#and Macy is TINY TINY
Brain stop having thoughts for new fic ideas challenge. Level Impossible.
I just had this idea like five minutes ago so I just have a bare bones concept, but anyways it goes like this. (All under cut cause long).
King Halbert is going to another kingdom to work on a trade deal and the knights go with to protect him from potential threats. The other kingdoms royal family is impressed by the knights adventures , and hold a great feast in their honor and to work out their deal. 
While that party is going on Lance hits on the wrong person who turns out to be sorceress. She leads him back to her home where she turns him into a horse and ties him up in her stables. 
The other knights realize they’re missing one the next day and the other kingdoms prince points them to the sorceress and Axl goes to try to return Lance back to a human and he gets turned into a bull.
Macy goes next to see if she can talk to her, one independent woman to another. She gets turned into a tiny dragon. Finally Aaron tries to go and gets turned into a fox.
Aaron manages to escape and tries (and fails) to explain the situation to Clay. He eventually gets an ipad (or the Knighton equivalent of one) and types out what happened. Clay eventually goes, and the two talk for a bit. 
That’s as far as I’ve got so far. It takes place after Season 4, the sorceress’s name is Magnolia Wraith, and her home is a sanctuary for dryads and nymphs, ad she’s not afraid to get nasty in order to protect them from anything or anyone considered a threat (i.e. Lance Richmond). This is what she looks like.
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hollymacycomic · 7 months
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Holly & Macy and Everyone Else
Chapter 4: Page 37
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taviokapudding · 7 months
Protestors consistently ruining the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade footage is actually really great & keep boosting their footage when you see it
Every company featured in the parade sets up a contract (similar to the super bowl) where they buy a spot to then get a l a r g e endorsement via placing their ad on a float or in a balloon. Within the line up this year McDonald's, one of the biggest pro-genocide donators, got a large balloon rather than a float. This is important because balloons gets more air time than floats because of their size. On top of that floats may not have guests performing & paying for someone to perform; ideally McDonald's wanted to have a longer air time with their balloon without paying an hourly cost for performers. More air time = more ad revenue = more eyes seeing them = more customers.
The move by pro-Palestinian protestors to jump in front of McDonald's does 2 things:
1. McDonald's is getting less air time than what they were contractually promised, it'll be up to them to request what is owed (because it depends on the agreement made) by Macy's to them
2. And it messes with NBC's obligations with Peacock as the 2nd most important party of the parade + 3rd party in all contracts
So while McDonald's loses money and Macy's is scrambling to figure out how to loophole their way out of not losing money to owe McDonald's, NBC gets fucked too.
Since Oct 7, 2023, NBC has been one of many US news media outlets who actively lied to the US masses. But why do they matter for the parade? Their job is to be the main outlet who records and then uses their main platform, Peacock, to stream the parade. If protestors are seen throughout all your footage, delay large portions, and cause enough disruption to the footage being aired- that means they don't and won't immediately have their show footage ready to go.
Peacock does an offer every year to new customers to watch the parade for a $1.99 USD (not including taxes) monthly plan that can be canceled at any time with the first month free; but in the last 4+hrs after the parade aired people aren't going to stay for the year because their is no footage as promised. I actually have been checking throughout today and it's not available at all.
So not only is McDonald's going to be hemorrhaging alongside with all the other companies whose footage got cut or edited out to match the contractually obligated run time & censor protestors, but both NBC and Peacock will be losing money with each minute they don't have enough footage and a full stream to air- which is money that Macy's was also supposed to get a cut of. Which btw it's now 5pm cst the same day and there's still no footage - which is a $ problem for Peacock & NBC when folks prioritize now finding a service to watch the Superbowl > Parades.
Do not be surprised if Macy's stuff becomes more expensive and the possibility they'll change which news media outlet + streaming service covers the 2024 parade occurs. And yeah, McDonald's is going to become more expensive than it already is long term. Everybody who were financially complicit in the death of 14,000+ Palestinian men, women, and children will have a financially shit end of the year and rough 2024.
In short, despite the arrests, the protestors who sat & glued themselves to the parade route and those who stayed in the crowd to hold up flags and signs throughout really won. A 4 day cease fire for a very obviously one sided genocide isn't enough & tons of rich people are learning the hard way (as I post) that this is the beginning of their punishment by the universe for the actions.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
The Gangs All Here:
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Tag: @oceansrose2002 @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow-selfship @queer-and-utter-chaos
Blinky’s POV:
I sadly bid goodbye to Tommy, but promised I’d come visit soon. His mother made it clear I was welcome anytime, despite her original hostility. And I told Monty I’d attempt to fix the wall next time and bring my good supplies. I had pretty much zoned out the whole day, my autism being particularly annoying today. Every little thing was making my skin crawl and my head pound. But I was trying my best to remain calm and in control.
Macy pulled up to our usual spot and parked.
“Wanna get some lunch before we head back to your place?”
I nodded. She frowned, lifting my chin with her finger.
“You feeling ok pretty girl?”
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen when I walk through that door Macy. I ran away, yes I told them I was going but still, I was a coward, I left.”
“I’m sure they won’t hold that against ya puddin’ how could anyone stay mad at you?”
She missed my nose and I giggled.
“Want me to go in with you?”
My eyes widened as I looked at her.
“It’s not like I don’t know.”
“I know that you know. But they don’t- know… you know, you know?”
“You’re cute when you don’t think before you speak.” She jeered.
I rolled my eyes.
“I just, I don’t want them to freak out. What if someone tries to hurt you? That would kill me inside.”
“You’re worried about me getting hurt? May I remind you I beat Thomas in our little wrestling contest last night?”
“Yeah you did” I smiled dreamily.
“There’s that smile I love so much! Come on let’s get you some proper food, I’m buying.”
Macy was too tall to put her arm on my shoulder, so she just put it on my head and I playfully glared up at her. I don’t know how she does it. Macy isn’t the happiest of people, at least not on the outside. Most people would probably find her scary or intimidating. Yet she always managed to make me smile, from that first day we met all those months ago.
Miss G greeted Macy and I Happily. As we sat in our spot she set down our coffees, leaving the pot at the table.
“You know you two are my favourite right?” She said.
Macy smiled at her. “Your boss makes the only edible food in this town” Macy joked, “it’s good to see you again.”
“You two deary, you know what you want to order yet? I know this one wants a pastry.” She laughed.
“Yes please!”
“Give us a moment to think, take your time with the other customers.”
Miss G gave us a kind smile and left us to look at the menus.
“Ugh, why can’t that woman be my mother.” Macy quipped.
“I know right. But Luda ain’t all that bad. She’ll get better.” I said, placing my hand in hers.
“I’ve never seen her yell at Hoyt like that before Blinky, I think you starred a wildfire.” She laughed.
“Good, your family needed to get in gear. I swear y’all didn’t say two words to each other that weren’t about me. Do you guys even talk?” I asked.
“Just me and Tommy. Nobody wants to hear what Hoyt or Monty have to say. And Ma, she has her kind moments but we mostly just stick to ourselves. I don’t mind it that much, means I don’t have anyone up my ass when I disappear from time to time.”
“And where would you be right now, if you weren’t with me?” I asked, curious.
“The Glenwood Cemetery in Huston. The place is huge! Everytime I go I read a few new graves and I like to think about the lives they may have had. Oldest grave I’ve found so far was 1871.”
I smiled fondly. Macy had strange interests but I always let her talk about them. I loved hearing her voice when she was happy. It had this little hum, when her tongue moves to fast and hit the top of her mouth. It sounded like little bees in my ears. She had the slightest lisp that she tried really hard to hide, but I thought it added to her charm.
My voice whistled too, ever since I lost that tooth. Sometimes my tongue would poke out from behind it and make a weird little sound. We looked over the menu, I knew it was really important to her that I ate something “healthy” so I put a pause on the could so I could focus. But that didn’t last long when I caught her staring.
“Yes?” I asked.
I squinted my eyes at her.
“Did you know you stick your tongue out when your focused?” She asked smugly.
“Pftt, I dont-“ I looked down, “oh. What’s that doing there?” I said.
She laughed airily, loud enough that some of the other patrons looked out way. But Macy was not one to be shy. Sure, she was stand offish, but that was because she didn’t like people. But she was never shy.
“I don’t know how you do it Blink, but I swear you get cuter each day.”
I blushed heavily.
“Hush, I’m trying to focus.”
She held her hands up in mock surrender. Seemingly she already knew what she was going to order.
“What about this? That’s got protein right?”
I pointed to it on her menu.
“A Falafel burger, sure, tons. You sure you’re up for trying it?”
“Mmm, it’s been a good day. I think I can handle a new food.”
“You two ready?”
“Umm yes, can we have one Falafel burger, fries on a different plate please. And I’ll take two of your lunch burritos and a salad for us to split.”
“You kids are hungry today, coming right up. Oh, Blinky the pastry of the day is apple fritters.” She addressed me.
“Apples!” I said, my eyes glowing.
She leaned in to whisper.
“I’ll put a few aside for you in a take out box.”
“You’re the best!” I smiled.
“Anything else to drink? Or just coffee today?”
I turned to Macy, “milkshake?” She grinned wide, “a strawberry milkshake with two straws please.”
“Coming right up. I’ll put extra whipped cream and a Cherry for each of you.”
“You’re a god send.” Macy complimented.
The woman blushed and hurried off to the kitchen.
“You’re only getting a milkshake cause you’ve been so good today. I’m proud of you for how you handled my family. They’re enough to drive anyone crazy”
I pouted.
“I’m always good.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Sure you are Blink, you’re like a little hurricane that sneaks up on people.”
I frowned.
“Oh come on Blink. You know you can’t have all this sugar all the time. You said you were studying medicine, you should know this.”
“Yeah yeah, so it could thicken my heart muscles. Fine, I’ll cut back on my sugar.”
“Wait really, that’s what happens?”
“Mmm, it increases your insulin and it has nowhere else to go.” I shrugged.
“And you still eat the way that you do? Doesn’t that scare you?”
“Not before you, no. And I didn’t have much of a choice. America is stupid, the things that are the worst for you are the cheapest and most readily available. I could buy a watermelon for $3.50 or I could get two boxes of cereal that will feed me for a week.”
“You mean for breakfast right?”
“Breakfast, lunch, dinner… it doesn’t matter, I used to ration one meal a day so I’m not really used to this whole, normal diet thing.”
Macy cringed.
“God Blinky, no wonder you’re so tiny. Your body never had anything to help it grow. The foods not going anywhere ok? You can eat as much as you want.”
“I know that, it’s just hard I guess. Old habits right?”
“So, tell me more about this cemetery.” I tried to pivot the conversation on me.
I knew she wouldn’t judge, but I didn’t like conversations focused on my flaws. It made me uneasy.
“Oh my god, you would love it there. It’s so quiet and the grounds keeper is really nice. There’s actually this crypt there a family and build in the early 1900s. They’re son had been missing for years and they thought he was dead, then he just showed up out of nowhere with no memories. Since he was alive, it never got used. He lets me go in there and write sometimes.”
“Wow, that does sound nice. Maybe I could read some of you writing sometime.”
“You gonna show me that drawing you did of me?”
“Then you have your answer.”
I rolled my eyes. Touché. The food came and Macy looked likes she had never seen food in her entire life. It was always funny to me how she could eat like there wasn’t enough food in the world. Miss G set the milkshake in the middle of the table.
“You two let me know if you need anything else.”
“Of course, thank you!” I said politely.
I stared at my food for a second, dissecting it with my eyes. Macy has already taken a bit out of one of her burritos. But she waited until her mouth wasn’t full to speak again. She slid some silverware across the table to me.
“Take off the top bun, it will be easier to cut.” She said.
I took the silverware and followed her instructions. I cut it into 6 neat pieces. And separated them on my plate.
“Ketchup?” I asked.
“Try a bite first.” She answered.
I nodded, slowly bringing the food to my mouth. The texture wasn’t what I was expecting, but it wasn’t bad. The flavour was nice, and I smiled into the bite. She looked at me expectantly and I gave her a thumbs up.
“Ketchup.” I concluded.
She let out a little snort from her nose, which made me scrunch mine in return. It was a adorable. I ate about half of it before I reached for the milkshake. It was much better. It was sweet, and cold and it felt nice on my tongue. Macy had mostly been drinking her coffee, and I had a sneaking suspicion she was trying to save most of it for me.
“You can have some you know, we did order to share.”
“You first.” She said.
“You know full well I’ll drink this whole thing by myself if you don’t stop me.” I teased.
“Ok, sassy. Fine I’ll have some.”
She moved the cup between us and sipped from her straw. It was like one of those classic scenes from those 50s movies. To top it off, she scooped up some whipped cream in her finger and put it on my nose. I pulled back, alarmed.
“You did not just-“
“I did, what are you gonna do about it?”
I took a French fry and threw it at her head, but she caught it in her mouth. I glared at her and she just laughed.
“Face it Blinky, you’re even sweeter than this milkshake.” She said.
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“I know.”
I moved my plate out of the way, and stabbed my fork into the salad. We got it with no dressing cause I hate dressing. It made the veggies also soggy. Gross. The crispy cucumbers were my favourite part. I was surprised to see Macy was already onto her second burrito. I think it had eggs and meat and cheese, I looked at it in disgust. I didn’t mean to show it on my face, but sometimes I couldn’t help it. Macy rolled her eyes.
“You enjoying the salad.”
“Very fresh.” I said.
She took a break from her monstrosity of a lunch to eat some of the salad with me. I had no idea how she wasn’t full already. I sipped my coffee, the contrast between it and the Milkshake were a little jarring. But it wasn’t bad. The caffeine would help. I’d been sober for almost a week now, and I wasn’t feeling the best. But Macy didn’t need to know about that. I recently learned her middle name was Josephine cause Tommy’s sign name for her was MJ.
He made mine “cute” but signed with a B for my name. How could I argue against it when he himself looked cute signing it. I didn’t want to break his heart, so I gladly excepted the name. It was easier than spelling out Blinky. Tiny’s name already had a sign, so he didn’t need a special one. Miss G came back and she down one pasty for each of us, while sliding the take out box into my backpack with a wink. I smiled at her as she was called away to help someone else.
“Hey M?”
“Yes?” She asked.
“What if I- no it’s stupid.”
“Nothing you can say is stupid Blinky. I say the same thing to Tommy all the time. You both need to be a little more confident.” She said.
“What if I worked here?” I asked.
“Here? It’s not that far from your house I don’t think. Not that I’ve been there yet.” She put emphasis on the last part, “it’s a bit of a walk though isn’t it?” She pointed out.
I hummed.
“But you’d look cute in the uniform.” She smirked.
Of course that’s what she would focus on. The only think more ferocious then her appetite, was her sex drive. And I had unknowingly unleashed that can of worms. Oops.
“I’d have to ask of course. But like, beats working at the gas station. And it’s small enough that even full it wouldn’t be too loud, not that it ever gets too full.”
“Can you handle a job?” She cringed, “I’m sorry that came out wrong.”
“No, no it’s fine. I’ve had plenty before. I think my family will be more lenient on chores if I’m bringing in more money. Plus there’s tips. Only tip we get at the gas station is a middle finger.” I laughed.
“Then go for it. I could come visit you at work.” She smiled.
“And you wouldn’t have to worry so much about me when you’re back home. Now we know they have something healthy I can eat.”
“That is very true.”
When we finished our meal I only had two pieces of my burger left, but I didn’t think it would heat up well. I looked at Macy.
“It’s ok little bug, you did good. I’m proud of you.”
I smiled, glad I was able to please her. I was surprised when she put a whole $20 on the table for tip. I raised a brow at her.
“Made some extra fixing up an old bike and a few days before you called. I’ve got some cash to spend, and she deserves it.”
“Don’t leave it on the table, sticky fingers around here.” I suggested.
We walked up to the counter and slid the money to Miss G.
“Aww thank you cuties, you didn’t half to.”
“Please for all you do for us, I did have a question though.”
“Shoot kid!”
“Are you guys hiring? I’d have to ask my dad but-“
“I would love to have you working here, you’d bring some smiles to this place. Let me go get the paperwork and you can think on it.”
“Thank you.”
We waited by the counter for a second, but that’s when a three boys walked in. Roughly around our age, maybe a little older than me. But they were the rowdy type, that much was evident from the laughter disturbing the peace. I tensed slightly but Macy rubbed her hand up my arm.
The came beside us to sit at the counter, and started hollering for some service. I rolled my eyes.
“Ain’t anybody working here or is it self service?” On of them called.
I grit my teeth, if I was gonna work here I’d have to deal with idiots like this. But they were no worse than the gas station idiots. But when she came back out to hand me my papers and one of the boys said something under his breath, o was beyond irritated. She didn’t deserve that.
“When you’re done serving that fine piece of ass over there, could you help a brother out?” One of the older looking boys said.
I saw his eyes on Macy and I was shaking. She wasn’t very pleased about it either. I said my thank you to Miss G and gave her a look of pity as she walked over to them. What I wasn’t expecting was for one of them to come over while his friends were order.
“You from around here sweetheart?” He asked Macy.
She rolled her eyes turning around.
“No, but my girlfriend is” she put emphasis on the girlfriend part.
I smiled smuggly.
“Why looking for something to do, afraid there’s not much. Why dont you and you’re friend check out Captain Spaulding’s Museum of Monsters and Madmen, if you’re up for a good scare.”
Macy gave me a look, recognising all the months ago when I told her to stay far away. She grinned.
“Yeah, if you’re man enough.” Macy teased him.
“Oh I’m man enough, we’ll check it out for sure. You two hotties gonna be there”
“You bet!” I sent a fake wink. “See you around handsome.”
Macy and I burst out laughing when we got outside.
“So do I finally get to see your Gruncle’s cabinet of curiosities?”
“We wouldn’t miss that for the world.” I grinned.
They deserved it for being rude or Miss G, and Ogling my girls ass.
“You ready for this?”
“As I’ll ever be I guess. Don’t take it to personally if they don’t like you at first. Otis hates everyone.”
She chuckled, “sounds a lot like Hoyt”
I froze, turning to look at her.
“He is nothing like that man.” I said coldly, I hadn’t meant to.
And I know she didn’t mean to insult him. But Otis was nothing like that Vile man Macy shared blood ties with.
“Sorry, that was meant to be a joke. Won’t happen again.”
“No, I’m- I’m sorry Macy I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m just a little on edge right now.”
“Blinky you don’t have to apologise for having emotions. You love your dad, and I love that you do.”
I smiled at her, getting onto her bike as usual as we rode back to the house. As we pulled up, I’m sure it was loud enough in the house no one had heard us. I grabbed Macy’s hand and lead her to the garden.
“Where are we going?”
“I gotta check on something first.” I said.
I dragged her around the side of the house, and sure enough there was some fresh dirt. We both stopped and looked down at it.
“Is that?”
“My mother, yeah. Rest in pieces I guess.”
Macy snorted and flipped off the pile of dirt. I couldn’t help but laugh along with her.
“Good, good to know that part of my life is over. I never want to think about her again if I can help it.”
I knelt down and started picking some of the lilies I’d planted a while ago.
“What are you doing Blink?” Macy asked curiously.
I held the flowers up to her.
“Gives these to Mama, than at the very least she’ll like you. If Mama likes you, no one is gonna dare disobey her. Not unless they got hit over the head a few to many times, so maybe don’t talk to RJ.” I joked, “that was a joke btw.”
“You’re cute.”
“So you keep saying.”
“It’s true though. And I’ll keep saying it because it makes you blush every time.”
“You’re evil, you know that woman? Total scum bag.” I said.
“Mmm, and do evil women get a kiss from their partner?” She mused.
“I don’t know, are you gonna be nice when we go inside?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Then I’ll think about it.”
She rolled her eyes, setting the flowers down on the ledge near the house and picked me up, spinning me around. I couldn’t help but giggle, and when she finally stopped she pulled me in to a kiss. I melted into it, feeling all the stress leave my body.
“I’ll behave” she whispered, leaning down so her forehead was on mine.
“And I’ll protect you if anyone tries anything.”
“Aww, my little guard dog.”
I glared up at her.
“Come on, let’s get inside. I’m sure they’re worried about you. I would be too if you suddenly disappeared for 5 days.”
I cringed. Yeah not my best move. But I was glad none the less that Otis let me leave. It was nice to be away from the house for a while. I didn’t need to knock cause I had the house key. I pushed the door open and was immediately greeted by the chaotic sounds of my family. Baby was blasting music in the living room, I could hear Mama and Spaulding chatting in the kitchen, and I have no idea what the hell the others were doing at the back of the house but I could hear it from here.
I grabbed Macy’s hand and dragged her into the kitchen. Spaulding was the first to look up. One thing about him, he never forgot a face.
“Don’t I know you?” He addressed Macy.
“We met a whole back, at that farmers market. Blinky here sold me some of your chicken. Which was really good by the way.”
Smart move, Spaulding loved compliments. Especially about his cooking. He, Mama and Otis cooked the most in the house. Manon specialised more in dinner, and Selena sometimes helped with the prep work.
“These are for you Mrs. Firefly.” Macy held out the flowers and Mama gladly took them.
“Oh how sweet, we’re glad to have you Back Blinky. Why don’t you introduce us to your friend here?”
Mama was always hospitable. Which is why I went to her first.
“Mama, Cap, this is actually my girlfriend. Macy. I stayed with her while I was away.”
“Girlfriend?” Spaulding asked amused.
“Mhhhm, she knows about us.” I clarified so they wouldn’t have to lecturing about keeping someone around being dangerous. “She would never tell anyone.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes sir. My family participated in a similar… hobby.” She explained.
Sure saying you’re a killer is one thing, but I don’t blame her for not wanting to tell them right away.
“When did this happen?” Mama asked, ushering us both to sit.
“Since the Framers Market.”
“All that time and you kept ‘er a secret? Not sure how Otis is gonna feel about this.” Spaulding worried.
“That’s why I came to you both first.”
“You staying for dinner sweetheart?”
“If you’ll have me.”
“Of course Sugar, why don’t you go introduce her to the others. Make yourself at home little miss Macy.”
“Thank you Mrs. Firefly.”
“Please call me Mama.”
I gave Mama a quick hug, and kissed Spaulding on the top of his head.
“Can we talk later?” I asked.
“Sure kid, you know where to find me.”
Macy followed me into the living room where I turned down Baby’s music. Not off, just down a little. My head felt like it was buzzing from all the electric guitars. Baby turned to look at me, but her eyes quickly met Macy’s.
“Who’d ya bring for us Blink?” She asked.
I chuckled.
“She’s not for that, Baby, this is my girlfriend, Macy. Macy this is my- aunt? I don’t know we never really defined that.” I laughed awkwardly.
“Aunt, sister, all the same to me. Love this kid no matter what.” She said, holding her hand out to shake Macy’s.
“Can’t say I blame ya, they’re easy to love aren’t they?”
Baby smiled wildly, already approving of the new company.
“We miss ya Blink, it was no fun without ya.” Baby said, wrapping me in a tight hug.
“I’m sure you managed just fine, looks like you were having plenty fun before I interrupted.”
“Mhhhm, RJ got me a new CD!”
“What is he Santa Claus now? Why the sudden interest in gifts?” She shrugged. “You know where the others are?”
“Umm, Ghostie and RJ are watching a movie in his room. And Doe Eyes and Otis-“
“Doe Eyes and Otis what?” I asked suspiciously.
“They’re busy. I’ll let him know you’re home and he’ll come find you later yeah?”
I squinted my eyes suspiciously.
“She staying for dinenr?”
“Your Ma said I could, that cool with you?”
“Totally cool! You’ll have to tell me where you got the jacket Macy!”
Before they could chat more I was dragging her upstairs to my room, and Baby was blasting her music again. I didn’t want to bother RJ, and there was something suspicious about Baby not telling me what my dad was up to. But we’d see everyone down at dinner so there was no rush. I closed the door and threw myself face down onto the bed, groaning into my pillow.
“I’d say it’s going pretty well Bumble Bee, you had nothing to worry about.”
“It’s not those three I’m worried about?” I said, looking up at her.
“I live with Hoyt, I can handle anything they throw at me. Promise.”
“Pinky?” I asked.
She held out her pinky and locked it with mine, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You feeling ok Darlin’ you’re getting a little shaky there.”
“Yeah yeah, I’m cool… cool cool.”
“That sounds like something someone who is not cool would say.”
I sighed, crawling across my bed to lay my head on her lap.
“Why did she have to come here?” I asked.
Macy looked down at me, playing with one of my bouncy curls.
“I don’t know Blink.” She said sadly.
“It’s like everything was going good, great even. I was happy. So fucking happy!” I said.
“Did you just say fuck?” She raised a brow at me amused.
“Oh, right!” I said popping up and shoving a few bills in my sweat jar, “gotta pay up for what I said to Hoyt too. Even if he did deserve it.”
Macy chuckled.
“You say that like someone’s making you have the swear jar Blinky. Swearing ain’t that bad, I do it all the fucking time.” She smiled.
“Yeah yeah. I know there’s ways you can do it that aren’t mean, I just, I don’t like they way it sounds coming out of my mouth. Besides, a few more slip ups and I can get you something nice.” I smiled.
“You swearing on purpose to get something pretty for your girlfriend?” She asked.
“I’m just being lazy on purpose, the swearing is still an accident.” I laughed.
“I’m sorry your mom tried to ruin this for you, that wasn’t very nice of her.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
I sat back down on the bed next to her.
“Hey Macy?”
“Yes Blinky?”
I know she sometimes got amused when I said her name, even though we were already in the middle of the conversation. But I couldn’t help it. I liked the way her name felt on my tongue. Short and sweet, the exact opposite of her.
“Do you smoke? Like, smoke smoke?” I asked.
She seemed a little taken aback, but smiled anyway.
“I have before yes… why?”
“Do you want to?” I asked.
Now she was grinning from ear to ear.
“Why you got some?” I nodded.
“Honestly don’t think I can go back down there without it. Everything’s too much right now.”
She ran her hand along my arms again.
“Oh, and we should tell Spaulding that he’ll have some special guest at his showing after dinner tonight. Sure if you ask nicely he’ll let you help.” I said.
“You just wanna see me in action.” She mused.
“I will neither confirm or deny” I said, as I reached over in my drawer where some of my pre rolled joints were.
I made some mini ones, just to tell calm my mind on a regular basis. I didn’t want to be high everyday, but my sensory issues were not getting easier and it was the only thing that seemed to help. But I found a regular sized one jammed in the back. I grabbed a lighter from my nightstand and crawled back over to wear Macy sat. She laid down on her back, and I put my head on her stomach, laying perpendicular to her.
“Your family lets you smoke?”
“They know I do sometimes. Baby smokes too. Doe Eyes and Otis have regular cigs if you want one. I could snag a few for you.”
“My little thief” she ruffled my hair.
I was going to need to be actually stoned to survive family dinner. My nerves where getting the better of me. I mean I knew she was dead, we saw the evidence. So why did I still feel so heavy? So lost? Why the hell was I so scared? I didn’t notice tears start to slip until Macy’s big hands were on my face.
“Hey little bug, talk to me.”
I shook my head. Words were suddenly very hard.
“Hey, it’s ok, you’re ok. You’re safe.” She reassured me.
I gave her a pity smile. She reached over, grabbing the joint from my hand and lit it, holding it out to me. I weakly took a puff and laid back down, screwing my eyes shut. She took a hit herself, I couldn’t blame her if she was a little nervous. Anyone would be meeting my family. I know she tried to play strong and tough, but she was human like the rest of us.
She let my hair and held it out for me again. After a little while had passed and half the joint was gone, she spoke again.
“Feeling any better?”
I gave her a slow nod, signing a little.
“Are you non verbal right now Blinky?” She asked.
I was ashamed to say it, and I knew she’d figure it out eventually even if I didn’t tell her. I wasn’t very good about hiding what was wrong with me. And I didn’t want to have to hide it from her. I just wish it wasn’t there in the first place. That I wasn’t so broken and life wasn’t so much harder for me for no reason.
“That’s ok baby, you’re ok. Do you want me to tell them you aren’t feeling well and will skip dinner?”
I shook my head and sighed “Bad idea. You need food”
She playful glared at the irony of my comment.
“Yeah, you’re right. How about I do most of the talking tonight then? I think I can handle ‘em”
“Ok” I signed.
“And Blinky, it’s ok you didn’t tell me. But you don’t have to hide your autism from me ok? I’m actually pretty sure Tommy is on the spectrum too.”
I gave her a look that said “really?”
“Mhmm. But when you’re feeling better, you have to promise to talk to me more ok? I can’t read your mind, and you don’t have to suffer alone anymore ok? Everyone in this house right now wants what’s best for you, ok? I’m not gonna judge you Blinky, I love you.”
That was the first time she’d said it. I mean of course I knew it, and I felt it, and I hope she felt it too. But neither of us had said it seriously before.
“You love me?” I sighed.
“More than anyone I’ve ever known.”
I was able to stutter out a weak “I love you” before I felt too tired to speak again.
I swear it almost looked like she was about to smile too. She kissed the back of my hand, respecting that I was way too overstimulated right now.
“Just relax Darlin’ why don’t you try to nap and I’ll wake you when they say dinners ready?”
I nodded, closing my eyes and snuggling up to her. Weed dreams were always the strangest.
An: the ketchup thing is so funny to me cause I’m allergic 😭 damn my tomato allergy ruining everything! Will write the others meeting her next, this chapter was just getting kinda long lol.
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shcftingpieces · 1 year
“When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?” ( carina @ macy )
jay does memes sometimes | @iinexorable
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Macy ducked her head, suddenly shy though Carina had complimented her plenty of times before. There was something about it being her laugh, the freedom Macy finally felt around Carina again. She hadn't quite realized until that moment how far they had come. "Thank you," she said softly, leaning into her girlfriend and resting her head in the crook of her neck. "It's easy around you." Macy ran her fingers down Carina's arm until they reached her hand so she could lace them together. Carina had a way of making Macy feel so very beautiful with the simplest of things. "You know I never said how much it meant that you came back," Macy licked her lips hoping she wasn't bringing down the mood. "I was scared at first so I don't think I ever said so. You were willing to try again." Macy lifted her head up so she could look at Carina properly. "And now you can hear me laugh all you want. Hopefully just not always at ridiculous lab stories." Macy had been talking about her day and one of the poor eager students nearly flooding their space.
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tommyarashikage · 2 years
hold up, this reminds me- I usually keep my ocs smol save for a few exceptions.
something tells me I should make Paz at least a little bit taller... then again I like her as the tiny 5'4 gremlin that she is, compared to her mans who is 6'4. he could literally throw her around like a rubber ball. need to climb over a wall? he just fucking yeets her
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elainemorisi · 2 years
I attempted to do gift shopping today and will be even Worse about fast fashion for a while in order to cope
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oneforthemunny · 8 months
candy caned |dom!eddie munson x sub!reader|
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prompt: you’re desperate to make eddie’s trailer more festive for the holidays. you bring over decorations, but eddie is only interested in one- a long, plastic candy cane.
apart of the twelve days of dom!eddie's christmas
contains: smut. 18+. dom/sub themes, hints at brat tamer/brat themes. spanking with implements (candy cane lol). role play-ish?? not really established but kinda alluded to it a little. aftercare. minors dni, read at your own discretion.
A cloud of smoke left Eddie’s lips, corners of his mouth pulling up into a half lipped smirk. Your car propelled over the gravel of the trailer park’s makeshift road, a playful beep of your horn. Eddie gave a small laugh, the air in front of him clouding at the contrast. He could hear the droning of George Michael’s Last Christmas, muffled from your car stereo but a reminder of why you were here. 
Eddie bummed the cigarette when you turned off the ignition, the radio silencing but that didn’t stop you. “Last Christmas, I gave you my heeearrrttt.” Your door swung open, voice trilling out into the quiet, rainy park. Eddie grinned, shoving his hands in his utility jacket, starting down the groaning steps of his trailer. 
“But the very next day,” You wiggled your brows at Eddie playfully, a toothy grin on your face that made his chest fill with a surge of heat. “C’mon, Ed, you know it!” You pouted playfully. 
“Yeah, I do. Everyone on planet fuckin’ Earth knows it.” Eddie snorted, heavy work boots nudging your own Sorels. His hands found your cheek, pressing a soft, full lipped kiss to your warm skin. The nicotine on his breath made your head spin, melting into his touch. 
Eddie’s lips quirked, fighting back a smile. “Still not singing it, though.” He muttered, fingers squishing your cheeks together playfully, pivoting towards your trunk. 
The huff you gave did make him grin. “Such a Scrooge.” You clicked your tongue in disapproval. “No holiday spirit at all.” 
Eddie waited by the trunk, eyes shining in amusement while you unlocked your trunk. His eyes widened, gaping at you in disbelief. “You’re shitting me.” 
“What?” You frowned, reaching for the bundle of lights, tangled from the half-hearted place in your apartment’s pitiful storage. 
“Baby,” Eddie blinked, positively confounded. When you’d suggested bringing some decorations over, he expected a few knick-knacks, maybe a tiny tree. Not the trunk full of Christmas decor, looking like something straight out of a Macy’s display window he’d pass in the city. 
“There’s… This is a lot.” Eddie tried not to sound as horrified as he felt. 
You frowned at him over your shoulder, hauling the tote bag with your Zellers Christmas Village in it over your arm. “You said you didn’t have anything.” 
“I don’t.” Eddie nodded, scanning over the tubs- tubs, plural- of ornaments. “But-But you didn’t have to bring all of this. What about your place?” 
You rolled your eyes lightly. “I barely stay there.” It was true, you’d slowly migrated into Eddie’s space over the months, staying more and more. “And you have more space. More decorating room.” The smile you gave him was bright, dazzling and excited. 
Eddie’s was… less enthusiastic, a mix between a grimace and dread. Still, he grabbed the box of stacked ornaments, the glass rattling as he walked up the stairs, following your giddy steps into the trailer. 
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“No! Not so close to the edge!” You shrieked, Eddie nearly dropping the snowman figurine in his hand. 
He’d been a good sport, he really had. Eddie didn’t complain when you handed him the tangled lights. He kept his snarky comments to himself when you had him fluff out the tree branches to the plastic tree. He’d come close to snapping when you busted out the Elvis Christmas album, but he didn’t- he tuned it out, focused on anything else. 
The trailer was transformed, a Christmas wonderland, complete with the final touches of the snowmen and Santas on the window ledge. You pushed the snowman back, tilting it to your satisfaction, nodding with approval. 
Eddie let you. The two of you had established a ‘system’- he’d put it out, and you went behind him and fixed it how you wanted it. “What about these, baby?” Eddie hummed, picking up the bundle of plastic, long candy canes. “These go on the tree?”
“No,” You shook your head, placing the last figurine on the window. “They go outside. We can do them when it’s not raining.” 
Eddie turned the candy canes around in his hand, thin and spindly, intertwined plastic red and white that were long. He pulled one out by the hook, shaking it gently- testing it. Eddie brought it down, the swoosh whistling just barely over the music from his boombox. 
“Don’t break them.” You frowned, twisting an ornament so it faced forward. “Just put them to the side. We can do them tomorrow if you want.” 
Eddie stayed quiet, brows pinched together, tongue rolling over the inside of his cheek. You paused, watching him carefully as he studied the cane. 
“You know what?” Eddie hummed, his eyes still on the red and white cane in his hand. “I think I have an idea.” 
“What?” You looked at him, scanning the room for any spare place for the decoration. 
“I can think of something better to do with this.” Eddie’s lips curled, intriguingly dark. “It would really get me in this whole most wonderful time of the year mood.” His tone animated, dark and mocking the way it was when he played DND with his friends, when they were about to be presented with a dangerous risk of a choice. It made your heart skip.
“What?” You repeated, brow quipping, waving your hand for him to continue. 
Eddie’s eyes lit up, twinkling with excitement under the glow of the colorful strands on the tree. He lifted the cane, cutting it through the air with a satisfied swish!, holding your gaze with a darkened look of desire. 
Your tummy flipped, heat rushing through your core, thighs pressing together at the insinuation. 
Eddie lifted a brow. “Think you need it. Probably on the naughty list. Aren’t ya, baby?” He purred, spinning the cane in his hand. You squirmed under his gaze, fidgeting with the sleeves of your sweater. 
“‘M not.” You shuddered, shrinking under Eddie’s greedy gaze. “I’ve been very good this year.” 
Eddie sucked in a dramatic breath through his teeth, stalking towards you until he was towering over you. “Hmm, that’s not what I heard, sweetheart.” Eddie muttered, nose nearly touching yours. 
Your knees tightened, wobbling with excitement. “Good news is,” Eddie started, letting the candy cane slide through his hands, brushing over your own. “It’s not too late. Can correct you now. Teach you a lesson and make sure you’ll be extra good.” 
This wasn’t exactly what you were expecting after decorating. You had hoped the decor would maybe bring some holiday spirit to Eddie, and in a way… it did? 
“I want to be a good girl.” You squeaked, tiny and breathy tone that had Eddie’s cock twitching in his jeans. 
“Yeah? I can tell.” Eddie nodded, hands clamping around the plastic decoration. “I can make sure you are.” Eddie’s hand reached for your jaw, fingers splaying over your cheeks, pulling your gaze to him. “You just gotta ask me.” 
You whimpered behind closed lips, the throb between your legs growing and growing. Eddie tilted his head, curls silhouetted by the tree’s lights. He looked nearly angelic, so pretty- it was so deceiving. 
“C’mon,” Eddie rasped, thumb stroking over your cheekbone delicately. “Ask me to help you be a good girl.”
You squirmed in his touch, eyes casting down. His hand caught your jaw quickly, pulling your gaze to him. “Please…” You swallowed, heart thumping from the thrill of anticipation. “Please, help me be a good girl? I wanna be a good girl.” 
Eddie smiled, satisfied. A gentle, affectionate squeeze to your cheeks. “Alright, I’ll help you.” He nodded, stepping back from you. His arms crossed over his chest, candy cane in his left hand, dangling loosely in his grasp. 
“Strip for me.” Eddie nodded, tongue running down his cheek, taking in your frame. Your red sweater, cropped and positively festive. 
Your hands quaked with anticipation, unbuttoning your jeans carefully, shoving them so they pooled at your sock clad feet. Eddie watched you, leaning cooly against the couch, eyes roaming your frame until you were just in a high cut, cotton thong and lacy bra- his favorite. He had helped you pick it out, snuck in the dressing room when the snobby lingerie store manager stepped away so you could model it for him. 
You looked at him, arms down by your sides, the way he’d taught you to. Eddie lifted a brow, head bobbing at you. “C’mon, keep going.” 
“All of it?” You whined. “Eddie, can I keep my panties on please? You know I hate the cane-” 
“-All of it.” Eddie snapped firmly. “You wanna be good? You’re not acting like you wanna be good. Still acting like a brat. Still acting like a naughty girl.” 
Heat rushed to your cheeks, lip jutting out in a pout that had Eddie’s abs clenching at the throb in his cock. You knew what you were doing, giving him your most pitiful, pouty look to drive Eddie wild. It was working. 
Eddie’s brow lifted, a final warning that he was done arguing, eyes flicking down to your panties, heart skipping when your fingers hooked around them, pulling them slowly down your legs. 
Your hands found your sides again, palms twitching with excitement, smoothing down the top of your bare thighs. Eddie waited until your eyes lifted to his, holding your gaze for just a touch too long- long enough to have you squirming with anticipation. 
“Bend over the couch for me. Hands in front.” Eddie nodded, his voice dropping into that dark rasp it always did when he’d step into this domineering role with you. 
The faded green carpet lacked it’s usual softness, coated with glitter from the decor and you hadn’t got a chance to vacuum yet. The usual crocheted blanket was folded over the arm of the couch, a reindeer throw pillow next to it. You set the pillow in front of you, so you’d have something to grab onto, bending over the arm of the couch. 
Your eyes stayed forward, Eddie’s hum of approval muffled out by his heavy soled footsteps moving closer to you. “Hm, how many strokes does a naughty girl deserve?” Eddie sighed animatedly. He was putting on a show for you, for him too. 
“What do you think?” Eddie tapped the side of your hip lightly with the cane, dragging the cool plastic over your ass.
You shuddered, the hook of the candy cane ghosting over the crack of your cheeks. “I don’t know, sir.” You grit, eyes closing, fighting the quake in your voice. “Three?” 
“Three?” Eddie scoffed, halting his movements, the hook side of the cane pressed against the fatty flesh under your ass. “Try again, sweetheart.” 
“I don’t know.” You whined, toes wiggling into the carpet. You were throbbing, dizzy with the desire for Eddie to touch you, spank you, fuck you- do something to you. 
“Hm, better watch it, naughty girl.” Eddie hissed, eyes narrowed in on your ass. He pressed the cane up, lifting your cheek so he could sneak a peek at your puffy lips, already slick with your own arousal. “Can see why you got on the naughty list. Little bratty thing, aren’t ya?” 
“‘M not.” You pouted, chin dropping into your outstretched arms. 
“Oh, I don’t think that’s true.” Eddie tsked, the cane moving closer and closer to your pussy. “And I think you should get a stroke for every month you were naughty this year. Twelve.” 
You squirmed, hips wiggling and rocking in place. Eddie grinned, smoothing a hand over your spine. You jumped, relaxing under the familiar touch. “How’s that sound?” Eddie muttered, tapping your shoulder blade gently. 
You turned back, chin hooking on your shoulder to meet his gaze. “Twelve?” Eddie asked, his hand still rubbing over your spine soothingly, like he did every night to lull you to sleep. 
It made your heart swell with a warmth that had your cheeks burning with tingly heat. “Yeah.” You whispered, squeaking at the small squeeze Eddie gave your hip. 
Eddie’s hand rubbed back down your spine, setting the candy cane on your upturned ass, shedding his sweatshirt slowly. “Think you’ll remember to be good this year after this?” Eddie questioned, tossing his sweatshirt on the chair behind him. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“You know what happens next year if you’re not good, right? If you’re on the naughty list again?” Eddie grabbed the cane slowly, dragging it over your ass and thighs. 
“No, sir, I don’t.” You choked out, clenching the pillow in front of you. 
“You get double.” Eddie said surely, bringing the cane down behind you. You felt the air on your skin, knees tightening with expectancy, the lingering threat looming closer and closer. “After that, I’ll just have to come down here every month. Cane you and make sure you get a monthly reminder to be good.” 
You whined behind closed lips, hips lifting at the threat. Eddie grinned, lining the candy cane up to your ass. “And believe me, if I have to come down every month, take time outta my schedule to teach you a lesson, I won’t be as nice as this. You better consider yourself lucky this time. Better learn from it.” 
“I will.” You panted, arms shaking from how hard you were clenching them. “I’ll be good from now on. I promise.” You sounded so sweet. Tone so airy and pouty and adorable, that tone that made Eddie’s vision blurry with desire. 
“Good.” Eddie nodded, tapping the cane against your ass. “I’ll make sure of it. Count ‘em out for me, baby.” 
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in through your nose. The cane pulled back, a whoosh! filling the air before it was snapping into your skin, a biting sting from the plastic spreading in a line across your cheeks. Your hips jumped, a tiny huff of a whine leaving your lips at the shock. It wasn’t nearly as unpleasant as the wooden cane Eddie used in the past, but still uncomfortable. 
“One,” You breathed out through gritted teeth. 
Eddie lined up the cane again, higher this time, before it was pulled back and sailing onto your bare skin, harder. Hard enough to have your head snapping up, toes bouncing off the carpet. 
“Two!” You squeaked, Eddie’s hand on the small of your spine to steady you. 
He watched you carefully. If this was the normal cane, you’d be crying by now- sniffly in the least. He lined it up lower, where your ass met your thighs. He lifted his hand, bringing the cane down with the type of strength he used with his hard soled slipper, hard and quick, pulling the sound he was looking for right out of you. 
The yowl, punched straight out of your core, back arching and hips wiggling away. “Ow! Ow! Three!” You hissed, a white knuckled grip on the pillow. Your nose burned, tears brimming in the corner of your eyes now, the sting was searing now, leaving a sizzling sting that had you bouncing from foot to foot. 
Eddie smirked in satisfaction, stilling you again with his hand firm on your lower back. “You learning your lesson?” Eddie grunted, the candy cane falling back down again, that white line imprinting your skin before disappearing, your cry following like clockwork. 
“Yes!” You whined, and the petulant, bratty foot stomp that followed had Eddie’s cock lurching. “Four!” 
“You’re gonna be really good this year, aren’t ya?” Eddie growled. 
“Yes! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” You groaned, a watery, pathetic wail. “Five!” You bounced from toe to toe over the couch, hips shaking like you could possibly shake the sting out that way. The ache between your legs was blinding, rivaling the sting growing furiously on your backside. 
Another stroke came before you were ready, quicker than the last time but just as unforgivingly searing. You cried out, a bubbling sob that tore from your throat. “You gonna make me do this again? Gonna be on the naughty list again?” 
“Noooo,” You cried out. Your face rubbed against your arms, snotty cries from a burning nose and throat that you tried to soothe. 
“What number was that?” Eddie tapped the cane lightly against you. 
“Six.” You muttered, so pitifully sweet it made Eddie’s heart burst. The sniffle that followed was even more piteous, wet and snotty and somehow still bratty. 
“Hm, ‘s not lookin’ great, baby.” Eddie teased, the cane snapping against your sore skin. “Already forgettin’.” 
“Se-even.” You sobbed, head pressed into your arms, slack over the couch. 
Eddie was nearly drooling, watching the way your hips rocked onto the arm of the couch for friction, catching glimpses of your pussy. 
“You wanna be on the nice list.” Eddie nodded, striping you again right across the middle of your ass.
 “You know what nice girls get?” Eddie pressed, watching your shoulders shudder before he caned you, higher this time. 
“No!” You hissed, knees buckling and legs quaking after the hit. “Nine.” 
“Good girls who are on the nice list,” Eddie leaned forward, hovering over your squirming frame. “Get their pussies eaten out.” You whimpered, hips grinding down harder on the arm of the couch. “They get my tongue used on them as a reward for being so good.” 
“Please, Ed, please.” You babbled, throbbing, needy, and your mind already numbed with the overwhelming sensation of pleasure and pain. “Please.” 
“Nuh-uh-uh.” Eddie tsked, shaking his head at you. “You haven’t been good.” His hand rubbed over the hot skin of your ass, tickling just above your hidden pussy, grinning at the whine you gave. You stomped, huffing into the couch. There she was, the little brat he loved to play with.
“If you were good,” Eddie grunted, swinging the cane back and forward into your burning skin. You wailed, hand slapping into the couch, clawing at the cushion to keep yourself from reaching back. “You’d get eaten out.” 
“T-Ten.” You whimpered, a pouty sound. Eddie could practically see your face- brows creased in a frown, lip jutted, tear stained cheeks and a runny nose. 
“I’d use my tongue on you,” Eddie purred. You whined, nasally and desperate, hips swiveling down for friction. “I’d make you cum over and over and over.” 
You gasped when the cane cut into your ass with an unforgiving snap, an inflamed imprint left in its wake.  “Eleven.” 
“I’d even let you sit on my face so you could grind down just like that.” Eddie teased, tapping your rocking hips with the cane lightly. “Let you do that on my face instead of on the couch, rubbing your pussy all over my couch like that when you’re getting spanked. Seems awfully naughty, if you ask me.” He tutted. 
Your toes curled, his words were cruel, teasing, made your body burn with embarrassed heat- yet you were so close. 
“I don’t think you’re gonna be very good this year. Don’t know if I believe you.” Eddie shook his head. “You’re supposed to be getting punished, not enjoying this.” 
“I-I’m not.” You panted, shaking your head furiously. 
“You’re not?” Eddie scoffed, setting the cane to rest on your ass. His hand dipped between your thighs, fingertips sliding through your sopping folds easily, smirking at the gasp that tore from your throat. 
Eddie’s finger sunk into your soaking hole, pumping in and out at an agonizingly slow pace that had your head lifting, eyes pinched in pleasure. You were close, he could feel it, feel it in the way you clenched and strangled around his finger. He pulled away just as quickly as he put them in, your eyes flying open at the loss. 
“Look at this,” Eddie commanded, his fingers coated with your sticky arousal, pointer and middle finger spreading, webs of your slick forming with ever widening of his fingers. “You think someone not enjoying this would have that? Hm? Look at it.” 
Your cheeks were scorching with heat, lifting your gaze shyly to his dangling fingers in front of your face, shaking your head lightly. 
Eddie hummed in satisfaction, pulling his hand back, wiping your release over your burning ass. You yelped, jumping at the burn of his touch on your sore skin. Eddie’s lips curled, grabbing the candy cane off your hips. 
“Last one.” Eddie muttered, lining the festive decoration up against your skin, tapping gently. “You ready, baby?” 
“‘M ready.” You sighed, cheek pressed into your outstretched arms. 
Eddie was sure he was about to bust at the sight of you- glassy eyed, sniffling lightly, whimpering with every roll of your hips. Oh, it was too fuckin’ much. 
Eddie brought the cane down hard- hard enough he thought it might snap in half. The final blow that had you gasping, a strangled whine huffing out of your chest in a gasping heave before your body tensed, quivering at the sensation the impact left. 
“T-Twelve.” You whimpered, cheek pressed against your arm, so spacy in ecstasy you were dribbling out of the corner of your mouth. 
Your ass was stinging with that itchy, red-hot irritation that had you desperate to rub it out, only you knew it would only make the ache worse. You were throbbing between the legs, slick and frustrated, desperate for him to touch you. 
Eddie’s hand skated in a feather light touch over your ass, passing so delicately over each of your lips, coated with your own slickness. “You learned your lesson?” Eddie hummed, swallowing the spit that filled his mouth at the sight of you, presented so perfectly over the arm of the couch for him- for him to fuck you. 
“Ready to be a good girl? Be on the nice list?” His hand didn’t stop, sliding down the inside of your thigh, pushing lightly so you’d spread your legs. 
“Yeah,” You sighed, airy and a little pouty, cheek still pressed to the couch pillow. 
“Yeah? Look at me, baby.” Eddie patted your thigh gently, hovering over you. 
You blinked, looking up at him with sweet, glassy, rounded eyes. “You alright?” Eddie asked, scanning your features carefully, testing the waters of where you were. 
“Yeah.” You hummed, lip jutting ever so lightly. “I’ll be good now.” 
“I know you will.” Eddie nodded. “Are you alright? You with me, baby?” 
“Yeah.” You nodded, shimmying your body so it contorted and angled towards him. “I’m ready to be good, so you can fuck me now.” The bluntness of your words mixed with the light, breathy tone, so deceivingly sweet- it made Eddie’s head spin. 
“Yeah?” He grinned, dimples creasing. “I was gettin’ to that, baby.” 
“You can get to it now.” You hummed, slipping out of that hazy fog that he always got you in, back into your bratty ways. Eddie’s lips twitched, biting back a smirk. “‘M ready for it. I’ll be really good this year.” 
“Alright, you earned it, I guess.” Eddie teased, pulling you by the small of your waist back up the arm of the couch. “How you want me, babe? This good?” 
“Yeah, just let me-” You snatched the pillow in front of you, pushing it under your chest. “Ready.” 
“You sure are, holy shit.” Eddie muttered, eyes glued to your parted thighs, your sopping cunt making his head reel  at the sight. “You gonna be a good girl? Be my good girl?” 
“Yes,” You whine, hips wiggling back further to him. “I’ll be good, so good, please.” 
Eddie slipped two fingers into your sopping hole, pumping in and out just as slow as before. Your toes curled, body jolting with that euphoric, white hot bolts of pleasure. A small whine, quiet but pathetically desperate slipped from your lips. 
Another whine followed, huffier this time, more demanding. “Alright, alright, I gotcha.” Eddie gritted, pumping his shaft slowly, smearing his own pre-leakages over his head, down his shaft. “I gotcha. Relax, baby.” 
Your vision blurred at the feeling of him pushing into you, that achingly familiar stretch, your walls tightening with every slow roll of his hips further and further into you. Your ass was raw with the still fresh strokes of the cane, Eddie’s hips and groin snapping into the irritated skin with a purposeful punch of his cock inside of you. 
Tears brimmed your eyes, of pleasure or pain or both, you weren’t really sure. The sensation was enough to have you mindless, cheek smushed into the couch cushion, whimpering. “Fuck, you gonna be my good girl? Be my-my nice girl?” Eddie hissed, eyes half-lidded, hypnotized by the sight of your pussy swallowing his cock with every roll of his hips. 
“Yeah.” You whined, a ghosting of a whimper tailing on your words. 
“Yeah.” Eddie grunted in a mocking tone, fingers sinking into the fat of your hips. “Holy fuck, you feel so fuckin’ good. You know that? ‘Course you know that. This feel good? Am I makin’ you feel good, baby?” His hand fell on your ass, a stinging hand print left in its wake on your already sensitive skin. 
You yelped, head snapping up at the impact, red manicured nails curling around the needlepoint pillow, grappling at the loopy stitches while Eddie plowed into you from the back. Fingers bruising your hips and waist from the way Eddie was using your body to fuck himself, until he finally halted, heavy breathing gasps of pleasure. He pulled out, a thick stream of his own release drooling out of you and towards the faded floral upholstery. 
Somehow, the lights on the trees and strung along the walls seemed brighter now, with you curled into his neck. Eddie blew the smoke away from you, towards the chilly night air that crept in from the open window. 
“I think I kinda get it.” Eddie muttered, a hand rubbing down your back soothingly, pulling you out of your post orgasm hazy state. You hummed, nuzzling into his chest, curling into his body for warmth from the breeze that swept in. “Get why you like all this stuff.” 
You lifted your gaze, eyes still glowing with the remnants of emotion, but rounding in the sweetest way. “Yeah? You gettin’ in the spirit, Munson?” You giggled softly. 
Eddie snorted lightly, rolling the cigarette between his pointer and thumb over the ashtray. “Maybe.” He shrugged. “You lettin’ me spank you with a candy cane really got me in the spirit, babe.” You laughed, head dropping to his shoulder, eyes batting up at his. 
The candy canes lined the path to Eddie’s trailer the next day. You helped him put them out in the freezing cold, occasionally rubbing your tender ass when he’d swish the decoration playfully, eyes dark and dazzling at you. One lone candy cane stayed inside, hanging on Eddie’s bedroom door knob to make it look more festive, or so he said.
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butdaddyilovehim-hs · 4 months
Quiet - HS
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Hi 🫣 Long time no see I’m so sorry. This is barely anything but I think I’m going to get back into writing again yay!! This is something so tiny it doesn’t even count but it’s based off something that actually happened to me yesterday lol with a ✨bit✨ of creative liberty… might make it a series 🤭 Send me asks - I’m going to try and get to them all now!!
Y/N’s sitting at the Styles dinner table when Harry walks in from work, laughing with his family. She pretends to be unaffected by his presence, murmuring a quiet “hello” before smiling softly at the way Ellie’s eyes light up at the appearance of her dad. Y/N isn’t entirely sure why she was invited to dinner in the first place… she’s just the nanny. But if Harry is confused by her attendance, he doesn’t show it.
There aren’t any seats left by the time he arrives so he grabs a stool from the other room, placing it down in the small space in between Ellie and Y/N. He stops behind her before he sits down, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing lightly. She sinks into his touch for a moment before her eyes dart around the table making sure no one has seen.
“Missed you. Didn’t know you’d be here.” Harry whispers as he slides into the seat beside her.
He’s exhausted, she can tell.
“It’s weird isn’t it. Your mum invited me when she came to pick Ellie up. I can go if it’s-”
“No. Stay.”
The hand on her shoulder has moved under the table to her knee, awfully close to the hem of her dress. Y/N wishes she had a clue about what was going on between them. Her crush didn’t help things one bit. His hand inches higher and she slaps his thigh discreetly.
“Harry. Ellie is here.” Y/N mutters, motioning to the otherwise unaware 4 year old.
“Mmhmm. Ellie seems rather preoccupied with her colouring.”
“Your mother is here.”
“Don’t care. Missed you.” He says again and Y/N melts. She always does.
She holds back a small moan as Harry’s fingers brush along the outside of her panties, and his smirk grows at the small wet patch he finds.
“Gonna be a good girl f’me love? Keep quiet ok? Gonna get you out of here soon, I missed dinner and I’m starving.”
@lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @behindmygreyeyes @gem1712 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou
@velvetballaspark @harrys-flower @macy-tpwk
@mema10 @intimacywithceline @jerseygirlinca
@daphnesutton @rafaaoli @allthelovehes @lovrave
@tenaciousperfectionunknown @namelesssav @hsonlyangelxo @smartcookee @myfavfanficsever
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
mr. fantastic // sam golbach
A/N: first off, sorry this is getting posted so late. had to make some last minute revisions. so, for this one and colby's fic later on, i need to give some slight context. basically in both of these, they are AUs were snc are corrupt ppl, or have a bit of a corruption aspect to their personalities. some of these fics are/can be seen as dark, so i totally get if you don't feel comfortable reading it. just give a good look over of the trigger warnings and see how you feel. if you do enjoy it, please lmk what you think. also this fic is very vaguely based off the boys, the tv show/comic book series. sam is a smidge (and i mean a very tiny amount) reminiscent of homelander. do with that information as you will. happy haunting!
prompt: everyone around you loves sam, or as he's commonly known as - mr. fantastic. but you can see right through his facade. but when he starts winning over your friends, you know something is going on, and it's not good. || AU!superhero!sam x fem!reader
trigger warning: SMUT, enemies-to-lovers, you used to have a crush on sam in high school and now he's a superhero, superhero!sam, corrupt!sam, twist ending, i would say a hint of dubcon (but y/n never says no or stop, but just to be on the safe side i'm letting yall know), manipulation via powers and magical handcuffs (it will make sense in the story lol), hate fucking/rough sex, unprotective sex, cursing, mentions of: babygirl, slut, good girl, my girl, baby, degrading language
word count: 6769
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I couldn't stand him, or anyone else like him. Everyone praised the ground he walked on, but me? Every time I saw him, he made me sick to my stomach.
Well, maybe not sick. But I did hate seeing his dumb, stupid face.
You would think with superheroes becoming known to the public, life would get easier. Crime would go down, more criminals would be off the streets, and the overall quality of life would skyrocket. But that just wasn't factually accurate. Did you know in my city alone, the crime rate has gone up 25% since last year? And what exactly are the superheroes doing about it? Causing more destruction and chaos. I swear, bad things only truly started happening once they came out to the public all those years ago.
The only saving grace I had in my life was that I wasn't alone in my feelings towards superheroes. I had my two best friends, Macie and Rachel, and they both felt the same way I did. Especially towards the best-known superhero in our city, Mr. Fantastic. His real name was Sam Golbach, and I hated him deeply.
He and I had history, you could say. We both went to the same high school. We were both nerdy, and just overall losers. We graduated and moved away to the same city, and then a couple years ago, all of a sudden, he is shown on the news as the newest superhero to save us. It made no sense to me because I remember him from high school. He never had powers. And there's no way that he, the guy that got shoved into lockers and made fun of for being a band nerd, would have tolerated being bullied like that if his powers were super strength and flight. And not only that, but the way the news describes his upbringing: it's all a lie! They paint him to be this all-American boy. They say he was a jock and just a bit shy for most of his life until finally growing into his powers at 19. Most superheroes get their powers by 16, so that alone should be telling that something is off with him. But no. Everyone just believes the lies he tells them. And that is why I hate him.
I may also hate him because I had a huge crush on him in high school and he never gave me the time of day. But I mostly hate him for all of the superhero stuff, not the high school bullshit.
It was like any other normal Tuesday in our office. Our manager, Sally, would bring in donuts, George would make some comment about the week moving too slowly, and around ten o'clock we would all have to stop working to watch the daily superhero news. It was mandatory in our office, as our jobs revolved around fixing superheroes’ fuck ups.
It was almost ten, and we all sat around the flatscreen hanging in the middle of one of our bigger conference rooms, waiting for the news to begin. I glanced around, noticing that Rachel wasn't in. I furrowed my brow, leaning towards Macie.
"Have you seen Rach?" I asked.
She shrugged, "No but I talked to her last night and she seemed fine. Maybe she's just running late or is taking a half day."
I hummed, "Maybe..."
The news turned on loudly, quieting everyone in the office. I leaned back in my chair, sighing deeply. God, please let today be a normal, boring news day.
"Hello everyone, thank you all for coming out this morning," the police commissioner nodded his head, looking at the audience that had formed outside of the precinct. "As always, we like to start with the positives and then move onto the, uh, wreckage. Please hold all questions until the end of the press conference. And now, I pass the stand to Mr. Fantastic."
A bunch of people clapped in the office, some wooing lowly. I grimaced, rolling my eyes the moment he popped on screen.
"Good morning, hello. Oh no need for cheering, thank you. You're too kind," He smiled brightly, shushing the crowd politely. "First, like I always say during these press conferences, thank you for letting me protect this city. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I couldn't protect the lovely citizens of this place."
"You'd probably be working at a Burger King by now." I mumbled, getting close to Macie. She snickered, gazing back at the screen.
"So last night was eventful, like most nights here. I was able to stop two car jackings, and finally put an end to the mask thief that's been vandalizing all of the inner city's school buses. You can all be glad that today, your kids are riding on safe, clean transit." Sam pointed, giving his trademark wink and smile.
I groaned, lulling my head back in the chair. Could this day get any more boring?
"I also have some fantastic news to share with you all," He chuckled, the crowd following suit. "I saved a special young woman from a purse nabbing and possible assault last night around 2:30. Now as you all know, I know many of the people I save like to remain anonymous, but this one really wanted to let you all know how she felt. And of course, I just can't say no to any of you. So please, allow me to give her the floor." He let out another laugh, backing away from the mic. I glanced at the clock, realizing only five minutes had passed. God must have been punishing me, specifically.
Suddenly, everyone in the room gasped, Macie being the loudest. She slapped my leg, pointing at the tv. I turned and my eyes widened at the sight. Rachel, with tears welling up in her eyes, stood at the podium, smiling brightly. "Thank you all. I just wanted to say that Mr. Fantastic," she turned to him giving him a sensual gaze, "Sam, is one of the best superheroes around. This man saved my life, and I couldn't be more grateful for him. He is amazing and so handsome, and this city should be thankful to have a man like him. I love you, Sam. Thank you so much."
She reached over, giving him a huge hug. He accepted her embrace, allowing her to run her hands almost up and down his body too many times.
My mouth dropped open, unable to comprehend what I was watching. Rachel hated Sam just as much as I did. Literally last week she wished a car would fall out of the sky and squish him because he held up her commute stopping a supervillain from breaking out of the state prison. And now she was on tv, basically ready to suck his dick, because he saved her!
Macie and I looked at each other, knowing we needed to talk to Rach as soon as possible. I sent Rach a quick text, telling her to meet us at our usual lunch spot.
My eyes narrowed at Rachel, her smile irritating me. "Please, repeat the story one more time for me."
"Okay, if I must," she giggled. "Last night I went to the corner store because I was craving some ice cream. As I was walking home, a man rushed me and stole my purse. I tried to chase after him but couldn't catch him. He ran across the street, and out of the shadows... there was Sam. He swooped in, grabbed the man, roughed him up, and got my purse back to me. God, it was seriously so hot to see him in action like that."
Rach lightly fanned herself, and I had to hold back my vomit.
"So, he saved you, gave you your purse back. And then what?" Macie questioned.
She continued, "He walked me home and... I woke up this morning knowing I had to thank him for saving my life. So on my way to work, I stopped by the police station, saw him and begged him to let me speak at the conference."
I blinked hard, "He didn't save your life. You weren't threatened. Some random dude just stole your purse."
She pouted, "Yeah, but he saved me so much hassle of having to call my credit card companies and tell them to shut everything off and having to get a new I.D.-"
I jumped in, "I get that, and I'm not trying to downplay it, but like.... last week you wanted a car to fall out of the sky on top of him."
"And the week before that we betted on the subway crushing him between the tracks during that pipe burst. What's changed?" Macie argued, taking a sip of her coffee.
"He saved me," she stated plainly, with a soft smile. "You know, I think we've been so focused on this idea of him that I think if we got to really know him, we would know he's a great guy."
"Have you forgotten that he is lying to the public about his upbringing and reputation? Or the fact any time he saves someone, there is destruction in his wake that our company has to clean up, causing our jobs to be more difficult?" I scowled at her, unable to hold back.
She rolled her eyes hard, "Oh, come off it, Y/N. The only reason you care about that is because he rejected you in high school and you're too hung up on it."
"Excuse me?" I deadpanned.
Rach crossed her arms defiantly. "You heard me. I will no longer be a part of your rain-on-Sam parade. He is an amazing man. And a great superhero."
"Even if any of that were true, you gotta admit that this 180 you're doing is weird. You fucking hated him last night." Macie argued.
"And now I want to marry him." Rach smirked.
My eyes widened, "What the fuck did you just say?"
"If you want me to be honest, I'll say it. I think he is the man of my dreams and everything I could hope for in a partner. I want him, and I hope he'll have me." She turned to Macie, almost giggling, "I slipped him my number at the conference."
"You can't be fucking serious, Rach." I groaned.
"I just know he’s great in the bedroom..." Rach thought out loud.
"Oh... so you've completely lost it. Good to know." I remarked, taking a quick sip of my coffee.
"Don't be jealous of our love. Maybe one day he'll save you too." She quipped.
I laughed sarcastically, "I would rather get crushed by a car, thanks."
Two weeks had passed since Rach's incident with Sam. We hadn't been talking to one another all that much, just casual conversation in passing. Maybe she was right to some extent. Maybe I was holding onto this hatred for Sam just because he didn't care about my existence back when we were kids. I should let it go, and stop being such a hater.
At least, I thought that way, until this morning.
I had tunnel vision as I glared at the tv, unable to peel my eyes away as I watched the news. Another press conference. Another day of kissing Sam's ass. But this time, he again introduced another woman that wanted to thank him publicly. And this time... it was Macie.
Her spiel was the same, her mannerisms almost identical to Rach's speech. I watched, my mouth a gaped, as she thanked Sam profusely for saving her from the purse nabber. She leaned up and kissed his cheek multiple times, her hands gripping the collar of his shirt desperately.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. There's no way that this was actually happening. Something fishy was going on, and it had everything to do with Sam. I fucking knew he was trouble. I just needed to get proof.
I met with Macie alone at our usual spot. I begged her to tell me everything in detail, and her story was eerily similar to Rachel's.
"So a guy stole your purse as you left some club, Sam got it back to you, walked you home, and then you woke up today knowing you had to tell the world how great he is." I reiterated her story, annoyed.
"Exactly. He really is truly a fantastic guy." She snorted, rolling her eyes, "Oh my God, sorry. Such a bad pun."
"Yeah... that." I blinked, holding in my rage. "So, you don't happen to feel the same way as Rach, tho, right? Like... you're not in love with him?"
She thought about it for a moment, "I do think he's amazing, and I would love to be married to him... So I guess you could say yeah. I am in love. Am I blushing?"
I sighed deeply, "What exactly changed? I know he saved you, or your purse, and that's great. I'm so happy he did that. But what exactly made you wake up today and feel this need to wish to have his children?"
"I don't know. It's like... this light just switched off in my head. I just feel that deep down in my soul, I want to be his. And I really hope he'll have me." She smiled dreamily.
Hearing her say almost the exact same thing as Rach made my composure crack. "Do you hear yourself? You want to be his?! He is a douchey superhero who makes our jobs harder, and not to mention barely does anything to actually help the crime rate in this city! He got you your purse back, and all of sudden you want to... be his? You can't be serious."
She shook her head, glaring. "You know, I think Rach was right. You are jealous of the love he and I share, all because he rejected you."
"He didn't even reject me! He didn't know I existed! There's a difference," I took a breath, trying to calm down. "You don't think it's odd that all of sudden you want to have his children? You don't even want to have kids."
Macie ignored me, continuing her argument. "Either way, you come across really bitter and I hope if he comes to save you, you change your attitude. To be held in his arms would be a dream come true."
She stood up dramatically, leaving the restaurant in a huff.
After the shitty month I had, I needed to buy some alcohol to drink my troubles away. Rach and Macie hadn't talked to me since their "savings", so work had become even more tedious and annoying. And now, it seemed like I was the only one in the office that didn't like Sam. Morale had really gone up once he saved two of our coworkers, and I had to quietly sit there, pretending I did despise the man or the situation as a whole.
As I walked home from the liquor store, I noticed how quiet the streets had become as I got closer to my apartment. It was like anyone that was out on the street moments ago disappeared. There were sirens off in the distance and the light rumble of the subway underneath the streets. The low buzz of the street light above me caught my eye, and as I looked up, the light flickered. A chill ran up my spine suddenly.
Okay, maybe I was just freaking myself out for no reason.
A body slammed into mine from behind, almost knocking me flat on the ground. A man wrestled my bag out of my hand, sprinting off down the street.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I screamed. I began to chase after him, my speed not even remotely catching up to him.
My thoughts swirled of all the things I had in that bag. My wallet, my phone, and my key to get into my apartment. I groaned loudly, annoyed.
Where the fuck were any of the superheroes when you needed them?
The man ducked into an alleyway, a loud crash coming from there. I ran to where he was, finding him passed out in the street. His nose had blood running down it, like someone punched him. My purse was nowhere in sight.
"Are you looking for this?" A voice said from behind me.
I spun on my heels, coming face-to-face with Mr. Fantastic himself, Sam.
I opened my mouth to speak but was unable to say anything. I had so much I wanted to say, but couldn't decide on what.
"No need to be shocked, miss. I know, superheroes are a lot to take in." He smiled softly.
Hearing his voice brought me out of my stupor. "That's not why I'm shocked. You kinda just... came out of nowhere."
His face dropped, surprised by my tone. "Oh..."
We stood there awkwardly for a moment, both unsure what to say next.
He reached out, my purse in his hand. "Um, here you go, Miss...?"
"Y/N. My name is Y/N." I stated.
"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He complimented me.
"Thanks, I guess," I mumbled. "And thank you for getting my purse back. It means a lot."
"It's all in a day's work. Or night's technically." His well-known laugh escaped his lips.
I blinked, slowly walking away from him, "Yeah.... Anyway, I gotta get back home. It's late, and I wanna get drunk."
"Oh, well, why don't I walk you home?" He asked, keeping in step with me.
"I don't think there's any need to." I argued politely.
"No, let me. It's clearly unsafe on these streets." Sam responded.
"Well, you just stopped the purse nabber... again. For the third time. Maybe this time he can finally get arrested." I smiled bitterly, trying not to sound it.
"The police have already been called and they are on their way. So, why don't I walk you home?" He stopped in front of me, looking me in the eyes genuinely. "I will be worried if I don't make sure you get there safely."
I exhaled, "...Okay, fine."
I walked home silently, not wanting to speak to Sam. He stepped in time with me, never speaking. I almost forgot he was with me, until he cleared his throat once or twice.
I pointed up at my building, pulling my keys out to go inside, "Well, we're here. Thanks for walking me home, I gotta get upstairs and get to drinking. So, goodbye."
"Wait, before you go up, can I ask you something?" He queried.
I squeezed my eyes shut, opening them again and turning back to him. "Sure, I guess."
He crossed his arms, cocking his head. "How did you know I stopped the purse nabber before? Those were such minor crimes I solved; I'm surprised anyone would remember them."
"Well, you didn't really solve the crime since clearly the man never got put away." I retorted; my voice sickeningly sweet.
Sam raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to answer his previous question.
"My friends were the two you saved." I deadpanned.
"Oh really, what a small world." He pursed his lips in thought, "Their names were... Rachel and Macie, correct?"
"Yep, them exactly." I nodded.
"They were kinda like you, in a way." He mentioned.
I furrowed my brow, "What do you mean by that?"
His tone shifted. It was no longer the public persona one he used on the news. Now, it was more... casual. Equally as snarky as mine. "They too didn't like me. Or were a little... snippy with me."
Oh, well if you wanna play like that... "Yeah, and weirdly now, they want your babies."
He faux-gasped. "What a strange turn of events."
"I guess you changed their minds. How exactly did you do that?" I glared at him, accusatory.
"My charming personality." He smirked.
"Right." I jeered.
"I mean, if you really want to know the answer, let me into your apartment," his voice was almost sultry, his eyes mischievous. "Let me have one drink with you."
I narrowed my gaze at him, blinking slowly. "You're serious."
"100%. But I mean, if you don't want to know, then I can just leave." He pointed to the street, backing away.
"No, you can come up." I felt this overwhelming sensation that I had made a grave mistake, but I continued. "But if for even a second you make me uncomfortable, I have every right to resend your invitation."
"You know I'm not a vampire, right?" Sam snickered. "I'll respect your wishes regardless, but you can't just kick me out that easily."
"Okay fine, if you don't get out of my house when I say so, I'll stab you. Got it?" I grinned crazily.
He raised an eyebrow playfully, "Feisty... Sure, I hear you loud and clear."
We walked up to my place, my eyes catching his form out of the corner of my eye. What the hell was I even doing? Why was I inviting this asshole to my apartment?
I mean, I know why. But God, I just hope this ends quickly.
I cleared my throat as we both stepped in. Sam glanced around my apartment, giving a soft whistle. "Fan-cy."
I rolled my eyes, knowing he was joking. "Well, some of us aren't government paid employees with apartments in skyrises."
"You are a very defensive person. Do you always feel like you're being attacked, or is that just your general tone with me?" He shot back.
"I guess you just bring it out of me." I popped the bottle of whiskey open, the sound reverberating as I smiled bitterly. I poured two cups, dropping a cube into both.
"You're into whiskey, huh?" He gave me a quick once over, "That's kinda sexy."
"No one asked." I raised my glass, "Cheers."
"To new beginnings." He toasted.
"Sure..." I took a long sip, the whiskey burning a little extra hard.
He let out a light cough. "Hooo, that's has a kick."
"So, are you gonna tell me how or why my friends all of sudden started liking you or not?" I asked coldly.
"You don't mess around." He chuckled.
"I only invited you up here for that reason." I replied honestly.
"It wasn't to sleep with me?" He hummed, "I'm surprised."
"I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth." I spat.
"Well, thank God I'm not." He quipped.
I placed my hands on my hips, annoyed. "So... the reason?"
Sam walked over to my living room, taking in everything. His eyes scanned my bookshelves, stopping suddenly. "Hey, how do you have this?"
I glanced up at the ceiling, hoping God could feel my glare from down here. "Have what?"
He pulled a book out, its green and white cover I knew all too well. "This yearbook. This is the school I went to, the year I graduated."
My heart dropped and I raced over to him, "Hey that's mine!"
He flew across the room easily, flipping through the book. "God, I haven't seen this in so long. But again, how did you get this?"
"Give it back to me." I demanded, stomping up to him.
"Wait a second. Is this you?" He opened up to a page with my high school portrait, little writings around it from friends of mine from back then.
I felt a rush of heat to my cheeks, making me speechless. I yanked the book out of his hands, going back to the bookshelf.
"You went to my high school. Wait, Y/N...." He gasped suddenly, "I remember you! Wow, you got a lot hotter."
"Thanks. Can't say the same for you." I grunted, hating how warm my face felt.
He spun me around, his eyes staring into mine. "Now, there's no need to lie to me."
"You don't understand personal space, do you?" I bitched, trying to push him back.
He barely moved; his eyes unchanging. "Am I not allowed to be close to you? Do I make you nervous or something?"
"No, I just hate your presence." I did my best to hide the shakiness in my voice, my body hitting the edge of my window and radiator.
"Strangely, you are the only woman that's like that." He jested, "Is it because you're hiding a crush or some-"
"No!" I cleared my throat, huffing. "No. I don't have a crush on you."
For a second it looked like he moved, his face holding back a smile. "Can you say that again for me?"
"I definitely have a crush on you." I breathed, my brain feeling like it buffered for a second. Why the fuck did I just say that?
He backed away, cocking his head. "Oh you do? Glad you could admit it."
"I wasn't admitting anything. I was just joking, and the joke is that I've had feelings for you since high school." I gasped, "What the fuck?!"
He teased, "I'm so happy you feel comfortable telling me the truth."
"Why am I saying this?" I whispered to myself.
He pointed down to my hand, "It probably has something to do with the handcuffs I put on you."
"Wha-?" I glanced down, and sure enough one of my wrists was handcuffed to the radiator by my window.
"You gotta be a bit more observant than that." He laughed sincerely, lounging on my couch.
I let out a ragged breath, pissed. "How the fuck did you-"
"Those handcuffs are really only meant to be used by me on criminals, that way they confess. But sometimes I like to use it for more..." He gazed at me longingly, "spicier reasons."
"You're a fucking creep." I hissed.
"And you're into it." He snapped.
"Yes I am." Oh my God...
He bit his lip, pleased at my answer. "So, your friends actually told me, without needing the handcuffs B-T-W, that you had a crush on me since high school. And now seeing you, I remember who you are. You were just as nerdy as me."
"Oh, at least you're admitting that now. Why, because there's no cameras around to lie to?" I sassed, pulling at the handcuffs.
"Hey, it's not a lie that I tell. I just... fib a bit." He settled into my couch, fluffing up one of the pillows, "I did play sports, so that would qualify me as a jock."
I scoffed, "Ping-pong is barely a sport."
"Says you," he grumbled. "But that can't be the only reason you hate me slash love me."
"I don't love you." I stated honestly.
"Oh, but you will," Sam uttered lowly. “You still didn't answer my question though. So, is it really just the crush bullshit?"
"No. It's not just that," I started. "You lied, not only about your upbringing. But your powers. You didn't have them in high school. You got bullied just as much as me, if not more so. If you had super strength, you would have kicked Joe's shins in."
He chuckled mockingly. "God, are you, like, obsessed with me? How do you know so much?"
"Joe bullied me too, dumbass. I'm not obsessed with you, I just don't understand you at all. And I know you're a liar. And I try to use those reasons to hide the feelings I still have," I groaned, pulling at the handcuffs more. "Jesus Christ get these handcuffs off!"
"Not yet," Sam commented. "So... you are right. I do lie, in a lot of ways, to the general public. Sometimes I throw in extra crimes I 'solved' during the night, when usually I'm just chilling at the 24-hour Taco Bell."
I gaped, "I fucking knew it!"
He sat up, sitting on the edge of the couch. "Jokes on you, it's actually the 24-hour Wendys."
"Why do you lie? People love you. There's no need to pretend." I argued.
"Ahh, but there is. I have a lot riding on me to be one of the best superheroes around." He remarked.
I hid my eye roll. "Like what?”
"You're right about one thing. I didn't have superpowers in high school. I wasn't born a superhero. When we graduated, an up-and-coming bio-tech company, Malusvir, reached out to random people asking if they wanted to be part of a study for $50k. I thought, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, might as well go see what's up. Go be a guinea pig for some money." Sam shook his head, his anger brewing, "Come to find out, they were testing out if they could grow superheroes."
"What the fuck?" I squeaked.
"I was injected a whole lot of times with... something. And while I was basically comatose for months, all of a sudden, superheroes started bursting on the scene. The government was finally letting them out of the bag, and they were allowing all heroes to sign up to become part of the Superheroes Task Force." Sam stood up, starting to pace. "When I awoke, I was one of the only ones that survived the trial run. This company ended up getting bought out by the government, and they covered it up by going bankrupt and saying they were making chemical weapons, which isn't technically wrong."
"Does the government know about you being... home grown?" I inquired.
"No. The bio-tech company used an alias for all of us, so no one found out. And the secrets disappeared with the CEO when he flew out of the country back to his home country and mysteriously died. I'm pretty sure he's just hiding. Or was killed for what he knew." He informed, his eyes almost glazing over.
"Why are you telling me all of this?" I questioned, confused.
"Because no one will believe you." He replied softly, his voice taking me back. Then, he switched back into his cocky self. "So... that's my story. But back to you, how long were you into me?"
"Since junior year." I confessed.
"You liked 17-year-old me?" He winced, "Oof, now that's a choice."
"So was that haircut." I quipped lightheartedly.
He leaned towards me, whispering. "And those cargo shorts."
I snickered, and he smiled genuinely for the first time.
A silence fell over us for a moment, then he looked up at me and asked nonchalantly. "So... do you wanna fuck?"
I choked, "What?"
"Is it really that surprising of a question? You're into me, and I find you hot," his eyes snaked down my body. "Especially handcuffed."
I stammered, "I-I don't-"
"Look, if you don't want to, understandable. I am a bit of a dick. But let me put it to you this way, have sex with me and get all that anger out that you feel towards me." He stepped closer to me, teasingly. "A good hate fucking helps out everyone involved, really."
I breathed, "You're insane."
"Or, if you have sex with me, and I'm bad... you can brag to your friends that I suck." He offered.
I sucked in a deep breath, already knowing my answer. "You raise a good point there."
"So, will you let me make you feel good or no?" He wrapped an arm around me tightly, bringing his face close. Our bodies were pressed together, my heart speeding up. "Do you wanna fuck me or not?"
"Yes I do." I admitted.
"See, and I didn't have to keep the handcuffs on you for you to tell the truth." He raised up his hand showing the cuffs, smirking.
I scoffed, shoving him back. "You are such a dick."
"And you love every second of it." He taunted, back up to the couch.
"I do, I can't lie." I bit my lip, staring at his mouth.
He sat down, pulling me towards him. "Go ahead, sweetheart. Fuck me like you hate me."
I straddled his lap, grinding down on him as our mouths connected. He shoved his tongue into my mouth, a moan falling from my lips. He gripped my ass, pushing me down more onto his lap. I yanked on his hair, digging my nails into his scalp and chest.
He winced, chuckling darkly as he pulled away from our kiss. "Oh you like it rough, baby?"
"Yeah." I smirked.
"Well good," he bunched up my shirt, tearing it away from my body suddenly. The ripping fabric fell apart in his hands and he chuckled darkly. I gasped loudly, a pleasurable chill running down my spine. "Me too."
I whined, "I liked that shirt."
"I don't care." He slammed his lips back onto mine quickly, taking my breath away. He nibbled on my lip, our teeth clashing together from the intensity of the kiss. I grinded myself against his growing bulge, my wet panties pressing into my sex achingly. I hadn't even realized how hot and bothered he had made me, but I wasn't complaining. I needed this, and clearly so did he.
We removed our clothes desperately, needing each other. He sat back against my couch, gazing up at me hungrily.
"God, your body is killing me." He grunted, "Give it to me."
I settled back down onto his lap, my sex grazing his leaking cock. Our breaths stifled, hitching at the feeling of our bodies being so close and so bare. I lined up my hips, slowly taking in every inch of his dick.
Breathy moans fell from my lips, his groans almost covering up my sounds. Once he was completely inside of me, we stared into each other's eyes intensely.
He began moving his hips, his eyes never leaving mine. "How's it feel, baby? Riding the dick of someone you hate."
"I love it." I whimpered.
"Of course you do. You take me so well, babygirl." He grinned.
I grimaced, "Ew, don't call me that."
"I'll call you whatever I want to, and you'll enjoy every second of it." He slapped my ass hard, pushing into me harder, "Won't you?"
"Yeah, I will." I laughed, moving up and down on his cock, "Fuck, you are so annoying."
His voice was raspy as he glared at me, "Oh, I am? Well, you ain't any better."
I snickered, "Nice comeback, nerd."
He grabbed my face, forcing me to look into his eyes. He pounded into me faster, "Nice cunt, slut. Take this dick."
"Oh my God, fuck yes Sam!" I whined.
I bounced up and down on his cock, his hips meeting with mine, making him go deeper and deeper each time. Sweat slid down our bodies, the room rising in temperature from our movements.
His lips brushed against my ear, nibbling along my neck. "Baby, baby, do you wanna know something? I forgot to tell you something."
I groaned, displeased. "Do you know how to not fucking talk?"
"But babygirl, I think this is really important. You'll want to hear it." He hummed, his thrusts stopping.
"What? What is it?" I slowed my hips, my pussy quivering around him, needing more.
He let out a breathy laugh, pushing my hair out of my face. "So, I forgot one major detail when I told you about the bio-tech company that made me the way I am."
I rolled my eyes, not interested in this conversation at all, "What did you forget to tell me?"
"Malusvir..." The lights behind Sam's eyes dimmed, his face dropping. "They weren't making superheroes."
My heart skipped a beat, my eyes fluttering, "What do you me-"
His hand wrapped around my throat quickly, squeezing tightly. My breath hitched, and Sam began to pound into me again, his hips picking back up the pace they were at once before.
"You are such a silly, dumb girl. Your friends were just as dumb as you. Maybe even dumber." His almost sinister gaze sent shivers of pleasure down my spine as his grip tightened.
I held onto his shoulders, my heart rate picking up as he made it harder to breathe. "S-Sam, fuck."
"You wanna know how I got your friends to fall in love with me?" He pressed his mouth against my ear, whispering harshly. "I fucked them. Just like I'm fucking you. All three of you were so desperate and needy for this dick. But you? God, you're so much sexier."
I shook my head, "You're fucking joking..."
"No, I'm not. And yet, even as I tell you this, you're still riding me." Sam smirked, growling, "God, aren't you pathetic? Your crush runs real deep. Just like my cock."
"Fuck you." I spat.
"Fuck you right back." He leaned in again, biting my earlobe and neck. "I could literally feel you squeeze around me when I called you pathetic. Don't pretend you don't like this."
I tried ignoring him, but he was right. My body reacted to him saying it again, throbbing around him. "How did you make them-"
"Love me? Pheromones, mostly. Thanks to all of those..." His eyes closed tightly as he got lost in thought. "Injections. Fuuuck. God, you make it hard to think sweetheart."
He had to be lying. He had to be fucking with me. "So they fucked you, and that made them fall in love with you? But Rach said-"
“I fucked them but made it so they can't tell anyone. They remember it, but will never say a word. No one would believe them anyway." He winked, releasing his hand from my neck and sliding it down my body to my clit. "Oh baby, you are in for a world of change once you come. Or once I come inside of you."
"S-Shut up Sam. Shit, fuck yeah..." I let out a breathy moan, my hips stuttering. His cock was hitting the right spot repeatedly, his thumb rubbing my clit gently, making it hard to do anything but whine. "You're just fucking with me."
"Believe what you want to, Y/N. In the end, you're gonna be mine." His lustful blue eyes bore into mine, his voice husky as he continued fucking me. "My girl to use whenever I want to. My girl that gets love drunk on my cock. Aren't you excited for that? Don't you want that? To be my little plaything forever?"
"Yeaahhh," I mewled. My eyes widened, realizing what I said. "Fuck, h-how did you-"
"It's already happening. You can't stop it now. But you don't want to, either. Take this dick more and more, slut." He gripped my hips, slamming me down onto him over and over again. My brain grew quiet, mindless. All I could think of was his leaking cock deep within me and needing him to come inside of me. I needed his come. I needed him.
"Aww, baby. You're in love, aren't you? You love me, don't you?" He mocked, a feign innocent smile on his face.
I tried shaking my head. I was not in love with him. But my body didn't listen to me anymore.
I nodded my head, unable to stop myself. My heart surged, a wave of adoration washing over me as I took in Sam's face. God, he was so handsome, even more so when he was fucking me. I cried out in pleasure, my hips bucking hastily.
He bit his lip, his head falling back against the couch. "Good girl. You're my good girl. Forever."
"Forever." I repeated, my heart soaring.
"Who's are you? Tell me." He ordered, his eyes staring into mine.
"Yours." I whined wantonly.
He sped up his actions, fucking me faster and deeper. "Say it again."
Borderline sobbing, I stuttered out, "I'mmmm youuurss."
"Again!" He yelled, rubbing my clit harder.
"I'm yours, Sam!" I panted, bouncing on his dick as fast as I could.
"That's it, baby. You're so close. Get close for me!" He shouted darkly.
I begged desperately, my body overwhelmed, "Fuck Sam, please! Let me come! I fucking need it! I need you."
"That's right babygirl." He grabbed my neck again, growling, "Fucking come! Come for me!"
I exploded in ecstasy, my brain turning off as I came the hardest I ever had before. My body took over, my hips rutting against Sam's. My nails dug into his arm and shoulder, holding onto him for dear life as I rode him through my orgasm. Suddenly, he came inside of me, his groans thundering off the walls of my apartment. His hips bucked into me with abandon, pounding me once more before dropping back down onto the couch. I felt his cum leak out of my cunt, sliding down my inner thigh. Our bodies collapsed against one another, completely spent.
As I passed out, the last thing I heard was a small whisper that escaped his lips. "Mine."
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heymacy · 5 days
hello beloveds! i was tagged by a bevvy of pals, namely @energievie, @mybrainismelted, @jrooc, @stocious, @gallapiech,
@spookygingerr, and @deedala, to participate in this week's weekly tag game wednesday! ✨
name: macy 🐭
age: almost 31
location: shamelessland
what is your DJ name? i don’t know my DJ name but my drag name would be Lady Lamictal 💊
if you were a genre of music, what would it be? lesbian hyperpop á la chappell roan
what would you title your biography? bitch, what the fuck?
what are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? kill jeff bezos, kill mark zuckerberg, kill elon musk :)
what subject do you wish was taught in every school? finance/accounting
when was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i tried strawberry apricot red bull at work the other day and it was wayyyyyy too sweet for my liking
what is the most underrated city you have ever visited? honestly i think chicago is underrated in the grand scheme of things
what day in your life would you like to relive? my wedding day, and/or gov ball '24 🗽
if you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? brushing my teeth. don’t ask me why, i just hate doing it
how long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? maybe a month but the second i run out of my meds i’m screwed!
what would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? didn’t they just admit aliens are real? i’ve been banking on that for years so yeah, that aliens are real 👽
if you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? a sprawling field littered with cows and sheep and chickens somewhere in the countryside and my office would be a tiny treehouse where i write my books
tags below the cut! ✂️
@gardenerian, @palepinkgoat, @too-schoolforcool, @blue-disco-lights, @creepkinginc,
@doshiart, @thepupperino, @vintagelacerosette, @mmmichyyy, @roryonic,
@transmickey, @sam-loves-seb, @darlingian, @deathclassic, @michellemisfit,
@sleepyfacetoughguy, @sleepyheadgallavich, @crossmydna, @tanktopgallavich, @sickness-health-all-that-shit,
@the-rat-wins, @transmurderbug, @lee-ow, @callivich, @kiinard,
@sluttymickey, @thisdivorce, @xninetiestrendx, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl,
@arrowflier, @astaraels, @ardent-fox, @wehangout, @mickittotheman,
@jademickian, @solitarycreaturesthey, @spacerockwriting, and @rayrayor 💛
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melancholicbutterflies · 11 months
a Papa Bear story
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Characters: Reader, Elvis Presley, Momma, Macy, Tommy, Danny, Mary
Summary: You get asked out on a double date with Macy.
Tags/Warnings: controlling!elvis, subtle themes of domestic violence
Word Count: 2,858
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IT ALL HAPPENED so fast. You, Macy, Tommy, and Danny were talking one day after class, and Tommy had the bold idea to go on a double date. Him and Macy, you and Danny. Since the few weeks you'd seen each other at the Mall, you couldn't deny you were hoping something else would come out of it, but you never imagined it would happen so quickly, and the word date would be thrown around! Macy accepted on both of your behalf, and the matter was settled. Next Saturday you'd all go mini golfing and then to a diner afterwards. It would have been perfect if there weren't one not so tiny issue to deal with: you'd have to run the plan by your daddy first, who'd no doubt shut the whole thing down before you could say 'Jack Robinson'.
You waited on the ledge outside school for your momma to pick you up to go home. She was a little late getting there, but it gave you ample time to come up with some ideas to get your way. "Hey Momma," you greeted her, getting into the front seat.
"Hey, baby. What's got you so happy today?"
"Well, I got some good news."
"Good news? What's that?" She pulled away from the curb, glancing at you in curiosity.
"I got asked out. Well, not just me, but my friend Macy, too."
"A double date?" Momma whistled, "that's nice, dear. Your first one, right?"
"I'm real happy for you, baby. Not sure how your Daddy's gonna take it, though."
"Yeah..." You said quieter, fiddling with your hands on your skirt. "Actually, about that—"
"Oh no," she shook her head, interrupting you. "I'm not keeping this from him. He'll tan both our hides!"
"Well, no, not keep, per se, just if you could tell him real gently. Maybe he'd take it better from you. I... I really want this, and, and, he has a way of flying off the handle sometimes."
"Don't I know it. Listen, I'll break the news to him slow and gentle-like. I have my ways," she winked back at you. You had no idea what that meant, but you recalled the way he'd come out of their shared bedroom in a better mood than when he went in and figured it had something to do with that. Maybe your momma was magical. You wished she'd share it with you!
Later at dinner, which Elvis was able to be there for after getting a few days off from touring, your momma took over from Mary, the housekeeper, to serve him one of his favorite meals of all time, fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. She did have Mary prepare a coconut cake, however, which would be served with dessert. Elvis slapped his hands together as he sat at the head of the table, grinning down as he was scooped his dish.
"Now this is a welcome home, honey," he smacked your momma's hide, although gently, causing her to blush as she went around to serve you, and then finally herself before sitting opposite Elvis at the other end. You sat adjacent to both of them. After saying grace, you all dug in; you were kicking your legs as you took in your first few bites. Your momma had surely outdone herself!
"Damn, oughta leave for longer next time," your step daddy groaned, eyes closing momentarily as he savored each bite. You pulled your fork away from your mouth which had some chicken pierced on it. "Don't say that, Daddy. I love having you home. We both do."
He turned to look at you fondly, holding your other hand under the table. "Oh, honey bee, I miss y'all too. I hate being on the road so long. It's real lonesome. And a helluva a lot worse on my stomach, too!"
You giggled, but out of the corner of your eye you saw your momma pinch her nose some. She always did that when she disagreed with something. Whatever it was, she decided to keep it to herself, and you figured it had to do with wanting to keep Elvis content when she broke the news.
"You slave away all day on this?" He asked. "No, not all day, but it passed the time. Was nice getting back into cooking again," your momma replied. Since you both came to Graceland to live with Elvis, he'd had his staff stay on and continue their jobs. Mary was in charge of cooking and other household affairs, and she took it very seriously. There was hardly a day your momma was allowed to cook, and while at first she loved the change of pace, she now missed the more mundane tasks.
"Well, if I didn't know any better I'd think you used my own Momma's recipe. She used to make this for me all the time back in the day." You of course had never known Gladys, but you heard so many good things about the woman. The way your daddy spoke of her she was practically a saint in his eyes.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it so much, dear."
"Mhm. Say, how was your day, darlin'?" He spoke to you first, eying you up as he kept shoveling food into his mouth. Your daddy sure could eat; as such he got the biggest plate, and he always finished what was put in front of him.
"It was good..." You said, glancing at your lap. "Yeah?" He hummed. "What was good about it?" You glanced at your mother in a way you thought was surreptitious, but only got your daddy's hackles up. "What was good about it, doll?" He pressed, now too glancing at momma.
"I'll tell you later, dear." Momma said as you too spoke: "I'm a bit tired," and that was a mistake, because Elvis stopped eating. Which was never a good sign.
"What happened?" He repeated. "Someone gon' tell me?"
There was an awkward pause, so quiet you could hear someone out mowing the many lawns of Graceland mansion. "Well?" Daddy's voice started to get testier. You figured it was better to be out with it; he was impatient and stubborn as a mule. He'd all too happily wait you out and be worser for it.
Momma spoke first: "Well, dear, Y/N here got asked out on a date. A double date," she emphasized, "so don't go blowin' anything out of proportion."
"Who said anythin' about blowin' anything out of proportion?" He said, strangely calm.
Momma opened her mouth, then closed it, choosing her words carefully as she too sat down her fork. "Well, you know, honey, I love you, but sometimes you can overreact—"
"Overreact? I'm perfectly able to hold my damn temper," he bit out the words, fist clenching around his napkin. It was utterly ironic, and you couldn't help the giggle that slipped from your mouth, much to momma's widened eyes.
Your daddy's head shifted to you so fast he might've gotten whiplash. "And you, lil' girl, what have you got to say for yourself? Huh? And what's so goddamn funny?!"
"Yeah, don't sound like nothin'. Who is this boy, anyhow? Ain't I tell you to stay away from 'em? Didn't you promise me?"
"Elvis!" Your momma cried. "Now why would you tell her a thing like that—?"
"Shut your mouth, woman, I'm talkin'. Y/N, you're testin' my patience, speak up!"
Your good mood evaporated at his cold tone, and you saw your momma felt similarly hurt. He hadn't ever yelled at her from what you'd heard, and it wasn't something your real daddy ever did, so it frightened you some. You didn't ever think Elvis would lay a hand on you or momma, but his booming voice shook you to your core. You knew his mood could turn on a dime.
"Uh... U-um..."
"What," he said it like 'wot', his southern twang coming out more in his anger. "Out with it!"
"You're scaring the poor girl," Momma interrupted again, quickly silenced by a glare cut her way.
"H-he's just a boy from school. We're in the same grade together."
"Gimme a name."
"Danny," you whispered.
He stroked his chin, which was developing a five-o'clock shadow. "And how'd ya... hatch this lil' plan o' yours?" He sneered.
"Well, it wasn't really me—"
"Don't lie to me, hunny, you're already on thin ice!"
"I'm not," and you looked him in the eye as you said this. "It was another boy—"
"Another boy? How many boys you been talkin' too?!"
"Oh, Elvis, let the girl speak!"
"Didn't I tell you—"
"Enough!" You shouted. Both of your parents looked at you as if you'd gone crazy. Maybe you had. But you didn't like this! Your daddy had only barely come home and he was already ruining everything!
"Y/N," Momma cried in shock as Elvis went, "Oh, you're in for it now, Y/N Presley!" And you believed him, because he rarely used your name, preferring a term of endearment, and he never, ever used your full name. But all your feelings caught up to you then: you were angry he didn't understand you, and sad that he was being so mean to you and momma, and that he'd probably ruin this shot at happiness for you when you didn't even get to experience it. It was all just so unfair!
"Lil' girl, don't you dare run away from me!" Elvis warned, but you had already taken off, getting a head start that allowed you to climb the stairs faster and slip into your bedroom, shutting the door and locking it behind you. This was another one of your daddy's rules you'd broken: leave your door open, so that he can check on you. You imagined locking it was the equivalent of all hell breaking loose. At this point you didn't care, and besides, daddy was already so furious with you, so what was one more nail in the coffin?
You heard the doorknob jerking from left to right as you laid in bed with the covers over your head, sobbing. Faintly you heard your step daddy order you to 'open this door right now, or else!' You kept shouting 'no' and cried louder. Finally, Elvis seemed to give up, for it grew real quiet and the shadow under the door disappeared. You cried yourself to sleep that night, hugging your big bear to you that Elvis had won at a county fair one summer. It was your favorite bear, and even if you were angry at its owner, it made you calm down enough to fall asleep.
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The next morning you slept in, wanting to delay the inevitable as long as you possibly could. Finally, the smell of pancakes and bacon roused you from your bedroom; your stomach was gurgling loudly from not having gone to bed early without finishing dinner. And you knew Mary made the best breakfast in town.
As you crept downstairs, rubbing your eyes, you heard your parents talking in hushed tones, heads bent towards each other. They lifted as they caught you coming around the corner. "Look who's up," your momma said, smiling tiredly. "How'd you sleep?"
Your eyes flit to Elvis, who looked not at all like himself. For one thing, he usually slept in later then you, so even half past eleven was early for him. But more than that, he looked defeated and continued to distance himself from you. You'd hoped he'd calmed down since last night, maybe even come around some. At least he wasn't yelling at you or momma anymore.
"Y/N?" Momma tried again to get your attention.
"Oh, quit you're worryin'. The girl looks fine ta me," Elvis muttered. "Certainly took her time comin' down here. Ain't realize we were such horrible company to keep. "
Momma frowned at him, sighing. "Oh, dear, don't be that way." She'd never say so, but she was starting to feel like there were two children she had to take care of in this household.
"And what way am I bein'?" He groused. She didn't bother answering, knowing it wasn't a fight he'd ever let her win. "I'm goin' back upstairs. Didn't sleep a wink last night."
"But you've barely eaten!"
"I lost my appetite," he bit out, striding past you, monogramed bathrobe whipping past him, stirring some air around you in his hasty departure.
You felt real awful, felt some tears accumulating at the corner of your eyes; you hated to see your daddy so upset with you, and it didn't look like it was anything you could do about it. He'd just have to cooldown. You worried you might have lost your close relationship with him in the process, though. Momma quickly came to comfort you, "Oh, don't cry, baby. Your daddy's just... havin' a hard time comin' around to the fact that you're growing up is all."
"That's it?"
"Yeah. He just needs some time alone right now." She looked at you. "For some reason he's got it set in his mind that you shouldn't be around boys. Said it wasn't proper, and was insisting on maintaing your purity."
"Purity?" You questioned.
"It's got to do with his religious habits, I 'spose. Anyway, I said that's not right to shelter a growing girl like that, she'd only resent him for it and be even more curious to seek out that attention from boys in ways that are even worse. Hell, it's what I did. Your grammy didn't even want me going to school with other kids and decided to homeschool me."
"Really? I didn't know that momma." She nodded. "Over time it caused a rift between us, and it wasn't until I was on my own for several years that we repaired it and I saw where she was comin' from, although I still didn't entirely agree with the way she went about it."
"Still," she went on. "Maybe I shouldn't a' said that, because he got himself all wrapped around the axel again at the idea of you following after me in that way and he went and spoiled his breakfast." She shook her head, laughing a bit. "Live and learn, I guess."
This was a lot of information for you to take in. "What should I do?" You asked pleadingly. "I hate to have daddy so upset with me. We never fight like this..."
"Just give him time," she reminded you. "And for God's sake, don't let this delicious breakfast go to waste!"
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Later that day, Daddy was sitting out on the lawn tanning, reading a book. It had an angel on the front and you figured it had to be another one of his religious ones. He was always reading them. "Hey Daddy, can I talk to you?"
He didn't immediately do or say anything, and you thought he was now giving you the silent treatment, but finally he laid his book flat on his chest, peering over at you with a raised brow. "I'm listenin'," he said.
You shuffled back and forth on your feet as you tried to think of what to say to move past this rift between you two. You didn't want to give up your burgeoning freedom, but it was worse having him stay mad at you like this; you just couldn't bear it any longer.
"'M sorry for hurting you like I did last night. It was all so new and... and, I didn't even know what I was really saying yes to. I just wanted to fit in but none of that matters if I don't have my daddy anymore."
Some of what you said might've been the right thing, for he opened his arms wide to fold you into his embrace. "You have me, honey bee, you have me. But thank you for sayin' that, baby. I hate fightin' too, and I missed ya somethin' real awful. You know we ain't ever gone to bed mad? And I don't wanna start now." He began peppering you with kisses to your cheek and forehead, no longer held back. It made your heart sing to be close again with your daddy; when he was sweet like this to you there was no one that made you happier on earth.
"But ya gotta understand why I was so angry with you, pumpkin. Ya know that, right?"
You picked at his shirt where the buttons lay open on his big hairy chest. "Yeah, daddy, I know."
"I need to hear you say it, darlin'." He picked up your chin to look him in the eye with his forefinger.
"It's 'cause I disobeyed you."
"And how did you disobey me, hunny?"
"I agreed to go on a date with a boy."
"That's right, baby." He kissed you some more, real sweet-like. "Why's that wrong?"
"Because...because they're trouble and I'm a special girl, and you don't want nothin' bad to happen to me."
He hummed, looking like a weight was lifted off him. "That's right, satnin. My special, innocent little girl." He patted my hair with a smile so wide it made my heart hurt.
taglist:@everythingelvispresley@dkayfixates@animalloverthingsss@suspiciousmindsxo@iloveelvis@18lkpeters@doll-elvis@ccab@elvisalltheway1@satninroses@darkmoviesquotespizza@jaqueline19997@louisejoy86@myradiaz@velvetelvis@sillybookmarks@alllriseabove@livelaughelvis @blog777e @kissforvoid @lillyrob @whatstruthgottodowithit @ashtag6887
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crisisreading · 5 months
Continuing from my last post, here are my dislikes for the PJO TV series (I recognize that we are halfway through the series and some things on this list may be addressed):
- Is it just me who thinks that the life of a demigod seems a bit less dangerous? In episode 1 where Percy describes seeing mythical beings throughout his life, it just comes off as more fanciful than scary. And it definitely seems that Alecto and the Minotaur are the first times he’s been attacked outright, whereas in the books there have been attempts on his life since he was a baby.
- I don’t think there was enough setup for the stolen lightning bolt and brewing war between Zeus and Poseidon. In the books, Percy mentions consistent bad weather and storms, he has dreams of the sky and the sea being at war with each other, and it even storms at Camp Half-Blood (something which should be impossible).
- I didn’t like how some aspects of Percy’s background were whitewashed. Percy comes from a poor family. He and Sally always struggled financially and I don’t feel this was conveyed in the show. In the books, Percy references having to sell candy out of his dorm, and take on odd jobs like walking dogs or cleaning up horse manure after the NYC Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. This boy is literally 12! Gabe is even known to take money from Percy and Sally.
- Also, I didn’t like how Gabe was made to be a bumbling fool instead of the abuser he was. The abuse that Percy faced as a child had a major impact on him. It influenced his sense of justice and also colored the way he interacts with all male role models in his life. As for Sally, we see her grow from being a passive victim to a woman capable of fighting during the Battle of Manhattan, all because she was emboldened by her son’s heroics. Overall, I just don’t think this change helped either Percy or Sally’s characters.
- This last one is a teeny tiny nitpick, but I’m sad that the show scrapped having Percy and Annabeth broadcast to Olympus during the Tunnel of Love scene. It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but it does emphasize that not only do the gods treat demigods like pawns on a chessboard, but they also actively see their struggles as cheap entertainment.
Please let me know your dislikes and if you agree/disagree with mine!
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stocious · 12 days
weekly tag game! thank you macy @heymacy for tagging me! 🖤
name: kakakaka
age: 33 (that's me screaming the the distance)
where in the world are you? swedenland.
how tall are you? 160cm which is... 5'3 in freedom units?
what color are your eyes? blue.
what’s something that frightens you? gonna agree with macy - the passage of time. also the deep water. i'm a very bad swimmer.
do you have children? if not, do you want any? no and i don't know and it's stressing me tf out, moving right along children.
are you the eldest, middle, youngest, or only child? youngest of two, 6 years apart.
what time do you usually wake up? 11am. i'm so eepy.
relationship status? i've had a fella for like 6 years now.
do you identify as a member of the queer community? no. yes. maybe. i don't know. (help).
any tattoos/piercings? 2 non-ear piercings and a whole buncha tattoos.
something you love: pocket pals! 🫂
something you hate: tomatoes. sorry ian.
do you have any pets? no :(
do you have a license/can you drive? hell yeah and i drive like i stole the car, the gas and the license, watch out.
if you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? these are not the best years of your life, don't worry.
and finally, something people would be surprised to know about you: i might have a whole buncha tattoos but the one i like the most is the little tiny heart on my finger and i feel absolutely ridiculous about it. i mean my sleeve cost more than my car. whoops. (someone take away my adult monies)
tags below the cut!
@creepkinginc @transmurderbug @transmickey @jrooc @lee-ow
@spacerockwriting @blue-disco-lights @mybrainismelted @sgtmickeyslaughter @mickeym4ndy
@roryonic @deathclassic @ian-galagher and anyone else! 🫂🖤
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
The Firefly’s as Gods:
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Mama: Eileithyia
- She is the goddess of childbirth and womanly pains. Her name means “she who comes to aid” much like Mama’s role in the family.
Spaulding: Momus
- Momus is the personification of satire and mockery. I think that suits Spaulding’s clowning around personality quite well.
Baby: Bia
- Bia is the godly personification of force and power. She fought beside her family and helped them win a battle against the Titans. Baby is a force to be recon with, and would do anything for her family.
Otis: Chronus
- Chronus is the leader of the first generation of titans. A fierce protector, and excellent leader. Much like Otis made his own family, and leads them to a life he sees as most fruitful. And he’s fiercely protective of what is his.
Tiny: Hyperion
- He is the Titan god of light and observation, and the tallest, most towering of all Titans. Like Hyperion, Tiny is considered a core pillar of the family.
RJ: Alastor
- He was the avenger of evil deeds and familial bloodshed. RJ doesn’t really speak much or get involved, unless it’s for the sake of his family.
Manon: Hestia
- Hestia was the eldest daughter and often assumed more of a maternal and leadership role. Hestia was the first to be devoured by her father and the last to be free. Similar to how Manon will put herself at risk to save a family member. Sadly, it’s family first, herself last with her. But she takes pride in that role, and accepts the responsibility.
Selena: Calliope
- The muse of epic poetry and lyrics. Selena was often left alone for hours and only had her voice to comfort her. Singing songs until the sun came up, and bracing herself for the next day.
Blinky: Hebe
- Hebe was the goddess of immortal youth or the prime of life. Blinky May age physically, but mentally they remain cheerful and joyous with a child like sense of wonder and adventure.
+ Macy: The Erinnyes
- They we’re cities of vengeance and retribution. They vowed to take vengeance on men who unleashed evil. Macy is a hot headed, loyal and possessive Cannibal. But she would never dare eat a woman, she preserve her taste for men who are worthy of her scorn.
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
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