blakpearlsss · 2 months
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My human teeth and kangaroo bone hair pin 💕:
People in Malaita used to wear human teeth as jewelry, and show them off as trophies as to how many enemies they had killed.
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skullsandpearlsss · 1 year
Knowing damn well that I won't get my Brideprice or Shell Money. Damn it.
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bookloversofbath · 1 year
The Blackbirders: The Recruiting of South Seas Labour for Queensland, 1863-1907 :: Edward Wybergh Docker
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equatorjournal · 1 year
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Diving for shell money in the Lau lagoon off the island of Malaita in the Solomons. Money made from seashells has always been the currency of this area of the South Pacific, highly valued for wedding dowries and rituals. From "Disappearing world: television and anthropology" by André Singer, 1988. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkW0CNtuEN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
1 Apr 23
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tournevole · 2 years
Rorogwela - Solomon Islands, Fataleka and Baegu Music, Malaita
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lehuablossom · 1 year
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North Malaita, Solomon Islands
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xtruss · 1 month
Fake News or Common Practice? Suspicions Behind US Interference in Solomon Islands Election
— Qin Sheng | April 19, 2024
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Voting has closed across the Solomon Islands on Wednesday. About 420,000 registered voters will have their say across 50 national seats in the Parliament, which will later elect the country's prime minister.
This election in the Solomon Islands has attracted widespread international attention, partly because it is the first general election since it established diplomatic ties with China. Against the backdrop of increasing major power games in the South Pacific region, whether its current Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare can be re-elected is a major test of his foreign policy.
In addition, reports over US interference in the country's election through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) have sparked quite a storm in the public opinion field.
Reports noted that the USAID's Solomon Islands Election and Political Processes Program (SIEPP), funded through the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS), has conducted voter awareness campaigns in the Solomon Islands, aiming to sway voters toward pro-American candidates. On Monday, the US Embassy to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu issued a statement saying the reports are blatantly misleading claims.
Whether the reports of USAID interference in the Solomon Islands election are true or not, it is an undeniable fact that Western countries, including the US, have long intervened in the political processes, economic policies and diplomatic tendencies of aid-receiving countries through aid. After World War II, developed Western countries provided massive aid to developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, ostensibly to help these countries develop. However, over a long period of time, the aid came with various strings attached, regardless of the recipient country's actual situation and true intentions.
In 2020, shortly after the Solomon Islands established diplomatic relations with China, the US pledged $25 million in aid to Malaita Province, a move interpreted as supporting the latter's independence referendum to potentially secede from the Solomon Islands.
In recent years, ties between China and Pacific Island countries have been growing at an accelerating rate. More and more Pacific Island countries have established or resumed diplomatic relations with China and signed agreements to jointly build the Belt and Road Initiative. Political mutual trust between China and Pacific Island countries is continuously strengthening, and the potential for cooperation in various fields is being explored. Through cooperation, the assistance provided by the Chinese government has significantly improved the well-being of the local people, earning unanimous praise from the islanders.
The positive development trend between China and Pacific Island countries has caused tension among so-called traditional aid countries such as the US and Australia in the West, who believe that China is trying to replace their dominant position in the region. However, the fact is that after the end of World War II, due to the sharp decline in the strategic position of Pacific Island countries, the US abandoned the South Pacific for over half a century, ignoring the slow economic development and weak infrastructure of the Pacific Island countries, tacitly approving Australia and New Zealand's dominant position in the region. As China's cooperation with Pacific Island countries deepens and expands, the South Pacific has once again attracted the attention of the US, but this attention is not due to concern for the development of the island countries, but rather a worry about their own waning influence.
From the "US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific" under the Donald Trump administration to the "Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States" and "Pacific Partnership Strategy" under the Joe Biden administration, the US continues to increase its aid and diplomatic efforts toward the Pacific Island countries.
The US hosted two consecutive US-Pacific Island Countries Summits in 2022 and 2023, and appointed the first-ever US ambassador to the Pacific Island Forum. The positioning of Pacific Island countries in US foreign strategy is becoming increasingly clear. Increasing investment in Pacific Island countries is an important means for the US to promote the Indo-Pacific Strategy and counter Chinese influence.
Therefore, the public opinion storm over interference in the election reflects the dissatisfaction of Pacific Island countries with the US using aid to exert political influence, and their dissatisfaction with the US using aid as leverage in exchange for its own geopolitical interests. The aid competition promoted by the US in the South Pacific region with a zero-sum game mind-set is forcing Pacific Island countries to take sides, as evidenced by the ongoing troubles in domestic and diplomatic affairs since the Solomon Islands established diplomatic relations with China.
In stark contrast to the US, China emphasizes equality and mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs, and aid process without strings attached, respecting the political system, development stage, and development characteristics of Pacific Island countries. As a major power, China never looks down on them, and it is precisely the various advantages of Chinese aid that make China the most trustworthy South-South cooperation partner for Pacific Island countries.
— The author is An Executive Research Fellow at the Center for Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
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personal-reporter · 7 months
Giochi del Pacifico 2023
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I Giochi del Pacifico 2023, ufficialmente noti anche come Pacific Games, si terranno ad Honiara, nelle Isole Salomone, tra il 19 novembre e il 2 dicembre. Originariamente i Giochi erano programmati dal 16 al 29 luglio ma, nel luglio 2021, è stato richiesto un cambio di data a causa dei ritardi nella preparazione  dell’evento da parte delle Isole Salomone. I Giochi del Pacifico, fino al 2003 Giochi del Sud Pacifico,  sono una manifestazione sportiva organizzata sul modello di quelli olimpici cui partecipano nazioni e territori che si affacciano sull’Oceano Pacifico meridionale,  si tengono con cadenza quadriennale e sono organizzati sotto la supervisione del Pacific Games Council. Le Isole Salomone, di si terrà questa edizione,  furono scoperte nel 1568 da Hernando Gallego, che le chiamò così in onore del grande re e per  200 anni rimasero nell’anonimato finché nel 1768 il navigatore francese Luigi Antonio de Bouganville le scoprì ancora una volta. Da qui iniziò una conoscenza più approfondita dell’arcipelago con altre spedizioni del 1788 e del 1792, si svilupparono con rapidità i commerci e le esportazioni dei prodotti locali, in particolare del cocco, dell’avorio, delle conchiglie e del legname. La  maggior parte delle isole fu posta sotto il Protettorato britannico mentre le isole di Bouganville e di Buka furono assegnate all’Australia. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale in queste isole approdarono sia i giapponesi che gli americani e lì si combatterono molte battaglie sia per terra che per mare. Una di queste battaglie, passata alla storia per l’eroismo profuso, fu quella di Guadalcanal del 15 novembre 1942. Fino al 1973 le isole Salomone rimasero sotto il  Protettorato della Gran Bretagna, poi ottennero un governo parzialmente autonomo, nel 1976 ebbero la piena autonomia e due anni dopo, nel 1978, l’indipendenza, nell’ambito del Commonwealth. Le principali isole di Choiseul, Santa Isabel, Nuova Georgia, Malaita, San Cristobal, Guadalcanal, ed un gran numero di atolli corallini, sono parte dei nuovo stato indipendente e sull’isola di Guadalcanal si trova la capitale Honiara. Le comunità indigene che popolano le isole, di ceppo melanesiano, sono così diverse tra loro che nel paese si parlano circa ottanta dialetti. Read the full article
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swldx · 10 months
RNZ Pacific 1331 9 Aug 2023
7440Khz 1259 9 AUG 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 45333. English, s/on w/bellbird int. until pips and news @1300z anchored by Don Wiseman. A Solomon Islands MP from Malaita, Claudius Tei'ifi, says successive governments are yet to address the root causes of the ethnic tensions of 20 years ago. Speaking during the Truth and Reconciliation debate in parliament, the West Kwaio MP said the issue of the migration of people to Guadalcanal, especially from Malaita, must be addressed. A community group in Fiji has called on MPs not to renew a mining exploration licence in the Namosi region of Fiji's Viti Levu. Civil society group, LAMA, or Lomani Au Maroroi Au, which approximates to 'Our Land is our Heart' is opposed to any mining in Namosi. Vanuatu government MPs have boycotted an extraordinary sitting of parliament this morning where a motion of no confidence was due to be moved against Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau. The no confidence motion was initially signed by 29 MPs, but on Wednesday, at least three MPs had publicly withdrawn their support. Solomon Islands Ministry of Rural Development and Save the Children are teaming up for a scheme to improve rural resilience. It aims, among other things, to raise understanding of climate change and natural resource management and to build capacity for adaptation management and implementation in communities and schools. Police in Papua New Guinea have seized a weapons cache and made several arrests as part of a crackdown on illegal weapons trafficking. Cellphones will be banned from schools if the National Party is elected in October, but the Secondary Principals Association says the plan is unworkable and unnecessary. National Party leader Christopher Luxon told Morning Report the ban is one of the ways the party would lift "abysmal" achievement in New Zealand schools. Sports. @1308z "Pacific Waves" anchored by Koroi Hawkins. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 35°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0759.
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depajaritos · 1 year
GÉNERO RHIPIDURA (Familia Rhipiduridae, Orden Passerifome)
Abanico negro Rhipidura atra
Abanico rojinegro Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea
Abanico azul de Mindanao Rhipidura superciliaris
Abanico azul de las Bisayas Rhipidura samarensis
Abanico cabeciazul de Tablas Rhipidura sauli
Abanico cabeciazul de las Bisayas Rhipidura albiventris
Abanico cabeciazul Rhipidura cyaniceps
Abanico perlado Rhipidura perlata
Abanico colicanela Rhipidura fuscorufa
Abanico de Cockerell Rhipidura cockerelli
Abanico norteño Rhipidura rufiventris
Abanico cabecipardo Rhipidura diluta
Abanico del matorral Rhipidura threnothorax
Abanico colipinto Rhipidura maculipectus
Abanico pechiblanco Rhipidura leucothorax
Abanico lavandera Rhipidura leucophrys
Abanico pío de la Sonda Rhipidura javanica
Abanico pío de Filipinas Rhipidura nigritorquis
Abanico gorjiblanco Rhipidura albicollis
Abanico pechipinto Rhipidura albogularis
Abanico colirrojo Rhipidura phoenicura
Abanico ventriblanco Rhipidura euryura
Abanico cejiblanco Rhipidura aureola
Abanico dorsirrufo Rhipidura rufidorsa
Abanico dimorfo Rhipidura brachyrhyncha
Abanico de las Bismarck Rhipidura dahli
Abanico de San Matías Rhipidura matthiae
Abanico de Malaita Rhipidura malaitae
Abanico de Célebes Rhipidura teysmanni
Abanico de Peleng Rhipidura habibiei
Abanico de Taliabu Rhipidura sulaensis
Abanico de Buru Rhipidura superflua
Abanico de Van Dedem Rhipidura dedemi
Abanico de Tanimbar Rhipidura opistherythra
Abanico de Palau Rhipidura lepida
Abanico de la Manus Rhipidura semirubra
Abanico rojizo Rhipidura rufifrons
Abanico de Arafura Rhipidura dryas
Abanico de Ponapé Rhipidura kubaryi
Abanico amistoso Rhipidura albolimbata
Abanico ventrirrufo Rhipidura hyperythra
Abanico pardo Rhipidura drownei
Abanico moteado Rhipidura verreauxi
Abanico sombrío Rhipidura tenebrosa
Abanico de isla Renell Rhipidura rennelliana
Abanico de Kandavu Rhipidura personata
Abanico samoano Rhipidura nebulosa
Abanico gris Rhipidura albiscapa
Abanico de manglar Rhipidura phasiana
Abanico maorí Rhipidura fuliginosa
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blakpearlsss · 2 months
"Malaita Province is the second largest and most densely populated of the Solomon Islands. It was once famed for its aggressive and hostile inhabitants known for their cannibalism and tendency to attack strangers on sight."
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skullsandpearlsss · 11 months
Where are you from
I am from here, Australia. But if you are asking what I am...
Aboriginal - Birri Gubba Traditional Owner (Whitsundays, The Great Barrier Reef) from Bindal Country & Wakka Wakka (Bunya Mountains)
Torres Strait Islander - Thursday Island, Crocodile Nation
South Sea Islander - Malaita, Solomon Islands
Sri Lankan - Kandy & Colombo
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timdcook4 · 1 year
EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Suidani Reveals the Chinese Regime’s Tactics in the Pacific
EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Suidani Reveals the Chinese Regime’s Tactics in the Pacific https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/exclusive-daniel-suidani-reveals-the-chinese-regimes-tactics-in-the-pacific_5278636.html?utm_source=andshare
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andronetalks · 1 year
Former Solomon Islands official ousted from post 'after turning down Chinese bribes'
RFA – Radio Free Asia By Hoi Man Wu for RFA Cantonese2023.05.02 UPDATED AT 11:47 p.m. ET on 2023-05-02 Daniel Suidani, an outspoken critic of the Solomon Islands’ closer ties with China, was ousted as premier of Malaita in early February after refusing “huge” bribes from Chinese businesses who threatened to have him removed, he told Radio Free Asia in a recent interview. Suidani, who is now in…
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
During Suidani's tenure as Premier of Malaita Province, the Solomon Islands government officially switched diplomatic recognition from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the People's Republic of China. Suidani was highly critical of this decision, alleging that the Chinese government offered bribes to him in exchange for political allegiance.[2] Suidani has in turn been accused of accepting bribes from the Taiwanese government.[3]
In 2020, Suidani held an independence referendum for Malaita Province, which was dismissed as illegitimate by the central government.[4]
The United States has pledged $US25 million ($35 million) in aid for a Solomon Islands province that has demanded an independence referendum over the national Government's China policy, sparking concerns aid funding has been used in geopolitical "tussles".
Malaita province has been in a bitter dispute with the central Government since 2019, when the Solomon Islands ended a 36-year diplomatic relationship with Taiwan and established official relations with Beijing. [...] "The United States is going to become a very large presence in Malaita all of a sudden."
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