mercysong-tardis · 3 months
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@satineweek Day Five: “MERCY”
For this prompt YALL SHOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT I WAS DOING. The irony was there and ready to be taken advantage of. My Doctor Who OC coincidentally is named “Mercy Song” so when I saw that todays prompt was “MERCY” I simply HAD to draw Mercy and Satine in their Mandalorian armor. If you’ve read my fic than you also would know that Mercy would be so excited to wear Mandalorian armor.
Satine’s armor is based off Dave Filoni’s original design for Mand’Alor Satine if she’d been allowed her full character arc.
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manofbeskar · 2 years
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xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years
In an alternate universe/timeline where Obi-wan leaves the Jedi to stay with Satine…
Pre Vizsla plots to assassinate Satine. No frills, no fuss, just him and the Darksaber. Bo-Katan may or may not have tipped off Satine and Obi-wan. She disagrees with everything Satine does — she married Jedi scum for stars’ sake — but Satine is still her sister.
Imagine Pre’s surprise when he’s met by one irate Obi-wan Kryze-Kenobi, lightsaber in hand. If Pre wants to get at Satine, he’ll have to get through Obi-wan. Oh? Those parcels that arrive with some regularity from Qui-gon? They might have holocrons with lightsaber forms. Obi-wan will admit to Satine that he’s been studying Soresu. For defense. He doesn’t tell her about the lessons in Ataru. And he doesn’t hesitate to use its aggressive style with Pre. This is personal. It isn’t just about preserving Satine’s dream of a peaceful Mandalore. It’s his family. It’s his wife, his children, and damn it, even Bo, even though she drives him bonkers.
The fight ends when Obi-wan physically rips the Darksaber from Pre’s hand, and does that twirly thing with the hilt. It’s a little hello there from a Force user to the ancient kyber crystal inside. The Darksaber settles into Obi-wan’s grip. The more he swings it, the more it feels like an extension of his body.
He wipes the floor with Pre, leaving him in a demoralized heap, unaware of the significance of the moment. To the doubters among them, Obi-wan just became a true Mandalorian. Obi-wan is bemused by the way people treat him now. They were respectful before, but now they’re downright deferential. Bo explains what the Darksaber means and laughs so hard at the look of dismay on Obi-wan’s face that she shoots caf from her nose.
Moral of the story? Duchess Satine’s consort might look and sound like a nerdy university professor, who spends his days touring hospitals and schools on behalf of the Duchess of Mandalore, but try to fuck with her, and risk facing the wrath of the Mand’alor.
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kanskje-kaffe · 1 year
bo-katan as elizabeth i's coronation portrait, you know the one
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kryze’alor bo-katan
i’ve been looking forward to drawing this since the second you put it in my inbox THANK YOU, the minute i saw it i knew i wanted to try some mandalorian art and draw bo katan’s actual coronation portrait.
she bears the darksaber and the mask of mandalore, the symbols of leadership to both the ancient taung and the modern true mandalorians. she is wearing her armor displaying the ka’rta beskar, the mandalorian iron heart, and she is anointed by the ka’ra - the stars that represent both the spirits of the mand’alors before her and the mandalorian people themselves scattered across the galaxy - shining overhead.
all the colors for this were sampled from the elizabeth i portrait too!
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anyawnq · 2 years
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no caption bc i’ve done enough w the drawing
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psyzook · 1 year
Okay so like- I’ve been wondering for awhile why nobody has tried to make being a Mandalorian a real life thing? Like how some Star Trek fans speak Klingon, and some Tolkien fans speak elvish?
Why haven’t people, I don’t know, just adopt the Mandalorian culture into their lives? Because i find the principles of Mandalorians are things that make sense and can get behind?
The Resol'nare consists of:
wearing armor,
speaking the language (mando’a),
defending oneself and family,
raising your children as Mandalorians (or at least with their morals and values),
contributing to the clan's welfare (can be adapted to family and friends),
and when called upon by the Mand'alor, rallying to their cause (can be adapted to rallying behind an idea, political view, protesting together, or the like. Just being a unit together?)
There are also more parts to being a Mandalorian that can be found on the web (like morals, values, and ideals). Why do people not just adopt the Mandalorian culture into their lives if they so choose? The culture seems respectable, and we can tweak parts of it to fit into this age and galaxy’s way of life.
If anyone knows where to find the Mandalorian Realism discord servers, please message me!
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alexversenaberrie · 6 months
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Mirta Satine Djarin Kryze
Princess of Mandalore, Duchess of Kalevala, Mand’alor (During the Age of Resistance), Warrior, Architect, Armorer and Constructor
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings
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din-djarins-riduur · 2 years
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It’s our time vode. Our time for the galaxy to know the call to Mandalore. They cannot destroy us. We don’t need an Empire. We don’t need a Republic. We only need our clans, our honor, our faith, and our hearts. Our culture hasn’t died. We are still here. Oya! Oya! Oya!
Vode An
Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Manda’yaim a'den mhi, Vode an.
Bal kote, darasuum kote,
Jorso'ran kando a tome.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, Vode an.
Kandosii sa ka'rta, Vode an.
Manda’yaim a'den mhi, Vode an.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc runi solus cet o'r.
Motir ca'tra nau tracinya.
Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a.
Aruetyc runi trattok'o.
Sa kyr'am nau tracyn kad, Vode an!
[Basic Translation]
One indomitable heart, Brothers all.
We, the wrath of Mandalore, Brothers all.
And glory, eternal glory,
We shall bear its weight together.
Forged like the saber in the fires of death, Brothers all.
One indomitable heart, Brothers all.
We, the wrath of Mandalore, Brothers all.
Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.
Our vengeance burns brighter still.
Every last traitorous soul shall kneel.
Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.
Our vengeance burns brighter still.
Every last traitorous soul shall fall.
Forged like the saber in the fires of death, Brothers all!
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din djarin really himbo-ed his way into becoming the ruler of mandalore
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groundrunner100 · 1 year
Think of the big picture before casting your vote.
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mmaaawww · 2 years
how could i be bo katan apologist if bo katan literally never did anything wrong
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aureutr · 2 years
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Got to experiment with making new brushes this one! Unfortunately I also did the Procreate mistake of quitting without undoing the a canvas resize, so the full resolution on this one is lost. RIP.
Anyway. I saw part of the Elie Saab 2022 Fall Show (Collection? IDK fashion stuff) and felt it had to be Mand’alor Din. I combined a few different looks for it, picked my favorite parts of each.
Maybe I’ll make a companion Luke piece? That I don’t accidentally lock into being half-res? (sob)
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uwingdispatch · 1 year
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I have a new style of Mando earrings in stock. Felt like we needed Daddy Darksaber as an option.
Hope everyone is enjoying the new season of The Mandalorian. Earrings are here.
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battmellamy · 2 years
Im reaching new levels of Star Wars obsession with my newest interest in learning Mando’a…
Its not enough that i got obi wan kenobi brain rot since Kenobi came out, now I want to learn a fictional language that i can speak with nobody
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a-name-bruh-idk · 1 year
din really drowned and accidentally discovered Mandalores mascot
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
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one year apart blacked out and redrew these old drawings I made based on The Mand’alor and the Jedi series I edited the old posts to have these new drawings, you can find them here -> 1 2 3 4
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