#Mainly because I didn't know what to say we're completely different people and hadn't spoken in nearly a decade
harleymonster · 6 months
So my prev post was a reflection on how I put off doing things that I perceive as potentially stressful or may lead to social interaction that will make my stomach fold. I also hate need something from someone, I don't want to feel bothersome or burdensome, even if it's their job. Like I was at work and and was like so and so still hasn't booked me onto this course I've been asking for for literally months I don't think I can email them again for it because I've been emailing them once a month for 9 months about it. But it was their literal job! Anyway I messaged Tim I mentioned in the tags and he responded straight away saying no problem and here is a solution to what would have been your next issue. And it was that easy. Sometimes it's just that easy. A lot of the time it's just that easy.
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