#she got her magic through unconventional (and maybe illegal) ways
Brain stop having thoughts for new fic ideas challenge. Level Impossible.
I just had this idea like five minutes ago so I just have a bare bones concept, but anyways it goes like this. (All under cut cause long).
King Halbert is going to another kingdom to work on a trade deal and the knights go with to protect him from potential threats. The other kingdoms royal family is impressed by the knights adventures , and hold a great feast in their honor and to work out their deal. 
While that party is going on Lance hits on the wrong person who turns out to be sorceress. She leads him back to her home where she turns him into a horse and ties him up in her stables. 
The other knights realize they’re missing one the next day and the other kingdoms prince points them to the sorceress and Axl goes to try to return Lance back to a human and he gets turned into a bull.
Macy goes next to see if she can talk to her, one independent woman to another. She gets turned into a tiny dragon. Finally Aaron tries to go and gets turned into a fox.
Aaron manages to escape and tries (and fails) to explain the situation to Clay. He eventually gets an ipad (or the Knighton equivalent of one) and types out what happened. Clay eventually goes, and the two talk for a bit. 
That’s as far as I’ve got so far. It takes place after Season 4, the sorceress’s name is Magnolia Wraith, and her home is a sanctuary for dryads and nymphs, ad she’s not afraid to get nasty in order to protect them from anything or anyone considered a threat (i.e. Lance Richmond). This is what she looks like.
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ticklytums · 3 years
It Begins With A Smile
(Luz runs into an unwanted visitor on a potion scavenging attempt, but things take an interesting, childish turn when a weakness is accidentally exposed and Golden Guard learns of a new way to mess with the human.
Warning: Contains fluff and the adorableness of two traumatized children getting to act like children and slowly giggle their way into friendship! Not intended to be GoldenLuz but can be if you want it to be)
Sure. It figured. Every time Luz was on her own she seemed to fall into some sort of terrible situation. And this one seemed to include warping mushrooms that she never seemed to be able to grasp before they vanished at her fingertips. Why did all these witch potions include the most unconventional, hard to get ingredients?
“Would you get over here!” Luz hissed as she clawed at one of the flighty mushrooms, before watching the thing vanish and appear once more inches from her. This wasn’t…technically legal, that the young witchling knew. Then again, being under Eda’s mentorship basically screamed ‘I do illegal things all the time!’ Warping mushrooms weren’t meant to be picked until they ripened some more, but…this potion called for ‘young shrooms.’
It’s fine. It could be worse.
“Ah, up to more mischief I see! Who knew a little human could be such trouble…”
And it just got worse.
Luz’s eyes slid shut in absolute dread. She refused to turn her head towards the source of the voice that was just radiating smug teenager energy. Nope, she wasn’t dealing with that jerk’s antics today. Forget the mushrooms. Eda could wait for her ingredients.
Picking up Eda’s staff, the witchling immediately turned around and started her path home—only to yelp as she nearly slammed face first into the Golden Guard.
“It seems you just can’t help being on the wrong end of the law, can you?” the smug prodigy sing-songed. “You know it isn’t legal to pick those mushrooms yet, right?”
“I’m NOT picking them!” Luz growled as she tried to step past the guard. “Now get out of my way.”
The older boy didn’t seem intent to do such, instead merely blocking the girl with his staff as she attempted to advance. He prodded her pointedly with his mechanical staff. “So what are you doing here then?”
As the staff made the blunt and yet gentle connection with her belly, Luz almost felt a squeak slip out. It took a moment to compose herself. “I don’t have to answer you.”
“Yeeees. You. Do!” the guard chirped and he punctuated each word with a light prod against her. Every time he did Luz seemed to suck in her breath and twitch. The prodigy blinked at the response, watching the human as she tensed from the jab of his staff, and looked like she was gritting her teeth quite a bit.
“Oh, what? Am I hurting you?” he scoffed disdainfully at the thought. Humans were pathetic, but Titan, he at least assumed the girl that stood up against Emperor Belos and took a couple good blows from both of them wasn’t so frail. He jabbed her lightly a few more times. “I know your kind is weak, but-“
He was cut off by the small giggling snort that burst from the teen before she could stop it, and she clasped a hand hurriedly over her mouth, before shoving the staff away with her other hand. “Would you knock it off!” Luz snapped, reining in control of her giggles.
The older boy tilted an eyebrow, perplexed. That wasn’t the reaction he expected to provoke… Curious, Golden Guard jabbed at her again, only this time he made the poke deliberately softer, and wiggled the end of the staff a bit. The ticklish jolt made Luz let off a laugh. And he did it again, smirking in delight when she kept trying to get away from it.
Well, that was…an interesting reaction. Living the life he had, Golden Guard hadn’t exactly been granted the luxury to engage in juvenile play, and he had little experience with tickling.
But that was about to change.
“Well, well, well…” the prodigy taunted the other indignant and increasingly nervous teenager. “What an interesting and may I say rather adorable development. You humans are just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
Luz finally snapped to attention and the guard had only a millisecond to react as balls of flames were tossed towards his face, crackling passed him. The boy effortlessly dodged them and his staff deflected a few icicles with a chuckle. His amusement was just fueling Luz’s annoyance.
“Oh now now,” the guard admonished teasingly as he simply avoided her little tantrum by holding her back with his staff. “No need to throw such a fuss, I’m just playing around!”
Luz gave a growl and shot a murderous glare as much as she could to the older kid. “And what after that? Going to cart me off to Emperor Belos, are you?”
“Hmm, well I suppose I should!” the boy said with a sigh as his maroon eyes sparkled mischievously under the golden mask. “But where would the fun be in that already, hm?” After all, he wasn’t done experimenting.
Luz growled and positioned an ice glyph on the ground, stepping upwards so she could launch up into the sky. The prodigy was impressed and barrel rolled out of target range as several fireballs singed the red grass. With a crimson flash he disappeared, and Luz let off a squeal as she felt a poke against her side.
“Would you-!” Furiously, the girl spun around—only to see the flickers of magic disappearing as he vanished again. And the moment she turned, he was back as his fingers ghosted over both sides.
A laugh tumbled out of the teenaged girl as her knees bent slightly in instinct and she furiously took a swipe—only to smack uselessly at empty air. “-fihihight me normally, you-you jerk!”
The Golden Guard appeared back in his original spot and gave an amused laugh. “Oh, I could…but it’s much more fun to mess with ya!” He watched the human sift through her pockets frantically.
“Well I’m not in the mood to be messed with!” the girl snapped. She rose Eda’s staff but before it could connect with the jerk’s head, he disappeared in a flickering streak of red light. “Huh? Wh-ah!” And then reappeared with an arm having hoisted her up off the ground.
“I’ve noticed,” Golden Guard responded smugly. “I suppose I have to enact my duty and punish someone who would dare to harm an official of the royal court.” His smirk grew when he felt the girl tense, before the frantic kicking resumed.
“Let go of me, you creep! I’ll-I’ll burn that ugly Halloween mask off your face!”
“You don’t think I’ve noticed you’ve run out of glyphs?” the older teen responded mischievously, and he laughed as the color drained from her face. “Yeeeah, I don’t think you’ll be doing much, human! Ah, except maybe laughing yourself to insanity.”
Luz’s eyes widened but before she could snap anything back she felt the gentle wiggle of fingers trace along her side. “N-no!” The witchling let off a string of Spanish curses as she struggled not to burst into laughter. That attempt failed when the boy’s fingers switched the target area to her belly and grinned when laughter began to bubble from her.
“Well your kind is just full of sensitivity! And wiggles!” he practically crooned at the poor girl, who at this point was just a laughing ball. He watched in amusement as she attempted to curl her legs up and limit the access to her tummy, but he easily maneuvered back to it.
“S-stohahap!” Luz squealed frantically as she was reduced to embarrassing snorts and hearty peals of laughter as his fingers skittered everywhere. She kicked against the ground and tried to fumble out her threats, but it was useless and tears pricked at her eyes.
This was such an unexpected and entertaining turn of events from the dreary day the guard was expecting, he’d have to thank the human later. Despite her earlier attack on him, the prodigy felt no inclination to harm her. To do so would ruin the fun! And he rather liked this little game, toying with the younger kid as a cat might with a mouse.
“Never really got to experience this growing up. What’s it like, human?”
Luz’s hiccups and wriggles had finally granted her some leeway as she managed to pry an arm free. Fine! So that’s the way he wanted to play? “Well why don’t you see for your-SELF!” And suddenly her spare hand plunged towards the older kid’s ribs.
The effect was absolutely instant.
“Wh-ahahahat!?” The teenager let off a giggling yelp as he stumbled, and it gave Luz the perfect opportunity to twist around and lunge furiously at the boy. She didn’t really think about running at the moment, too intent on delivering back what was just served to her. However, even she didn’t expect the squeaky laughter that burst from the guard as she dug into his ribs.
The older boy’s genuine laugh was so…bubbly and boyish, sounding ten years younger than he was. It was riddled with snorts already and despite herself Luz couldn’t help the way her lips tilted up a bit.
“Wow dude, your laugh is ridiculous. You sound like a pig.”
“I-I do not!” the boy attempted to snap, his laughter reaching a new octave as she drilled into his sides. “I’m totally dignified!” When her hands plunged towards his tummy he squeaked and curled up. This time Luz actually laughed.
“Oh yeah, totally dignified. So, who can’t take it now, bird face?” She switched the scribbles to softly ghosting his sides, and that seemed to drive him even more wild. The poor kid attempted a spell, and Luz watched in great amusement as the magic barely made a spark before he lost his concentration. In his struggles his mask had actually slipped off his face, giving Luz a full view for the first time of this kid.
She knew he was a ‘genius teen prodigy’ but for the first time she actually got to see the kid like her, with his boyish and slightly chubby cheeks and a face of youth just as much as it was one of trauma. Watching his face crinkle up in an almost joyful fashion made Luz nearly forget who it was she was dealing with.
“H-human unhahahand mehehe! I demand you to or you’ll saHAHAFFER THE-!” But he couldn't finish that threat as the laughter cut him off. Luz’s hands were clawing at his stomach and had found a rhythm that was driving him up the wall.
“The great teen prodigy, taken down by a little tickling! From a human!” Luz teased the boy. “Wait until I tell Eda! Oh no, better yet! Wait until I tell Lilith!”
“N-not if I have anything to say a-about it!” Golden Guard growled as he finally managed to reach out and tweak at Luz’s side.
“Ah!” Luz let off a giggling yelp as her body faltered trying to keep the older kid pinned down. She tried to jerk towards the side to avoid his grab, but it was making her wobble, and threaten to tumble off of him. “Y-you’re just a sore loser that can’t handle thahat he’s being beaten by a human!”
Both of their staffs were in easy reach and both witchlings easily could have grabbed for their actual weapons, but neither seemed inclined to do so. If anything, they seemed to have forgotten their hostility only moments prior in the wake of this bizarre game of trying to out tickle the other.
“Beaten?” the guard scoffed through his giggles as his hands suddenly locked around the girl’s wrists in an attempt to overpower her. “Y-you’re giving yourself a generous compliment, human!” He shoved against Luz, who was also pushing against his arms now.
“I am, and I’m also gonna give you a dose of THIS!” Luz smirked, her hands darting up under the older teen’s arms. Her eyes widened in shock at the explosive reaction that invoked, and she watched him desperately dig his elbows into his sides to try and protect the sensitive spot. His kicking was just wild now.
Luz couldn’t help it. Despite the fact not a finger was touching her, she laughed genuinely. “Wooow, okay I didn’t expect you to go that nuts.” Found his worst spot it seemed. “I guess it has to be pretty bad if someone as proud as yourself is actually willing to beg for mercy!” That evil grin widened, like a mischievous younger sister. “And I’m not gonna give it.”
The sixteen year old was laughing helplessly now as he twisted about to try and get away from Luz’s mischievous and playful little pokes. She was evilly prodding and jabbing anywhere she could reach, from his tummy to his sides, and back up under his arms. “Do you give up yet?”
“I’m goHONNA FEED YOU TO A DE-DEMON!”  the guard squealed, tears of mirth in his eyes. A flailing hand waved around until it found her tummy to poke, invoking a squeak from Luz.
“Ah! Ahaha, hey!” Luz grappled with the hands, and by now the two were just…a giggling mess. Both were just laughing, ticklish kids that seemed to have forgotten this was even a battle to begin with and were treating it as way more of a game now.
“You’re not gonna win this fight with me, dude! I’ve been having tickle fights with my Mami since I was little!” And had decimated everyone at the owl house at least once by now.
The teenager laughed as he kept trying to pin the younger kid. “Yeah? Well I’m the Golden Guard, so I’m stronger than you!”
“You sure about that??”
Their bizarre and adorable tickle battle went on for another good couple minutes, the two putting aside their animosity as they just let themselves indulge in being children for once, without thinking about the opposing sides they were on, or the trauma they’d been through. Both kids were breathless by the end of it. Luz barely even remembered she was supposed to be out here collecting mushrooms, or that she was essentially playing with her enemy.
“I…totally won that, human,” the boy panted out smugly, and he yelped a bit as Luz shoved him back down to the ground. He was still so caught off guard he hadn’t even seen it coming.
“You didn’t win anything. You jerk.” She rolled her eyes but after a moment offered a hand to help him up. “…Wait, what were we even trying to win?”
He seemed just as perplexed, eyes looking around slowly as if he was trying to find some explanation. A flustered look came to his face and his maroon eyes narrowed at Luz as she gave a small snort.
“Well regardless!” he went on haughtily, as if he hadn’t just been a giggling mess a moment ago. “I hope you’ve learned not to mess with a royal guard. Unfortunately it didn’t appear as if the younger teenager looked the least bit intimidated. In fact she merely smirked.
“Oh you mean the royal guard that was just giggling and squealing like a five year old girl?” Luz laughed as the teenager scowled in fury and his blush deepened. “Yeah, I definitely won’t ‘mess’ with you again,” the kid teased.
Golden Guard grunted a bit as his fingers twitched. A look of turmoil crossed his face as he kept staring at the human. It was no use. She wasn’t afraid of him anymore. Technically she hadn’t been before but he at least knew she was wary of his presence. …That wasn’t the case now.
“Well…” The prodigy hopped up onto his staff and began to rise up into the air. “This was a warning, you know.” The staff flew closer to her and the butt of it bopped her in the stomach. “Next time I won’t be so nice, human.”
The boy frowned. “Huh?”
“My name, it’s Luz.” Luz crossed her arms and lifted a brow. “You could at least dignify me with my real name, you know.” She watched him blink. “So what can I call you then?”
The older teen turned away at her imploring eyes as he once again attempted to harden the proverbial walls of his armor that this stupid human had begun to chip at today. “Golden Guard,” he muttered, and didn’t miss the way Luz’s shoulders seemed to slightly sag in disappointment. After a moment of consideration, his staff lit up.
Before Luz realized it, she had a small handful of warping mushrooms and she looked to the boy.
“Consider it a small gesture of goodwill,” he told her simply and he ignored the tiny smile she was giving him. “The mushrooms are over populated this year anyway. …Don’t lean too much into this. My mercy was a one time thing.”
Luz laughed softly and gave her strange adversary a wayward smile. “Right. …Uh…thanks.”
“Try to keep yourself out of trouble for once…Luz.”
The kid stuck her tongue out at him, and it earned a small look of amusement from the other. “Yeah, whatever. See you later then, I guess.” And then he was gone. Luz’s grip on the small mushrooms tightened. “…Golden Guard.”
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jacqcrisis · 5 years
in regards to this post about sad vampire dude and the botanist, felt like cleaning up this rundown of the primary and secondary characters.
Isaiah, the vampire boy himself, the story’s punching bag. is in his early 20′s, was going to college for business and marketing, had a fairly normal life completely unaware any magical bullshit going on like most people. has to be completely cut off from his previous life once he’s been turned and start from scratch. He’s empathetic, a people-pleaser, goofy, very laid back personality though for most of the story, he’s rather withdrawn and emotional given what he’s going through, though he tries to hide it. when he isn’t having some body horror episode or filming vlogs for his magical doctor/Underground-version of a Youtube channel, he’s hanging out with the other characters or exploring the Underground parts of the city.
Adrian, the botanist, a late 20-something, no-nonsense, always looking for solutions, introverted trans guy. when he was in his early twenties, he got fed up with traditional legal transitioning spellcraft (which, while meaning no surgeries are needed depending on what the user would like their end result to be, is slow and tedious and has lifelong maintenance) so he created a couple of homebrew spells to speed up the process and now he’s about 20% plant. has chloroplasts and does some minor photosynthesis, but he doesn’t regret a single second of it. This process was extremely illegal, landed him in some hot water which he is still dealing with. his job is to find ways to invent GMO’s that can enhance certain Fae lifestyles, and secretly help non-magical individuals. he’s a well-dressed boring fuck who can be kind of standoffish and has no work-life balance, but he’s dedicated to whatever he puts his mind to and that includes helping Isaiah who his boss basically dumps on him.
Nathaniel, vampire guy’s uncle/botanist’s boss/director of the magic research facility, an absolute bastard. a charmer, a very talented witch, a very caring uncle, but also kind of an ass who has a difficult time listening to anyone but himself. the uncle is a good boss and looks like a sweet guy who wears mainly sweaters and smiles, but he has chronic ‘no self-reflection’ syndrome. he was cheating on his wife with Adrian and abusing his authority and a lot of his story is having to deal with that fallout. He invents whole cloth the spell that keeps Isaiah alive initially when they find him on the brink of starvation in a back alley, and he’s paying Adrian to house his nephew.
Eliza, the uncle’s soon to be ex wife, a psychologist for magical peoples of all walks. caring, non-judgmental, able to take charge, dry humored. she’s leaving her husband, and eventually takes over a mentor sort of position with Isaiah, both as his psychologist and as his ex aunt-in-law. takes to helping him come to terms with his new life all while starting up a relationship with a lady baker downtown. she holds literally no ill-will to Adrian as she realizes he was maybe coerced into it considering the power dynamics at play, also he is just one in a long string of people her husband had an affair with. the two eventually become good friends/drinking buddies.
Manny, the doctor and an eccentric weirdo who is an HR nightmare (half of his side-jobs are borderline illegal both in and outside of the Underworld) but is too important and good at his job to fire. He is a sort of jack of all trades, working in anthropology, biology, and medicine relating to and for Fae beings and literally wrote the most in depth book on the vampire life cycle, much to several peoples chagrin. does a side job as an inexpensive doctor for Fae beings so long as they allow for experimental tests. very good friends with the uncle and is very interested in Isaiah, both as a patient and a subject. spends most of the story as a source of unconventional wisdom and connection to the more illicit side of the Underground. has an interesting relationship with the locals.
Sam, the doctor’s intern who is working towards a full time research position on demonology and one of the most talented witches in the research institute since Nathaniel. becomes extremely good friends with  Isaiah and is responsible for showing him the Underground and witch culture in general. keeps Manny in line as they share a silbing-adjacent relationship. is very fiery, outgoing, rude, and easily the most street smart character. where Manny knows how to get illegal substances and hook up less than morally pure meetings, Sam knows the best place to get into a fist fight with a ghoul. i love her very much. 
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