#Maldives Extension
adlertours · 1 month
Your Own Grand Tour
#YourOwnGrandTour #SriLankaRamayanaTrails 11 Days #MaldivesExtension #ShimlaManaliTour 8 Days #EssenceofKashmir 10 Days #LehLadakh 11 Days #NorthIndiaandNepalTour 10 Days #ClassicNorthIndiaTour 11 Days Package details and Price on Request #SriLanka #RamayanaTrails #Maldives #Shimla #Manali #Kashmir #Leh #Ladakh #NorthIndia #Nepal #FamilyHoliday #HolidayPackage #FamilyTour…
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Maldives Tour Packages
Maldives is a stunning island country and archipelago located in the Indian Ocean; it is a popular tourist destination for the people who love to explore and for the honeymooners as well. This beautiful destination is known for its beaches, lagoons and extensive reefs; it is a panoramic destination and that's why people love to visit Maldives.
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 6 months
Year In Review: Favorite Lines/Snippets!
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Hello, my lovelies! Many thanks to @anincompletelist for not only creating this tag game, but for including me in it! I have ALWAYS loved a good quote that can hit someone right in the heart, and this year, I've been incredibly lucky to write a few such segments myself (that hit ME in my own heart!). Words that I stepped back from the keyboard after writing and thought "did I actually write this?"
Additional thanks to @kiwiana-writes and @firenati0n for the tags on their years in review as well!
What If I Do?
“Fuck,” is all that he can say, but even that tastes of Alex, of top shelf whiskey and the cinnamon he always adds to his coffee. Alex had spoken the word into Henry’s mouth on countless occasions, so he was all-too-familiar with the way it slipped off of his tongue so smoothly, as if the letters themselves were forged together just for him by some foul-mouthed god who knew the damage such a word might wreak in the possession of someone as fearless as Alexander Claremont-Diaz.
But though fire may burn through carefully worded commands parading as suggestions on a pretty page, it stands no chance against the might of a golden crown. He only wishes he could fan the flames high enough to reach that blessed melting point. Watch it all soften and liquefy until it’s no longer a gilded cage but a puddle at his feet. He thinks, bitterly, that even then he wouldn’t have the time to escape before it would congeal and stiffen and trap him once more, forever frozen as a statue rather than a prisoner. And perhaps they’d prefer it that way. Statues can’t fight back.
The Rope
This is not supposed to be his life. He was always supposed to love Alex from the other side of a wall, never daring to climb over. So instead, he’d punched a hole in that fragile wall under the winter moonlight in the White House Garden, the taste of Alex on his tongue. And again and again he’d punched new holes in the weakening structure, reaching through and grabbing and clawing at whatever pieces of Alex he could grip, knowing that he’d never be able to grasp his heart. Except when, somewhere along the bloody way, he had. But Alex was never supposed to let him.
His first attempts to contact Henry are a flood. Incessant, desperate, confused. All paragraphs and punctuation. And then a storm. Intense in the moment but eventually losing its power. Streams of single sentences sent in quick succession. Then a trickle. Droplets of isolated words over the course of agonizing days. Until finally, they dry up completely, and Henry’s thread of communication falls lower and lower down his inbox. Alex tries not to actively seek it out.
The Maldives
“I love you. I don’t have your extensive vocabulary to say it, but the truth is that I’m absolutely crazy, head-over-heels, desperately in love with you, and I’ve spent so much time not saying it that I want to spend the rest of my life saying it as much as I can. I want to wake up beside you each morning and say it before we start the day. I want to text it to you from across any distance between us, whether it’s an ocean or the couch. I want to gasp it at the ceiling when you do that thing with your tongue. And I want it to be the last thing you hear before you fall asleep each night. I love you, and I want you to hear it so many times that it heals the pain of thinking you’d never hear it in the way you always dreamt.”
You can’t escape this drying ink
He knows, as they approach the door just down the hall from the main ballroom, what awaits him on the other side. He knows it as certainly as he knows what a terrible mistake he made on these very grounds to start the new year. A blank page already gushing bright red ink before he’d ever had the chance to write a single word other than “Alex.” He’d dripped his bleeding pen across the map as he fled, red ink footsteps trailing behind him in the snow, a smear across the map over the 3,700 miles separating them. He’d trailed it from the plane to the car, from the car through the palace, staining the perfect ancient path walked by kings and queens as he retreated back into the cage of his own making, a cage he never should have left, for now he knows what damage he wreaks when he allows his heart to guide him.
Save a horse Alex is a book that Henry has read countless times. He knows the placement of every punctuation mark, from the freckle above his hip to the smallest of scars on his knee, sustained while thoughts of Henry plagued his every waking moment, Alex admitted to him once. He’s familiar with every piece of dialogue from “motherfucker” to “sweetheart” and his personal favorite, “baby.” He’s bookmarked all of his favorite pages and even added his own annotations, like the way Alex always wants to look Henry in the eyes after they make love, regardless of what positions they may have ended up in, or the soft snores that come only when Alex is completely and utterly spent, nothing left to give but the sound of his breathing that never fails in lulling Henry to a deep sleep after him. But in the constant reading of the book of Alex, Henry is never bored. There is always something new to parse from between the lines. Words that aren’t explicitly stated. Details that can only be found by diving deeper than the surface. And Henry is happy to spend the rest of his life sinking to the depths of it, turning the pages again and again.
Heart enough
“Well, normally with a royal guest staying here, I’d roam the halls in a white sheet moaning about taxation without representation, but the joke would be wasted on someone as dull as Henry, so here I am…”
Alex has never seen Henry like this. So raw and vulnerable. Someone who needs. Frankly, he didn’t think it was even possible for a prince as polished as Henry to ever falter. Never thought a spine as rigid and straight could ever hunch, that a heart as walled off and locked away could ever break. How very wrong he was.
The taste of the whiskey from Alex’s flask and the champagne Henry drank earlier in the evening mixes with the rainwater that continues to pelt them from above, falling in their mouths and baptizing their tongues in the memories of this night that Alex knows he will never, could never, forget.
Wind me up, fill your cup like a river, drunk on watching me drown
He’d almost be impressed that a statue sculpted out of unforgiving, unchanging marble could affect anything but a strong-jawed, tight-lipped expression of utter disdain, were it not for that very first meeting of the prince and the president’s son. But nothing Henry could ever hope to do in his meticulously scheduled life of cutting ceremonial ribbons and haunting the corners of ballrooms is capable of wrenching and scraping the clock hands backwards, turning back the years of disappointment Alex has felt for ever pressing his fingers to a photo in a magazine and allowing himself to dream of someone just like him. Someone who understood.
Alex quickly realizes, though, that he’s never stood this close to the prince before. Never made out the freckles hiding beneath the carefully applied makeup. To the dungeons with a blemish on a royal face! Never noticed the halo of hazel around his pupils, a tiny island in eyes as blue as the ocean. He wonders, briefly, if Henry would choose to embrace these perceived imperfections if given the chance. Would the open, grinning young man from the magazine sign his looping script on an agreement of a royal portrait painter dotting a canvas with physical proof of being kissed by the sun, or mix up a bit of color other than the most stunning cerulean for his eyes? Or does he relish in the mask that he wears, locked as perfectly into place as every strand of his golden hair?
The injury of finally knowing you
He listens to the quiet sound of snow drifting to the ground around him and thickening the blanket of white. He listens to the distant thump of music and the explosion of fireworks across the city, of liquor-soaked laughter and raucous cheers. He listens and listens, his ears straining as if some part of him hopes to hear his father’s voice break through the clouds as brightly and certainly as he knows Orion shines somewhere above the earth upon which he stands on trembling limbs. What he doesn’t expect when he listens is the lilt of another voice from behind him, an all-too-familiar sound that never fails to color his dreams in flashes of vivid molten gold, fiery scarlet, and radiant orange, lighting his very imagination aflame. Every word spoken by that voice now grows a fraction louder with each soft, crunching step through the snow.
Unsure who's done this so far, but wanting to throw out some tags for @indestructibleheart @thinkof-england @whimsymanaged @sparklepocalypse @duchessdepolignaca03 @ships-to-sail @magicandarchery @suseagull04 @rockyroadkylers @inexplicablymine @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @affectionatelyrs @lizzie-bennetdarcy @songliili @priincebutt @daisymae-12 @happiness-of-the-pursuit @leaves-of-laurelin @roseharpermaxwell @adreamareads @indomitable-love @cricketnationrise @clottedcreamfudge @ninzied
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hellwoodfms · 20 days
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friday, june 7th @ 3pm until sunday, june 23rd @ 12pm.
the maldives welcome all hellwood celebrities for a relaxing, much-needed break from projects and city life. the only catch? the hacker has eyes and ears on everyone and continues to threaten each a-lister's reputation and livelihood. who knows what might happen abroad on this isolated island in the indian ocean, where secrets meet the gripping torture brought on by this ruthless anonymous entity? is anyone truly safe in paradise?
PLEASE ❤️ ONCE YOU HAVE READ. TYSM ANGELS !! accommodations + lodging
📍ithaafushi island, maldives 🏨 WALDORF ASTORIA MALDIVES (overlooking a white-sand beach, this luxe resort on a private island in the laccadive sea is accessible by seaplane.)
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celebrities will be treated to: a king grand overwater villa with a pool upgrade.
accommodations + dining
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TERRA (upper left) : a romantic treetop venue for intimate dining featuring seven hand crafted bamboo pods. enjoy a delectable bespoke 7-course menu, curated by director of culinary chef ivan alvarez and his team.
Li LONG (upper right) : located above the turquoise lagoon serving its signature peking duck roasted in the maldives’ first classic woodfired oven. diners are transported to the era of shanghainese royalty by specialist chef addy and team with an ambience to match.
NAVA (lower left) : the heart of the resort under the sun, our pool and beach club. a cozy ambiance, stunning lagoon views and live DJs set the tone to an ideal afternoon at the beach.
AMBER (lower right) : the “one stop, sunset spot” on the resort. take in the stunning maldivian sunsets over the indian ocean while sipping a selection of champagne and cocktails at this serene beachfront lounge.
accommodations + intimate
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DESIGNED FOR YOU (upper left) : our private dining team will tailor your special moment, from your choice of cuisine and menus to exclusive use of our resort’s best venues and outdoor settings.
THE ROCK ( upper right ): open exclusively upon request and featuring a crafted menu based around the wine regions of the world. home to our extensive wine cellar of new world favorites and old world classics.
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punchdrunkdoc · 8 months
Part 3, Chapter 2
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 2
Catching Ranieri’s eye was easy. So easy that Calina's low opinion of him sank even further.
A flash of her back in her very low cut dress was all it took to hook him on the end of her line. She wound him in further with a sultry smile and a lick of her lips, and landed her catch by crossing one long leg over the other as she perched on a stool at the makeshift bar.
Mere seconds later, he was shoving his mostly-empty champagne glass on the table next to him and heading straight for her.
As he crossed the packed ballroom, Calina could see why the tabloids favoured him, with his chiseled jaw and his artfully dishevelled hair (that he probably spent an hour moulding into place).
He was objectively handsome...but to her, he resembled nothing more than a wet, flopping, floundering fish.
Easily baited and caught.
God, men like him were such comically superficial creatures. It wouldn’t matter to him if she was a noble-prize winning genius, or a simpleton with barely two brain cells to rub together, he would have crossed that room regardless.
All because of the way she looked. 
No, not even that. He probably wouldn’t care much about the real Calina - the woman who barely wore make-up and did little more than pull a brush through her hair in the morning.
No, he wanted the living Barbie doll that she’d styled herself as tonight, with the extensions in her hair, and the fake eyelashes, and the contoured face. He wanted a trophy. A beautiful, sexy prize that he could parade around the room to prove he was the most virile alpha at this party.
“Buonasera bellissima,” he drawled, as he finally reached her. He rested one arm on the bar behind and crowded close, his powerful cologne saturating the air between them.
Calina's smile felt more like a grimace as she returned the greeting. But he didn’t seem to notice. His own smile just got wider when she answered him in Italian, and he launched off a series of questions about where she was from.
His smile dipped slightly as ‘Eliise’ revealed her Croatian heritage, but it wasn’t enough for him to lose interest completely - especially when Calina followed up her admission by running one manicured hand down his lapel.
The touch overrode his innate xenophobia, and Calina congratulated herself on her choice of cover-story. It was clear that Ranieri was interested in her tonight, but he wouldn’t be calling her tomorrow.
She was too beneath him - hot enough to want to fuck, but not the kind of girl he could bring home to his Grandfather. 
Calina’s disgust with him grew, and it took all her skills and training to hide her contempt, especially as the conversation droned on. Although calling it a conversation was overselling it. A conversation implied a back-and-forth exchange of information.
This was more like a TED Talk.
It turned out Ranieri’s enquiry about where she was from was the extent of his curiosity about her. He asked her nothing more about herself, and just launched into a spiel about himself - his background, his business ventures, his recent vacation to the Maldives, the case of wine he’d just bought from Tuscany.
It was all him, him, him.
The quintessential narcissist.
Calina played along, fluttering her fake eyelashes, laughing where expected and generally hanging on to every word as if it was the most interesting thing she’d ever heard.
All the while, internally, she was rolling her eyes with distain, and thanking the God she didn’t believe in that she’d found Matt.
Over the years, she’d encountered a lot of men like Ranieri. So many that she’d started to believe those men were typical of the male species.
But then she’d met Matt.
Matt who cared what she thought. Matt, who was genuinely interested in her life and her passions and her goals. Who asked her questions and sought her opinion and saw her as a person, and not just a beautiful face and a good figure.
She still didn’t know if there were more Matts than Ranieris in the world. It didn’t matter. She was just thankful that she’d found her Matt.
And the stark contrast with the man in front of her just made her miss him all the more. But she pushed those feelings - and all thoughts of Matt - aside to concentrate on the task at hand.
Although it didn’t really require much concentration. If catching Ranieri’s attention had been easy, keeping him engaged in ‘conversation’ was simple…and persuading him to give her a private tour of his home was child’s play.
After one drink at the bar and barely a half an hour of talking, Ranieri was leading her by the hand through the milling crowd of guests and up the stairs to the ‘off limits’ area of the party.
But that’s when the difficult part of the mission began: avoiding Ranieri’s touch.
As they crossed the threshold of his bedroom, Calina felt his hand trail down her bare back and over her ass. She forced herself not to shy away from him as he squeezed her flesh, the 'caress' bordering on painful. But nor did she lean into it.  She just deflected any further touches by crossing the room to admire the art work on the wall. “Is that a real Boticelli?” she asked in Italian.
“Of course its real,” he replied, sounding affronted by her question. “My family have been patrons to the arts for centuries.”
And now you’re a patron to a mind-controlling sociopath, Calina inwardly sneered.
Ranieri came up beside her as she studied the priceless painting. He ran a hand down her arm, his fingers grazing the outer slope of her breast as he did so. “You may not be built like a Boticelli woman, but you’re just as stunning.”
Calina couldn’t decide if that was a thinly-veiled complaint about her lack of curves, or just a terrible compliment. Either way, she pasted on a smile. “Thank you,” she simpered.
Ranieri’s hand continued its path back up her arm and over her shoulder. Then he stepped closer to whisper in her ear - spelling out in graphic detail all the ways he wanted to fuck her. Calina tuned him out, but was snapped back to the moment when he bent down to press his lips to the base of her neck. That kiss was a little too close to the spot behind her ear that Matt loved to lavish attention on. 
Calina flinched away on instinct.
“You want to play the shy virgin?” Ranieri murmured, holding her in place with an arm around her waist. “I can get on board with that.”
Calina turned in his arms and placed a hand on his abdomen. The touch was low, simulating a lover’s caress - but it was a precaution, in case she had to push him away suddenly.
‘Whatever it takes’ had been her constant mantra over the past month. But there was a big, fat caveat to that statement. ‘Whatever’ did not include having sex with this man. It didn’t even include kissing him. She could barely stand the touch of his hands on her skin.
Matt had kissed that skin. He had touched it and stroked it and claimed every inch of it for himself - whether he knew it or not.
She belonged to him.
And this man didn’t get to sully that.
She kept a smiled in place as she held him at arms length. “I’m not playing shy. I just thought we’d have time for another drink first. Why rush a night we’ll both never forget?”
There was a spark of irritation in his eyes, a fleeting glimpse of the real man - the one who wanted the world at his feet, and the women in it to know their place - before he pasted on his own smile. “Sure, bellissima. If you want a drink, I can get you a drink.”
He sauntered over to the tray of liquor bottles and glasses in the corner of the room and started pouring out two measures. Calina silently extracted the pre-filled syringe from her bag and approached him from behind.
“On the rocks, or-” Before he could finish his question, Calina popped the small needle into the vein in his neck and pressed down hard on the plunger.
“What the fuck!” he cried out.
Calina shoved her hand over his mouth and pushed him towards the bed in the centre of the room. The back of his knees connected with the mattress and he toppled onto the soft bedding…and was out like a light. 
Calina checked his pulse - which beat strong and steady - and exhaled sharply in relief. According to Melina there was a risk of arrhythmia in 1% of people injected with this drug. But otherwise it was a safe concoction, designed to incapacitate a victim for around six hours, but leave them with memories of the missing time. The latter element was the crucial factor to prevent any suspicions from arising.
With that in mind, Calina fished out the small ear piece from her purse and fitted it in Ranieri’s ear. Then she texted Anya who was waiting in a nearby van.
Ready for transmission.
Within moments, the faint, tinny sound of Anya’s voice emerged from the device. The other Widow would spend the next hour audibly filling in the gaps for Ranieri’s subconscious, like a hypnotist planting suggestions. He would awake in the morning feeling refreshed after a wild and steamy night with ‘Eliise’ - minus the very real memory of being injected in the neck and manhandled across his room.
To complete the illusion, Calina stripped the unconscious man naked and stepped out of her underwear, leaving the scrap of fabric dangling from the bedpost like a souvenir.
Then she got to work.
6 days later…
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing out here?”
Calina sighed at the sound of Anya’s voice behind her. She’d thought she’d have a bit more time up here alone.
It wasn’t easy finding somewhere quiet in a house full of women, especially since she was now sharing her bedroom with Katya. They’d freed another two Widows while they were in Europe, and bed space was becoming tight in the mansion. Every room was now doubled up, and Calina felt like she was constantly tripping over people in the common areas. The lack of privacy was starting to drive her crazy.
Adding that to her conflicted feelings about what happened in Italy, her insomnia, and the fact that she missed Matt with an intensity she didn’t think was possible...it all meant that she really wasn’t much fun to be around these days.
So she’d escaped to the roof. It wasn’t quite the same as her rooftop retreat in New York, but the night sky overhead was pretty spectacular. Without the light pollution of Hell’s Kitchen, the stars were so much clearer and brighter.
But she’d give it all up in a heartbeat to be back in that polluted, concrete jungle with Matt.
“Just taking in the scenery,” Calina lied, not in the mood to explain her current emotional state.
Anya took a seat next to her, and glanced around at the view, as if trying to see the appeal. The lights of the nearby harbour twinkled in the distance and the moonlight shone off the still water in front of the house. It was nature at its most tranquil and serene.
But Anya was never much of a nature lover. She shook her head and glanced down at her tablet. “I’ve got something for you.”
Calina sat up straight. “From Ranieri’s laptop?”
The rest of the mission in Italy had gone off without a hitch. She’d cloned Ranieri’s phone, copied the hard drive of his computer and planted a tracking virus that Anya created, then slipped out of the party unnoticed with the stolen data.
Data that she hoped would justify having Ranieri’s slimy hands on her. “Please tell me you found a lead on Volkov,” she asked.
“I’m close to something,” Anya said. “Just checking a few things first. But that wasn’t what I wanted to show you.”
“What is it?”
“Melina got in touch about that serum from Daredevil that you wanted analysed. She sent through the list of components.”
“Oh,” Calina replied, struggling to hide her disappointment.
Anya tapped the screen a few times then passed Calina the device. “Here you go,” she said, getting to her feet again.
“You don’t need this?” Calina asked, holding up the tablet.
“No, that’s yours. Happy Birthday.”
“It’s not my birthday.”
“You sure?”
Calina laughed at the familiar joke. As far as she knew ‘Calina Balashova’ was her real name, but she had no idea where in Russia - or the former Soviet Union - she’d been born, or even when exactly.
The other Widows like her - the ones who’s identities had been scrubbed by the Red Room when they were stolen as infants - had decided to make a joke of it, rather than dwell on the cruelty of their situation.
Which meant every day was a potential birthday.
Calina scrolled through the list of compounds on the screen. While it wasn’t the lead she was hoping for, she was still grateful for something to do to keep her mind distracted. And if she could help Matt with his fear pheromone mystery, maybe that would go some way towards alleviating her guilt.
She’d managed to avoid kissing Ranieri last week, but she’d still allowed him to touch her, and place his lips on her skin, and whisper in her ear all the lurid, obscene things he wanted to do to her body-
Calina shuddered at the memory and tried to concentrate on Melina’s email. And half way down the list, she saw a chemical that gave her pause: Arsonium bromide.
It sounded familiar.
Where had she come across that term before?
She typed the name into Google and did a quick search on its properties and applications. She soon found an article describing the process of using Arsonium bromide and potassium carbonate to synthesise Navenone A - which she knew from her previous research was a type of fear pheromone secreted by sea slugs.
Was that how she knew about Arsonium bromide?
It nagged at her the rest of the night. As she grabbed a late snack from the kitchen, as she cleaned her face and changed into her pyjamas, and as she lay awake listening to Katya’s deep, slow breaths from the other side of the bed, her brain grappled with the problem.
Then it came to her.
She bolted upright in shock.
Katya woke instantly, going from deep sleep to a heightened state of alertness like a flick had been switched. “What is it? Are we under attack?”
Calina ignored her. “Holy shit,” she muttered, working through the implications of what she’d just remembered.
“Are you okay?” Katya asked. “Did you have another nightmare?”
“What? No. I’m fine, I’m just…I can’t believe it.”
“Can’t believe what?”
Calina shook her head in disbelief. “It’s connected, Katya. It’s all connected.”
The tapping noise was getting louder.
Or, more accurately, he was getting closer to its source.
Matt had first noticed the sound while on the roof of the green and red-brick building on 10th avenue. It was a simple, 5-storey apartment complex above a laundromat…and it also happened to be the exact geographical centre of Hell’s Kitchen. For that reason, it had become a regular stopping point for him while he was out on patrol. It acted like a base, a place where he could centre himself after rushing all over the city. He could pause for a few moments, slow his racing heart and regroup, then listen to what the night was telling him.
Tonight, crouched on the parapet of that roof, he'd tuned out the white noise of the city - the roar of engines, and the buzz of electricity and the chattering hum of thousands of voices and television sets and radios - and he'd scanned the soundwave for people in need, and for criminals up to no good.
But what he'd found instead was a faint, rhythmic tapping sound coming from the riverside.
It wasn’t the frantic rattle of someone trapped and looking for help; and whilst the pattern sounded like possible morse code, it didn’t have the structure of an SOS call. But it piqued his interest anyway.
And given that the city was otherwise quiet, he'd indulged his curiosity and followed the sound. He'd traversed the concrete canopy of the city, leaping between buildings and racing across rooftops, as he'd chased down the mysterious beacon.
Until he found himself approaching the car lot on Pier 90.
As he did so, the tapping got clearer, more distinct. It was the unmistakeable hollow, ringing sound of a steel pipe being struck in sequence.
Taaaap…tap.tap. Taaaap…tap.tap.
Dash…dot.dot. Dash…dot.dot.
Definitely Morse code. He just had no idea what it meant…or who the message was intended for.
But he knew where it was coming from: high up overhead.
Matt glanced up as he honed in on the source of the sound - the large industrial crane floating just off the pier. Halfway along the jib, Matt could make out the shape of a person sitting between the steel railings, their legs dangling in the air 100 feet above the river.
Matt’s stomach lurched at the thought of them jumping into the icy cold, fast moving water below.
Dash…dot.dot. Dash…dot.dot.
Maybe the morse code was a cry for help, or a final message…either way, he needed to get up to them - fast. He started quickly scaling the steel structure, trying to keep noise to a minimum in case he spooked them.
Dash…dot.dot. Dash…dot.dot.
The sound was so loud to him now, it reverberated in his chest. He could feel the vibrations of the metal through his gloved hands, and it seemed to travel through his bones. He crept along the jib, on the opposite side from the seated morse coder. A third of the way along, he paused and took a deep breath of the air, trying to gauge more about them, but the wind was blowing the wrong way.
He inched closer, then froze as the mystery person called out to him, “Took you long enough.”
The voice was full of humour and affection - and so intimately familiar to him.
Matt scrambled over and along the jib then squeezed into the metal cage beside her. He grasped the hand that was resting on the steel railing. After a brief moment of hesitation, she adjusted the grip and laced her fingers through his. He brought their clasped hands up to his mouth and pressed a kiss against the back of hers. “Wh-what are you doing here? What’s going on? And why are you here?”
He couldn’t hide the slight whine in his voice at the last question. But he wanted to know why was she was up in this crane, wedged into this small, uncomfortable space. Why couldn’t she be on the ground or an open rooftop, or the living room of his apartment, where he could crush her against him and hold her properly?
Where he could kiss her properly.
She laughed, the sound low and husky and tempting, and it just added to his frustration.
But at the same time…it made him happy.
The last time he’d heard from her - during that brief phone call over a week ago - she’d sounded so upset. He’d been tormented ever since, wondering what had happened to her and if she was still suffering.
It was such a relief to discover that she wasn’t.
“I’m waiting for my ride,” she answered cryptically.
Matt pretended to look around at the vast sky above and the churning water far below. “Who’s your ride? Iron Man?”
She laughed again, and he leaned into the sound. Part of him just wanted to sit here with her and bask in her presence. To hold her hand and listen to her breathe and swim in her scent. But he had far too many questions. He wanted to know everything - what she’d been up to, and where she’d been, and what had happened a week ago. 
And when this would all be over and she could come home.
But he started with the most pressing issue. “How long can you stay?”
She sighed. “Not long. I wasn’t kidding about waiting for a ride. They’ll be here soon - the Widows, not the Avengers.”
“Why didn’t you come find me?”
“There wasn’t time. I hitched a ride to New York with some of my sisters - they’re chasing a lead over in Jersey, and they’re picking me up when they’re done.” She bumped her shoulder against his. “But I knew you’d be out here somewhere. I just had to lead you to me.” She tapped her wrist against the metal beam in front of her in the now-familiar code.
Dash…dot.dot. Dash…dot.dot.
“D.D. For Daredevil,” she translated. “I would have gone for ‘M.M.’, but I didn’t want to blow your cover.”
He smiled. “I appreciate it.”
He moved his hand up to inspect her wrist, trying to figure out what she was banging against the metal frame. It felt like a bulky watch strap loaded with slim cartridges. “Your Widow’s bites?"
He ran his hand up her arm - as far as he could in the cramped space - and felt the thick neoprene of her suit. “So you’re a Widow tonight.”
“I’m a Widow every night, Matt. It’s who I am.”
The teasing tone in her voice disappeared, and was replaced with hints of bitterness and resignation. He rephrased his question. “I just meant, you’re out on mission tonight.”
She shrugged. “I’m backup, in case they run into trouble.”
“The lead they’re chasing - is it to do with Volkov?”
“Hopefully. We’re following up on some intel we got hold of last week.”
“Last week…when you called me?”
Matt’s voice was soft, gentle…and so full of concern that it made Calina’s heart ache. She bit her lip and nodded.
“I’ve been so worried about you. Are you okay? Can you tell me what happened?” he asked.
Her teeth pressed painfully into her lip as she warred with her conscience. She wanted to tell him about Italy, and the mission with Ranieri. She didn’t want to keep secrets from him…but she wasn’t sure how the truth would make him feel.
He already had to put up with so much by being with her. Not least this separation between them, and the uncertainty of never knowing how or when they could be together again. She didn’t want to add to it by admitting that she’d had another man’s hands on her.
And she didn’t want to keep reminding him of who she used to be. Who she still had to be, while she hunted for Volkov. She didn’t want that part of her life to infect what they had together.
She was so scared that he would wake up one day and decide she wasn’t worth it.
“Hey.” She felt his thumb brush her lip as he tried to free it from the vice of her teeth. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. Just tell me you’re okay now.”
She took the 'out' he offered, glad that she didn’t have to actively lie to him. Again. “I’m as good as can be,” she replied truthfully. “I just want this to be over. I- I miss you.” She stuttered over the words, still so new to this. Still so unsure of this wonderful, delicate thing between them. 
Matt showed no such hesitation. “I miss you too, sweetheart.”
God, she’d never get enough of hearing that - even as the affection in his voice tore at her.
She’d been spiralling with shame and guilt over the past week, and she thought seeing Matt in person would help alleviate some of those feelings. That a brief moment of being with him again would remind her of why she’d gone through with that mission in the first place - it was all so that she could find her way back to him.
But it wasn’t working.
Looking into his beautiful brown eyes, so open and full of love, the guilt just amplified within her.
She needed to get out of here. She couldn’t bear to be around him while feeling this way. She glanced at her phone. Luckily, there’d been another text from Katya in the few minutes since Matt had arrived:
On our way.
She suppressed her sigh of relief and updated Matt. “I have to go soon. But I have something for you.”
“Is it the co-ordinates to your new base with a key to the front door?”
She handed him the USB stick she’d stashed in her belt. “No, but it’s a pretty good consolation prize.”
He took the device. “What’s is it?”
“The component list of the fear pheromone. And a few other things related to the case.” She’d been so excited to share her breakthrough with him - it was the reason she’d begged to come along on this trip - but now she couldn’t seem to muster any enthusiasm to talk about chemicals and nefarious plots.
Matt didn’t seem to mind the lack of explanation. He just tightened his hold on her hand and leaned against her as much as the metal pole between them would allow while they waited for Katya and the other Widows.
Minutes later, the roar of an engine cut through the noise of the wind howling around them. Calina glanced down and spotted the speedboat racing in their direction.
“I take it that’s your ride,” Matt said.
She nodded, and let go of Matt’s hand. She used the beam above her head to pull herself to her feet and manoeuvre onto the outside of the jib. She clipped herself to the metal frame with the carabiner on her belt and checked the position of the boat below - it was now idling directly beneath her, just as planned.
The lights on the boat flashed as if to hurry her up, but Calina paused to look at Matt. He’d joined her on the outside of the railing, with nothing securing him in place but the grip of his gloved hand. He looked so strong and invincible up here, the lights of his beloved city framing him in silhouette as he balanced with ease on the swaying platform, 100 feet in the air.
A daredevil to the core.
God, she loved him so much.
���I guess this is it,” she said, her voice wavering. As much as she needed to get away from him, she hated the thought of yet another goodbye.
To make it as quick as possible, she leaned forward and kissed him on the chin, the highest point she could reach given the awkward angle. “See you soon,” she promised.
Then she jumped.
Matt watched Calina fall through the air, the cable connecting her to the crane whirring loudly as it unspooled from her belt. Seconds later she was barely more than a speck below him as she jerked to a stop. She disconnected from the lifeline and landed safely in the boat deck.
Matt exhaled sharply in relief. His friends had complained for years about having to watch him execute dangerous, gravity-defying stunts - and he finally knew what that felt like.
It was horrible.
But that new-found empathy didn’t stop him from following Calina down the 100-foot drop. Without a second thought, he grabbed hold of the cable still connecting to the crane, jumped off the metal ledge and started to slide down.
He used his boots and gloves to try to control his descent, but they only helped so much - the wind still whistled past him as he hurtled through the air at speed. Within moments he was on the deck, landing in a crouch on one knee to absorb some of the impact. He felt the jolt through his worn joints, and knew he would feel it tomorrow.
But it was a small price to pay. He stood up, spun a startled-looking Calina towards him and took her in his arms. “You call that a goodbye?”
Then he tipped her back and kissed her.
It was a deep kiss. A desperate kiss.
He’d felt a…distance…between them up on that crane and it had scared him. So he poured everything into the kiss. He fuelled it with weeks of loneliness and torment, and laced it with every drop of love and passion that he felt for her.
He held her firmly against him with one hand at the back of her head, and his other clamped her around the waist, as if to stop her from disappearing. But she didn’t seem to want to go anywhere. Relief flooded Matt’s system as Calina returned the embrace just as fiercely, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck and one leg coming up to hook around his thigh.
They kissed and kissed, oblivious to the icy wind on their cheeks and the rocking of the boat underfoot as it sped across the water...and the hooting and cheering from the other Widows onboard.
Although, eventually, that last noise seemed to penetrate Calina’s senses. She broke the kiss and ducked her head, and he could feel the heat radiate from her blushing cheeks. He stroked his hand over her braided hair and leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of her head.
She looked up at him and shook her head. “What were you thinking?” She didn’t sound angry at his reckless abseil through the air - just a bit exasperated.
He shrugged. “It was your fault for leaving me hanging like that. So to speak.”
She squeezed him around the waist. “You’re crazy.”
He shrugged again. “Must be.”
The lights of the city were a blur as the speedboat travelled further down the river. Whoever was captaining this little ship didn’t seem inclined to slow down and drop him off on the shore. And he couldn’t blame them - he’d gatecrashed their choreographed escape, after all.
So he reluctantly broke away from Calina and grabbed his billy club out of its holster. He stroked a finger down Calina’s cheek and with a final, “Bye, sweetheart,” he launched one end of the baton up into the air. It caught on the low bridge they were passing under and he swung up behind it, off the boat and onto the walkway above.
“Show off!” he heard Calina call, her teasing voice echoing off the underpass.
He laughed in response as he jogged to the other side of the bridge. He watched the boat travel further away from him, a sole figure on the deck waving as it disappeared into the night.
It reminded him of the beginning of all this. Of watching Calina from afar as she stood on their rooftop all those months ago.
Back then, she’d been an intriguing mystery. A beautiful distraction from the darkness in his life. And while part of him had known there was something life-altering about their connection, he could never have imagined how vital she’d become to him. How much he’d grow to love and need her. 
She was still intriguing. Even more beautiful and, in some ways, just as mysterious.
But now she was his.
And he was hers.
What's all connected? What lead are the Widows following up in Jersey?
Find out in Chapter 3
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Canada invests in support of CF-18 Hornet fighters
Aerospace solutions provider Arcfield Canada will continue to strengthen the operations of the Royal Canadian Air Force with support solutions.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/11/2024 - 16:00 in Military
In an attempt to strengthen Canada's air defense capabilities, the Department of National Defense of Canada granted Arcfield Canada, a supplier of mission support solutions in the aerospace and defense sector, a $157 million contract for the avionics service support program of the CF-18 Hornet jets.
The Canadian Air Force has been looking for a replacement for its current fleet of just over 100 CF-18A/B Hornet multifunction fighters since May 2008. The Canadian government finally decided to upgrade its air force by buying 88 F-35 aircraft, with the first arriving in 2026.
In the meantime, the Royal Canadian Air Force will have the CF-18 (Canadian designation of the Hornet) and will use F-18 aircraft acquired from the RAAF, designed to be in service until 2032.
The fleet has already received a useful life extension through the Hornet Extension Program. The newly awarded contract was for an initial period of five years and five subsequent options of one year.
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In the last five years, Arcfield Canada, L3Harris Technologies and Peraton have secured contract extensions to strengthen support for the CF-18 avionics fleet of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). L3Harris Technologies won a four-year performance-based contract extension, valued at $482 million, expanding support until the planned retirement of the CF-18 fleet in 2032.
Under the aegis of Team Northern Sentry, composed of industry representatives Raytheon Canada, L3Harris Technologies, Palitronica and Terra Nova, Arcfield Canada will provide the in-service support and support solution for the CF-18 jets.
The in-service support contract for CF-18 avionics will enter into force on April 1º of this year. If all options are exercised, it will last until the end of March 2034, allowing possible delays in the F-35 program.
The contract requires continuous operation and maintenance of Canada's CF-18 fighter fleet, ensuring the optimal availability of the fleet and the readiness of the mission until the early withdrawal of the aircraft.
Tags: Military AviationL3HarrisMcDonnell Douglas CF-188 HornetRCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force/Canada Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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The World in 2100
by u/Aofen
The sea level rise in this timeline is on the low-mid end of IPCC's predictions, a little over 1 foot above current levels. The Maldives and the Marshall Islands (the two extremely-low lying countries for which this is a major threat), invest extensively in mitigation measures and coastal defenses. In both countries some lower lying outer islands are abandoned, and the population becomes more concentrated in the better-defended capitals. Several similarly low-lying small islands, such as Tangier in Virginia, are abandoned. Antarctica, although warmer than it is today, is still a giant cold nature preserve. There is more economic activity in the far north though, with the Northwest and Northeast passages being more viable than today.
The Congo and South Sudan, being currently much poorer and more dysfunctional than the rest of the East African Community, are left out of several of the economic integration agreements in the 2020s and 2030s. The states of the EAC that do not federalize generally retain close economic relations with the new federation, particularly Rwanda and Burundi who remain in a currency union and trade block with it.
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict remains a sort of frozen conflict throughout much of the 21st century. Azerbaijan's authoritarian government is toppled in a 2034 revolution (after fighting another inconclusive war with Armenia in 2030), and the new Azeri government is in a slightly more compromising mood. They eventually agree to a peace deal in 2050. South Ossetia  and Abkhazia (pressured by the withdrawal of Russia's total support) similarly make peace deals with Georgia where they agree to cede some territory in exchange for recognition.
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cityofdreamsrp · 11 months
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The island paradise of the Maldives, with its dreamy white beaches covered in palm trees, turquoise lagoons and breathtaking and varied underwater world invites you to experience an unforgettable stay. The islands are oases of peace and beauty, while the country's natural landscape will astonish you.
Sandbank Dolphin Cruise
Make the most of your visit to the Maldives with this small-group tour for a sunset dolphin cruise from Hulhumale. The first stop of the day is a sandbank where you’ll get a fresh view of the ocean. From there, visit two sites near Male to see colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, reef sharks, rays, and coral. Finally, enjoy a sunset cruise with the chance of spying dolphins along the way.
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Male Atoll Snorkeling & Diving
North Male Atoll has the most extensive coral reefs and oldest scuba diving sites in the Maldives. Curve-shaped Banana Reef (also known as Gaathugiri) was the first one to be discovered and remains very popular. Its shallow and deep zones are suited to divers of all levels, plus snorkelers. The topography is dramatic with cliffs, caves, vivid coral, and an abundance of diverse marine life.
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Central Atoll Surfing & Stand Up Paddling
Maldives' waves can't be considered super powerful, as the swell normally reaches shoulder-to-head high, but it offers big chances of barrels and long fun waves. It's the perfect trip for intermediate and advanced surfers. And perfect for paddle boarding. The surfing season in the Maldives depends on the Atolls, but most of the archipelago is good for surfing from March and November are also good and have the best weather. Swell is amazingly consistent in this part of the plane 
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WindSurfing & Renting a Boat
Windsurfing is an exhilarating blend of surfing and sailing, designed for the best experience above the sea. Drift across the crystal-clear lagoon at Vilamendhoo, guided by the wind as you take in the wonderful views. Learn new skills, tips and tricks from our very own water sports professionals. Select your learning pace, ranging from private lessons to intense group experiences.
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Hike on a tour of Medhu Ziyaaraiy Shrine
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Explore Kuruhinna Tharaagandu
Archaeological experts found Kuruhinna Tharaagandu to be a former Buddhist Monastery.  Easy to reach, this famous archeological site’s option makes Kuruhina Tharaagandu the famous historic site in the Maldives.The archeological society survey team claims that this site was used in the pre-Islamic era between the 7th to 8th centuries. If you want to see the evidence of the Maldives’ Buddhist history, explore the island of Kaashidhoo on your Maldives trip. 
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Yoga Pavilion
Choose a yoga session that is most suitable to your needs. Maintain core strength, muscle tone and good energy levels whilst on vacation. Breathe fully and reap the therapeutic benefits in sublime surrounds.Complimentary sunrise and sunset yoga classes are available to all our guests on the Yoga Pavilion at The Spa.
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Nautilus Spa
Immerse yourself in the energy of a Maldives spa at the island Solasta Spa, a natural haven of wellness surrounded by serene and sparkling seas. Solasta Spa specialises in the bespoke, designing wellness programmes and daily rituals that refresh and relax, pamper and protect. 
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Ithaa Undersea Restaurant
The Maldives is renowned for having several transparent undersea restaurants—yes, you can dine under the water and watch sea creatures (including sharks) swimming all around you! Ithaa Undersea, 16 feet below the surface at Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, was the first one to open. It provides an intimate experience with only 14 tables. Fusion cuisine is served according to set menus. Be prepared to fork out for a glass of bubbly and some canapes during Champagne hour.
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Dinner at Zeytoun
Zeytoun is The Nautilus' Middle Eastern restaurant located near the spa. Even if you opt to take advantage of The Nautilus' flexibility to order from a different menu (for example from Ocaso or Thyme) I highly recommend dining at Zeytoun at least once near sunset time, given the view and ambience.
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Sunset Drinks at Naiboli Poolside Bar
While I don't spend much (any) time lounging by pools, Naiboli enjoys a lovely view both during the day and at sunset, which complimentary drinks and nibbles are served to guests.
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Market Shopping
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Luxury Shopping
If you are fond of beauty products, especially perfumes, do visit Le Cute, which is a renowned retail beauty shop in Maldives. This is a swanky store dealing with cosmetics, toiletries, health care products and herbal products that are some of the best things to shop in Maldives.
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supernatasha · 1 year
On the Mediterraneans and the South Asians
Honestly, it pisses me off so much when people say the Ancient Greeks/Romans were all white because these ignorant people have no idea how much mingling there was of Africans and South Asians in these areas, particularly the Asians. So here's a quick little history lesson talking about the Mediterraneans (Greek, Persian, Assyrians) and South Asia (Aryans, Dravidians, Tamils).
First of all, we all know race is a social construct, right? Okay, second, I'll try to provide modern-day locations along with their past counter-parts to avoid getting confusing because I know not everyone has this shit memorized like me (rather uselessly, it seems). Also of importance, a HUGE amount of South Asia's history has been lost due to colonization of modern-day India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Burma (Myanmar). So unfortunately, much of this will rely more extensively on records from the somewhat better preserved Greek and other Mediterraneans rather than the South Asians (though there is still plenty of info). 
So let's start with about... 6th century BC, okay? For a hint of what we're dealing with, check out this very rad and surprisingly accurate map of the 8th century. Estimations of the beginning of the Greek empire are about 800 BC. South Asian civilizations are just about in the middle of their Iron Age, which overlaps with the Vedic period (the settling of Aryans into modern day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan). These are relatively light skinned people, by the way, who had been mingling with East Asians, Europeans, Africans, and Dravidians/Tamils (local people of South Asia) for several thousand centuries. So you probably think they're white...
Thankfully, we have art to show us explicit brown people and people with East Asian features (epicanthal fold) :
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Greeks were perfectly aware of dark brown skinned people in Africa during this time period, btw.
First of all, I don't quite know how well-researched/respected this book by Edward Pococke written in the 1800s is, but this guy gives us a semi-convincing argument that South Asian tribes basically settled in the Mediterranean first a long time ago. But on the other hand, I genuinely believe this whole argument can just as easily be applied to North African tribes, and that's probably more likely. (Also, he says Mediterranean language is descended from Sanskrit, which is a bit inaccurate; both Mediterranean languages and Sanskrit are descended from Proto-Indo-European.) But anyway, if you're looking for more info, read through the book. It's not that long, it's pretty interesting, and a lot of what he says is pretty good proof of Africans founding Mediterranean civilizations. 
So, one of the earliest hints we have of Greeks sharing roots with Aryans was the religious cult of Orphism, which was descended from the myth of Orpheus. It's first hints appeared in literature around 600 BC. It shares many elements with the Aryan version of Vedic Hinduism, and it has often been theorized that the journey Orpheus traveled through was a reference to India.
In 537 BC, Cyrus (Persia) makes it to Peshawar (Afghanistan) and adds Gandhar (also in Afghanistan) to his kingdom; Hindus will recognize this as the name of another ancient kingdom. and Darius makes it to Punjab (Pakistan/India). 
In 484 BC, Herodotos (Greek) wrote another book about India. In it, he describes South Indians (Dravidians) as "dark as Ethiopians" and North Indians (Aryans) as "similar to Egyptians in appearance." HMMMM. 
Around 380-ish or so, we get Megasthenes. This guy claims he knows Hercules and Dionysus (both the god and the ambassador) hung out in Pentapotamia (Punjab) a lot. He came with a whole court, and he got as far south as Sri Lanka (which is pretty much as south as you can possibly go, unless you wanna go down to the Maldives or Mauritius). Now, he was not "discovering" these places; the Greeks and other western cultures were well aware of them, as well as of their religion. He was an ambassador. This implies that these people were in close enough contact to have ambassadors. Here's the book he wrote on Indika. 
In about 327 BC, Alexander "the Great" comes knocking around Paurav (modern day Punjab). At the time, that was considered the border of the biggest empire around, seeing as how Alexander's armies slaughtered all the "tribes" he encountered on his way to Paurav. Now he encounters the surrender of King Purrushotam... and on his shield is something resembling a symbol of the Shurasens (Herakles), and some historians have predicted that's because this guy had ancestry related to the Greeks. You know who? Our friend Megasthenes!
In 322 BC, Alex dies and King Chandragupta of the Maurya empire reconquers the northwest (Punjab, etc). At this point, those people are practically indistinguishable from both north Aryans and east Grecians. 
In 250, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom develops (present day Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan). This city, acknowledged in Hellenic texts as a Greek city, sat right at the edge of the Hindu-Kush mountains, leaving little room to doubt they were mixing with the Aryans on that side and the Iranians (called Sogdiana back then, where it's presumed some Aryans migrated to South Asia from) on the other side. (Bactria, btw, is considered one of the early Central Asian civilizations, not Greek or South Asian, and their religion was a FASCINATING mix of Zoroastrianism Hinduism, Buddhism, and eventually early Christianity and Islam.) Check out this rad Bactrian art: 
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Around 180 BC, the Greco-Bactrian empire pretty officially converts into the Indo-Greek Kingdom with Demetrius's arrival. 
Also, check out this map of East Asians mixing with the Greeks and the South Asians during this time: 
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"Alexander took these away from the Aryans and established settlements of his own, but Seleucus Nicator gave them to Sandrocottus (Chandragupta), upon terms of intermarriage and of receiving in exchange 500 elephants." - this is talking about what's now modern-day Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. Now, since this is talking about intermarriage in about 64 BC, we can assume that they've been getting it on for a while. So there are plenty of Greeks running around in actual Greece descended from people of Aryan/Dravidian backgrounds. 
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salmankhanholics · 6 months
★ Salman Khan trains like a jawan for 'Bull'!
Before stepping into Brigadier Bulsara’s shoes for Bull in February, Khan to undergo intensive training with paramilitary forces; drama chronicles India’s 1988 Operation Cactus that thwarted the Maldives coup
-Jan 1, 2024
In 2024, Salman Khan fans will miss seeing him on the big screen. Behind the scenes, however, it will be a busy year for the superstar who is set to kick off the shoot of Bull—his first collaboration with filmmaker Karan Johar after the cameo in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)—in mid-February. In Vishnu Varadhan’s directorial venture, Khan will play Brigadier Farukh Bulsara, who led Operation Cactus in 1988 in the Maldives. While the team conducted the mahurat shot in Mumbai on December 29 (Spreading positivity, Dec 30), we hear the actor will undergo extensive physical prep, even training with paramilitary forces, before he steps into the shoes of the Armed Forces officer.
January promises to be gruelling for Khan, who will work towards attaining a lean frame, in keeping with Brigadier Bulsara’s look. A source tells mid-day, “Right at the start, Vishnu Varadhan was sure that the actor would have to create a look distinct from his larger-than-life on-screen persona. He will sport a relatively leaner physique. It was also decided that he will train with the paramilitary forces in Mumbai. That will not only aid his physical transformation, but also help him get in the mindset required to pull off the character.” On the cards is a diverse range of exercises that is adopted by the paramilitary troops to address the multifaceted demands of their roles. The source adds, “His routine will include cardiovascular exercises like running and swimming, strength training as well as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and circuit training. He will also be familiarised with obstacle course navigation that sharpens coordination and adaptability, and tactical drills.”
Bull will offer a retelling of Operation Cactus wherein the Indian Armed Forces, on November 3, 1988, assisted the Maldives in reclaiming control following a coup attempt led by businessman Abdullah Luthufi and the People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE). The Indian forces efficiently neutralised the mercenaries and restored the control to President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s  government within hours. 
While the screen adaptation was originally imagined as a Shahid Kapoor offering under a different banner, Johar and the Shershaah (2021) director are now bringing the story to celluloid. The director is expected to begin table-reads with the cast by January-end. “The rest of the cast is currently being finalised. The film is about a leader and his camaraderie with his troops, so bonding between the cast is key to the film’s making. The cast will have multiple table reads and workshops. The actors, who will comprise Salman’s on-screen troop, will also train with paramilitary experts,” adds the source. A chunk of the drama will be shot at Film City in Goregaon and Mehboob Studios in Bandra. Khan has apparently allotted bulk dates till August. 
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mittwoch-addams · 1 year
Reaaaally curious how much we’re gonna see from Daan and Ellie’s relationship in the docu
idk bc the aussies started documenting ~2.5 years ago? so the start of their timeline fits that. don’t know if that means daan’s injury will be part of it too since it is relevant contextually to the champions league final win later on along with ellie’s injury.
but before all that, think we might see ellie in aus and then the asian cup of course, lydia visiting france, followed by gielnik prior to moving in together. would love some st. tropez content to balance out her surgery and rehab spent alone during off season/euros 🥲 after the dutchies’ early exit, their trip to aus no doubt will be included, contract extensions, their maldives holiday possibly, london reunion with gielnik and williams, qf exit…
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brerainterni · 1 year
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The Luxury Hotel Patina Maldives, Fari Islands, is entirely signed @gervasoni1882. Nestled in the white beaches and blue waters of the Maldives, in North Malé Atoll, this place is an earthly paradise, dedicated to human needs to create a dialogue in harmony with nature. Various Gervasoni design elements are inserted in this context of relaxation: from the furnishings of the Gray collection defined by its contemporary look uniting austere Nordic elegance and vintage soul, to the Inout 700 collection, extensive and varied, where exotic suggestions alternate with elements of sophisticated essentiality, to the Ghost collection, comfortable and enveloping like its elements with removable covers. In some of our affiliated showrooms it is possible to visit the Brera Interni Materials Library, touch with your hands hundreds of fabrics from the best brands, to cover and make unique, with the support of our specialists, your furniture, walls, curtains and much more. 📍Come to see our e-shop (URL in bio) or our affiliated showrooms to project a modular, custom made design solution. Luxury Hotel Patina Maldives by @gervasoni1882, designer @mkogan27 #design #designinspiration #italiandesign #moderndesign #minimal #interiordesign #interiorstyle #furniture #contemporarydesign #lamp #gervasoni #brerainterni #marciokogan #luxurydesign #hoteldesign https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp190m0I_fY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fbcelebrations1 · 5 days
Embracing the Future: Top Wedding Technology Trends for Modern Couples
Each aspect of our lives is being revolutionized by technology in this digital age, and weddings are no different. A lot of contemporary couples are incorporating modern technology into the design and management of their weddings, resulting in seamless, unique, and life-long experiences.
Virtual Augmented Reality 
Virtual Venue Tours is the new comfort. It's currently easier than ever before to plan a destination wedding or just look over potential locations from a distance. Couples can experience realistic, 360-degree virtual reality tours of potential wedding locations without ever leaving their home. This technique guarantees that the location of choice fulfills all requirements while saving time.
Augmented Reality 
Interactive wedding invites can be created using augmented reality. Guests can watch personalized video messages, 3D animations, or even a virtual tour of the wedding venue by scanning a printed invitation with a smartphone. This gives the conventional wedding invitation a unique and interesting touch.
Drones and Aerial Photograph
Drones provide a special viewpoint for wedding photos and videos. Wedding photos and movies gain a cinematic touch when amazing overhead images of the location, the ceremony, and the reception are captured. With the use of drone technology, every moment is captured, and a complete visual description of the day is created.
Drones may improve security by monitoring extensive outdoor venues and making sure that everything operates safely and properly, in addition to taking stunning pictures.
Personalized wedding websites and apps 
Centralized Information: All information about your wedding can now be centralized on custom wedding websites and apps. Through these services, couples may exchange information on the itinerary, the location, lodging choices, and even RSVP management.
Interactive Features: Interactive elements like photo sharing, guestbooks, and social network integration are possible with these digital tools. Throughout the celebration, guests can stay involved by sharing their experiences and uploading images in real time.
Event Conceptualised, Executed & Managed by @fbcelebrations11
Décor Designing, Execution & Entertainment Curation @fbcelebrations1
Venue: taj hari mahal, Udaipur, India , Soneva Jani , Maldives , Jio convention center , Mumbai , India
#weddingplannerindia #weddingplannermumbai #weddingplannersindia #weddingplannersmumbai #weddingplanningindia #weddingplanningmumbai #weddingservicesindia #weddingservicesmumbai #weddingplannersinindia #weddingplannersinmumbai #top10weddingplannersindia #top10weddingplannersmumbai #top10weddingplanningmumbai #top10weddingplanningindia #luxuryweddingplannersindia #luxuryweddingplannersmumbai #luxuryweddingplanningindia #luxuryweddingplanningmumbai #weddingdesignmumbai #weddingdesignindia #weddingdesignermumbai #weddingdesignerindia #destinationweddingplanningindia #destinationweddingplanningmumbai #destinationweddingplannerindia #destinationweddingplannermumbai 
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @heybuddy-drabbles, @noahreids, @affectionatelyrs, @littlemisskittentoes, and @kiwiana-writes. All of y'all are TOO kind! Thank you all for tagging me and including me in this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
73, 211
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written in OUAT before extensively, but now I'm strictly RWRB.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do we still have forever?
Modification to the map of you
Volume Control
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one that I get! They all absolutely make my day, so I will always respond, even if it takes me a little while. I save them all up in my emails, and I'll go through and personally respond whenever I get a free moment.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Angstiest: Darkest before the dawn (and it isn't even really that angsty at all haha I love writing angst but it has to come with a happy ending)
Happiest: The Maldives
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't so far, and I'm immensely grateful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Fun fact: I never wrote (published) smut until I entered the RWRB fandom, so this media (both book and movie) has inspired a sort of bravery in me for being willing to share my interpretation of intimate moments between characters, and it brings me so much joy.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have yet to write a crossover!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
After Halloween, Huh ends, @thinkof-england and I are going to co-write a fic together. Stay tuned! I'm so excited!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
FirstPrince. Hands down. No questions asked. Not a doubt in my mind.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Kelvin Timeline Star Trek fic that I started way back before RWRB came storming into my life, and I don't know if I'll ever go back to it, but someday I'd like to. @oneofthewednesdays was immensely helpful in reading through the pieces I had and being the best Beta/cheerleader ever.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I'm aces at dialogue. I like to think that capturing genuine character voices is a strong suit of mine as well, not just spoken but internal as well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything beyond a one shot. I don't typically tackle multichapters because I like telling a complete story in a single go and then moving on to the next, but I'm trying to be better!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I LOVE writing Spanish, spoken by Alex (or even Henry) or their daughter. It's gotten me back into my own memories of taking Spanish from middle school through high school and into college.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pirates of the Caribbean.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think that I have to say What If I Do? because it features my all-time favorite snippet I have ever written:
“Fuck,” is all that he can say, but even that tastes of Alex, of top shelf whiskey and the cinnamon he always adds to his coffee. Alex had spoken the word into Henry’s mouth on countless occasions, so he was all-too-familiar with the way it slipped off of his tongue so smoothly, as if the letters themselves were forged together just for him by some foul-mouthed god who knew the damage such a word might wreak in the possession of someone as fearless as Alexander Claremont-Diaz.
No pressure tag: @whimsymanaged, @oneofthewednesdays, and @thinkof-england
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thevillagroup15 · 8 days
The Ultimate Guide to Renting Villas: Your Dream Vacation Awaits
The Ultimate Guide to Renting Villas: Your Dream Vacation Awaits Are you dreaming of a luxurious getaway to unwind in style and comfort? Villas to rent offer the perfect escape, blending privacy with luxury. From sun-soaked Mediterranean coasts to tropical paradises, villas provide a unique vacation experience that hotels can't match. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about renting a villa for your next holiday.
Table of Contents
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Introduction to Villa Rentals
Imagine waking up to waves crashing on the shore, stepping onto your private terrace, and enjoying breakfast with a breathtaking view. This is the kind of experience you can expect when renting a villa. Villas provide a home-away-from-home experience with the added perks of luxury and exclusivity. Whether planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a group trip with friends, renting a villa can be the perfect choice.
Why Choose a Villa Over a Hotel?
Choosing a villa over a hotel comes with several advantages:
- Privacy: Villas offer a level of confidentiality that hotels can't match. You have your own space without sharing amenities with strangers.
- Space: Villas typically provide more space than hotel rooms, including multiple bedrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces.
- Personalized Experience: Many villas come with staff, such as chefs and housekeepers, who can tailor the experience to your preferences.
- Cost-Effective: Renting a villa can be more cost-effective than booking multiple hotel rooms for larger groups.
Popular Destinations for Villa Rentals
Mediterranean Escapes
The Mediterranean is home to some of the most stunning villas in the world. Picture yourself in a villa on the Amalfi Coast, surrounded by lemon groves and overlooking the turquoise sea. Other popular Mediterranean destinations include the Greek islands, Spain's Costa Brava, and the French Riviera.
Tropical Getaways
If your idea of paradise involves white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, consider renting a villa in a tropical location. Destinations like Bali, the Maldives, and the Caribbean offer luxurious villas with direct beach access and breathtaking ocean views.
Mountain Retreats
There are plenty of villas in alpine regions for those who prefer cooler climates and stunning mountain vistas. The Swiss Alps, Aspen, and the Canadian Rockies are just a few locations where you can find cozy yet luxurious mountain villas.
Types of Villas Available
Beachfront Villas
Beachfront villas offer direct access to the beach and stunning ocean views. These villas often include private pools, outdoor dining areas, and water sports equipment.
Countryside Villas
Countryside villas are perfect for those seeking peace and tranquility. Surrounded by nature, these villas often have extensive gardens, walking trails, and even farm-to-table dining experiences.
Urban Villas
Urban villas provide a luxurious oasis in the heart of the city. These properties are ideal for those who want to explore city attractions by day and relax in a private, comfortable setting by night.
Key Features to Look For in a Villa
When choosing a villa, consider the following features to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay:
- Location: Proximity to attractions, beaches, or city centers.
- Amenities: Private pools, hot tubs, outdoor kitchens, and entertainment systems.
- Staff: Chefs, housekeepers, and concierge services are available.
- Space: Number of bedrooms and living areas to accommodate your group.
- Views: Scenic views of the ocean, mountains, or countryside.
How to Find the Perfect Villa
Finding the perfect villa involves thorough research and planning. Here are some tips to help you in your search:
- Start Early: Villas, especially the popular ones, book up quickly. Start your search at least six months in advance.
- Use Reputable Websites: Websites like Airbnb, Vrbo, and luxury villa rental agencies offer verified listings with reviews from previous guests.
- Read Reviews: Guest reviews provide valuable insights into the villa's condition, location, and the quality of service offered.
- Check Amenities: Ensure the villa has all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay.
Booking Process Explained
The booking process for villas is straightforward but may vary depending on the platform or agency you use:
- Search and Select: Use filters to narrow your options based on location, size, and amenities.
- Contact the Owner/Agency: Communicate with the owner or rental agency to confirm availability and ask questions.
- Review the Contract: Carefully read the rental agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of your stay.
- Make a Deposit: Most rentals require a deposit to secure the booking. Ensure you understand the cancellation policy before making a payment.
- Final Payment: The remaining balance is usually due a few weeks before your arrival date.
Understanding Villa Rental Costs
Villa rental costs can vary widely based on several factors:
Location: Villas in popular tourist destinations tend to be more expensive.
Size: Larger villas with more bedrooms and amenities typically cost more.
Season: Prices are higher during peak travel seasons.
- Duration: Some villas offer discounts for more extended stays.
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Tips for a Smooth Villa Rental Experience
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable villa rental experience, keep these tips in mind:
- Communicate Clearly: Establish clear communication with the villa owner or manager before and during your stay.
- Check-In Procedures: Understand the check-in and check-out procedures to ensure everything is clear.
- Respect the Property: Treat the villa carefully and respectfully, as you would your home.
- Local Laws and Customs: Be aware of local regulations and cultural norms, especially in foreign countries.
What to Pack for a Villa Vacation
Packing for a villa vacation can differ from packing for a hotel stay. Here are some essentials to consider:
Beach Gear: Swimsuits, sunscreen, hats, and beach towels.
Casual Wear: Comfortable clothing for relaxing around the villa.
Formal Attire: If you plan to dine out or attend special events.
- Entertainment: Books, games, and other activities for downtime.
The Role of Villa Staff
Many luxury villas come with staff who can enhance your vacation experience:
Chef: Prepares meals based on your preferences.
Housekeeper: Keeps the villa clean and tidy.
Concierge: Arranges activities, excursions, and transportation.
- Gardener: Maintains the outdoor spaces.
Villa Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts
Respecting villa etiquette ensures a pleasant stay for everyone:
Do: Communicate your needs and preferences to the staff.
Don't Overstep boundaries or make unreasonable demands.
Do: Follow house rules and local customs.
- Don't Leave the villa in disarray.
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Making the Most of Your Villa Stay
To make the most of your villa stay, consider these tips:
Plan Activities: Explore the villa's amenities and the local area.
Relax: Take time to unwind and enjoy the luxurious surroundings.
Renting a villa offers a unique and luxurious vacation experience that is unmatched by traditional hotels. Proper planning and consideration allow you to find the perfect villa to create unforgettable memories. Whether you're looking for a serene countryside retreat, a tropical paradise, or an urban oasis, there's a villa out there that's perfect for you.
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In today's hospitality news, set on a stunning island in the South Malé Atoll, surrounded by crystalline lagoon waters, Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort reintroduces its OverWater Villas with a full facelift following months of extensive renovations. More at https://punchmedia.co.th/2024/06/the-enchanted-maldivian-paradise/
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