chiistarri · 4 months
whos initials am i supposed to look for in slideshows now
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i read a fic where cameron is just the slightest-majorist nervous about mike's personalities. which i subscribe to. i mean, this kid CANONICALLY gets weighed down by a butterfly landing on his nose. (that last point is definitely irrelevant but you see my point) im pretty sure most spheres have cameron be 100% ok with it and i love that! but i think its probably clearer in canon that he very much isnt, definitely moreso after his experiences with mal (fuck the reset button) -- anyways if mike had made peace with his alters cameron would have NOT lasted as one of mike's friends. im sorry, its the truth and i think the trio between them is a more zoeys-friends thing anyways. cameron gives up secrets too easily for a guy like mike, who is a russian doll of secrets. (this is NOT anti-cameron to be clear)
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emeraldties · 2 years
Jolie is Wild Tiger's biggest fan's name. He's a window washer.
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anyway if i see even one of you coming up with a cool ignihyde theory, i’m going to kick your shit in. like no holds barred. you all got me so excited for pomefiore and i had never been let down so hard in my life
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benvolgutsguiris · 3 years
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Sisena publicació del nostre Instagram. :D
+Info: Aquesta és una mentida recurrent dels guiris espanyols afincats a Catalunya per generar mala maror, però la veritat és que és una llei calcada als francesos, i que apareix en un context on molts começos xinesos establerts a Barcelona rotulaven unicament en xinès per evitar que els autòctons hi entressim. Eren establiments de venta a majoristes que, evitant l’entrada de catalans, afavorien el monopoli xinès a Catalunya, cosa que generava una desigualtat d’oportunitats. Els xinesos van adaptar-se a la llei sense problemes, però molts guiris espanyols no, prefereixen seguir acomodats en el seu rol de colonitzadors.
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bluem0use · 4 years
Shit bruh I got the biggest, majorist fucking hangover right now I dont even remember how I got to fucking bed 🤔
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nightqueendany · 6 years
3 sec promo video hug: HBO IS OFFICIALLY PROMOTING JONSA!!!!!
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444names · 2 years
american and roman emperors forenames + german towns + brythonic deities + the entire article on "line islands" from wikipedia
Abela Adjustadt Adrianny Ahausen Almyra Alvianuel Ambach Andrast Anningena Annium Annus Arcadron Areal Arnsdorf Arren Artisheim Ashawn Asione Aubin Auffen Augsberg Aumburg Aured Avetrochum Baier Baierstasio Balberin Barnich Barter Basdorf Basen Beaty Bebraunus Becample Beckarlian Beinich Belsbert Birkedelbe Bismain Blankopfins Bonndorfeld Bonnieskow Boxbert Brade Brakingen Branis Braunsburg Breite Breußenee Brieder Bruck Brücksburg Burken Calvian Canda Capita Capitedt Carolandred Castein Cathagen Cellar Cellwange Celly Charlstadt Cining Ciscille Cloppen Colonge Completh Confusios Constadt Constein Consterberg Coven Cregen Creuter Danca Danie Dannus Dasselba Debbiel Deggen Delsdorf Demma Deshauses Dinach Dingen Dippin Divian Dohlheim Donach Earlandra Ebenja Editzen Eduane Eduardegk Effurt Ellies Elshelen Elzenbürg Ennetteta Eppenbek Equatoya Erkastrom Eschingen Etten Evern Exios Fellar Folly Formain Frand Franie Frauschbor Freddiez Fredwig Freith Frieded Friesa Fromi Fromroden Fullinde Füsselburg Galberwest Gefrein Geila Geileringen Genaur Geografen Geringen Gersted Gertsberg Gingen Glück Gochofsheda Graphia Gregen Großen Grünstroy Guane Gwenstadt Hanneroy Harae Harrkiris Haven Hechtenbach Heinstein Hemaine Henburg Herna Hernicky Herode Herried Hilchen Hilde Hildens Hitney Hohenburg Hohna Honga Horother Hoyer Husen Hücker Ilmen Incorah Infurt Ingen Inlam Inlamünchen Intarnburg Islach Isselberg Janessis Jarma Javid Jeanie Jenbron Jenburg Jenningen Jorian Jüterek Kaiselburg Kaisy Kassen Kathally Kathrent Katio Kayle Kelsie Kircheßlitz Kiris Kleen Klötz Kolbe Kraking Krancy Krauß Krisk Kröpeln Kupferyl Lambisch Lankelsea Latforenced Laubing Lauditz Lauenstedt Lavelly Leonbershed Leontarach Linge Lores Lorrainberg Luden Ludenhagen Ludwing Ludwithine Luisburg Luxovis Lynneber Lörsted Lößnitter Lübbecausen Lützow Maine Mainifeld Majorists Mances Mapon Marcadrica Marita Markt Marktrebbie Marsel Marthum Martine Marus Maryannius Mative Mayenbachen Meißenthis Melagenau Meßsteicht Miser Morren Mulus Märkingen Müchen Münzenbach Nailsbiberg Naith Naomist Nassenhof Natally Nation Neberth Neckeswern Nelster Nerview Nettnau Neuen Neuklos Neumünd Neurupperta Neuwiesbach Nicollburg Nienus Nikerfor Norta Nurennefeld Oberg Oberga Oberrnheim Obert Oceanneburg Ochtinau Oesfeld Olingenburg Oppens Ostberg Ostfilda Ostockarael Ostrach Oventhia Partine Patriod Pertaburg Pfaffenberg Pfreine Phofen Pletian Plette Plönigslus Poine Prempt Printen Püttendora Raclius Radelbingen Raden Raichsen Ramstha Recognitz Reffurnis Regulachach Reina Reithal Remaggie Remschna Rendorf Rerenbach Reresach Reuenburg Reußen Rhedel Rheim Richilia Robius Rockenhame Rocki Romberg Ronalieberg Rosegory Rosen Rostingena Rottrow Roßleberg Saarl Samulloyd Sangen Sarstelyne Sassen Sateableiz Schainalie Schainata Scherspein Schim Schlens Schmar Schwangeln Schwarz Schwendy Seartlemgo Sendorf Sette Sevespaich Siegberg Singe Singmark Soling Soutlindsee Sprothen Stadtberg Stannig Steina Steinburg Stell Stever Strane Strosedo Stusburg Sucella Suzannigsen Tacey Tasius Teburg Tegena Terberta Terhaus Ternauen Tersdorf Teuberg Teupitatian Thach Theen Theim Thenley Theodorf Theodos Theodosie Therftstein Though Thryn Tommer Torstersen Trauen Tring Trosemain Tönig Tübin Uebigan Ulmenz Ummendorf Unces Unlamie Usiedelma Uslarri Vaihing Vaihinow Valen Varenburg Vechingen Vechtely Vetsriedes Vious Vivity Volcher Vosen Vöhrsdorf Waghäusen Waldegk Waldesheda Walsflen Walsles Waltlandra Wassen Watersheim Wates Wehringen Weißen Wemden Werbach Werma Werte Wetzin Willen Winge Winsheim Wintointers Wippolybrie Witte Wittentrael Wittie Wolfen Wolfingen Wolfrath Wolkamelly Würstadt Yearling Yvettnancy Yvonnie Zachann Zeilerina Zeulatt
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winry-and-cody-bear · 3 years
It's interesting that the circle of 5ths can map to raises from mode scale to mode scale. You start with whatever you start with on the circle locrian. Locrian is the most minor mode you can have (♭2, ♭3, ♭4, ♭5, ♭6, ♭7) while still maintaining the start and end. From C, you start at C locrain. That is "C, ♭D, ♭E, F, ♭G, ♭A, ♭B, C". Now, raise the circle of 5ths to G. Now it is phrygian! "C, ♭D, ♭E, F, G, ♭A, ♭B, C". Keeping the G raised, you raise the ♭D to a D. That's Aeolian. Now, all the way to "C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C", you don't stop there. You can still do F#. You get "C, D, E, F#, G, A, B, C". That's Lydian.
Lydian is the majorist scale you can go to while maintaning the start and end (2, 3, 4#, 5, 6, 7). You don't stop there either. Something interesting happens though... Can you guess what? We get to C#? It's party time! Guess what it is? We raise the C to a C# (brings 1 to 1#, and assign 1 to 1#)! I think this is possible to write this in code. You just repeat this process over and over and over again. This process can be repeated ∞ times. I learned this before I even started this log, problably even when I was 4. I was playing with scales back then and I didn't even remember them until I learned them again on Ear Traning. The loop method is when you have B lydian: "B, C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B", and then you go to C locrain. You can also loop ∞ times for that.
- excerpt from Cody's journal
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mthopeless · 7 years
Not to be majorist but I hate when ppl in my major drink energy drinks
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thatapostateboy · 8 years
Some OC questions: 1, 2, 7, 20, 32 and 40 :D
I have no idea how long this has been in my inbox since Tumblr failed to inform me it was here, so I’m getting it was for this meme.
(I’m basing these off of my video game OCs because if we gointo all of my OCs from my original fiction, we’re gonna be here a while)
1. Your first OC ever?
Rowena Oakstaff, my first Skyrimcharacter. After I started playing Skyrim I got involved in the tumblr RPcommunity and developed Rowena into her own character (not the super poweredamazing hero of Skyrim). She’s a Bosmer hunter who left home at a young age,making a life for herself in Skyrim, only to have her new home in Helgendestroyed in the dragon attack. She’s saved by Ralof, and follows him toWindhelm; joining the Stormcloaks to repay the life debt to him. She learns howto fight with duel swords, and is eventually placed in a brigade in the camp inHaafingar with a plethora of other OCs of mine. Many adventures ensue. Shefalls in love with Ralof, but he marries another, but she finds love eventuallywith Vilkas.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
*clutches them all tomy chest* don’t make me choose between my children.
I love them all butsome have a truly special place in my heart. Skyrim Rowena means a hell of alot to me, I’ve been writing her for years and I’ve not developed her into theprotagonist for my original fiction fantasy novel. My main Dragon Age ladiesare my darlings as well; Rowena Tabris, Marie Hawke and Brenna Lavellan. I havemajor sot spots for Brianna Amell and Jenni Cousland, and don’t even get mestarted on my Dragon Age Babies.
7. Are your OCs partof any story or stories?
Most of them areinvolved in the individual plots of their own games, but many of them I haveremoved them from the position of protagonist and made them support characters.For example, in my DA:O canon, all of the potential Wardens survive, but onlyTabris and Surana are recruited by Duncan, and the others are recruited intothe party along the way; Aedan Cousland is the guard at the Tower of Ishal,Jenni Cousland escaped Highever and is in Redcliffe, Brianna Amell is defendingthe Circle from demons, Lyna Mahariel left her clan to search for Tamlen and ishelping the other Dalish clan against the werewolves, Natia Brosca is in hidingin Orzammar trying to bring down the Carta on her own, and Thrina Aeducansurvives in the Deep Roads and fights alongside the Wardens when they come forBranka.
All of my Skyrimcharacters have their own stories within the game as many of them don’t followmain questlines.
20. Do any of your OCssing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind ofsongs they like etc)?
Rowena Oakstaff is oneof the best singers among my OCs. She has a sweet melodic voice, not at allsuited to the bar songs she always yells out when she’s drunk with her brigade,much more suited to the softer lullabies she sings to her children later inlife.
Natalie Powell, mySole Survivor, also has a classic singing voice, having performed many timeswhen she was at law school to pay for tuition. She met her husband Tom when heand his army buddies came along one night.
32. Which one of yourOCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Garrett Hawke. Boy survived the Fade long enough to escapethrough a Rift. He could survive a horror game.
Skyrim Rowena as well probably. She ain’t got time for thatshit. She’s cautious enough to look for danger, and she knows what she’s suitedenough to face.
40. Any fond memorieslinked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Here’s where I startgetting really emotional over Rowena because I just really fucking love her. I’veliterally been writing her for five years. I spent the summer of 2012 doingnothing but racking up hundreds of hours of playing Skyrim and writing fan fic,which developed into roleplaying, which gave me so much time to bond with her.And even after all of these years I keep coming back to her as her characterdevelops as I get older and my writing matures. I have so many fond memories ofwriting her and her squad mates, I read back over my old RP blog every now andthen to make myself smile.
One of my fondestmemories is letting a friend of mine read one of my fan fics once, which sheproceeded to make into a dramatic reading, acting it out. The scene was aconflict between Rowena and her long lost parents who were none too impressedthat their daughter was marrying a Nord and was part of the Stormcloak army.Every time I reread that scene, all I can think of is my friend acting it out,making Rowena buff as shit next to her weedy little dad, giving her a deepervoice and everything.
Everything aboutRowena just makes me happy. Maybe because she’s just me with an elf disguiseon. Suddenly realises she’s bisexual out of nowhere; me. Tendency to fall headover heels for all of her best friends; me. Collects bands of misfits and makesthem into family; me. Majorist mom friend; me.
She is the best and Ilove her.
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ribesorg · 7 years
Previsió d’augment de vendes de peix, marisc i fruites per Nadal
Els majoristes de peix i marisc i fruites i verdures preveuen incrementar lleugerament, un 2%, les vendes aquest nadal. A Mercabarna calculen comercialitzar unes 7.200 tones de peix i marisc, la gran majoria fresc, i 90.000 tones de fruites i verdures.
The post Previsió d’augment de vendes de peix, marisc i fruites per Nadal appeared first on Canal Blau.
from ribes.org http://bit.ly/2ArUihD
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