#Magma Horus
inmatenett · 4 years
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este también! :D 
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desbravandookp · 2 years
Lista de Akumas do KaizokuProject
(Feito em: 21/06/2022 e atualizado em 04/04/2023 por Perospero) Atualmente há 62 akumas no mi no jogo
Akuma | Usuário | Tier Original
A Ami Ami no Mi (Fruta da Rede) | Largo | Tier 3 Atsu Atsu no Mi (Fruta do Calor) | Don Accino | Tier 3 Awa Awa no Mi (Fruta do Sabão) | Kalifa | Tier 3
B Baku Baku no Mi (Fruta da Comilança) | Wapol | Tier 0 Bara Bara no Mi (Fruta da Separação) | Buggy | Tier 3 Bari Bari no Mi (Fruta da Barreira) | Bartolomeo | Tier 2 Beta Beta no Mi (Fruta do Muco) | Trébol | Tier 3 Bomu Bomu no Mi (Fruta da Bomba) | Gem – Mr. 5 | Tier 3 Buki Buki no Mi (Fruta da Arma) | Baby 5 | Tier 2
D Doa Doa no Mi (Fruta da Porta) | Blueno | Tier 2 Doku Doku no Mi (Fruta do Veneno) | Magellan | Tier 1 Doru Doru no Mi (Fruta da Vela) | Galdino | Tier 3 F
Fude Fude no Mi (Fruta do Pincel) | Kurozumi Kanjuro | Tier 0
G Gasha Gasha no Mi (Fruta da Assimilação) | Douglas Bullet | Tier 0 Gasu Gasu no Mi (Fruta do Gás) | Caesar Clown | Tier 2 Gol Gol no Mi (Fruta do Ouro) | Gild Tesoro | Tier 2 Gomu Gomu no Mi (Fruta da Borracha) | Monkey D. Luffy | Tier 3 Goro Goro no Mi (Fruta da Eletricidade) | Enel | Tier 1 Gura Gura no Mi (Fruta do Terremoto) | Barba Branca — Edward Newgate | Tier 1
H Hana Hana no Mi (Fruta da Flor) | Nico Robin | Tier 3 Hebi Hebi no Mi Model Anaconda (Fruta da Cobra Modelo Anaconda) | Boa Sandersonia | Tier 2 Hie Hie no Mi (Fruta do Gelo) | Aokiji — Kuzan | Tier 1 Hito Hito no Mi (Fruta do Humano) | Tony Tony Chopper | Tier 1 Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu (Fruta do Humano, Modelo Buda) | Sengoku | Tier 1 Hobi Hobi no Mi (Fruta do Brinquedo) | Sugar | Tier 3 Horo Horo no Mi (Fruta do Vazio) | Perona | Tier 3 Horu Horu no Mi (Fruta do Hormônio) | Emporio Ivankov | Tier 0
I Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami (Fruta do Cão, Modelo Lobo Divino) - Tier 0 | Yamato Ito Ito no Mi (Fruta do Fio) | Donquixote Doflamingo — Doffy | Tier 1 J Jiki Jiki no Mi (Fruta do Magnetismo) | Eustass D. Kid | Tier 0
K Kage Kage no Mi (Fruta da Sombra) | Gecko Moria | Tier 3 Kibi Kibi no Mi (Fruta do Milhete) | Tama | Tier 0 Kilo Kilo no Mi (Fruta do Peso) | Miss Valentine | Tier 3 Kira Kira no Mi (Fruta do Brilho) | Jozu | Tier 1
M Magu Magu no Mi (Fruta do Magma) | Akainu | Tier 1 Mane Mane no Mi (Fruta do Clone) | Kurozumi Higurashi, Bonclay — Mr. 2, Bentham | Tier 0 Mera Mera no Mi (Fruta do Fogo) | Portgas D. Ace, Sabo | Tier 1 Mero Mero no Mi (Fruta do Amor) | Boa Hancock | Tier 2 Mochi Mochi no Mi (Fruta do Moti) | Charlotte Katakuri | Tier 0 Moku Moku no Mi (Fruta da Fumaça) | Smoker | Tier 2
N Neko Neko no Mi, Model Leopard (Fruta do Gato, Modelo Leopardo) | Rob Lucci | Tier 3 Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Fruta da Pata) | Kuma | Tier 1 Noko Noko no Mi (Fruta do Cogumelo) | Musshuru, Wapol | Tier 2 Noro Noro no Mi (Fruta da Lentidão) | Foxy | Tier 3
O Ope Ope no Mi (Fruta da Operação) | Trafalgar D. Law | Tier 2
P Pika Pika no Mi (Fruta da Luz) | Kizaru | Tier 1
R Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus (Fruta do Dragão, Modelo Alossauro) | X Drake | Tier 0
S Soru Soru no Mi (Fruta da Alma) | Carmel, Big Mom — Charlotte Linlin | Tier 2 Suna Suna no Mi (Fruta da Areia) | Crocodile | Tier 2 Supa Supa no Mi (Fruta do Corte) | Mr. 1 — Daz Bonez | Tier 3
T Toge Toge no Mi (Fruta do Espinho) | Miss Double Finger — Zala | Tier 3 Toki Toki no Mi (Fruta do Tempo) | Kozuki Toki | Tier 0 Tori Tori no Mi, Model Phoenix (Fruta do Pássaro, Modelo Fênix) | Marco | Tier 0
U Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu (Fruta do Peixe, Modelo Dragão Azul) | Kaidou | Tier 0 Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Bison (Fruta da Vaca, Modelo Bisão) | Dalton | Tier 0 Ushi Ushi no Mi model Giraffe (Fruta da Vaca, Modelo Girafa) | Kaku | Tier 2 Uta Uta no Mi (Fruta da Canção) | Uta | Tier 0
W Wara Wara no Mi (Fruta da Palha) | Basil Hawkins | Tier 0
Y Yami Yami no Mi (Fruta da Escuridão) | Barba Negra — Marshall D. Teach | Tier 0 Yomi Yomi no Mi (Fruta da Ressureição) | Brook | Tier 2 Yuki Yuki no Mi (Fruta da Neve) | Monet | Tier 1
Z Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth (Fruta do Elefante Modelo Mamute) | Jack | Tier 1 Zushi Zushi no Mi (Fruta do Som de Pisões Fortes) | Issho – Fujitora | Tier 0
  Fighting Style: Atualmente: 11 fighting styles
Fighting Style: Chopper | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Eustass Kid | Tier 0 (RETIRADO)
Fighting Style: Franky | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Jinbe | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Kaidou | Tier 0 (RETIRADO)
Fighting Style: Monkey D. Garp | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Nami | Tier 2
Fighting Style: Nami New World | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Roronoa Zoro | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Sanji | Tier 2
Fighting Style: Silvers Rayleigh | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Vergo | Tier 0
Fighting Style: Usopp | Tier 2
Preço akuma
T0 Existente, Desvinculada – 600 créditos T0 Personalizada, Vinculada – 600 Créditos T0 Existente, Vinculada – 320 créditos
Para comprar uma akuma basta ir no Suporte e solicitar.
Ps: Há jogadores que colecionam akumas e pagam caro por akumas de tier original.
4 notes · View notes
aunqueudselocrea · 4 years
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No solo el logo del wi fi aparece en jeroglificos egipcios sino los dibujos de antenas y aun la señal gsm ha sido detectada en ciertos monumentos antiguos…
La misma ubicacion de los monumentos,templos y piramides en forma geometrica y estrategica como una banda alrededor de los 30 grados ya nos da un indicio que se trataba de algo global…
Stonhenge vista desde arriba esta organizada en el sistema de red de token ring o anillo segun reglas clasicas de programacion..
La torre Tesla pretendia interactuar con la energia atmosferica y si las piramides y monumentos eran manipuladores o transformadores de energia como lo soñana Tesla ?
¿Qué Es Una Red Wi-Fi?
Se usa el término Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity o fidelidad sin cables) para designar a todas las soluciones informáticas que utilizan tecnología inalámbrica 802.11 para crear redes. 802.11 es el estándar más utilizado para conectar ordenadores a distancia. El uso más frecuente de esta tecnología es la conexión de portátiles a internet desde las cercanías de un punto de acceso o hotspot. Estos puntos son cada vez más abundantes y permiten a cualquier usuario utilizar la red sin necesidad de instalar un cable telefónico. La emisión y recepción de datos se realiza a través de radiofrecuencia. Existen diferentes formatos de conexión, pero el más popular es el conocido como 802.11b, que opera en la banda de los 2,4 gigahertzios, la misma que las microondas de la telefonía móvil. Este standard en transmision de datos fue hecho por la empresa ALLIANCE o alianza (como el arca) y permitio unificar rangos de señales,protocolos y drivers entre los fabricantes para que sea la tecnologia global de comunicacion que es hoy en dia…
El wi fi es perjudicial para la salud ?como es transmision de microhondas,se han hecho investigaciones al respecto y es paradojico que tampoco alrededor y sobre monumentos claves de la banda de 30 grados del cinturon circundante terrestre no haya vegetacion y se detecten lays o señales electromagneticas como en caminos de energia que incluso forman rastros visibles desde el aire y quizas relacionados con las lineas de nazca y los geoglifos o crops…
Cerca de los emisores de wi fi se dice que las plantas sufren perturbaciones y en los monumentos clave antiguos no hay vegetales o estal alterados de la misma forma que en los crops que muestran alteraciones en sus moleculas y el mismo efecto se descubrio en la fibra del santo sudario de Turin….
Radiacion de microhondas,viento de particulas y señales de radio de banda gsm que parecen estar relacionadas entre si actuando sobre cosechas,el clima y sobre los organismos biologicos…
Es esta la razon real de la investigacion haarp y chemtrail ? …estudiar la incidencia de la radiacion sobre el medio…sobre clima y organismos alterando la rejilla de Hartmann ?
Lo que la acupuntura llama nadis o canales o caminos de la energia serpentina u ondulatoria,tambien existe recorriendo la tierra…en corrientes subterraneas llamadas teluricas,alimentadas por piedras y minerales como basalto y cuarzo que absorben su ritmo y energia del magma volcanico y vibraciones de las placas tectonicas…
Esa energia se manifiesta el sacro en el ser humano y se trasmite como una serpiente de fuego a traves de la medula y columna que comunica con el cerebro y cerebelo…
Justamente esta serpiente que es la medula ingresando al encefalo da simbolismo a la serpiente enroscada al arbol del eden…..
Esta energia se manifiesta tambien en la tierra que asi como el cuerpo tiene sus organos y centros de energia o plexos,padmas o chakras,en la tierra tambien hay chakras y la columna vertebral de la tierra son las grandes formaciones rocosas como Himalaya,Alpes,Rocallosas y Cordillera de los Andes en Sudamerica…
Los chakras de la tierra estan ubicados donde se concentraron grandes monumentos y templos como en Grecia,Stonehenge,Egipto y las Piramides centroamericanas..
Los templos y piramides cumplen sobre la tierra y sus energias la misma funcion que la acupuntura sobre el cuerpo humano,armonizar esas energias y permitir que cargas elevadas y espirituales de la atmosfera desciendan e inspiren y disuelvan la tension psicoemocional de las energias inferiores que sostienen la vida y se manifiestan como instinto y deseo y nos permiten actuar y tranformar el mundo alrededor.en lo fisico y emocional…pero justamente esa energia creativa de instinto si no se canaliza e inspira con corrientes de lo alto,espirituales,se vuelven destructivas y razon de conflicto,violencia y guerras…
Unir las dos corrientes,la fuerza creativa inferior y la inspiracion espiritual superior es la base de lo que se llama LA GRAN OBRA y lo que hace la creacion…
Las dos fuerzas eran llamadas por los alquimistas Solve y Coagula…
En oriente hace milenios se conocen los caminos de la energia,en India son los nadis o canales que conducen el prana o energia…. En China el manejo de la energia se llama FENG-SHUI y habla de dragones de fuego que es la energia yang o masculina y las serpientes o energia yin simbolizando la trasmision de estas energias femeninas…
En occidente,desde hace 3 siglos se habla de magnetismo y fluidos pero fueron investigadores como Hartmann que postularon que la tierra tenia una grilla de canales de energia que la surcaban desde lo subterraneo hasta la baja atmosfera y en esa red o grillas se identificaba la concentracion geometrica de electrostatica e iones…de los cuales los iones positivos son perjudiciales a los humanos y los animales reconocen estas zonas…
Los monumentos y templos estan relacionados por estas sendas de energia e increiblemente desde el aire se ven formaciones en el suelo como si fueran caminos,en forma recta,sobretodo en Escocia,y baja Inglaterra como Stonehenge, pero tambien en Francia en Karnac y en Africa con las construcciones del Nilo y las antiguas civilizaciones africanas…. El uso del pendulo y radiestesia coincide en la deteccion de estos caminos o lineas de energia y el cientifico Wilheim Reich,alumno de Freud, investigo la teoria de que esta radiacion sutil sean en realidad corrientes electronicas y aplico maquinas,circuitos y antenas y descubrio que se podia interactuar con esa energia negativa o positiva usandola como medicina o arma….el gobierno de Usa rapidamente desacredito a Reich y lo envio a la carcel a pesar que a mediados de los 50 la cia ya estudiaba la psicotronica como medio de control mental y para su uso en terrorismo y atentados como en el fatidico proyecto MK ULTRA…
Tesla postulaba que en la atmosfera y la tierra misma habia energias naturales de todo tipo trasmitiendose y esperando a la aplicacion de torres ,lo que en la antiguedad eran llamados transductores o huevos de serpiente…receptores de esa energia atmosferica al estilo del misma ARCA DE LA ALIANZA con sus diales y antenas que parecian querubines y hasta las descargas electricas que recibian quienes la manipulaban sin aislacion…
Despues de todo hay algo que la mayoria no recuerda y es reconversion de la energia..pues las ondas de radio son en realidad ondas de luz o radiacion asi que podemos decir que con el suficiente conocimiento y herramientas puede generarse desde la energia ambiental que nos rodea ondas de sonido,radio.luz o sea electricidad y como consecuencia magnetismo y estas fuerzas son solo estados de la vibracion radiatoria…y puede convertirse una en otra….
La energia atomica tambien tiene esta modalidad vibratoria y Einstein mismo postulo la teoria del campo unificado que permitiria la conversion de una energia en otra desde una energia o fuerza central latente…
Si los egipcios conocian electricidad como se deduce de la iluminacion de templos y piramides y su uso en levitacion y corte de bloques de roca…hasta adonde llegaron ? La leyenda dice que Egipto se formo por migradores Atlantes al mando de Horus y Hermes y que los atlantes conocieron y usaron la fuerza atomica y energia tesla-haarp para modificar rejillas de Hartman o el aura terrestre y eso afecto el clima y organismos atlantes y trajo la desastre que la destruyo….
En todo caso la alquimia que Hermes trajo a Egipto sugiere bastante al fuego secreto y el horno alquimico, que se asemeja demasiado en forma a un ciclotron o acelerador de particulas…
El recorrido del Nilo se muestra coincidente con el corte sagital de la gran piramide y hay muchos que estan seguros que los atlantes-egipcios hicieron artificialmente el recorrido y forma del rio que era clave para su establecimiento,usando explosivos y energia atomica…a esta clase de progreso y tecnologia nos referimos….
En este mismo tumblr hemos contado que los templos vistos desde arriba son identicos en forma y disposicion a MOTHERBOARDS o PLACAS DE CIRCUITOS….los templos son chips o circuitos ,maquinas y la energia proviene de las lays o energia atmosferica circundante,eso que Tesla descubrio y LOGRO APLICAR AL IGUAL QUE WILHEIM REICH…
Apasionante este apartado…los rusos se han caracterizado por su apertura mental a investigar temas tan extraños como la parapsicologia y sus expertos hungaros y checoslovacos como el dr.Osty y la dra Telma Moss han obtenido fama mundial y han entrado de lleno y documentado rigurosamente con evidencias la realidad de los fenomenos y Usa que tanto se rie y ridiculiza el tema en realidad ha tenido su propia unidad psiquica llamada la brigada de los coroneles y con un alto presupuesto como para que no digan que la parapsicologia ni existe y en secreto la investiguen….pero bueno,siempre los gringos son asi y hacen eso…
Al finalizar la 2da guerra mundial rusia con el gabinete de Pavlov y sus asistentes comenzo experimentos sobre la conciencia y fenomenos extraños que ya hemos referido en otra nota nuestra de tumblr…
En sintesis Rusia tenia expertos documentados y cuando el premier ruso Nikita Kruschev debio visitar Egipto por una gira decidio concurrir a la piramide de Kheops como atractivo turistico y politico y la kgb envio sus expertos y tecnicos a revisar la piramide para ver si era segura o habia radiaciones y riesgos de algun tipo…
Sorpresas te da la vida,como dice la cancion….la kgb quedo alarmada por efectos fisicos preocupantes dentro de la piramide…volvieron a hacer comprobaciones con fisicos y equipos tecnicos….con iguales resultados desconcertantes…
La acustica dentro de la gran piramide no obedecia a leyes del sonido normales…pero ademas detectaron señales de radio de una longitud de onda muy espaciada y baja…creyeron que eran microfonos de la cia o alfun dispositivo para afectar al premier Kruschev durante su visita…. La precipitacion de neutrinos que son particulas que despide el sol como viento solar o efecto forbusch que llega a la atmosfera terrestre y la atraviesa precipitandose como el resto de los rayos cosmicos,primarios y secundarios que atraviesan las estructuras mas solidas…
Es cierto que la tierra tiene una capa protectora en la atmosfera y mas alla las bandas de radiacion de van allen que capturan y ralentizan el ingreso de rayos cosmicos…
Pero con dispositivos adecuados puede medirse la precipitacion de particulas neutrinos y radiacion cosmica…
La precipitacion es un factor regular en el promedio de lugares y superficies…grande fue la sorpresa de los fisicos rusos al medir la precipitacion dentro de la piramide… La forma y disposicion de la piramide hacia que los neutrinos y radiacion cosmica no ingresara a la piramide y formaba una figura geometrica esferica alrededor de la piramide,como una burbuja de proteccion…
Uno de los tecnicos mostro algo asombroso usando un tester o multimetro…como ya sabran Produce un zumbido aun ante tensiones tan bajas como la de 30 ohms…la necesaria para probar un diodo y cuando conectaron la pinza que se ajusta al borne era normal y apoyandolo en partes de las camaras a veces daba voltajes extrañamente periodicos…como 30,03003…
Recordemos la importancia del numero 30 llamado numero del maestro en masoneria y que los monumentos y templos se ubican en una banda alrededor de los 30 grados terrestres…
Habia electricidad en la piramide…cargas bajas de resistencia,pero no venian de ninguna parte determinada..el silencio era tremendo en el interior,asfixiante y sin embargo las grabadoras reproducian sonidos captados inexistentes…
La piramide era una especie de nicho que aislaba de rayos cosmicos como si fuera una jaula de faraday pero a la vez dentro de la piramide habia resistencia electrica y alguna radiacion u ondas de radio que impresionaban las grabadoras magnetofonicas…
Como no podian establecerlo a ciencia cierta y ante la sorpresa advirtieron a Krushev y no lo dejaron ingresar a la piramide a pesar que estaba en la agenda…
Esto llamo la atencion de inteligencia en usa y luego de la salida de los sovieticos enviaron su propio grupo de expertos infiltrado en una expedicion encubierta que llevaba al cairo a la piramide de Cheops a una de las vedettes de la fisica de usa..
Los gringos no andan con chiquitas y que los rusos retrocedan ante la piramide les da el incordio de que se estan perdiendo de algo grande y ellos odian relegarse y quedarse sin tajada…
Mandaron al dr Alvarez,un nobel de fisica que enseñaba en berkeley,jefe del tecnologico de masachusets (m.i.t) que trabajo en el proyecto manhattan y fue observador en hiroshima (de ese holocausto,el extrajo conocimiento ..asi como hacia Mengele y otros en aras de la ciencia) ademas fue director de los alamos y el arsenal atomico CERCA DE LA BASE ROSWELL…sospechoso no ? Y consejero cientifico de la presidencia de Usa…o sea no era un pelagatos…sino un groso de la ciencia…
Presentemos el curriculum para saber quien fue este…
Fecha y lugar de nacimiento: 1911, San Francisco, California. Defunción: 1988.
Luis Walter Alvarez ganó el Premio Nobel en Física en 1968 por el descubrimiento de un gran número de estados de resonancia (partículas subatómicas que tienen una vida muy corta y que aparecen solamente en colisiones nucleares de alta potencia). El descubrimiento fue posible por el desarrollo de una técnica propia del físico para el uso de la cámara de burbujas de hidrógeno y el análisis de datos.
En los primeros años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, trabajó en el laboratorio de radiación del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (1940 - 1943), fue el responsable de desarrollar tres importantes sistemas de radar: el sistema de microondas de aviso temprano (microwave early warning system); el sistema Águila de bombardeo de altitud (Eagle high altitude bombing system); y un sistema de aterrizaje con visión limitada para uso civil y militar, el acercamiento controlado por tierra (GCA, Ground-Controlled Approach).
De 1943 a 1944 trabajó en el laboratorio de metales de la Universidad de Chicago para más tarde integrar al equipo del Proyecto Manhattan en el Laboratorio de Los Alamos en Nuevo México (1944 - 1945). El profesor Alvarez desarolló los detonadores para activar la bomba de plutonio y viajó como científico observador al lanzamiento de las bombas de Almagordo e Hiroshima.
En Almagordo se realizó la primera prueba de una explosión nuclear, el 16 de julio de 1945, en Nuevo México. En Hiroshima se hizo el primer lanzamiento hostil de una bomba atómica, en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, esta fue lanzada el 6 de agosto de 1945 en Japón, matando al menos a unas 70.000 personas en forma instantánea.
En 1946 Alvarez recibió el Trofeo Collier por la Asociación Nacional de Aeronáutica por el desarrollo del acercamiento controlado por tierra (GCA- Ground Controlled Approach). En 1953 recibió el John Scott Medaland Prize, entregado por la ciudad de Filadelfia, por el mismo trabajo. En 1947 fue premiado con la Medalla al Mérito. En 1960 fue nombrado como “El científico del Año de California” por sus investigaciones en física de alta energía.
En 1961 recibió la Medalla Einstein por su contribución a las ciencias físicas. En 1963 ganó el Pioneer Award entregado por la AIEEE. En 1964 recibió la Medalla Nacional de Ciencias por sus aportes a las físicas de alta energía. Y en 1965 recibió el Premio Michelson.
El Dr. Luis Walter Alvarez fue miembro del comité consejero de ciencias de la presidencia desde 1971 a 1972. En 1978, desarrolló con su hijo la teoría del meteorito, que intenta explicar la extinción de los dinosaurios. La alta presencia de iridio entre las capas de roca cretácea y terciaria sugería que un meteorito habría impactado la tierra hacia unos 65 millones de años atrás, según los científicos esta podría ser la causa de la masiva extinción de los dinosaurios.
Luis Walter Alvarez recibió su Bachillerato en Ciencias de la Universidad de Chicago en 1932, el título de Master en Ciencias en 1934, y el Ph.D. en física en 1936. …
En realidad hubo dos expediciones para evaluar resultados y es poco lo que filtran los cientificos gringos cuando investigan algo que les interesa e importa a ellos…la excusa fue restauracion historica,geodesia y el desplazamiento de reliquias durante la inundacion de la represa de assuan,avalada por la onu…
Alvarez midio las radiaciones con una exactitud de varios decimales usando equipos enviados por el fisico newman de usa.sucesor de Einstein…
Pero el se dio cuenta observando el corte de las camaras de la gran piramide,que esta era una maquina y una camara de resonancia…y las proporciones mostraban numeros que ya anticipaban lo de la alineacion con Sirio y edificaciones en la luna y marte fotografiados por la mariner de la nasa en 1965 y por sondas rusas en la luna y marte,guardando proporciones en las desviaciones…
La misma mano y tecnica en mismas construcciones en luna,marte y egipto…no hay que ser un genio para darse cuenta de lo que esto implica…
Ademas este fisico investigo el choque y recuperacion de ROSWELL…y anuncio lo de los dinosaurios extintos por un meteorito,teoria hoy desestimada por la evidencia que la extincion fue selectiva y realizada con ingenieria genetica,seguramente por la misma raza que construyo la piramides en la luna y marte y que los egipcios consideraron dioses y sus maestros e inspiradores de su tecnica….
Pero lo que encontro el primer alvarez,premio nobel yanqui dio lugar al ingreso del 2do Alvarez Esta vez un cientifico argentino,cordobes…
El profesor Dr. José Alvarez López (n. 1914†2007) fue un científico multidisciplinario, escritor de más de una decena de libros y arqueólogo argentino.
El profesor J.A.L. fue un estudioso de las pirámides y viajó a Egipto en tres ocasiones a lo largo de su vida, dedicando varios libros a ellas (“El enigma de las pirámides”, “El desafío de la Gran Pirámide”, “El mensaje de la Gran Pirámide”, “"Misterios egipcios”), y siendo consultado por equipos científicos de varias partes del mundo. Entre esos equi pos, José Alvarez López dirigió al de la Universidad de Berkeley, California (EE.UU.) cuando estudiaron la famosa pirámide de Kefrén.
Es tan vasta e impresionante la obra de este arqueologo-fisico-matematico que solo citaremos lo relativo a esta nota.
Este Alvarez fundamenta la tecnica de proyectos e ingenieria egipcia como de una serie de proporciones y relaciones que incluyen tal cantidad de constantes fisicas y medidas que exigen un conocimiento de geometria,acustica,musica,mecanica de fluidos,fisica,mineralogia,mecanica cuantica,trigonometria,electronica,astrofisica y hasta criptografia haciendo que solo una civilizacion mucho mas avanzada que la nuestra es capaz de conjugar e interrelacionar…
Y desprende que esa misma tecnica se uso en construcciones legendarias a lo largo y ancho del planeta y justamente esas leyendas hablan de razas venidas de las estrellas que vinieron a la tierra a resolver sus diferencias y la humanidad fue testigo de sus batallas y a veces perseguida y a veces protegida y instruida por la tecnica y ciencia de sus maestros que establecieron bases-templos en la tierra donde la humanidad al principio sirvio como animales de carga y arreo ,pero con el tiempo el conocimiento de los dioses los convirtio en mascotas y luego en asistentes y al final en peones o piezas del misterioso juego de poder de esos dioses sobre la historia y que la leyenda del olimpo griego y el valhalla escandinavo pinta acertadamente…
Justamente la adquisicion de la tecnica y conocimiento de parte de los celestiales a la primitiva humanidad esta simbolizado en la serpiente que ofrece la manzana del conocimiento…
Ese conocimiento de la construccion sagrada y de las leyes de la creacion dado por una faccion de los visitantes que sirvieron de mentores nuestros que sin embargo los libros sagrados llaman “los caidos” pero sin embargo nos enseñaron las ciencias y tecnica y a domesticar especies y hasta vegetales como el maiz por ejemplo…a diferencia de dioses impios y usurpadores del poder que nos diezman con pestes y diluvios y guerras…
Demasiada info para una nota,hasta aqui vimos que los monolitos y monumentos,templos y piramides actuan como antenas de energias teluricas y sintonizadores de concentraciones de particulas ionicas y electrostaticas cuya funcion es armonizar el intercambio de energias duales entre las atmosfericas y las subterraneo-teluricas,en palabras simples,las construcciones actuarian como agujas de acupuntura para sanar a la tierra y la psiquis colectiva…
La religion pone enfasis en templos,catedrales o iglesias a los que concurre la masa a lograr una comunion colectiva de conciencia,ya sea catarsis-meditacion-inspiracion lo importante es que el lugar intenta lograr un estado colectivo de conciencia y vaya si eso es importante…
Asi que son maquinas de comunion de conciencia donde se transmiten y catalizan pensamientos y estados psicologicos que sirven para elevar la conciencia y recordar esa herencia de luz que recibimos de nuestros dioses-mentores…
Los monolitos mueven la aguja del tester y modifican el crecimiento de vegetales,ademas registran alguna clase de radiacion que impresiona cintas magneticas…ademas las grillas que muestran las zonas con oleadas ovnis descubiertas por Jacques Valle coinciden con la rejilla de Hartmann y las lineas lays o caminos de dragones muestran rutas de fenomenos climaticos y trafico de ovnis…
Los radiotelescopios han captado las señales de radio que emiten planetas y hasta el sol y que platon llamo la musica de las esferas….estas construcciones emiten ondas de radio bajisimas de frecuencia y lentitud que solo son comparables con estados de conciencia como alfa o theta que corresponden a estados de conciencia expandida de la mistica y al subconciente profundo….
Acaso esos monumentos emiten señales o musica o programas mentales para nuestre mente superior y subconciente sanandonos e inspirandonos ?
Donde las construcciones son chips o maquinas parte de una red global que en vez de cables,se transmita y alimente y conecte a traves de lineas geoteluricas o lays….
Eso si seria motivo para hacer obras como catedrales,piramides o templos,no como tumbas o capricho…
Hemos extendido mucho la nota y retomaremos el tema de la construccion sagrada y los extraños experimentos secretos de las potencias en otra nota….por ahora creo que hemos dado bastante info…
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asktheadeptus · 7 years
Imperator - class Titan
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"How like a God He is, that ancient Machine, primal of all His Kind, the Imperator! His mighty Fists, massive like two Towers of Destruction, laden with Doom of Mankind's bitter Foes. He watches over us now as Battle joins, and in his Shadow we shall advance upon our Enemies and defeat them."— Anonymous Adeptus Mechanicus Enginseer
The Imperator-class Titan is the largest and most powerful variant of Emperor Titan ever deployed by the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It is literally a walking fortress and is armed with much more firepower than the next Battle Titan in size, the smaller Warlord-class Titan. An Imperator-class Titan is one of the two classes of super-heavy Titans known as Emperor Titans that also includes the even more rarely deployed Warmonger-class Titan. The Imperator-class of Emperor Titan is a general-purpose assault platform, whereas the Warmonger-class Emperor Titan is a dedicated fire-support unit with more advanced fire control and targeting systems intended to aid its more specialised function. Both classes of Emperor Titan represent the most powerful mobile weapon systems in the arsenal of the Imperium of Man and are often unmatched by any force deployed by the enemy. Emperor Class Titans are extremely rare in the Imperium as the Adeptus Mechanicus has lost the capability to manufacture these monstrous war engines. Due to their immense size, Imperator Titans are not nearly as fast or agile as their smaller Scout and Battle Titan counterparts, but they more than make up for this failing with their sheer firepower and heavily armoured bulk. The Tech-priests of the Mechanicus consider the two classes of Emperor Titan to be avatars of the Machine God, walking incarnations of death intended to destroy all those who have displeased the Omnissiah.
The Imperator and Warmonger Emperor Titans stand approximately 55.5 meters (182 feet) tall. But this has been known to vary, as the infamous Chaos Imperator Titan Dies Irae of the Legio Mortis that laid siege to the Imperial Palace during the closing days of the Horus Heresy was said to stand approximately 43 meters (141 ft.) tall, a smaller size due to the fact that it had no cathedral dedicated to the God-Emperor on its back since the Imperial Cult had not yet become the state religion of an officially atheistic Imperium. These formidable super-heavy combat walkers are the largest and most powerful war machines at the disposal of the Imperium (with the exception of void ships); their firepower remains unrivaled by any other land unit used by any of the other factions of the galaxy. The size of their arm-mounted primary weapons are surpassed only by the ordnance of the largest vessels of the Imperial Navy. They are loaded to the brim with pre-installed weapons, and their mounts can handle Titan weapons too big for even Battle Titans (they do not carry any of the close-combat weapons, as their sole focus is on extreme firepower). Emperor Titans are very rare, and can crush many weaker war engines. Taking advantage of this formidable firepower, the Imperator Titan bombards enemy positions with an awesome and relentless barrage, far out of range of most of the enemy artillery.
Arm-Mounted Primary Weapons
The Imperator and Warmonger Class Titans can carry up to two arm-mounted primary weapons from the following:
Doomstrike Missile Launcher
Hellstorm Cannon
Plasma Annihilator
Vengeance Cannon
Carapace-Mounted Secondary Weapons
The Imperator and Warmonger Class Titans can carry up to six carapace-mounted secondary weapons from the following Titan-grade armaments:
Apocalypse Missile Launcher
Gatling Blaster
Inferno Gun
Laser Blaster
Melta Cannon
Plasma Destructor
Quake Cannon
Volcano Cannon
Vortex Support Missile
Vulcan Mega Bolter
Imperator and Warmonger-class Emperor Titans are crewed by one Princeps who commands the Titan and a number of Moderati who control its weapon systems, with multiple Tech-priests and Servitors stationed aboard the massive walker to provide basic technical support and maintenance during combat.
In comparison to Battle Titans of all classes, the Imperators and Warmongers are rare with most Titan Legions only able to field three or four in a campaign. These monstrous war engines are commanded by only the most battle-hardened Princeps. Their crews are composed of the finest crew members from other Titans within the Legion. The Titan Legion's Grand Masters often use Imperator Titans as their mobile headquarters from where they can issue commands or lead vital assaults personally. Imperators are most often employed as vast mobile fortresses, strengthening vulnerable sectors of the Imperial battlelines or to act as a reserve force. These Titans spearhead massive assaults when a major offensive begins, their immense firepower being brought to bear against enemy lines. Imperators are not configured to fight other Titans in close combat, relying instead on their deadly firepower to utterly annihilate their opponents before they can close in and engage with them. A complete company of Imperial Guard troops or Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii soldiers can be housed aboard the Imperator to guard it against infantry assaults or to be transported to vital objectives.
Notable Variants
The Warmonger-class Titan is a notable variant of the Imperator Titan, and is very similar in structure and appearance. It is unknown which variant was designed first as this knowledge has been lost down the long millennia of the Imperium's existence. However, it is well documented that both the Warmonger and Imperator Emperor Titans were both utilized extensively long before the outbreak of the galaxy-wide conflict of the Horus Heresy. Though they are physically similar, the functions of each class varies significantly. The weapons systems of this Imperator Titan variant provides it with a deep strike/fire-support capability, allowing the Warmonger-class to stand back and pound its foes from afar. This makes this particular Emperor Titan a magnet for enemy aerospace craft. However, the Warmonger has a healthy array of anti-aircraft systems, not to mention a sufficient number of Void Shields, to keep these threats at bay. This often leaves enemy commanders unsure how best to deal with this deadly foe.
Standard Weapon Configuration (Bakka Pattern)
8 Doomstrike Missiles
Vengeance Cannon
4 Quad Autocannons
Fire Control Center
Notable Imperator Titans
Abominatus "Despoiler of Worlds" (Imperator-class Titan) - Abominatus is one of the most terrifying of all the servants of the Blood God. Abominatus is the hellish union of an Imperator-class Titan and a Greater Daemon of Khorne. When it walks the ground shakes beneath its steel shod feet and the enemies of the Blood God quail in fear. This Chaos Titan wields fire and steel against its foes, with flames and gun smoke flickering from each casement and embrasure in its massive body, its soul burns with the unquenchable fire of a Daemon's hate. Abominatus carries a veritable arsenal of weapons built onto its body. Its main armament, the Hellstorm Cannon and Plasma Annihilator, along with its main battery function in an identical fashion to its Imperial counterpart. However the weapons on its main fighting platform are quite different. This Chaos-possessed Titan also has a Scorpion Cannon, a lethal multi-barreled weapon used for close assaults and is normally mounted on Daemon Engines of Khorne. It possesses Manglers, huge battle claws which can sweep aside battle tanks and flay enemy Titans to twisted metal. As Abominatus is part daemon and part machine, this makes it particularly resistant to psychic attack as well.
Aquila Ignis (Imperator-class Titan) - The Aquila Ignis was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Mortis, constructed in the Daedalia Forge Yards far to the south of Tharsis on Mars. The Aquila Ignis fought during the Schism of Mars against Loyalist elements from the Legio Tempestus in the battle for Magma City, where it was destroyed in the destruction of the Magma City.
Corinthian (Imperator-class Titan) - The Corinthian was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Oberon that survived Word Bearers' treachery on Calth. The Titan was later captured by the Legio Audax during the Shadow Crusade's battle for Meahor.
Death Casts Its Own Long Shadow (Imperator-class Titan) - The Death Casts Its Own Long Shadow was an Imperator-class Titan from an unknown Titan Legion, one of eight allied with Roboute Guilliman, drawn from the Forge Worlds of Tigrus and Accatran, that took part in the celebrations after the Dark Angels Legion's arrival at Ultramar in 009.M31.
Dies Irae (Imperator-class Titan) - The Dies Irae was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Mortis which was attached to the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet under the command of the Warmaster Horus. This infamous Titan was present during the opening days of the Horus Heresy at Istvaan III, when it followed Horus' orders and helped exterminate the remaining Loyalist Astartes of the Traitor Legions present on that cursed world after they were virus-bombed by their comrades from orbit. The Dies Irae was also present during all of the major ground assaults towards the end the rebellion. The Dies Irae finally met its fate ten millennia later during the siege of Hydra Cordatus in 999.M41 during the 13th Black Crusade when it served as part of an Iron Warriors attack force. When it was confronted by Imperial Titans from the Collegia Titanica, the Dies Irae was critically damaged when a Loyalist Warlord-class Titan detonated its plasma reactor when it was in close proximity to the Traitor Titan, which damaged the ancient Imperator-class Titan's armour. Another Warlord Titan then penetrated the Dies Irae's Void Shields and compromised external carapace with its Battle-Claw and crushed the Chaos-tainted Titan's plasma reactor. The resulting explosion wiped the Dies Irae 's ancient taint from the face of the galaxy forever.
Dominatus (Imperator-class Titan) - The Dominatus was an Imperator-class Titan from an unknown Titan Legion that fell in battle, fighting against the Forces of Chaos during the failed defense of Lorn V. Laying broken and forgotten for millennia, the lost Titan was rediscovered by the Imperium, and so, the Cadian 412th Imperial GuardRegiment, under the command of General Sturnn was dispatched to retrieve it. With the aid of the Eldar FarseerTaldeer of Craftworld Ulthwé and her warhost, who was on Lorn V for her own reasons, General Sturnn's regiment fought their way through both the Chaos Lord Crull's Blood Legion of Khorne Chaos Warband and the Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter's Orks, reaching the fallen Titan before their enemies. Powering up the slumbering god-engine, the Imperial forces were forced to fight the ancient menace, known as the Necrons, which had begun to emerge from beneath Lorn V's surface. Despite the Farseer's betrayal, Taldeer convinced General Sturnn to aid them against this new threat, and so, they made use of the Dominatus' powerful weapons into the Necrons' advancing Monoliths, thus defeating the Necron forces. But in the process, the ancient Titan's core was ruptured in the process, causing it to explode spectacularly, killing General Sturnn and the majority of the Cadian 412th. The Eldar had managed to flee back into the Webway just before it exploded. Those few survivors of the decimated regiment, quickly spread word off-world of the treachery of the Eldar Farseer, and to the present day, their regimental banner bears a black ribbon to mark their failure to recover the ancient Imperator Titan.
Exemplis (Imperator-class Titan) - The Exemplis was the last remaining Imperator Titan of the Legio Ignatum, worshiped by the Adeptus Mechanicus as an avatar of the Omnissiah. The Exemplis saw its last action on the world of Tanakreg against a large Word Bearers Traitor Legion warhost of the Dark Apostle Jarulek. Despite the horrendous casualties it inflicted upon the heretics, the Chaos Space Marines managed to board and destroy the Exemplis after attacking its more vulnerable components.
Ijax Ijastus (Imperator-class Titan) - The Ijax Ijastus was an Imperator-class Titan from an unknown Titan Legion , one of eight allied with Roboute Guilliman, drawn from the Forge Worlds of Tigrus and Accatran, that took part in the celebrations after the Dark Angels Legion's arrival at Ultramar in 009.M31.
Immortalis Domitor (Warmonger-class Titan) - The Immortalis Domitor was a Warmonger-class Titan of the Legio Praesagius that took part in the Battle of Calth in 007.M31. The Immortalis Domitor fought with endless daemon hordes until its destruction.
Imperious Corporalis (Imperator-class Titan) - The Imperious Corporailis was an Imperator-class Titan present during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
Magnificum Incendius (Imperator-class Titan) - The Magnificum Incendius was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Ignatum under the command of Princeps Bazzanius that served as part of Terra's defenses during the Horus Heresy.
Magnus Casei (Imperator-Class Titan) - Originally belonging to the Legio Vindictus, the Titan Legion detached to the protection of the Raven Guard’s home-system of Kiavahr, Magnus Casei was in fact controlled by one of the seditious sub-cults within the Mechanicum known as Order of the Dragon. During the early years of the Horus Heresy, Magnus Casei’s treachery was the initial spark that marked the beginning of insurrectionist uprisings on Kiavahr, which attempted to profit from the depleted state of the Raven Guard Legion to secede from the Imperium and quite possibly join Horus’ cause. As would only far later be discovered, the entire insurrection had been but a diversion to allow one of the Alpha Legion’s twin-Primarchs, Omegon, to infiltrate the Ravendelve-complex and steal the highly valuable Primarch-gene-seed template given to Corvus Corax by the Emperor himself.
Mettalum Olympus (Imperator-class Titan) - The Mettalum Olympus was a notable Imperator Titan, commanded by Princeps Goethe, which managed to almost single-handedly hold off a Tyranid invasion on the ash-choked plains of Horst Prime. Surrounded by an entire horde of Hierophant Bio-Titans, the ancient Titan met its end when the Tyranids managed to breach its plasma reactor. The resultant explosion vaporized everything within a kilometer, leaving a crater that is still visible from orbit.
Paragon of Terra (Imperator-class Titan) - The Paragon of Terra was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Crucius under the command of the Princeps Magnus Etana Kalonice, the key element of the Loyalists' defense during the Battle of Molech. The Paragon of Terra was destroyed by treacherous Chaos Knights of House Devine.
Praeco Deictus (Imperator-class Titan) - An Imperator Titan of the Legio Crucius, which had survived the grim days of the Horus Heresy and had won countless victories on thousands of worlds for the Imperium. The Praeco Deictus was destroyed, along with other Titans of the Legio Crucius, defending the Hive World of Kado from the Forces of Chaos. During the fighting, a hundred Slaanesh Hell-Knights infiltrated the main Hive City and emerged to attack the Imperator Titan from the rear where it was most vulnerable, turning it into a pile of molten slag.
Steel Hammer (Imperator-class Titan) - The Steel Hammer was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Metalica that fought during the Second War for Armageddon and served as the God-engine of the Legion's acting commander -- Princeps Senioris Kurtiz Mannheim. Steel Hammer accounted for the destruction of three Ork Gargants before it was severely damaged. Determined not to fall without a fight, Mannheim ordered his God-engine to be taken into the center of the Ork forces before his Titan's Plasma Reactor destabilized. When the reactor detonated, a half-dozen Gargants were destroyed alongside the Titan, delivering a powerful message to the Warlord Ghazghkull that the Collegia Titanica would never rest whilst a single Ork lived to taint Armageddon's soil.
Stormherald (Imperator-class Titan) - The Stormherald was one of the few Imperator-class Titans in the Legio Invigilata and the God-engine of Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion during the Third War for Armageddon and the Battle of Helsreach. The Stormherald 's Machine Spirit was resentful at being bound to its Princeps, and during the standard years of their enforced cooperation it had patiently weakened Mancion's mental resolve, seeking to finally drown her in its mindscape -- an effort only made easier as she aged. The Titan's efforts caused Mancion to not be in complete control of her thoughts, the flood of the Titan's mental gestalt making her undertake brazen actions. At one point during the Battle of Helsreach, the Stormherald nearly succeeded in overthrowing her will -- when the Draconian fell to an Ork trap and was destroyed by the xenos, Zarha Mancion was overcome with anger and foolishly strode ahead of her screening Titans and Skitarii fire support seeking vengeance, only to fall to a similar trap moments later. The damage inflicted by the Greenskins and the shame of defeat caused her to loosen her grip on the recalcitrant Titan's Machine Spirit -- and she was very nearly overwhelmed by it. The Titan and its Princeps would have been lost had it not been for the intervention of a Black Templars strike force under the command of the Black Templars Reclusiarch Merek Grimaldus. The Astartes cleansed the God Machine of xenos taint and their Chaplain helped Zarha Mancion emerge from the psychic maelstrom that is a Titan's mental landscape. The Stormherald would continue to participate in the Battle of Helsreach until it was destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbreaker.
Tantorus Magnificat (Warmonger-class Titan) - The Tantorus Magnificat was a Warmonger-class Titan of the Legio Castigatra that fought with the Legio Audax Battle-Pack Karnassia on the Hive World of Absolom during the Horus Heresy and fell, in a final act of defiance, when its crew overloaded the Titan's Plasma Reactor, annihilating the Tantorus Magnificat and several Traitor Titans alongside it.
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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☂ What’s your best RP experience?
☂ What’s your best RP experience?     Honestly, I haven’t had a really outstandingly amazing event happen that sticks with me for life, but man, most of my rp experiences have been wonderful. Though--one that isn’t quite an rp specific experience but relates to rp blogs--finding my lovely admin @graciieuse again was wonderful!     We rped before all the way over in the Pokemon fandom, but I drifted away into another fandom (can’t remember which one it was because it was a few ones ago) before coming into the OW fandom on my Reaps blog. I got a follow from the lovely bean and then noticed a familiar admin icon being used so I had to message and, lo and behold, it was my lovely magma Admin ♥ I’ve expected when I move away from a fandom that I probably won’t talk to my friends often from there because most don’t have similar interests as I do outside that fandom, and the likelihood of finding each other with the number of rp blogs out there--for both of us to decide “hey let’s follow that blog” or “let’s follow them back” is slim. Fucking fate was nice to let me talk and rp with my admin again ♥
    ~ Munday  hella sweet positivity >~ ; accepting ( @horus-amari )
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Defilers are constructed in the soul forges, a huge sprawl of sulphurous worlds within the Eye of Terror. Within the Immaterium, millions of the Dark Mechanicum’s bleak forge-citadels ring with the abominable industry of Chaos. They are foul places. The warp-distressed spires of tainted foundries vanish up into skies choked with sorcerous smoke. The air on the ground is thick with garbled chanting, hideous pledges and foul incantations that would never be uttered by the sane. The stench of rank magicks lingers in labyrinthine passageways, mingling with the charred odour from protein farms. The corrupted servitors who slave away for their masters never see any light save that of the glow of magma or the spark of sorcery.
Such places are forever spawning new creations of flesh and metal to be unleashed by the Forces of Chaos in order to bring terror to the galaxy. On these old worlds, hidden in twisted metal and bone citadels and tainted manufactorums, Warpsmiths labour to create all manner of war engines. Their mechatendrils are forever whirring about them as they perform their forbidden art. And it is the Defiler that stands among the Warpsmiths’ most revered and feared creations.
Strictly speaking, the body of a Defiler is not manufactured from anything new, for the obscure processes of the Warpsmiths reconstitute it from Warp-tainted metal wrenched from other constructs. The Defilers’ ancient slab-sided metal panels have been known to possess the runic signatures of ancient Forge Worlds that fell during the Horus Heresy, and of Tech-Priests who had turned traitor. It is said by those within the Council of the Ordo Malleus that many such panels, as well as other elements of the Defiler’s technology, are originated from Dreadnoughts, perverted by the hands of Chaos and distorted by the Warp. During this process the Warpsmith may affix all manner of weaponry to the construct. As such, Defilers have been seen crawling across the battlefield armed with havoc launchers, power scourges, power fists and huge twin-linked heavy flamers. But central to the war engine is the battle cannon, which delivers death to all corners of a battlefield.
Expect to see my own evil demonic Word Bearers crab tank slamming into battle soon.
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eyeofthestorm888 · 5 years
"They Shall Not Suffer a Machine to Think! For Ruin Shall Be Its Purpose and Accursed Be the Work."
— Archmagos Takashi Ludd, "Castigations upon the Logistica Corpus"
During the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras, Adept Lukas Chrom was the Forge Master of the mightiest forge temple of the city of Mondus Gamma on Mars. Along with several other members of the Mechanicum, Chrom secretly pledged his support for the rebellious Warmaster Horus during the opening days of the Horus Heresy alongside his master, the Fabricator-General Kelbor-Hal.
An insufferable and arrogant individual, Chrom enjoyed the favour of the Fabricator-General in return. Chrom secretly constructed a deadly war robot known as the Kaban Machine which was a fully sentient thinking machine -- a forbidden technology known to the Mechanicum as A.I. (Abominable Intelligence) because similar creations had once turned on their human creators and unleashed a horrific ancient war. Despite his best attempts to keep the project concealed from his contemporaries, there were rumours of the work that he was pursuing in his forge -- experiments on war engines designed with artificial sentience. Each time a rumour of this machine surfaced, the data conduits whispered the name "Kaban," a play on the ancient Gyptian word for their "god" Horus. This implied that the Kaban Machine had been built in the service of Horus Lupercal. Eventually, Adept Chrom unleashed his creation upon the Plasma Reactors controlled by the Loyalist Mechanicum Adept Maximal in the Gigas Fossae, in a covert attack intended to test the Kaban Machine's abilities. Much of the opposition the machine encountered was destroyed until it was sighted by one of the Knights of Taranis, a Loyalist Knight House stationed on Mars. The Kaban Machine was engaged by one of the Knights, but the Loyalist war engine struggled against the formidable sentient machine. After the reactors of the Gigas Fossae exploded, the Kaban Machine seemed to suddenly disappear without a trace. But unfortunately, it would be discovered intact by an innocent cargo hauler by the name of Quixus, who was in turn discovered by Forge Master Chrom and his Skitarii forces. Chrom had his foul creation turn his weapons on the lowly Menial and execute him. Chrom, after successfully testing the Kaban Machine, commanded it to seek out and terminate one Dalia Cythera -- a young Terran girl bestowed with the very unique psychic ability to subconsciously tap into the total sum of knowledge housed within the Immaterium. Cythera was saved from execution for altering a piece of Mechanicum technology in violation of the Machine Cult's sacred proscription against innovation and was brought to Mars by High Adept Koriel Zeth, the Mistress of Magma City. Zeth sought to employ her innovative skills in constructing a device that could transcribe all knowledge from the Warp -- the Akashic Reader. Cythera successfully created the device, but to function it required vast quantities of psychic energy. Such an amount could only be harvested from the Astronomican during Mars' and Terra's mutual alignment. By pure coincidence, this alignment occurred at the same time as Fabricator-General Kelbor-Hal and the Adept Regulus opened the Vaults of Moravec, an ancient repository of forbidden technology, thus releasing digital viral scrapcode upon the Red Planet. The Akashic Reader, however, proved to be unable to channel such amounts of psychic energy due to a miscalculation in its construction, and the Emperor's Warp-energy flooded Magma City, shielding it from all attacks by the Chaos-spawned scrapcode. The Dark Mechanicum Adepts on Mars were puzzled and became fearful due to this development, and when they learned that Cythera was responsible for the protection of Magma City, they decided that she must be terminated. The Kaban Machine, following one failed attempt on her life, finally tracked the girl down near the entrance to the Noctis Labirynthus. At that point, Cythera and her companions would have certainly died, were it not for two Knights of House Taranis who had been tracking the sentient machine ever since the destruction of Maximal's Plasma Reactor. The Knights succeeded in overcoming the Traitor robot by outwitting its A.I., but both of their own war engines were damaged in the resulting battle. During the subsequent Schism of Mars the Kaban Machine was responsible for aiding the Dark Mechanicum in the attempted conquest of Mars by the Traitors. It is unknown what happened to this horrific machine after the end of the Horus Heresy.
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NASA Space Capsule Locates Plastic Element On Saturn's Moon Titan.
Horus, the Falcon-god whose title is confirmed off a minimum of as early as the beginning from the Dynastic Period (3100 BC). NASA's Beauty program was actually the very first, as well as to this day merely, purpose to effectively land people on the Moon The 1st landing took place in 1969, when rocketeers put scientific musical instruments and also returned lunar examples to The planet. Nitrogen wealthy minerals which are actually a necessary component of nutrition of all moon living things and assist in development of the vegetations are reused in the pond due Basiporady2016.Info to the periodic tidal activity that develops. The Right Bell prominent and also the moon behind-the-scenes replaced the bald eagle with array wings. Contrast of minimum required and optimum noticeable sizes from the Sunlight as well as Moon (and also planets). Exactly how may Moon The lord Chandra marry 27 Superstar, Since Sun is actually a superstar, So the dimension from incredibly huge as compare to moon. Moon in Aries-- this is actually a dry out, parched, manly sign, well made use of for destroying pots. This's a great effectiveness tale for creatures and conservationists," Klavitter told Wire service in a telephone job interview off Midway. A gibbous moon can mean progress in a specific waking life place is actually occurring, yet even more growth is essential prior to readiness is satisfied. This brand new LEGO equine layout for the Lord from the Bands sets is really pleasant along with moving back lower legs in order that he can rear up as displayed in account. Where the Sunshine behaves, the Moon reacts; the Moon is our natural and casual reactions. There was additionally one of two midsection ropes that Armstrong made use of to sustain themselves during the course of the singular rest period on the moon. They have actually provided a wide range of benefits to the moon neighborhood through spreading their expertise and also tips. Full Moon on January 19, 2011 at 1:21 pm PST: You have a complete 24 Hr to hook up, suffuse the Moon Goddess's mood and stuffing yourself as much as the border. Luni, marti, miercuri, joi, vineri, simbata, duminica (in fact, luni, marți, miercuri, joi, vineri, sîmbătă, duminică) - I certainly never offered much idea to the etymology even though I ensure I read about it at some time; so it was nice to discover your write-up. The Moon has constantly been described as something extraterrestrial and unexplainable in sci-fi stories. The voice actors nail it as well as the singing ... omg ... this was actually snappy and also merely wonderful. This moment, waterway may indicate, superstars can attest, moon may witness, the summer months flies also may prove for you. Many Wiccans having the second scenery openly published their unfavorable judgments, with the Wiccan Jani Farrell-Roberts joining a published argument along with Hutton in the British Polytheist journal The Cauldron (2003 ), whilst the New Zealander Ben Whitmore released a short book directing a critical eye on Hutton's job, entitled Tests of the Moon (2010 ). My memory (off hearing/ reviewing this story annually after carrying out Vinayaka Chavithi puja) is actually that Viewing the moon on Bhadrapada Sudha/ Shukla Chaturthi/ Chaviti (Birthday Party from Ganesha) causes one to become incorrectly implicated, as well as out Chaturdasi as said in your variation. This creates it a lot more difficult to visit, mine, and come back off with the processed product, in comparison to the Moon. The opposite of the moon is actually much more thick as well as magma is much less likely to seep via. I even got into the squishing of the Moon Dough, considering that this is actually texture was actually way too much to stand up to.
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asktheadeptus · 8 years
Ferrus Manus
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"Rest? We were not made to rest; we go on, unflinching, unstoppable, unending in our strength. The Emperor did not make us for such mortal concerns as hearth and home, vanity or contemplation; we are his engines of war, his hammers, beating out the fabric of existence into a vessel fit for Mankind to inhabit."— Ferrus Manus, as quoted in Shadow of the Gorgon by the Remembrancer Czel Atternus
Ferrus Manus, also known as The Gorgon, was the Primarch of the Iron Hands Space Marine Legion, a master smith known for creating weapons that were able to inspire awe in any who saw them, such as the sword he created for Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor's Children Legion or the Bolter he crafted for Vulkan, the Primarch of the Salamanders Legion, said to have a barrel designed to look like the gaping mouth of a dragon. Ferrus' hands were covered in the metallic substance known as necrodermis and he needed no hammer or flame to create beauty through metallurgy, using only his exceptionally powerful hands to mold and shape molten metal. Ferrus forged his closest bond with his brother Fulgrim, but this relationship ultimately ended in tragedy after Fulgrim fell to Chaos during the Horus Heresy. During the Drop Site Massacre on the world of Istvaan V at the start of the Heresy, Fulgrim decapitated Ferrus with a daemonic sword, an action that ultimately cemented his slavery to a Greater Daemon of the Chaos God Slaanesh.
“They are not my hands. This fact is forgotten by my brothers -- inexplicably, it has always seemed to me. The hands are strong, to be sure, and have created great things for us all, but they are not mine. And that counts for something. They forget that the silver on my arms comes from a beast that I vanquished. It is the mark of a great evil that I ended, and yet it persists within me... I would struggle to remove it now... I will not remove the silver from my flesh because I have learned to depend on it. The fault is with my mind. I rely on the augmentation given to me by my metal gauntlets, so much so that the flesh beneath them is now little more than a distant memory... A day will come when I will strip it from me, lest I lose the power to master myself forever. Already my Legion's warriors replace their shield hands with metal in my honour, and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies. They must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a mania for them. Hatred of what is natural, of what is human, is the first and greatest of the corruptions. So I record it here: when the time comes, I will strip my hands of their unnatural silver. I will instruct my Legion to recant their distrust of the flesh. I will turn them away from the gifts of the machine and bid them relearn the mysteries of flesh, bone and blood. When my father's Crusade is over, this shall be my sacred task. When the fighting is done, I shall cure my Legion and myself. For if fighting is all there is, if we may never pause to reflect on what such devotion to strength is doing to us, then our compulsion will only grow.
"—The Neimerel Scrolls attributed to the Primarch Ferrus Manus
At the dawn of the Imperium of Man, before the Great Crusade had begun, the 20 gene-children of the Emperor of Mankind, the Primarchs, were scattered across the known galaxy through the Warp in a mysterious accident due to the intervention of the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. The gestation capsules of all 20 Primarchs were stolen from the Emperor's secret gene-laboratory deep beneath the Himalazian (Himalayan) Mountains on Terra and were flung across thousands of light years, all eventually coming to rest on backwater human colony planets. It was this first touch of Chaos before the Primarchs had even been born that may have corrupted so many of them and laid the foundation for the agonising tragedy of the Horus Heresy that was to come. One of these infant Primarchs turned up on the dark, geologically unstable Feral World of Medusa in the Segmentum Obscurus very near to the Eye of Terror, his gestation capsule burning a trail through the cloud-dominated sky as it impacted the highest mountain on the world, Karaashi, the Ice Pinnacle. The impact shattered the mountain top, burying Ferrus deep in the ice in a tremendous explosion of steam. The land shook under the impact which could be felt the world over. Mountains were toppled and great chasms were formed as the planet rumbled under the coming of the Primarch. Medusa rumbled with such ferocity that the Medusans later said that many of the world's mountains simply shook themselves to pieces.
Years later that special infant, named Ferrus Manus (High Gothic for "Iron Hand") by the Medusans, walked unscathed and already fully grown from the uninhabited mountain ranges of the far northern wastes where the Ice Pinnacle lay. The legends of the roaming clans, taught from father to son throughout the ages, revolve around the early exploits of Ferrus, who came to be regarded as a great warrior amongst the nomadic clans of Medusa. Much about the formative years of Ferrus Manus on Medusa remains unknown, not so much through any deliberate veil of secrecy perhaps, but because what was later retold by the Medusans themselves was filtered through the barbaric folk-memory of their culture, while the Gorgon himself was taciturn on the matter to any save the Emperor. There have been many who have studied the formative situations of the Primarchs who have drawn parallels between the conditions in which Vulkan found himself on Nocturne and Ferrus Manus encountered on Medusa; both were found on savage, barren worlds riven by hostile conditions and both were home to primitive cultures, long cut off from the rest of Mankind during the Age of Strife. But beyond these surface features, the two worlds and, in particular, those who dwelled upon them could not have been more different.
If what can be gleaned from the Medusan folk tales holds true, it was not into the clan-ranges he first fell in blaze of light that sundered the grey, shrouding skies of the planet, but in the northern polar regions, shattering Karaashi, the Pinnacle of Black Ice. This locale was one of many places the Medusans considered the accursed abodes of the malign shades of the dead and slumbering iron-skinned monsters of legend. This set the scene for the Primarch's entrance into mythic history, and the Medusan legends teach of him wandering the northern realms, casting down hulking storm giants, performing superhuman feats of cunning and strength, and slaying monsters and murderous machine-creatures left relic beneath the black ice of Medusa from bygone ages of war and slaughter. The most renowned of such fables featured the deathless horror of the great silver wyrm Asirnoth, who Imperial savants hypothesize to have been a Necron machine construct impervious to harm. The Primarch had to draw the creature into molten magma in order to kill it. The creature's quicksilver-skin (Necrodermis) marked the Primarch in its death-throes and now perpetually coated the Primarch's own hands and forearms, lending him his common name.
When the Gorgon, as he had become known, strode forth from the forbidden realms of sundered Medusa to batter the disparate clans of his world into submission to his overlordship, he was already thought of as a living god by its natives. But while he did not require of the Medusans worship and did nothing to encourage it, he demanded obedience to his will, and bloodily broke any who would contest his word. Nor did he quell conflict or bring peace upon the planet, but instead he gave the Iron Fathers -- the half Tech-priests, half-shamans who ministered to the clans' spiritual and technological needs -- the fruits of his own intervention in exchange for the technological secrets they had kept down the generations. Through the Gorgon's teachings the Medusan clans then forged better weapons and stronger machines with which to fight to prove their worth to survive.
Ferrus Manus also led the bravest warriors of the clans to delve into the frozen realms below, breaking open long-sealed vaults and intruding into ice-buried fragments of the great machine-works that had plunged from the skies in ancient days in search of salvage and strong metal. In the depths, the warrior-bands and the silver-eyed giant who led them fought degenerate mutants, living-dead cyborgs whose decayed flesh hung in tatters from corroded metal bodies, and subdued the dark-engines of the nightmare ages that had gone before to take their plunder. By the time the Emperor had come to claim him for the Great Crusade, Ferrus Manus was warlord, demi-god and sage to the people of Medusa, and it is said that he was waiting, and that he more than half-suspected the true purpose of his creation.
When the Primarch of the Xth Legion was discovered, he was among the first of the Emperor's lost sons to be found, and, like Horus Lupercal and Leman Russ before him, had risen to become a warlord in his own right on the world on which he had been cast. So it was that Ferrus Manus' transition from planetary warlord to general of the Great Crusade was a swift one, aided by his evident hunger for the task set before him and the uncompromising intelligence and diligent application to this greater challenge he displayed. In a scant few years, Ferrus Manus was transferred full control of the Xth Legion which he took command of body and soul, renaming it and remaking it in his image. Sweeping away much of what had gone before by way of organisation at a stroke, the Primarch took the Xth Legion apart with the precision and intent with which an artisan might deconstruct a mechanical chronograph, reconfigure its components and re-assemble it in a fashion more to his liking.
When Ferrus Manus took charge of his Legion, he, like most of the other Primarchs, used his foster-world as the base and principal headquarters of his Legion. In doing this he wedded the two: the Medusan people and the Terran-founded Xth Legion together forcibly, creating something new that shared aspects of both that had gone before and eradicating with bloody-handed ruthlessness anything that would not yield to his will. Where once there had been Chapters as constituent units of the Legion in the Terran style, there would now be Clans, but this was not a mere symbolic union, and Terran Space Marines were ordered to displace the existing Clans' rulership both temporal and spiritual in the only way that the Medusans knew: by brute force. So the Iron Hands became the new Medusans; the Astartes walking among them as demi-gods, and the people of the nomad clans under their thrall fighting and dying not simply just to survive any more, but ultimately for their children to prove worthy to join the Iron Hands Legion's ranks.
The installation of the Iron Hands on Medusa and the establishment of Imperial Compliance over the world did little to alleviate hardship, halt conflict or undo the barbaric superstitions of the natives. Ferrus Manus saw to that, for the trials and hardships of life on Medusa would winnow the weak from the strong and see that only the physically fittest, most warlike and psychologically "suitable" recruits would join the ranks of his Legion. To counteract the potential flaw of Medusa's small population base, Ferrus Manus saw to it that on suitably recalcitrant human worlds his Iron Hands conquered by force, he exacted a tithe in perpetuity of strong male youths, taking them in early adolescence and selected at his behest by mendicant priests of the Mechanicum as tribute to Medusa: there to live, struggle, fight and survive if they were strong enough, as fresh blood for its clans. Should they prove worthy, they would become Aspirants for his Legion upon attaining their maturity. So it was that the bloody inheritance and bleak creed of Medusa was spread to successive generations of the Iron Hands, forging the X Legion into a weapon of unparalleled ruthlessness.
The Gorgon and the Phoenix
The brotherhood shared by the Primarchs Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus, the Phoenician and the Gorgon, was well known in the Imperium at the time of the Great Crusade, as the two superhuman leaders formed an instant connection upon their first meeting. This initial encounter occurred on Terra, beneath Mount Narodnya, the greatest forge of the Urals, where Ferrus Manus was busy toiling with the forge-masters who had once served the Terrawatt Clan during the Unification Wars soon after his arrival from Medusa. The Primarch of the Iron Hands had been demonstrating his phenomenal skill and the miraculous powers of his liquid metal hands when Fulgrim, the Primarch of the IIIrd Legion, the Emperor's Children, and his elite Phoenix Guard, had descended upon the sprawling forge complex.
Neither Primarch had yet met the other, but each had felt the shared bonds of alchemy and science that had gone into their making. Both were like gods unto the terrified artisans, who prostrated themselves before these two mighty warriors as though fearing a terrible battle might ensue between them. Ferrus Manus later told the tale to the Astartes of the Xth Legion claiming that Fulgrim had declared that he had come to forge the most perfect weapon ever created, and that he would bear it in the coming Great Crusade. Of course the Primarch of the Iron Hands could not let such a boast go unanswered, and he had laughed in Fulgrim’s face, declaring that such pasty hands could never be the equal of his own living metal appendages. Fulgrim accepted the challenge with regal grace, and both Primarchs had stripped to the waist, working without pause for weeks on end, the forge ringing with the deafening pounding of hammers, the hiss of cooling metal, and the good-natured insults of the two demigods as they sought to outdo one another.
At the end of three months' unceasing toil, both warriors had finished their weapons. Fulgrim had forged an exquisite warhammer -- Forgebreaker -- that could level a mountain with a single blow, and Ferrus Manus a golden bladed sword -- Fireblade -- that forever burned with the fire of the forge. Both weapons were unmatched by any yet crafted by Man, and upon seeing what the other had created, each Primarch declared that his opponent’s was the greater. Fulgrim declared the golden sword the equal of that borne by the legendary hero Nuada Silverhand, while Ferrus Manus had sworn that only the mighty thunder gods of Nordyc legend were fit to bear such a magnificent warhammer. Without another word spoken, both Primarchs had swapped weapons and sealed their eternal friendship with the craft of their hands.
The weight of the formidable warhammer Forgebreaker was enormous and unbearable for anyone but one of the Emperor’s Astartes. Its haft was the color of ebony, elaborately worked with threads of gold and silver that formed the shape of a lightning bolt, and the head was carved into the shape of a mighty eagle, its barbed beak forming the striking face and its tapered wings the claw. Anyone who looked upon the mighty warhammer could feel the power radiating from within it and know instinctively that more than just skill had gone into its forging. Love and honour, loyalty and friendship, death and vengeance...all were embodied within its majestic form, and the thought that the Iron Hands Primarch’s sworn honour brother had created this weapon made it truly legendary.
According to legend, Ferrus Manus was commonly referred to as The Gorgon. Some on Terra said the name was in reference to an ancient legend of the Olympian Hegemony. The Gorgon was a beast of such incredible ugliness that its very gaze could turn a man to stone. Many would be outraged at the disrespect in the implication of such a term when referring to a Primarch, but those who knew him best believed that Ferrus Manus quite enjoyed the name, because in any case, that was not where the name originated. It was an old nickname Fulgrim had given his brother after their initial meeting. Unlike the Phoenician, Ferrus Manus had little time for art, music or any of the cultural pastimes the IIIrd Legion's Primarch so enjoyed. It is said that after the two Primarchs met at Mount Narodnya, they returned to the Imperial Palace where Primarch Sanguinius of the Blood Angels Legion had arrived bearing gifts for the Emperor, exquisite statues from the glowing rock of Baal, priceless gem-stones and wondrous artifacts of aragonite, opal and tourmaline. The lord of the Blood Angels had brought enough to fill a dozen wings of the Palace with the greatest wonders imaginable.
Of course, Fulgrim was enthralled, finding that another of his brothers shared his love of such incredible beauty, but Ferrus Manus was unimpressed and said that such things were a waste of their time when there was a galaxy to win back. Fulgrim laughed and declared Ferrus a "terrible gorgon," saying that if the Primarchs did not value beauty, then they would never appreciate the stars they were to win back for their father. After that time the name stuck, and forever after Ferrus Manus was often referred to as The Gorgon.
The Great Crusade
Although torn between the people of Medusa and the needs of the greater Imperium he had been created to serve, Ferrus eventually accepted from his father the command of the Xth Legion, who were re-named the Iron Hands to honour their Primarch's necrodermis-sheathed hands. The Legion quickly added their efforts to the Emperor's ongoing Great Crusade, becoming the heart of the 52nd Expeditionary Fleet. They were said to fight with valor across the galaxy, cutting a swathe through any that opposed the Emperor's word. New Aspirants for the Legion were now drawn from Medusa rather than Terra, and Ferrus' early beliefs about the Medusan tribesmen's healthy competition made them more than capable of adapting to the rigours of life as Astartes. The Xth Legion believed deeply in the Emperor's efforts to reunite all of humanity after the Age of Strife, and held that the greatest danger to the human race was to be found in its own divisions. Only unity—unity under the rule of the Emperor—could truly ensure the survival of Mankind in such a hostile galaxy. The Legion believed that any weakness in humanity should be stamped out, which resulted in many culls of newly-discovered populations who were unwilling to accept the Emperor's rule and the teachings of the Imperial Truth.
Diasporex Persecution
During the latter part of the Great Crusade, the Iron Hands encountered a nomadic, fleet-based civilization composed of both humans and xenos known as the Diasporex. The Iron Hands shared the Imperial Truth of the Emperor of Mankind and offered the human members of the Diasporex the opportunity to separate from their alien allies and to join the newly forged Imperium, but they declined the Astartes' offer. Their offer rejected, the Iron Hands passed judgement, and in the following months the Iron Hands fleet attempted to annihilate the Diasporex, but they proved to be highly skilled and experienced in the realm of naval warfare, and managed to easily evade crucial battles and even to severely damage the Iron Hands' Strike Cruiser Ferrum. The Emperor's Children of the 28th Expeditionary Fleet were called in as reinforcements, and so, a joint Imperial strike force composed of both the Iron Hands and forces from the Emperor's Children Legion launched an all-out assault against the willful Diasporex. Though the Diasporex knew that a powerful fleet of warships was hunting them and sought their destruction, they refused to leave the sector and move on to someplace safer. The Iron Hands' scout ships soon discovered the truth—the Diasporex used hidden solar collector arrays to collect fuel for their vessels from a star. This was the reason why the Diasporex remained within the sector. Attacking these vital fuel stations, the two Imperial Expeditionary Fleets drew the Diasporex fleet out into open battle as the human-alien alliance sought to avoid utter annihilation at the Imperials' hands.
During the massive naval battle that ensued Fulgrim's personal gunship, the Firebird, came under heavy attack and soon found itself in trouble. Rushing to his brother's side, Ferrus Manus' flagship, the Battle Barge Fist of Iron, came rushing to the rescue of his beleaguered brother. To restore his wounded pride, Fulgrim led a brief ship boarding action where the Emperor's Children wreaked bloody havoc on the troops of the Diasporex. But ultimate victory was robbed from him when the enemy ship's bridge was taken by one of his subordinate commanders. For months thereafter, Fulgrim would resent The Gorgon's actions, unable to truly understand the altruism of Ferrus' deed and the loss of life his selfless act had incurred on his Legion. Under the malignant influence of the daemon-possessed Laer blade that he wore at all times, Fulgrim could only see self-aggrandizement in his brother’s action, instead of the the heroic deed it had truly been. Ferrus' critical comments, the wounding darts that Fulgrim believed were meant to undermine him, were in actuality only jests designed to puncture Fulgrim's self-importance and restore his humility. What Fulgrim perceived as Ferrus’ prideful boasts and rash actions had been deeds of courage that he spitefully dismissed as the influence of Chaos began to claim the Phoenician's soul.
Horus Heresy
As the Warmaster Horus made the opening moves of his rebellion on Istvaan III, Ferrus Manus' oldest and dearest friend Fulgrim was ordered by the Warmaster to meet with the Iron Hands Primarch aboard his flagship Fist of Iron in the hope that he could be swayed to the side of the Traitor Legions who now served Chaos. Fulgrim had sent the bulk of his IIIrd Legion and the 28th Expeditionary Fleet on to meet Horus and the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet in the Istvaan System while he and a small force aided the Iron Hands' 52ndExpeditionary Fleet in retaking the world of Callinedes IV from Orks. Great bonds of friendship and brotherhood had long existed between the two Legions, and Fulgrim felt that he could convince Ferrus of the righteousness of Horus' cause. Fulgrim's hope proved disastrously wrong and the meeting of the two Primarchs in Ferrus's private inner sanctum in his flagship's Anvilarium did not go well, as Ferrus was utterly outraged that his brothers would turn against their father the Emperor. The meeting ended in violence as The Gorgon made his difference of opinion over continued loyalty to the Emperor known to the Phoenician with his weapons, determined to stop Fulgrim's betrayal of the Imperium before it could begin. Ferrus attempted to use his silvery necrodermis hands to destroy Fulgrim's golden sword Fireblade, but the resulting explosion knocked him unconscious.
Fulgrim intended to kill his unconscious brother with the weapon he had forged for him, the warhammer Forgebreaker, but proved unable to kill his oldest friend despite the promptings of the Slaaneshi daemon that now corrupted his soul. Instead he took the wondrous weapon that he had once crafted in brotherhood for Ferrus as a reminder of their former friendship, and left behind Fireblade, which Ferrus had forged for him. When Fulgrim emerged from Ferrus' inner sanctum, he gave a signal to his elite Phoenix Guard, who instantly beheaded all of the Iron Hands Morlocks Terminators who served as Ferrus' own elite bodyguard with their Power Halberds. The Emperor's Children also nearly slew the Iron Hands' First Captain Gabriel Santor. Fulgrim successfully fled the Iron Hands' expeditionary fleet in his personal assault craft, the Firebird, as he ordered his warships, the Battle Barge Pride of the Emperor and its Escorts, to open fire upon the ships of the 52nd Expeditionary Fleet. This surprise attack crippled the Iron Hands force and provided a distraction while Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children warships fled into the Warp to rendezvous with the rest of their 28th Expeditionary Fleet in the Istvaan System.
Drop Site Massacre
Overcome with mind-numbing rage at such treachery, Ferrus and his warriors gratefully received the Emperor's orders through his brother Rogal Dorn. Together with the Raven Guard and Salamanders Legions, the Iron Hands were to confront Horus and his lieutenants on the world of Istvaan V and crush them utterly. A second wave, comprising the Night Lords, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion and a contingent from the Word Bearers Legions, would follow them and support their initial attack. The Imperial fleet managed to make orbit over Istvaan V and the Loyalist Legions proceeded with their planetary deployment. Thousands of Drop Pods and Stormbirds were deployed for the assault. The first wave was under the overall command of Ferrus Manus and besides his own Legion, the Iron Hands, the Loyalist forces included the Salamanders led by Vulkan, and the Raven Guard under the command of Corax. Vulkan's Legion assaulted the left flank of the Traitors' battle line while Ferrus Manus, First Captain Gabriel Santor, and 10 full companies of elite Morlock Terminators charged straight through the center of the Traitor Legions' lines. Meanwhile, Corax's Legion hit the right flank of the enemy's position. The odds were considered equal; 30,000 defending Traitor Astartes against 40,000 Loyalists. Horus was aware of the location of the Loyalists' chosen drop site and his troops fell upon the Loyalist Legions.
The battlefield of Isstvan V was a slaughterhouse of epic proportions. Treacherous warriors twisted by hatred fought their former brothers-in-arms in a conflict unparalleled in its bitterness. The mighty Titan war engines of the Machine God walked the planet’s surface, and death followed in their wake. The blood of heroes and traitors flowed in rivers, and the hooded Adepts of the Dark Mechanicum unleashed perversions of ancient technology stolen from the Auretian Technocracy to wreak bloody havoc amongst the Loyalists. All across the Urgall Depression, hundreds died with every passing second, the promise of inevitable death a pall of darkness that hung over every warrior. The Traitor forces held, but their line was bending beneath the fury of the first Loyalist assault. It would take only the smallest twists of fate for it to break.
The second wave of "Loyalist" Space Marine Legions descended upon the landing zone on the northern edge of the Urgall Depression. Hundreds of Stormbirds and Thunderhawks roared towards the surface, their armoured hulls gleaming as the power of another four Astartes Legions arrived on Isstvan V. Yet the Space Marine Legions of the reserve were no longer loyal to the Emperor, having already secretly sworn themselves to Chaos and the cause of Horus. The Night Lords of Konrad Curze, the Iron Warriors of Perturabo, the Word Bearers of Lorgar, and the Alpha Legion of Alpharius represented a force larger than that which had first begun the assault on Isstvan V. The secret Traitor Legions mustered in the landing zone, armed and ready for battle, unbloodied and fresh.
Though the Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders had managed to make a full combat drop and secured the drop site, known as the Urgall Depression, they did so at a heavy cost. Overwhelmed with rage, the headstrong Ferrus Manus disregarded the counsel of his brothers Corax and Vulkan and hurled himself against the fleeing rebels, seeking to bring Fulgrim to personal combat. His veteran troops—comprising the majority of the Xth Legion's Terminators and Dreadnoughts -- followed. What had begun as a massed strike against the Traitors’ position was rapidly turning into one of the largest engagements of the entire Great Crusade. All told, over 60,000 Astartes warriors clashed on the dusky plains of Isstvan V. For all the wrong reasons, this battle was soon to go down in the annals of Imperial history as one of the most epic confrontations ever fought.
Fulgrim smiled as his brother Ferrus Manus renewed his attack into the heart of the Traitors' defensive lines atop the Urgall Depression. Backlit by the flaring strobe of battle, his brother was a magnificent figure of vengeance, his silver hands and eyes reflecting the fires of slaughter with a brilliant gleam. For the briefest second, Fulgrim had been sure that Ferrus would pause to muster with the Raven Guard and Salamanders, but there would be no restraining his brother's aggrieved sense of honour. Around the Phoenician, the last of the Phoenix Guard awaited the blunt wedge of the Iron Hands, their golden halberds held low and aimed towards their foes.
Ferrus Manus and his Morlocks charged through the shattered ruin of the defences, his black armour and their burnished plates scarred and stained with the blood of enemies. Fulgrim’s fixed smile faltered as he truly appreciated the depths of hatred his brother held for him and wondered again how they had come to this point, knowing that any chance for brotherhood was lost. Only in death would their rivalry end. The Iron Hands pushed through the defenses, the bulky Terminators unstoppable in their relentless advance. Lightning crackled from the claws of their gauntlets and their red eyes shone with anger. The Phoenix Guard braced themselves to meet the charge, fully aware of the power of such mighty suits of armour. The Phoenix Guard answered with a terrible war cry and leapt to meet the Morlocks in a searing clash of blades. Electric fire leapt from the golden edges of the halberds and the Lightning Claws of the warriors, and a storm of light and sound flared from each life and death struggle. The battle engulfed the Primarch of the Emperor’s Children, but he stood above it, awaiting the dark armoured giant who strode untouched through the lightning shot carnage as brothers hacked at one another in hatred. Ferrus had long dreamt of this moment of reckoning, ever since Fulgrim had come to him with betrayal in his heart. Only one of them would walk away from their final confrontation.
Death of Ferrus Manus
Ferrus taunted Fulgrim for his betrayal of the Emperor and siding with the Traitor Horus. He thought his brother mad, for the Warmaster was defeated—his forces routed and the power of another four Legions would soon be brought to bear to crush their attempt at rebellion utterly. Unable to contain himself any longer, Fulgrim shook his head, savouring the final act of betrayal to come, revealing to Ferrus that it was he who was naive. Horus would never be foolish enough to trap himself like this. He pointed out towards the northern edge of the Urgall Depression so that Ferrus could see that it was he and his fellow Loyalists who were undone. Ferrus looked and saw a force larger than that which had begun the assault during the first wave of attack, mustered in the landing zone, armed and ready for battle.
Dragging their wounded and dead behind them, Corax and Vulkan led their forces back to the drop site to regroup and to allow the warriors of their recently arrived brother Primarchs of the second wave a measure of the glory in defeating Horus. Though they voxed hails requesting medical aid and supply, the line of Astartes atop the northern ridge remained grimly silent as the exhausted warriors of the Raven Guard and Salamanders came to within a hundred meters of their allies. It was then that Horus revealed his perfidy and sprung his lethal trap. Inside the black fortress where Horus had made his lair, a lone flare shot skyward, exploding in a hellish red glow that lit the battlefield below. The fire of betrayal roared from the barrels of a thousand guns, as the second wave of Astartes revealed where their true loyalties now lay. Ferrus looked on in stunned horror as Fulgrim laughed at the look on his brother's face as the forces of his "allies" opened fire upon the Salamanders and Raven Guard, killing hundreds in the fury of the first few moments, hundreds more in the seconds following, as volley after volley of Bolter fire and missiles scythed through their unsuspecting ranks.
Even as terrifying carnage was being wreaked upon the Loyalists below, the retreating forces of the Warmaster turned and brought their weapons to bear on the enemy warriors within their midst. Hundreds of World Eaters, Sons of Horus and the Death Guard fell upon the veteran companies of the Iron Hands, and though the warriors of the Xth Legion continued to fight gallantly, they were hopelessly outnumbered and would soon be hacked to pieces. Ferrus Manus turned to face Fulgrim, his teeth bared with the volcanic fury of his homeworld. The two Primarchs leapt at one anther, Ferrus wielding Fireblade and Fulgrim holding Forgebreaker. Their weapons had been forged in brotherhood, but were now wielded in vengeance, meeting in a blazing plume of energy. The two Primarchs traded blows with their monstrously powerful weapons, Ferrus Manus wielded his flaming blade in fiery slashes, his every blow defeated by the ebony hafted hammer he had borne in countless campaigns. Both warriors fought with the hatred only brothers divided could muster, their armour dented, torn and blackened by their fury.
The two Primarchs traded terrible blows, wounding one another deeply during their fierce struggle. As Ferrus pushed himself to his feet and staggered towards the wounded Fulgrim, he cried out as he brought the flaming blade towards his brother's neck. But Fulgrim lashed out as he drew the single-edged, daemonically-possessed sword he had taken from the Laer temple and blocked the descending weapon. With the power of Chaos streaming from the blade, diabolical strength flooded Fulgrim's limbs as he pushed against the power of Ferrus Manus, feeling his brother's surprise at his resistance. Fulgrim managed to surge to his feet and lashed out, his silver blade biting deep into the breastplate of Ferrus' armour, and the Primarch of the Iron Hands cried out, falling to his knees once again. Fireblade slid from his grasp as he gasped in fierce agony. As Fulgrim raised the silver sword in preparation of delivering the deathblow to Ferrus Manus, he found that he did not possess the fortitude to deliver the killing blow. In an instant he saw what he had become and what monstrous betrayal he had allowed himself to be party to. He knew in that eternal moment that he had made a terrible mistake in drawing the sword from the Temple of the Laer, and he fought to release the damnable blade that had brought him so low.
His grip was locked onto the weapon, and even as he recognized how far he had fallen, he knew that he had come too far to stop, the realization coupled with the knowledge that everything he had striven for had been a lie. As though moving in slow motion, Fulgrim saw Ferrus Manus reaching for his fallen sword, his fingers closing around the wire-wound grip, the flames leaping once more to the blade at its creator’s touch. Fulgrim’s blade seemed to move with a life of its own as he swung the blade of his own volition. Fulgrim tried desperately to pull the blow, but his muscles were no longer his own to control. The daemonic blade sliced through the genetically-enhanced flesh and bone of one of the Emperor's sons. The Iron Hands' Primarch fell to the ground, his head decapitated. Ferrus Manus was dead by his brother's own hand and his Legion nearly shared his fate. A small group of surviving Iron Hands managed to elude the Traitors' closing trap and flee off-world, but the Xth Legion had been shattered in body and spirit and would play no further role in the Horus Heresy as it moved to recover from its critical losses at the Drop Site Massacre. The fate of their Primarch was a mystery to the Legion as his last known position was overrun by hordes of screaming enemy warriors. What became of the great Primarch Ferrus Manus would remain a mystery to the Astartes of the Xth Legion. Their enemies proclaimed the Iron Hands' Primarch dead upon the blasted wastes of Istvaan V, but the Xth Legion refused to accept this for no body was ever recovered, and many Iron Hands Astartes believed that Ferrus had somehow survived. One particular Imperial legend tells that his wrecked body was rescued and restored, and that he took refuge on Mars where he resides still, though this is violently refuted by the Iron Hands themselves. Their Primarch lost, the Iron Hands despaired as to the fate of Mankind. Their distress and confusion grew further when they learned that the Emperor had fallen in a titanic battle with the corrupted Horus. For the next 10,000 Terran years, the sons of Ferrus Manus would continue to stoke the unquenchable fires of their hatred, drawing strength from their bitterness and awaiting with faithful devotion the day of their Primarch's return.
The Sapphire King
It was at the precise moment that Ferrus Manus' head was scythed from his shoulders by the Traitor Fulgrim that the Daemonic entity known as the Sapphire King came into being. Spawned from the psychic bow wave of Ferrus Manus' death, this Daemon was forged from the Primarch's frustrated pride, his boiling anger and sorrow, and from his shame. From the moment of its birth, the Sapphire King fed on the repressed emotions of the soul-scarred Iron Hands. It basked in their chained desperation, bound to their fate by the emotions they felt but would not express. The Daemon bedevilled them across the centuries, offering opportunities for damnation disguised as steps away from the weakness they so feared. It nudged the minds of Imperial officials and potential foes, forever seeking to goad the Iron Hands into spending away their humanity like coin. The Chapter bent their every effort to purging the weaknesses of the flesh, never realising that the more they demonised their wants and needs, the greater the hold the spectre of their repressed emotions gained upon them. Following the aftermath of the campaign fought against a massive Ork WAAAGH! dubbed the Weirdwaaagh!, upon the Forge World of Columnus in 249.M41, questions arose in the Iron Council regarding Iron Father Kristos' questionable conduct. In 260.M41, sufficient dissent continued to arise amongst the Iron Fathers in regards to Kristos' conduct. Only an entire Iron Council could resolve the wider issues raised. Though a fair and logical process, it was not a swift one; the years turned to decades as the Kristosian Conclave ground on over the next couple of centuries.
As the Kristosian Conclave reached its zenith in 460.M41, the Sapphire King judged the Iron Hands ripe to fall and set its trap in motion. Each Iron Hand carried within his heart a rancid seed, a bomb of repressed passions that could erupt to destroy him at any moment.
In that same year, a vast host of Iron Hands descended upon the Gaudinia System. Iron Father Kristos had assumed the mantle of war leader and had assembled more than eight hundred Iron Hands under his control. This was the greatest deployment of the Chapter for centuries, and was accompanied by the majority of the Iron Council. Clan Company Raukaan once again took the lead in a massive planetary assault upon Gaudania Prime and so was at the heart of the abominable trap that was there unleashed. A Daemonic entity known only as the Sapphire King, spawned from the psychic bow wave of Ferrus Manus' death on Istvaan V, had long fed on the repressed emotions of the soul-scarred Iron Hands. It basked in their chained desperation, bound to their fate by the emotions they felt but would not express. The Daemon bedevilled them across the centuries, offering opportunities for damnation disguised as steps away from the weakness they so feared. The Sapphire King judged the Iron Hands ripe to fall and set its trap in motion. Each Iron Hand carried within his heart a rancid seed, a bomb of repressed passions that could erupt to destroy him at any moment. The Daemon would simply provide the spark to light the flame and watch the Chapter burn upon a pyre of their own emotions.
As the Daemonic entity was confronted by the Clan Companies Raukaan and Sorrgol in their entirety on Gaudinia Prime, Iron Father Kristos was corrupted, both body and soul. Everywhere, the adherents of Kristos (known as Kristosians) were overcome by the twisted perfection of strange flesh engines -- the harder they attempted to repress their urges with logic, the faster they succumbed. Howling Daemons of Slaanesh burst forth from tears in reality, and set themselves upon the beleaguered Iron Hands. With them came warriors of the Emperor's Children. Amid the madness, the bejewelled Daemon itself strode forth to confront the Iron Hands.
At that moment, Iron Father Kardan Stronos was struck by the revelation that by cutting off their emotions, his Battle-Brothers were only causing themselves to fall to the corrupting influence of Chaos. Their only chance to save themselves was not by cutting themselves off from their emotions, but by embracing them, and shackling them to their iron will. Activating his Vox, Stronos barked commands to the forces around him, ordering them to release their anger, lest their foes destroy them with it. The Battle-Brothers disengaged their inhibitor protocols and loosed furious battle cries. As the emotional floodgates burst open, the Sapphire King shrieked its rage as the repressed energies that had fueled its spell were vented like steam from a boiler. Freed from the debilitating Warp-craft, the surviving Iron Hands gave vent to their revulsion, blasting the Daemons apart in rains of ectoplasmic filth or tearing them limb from shimmering limb. With a fury they had never before allowed themselves to display, the Iron Hands made short work of their Chaotic foes. The Sapphire King was utterly destroyed and the remaining Emperor's Children were swiftly blasted into bloodied ruin. To ensure the destruction of the surviving machine-spawn, the Iron Hands launched a massive orbital bombardment, ensuring the Daemon Engines' destruction.
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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