#Magnolia has a grove of Magnolia trees where the dryads hang out
Brain stop having thoughts for new fic ideas challenge. Level Impossible.
I just had this idea like five minutes ago so I just have a bare bones concept, but anyways it goes like this. (All under cut cause long).
King Halbert is going to another kingdom to work on a trade deal and the knights go with to protect him from potential threats. The other kingdoms royal family is impressed by the knights adventures , and hold a great feast in their honor and to work out their deal. 
While that party is going on Lance hits on the wrong person who turns out to be sorceress. She leads him back to her home where she turns him into a horse and ties him up in her stables. 
The other knights realize they’re missing one the next day and the other kingdoms prince points them to the sorceress and Axl goes to try to return Lance back to a human and he gets turned into a bull.
Macy goes next to see if she can talk to her, one independent woman to another. She gets turned into a tiny dragon. Finally Aaron tries to go and gets turned into a fox.
Aaron manages to escape and tries (and fails) to explain the situation to Clay. He eventually gets an ipad (or the Knighton equivalent of one) and types out what happened. Clay eventually goes, and the two talk for a bit. 
That’s as far as I’ve got so far. It takes place after Season 4, the sorceress’s name is Magnolia Wraith, and her home is a sanctuary for dryads and nymphs, ad she’s not afraid to get nasty in order to protect them from anything or anyone considered a threat (i.e. Lance Richmond). This is what she looks like.
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