#Male!Persona 3 protagonist
secondtryatablog · 4 months
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Well, the sickness has ebbed, now I'm just stuck with Depression. So! It's fitting to post the depressed man himself hehe. Twas good practice for flowers, but I'm kinda meh on the lighting tbh.
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narrators-journal · 3 months
Ring, ring
This, like the last post lol, is inspired by the prompt list I currently have for a potential yandere prompt list I’m debating throwing out. This one is based on the prompt ‘creepy calls’ and comes from my stalker/serial killer au for some funsies <3
CW: Stalking, mentions of breaking and entering, generally kinda dark.
“God damn...stairs.” Minato grumbled as he made his way up his apartment building’s creaky, poorly lit stairway with his groceries in his arms. “If they bothered getting that fucking elevator fixed, I wouldn’t be nearly breaking my neck just to get god damned food.” Yet, it was only natural that his grumbling went unacknowledged, as he was alone in the discolored, wet-carpet-smelling hallway that led down to the chipped and cracked door that Minato called his. Once there, the dark-haired emo put down some of his bags to fight the jammed door open.
The small apartment that Minato called home wasn’t anything to brag about. The smoke-stained walls were thin enough that he could hear his neighbor’s television almost perfectly clear, cramped, and, most importantly, it was cheap. The tile in the tiny slice of a kitchen was cracked and discolored like the front door, with a small fridge that Minato stocked with his groceries. Then, he moved to the living room, which had sticky carpet and a perpetual smell of dust, but he could deal with that, especially after the slog that was his grocery trip. So, with a sigh, the shaggy-haired boy flopped onto his couch, his television flicked on to fill the silence and stifle the sounds of his neighbor’s show.
At least, until his cellphone rang with a telltale cartoon criminal laugh. The ringtone he assigned to Ryoji Mochizuki.
Minato’s stalker.
Though, instead of a normal person’s terror in that situation, the shaggy-haired emo just sighed in annoyance and answered the phone. “What.” He answered blandly. “Awww, so mean to me, funeral lily.” Ryoji pouted through the phone, “Can’t you just pretend to be happy to answer my calls?” “No.” the blue-haired man said blandly, “Considering you threatened to break in if I don’tanswer these stupid fucking calls, I have no real reason to be happy to talk to you.”
At Minato’s remind of that factor, Ryoji groaned in annoyance. “God, you make it sound like I make you talk to me at gunpoint, Mina.” “You kinda do.” “I do not. You can always ignore my calls and just lock your door. How is that ‘at gunpoint’” The brunette argued, which only made Minato roll his stormy eyes as he sat up on his couch. “I repeat, threats of breaking in. My parents always locked the doors at night, yet you still got in there like the cockroach you are.” Minato argued back, getting a bright laugh out of the man, “Okay, you got me there. But you still can’t hide that you just enjoy talking to me~” Ryoji teased, his words enough to earn a dark scowl from Minato.
On some dark level, the emo knew his stalker was right. Ryoji had basically forced Minato to chase off all of his friends or risk them being killed in the crossfire, so, these morbidly casual phone calls were the only real source of socialization Minato had left. But, whether he was lonely or not, he wasn’t about to admit that to the infatuated nutjob. “Why do you even call me? You follow me around everywhere I go, it’s not like we can chat about how my day was.” He huffed, the unacknowledged point left between the two men like a rotten chunk of meat. “I just like hearing your voice, funeral lily! It makes me feel less lonely.” Ryoji hummed simply, dark amusement woven into his words, as if he knew the deepest of Minato’s unspoken thoughts. “But! I actually do have things to do today, like you, I’ve gotta go grocery shopping, so~” He sang, “I’ll call you tomorrow, love you, dear.”
With that, Ryoji Mochizuki hung up, and Minato was left alone in his cramped, smoke-stained apartment once more. Only the television to keep him company, now.
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1ittlesunlight · 4 months
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March 5th, 2009. We remember our memories of you, Makoto Yuki.
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Persona romance routes are all pretty bad but damn they really hit rock bottom with p3p femc route like the misogyny is very blatant and it’s almost hilarious like look at the Shinjiro romance. When you do his social link he’s like very clearly respectful of Kotone as a leader and explicitly says stuff like "oh yeah you’re clearly the best fighter we have, I don’t really know much about fighting like you do, I hope I’m not dragging you down, you’re doing a good job as leader just remember to take care of yourself, everyone looks up to you I know you can rely on them" etc. like he has faith in her leading abilities. But then when you romance him he’s like got dialogue like "bwah bluh i gotta look after you because you’re a GIRL and you need to stick by me, a big strong MAN so you don’t get hurt" and "don’t wear that revealing outfit in front of other guys 👺" and it’s like. Does he respect her or not and also like it doesn’t make sense for him to look down on her for being a girl cuz he literally has never not been led by a girl leader during his time in sees and Mitsuru in particular really has her shit together when it comes to being responsible and a good fighter and she’s always known the most about Tartarus
It’s also like. Idk maybe its just me I’m not a girl so FUCK IF I KNOW but to me the appeal of romancing Shinji is the fact that he’s sweet and sensitive and gentle and has respect for you despite the fact that he acts all scary. That’s like, what made me like this character in the first place. But the writers seem to think what women want is for a BIG STRONG MAN to protect them because they are just DELICATE WOMEN who are inferior in every way it’s like. Shut upppp thanks
#persona#persona 3#shinjiro aragaki#this is soooooooo obviously not the only romance route that sucks in this game yall know which one im referring to 🤨#and i actually tend to think of the shinji romance as the best one in the series cuz at least his confession scene is the only unique one#that really highlights who he is as a character and goes with the story#but ughh just idk its so annoying how the writers cant decide if hes sexist or not its really weird and its like#really shows how poorly the writers think of women playing their game its like all the romance options are trash and then your boyfriend is#sexist to you and its so clearly done in a way thats supposed to be romantic which is. ew#like idk if my partner was like talking about how i need to stay close to them because im a weak girl and they are strong man#especially when im literally the leader of the team and have been doing perfectly fine thus far and am clearly the strongest here#id simply run him over with a bulldozer#and its like this will all the guys in this game its like girl shut up and eat glass#meanwhile when youre a male protagonist your gf will kiss your ass to the point its infuriating#and their character arcs can never be too grand cuz then they might not wanna fuck you if they realize they have worth#uh sorry my brain is all over the place basically i hate persona romances lol and i hate how they wrote shinji in his#like dammit i dont want him cuz hes gonna protect me like a man i want him cuz he isnt great at fighting and prefers cooking and puppy dogs#and has respect for me and trusts my judgement and asks me to talk about my life and interests and smiles sweetly#but god forbid a woman in this series be respected i guess
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If shinjimina doesn’t become popular after reload I’ll have no hope for you people
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the-daily-male · 10 months
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Today's daily male is Yu Narukami from Persona 4!
for anonymous
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mikaharuka · 10 months
The Space Between - Official Post
So... the reveals for the Rare Male Slash Exchange (RMSE) finally happened today, so here I am sharing the three fics I wrote for it!
All three fics are in my Masterpost and my Mizuka's Odyssey series!
So... I wrote for Dracula, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Persona 3! [links go to AO3 - all three fics are rated M and have 1000 words]
This fic is particularly special, because my assignment was none other than my friend, Bleep (@bleepbloopbotz)! We share quite a few fandoms and ships, including Megaten! I've always been a fan of the Shin Megami Tensei mainline series, along with Persona 3 and 4... and with Persona 3 Portable, the female MC, and the slew of male romantic interests and social links, this was a perfect match!
Title: The Space Between
Fandom: Persona 3
Ship: Arisato Minato/Sanada Akihiko, Minato & Minako
Rating: Mature
Category: M/M
Word Count: 1000 words
Summary: Minato follows his connection with Akihiko through space.
You may be interested? @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @lena-hills, @bees-and-sunshine @bleepbloopbotz, @sliebman10, @axolotlsupremacyowo, @tsunderewatermelon, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, @argyleheir
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poorgay · 2 years
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magicmalcolm · 8 months
Oh, God, I forgot the Male!MC in Persona 3 has to romance all his female Social Links once progressed far enough. 😞
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lemmon-grove · 9 months
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Once again I’m thinking about him…
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secondtryatablog · 7 months
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I really need to practice couple poses more. But for now, I'm just happy to partake in an online event on time! This piece was full of challenges, but I'm very proud of how it turned out, so I'm proud of myself in turn, and I hope you all enjoy it!
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narrators-journal · 3 months
Yandere!Ryomina x reader
I need to stop accidentally posting to the art blog lol
So, I can’t get this scenario out of my head, so I’ve translated it into an x reader! It will be split into two gendered sections because I think that would affect the dynamic p importantly lol.
CW: implied spoilers for the games, dark, dark implications as well. Pregnancy is also brought up. It’s yandere, so...morals are a bit eh. Self indulgence like hellllll.
A male Darling who gets the attention of yandere!Ryomina would be so very fucked.
Admittedly, any gendered darling would be screwed, considering Ryoji. But a male one would have a particularly yikes time. Because you not only have Ryoji as a yandere, but Minato too, since I think he’s gay.
So! It’s a BOGO deal lol. But for Yandere lovers.
Ryoji’s at least not a harmful yandere. He has no real need to hurt you when you legit just. Can’t escape him. He’ll chain you up, keep you under the guard of Minato or himself, stuff like that, but he won’t break your leg if you run.
Minato’s a lil different. He probably willbreak your leg.
Minato’s a bit more unhinged when it comes to the violence it takes to contain his darling.
Since he doesn’t have the power Ryoji has, he makes up for it that way. Which means a male darling has almost no chance to escape.
You can outrun Minato, but Ryoji willcatch you, and Minato willpunish you viciously for trying to leave him.
But hey, Ryoji will comfort you afterwards.
Also, these two are inevitably going to kidnap their darling. It might take a while, since Ryoji likes the hunt, but it will happen without a doubt.
A female darling would not actually have it any easier than a male, honestly.
In fact, I think in some ways, a female darling would have it worse. Considering a male darling would be picked up out of a mutual desire from both Ryoji and Minato. But a female would only really be chosen for a purpose.
And, that purpose would be to try and bring a child into the world for Ryomina.
So, while you only really get one Yandere, that yandere would be Ryoji. Arguably the worst of the two by a long shot.
But hey, Minato wouldn’t really care too much for you beyond a platonic liking. I view him as gay, so he has no real strong feelings for a female darling.
That’s not saying he’d let you go.
No, if Ryomina decides to have a child in this fashion, Ryoji’s possessive side will be worsened, and Minato won’t be any help to curb it since he’d, y’know, want a kid from you.
On the bright side, I don’t think they’d go so far as to just. Forcibly knock you up like true scumbags. It’d be moreso ‘hey, we have an open relationship, so hook up with Ryoji’. And then once you get pregnant, then they become yandere.
It’s still calculated and scummy, but not asbad at least. Small victories.
Once again, though, you won’t be able to run, even if Minato lets you try. Especially not as far as a male darling could get if they tried.
Ryoji’s gonna be protective, so you’ll be lucky to be free an hour before he snatches you back up.
He won’t be an ass to you or anything, or really show any anger for fear of stressing you out, but you will probably be chained up and monitored constantly.
At least the basement you’ll be kept in will be furnished into a nice little apartment for you to stay in between pregnancies?
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1ittlesunlight · 5 months
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They're just the cutest couple.💙💖
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 year
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Kats started playing the Switch version of Persona 3 Portable.
Meet Kailene Locke! She’s currently sick and trying to boost her Courage :3
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