#Magus Wampyr Daoloth
triste-guillotine · 2 months
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NECROMANTIA "IV : Malice" CD 2000 ('...Knights of the temple, guardians of the flame, warriors and wizards, the dragon's way, keepers of the Grail')
The Blair Witch Cult
Those Who Never Sleep
Disciples of Sophia (The Templars)
Murder, Magic and Tears
Circle of Burned Doves
"Out of the night that covers me Black as the pit from pole to pole I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the horror of shade Ad yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid
It matters not how strait the gate How charged with punishments the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul"
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nofatclips · 3 years
Non serviam by Rotting Christ from the compilation album Unity vol 1 - In Solidarity With The Refugees of Moria Camp
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Rotting Christ
Plague  #2    
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metalkilltheking · 6 years
Rotting Christ - The Fifth Illusion
1994. Non Serviam
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orderfromkaaos · 7 years
Diabolos Rising - Satanas Lead Us Through
666 (1994)
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kidzbopdeathmetal · 7 years
From May 1998
First of all, I will ask you of course about your last work, A Fallen Temple. It is considered as the No 1 Greek album and you have received lots of positive comments. Are you satisfied with the result? How are your fans reacting? -Yes, we are satisfied with the result of A Fallen Temple, the reaction of those who listen to our music was the expected, I believe.Of course, there were some reactions because of the vocals, but I believe that the majority of the fans who listen to our music had a positive correspondence. I wouldn’t like to refer now on how many copies it has sold, because it is still too early, it’s no more than two months, but we are really satisfied... 
In «Rockwave Festival» this summer u will play together with Judas Priest, Cradle of Filth and many others. How do you feel for participating in such a great event? -About Rockwave Festival, as you can understand, things are weird right now, we don’t know for sure if it finally takes place (note: It was finally cancelled because Judas Priest wouldn’t come. I won’t express my opinion now, as the zine is tryin to be at least modest). I believe I don’t have to say anything else, since it’s something it might not happen. In Rockwave Festival, if it finally takes place, you will play live for first time! You mustn’t have played live again before, am I right? What was the reason for which we haven’t seen Septic Flesh on the scene until now? -The reason for not playing live so many years, maybe was the coinsidences, as a result not to be able to. Namely, my brother, Chris, he is studying in England classical music, with a result as you can understand not to be able to play live and, also, Sotiris had joined the army, for a period and right now he’s getting done with it. So, we couldn’t play live. At the moment, we have a full line-up as we have Akis on the drums, from Horrified, a great band for me, who had offered a lot to the greek scene and right now they will sign probably with BLACK NOTUS and will release their new CD, in the new year that is coming... What would you think of the idea of releaseing a live album or some live songs in the future? Did you ever think of that, as you are about to start your «live acts» on the scene, very soon? -Well, about this idea, to make some live songs, we’ll see that in the future... If a good live happens with a good sound and, it also depends on how the company reacts... It’s not our jurisdiction. What’s the band’s religional philosophy, if there is any? And, if there is, where is it heading to? -Even though I believe that for this question, proper person is Sotiris, because he writes all the lyrics of the group. I am just trying to express his opinions and ideas through art. In general, the lyrics are esoteric, internal. They don’t belong to ANY religional organization, which doesn’t mean that we underestimate the religional dogmas. We believe in human understanding, we believe in knowledge, which is a very strong and powerful weapon. With knowledge, man can reach higher levels of conscience, he can as well develop the «dark» powers he has and, when I say dark, let��s not think of good and evil, because all these are relative, «dark», I mean, the non evident powers. That is, powers which are non evident to the wider mass, for some reason. At all events, our lyrics are esoteric. About A Fallen Temple now, if we sit and analyze it with the cover artwork as it is with the hieroglyphics, the egyptian and with the standing of the female body, we can get various opinions, which will need a lot of time... In your music, exists a mentioning to various mythological elements, such as, for example, the «Burning Phoenix» and other. Are you occupied with mythology, finding it maybe a way out to your lyrical concept? -Yes, another section from which we’re drawing up the content of our lyrics, are the various mythologies of ancient civilizations, mainly from the Egyptian one, the Sumerian and... the Babylonians in a few words, because we believe that in these civilizations exist the first marks of the primordial knowledge which still has some unexplained marks, to which no one can find a reasonable explanation. The good with mythology is that if you decode it correctly, you can get some results with which you are walking towards some steps which help you evolve. You released «The Eldest Cosmonaut» in 2 different editions. What was the purpose and the motive for this? -About Eldest Cosmonaut, it’s the song which was released in 2 different editions, because the atmosphere that it has, fits very much with clear vocals, that is, no distorted voice. With a result to do 2 different editions. A distorted one and one with no distortion. I must say that, there’s a 3rd edition too, which is for the video clip, which is expected to be released the most in two weeks (yes, he told that to me back in May ’98, it is now released!). Will your cooperation with Natalie continue in the future? -Our cooperation with Natali will continue in the future for sure, even though things right now are getting more complicated, with a result, the fact that we’ll have to get an allowment for her participation, but this doesn’t mean that it is something negative, because she is willing herself to continue with us. What are your relations with the label? Are they satisfying? -Our relation with the label is, let’s say, the typical relation which a band has with it’s label. It wavers in professional frames, as long as we both observe our obligations, we’re pleased enough as they are from us too. Are maybe some members of the band participating in some other projects too? -No, at the moment none of us competes in any projects, Sotiris was just helping Danse Macabre together with Magus Wampyr Daoloth, in the past. What is your opinion about the Greek metal scene? -I have only one thing to say, that right now, the greek scene has made it’s own character in Europe, I won’t say in the whole world because we know that there is no correspondence from all over the world, there are many good bands, I believe the only think that must change is the attitude of the bands, which they have to be -let’s say- closer to each other, because I believe that if we all unite and create a fist we can achieve many things, than burying each other etc. I will not separate any bands, so that I will not underestimate some others if I forget. 
What kind of bands do you admire and what kind of bands do you hate most in music? - Well, let’s say that the bands we admire, besides the death and black metal bands, we like gothic bands very much, from independent there are some good, we listen a lot to classical music, soundtracks, but these are not bands, we went into another level... Now, concerning the bands we hate most in music, ok... we hate skyladika the music that is «for the dance of the monkey», let’s say, techno etc., which concern only fun, that is, the only thing they do is satisfying your impulses and the instincts that you have deep inside yourself, and just to get rid of them... I don’t like them because they they ain’t anything worthy, they don’t have any message to give you, they don’t try to give you anything. Only thing they do is giving you a simple fun. Of course, this is a way, let’s say it’s a form of art. What pleases you mostly to listen to? - To tell the truth, right now, soundtracks and classical music... Personally, I listen to death metal let’s say, but the pure death metal, the old death metal. That is, Death, Morbid Angel, Deicide. About the new clusters, I wouldn’t say that I’m a fan of them... I would like you to express your opinion about some groups... Rotting Christ: -Worthy Ancient Rites: - Good band, they justify their presence deservingly because they’re also an old band, they’re playing for many years now. Dimmu Borgir: -Haven’t heard much stuff Jackal’s Truth: - Very good, from what I’ve heard so far, and as I said before, that’s very positive for the greek scene. Covenant: -REALLY GOOD! From the few black atmospheric bands I like, even though, we can lately see this turn of black metal to the atmospheric kind... Death: - No words needed, GODS! The best band for me... Deicide: -same... Gods... Necromantia: - I believe they are the only band in Europe that has the most personal character in black metal. If you listen to Necromantia it doesn’t remind you anything else. It doesn’t remind you any other band. And that’s positive for the greek scene, again. They’re worthy too, of course. Somewhere here, we end... If you want, add some words for the A.O.M. readers... -Thanx for the support and I hope we’ll meet each other soon in Crete with a live. Source
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Magus Wampyr Daoloth from the classic ROTTING CHRIST "Thy Mighty Contract" album from 1993...
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aaraaff · 8 years
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Baron Blood, Magus Wampyr Daoloth (Necromantia)
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sodomyordeath · 8 years
Diabolos Rising - "Satanic Propaganda (S.N.T.F. Rising)“ from 1995s “Blood, Vampirism And Sadism”
I really liked what  George Zaharopoulos &  Mika Luttinen did with this almost forgotten project
Hard to believe that this track is a staple in my more electronic sets ever since its release in 1995
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equimanthorn-v · 10 years
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Mika Luttinen, Magus Wampyr Daoloth - Diabolos Rising
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triste-guillotine · 2 years
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ROTTING CHRIST “Passage to Arcturo” MLP 1991 (A milestone of ancient Hellenic Black Metal Cult ! The Old Coffin Spirit still lives on...)
1. Intro - Ach Golgotha (The Small One on the Cross) 2. The Old Coffin Spirit 3. The Forest of N'Gai 4. The Mystical Meeting (Sevlesmeth Esoth Spleh Dog) 5. Gloria de Domino Inferni 6. Inside the Eye of Algond
“Circle within circle The sacred hours come They passed to obscure deeds The final step before the meeting What I wish appears in my sleep Surpass the whole mortal life As succubus creeps in my cold room Trespass the invisible zone Archeogonic theory is fallen by reborn Those who believed the one Follow the light now Marking the way to mystical meeting”
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triste-guillotine · 10 months
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"The Serpent & The Pentagram : The Official Chronicles Of NECROMANTIA", written by The Magus and Aris Shock
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triste-guillotine · 3 years
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NECROMANTIA “To the depths we descend...”, LP 2021 (Farewell album of the legendary Necromantia in the memory of Baron Blood who left this vain world and travelled Beyond)
“Born in the Abyss Forged in Hellfire Raised by the Warlocks In utter Darkness His soul, a beast Restless and wild His mind, a maze A riddle of Steel Through the eye of the Storm He travelled far Clad in the Devil's skin The Lunar Tribes he met He was the Avenger of the Gods The Faceless ones of the Beyond He chanted the unholy psalms Of the Litanies de Satan He tamed the Ghoul Unleashed the Wolf His head was bloodied But Unbowed He has now crossed the Fiery Path A path of Witching Evil And from the Scarlet throne of Hades He now moves the Cosmos Farewell my brother Farewell my friend Ride the Dragon In the center of the Abyss Your soul is now free”
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Rotting Christ - Passage To Arcturo
Mortuary Zine #1
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rp-kat · 6 years
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Rotting Christ
Mortuary Zine  #2
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triste-guillotine · 5 years
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NECROMANTIA “Ancient Pride”, MLP 1996 (A great release carrying the spirit of Ancient Hellenic Heathen resistance)
“The Glory of Your Love Is Built Upon Our People's Pain And Your Glory is Painted Red Of Our Noble Blood You Shed. You Came And Slaughtered Odin You Came And Murdered Zeus Our Gods Became Your Satan And Satan Became Our God The Ancient Pride Still Burns Within Us Honour, Strength And Joy By Force We'll Purge Our Soil The Wolf, The Bear, The Raven Still Guard The Ancient Soul The Ram Will Crush Your Temples The Bull Will Slay Your Priests Your Brought The Faith of Slavery You Crowned The King of Slaves You Raped And Spoiled our Beauty But Conquered Not our Hearts The Woods Became Our Shelters The Caves Became Our Shrines Gidden From The Greedy Eyes Of Our Mad, Mercyful God”
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