistant for the big trick.
• Sillabub is the one who touches Grizabella first.
• UFO Griz
• They did this very cute thing after final bows where they kept coming to the stage as long as people were still clapping. They went and came back to the stage again at least 7 times until the theater turned up the lights 😹
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britneyhayne · 8 months
evicting cory before the johnny mac comp…production knew they had to get rid of him because he was winning that thing
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yesterdays-xkcd · 10 months
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Edward Tufte's 'The Visual Display of Quantitative Information' is a fantastic book, and should be required reading for anyone in either the sciences or graphic design.
Blogofractal [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
From the makers of the Blogosphere, Blogocube, and Blogodrome comes the Blogofractal
[A large rectangle subdivided into rectangles in a fractal pattern, most with a phrase or word inside. Some subdivisions cannot be seen, as they are too small.]
[Mostly left to right from top-left corner.]
TripMaster Monkey says 118th Post!! Wikiconstitution! OMG DeCSS Casemod your Boyfriend!! FLICKR They're saying on Kos that https://slashdot.org/articl tagCloud Cory Doctorow is a little upset about copyright law. Hey guys what if Google is evil?!? I'll sleep with you for a FreeIpods deal. FirstPsot!! Snakes on an I don't Even Care Anymore KiwiWiki CSS Comments (0) Blogotesseract ¡play games! [RSS icon.] is AYB retro yet? Google Google Google Apple Google Goog Cheney totally shot a dude!!! Watch this toddler get owned by a squirrel!!! Developers Developers Developers Developers I installed a Mac Mini inside ANOTHER Mac Mini! Check out this vid of Jon Stewart 9-11 <-> Trent Lott! Web 7.1 Kryptonite™ locks vulnerable to "keys!" Interesting post! Check out my blog, it has useful info on CARBON MONOXIDE LITIGATION FIREFLY!! HELP ME Engadget Boing Boing Gizmodo MAKE Blog: DIY baby My friend has a band!! Jon released an exploit in the protocol for meeting girls. Internets! Howard Dean? So I hear there's a hurricane. We should elect this dude! Google Maps is da best!! Moderation: +1 Sassy RSS! A-list <3 Trackback URL? I shot a man in Reno check it out on YouTube! HEY LOOK ROBOTS! Net Neutrality! Friends Only. Dupe! AJAX? COMPLY Cowboy Neal Blogodrome Hey look I got Linux running on my tonsils! Look alive, blogonauts! Cafepress cockrings BOOBIES!! MIA A Beowulf Cluster... of BLOGS!! SPOILER ALERT Dupe! You have been eaten by a Grue. Ruby on a monorail Lesbians! DNF Released! Steampunk BLAG PONIES! Xeni found some porn! IRONY LIARS! Linux on Rails! Blogocube del.icio.us! 404 o.O Don't slam the source when you close it.
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flame-x · 7 months
🎁🧠🎯 :]
🎁 If you could give any of the ensemble cats a song, who would it be? What would it be about?
I would give Alonzo his own song! I made a post about it before, here
🧠 Share a headcanon/theory about the show that you like!
So many, but I really love all the hcs about the mating bond :) and the pas de deux. Also any and all headcanons about the Everlasting Cat and how religion works, I've honestly thougt so much about how the whole thing works and it's such an interesting thing to think about. For example, cats are reborn nine times and then just kinda. i dont actually know what happened after that lmao. bad example. also cryptid!misto <3. He be immortal and meeting the reincarnations of cats. and magical. speaking of magic, another of my fave hcs is that all jellicles have magic aside from their terpsichorean powers. like, there are big flashy, obvious magicks like those of misto/mac and the implied magicks of cori/tanto/jem but i also like the idea of subtle magic. i used this example in mistocord before, but skimble's magic being that he knows exactly when the midnight mail will leave and that he can predict which passengers will travel on the train again.
i also touch on the subtle magicks hc at the end of this ficlet
🎯 What's a common headcanon/theory/interpretation that you don't prescribe to?
Griz as Munk and Tugger's mom/Deut's mate. I prefer her as Bomba and Deme (and occasionally Vic)'s mother instead :3
I don't hate it though, and I have enjoyed content about this hc when I've seen it
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happyzyx · 9 months
[ARTICLE] Lay Zhang Signs With Range MEdia (EXCLUSIVE)
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Range Media Partners has signed Chinese actor, singer-songwriter, dancer and fashion icon Lay Zhang and will represent him globally across all areas. 
The 31-year-old star, who operates under multiple pseudonyms including Lay and Little Sheep, rose to fame as a former member of K-Pop boyband EXO before launching a solo career, already is a household name in Asia, boasting more than 80 million followers across social media.
As an actor, he stars under his full name Zhang Yixing in the Chinese box office smash “No More Bets,” which has earned more than $527 million in China to date, becoming the country’s biggest hit of the summer. Zhang is now the youngest and fifth-ever Chinese actor to reach this box office milestone. “No More Bets” also received a limited release in the U.S. on Sept. 1. 
Next year, he will be seen starring opposite Jackie Chan in the film “A Legend.” His other film credits include films “The Island” and “Kung Fu Yoga,” and he has also appeared on the TV series “Go Fighting!” and “Idol Producer,” serving as a judge and host on the latter.
Since his rise as a core member of EXO, he embarked on a solo career, with his debut EP “Lose Control” hitting No. 4 on Billboard’s U.S. World Albums chart. He is the first Chinese solo artist to hit the Top 25 on the Billboard 200 and the first Chinese solo artist to hit Top 5 on the Worldwide iTunes Album Chart. 
In August, Zhang’s “Grand Line Tour” concerts in Shenzhen and Beijing immediately sold out, with more than 30,000 tickets purchased within seconds of going on pre-sale, leading to additional concerts being added in Shanghai, Nanjing and Chongqing.
As a global brand ambassador, Zhang is currently working with Hublot, Sprite, Fila and Bang & Olufsen. He was Calvin Klein’s first Chinese global spokesperson for their underwear and jean lines and the first Valentino, Converse, Perrier, MAC and Daniel Wellington spokesperson in China. 
“Lay Zhang is exactly the type of artist Range was built for. He’s a true multihyphenate with global appeal,” said Range Music managing partner Cory Litwin and Range co-founder and CEO Peter Micelli in a joint statement. “With the recent breakthrough success of his latest film, ‘No More Bets,’ his presence onscreen shows big box office potential.”
Zhang, who is fluent in Mandarin, Korean and English, joins a Range Music roster that has made impressive strides since its inception two years ago. The division launched its own label in partnership with Capitol Music Group and Virgin Music & Artist Label Services and represents a wide range of talent including Jack Harlow, Saweetie, Justin Tranter, Cordae, Midland, Murda Beatz and Nicky Romero. The division earned seven Grammy nominations this year, with Nova Wav nabbing two awards for its production and songwriting work on Beyonce’s “Renaissance.”
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golden-web · 4 months
“It’s just for two days Finley,” my dad says releasing me from his hug. He and Cory were going on a college trip, her dad had a big deadline coming up.
“You two have fun,” he says from the kitchen. “What do you want for supper Finley?”
“Don’t care,” I mumble.
“Mac and cheese,” Cory says as she rounds the corner. She punches my shoulder. “Behave yourself now.” She winks and heads out the door.
“So ready to fly the nest,” Mr. Toller shakes his head. My dad gives him a kiss and follows Cory out the door.
Me and Mr. Toller always got along, but after he and my dad got engaged it got kinda hard. I don’t know why, but it did. Maybe cause he’s the only one in the house that doesn’t know. Who knows, not me.
I use homework as my excuse and Mr. Toller uses his project deadline as his.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••dream scape
So much blood. The long knife drips the dark red goo.
“Again!” Isa Riggs bark from somewhere I can’t see. The person in front of me flops over dead. I move to the next chair and pull off the mask.
“Please don’t hurt me flipper,” my dad pleads. Without hesitation I slice through his neck.
Mr. Barnes stares at me with vacant eyes, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save—” He hits the floor before he can finish.
“Please Fin, you don’t—”
My hand shakes a bit as I swallow down the bile.
“Do it Spider!” Isa barks.
“Finley. Please.” I stare at the knife. I stare at Cory.
“I’m sorry Cory I… I have too, they’ll—” armed men bust into the room. I try to hit them with my knife but there blows are too fast.
“Always to weak little spider,” Isa spits. I see my chance and block her hands and go for her throat.
“Finley!!!” She screams.
“Finley.” What? I blink again and Isa transform into Mr. Toller. I quickly pull my hands off his neck and scoot to the back of my bed.
“Are…” he waves me off and sits on my bed grabbing his throat.
“Are you okay,” he gasps.
“Are you okay?” I stutter. He nods and takes a few deep breaths. I see my hand marks already causing swelling on his neck. “Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“No,” he insists. “I’m fine really, just a little scared. What happened? Bad dream?”
“Something like that,” I murmur.
“Do you need-”
“I’m good,” I snap. He nods sullenly. He’s the one that should be yelling at me. “It was kinda a dream, kinda a memory.” I offer up.
“Is it from when…” Mr. Toller thinks about his words.
“Kidnapped?” I offer. It’s the closest and most realistic excuse any of us could think of.
“I don’t know what happened to you, when you weren’t here, and you never have to tell me. Just know I’m here to listen. I just wanna be a good, parent? No adult? I don’t know, in your life. Everyone needs more of those.”
“Yea,” I let out a sigh. “You’re a great dad. I don’t know if I’d call you mine, respectfully, but you are in away.”
“I get it.” We sit in silence for a while, Mr. Tollers heartbeat evens out, so maybe we don’t need to go to the hospital.
I could’ve killed you.
The tears well up a bit before Me. Toller notices.
“Finley, hey, it’s okay.”
“It’s not,” a sob hitches in the back of my throat. “You deserve to know, I…”
“No I don’t!” He snaps. “You don’t owe me anything Finley. I know messed up shit has happened to you. I know though that my daughter loves you. So much. Your dad loves you so much, he’s so proud of you. I love you Finley, not in the same way, at least not yet. But you will never owe me, or anyone ever, an explanation. It’s okay.”
“I…” I break into tears as he rubs my back. I tense slightly. Your safe. I’m safe.
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Mungojerrie for the character ask :3
favorite thing about them
I like how expressive he is
least favorite thing about them
Sometimes he's just a little bit annoying
favorite line
I'm going specifically with Warsaw in this one, cuz the "And Rumplteazer" at the very end when she says it behind the door and it's him mouthing it is my favourite moment ever
Besides Teazer, for Jellice Jerrie it's definitely Demeter (I like the idea they've been acquaintancs and friends since way back when), and for Warsaw Jerrie it's Munk (they share a lot of confused looks XD)
I don't really have one but I do like Jerrie x Cori
Mistojerrie, idk I just don't vibe with it
random headcanon
In my main au I hc that while both versions of him worked for Mac, J Jerrie was more involved and he actually knew and interacted with Mac, Deme and others in Mac's inner circle. On the other hand W Jerrie with his Teazer was more removed, more of a subcontractor and was one of J Jerrie's contacts
unpopular opinion
Idk if it's unpopular but I don't enjoy when people portray J Jerrie as always the stupid one. Like sure, he is dumb but he's not stupid ya know? Especially when the song/choreography implies he is the more put together/aware one
song i associate with them
Besides the obvious XD ? Probably "Mám doma kočku" by Pokáč or "I don't feel hate" by Jendrik
favorite picture of them
These 2
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0sincerelyella · 10 months
Back for more - cormac hyde corrin
Summary: heart stopper finally released season two, and y/n is feeling down because she hadn’t face to face seen Cormac for a year because she lives in america and he lives in England for film school and the show. So Cormac decides he needs to do something for his girl.
Notes: the new season came out and i’m obsessed with harry’s redemption arc just as i was when i read the comics. i’ll release all the people i write and want to write about soon !!
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“I don’t know Cory. i absolutely hate harry, but you looked,” she paused for a moment and cleared her throat. here comes the horrible British accent “Absotivley ravishing,” Cormac spit his water out on the other side of the phone call “in that orange shirt”
“Babe, please do not ever do that again!” he laughed as he put his feet up on his desk. he had his phone propped up on books, leaning back in his rolling chair. “don’t even get me started on that redemption arc! standing up for imogen? that’s my boy. i taught you well” she smirked. “it was in the slip y/n”
“mac i miss you” y/n was laying on her bed, her phone on her nightstand leaning on the picture of y/n and cormac at the drive in. that was a year ago
currently in England it was 4:30 am, he’d went to sleep at like 6pm so that he could be up early, telling y/n that he had to be up for an audition, to help him get better at directing and such. They couple hadn’t seen each other in a year, and the time difference made it so much harder.
“i know baby, but now that the shows over i’ll have alot more time to see you” Cormac was committed to film school, and of course he was committed to his girlfriend
but his education was important to him, his education was what was going to make him successful and in turn that would give a good future for not only him but both of them. “when will i get to see you?” y/n was holding a bear he had gotten her at a carnival. it reminded her of him.
“i’m going to come to see you for your birthday love” y/n flopped across her bed in a dramatic fit “your kidding me that’s not for another 3 months” she kicked her feet in fake sad rage, as she began to fake cry. “y/n it’s already been a year, i promise you it isn’t that long, we’ve done this for so long already we’ve got this” he laughed at her.
Cormac looked at his bedside clock and his breath hitched, “hey love, it’s really late there isn’t it? i have my audition in 15 minutes” it was now 5:45 in the morning in England and almost 1 am in ohio where y/n lived. “i don’t understand why you have to have an audition so early” she complained, crawling under her covers and turning off her light. “yeah i know, goodnight sweet girl, i’ll talk to you tomorrow, i assume you won’t wake up till noon so i’ll talk to you then, i love you” he blew a kiss and hung up the phone.
y/n turned over on her side, plugging her phone in and shutting it off. she sighed as a tear fell down her face. she severely missed cormac. everyday of her life she missed him, he was absolutely everything to her and he lived in another country. she knew if she and he didn’t focus on themselves that this relationship would tumble so she wasn’t phased by it much, but when she sat alone in her room and the sound of his soft breathing wasn’t there she got scared.
cormac usually woke up early for school, and stayed on the phone while y/n slept so he could periodically check in on her, and she’s so the same while he slept, moving about her day as he slept so she could make sure he was sleeping and wasn’t thinking about things he shouldn’t.
it was nights like these y/n hated. nights that were more important to cormac than making sure she was sleeping. which was also important to y/n. of course she wants him to crush the audition, she just wishes she was there in england to support him. she hated being alone
on the other side of the country, cormac threw his bags into the back of his moms car and hopped in the passenger seat. he lived pretty close to the airport so there was no need to rush as fast as he wanted too. “knowing my sweet y/n,” cormacs mom started. “she will sleep the entirety of your flight, and won’t wake up till you get there” she said, starting the car and driving towards the airport. “currently, she’s probably so worried because i’m not there that she can’t sleep so she won’t go to sleep for an hour or two. maybe i should tell her?” his mom shook her head. “no no, this will make the reunion all the sweeter love” she promised him, assuring her son that his girlfriend is going to love her surprise
so when cormac boarded the plane, now for sure his girlfriend was asleep, because she texted him a “okay, good luck and goodnight” with a kissy emoji, which she wouldn’t do unless she was reassuring him she was acctually sleeping, he quickly typed “see you soon❤️” and shut off his phone.
9 hours later, cormac was more nervous than he’d ever been. it was 10 o’clock in america, and from the airport he had an hour drive to y/ns house. which her mom was more than happy to pick him up. when he arrived and practically ran off the plane to see y/m (your mom lol) he dropped his bags for a hug. “hello cormac!” she smiled, hugging the boy. “hi y/m! it’s so good to see you” he was so happy. “y/n took a sleeping pill last night to calm her anxiety, she had been feeling anxious, so she won’t wake up till you get there to wake her up.” she reassured as they walked to the car
cormac nodded. “i saw the show, you did amazing sweetie” besides his own mom, and y/n, y/ns mom was cormacs biggest supporter, watching all his home made movies, and the ones he acts in the second the come out to tell the boy what an amazing job he’s doing.
that was apart of the reason he loved y/n so much, her supportiveness and the relationship with her mother. just her whole family in general. he loved everything about y/n. she was the most perfect person, his whole world. she could wait to see her.
when cormac arrived to y/ns house, he placed his bags in the guest room and stood awkwardly infront of y/ns door. he took a deep breath before opening the door. she was sound asleep in her bed, cuddled close to her dog. her dog looked towards cormac, and hopped off the bed to attack him with hugs and kisses. y/n didn’t move an inch.
cormacs plan had stopped here, he had no idea what to do. did he wake her? lay down with her? sit in the living room till she woke up? he was lost. all he wanted was to grab her and hug her and never let go
but then again she looked so peaceful, he didn’t want to disturb how happy she looked in that space. He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. he moved her hair from her eyes and kissed her cheek. as he sat back her eyes fluttered open with gentleness like a butterfly. “we’ll good morning ning angel” he said, holding her cheek. “morning cor” she yawned, sitting up.
as the realization hit, she jumped up as fast as she could, a shocked expression on her face. she tackled him into the bed, no words had left her mouth, only suppressed sobs of joy.
cormac laughed with his girl as he held her close. “i’m here beautiful” he whispered, petting her hair as he held her to his chest. “it’s been so long i missed you so much” he had just sat the two up, but at those words y/n pushed them onto the pillows and held him in a tight hug as they cuddled in her messy bed.
“you said..” she took a breath. “i wouldn’t see you for another three months” she wiped her tears of joy and looked into his beautiful eyes. “we’ll instead, i’m staying here for a month” y/n hugged him so tight
as if letting go of him would make him never come back. as if she didn’t hold him close she’d never hold him again. she didn’t know he was coming and this was the absolute best surprise a girl could ever ask for. happiness was bubbling inside of her chest and she didn’t know how to express it
“so the audition was fake?” she asked. “yes ma’am” he said, holding her tighter “your such a liar” “but i’m here with you now, would you rather me in london for an audition?” he giggled. “no i’m okay, stay here forever”
oh how he wishes he could
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