#Make Better Business Decisions
bergoose · 2 months
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watcher fans understand nuance challenge
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time-wondroustime · 2 months
one thing I haven't seen anyone say about watcher yet, but has really disappointed me, is that only three months ago they mentioned in the truth about filming ghost files video that they had to let go of 5 (if I'm remembering the number properly) employees. and when I watched that video I was disappointed that hey hadn't planned the business properly to avoid things like that, but they are primarily creatives, so I figured there would be some business mistakes made along the way. but then hearing they just hired the 2 worth it guys and are reviving an expensive show... I feel like they could've prevented the lay offs better
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valedalestatue · 1 year
Last night I dreampt that sse implemented pony saddlebag pets into the game but they were so malformed and mutated in an attempt to make them small and cutesy that no one bought them. They had to be raffled out randomly because no one would take them by choice, and ppl would walk 10ft around anyone that was unlucky enough to have one as if being near someone with the accursed teacup pony would spread it to them like a disease.
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
Thinking you shouldn't have to pay for Watcher content is you being entitled, actually.
did i ever say i shouldn’t have to pay for it? no, i said it’s disappointing that i would now have to after years of it being free. it would be easier to take if they were completely changing and upgrading their shows or established that the stream wouldn’t just have their current shows and maybe discontinued ones, that it would be different from their youtube channel and worth the sudden charge, but it’s hard not to feel like they’re throwing their audience under the bus
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rosykims · 9 months
third playthru antics so far involve gale agreeing to the hag's bargain and getting his eye fucked up in the process <3 and tbh i actually think this is the funniest possible choice they could make as a party since they all dismiss ethel's "netherese magic BLEUGH" reveal as just a symptom of gale already having that shit in his system. like its too much of a coincidence for something so ancient and mythic to happen TWICE to the SAME random guy so theyre all like yeah no shit !!!! gale is the netherese guy !!!! we knew that like a week ago idiot !!!!! foresight is not a gift im givng these people i am so sorry king </3
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Bad news, got back from the vet and my beautiful baby son is going to have to be put down soon, probably tomorrow or the next day, so send him best of wishes for his next few days~ Luckily, he's actually not in a lot of pain (for now, hopefully he won't be) and is acting pretty normal, so I'm hoping he won't suffer at all and everything will be peaceful for him.
#pet death tw#death mention#let me know if I need any other tags#I would post something to help pay for his euthanasia expenses or etc. but I don't know of any secure methods#since I don't know much about stuff like that. I've heard that like on paypal and ebay and stuff people can still get your real name#and some information from their payment receipts or whatever sutff like that. thats part of why I've held off on selling clothes and sculpt#res for so long is trying to find a way to do it that's the most safe. aside from literall yhaving to start an llc and open a business bank#account and run everything on an entirely sepreate thing just so it has no association with my name and etc.#and obviouskly I don't feel like figuring out all of that stuff right now lol#I am busy just trying to make my beautiful meatloaf son comfortable and spend some time with him whilst I can#It's sad. but I'm glad the issues were caught before he was in terrible pain or anything. So suprisingly it was actually a pretty easy#decision. I would rather him go out while he's feeling okay and relatively content then wait until he's in severe#pain or extremely lethargic or etc. So it seems all very sudden but . It's better that way for him.#anyway#of COURSE this has to happen during a heat wave also.. hhrgghhh...#more fuel for my vendetta against summer lol.. Not that it's the season's fault but. something bad happening in the winter#vs. seomthing bad happening in the summer which just adds an extra layer of 'oh yeah on top of everything else#you're going to be sweating and nauseous and chronically uncomfortable!' is like.. >:T#Also for him. part of the issue is lung cancer which has spread and caused a bunch of fluid to build up in his stomach (which is what I#noticed. even though he's acting perfectly fine and normal his stomach was weird and bloated suddenly)#but if part of the problem is his lungs (which look absolutely crazy on xray) then him breathing in hot shitty thick air is definitely#not as comfortable as if he were able to be nice and cool and snuggled in some blankets. etc. etc.#ANYWAY ghhb... send him much luck and positivity!! Really hoping he can make it through the next day or so without#taking a turn for the worst. So hopeing for a peaceful quiet exit and not like tramatic sudden things. etc. etc.#cross your fingers pray to your gods whisper to the night sky so on and so forth. whatever you do that's meaningful to you.
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blueberry-beanie · 2 months
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Excuse me WHILE I YELL?
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sanjarka · 30 days
god it's all so very shitty and there's nothing i can do about it.
#my dad still in the hospital and i think he's a bit better a bit less manic but who knows#he feels like a stranger again and i don't knoe how to talk to him (again)#and it would feel better if i knew that at least while he's in the hospital he's getting the proper care but no#i've been to visit him two times in my whole life and the conditions are absolutely horrible#a moldy run dowm building with prison like bars bars on the windows and staff that isn't payed and supported enough to care#they just drug people#but then it's not really safe for him to be with my sister and mom while he's manic cause he gets violent and can't hear no#and will steal from my moms wallet for cigarettes CAUSE HE'S MANIC AND THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE IN MANIA DO#so why doesn't he deserve to be in a safe warm and kind place where other patients don't steal his clothes#all these people deserve better#and when he eventually gets ''better'' then what he can't work he can't support himself but i feel my mother is done#i can't blame her either for not wanting to be married to him anymore cause it's frankly none of my business#and because it's something she probably wanted to do for a really long time but she doesn't want him to be left alone#sure he can go live with his brother and his family but i can only imagine the hate and anger they would show to my mom if she makes#that sort of decision#but i also want my dad to be his own person to be confident and strong#is that never going to happen?#i really fucking hate all of this
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honeybcj · 1 month
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jackklinemybeloved · 2 months
trying to connect the watcher bullshit with the way media companies on YouTube have regularly failed. Can’t figure out how to be coherent yet but ohhhh boy when I do.
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stellarhoxy · 11 months
not part of kpop fandoms, but i'm gonna keep it short and sweet.
If Garam goes to acting and never returns to Kpop, please still support her. After that horrendous mental beating anyone would be hesitant to rejoin the idol industry. She might not be ready or have lost passion or become too traumatized to develop further as an idol, or she could merely be enhancing her acting skills. Don't smear her if you want her to become an idol. Don't smear her if you want her to come back to LE SSERAFIM instead of acting. Don't join smearing her for any reason. The rumors have proven to be false. Believing in them now is just enjoying drama and refusing to see the truth.
Let a kid pave her own dream to her best effort. She will be struggling enough as-is. Don't make it harder.
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taikk0 · 2 years
#IVE ALWAYS PRONOUNCED T'S WITH MY TONGUE AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO FIX IT ITS BEEN THAT WAY FOR SO LONG#BUT ONE DAY. I WILL PRONOUNCE MY T'S SO GOOD YOULL THINK IM A WHITE PERSON#WHAT SUCKS TOO IS THAT IM BILINGUAL WHILE ENGLISH IS MY FIRST LANGUAGE I SPEAK TAGALOG MOST OF THE TIME BECAUSE OF MY ENVIRONMENT SO I-#-HAVE NO PROPER WAY OF PRACTICING IT BC FILIPINOS PRONOUNCE T'S DIFFERENTLY BC OF THE LANGUAGE AND UNLESS IM IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING-#-SETTING THERES NO WAY IM GONNA BE ABLE TO PRACTICE CONSISTENTLY 💔💔#even worse i slur over my words all the time. i have a stutter. i have VERY frequent voice cracks and when i try to suppress them i sound-#-ver odd. PLUS ADHD#idk if adhd might be one of the causes or of it gets added to the pile but dude i actually need help 💀💀#but another problem is i dont think anyone would see the point in it#i communicate just fine its just that i have so much trouble communicating verbally (vocally?) in a way that isnt unnatural and in a way-#-that properly articulates what i want to say and how i say it. often i have so much trouble showing varied emotion to prove a point when-#-im referring or talking about something that isnt reactionary#LIKE DUDE WHY IS TALKING SO HARD 💔ALL PEOPLE CAN TALK WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH ALL PF THIS THIS SUCKS#which might be why i prefer writing what i want to say bc unlike talking the way i speak has nothing to do with it. i get given time to-#-think. and with an adhd brain writing what you want to say is so much better because typing it out involves the conscious decision to-#-type it all out and it acts as a filter#BLEFGGGH SORRY I KEEP BLABBERING ON THIS WSS SUPPPSED TO BE A SILLY LITTLE POST IDK WHY I WENT HAM IN THE TAGS#anyways umm yeah i dont like talking. i like communicating and maybe socializing tho. but not talking. does that make sense???#there r also times where i straightup cant speak at all. i want to speak and i want to say things but my brain feels too busy or ig blank-#-but not empty and i cant form words or sentences and all i have are thoughts and feelings#anyways i think asl is neat and i want to learn it not just for my benefit but also for accessibility#also filipino sign language if im up for it#man there is something wrong w my brain 💀#mikyomix rambles#yeah this one was a true ramble but only in the tags
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mejomonster · 1 year
In other news. I caved. ;-; I bought Final Fantasy XVI
I will review at some point once I've played, if it's consistent quality (as in the story was clearly fully planned and executed and the combat/level design was planned consistently) a la Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, and the older ones.
Or inconsistent, a la Final Fantasy XV, where because of long development and some major switches mid project, it has the odd situation where part 1 of the game feels very different than part 2. (I'd say combat was thankfully consistently designed for ff15, but story wise there wasn't a clear paced path like 7, 9, 10, 12, 13). I expect and hope for main line final fantasy games to have consistent game play (which I don't have to like personally, but does indicate they clearly committed to some combat design and tried to execute it well), and to have a consistent story that feels in character and plotted at a fairly consistent pace that feels concluded satisfactorily at the end (which again I don't have to like it, but from what I can tell at least 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 13 all provided that experience - I didn't play 8 so I'm not sure). Final fantasy 15s (to me) biggest issue was the long development and switches during it, caused some major inconsistencies where the game feels inconsistent between the main part and the end. Combat design was good, and whether one likes or hates it the combat does feel purposefully designed and they committed to trying to execute it well). Final Fantasy VII Remake, unfortunately, had some issues as well. Combat design: committed to and done consistently (yay). Story: committed to and feels consistent quality all the way through (like or hate it, from what I can tell its consistent so yay). Pacing: yikes (I absolutely cannot forgive the game ever for dragging out some sections like the reactors 5+ hours longer than they should've been, since they were just dungeons with little added plot or character moments, and I suspect the dungeon time was increased to pad gameplay time to get it closer to 40 hours... when I'd have prefered a 20-30 hour game that did not waste my time with meaningless extensions of sections). I imagine (though I have no idea) what happened is ff7 remake realized it would have to be more than 1 game, and also took a LONG time to make part 1. So instead of releasing part 1 as a 20-30 hour game, and looking "bad" for releasing a shorter than usual final fantasy game despite a HUGE amount of development time? They probably decided to pad the game play so it looked like they released a game as "long and good quality" as is expected of a mainline game. However I think the pacing decision, a weak point I have to endure every single fucking time I play -.- makes the game noticeably worse. I'd forget the development took so long after X years, and forgive it for being a 25 hour GOOD game. But after X Years, I'm never going to forget how annoying it is to be stuck in boring dungeons for X extra hours every single time i play. I have a very low tolerance for pointless dungeons for hours if theres no plot payoff during it to justify it, I don't usually play games that have them. Final fantasy 15 also had a long development, and I assume they decided to push it out with the weird inconsistent feeling between the bulk of the game and the end, because making it reel more consistent may have required a significantly longer development they just could not afford any more.
So anyway. My point is (aside from constantly wishing immensely square enix would Hire tons of fucking project managers and stop putting directors onto multiple major games at once so they can focus on one main game at a time and therefore do more consistent work instead of being divided) that I hope ff16 is a Return to consistent experience in mainline final fantasy games. Combat design already looks good based on the demo, so they succeeded at that. Story, assuming it can maintain the quality of the intro demo, will be fine (like ff7 remakes is consistent). Pacing? God I really hope its good. If it's fine, it will be a return to solid quality that will be really good for Final Fantasy. From what I can tell, the team they put on ff16 is all good decision wise in terms of talent, assuming square enix didn't fuck up and overschedule anyone major on multiple big projects (but knowing square enix they probably did). I'd love to see a game proving square enix can make a reliably good mainline game again. It would be nice to see. I hope so.
On a side note lol I'm happy ff16 is rated M. I heard ff7 remake took out the blood trail sephiroth left cause it would've increased rating. And that was a weak point (although a very small one compared to the pacing issue). So making ff16 Mature so they can show blood as needed for the war plot they intend? Solid choice i think, that will pay off for them. I personally think it's better to commit and tell the story you intended to tell, then suddenly change and edit your story as you make adjustments for more marketability (like making ff7 remakes trail of blood into non-blood to lower the age rating to sell to wider audiences). Yes, as a product, choices should be made to sell. But I think the bulk of those choices should be made early on when making the plot, not at the end of game production when everything's already made. Better to plan what audience you want, what rating and it's limitations you aim for, what gameplay you want it to have and the game players that play that type, at the start when you're writing the plot and designing the game (it helps with CONSISTENCY).
#rant#ff16#just me rambling lol cause i have love hate with square enix#final fantasy xvi#i wanted to work at square enix once and follow nomuras career pretty close#since i admired his concept art a lot lol#so i have a fair bit of opinions when it comes to... how good they CAN be when things go right#versus the flaws when square fucks up. and particularly dumb ass project managing decisions that contribute#like... its so obvious... for starters...#that Kingdom Hearts 3. FF7 Remake. and FF15 would have ALL been better games#if only nomura had either been in charge of only 1. or at least not put in charge of all 3 AT THE SAME TIME#theyre all mainline games! mainline BIG GAMES that take the MOST resources and have the most pressure#to be consistently good quality.#they are NOT the games where y make the game director a multitasker on several other major projects at once.#ff15 wouldve been better if either they didnt make it during other main nomura projects. or just put someone OTHER than nomura on it.#kh3 likewise wouldve been more consistent if the tokyo team that did kh2 and kh1 had been FREE TO DO IT.#but they werent! the tokyo team was busy on ff7 remake! great organization square (sarcasm)#square put its side game team on mainline game kh3. so combat design quality was lower than usual mainline games.#go figure. obviously that would happen. putting nomura on 3 MAJOR projects was of course going to cause issues for all 3 games#obviously. like fuck... its basic management. basic project planning.#u plan a project? y need the adequate resources and those resources (people with skills) need adequate time to do a sufficent job#(aka not be working on TOO MANY PROJECTS AT ONCE)#these decisions also of course causr longer game development times. which of course also pisses off buyers
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branmer · 1 year
sometimes im just kinda surprised by the stuff people will bother confronting each other over tbh. like you have finite time on this planet and some things are just absolutely not worth it
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your-jellyfish-senpai · 8 months
As someone who was laid off earlier this year I just want to say damn that fucking sucks. And also just that I’m over here rooting for you
I'm so sorry you went through that, anon, I hope you're doing okay now!
I hate that right now it's just a "maybe, probably tomorrow" - the uncertainty is just another layer lol.
But thank you, I appreciate it. It'll be okay, it's just gonna SUCK ASS for a bit.
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sluttyten · 1 year
So I’ve been given the potential opportunity in a few weeks to either 1) go visit one of my close work friends who moved 2.5 hours away like 6mos ago, but if I do that it means working with her and our other work friend at her store, which means working 12 days straight, 2 of which would be at a store that is absolute insanity, OR 2) I could not do that and instead possibly get last minute Taylor Swift tickets with my best friend and head 2.5 hours in the opposite direction
#I’m stuck on this decision#especially since right now neither is set in stone or definitive in any way#bc we won’t go visit the work friend of our manager can’t let my work friend I currently work with off for that weekend#but also we can’t buy Taylor swift tickets until like the day of the concert#but since my best friend implanted the idea in my head yesterday now I’m like#damn I wanna do that I love going to concerts and I really don’t like the idea of working 12 days straight for a total of something like a#92 or 94 hour paycheck with 12 or 14 of that being overtime#which would be a nice paycheck I’m sure but fuck like I would want to drop dead#I’ve never had to work that many days straight through#I think the longest I’ve done is like maybe 7 or 8 days in a row#but also that’s only ever been at my store where even our busiest days are less busy than the store we’ll be visiting’s average days#BUT I do want to see my friend and help her out because they need help that weekend specifically bc they already know they’re going to be#insanely busy and that makes me want to cry a little like I feel like our store gets busy when I do 50 cars through our drive thru in a#little less than 2 hours but they’re store as far as I last heard does like 500 or 600 cars a day which like fuck#if we go up there and they put me on drive thru like she made it sound like they’re gonna do then I better JUST be working like order taker#OR the window but not both because I will keel over
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