#Mapping structure and stratigraphy
rhysintherain · 2 years
Okay, y'all know I can't resist a hack having a go at archaeology.
So I'm gonna watch Ancient Apocalypse so I'm prepared to rant about everything that's wrong with it when somebody inevitably tries to talk to me about it.
So here we go.
What's wrong with Ancient Apocalypse, episode by episode:
Episode 1
Gunung Padang
7200 year-old cultural layer is 4 meters doen, but the basalt column architecture is on the surface.
These are not the same culture! The more recent (2300 ish BP) culture built the basalt structures on top of the older settlement.
This guy is intentionally misrepresenting the nature of the site and ignoring the first rule of archaeology.
At the lowest levels they tested they're not even proving people lived there, just that they could carbon date a hill.
Chances are, this was a hill, people lived on it for several thousand years, and in the last 2-3 thousand they built it up into the structure we can now see the ruins of.
It's a cool site, but not disproving the archaeological record. If people 7200+ years ago built the structures, why are they on the surface while the cultural layer for these people is 4 meters down? That's not how stratigraphy works.
Nan Madol
Very different architecture than Gunung Padang. They stacked basalt columns like Lincoln logs while Gunung Padang stacked them all in the same direction.
The underwater footage here is laughably bad. Are those even structures? They're much narrower than the ones on land.
Those pillars could be natural, there's no way to tell without scraping some of the muck off and taking a closer look.
Even if they are constructed, they could have been used for breakwaters or piers. There's no proof whatsoever that these were built on land and then submerged.
Nobody is claiming that flood myths can't be remembered stories from the ice age. That isn't something archaeologists reject.
The real question is why he thinks they needed to have a vast, advanced civilisation to remember stories, when we've demonstrated again and again that stories hold a huge amount of cultural and historical memory.
And some final thoughts:
He doesn't seem to think humans are capable of very much? Why is "advanced civilisation" required for humans to have constructed megalithic sites or tell stories?
The research at Gunung Padang is extremely controversial. In a quick google I found a bunch of stuff about how the president at the time was throwing them a lot of funding to "prove" that it was the oldest pyramid in the world and put Java on the map. The dude who did the coring work seems to be pretty unpopular with reputable archaeologists.
Love the way the host goes "archaeologists don't seem to like me!?!" While also yelling "I can't believe you people are so dumb! You never even looked here!" About fairly well-studied archaeological sites.
He doesn't understand the most basic principles of archaeology. For instance, stratigraphy.
"archaeologists won't talk about flood mythologies!" That's right I noticed that in the ENTIRE CLASS we spent talking about flood mythologies in our northwest archaeology course. Spot on.
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thepurplegeologist · 11 months
Hey! Sorry if this is weird but I’ve been trying to figure out what this is for a year or two, do you happen to know?
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Ooooo good question. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure from photos alone. It's usually pretty hard to tell what a rock is from photos alone, but here are some of my go to tricks for identifying the rock type. here's my process for figuring out rock type. Step 1. location: where's this bad boy from? what are the surrounding rock types in the area? there are a lot of rocks in this world and context is like the #1 most important thing to know in figuring out what rock type we're dealing with. is the area near a volcano historically? what is the country rock like? has the area undergone significant tectonic activity? is the area known for any particular minerals? Most places you can look up a local geological map of and get an idea of the main local rock groups your narrowing it down from. in the US national park pages are a good resource and so is the us geological society, in the UK there are like public geological maps of most of the country, I'm less familiar with other countries but in general searching for "location" geological maps hasn't stopped me yet. you can also look up what the nearest mine is, what it mines, and what the accessory minerals are if the geological map trick fails you. Step 2: igneous metamorphic or sedimentary? The structure, crystals, and general lack of grains plus the curling shape of the crystals imply that this is igneous or high grade metamorphic. there appears to be some banding thats been squiggled up. hard to tell from photos alone if its stratigraphy thats been metamorphosed or if some crystals formation pockets formed in a funky kind of way. It looks melty to me which implies high heat or high water content in formation. It looks like either a crystal pocket formed in something (could happen at any temperature) or a snall bit of country rock fell into a volcano which could be why it the edges of the central mineral seem to be melting a bit on contact with its surroundings. Step 2: contents there are a number of crystals in here, the off white one making up the central blob, a darker one, some yellowish bits, and I can't tell if there is a second off white one or if its the same one. Identifying what each component crystal is involves going through the checklist of :
what's the mineral hardness? try a scratch test does it leave a streak when you rub it against another rock? what's the color of the streak like? (does the flaky looking mineral middle edge on the top one come off in flakes like a mica or is it a harder mineral that's been squished into flakes? if its flaky its likely biotite based on the coloration) What cleavages do the different crystals have? the pale colored crystal especially? (is it a fleldspar or a quartz? orthclase has 90 degree intersecting cleavage, quartz has no cleavage planes but sort of concoidal fractures to it. it often requires looking under like some kind of magnification with light shining on it to see.) Are we looking and a quartz, a feldspar, something more unusual? whats the shine like on it? is it dull, vitresous, greasy, pearly, waxy, silky? how heavy is it? is it lighter or heavier than you expect? that implies greater density, theres a few rock and mineral types that have higher density to them, and a few with lighter density, that will help narrow it down.
Step 3: Synthesis by looking at the components can you get a sense of any geological index minerals? (for example if it contained a garnet it would tell you a ton about its formation history and other likely rock and crystal components) Does it imply a certain chemical composition that might help you identify the crystals you aren't familiar with?
TL;DR IDK, figuring out rock types without like a full lab setup to look at microscope slides under cross-polorized light is heavily dependent on a rock context and a lot of the things that make it possible to identify aren't well carried over photos, you kind of have to hold it and examine it and scratch it and perhaps even lick it* yourself *the thing licking is for is halite and that's like unlikely to be in this one so I wouldn't reccommend licking this one specifically
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biblicalarchaeology1 · 2 months
Understanding Ze'ev Herzog and Key Archaeology Terms
Ze'ev Herzog, a renowned Israeli archaeologist, has significantly influenced our understanding of ancient civilizations through his extensive research and excavations. His work often intersects with the field of biblical archaeology, challenging and refining our interpretations of historical narratives found in religious texts. This article will delve into Herzog's contributions, explain key archaeology terms, and explore the identity of the modern-day Edomites.
Ze'ev Herzog's Contributions to Archaeology
Ze'ev Herzog has led numerous excavations across Israel, uncovering artifacts and structures that provide insight into the ancient Near East. His work has been pivotal in reassessing the historical accuracy of the Bible, particularly the narratives surrounding the early Israelites. Herzog's controversial stance on the non-existence of the biblical patriarchs and the exodus story as literal historical events has sparked significant debate within both academic and religious communities.
Key Archaeology Terms
Understanding archaeology terms is essential for anyone interested in the field. Here are some important terms from A to Z:
Artifact: Any object made or modified by humans, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
Carbon Dating: A method for determining the age of an artifact or site using the decay of carbon isotopes.
Excavation: The process of systematically uncovering archaeological remains through digging.
In Situ: An artifact that is in its original place of deposition.
Stratigraphy: The study of soil layers (strata) to understand the sequence of historical events.
For a comprehensive list of archaeology terms, resources such as biblicalarchaeology.org provide valuable glossaries and educational materials.
Biblical Archaeology and the Site of Legio
Legio is an important archaeological site located in northern Israel, known for its Roman military camp. Excavations at Legio have revealed significant findings about the Roman presence in the region, including the layout of the camp and artifacts that shed light on daily military life. These discoveries contribute to our understanding of the broader historical context in which ancient civilizations interacted.
Modern-Day Edomites
The question of who are the modern-day Edomites is intriguing. Historically, the Edomites were a Semitic people living in what is now southwestern Jordan. Over time, they assimilated with neighboring populations and eventually disappeared as a distinct group. Today, tracing their direct descendants is challenging due to the complex history of migration and intermarriage in the region. However, some scholars suggest that certain Bedouin tribes in Jordan and Israel might retain Edomite lineage.
In conclusion, the work of Ze'ev Herzog has profoundly impacted our understanding of ancient history and biblical narratives. Familiarity with archaeology terms and significant sites like Legio enriches our appreciation of the field's complexity. While identifying modern-day Edomites remains speculative, continued archaeological and genetic research may provide further insights.
For those interested in deepening their knowledge, exploring resources such as biblicalarchaeology.org can offer a wealth of information on both specific archaeological findings and general archaeology terminology. By staying informed and engaged with current research, we can better understand the ancient world and its enduring influence on contemporary society. Source Url:  https://biblicalarchaeology1.blogspot.com/2024/07/beer-sheba-map-tracing-biblical.html
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rkrdozerservice · 5 months
What Lies Beneath? Exploring Archaeological Excavation
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Imagine stepping back in time, where the earth holds secrets waiting to be discovered. Archaeological excavation, a meticulous process of uncovering ancient relics, offers us a window into the past. From the ruins of ancient civilizations to buried treasures, each excavation site holds a tale of bygone eras. Today, we embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of archaeological excavation. As we delve into the depths of history, we'll uncover the significance of site clearing and excavation in unraveling the mysteries of antiquity.
Exploring The Excavation Journey
Surveying the Site
Before any excavation begins, archaeologists conduct thorough surveys to identify potential sites of interest. This initial step involves mapping out the area and assessing its historical significance.
Site Clearing and Excavation
Once a site has been selected, the process of site clearing and excavation commences. This crucial step involves carefully removing layers of soil and debris to reveal artifacts buried beneath the surface.
Stratigraphic Analysis
During excavation, archaeologists pay close attention to the stratigraphy of the site—the layering of soil and sediment. By analyzing these layers, researchers can determine the chronological sequence of human activity at the site.
Artifact Documentation
As artifacts are uncovered, they are meticulously documented and cataloged. This documentation process involves recording details such as the artifact's location within the site, its condition, and any associated findings.
Analysis and Interpretation
Once excavation is complete, researchers analyze the collected data to gain insights into the site's history and significance. This step may involve laboratory analysis, radiocarbon dating, and collaboration with experts in various fields.
Exploring Archaeological Site Clearing and Excavation Methods
Vertical Excavation
In archaeological exploration, vertical excavation emerges as a pivotal technique. This method involves systematically slicing through various layers of a site to unveil hidden artifacts and traces of human activity. By delving into each stratum, researchers aim to unravel the intricate tapestry of the site's historical evolution. Through vertical excavation, novel insights into the site's past can be gleaned, shedding light on the lives and practices of ancient civilizations.
Horizontal Excavation
Contrastingly, horizontal site clearing and excavation take a lateral approach to uncovering archaeological treasures. This method focuses on scouring the surface of a site, meticulously sifting through layers of accumulated debris and sediment. By excavating horizontally, archaeologists can discern the spatial layout of the site, including the arrangement of structures, pathways, and other features. Such excavations provide valuable clues about the organization and function of ancient settlements.
Rescue Excavation
When the specter of development looms over an archaeological site, rescue excavation becomes imperative. This expedited form of excavation aims to salvage vital information before the site succumbs to imminent destruction. Often conducted under time constraints, rescue excavations focus on specific areas deemed most at risk. Despite their limited scope, these excavations yield crucial insights into the site's history and cultural significance, preserving a tangible link to the past.
Stratigraphic Excavation
At the heart of archaeological investigation lies the technique of stratigraphic site clearing and excavation. This method involves meticulously digging through layers of soil to expose underlying artifacts and relics. By examining the relationships between different strata, researchers can reconstruct the site's chronological sequence and interpret its developmental history. Stratigraphic excavation serves as a window into the past, unveiling the dynamic processes that shaped ancient landscapes.
Test Excavation
Before going on a full-scale site clearing and excavation, archaeologists often conduct test excavations to gauge the site's potential. This preliminary exploration focuses on a limited area, aiming to assess the presence of archaeological remains and determine the feasibility of further investigation. Test excavations play a crucial role in informing research strategies and guiding future inquiries, ensuring that researchers allocate resources effectively.
Strategizing Future Archaeological Ventures
Non-Destructive Technology Integration
Archaeologists are increasingly turning to non-destructive technologies like ground-penetrating radar and LiDAR to assess sites without extensive excavation, minimizing disturbance to the archaeological landscape.
Remote Sensing and Aerial Mapping
Utilizing drones and other remote sensing technologies, archaeologists can now scan and map archaeological sites from the air, providing valuable insights into site composition and characteristics.
Digital Data Gathering and Analysis
Advancements in digital technology have revolutionized the interpretation of archaeological data by enabling new approaches for data collection and analysis, including 3D modeling and virtual reality simulations, utilized in site clearing and excavation.
Community Partnerships
Recognizing the importance of community involvement, some archaeologists are forging partnerships to engage local communities in the study and preservation of archaeological sites, ensuring quality research and heritage management.
Emphasis on Cultural Preservation
As the challenges facing the world's cultural heritage escalate, archaeologists increasingly focus on protecting and managing cultural heritage sites in collaboration with local communities, governments, and international organizations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What Constitutes Archaeological Excavation?
Archaeological excavation is the systematic process of uncovering and studying artifacts buried beneath the earth's surface to reconstruct past human activities and societies.
Q2. Why Does Archaeological Excavation Matter?
Archaeological excavation allows us to piece together the puzzle of human history, shedding light on ancient cultures, technologies, and behaviors. By studying artifacts and stratigraphy, researchers can gain insights into social, economic, and environmental changes over time.
Q3. What Are the Stages of Archaeological Excavation?
The phases of archaeological excavation include surveying, site clearing and excavation, stratigraphic analysis, artifact documentation, and analysis and interpretation.
Q4. Who Engages in Archaeological Excavations?
Archaeological site clearing and excavation are carried out by trained archaeologists and their teams, which may include field technicians, conservators, and specialists in various scientific disciplines.
Q5. How Is an Archaeological Site Chosen for Excavation?
Archaeologists select sites based on factors such as historical significance, research objectives, accessibility, and potential threats to the site's integrity.
Q6. What Techniques Drive Archaeological Excavation?
Archaeological excavation employs a variety of techniques, including manual site clearing and excavation with shovels and trowels, as well as more advanced methods such as ground-penetrating radar and 3D scanning.
Q7. What Becomes of Artifacts Unearthed During Excavation?
During excavation, archaeologists carefully clean, catalog, and analyze uncovered artifacts. Archaeologists may display them in museums, store them in archives, or use them for further research and education.
Q8. What Ethical Aspects Guide Archaeological Excavation?
Archaeologists must conduct archaeological excavation ethically, while respecting the rights and cultural heritage of indigenous communities and descendant populations. Researchers must adhere to professional codes of conduct and obtain proper permits and permissions before excavating.
Transform Your Project with Expert Site Clearing and Excavation Services
Are you seeking reliable and efficient site clearing and excavation solutions? Look to RK&R Dozer Service for unparalleled expertise and dedication. Our team is equipped to handle all your excavation needs, from initial clearing to meticulous excavation, ensuring your project progresses seamlessly. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we deliver results that exceed expectations. Whether you're planning a construction project or archaeological dig, trust us to provide the expertise and equipment needed for success.
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pulse-locating · 7 months
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Perth | Pulse Locating
Welcome to Pulse Locating, your premier provider of ground penetrating radar (GPR) services in Perth. We specialize in state-of-the-art subsurface imaging and detection, offering accurate and reliable solutions for a wide range of industries and applications. When it comes to ground penetrating radar in Perth, our experienced team and advanced technology make us the trusted choice.
What is Ground Penetrating Radar?
Ground penetrating radar is a non-invasive geophysical method that uses electromagnetic waves to penetrate the ground and create detailed images of subsurface features. By emitting high-frequency pulses and analyzing the reflected signals, GPR allows us to visualize and interpret the composition, structure, and location of objects and materials buried beneath the surface. This technology has proven invaluable in diverse fields such as construction, engineering, archaeology, environmental assessments, and utility mapping.
Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar in Perth:
Utility Locating: Accurately mapping underground utilities is essential to prevent damages and ensure worker safety during construction and excavation projects. Our ground penetrating radar services can detect and map buried pipes, cables, and conduits, providing valuable information for utility locating and planning.
Concrete Scanning: Before drilling, cutting, or coring into concrete structures, it is crucial to identify potential obstructions such as rebar, post-tension cables, and voids. Our GPR technology allows for non-destructive concrete scanning, helping you avoid costly mistakes and maintain structural integrity.
Archaeological Surveys: GPR is a valuable tool for archaeological investigations in Perth. It enables non-invasive subsurface imaging, allowing archaeologists to identify buried artifacts, structures, and geological features without extensive excavation.
Geotechnical Assessments: GPR can assist in geotechnical assessments by providing insights into soil stratigraphy, detecting groundwater levels, and assessing subsurface conditions. This information aids in engineering design, construction planning, and foundation assessments.
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excavationgravenhurst · 8 months
Uncovering Quality: The Art of Excavation Unveiled
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Excavation, an age-old practice dating back centuries, continues to captivate and reveal the mysteries hidden beneath the earth’s surface. As we embark on the journey of unearthing our past, here are key aspects to anticipate in the art of excavation:
Discovery in Layers of Excavation
The process of excavation is akin to peeling back layers of history, each stratum revealing a unique chapter of human civilization. Archaeologists meticulously dig through soil, sediment, and rock, unveiling artifacts and structures that paint a vivid picture of bygone eras. Anticipate the thrill of discovering ancient tools, pottery, and architectural remnants, each layer offering a glimpse into the daily lives and technological advancements of our ancestors.
Excavation is a meticulous science, guided by the principles of stratigraphy. Expect to witness the careful documentation and analysis of different layers, with each stratum representing a distinct time period. As archaeologists navigate through these chronological layers, a story unfolds, providing insights into cultural evolution, environmental changes, and the complex interplay of societies over time.
Technological Advancements 
In contemporary archaeology, expect the integration of cutting-edge technologies in the excavation process. From ground-penetrating radar to 3D mapping, these tools enhance precision and efficiency, allowing archaeologists to uncover hidden structures without physically disturbing the site. The fusion of traditional excavation methods with modern technology opens new avenues for exploration and a more nuanced understanding of historical contexts.
While the art of excavation grants access to historical treasures, preservation remains a paramount concern. Anticipate the delicate balance between revealing the past and safeguarding fragile artifacts. Preservation challenges arise as excavators contend with issues like decay, exposure to the elements, and the delicate nature of certain materials. Innovative conservation methods will play a crucial role in ensuring that the treasures unearthed endure for future generations.
Community Engagement and Public Excavation Projects
Excavation is no longer confined to the exclusive domain of archaeologists. Expect a growing trend of community engagement and public excavation company projects, fostering a collaborative approach to uncovering history. These initiatives not only democratise access to archaeology but also empower local communities to take an active role in preserving and interpreting their heritage.
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floral-frenziez · 2 years
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Field Course Update #10 More Mapping!
I actually enjoy mapping a lot. It is getting a little repetitive in my opinion because we aren’t adding anything to what we have been doing the past few days but I am really into being able to create these maps and then look at the stratigraphy and patterns to figure out more of the history of the area.
Today we did mapping in Port Clinton PA and started off in some back roads that eventually lead out onto the highway which was terrifying to be on mapping. A car went by and blared their horn at us and it was so loud holy shit. The back roads were not the best either to say the least…
The first two pictures are not from mapping but after mapping when we had some free time me and my roommate went to see the new bobs burgers movie in Allentown and it was really good. This super vibrant rainbow was there after it was raining pretty hard for a bit. It was beautiful :)
The next two photos are in the same area just in different directions. One is a very gorgeous river and the other is a picture of the Bloomsburg formation. The third photo was from the highway mapping, ya know, I just wanted to capture this moment that scared the shit out of me. The fourth picture is this beautiful outcrop we got to see, I love when the bedding is just so perfectly visible and has perfect cleavage areas like it is seen here. Felt so cool cause I was able to get some structure in my field notebook today for my sketch and it looked pretty cool. The last picture was just a pretty area of the trees where we stopped to eat our lunches today :)
Oh also it was raining the whole day so it was kind of uncomfortably damp but at the same time I kinda liked it. Made me feel like I was a character in a video game just completing missions to move on to the mission. Also because we got to work without the professors lecturing us today which was SO nice.
I just finished up cleaning up my map that got absolutely drenched throughout the day for tomorrow where we are gonna go back to the same location but plot in a slightly different spot (not entirely sure).
I am seriously having such a great time on this trip. I enjoy the physical pushing and exercise I am able to get as well as a sense of purpose in this class. It is all very nice so far :)
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marscratersdoug · 4 years
First Mars Craters Post
This is for a project I’m doing at work that is basically data analyst training through Coursera.
Data Analyst Mars Craters Research Topic
Craters on Mars will be classified by which one of four quadrants (NE, NW, SE, SW) the crater occurs. Further each quadrant will be analyzed for the number and size of the craters in the quadrant. The craters will be grouped by size into ten different groups and the frequency of each size group within the quadrant will be calculated. Analysis will be performed to see if a particular quadrant or hemisphere is more cratered than the rest.
As an additional topic the quadrants will be further divided into smaller sections and the analysis of crater size will again be performed for each of the smaller sections. The sections will be searched for clusters of craters.
Here is some similar research:
Distribution, classification, and ages of Martian impact crater lakesNA Cabrol, EA Grin - Icarus, 1999 - ElsevierPaleolakes in impact craters on Mars are characterized at global scale using the Viking Orbiter data. We identified 179 paleolakes in impact structures formed by the influx of water and sediment derived from valley networks and channels that can be classified into three … Cited by 297 Related articles All 6 versions    [PDF] dejahvu.netCratering chronology and the evolution of MarsWK Hartmann, G Neukum - Chronology and evolution of Mars, 2001 - Springer… Hartmann (1984), Neukum and Ivanov (1994), and Hartmann and Gaskell (1997) have shown that craters reach a … result on saturation is also confirmed by Phobos (Figure 3a), which, orbiting above the Mars atmosphere, has no losses due to the Martian surface erosion … Cited by 1128 Related articles All 12 versions    [PDF] ucf.eduMars/Moon cratering rate ratio estimatesBA Ivanov - Space Science Reviews, 2001 - Springer… compares SFD brunches with thesame steepness m. One cannot compare the number of craters on Mars … of uncertainty in these estimates is connected with possible modulation of the Mars crossers orbital evolution with the evolution of the eccentricity of the Martian orbit … Cited by 543 Related articles All 17 versions    [PDF] psu.eduRedefinition of the crater-density and absolute-age boundaries for the chronostratigraphic system of MarsSC Werner, KL Tanaka - Icarus, 2011 - Elsevier… Table 2. Crater frequencies and their model absolute ages for lower boundaries of martian epochs at specific crater … The assignment of crater-density values to epoch boundaries for Mars relies on the caliber of the referents used and their ability to retain impact craters … Cited by 108 Related articles All 11 versions    Martian planetwide crater distributions: Implications for geologic history and surface processesLA Soderblom, CD Condit, RA West, BM Herman… - Icarus, 1974 - ElsevierPopulation-density maps of craters in three size ranges (0.6 to 1.2 km, 4 to 10 km, and> 20 km in diameter) were compiled for most of Mars from Mariner 9 imagery. These data provide: historical records of the eolian processes (0.6 to 1.2 km craters); stratigraphic, relative, and … Cited by 222 Related articles All 6 versions    [HTML] harvard.eduThe stratigraphy of MarsKL Tanaka - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1986 - Wiley Online Library… Fig 2. Chart showing model chronologies for the moon and Mars … Inferred ages for Martian Hesperian and Amazonian epochs are based on crater- densities of series (Table … and Hartmann et aL [1981] (Model 2). Because of obliteration of smaller Noachian craters, these models … Cited by 628 Related articles All 9 versions    [PDF] researchgate.netCrater size-frequency distributions and a revised Martian relative chronologyNG Barlow - Icarus, 1988 - ElsevierA revised Martian relative chronology is determined which dates geologic units with respect to the end of the period of heavy bombardment. This analysis differs from previous studies by using Viking 1: 2M photomosaics to map all 25,826 craters⩾ 8km diameter which … Cited by 192 Related articles All 8 versions
Codebook for the project:
CRATER_ID Unique Identifier Data Type 2I-6I Crater ID for internal sue, based upon the region of the planet (1/16ths), the “pass” under which the crate was identified, ad the order in which it was identified. CRATER_NAME Data Type S Name of crater. LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE Data Type D Latitude from the derived center of a non-­linear least-­squares circle fit to the vertices selected to manually identify the crater rim (units are decimal degrees North). LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE Data Type D Longitude from the derived center of a non-linear least-squares circle fit to the vertices selected to manually identify the crater rim (units are decimal degrees East). DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE Data Type D Diameter from a non-linear least squares circle fit to the vertices selected to manually identify the crater rim (units are km). DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG Data Type D Average elevation of each of the manually determined N points along (or inside) the crater rim(units are km) (1) Depth Rim -­Points are selected as relative topographic highs under the assumption they are the least eroded so most original points along the rim (2) Depth Floor Points were chosen as the lowest elevation that did not include visible embedded craters MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 Data Type S Ejecta morphology classified. Examples below. o If there are multiple values, separated by a /, then the order is the inner-most ejecta through the outer-most, or the top-most through the bottom-most MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_2 Data Type S The morphology of the layer(s) itself/themselves. This classification system is unique to this work. MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3 Data Type S Overall texture and/or shape of some of the layer(s)/ejecta that are generally unique and deserve separate morphological classification. NUMBER_LAYERS Data Type I The maximum number of cohesive layers in any azimuthal direction that could be reliably identified.
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materialsworld · 7 years
60 Seconds on... sparsity-based terahertz reflectometry
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Credit: David Citrin. This image shows reflected raw terahertz signals measured across the painting.
What’s new?
Using terahertz scanners and advanced signal processing techniques, developed for petroleum exploration, an unprecedented insight into the layers of 17th Century artwork has been gained.
Using a commercial terahertz scanner, the research team studied Madonna in Preghiera by the workshop of Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato, loaned from the Musée de la Cour d’Or, Metz Métropole, France. Described in the paper as typical of the period and having previously resisted attempts to analyse its stratigraphy (the order and distribution of layers of paint) – due to the layers measuring only tens of micrometres – it is an oil painting on canvas, mounted on a wooden stretcher.
Who is involved?
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, detailed the new technique in Global mapping of stratigraphy of an old-master painting using sparsity-based terahertz reflectometry, published in Scientific Reports. 
How is it novel?
The scanner’s electromagnetic wave generator emits signals that penetrate layers of paint. Different pigments and physical structures, such as imperfections in the layers, are revealed by wavelengths as they reflect some of the beam back to the scanner. Oil paint and newer varnish do not fluoresce under UV – meaning recent retouchings appear as darker patches on the surface.
The collected data was processed by a computer-based signal processing technique – sparsity-based time-domain deconvolution – and a three-dimensional map of the image was constructed using the signals reflected from each layer. The team was able to identify layers including the canvas support, ground (the background surface), imprimatura (the initial colour stain painted on the ground), underpainting, pictorial and varnish layers. A formerly unknown layer of varnish restoration was also detected.
To read more on this topic see the upcoming January issue of Materials World.
To read Global mapping of stratigraphy of an old-master painting using sparsity-based terahertz reflectometry, visit go.nature.com/2Bts2vL
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jobsaggregation2 · 4 years
GIS Analyst
GIS Analyst - United States Geological Survey (USGS), Mineral Resource Program Ocean Associates Consulting (OAI) is seeking a GIS Analyst in Spokane, WA provide Geographic Information System (GIS) support for the U.S. Geological Survey in Spokane, Washington, specifically for the Western Region Databases and Information Analysis Project (WR DIA). The GIS Analyst will provide GIS support by creating, editing, analyzing, and modeling digital geologic map and mineral resource data using ESRI ArcGIS software (version 10 or higher) and ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise and their various extensions to create digital geologic map databases, intermediate products, and finished figures, illustrations, and digital geologic map or mineral resource map databases. Duties • Enter data into ArcGIS and ArcGIS PRO using scanned images, text files, spreadsheets of tabular data, and (or) database files. • Implement quality control on acquired digital data used in ArcGIS and ArcGIS PRO; follow procedures (Federal Geographic Data Commission metadata standards) for documenting files in ArcCatalog. • Proof, edit, and attribute ArcGIS and ArcGIS PRO files (stored in file geodatabases and shapefiles). • Manipulate and analyze data (particularly raster and image data) using ArcGIS (Spatial Analyst and Image Analysis extensions to geo reference raster data and to perform modeling). • Create and prepare products for publications (digital files, maps, documentation) using ArcGIS, and other desktop publishing software (e.g., Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, etc.). • Provide digital documentation of work conducted on assigned projects. • Prepare and update training materials documenting the procedures that they have developed or modified. • Write portions of USGS publications series technical reports for technical review and publication, as appropriate. • Follow all USGS existing procedures and guidelines. Performers are expected to know USGS graphics standards and produce figures and GIS products to those standards with little guidance. • Inform the Technical Liaison of all equipment and data problems. • Provide monthly reports to Technical Liaison/COR or their designee. • Ensure that all work areas are kept free of safety hazards at all times. Start Date: As soon as possible Location: U.S. Geological Survey 904 W. Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 Salary and Benefits: This is a 34 hr/week position with excellent employee benefits, including medical insurance, holiday, vacation, and sick leave. Salary commensurate with experience. Required Knowledge and Experience • At least 10 years professional experience reading, interpreting, and extracting data from geologic and mineral resource maps and similar geotechnical information sources, including the ability to recognize and understand terminology related to rock type and minerals geologic age, structural features, geophysical and geochemical anomalies, and mineral occurrences. • Experience using professional knowledge of the scientific concepts, principles, and practice in researching a range of earth science disciplines to conduct surface and subsurface geologic investigations needed for mineral resource or similar assessment (including regional geologic, tectonic, and geochemical/synthesis, geology of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, geophysics, geomorphology, sedimentary, petrology, stratigraphy, and structural geology. • At least 5 years of professional work experience working with USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) database and other online USGS mineral occurrence and geological datasets. • At least 10 years of professional work experience using ArcGIS ArcMap (through version 10.7.x) in geological and mineral resource studies, including making of interim analytical and final published map databases. • At least 10 years professional experience creating spatial databases from original analog data, including accurate georeferencing in GIS. • At least 10 years professional experience extracting geologic and mineral deposit information from original scientific literature and company sources to create new databases, both spatial and non-spatial. • At least 5 years professional experience creating geological illustrations to professional publications standards including, but not limited to, derivative maps, cross-sections, mineral deposit schematics, and block diagrams with GIS, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Acrobat. • At least 5 years professional experience evaluating mineral deposit and prospect information, including grade, tonnage, deposit type, and location sourced from NI-43-101 reports, exploration company press releases and websites, and other similar materials, using GIS, Google Earth, and Microsoft Office, particularly Excel. • At least 5 years professional experience with Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata creation, editing, and proofing for geologic and mineral resource map databases. • At least 5 years professional experience working with USGS mineral deposit models and mineral resource assessment information, including copper, platinum-group metals, uranium, potash, rare earth elements, and other precious and base metal resources. • At least 5 years professional experience using machine translation of geologic literature and map legends and evaluating if the translations are geologically meaningful. Languages have included Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, and Hebrew. • Thorough knowledge of coordinate systems and map projections to enable accurate georeferencing of analog data. • At least 5 years professional experience viewing and interpreting Google Earth or similar aerial or satellite imagery for the purposes of locating and verifying the position of mineral occurrence sites and geological features. • Proficient in using ArcMap and ArcCatalog modules in ArcGIS. • Experience using Spatial Analyst and Image Analysis extensions to ArcGIS. • Demonstrated expertise using Model Builder in ArcGIS to create robust models. • Ability to design geospatial databases and data models in ArcGIS. • Experience using Windows 10. • Ability to operate large and small format scanners. If you are interested in being considered for this position, you MUST APPLY THROUGH OAI’s WEBSITE ONLY. Go to OCEANASSOC.COM, click on Careers, then click on Job Openings, find the position you wish to apply for. Only qualified applicants that meet minimum experience or background requirements stated above need apply. When applying for this position you will be asked to upload your resume at the end of this online application. Applicants should submit a resume that includes the following: • Cover letter that briefly describes how you meet the required and preferred qualifications listed. • Work history for past 10 years or since last full-time education. • Education. • Previous experience or training with similar requirements. • Three professional references. • Include your name in the document file name. • Upload your resume in readable, not scanned, PDF or Word format (PDF is preferred). In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States, complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire, and successfully complete a federal government background check. Ocean Associates Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law. Reference : GIS Analyst jobs from Latest listings added - JobsAggregation http://jobsaggregation.com/jobs/technology/gis-analyst_i9558
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nox-lathiaen · 4 years
GIS Analyst
GIS Analyst - United States Geological Survey (USGS), Mineral Resource Program Ocean Associates Consulting (OAI) is seeking a GIS Analyst in Spokane, WA provide Geographic Information System (GIS) support for the U.S. Geological Survey in Spokane, Washington, specifically for the Western Region Databases and Information Analysis Project (WR DIA). The GIS Analyst will provide GIS support by creating, editing, analyzing, and modeling digital geologic map and mineral resource data using ESRI ArcGIS software (version 10 or higher) and ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise and their various extensions to create digital geologic map databases, intermediate products, and finished figures, illustrations, and digital geologic map or mineral resource map databases. Duties • Enter data into ArcGIS and ArcGIS PRO using scanned images, text files, spreadsheets of tabular data, and (or) database files. • Implement quality control on acquired digital data used in ArcGIS and ArcGIS PRO; follow procedures (Federal Geographic Data Commission metadata standards) for documenting files in ArcCatalog. • Proof, edit, and attribute ArcGIS and ArcGIS PRO files (stored in file geodatabases and shapefiles). • Manipulate and analyze data (particularly raster and image data) using ArcGIS (Spatial Analyst and Image Analysis extensions to geo reference raster data and to perform modeling). • Create and prepare products for publications (digital files, maps, documentation) using ArcGIS, and other desktop publishing software (e.g., Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, etc.). • Provide digital documentation of work conducted on assigned projects. • Prepare and update training materials documenting the procedures that they have developed or modified. • Write portions of USGS publications series technical reports for technical review and publication, as appropriate. • Follow all USGS existing procedures and guidelines. Performers are expected to know USGS graphics standards and produce figures and GIS products to those standards with little guidance. • Inform the Technical Liaison of all equipment and data problems. • Provide monthly reports to Technical Liaison/COR or their designee. • Ensure that all work areas are kept free of safety hazards at all times. Start Date: As soon as possible Location: U.S. Geological Survey 904 W. Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 Salary and Benefits: This is a 34 hr/week position with excellent employee benefits, including medical insurance, holiday, vacation, and sick leave. Salary commensurate with experience. Required Knowledge and Experience • At least 10 years professional experience reading, interpreting, and extracting data from geologic and mineral resource maps and similar geotechnical information sources, including the ability to recognize and understand terminology related to rock type and minerals geologic age, structural features, geophysical and geochemical anomalies, and mineral occurrences. • Experience using professional knowledge of the scientific concepts, principles, and practice in researching a range of earth science disciplines to conduct surface and subsurface geologic investigations needed for mineral resource or similar assessment (including regional geologic, tectonic, and geochemical/synthesis, geology of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, geophysics, geomorphology, sedimentary, petrology, stratigraphy, and structural geology. • At least 5 years of professional work experience working with USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) database and other online USGS mineral occurrence and geological datasets. • At least 10 years of professional work experience using ArcGIS ArcMap (through version 10.7.x) in geological and mineral resource studies, including making of interim analytical and final published map databases. • At least 10 years professional experience creating spatial databases from original analog data, including accurate georeferencing in GIS. • At least 10 years professional experience extracting geologic and mineral deposit information from original scientific literature and company sources to create new databases, both spatial and non-spatial. • At least 5 years professional experience creating geological illustrations to professional publications standards including, but not limited to, derivative maps, cross-sections, mineral deposit schematics, and block diagrams with GIS, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Acrobat. • At least 5 years professional experience evaluating mineral deposit and prospect information, including grade, tonnage, deposit type, and location sourced from NI-43-101 reports, exploration company press releases and websites, and other similar materials, using GIS, Google Earth, and Microsoft Office, particularly Excel. • At least 5 years professional experience with Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata creation, editing, and proofing for geologic and mineral resource map databases. • At least 5 years professional experience working with USGS mineral deposit models and mineral resource assessment information, including copper, platinum-group metals, uranium, potash, rare earth elements, and other precious and base metal resources. • At least 5 years professional experience using machine translation of geologic literature and map legends and evaluating if the translations are geologically meaningful. Languages have included Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, and Hebrew. • Thorough knowledge of coordinate systems and map projections to enable accurate georeferencing of analog data. • At least 5 years professional experience viewing and interpreting Google Earth or similar aerial or satellite imagery for the purposes of locating and verifying the position of mineral occurrence sites and geological features. • Proficient in using ArcMap and ArcCatalog modules in ArcGIS. • Experience using Spatial Analyst and Image Analysis extensions to ArcGIS. • Demonstrated expertise using Model Builder in ArcGIS to create robust models. • Ability to design geospatial databases and data models in ArcGIS. • Experience using Windows 10. • Ability to operate large and small format scanners. If you are interested in being considered for this position, you MUST APPLY THROUGH OAI’s WEBSITE ONLY. Go to OCEANASSOC.COM, click on Careers, then click on Job Openings, find the position you wish to apply for. Only qualified applicants that meet minimum experience or background requirements stated above need apply. When applying for this position you will be asked to upload your resume at the end of this online application. Applicants should submit a resume that includes the following: • Cover letter that briefly describes how you meet the required and preferred qualifications listed. • Work history for past 10 years or since last full-time education. • Education. • Previous experience or training with similar requirements. • Three professional references. • Include your name in the document file name. • Upload your resume in readable, not scanned, PDF or Word format (PDF is preferred). In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States, complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire, and successfully complete a federal government background check. Ocean Associates Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law. Reference : GIS Analyst jobs Source: http://jobrealtime.com/jobs/technology/gis-analyst_i10272
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ladystylestores · 4 years
An ancient Roman city has been fully mapped using ground-penetrating radar
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Enlarge / Ground-penetrating radar map of the temple in the Roman city of Falerii Novi, Italy.
L. Verconck
Falerii Novi was once a walled town just north of Rome, likely founded around 241 BC as a relocation site for a Falisci tribe that had rebelled against the Romans. Located on a volcanic plateau, archaeologists surmise that the new site was chosen because it wasn’t as easy to defend, thereby discouraging further uprisings. There were likely some 2,500 residents during the third and fourth centuries BC. The ruins are deep underground, but a team of archaeologists from the University of Cambridge and Ghent University in Belgium have used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to map the complete city. They described their findings in a recent paper in the journal Antiquity.
Dating back to 1910, when the first patent for a radar system to locate buried objects was filed, GPR has been used to measure the depth of glaciers, to study bedrock and groundwater, and to locate unexploded land mines, buried sewers, and utility lines, among other applications. The 1972 Apollo 17 mission—the final moon-landing mission of NASA’s Apollo program—used a GPR system called the Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment (ALSE) to record depth information of the lunar surface. The method has also emerged in recent years as a powerful tool for archaeological geophysics, since it is a non-invasive means of detecting and mapping artifacts, features, and key patterns beneath the surface.
GPR is distinct from another popular method, LIDAR, which relies on infrared light from lasers rather than radio waves to map terrain. An electromagnetic pulse is directed into the ground, and any objects or layering (stratigraphy) will be detectable in the reflections picked up by a receiver, just like regular radar. How long it takes for the echoes to return indicates the depth, and different materials will reflect the incoming waves differently. The data can then be plotted to create detailed maps of those underground features.
Falerii Novi was first excavated in the 1990s, and over the ensuing decades archaeologists have identified warehouses, shops, market places, a theater, and a forum using various non-invasive techniques, including magnetometry—a method that measures the direction, strength, or relative change of a magnetic field at a given location to reveal details beneath the surface. But the use of GPR by the British and Belgian team has yielded a much more detailed and complete picture of the site, enabling them to study how the town evolved over several hundred years.
The authors attached their GPR system to the back of an ATV in order to more efficiently survey the 30.5 hectares (about 75 acres) within the ancient city’s walls, taking a reading every 12.5 centimeters. In 2017, using their method, the team found the remains of a large Roman temple, several feet below the town, that would have been roughly the same size as St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Map showing the location of the ancient Roman city Falerii Novi, in Italy.
Lieven Verdonck
Co-author Lieven Verdonck and his colleagues attached a ground-penetrating radar system to the back of a “quad bike” to better map the excavation site.
Lieven Verdonck
A slice of GPR data from Falerii Novi revealing the outlines of the town’s buildings.
Lieven Verdonck
The porticos duplex and public monument to the east of Falerii Novi’s north gate.
Lieven Verdonck
GPR map of the theater.
Lieven Verdonck
This latest analysis revealed a large rectangular structure connected to a network of water pipes, leading to the city’s aqueduct. The authors surmise that it is the remains of an open-air pool (natatio), part of a large public bathing complex. They were also surprised to see two large structures facing each other within a covered passageway (porticus duplex) that they believe was once part of a large public monument near the city’s north gate. It seems to be part of a “sacred topography” of temples around the town’s periphery, previously revealed by magnetometer surveys.
GPR works very well in certain conditions, like uniform sandy soils, but the high electrical conductivity of clays and silts, for example, can significantly dampen signal strength. And rocky sediments will scatter the signal, making it more difficult to pick out the patterns in the noise. “At Falerii Novi, the generally dry conditions in the summer months were well-suited to GPR survey,” the authors wrote, noting, however, that when it did rain, “up to seven days were needed before the ground was sufficiently dry to yield optimal data quality.”
Falerii Novi was a good site to demonstrate the potential of GPR because it is not buried beneath modern buildings, unlike other ancient cities. GPR, particularly when combined with magnetometry, could be a useful tool to study such towns. “Neither [GPR or magnetometry] is able to produce a complete picture of the archaeology,” the authors wrote, noting that the shop units of Falerii Novi, for example, show up in the magnetic data but not in the GPR survey. And while the city’s theater shows up in the magnetic data, the GPR survey provided a much clearer view, including at different depths, yielding insight into its structural form, as well as evidence of the removal of walls via stone-robbing.
The biggest challenge going forward is the sheer amount of data produced by this high-resolution mapping. According to the authors, they have collected a whopping 71.7 million readings from Falerii Novi, equivalent to 28.68 billion data points, or about 4.5GB of raw data per hectare (2.47 acres). It can take as long as 20 hours to document a single hectare, which is why the team is developing automated techniques to speed up the process with computer-aided object detection.
“The astonishing level of detail which we have achieved at Falerii Novi, and the surprising features that GPR has revealed, suggest that this type of survey could transform the way archaeologists investigate urban sites, as total entities,” said co-author Martin Millett of the University of Cambridge, adding that it should be possible to use GPR to survey major ancient cities like Miletus in Turkey, or Nicopolis in Greece. “We still have so much to learn about Roman urban life, and this technology should open up unprecedented opportunities for decades to come.”
DOI: Antiquity, 2020. 10.15184/aqy.2020.82  (About DOIs).
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3hskEWy
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afishtrap · 7 years
Ethnohistoric sources suggest that, at the time of European contact, the coasts of most of the major islands of the Philippines were dotted with politically complex, socially stratified societies engaged in competitive long distance luxury goods trade interactions with China and other mainland Asian polities (e.g., Alcina 1688; Loarca 1582; Morga 1609; Plasencia 1589; San Buenaventura 1613; see also Jocano 1975; Keesing 1962; Scott 1979, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1991). These early to mid-second millennium A.D. Philippine societies appear to have been organized on the level of what general cultural evolutionary theories refer to as “chiefdoms” (e.g., Carneiro 1981; Earle 1987a; Johnson and Earle 1987; Service 1975) - i.e., in egalitarian societies characterized by a high degree of social stratification, hereditary political authority, and a highly centralized and specialized economy. According to Spanish documents and early ethnographic accounts, Philippine “chiefs” controlled the agricultural productivity of “commoners” through restrictive land tenure, mobilized surplus production through formalized tribute systems, and amassed luxury goods “wealth” through chiefly sponsorship of highly skilled artisans and through chiefly participation in foreign prestige goods trade. The accumulated “material fund of power” was used competitively by chiefs to enhance their only partially hereditary social ranking and to engage in the type of political alliance exchanges necessary to expand their political authority (see Junker 1990a, 1990b, 1993b for summaries of ethnohistoric evidence on prehispanic Philippine economies). While there are many historically unique aspects of these late prehistoric and historic complex Philippine societies, there are recognizable parallels in social, political and economic structure to “chiefdoms” in other regions of island Southeast Asia (e.g., Bellwood 1985), in Polynesia (e.g., Kirch 1984), in pre-Roman Europe (e.g., Renfrew and Shennan 1982) and elsewhere in the world (e.g., Feinman and Neitzal 1984; Creamer and Haas 1985).
Junker, Laura Lee. “Archaeological Excavations at the Late First Millennium and Early Second Millennium A.D. Settlement of Tanjay, Negros Oriental: Household Organization, Chiefly Production and Social Ranking.” Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, Vol. 21, No. 2 (June 1993), pp. 146-225. Print.
The excavations at Tanjay were aimed at: (1) defining the temporal and spatial parameters of the historically recorded chiefly coastal center, (2) documenting changes in the size and internal organization of the settlement over time as archaeological correlates of a changing prehistoric socio-political system, (3) examining the archaeological evidence for Tanjay’s expanding role in regional production, intra-regional exchange networks, and long-distance trade, and ultimately (4) tracing the development of Tanjay as a “case study” of the evolutionary processes in the emergence of small-scale Philippine chiefdoms. To pursue these objectives, a tri-partite strategy of field investigations was implemented: (1) systematic auger coring over an area of approximately 1.5 square kilometers in the vicinity of the present-day town of Tanjay, (2) test excavations at six locales within the study area, and (3) horizontally extensive excavations in two locales which appeared to be densely occupied areas of the prehistoric settlement with relatively lengthy prehistoric cultural sequences.
Before summarizing the archaeological finds at Tanjay for each of the three prehispanic cultural phases, we can examine the larger spatial patterns of site growth and expansion during Tanjay’s cultural sequence of occupation. The systematic auger coring program at Tanjay allowed mapping of the site’s spatial extent and probable boundaries in each of the cultural phases. As shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8, and in Table 5, the coastal center expanded over a roughly thousand year period from a modest 5-7 hectare settlement in the Aguilar Phase (A.D. 500-1000) to an extensive 30-50 hectare settlement in the Osmena Phase (A.D. 1400-1600) occupying both sides of the Tanjay River and dominating the regional settlement system. Earthenware sherd densities (measured in grams of earthenware per cubic meter) in the excavated portion of the site, presented in Table 5, indicate not only growth in settlement size, but also an increase in the relative “intensity” of occupation - i.e., more habitation debris compacted over a smaller area. This may suggest the transformation from a moderately-sized coastal village with relatively dispersed households in the earliest phase of occupation, to a large and more densely-occupied town with a more clustered housing pattern and a wider range of debris-producing production activities. The period of most rapid settlement expansion and probable population growth appears to be the post 14th century Osmena Phase, when the settlement triples in size and manifests a more than two-fold increase in the density of pottery debris in midden and trash deposits.
Not surprisingly, given the rapid alluvial deposition at the Tanjay River mouth (Schwab 1983) and the probable importance of maritime trade in settlement location (Junker 1990a: 542-543), the site exhibits a “horizontal” as well as vertical stratigraphy. The earliest Aguilar Phase occupation was focused approximately one kilometer upstream from the 15th-16th century town, and the settlement expanded eastward over time with the progressively shifting coast (and, in fact, the 15th-16th century “coastal” town is located more than a kilometer from the present coast, with recent swamp and alluvial deposits intervening). The simultaneous consideration of “vertical11 and "horizontal” chronologies complicated excavation strategies, since the “densest” areas of 6th-10th century occupation do not correspond with the core area of 15th-16th century settlement and burial (see Micsic 1977 for a more general discussion of the problems of alluviation and “horizontal stratigraphy” at coastal Southeast Asian sites). Unfortunately, time and manpower constraints did not allow us to carry out simultaneous large-scale excavations in more than two locales, and our excavations in the heart of the 12th-16th century settlement yielded only limited archaeological data on the pre-12th century occupation. Thus, most of the discussion of household organization, status-related residential zonation and craft activities at the site will focus on these later phases of occupation.
As will be described in more detail in subsequent sections, the pile-house complexes in the most well-documented Osmena Phase are located at 10-20 meter intervals and are strung out linearly parallel to the Tanjay River. This suggests the presence of a relatively tightly clustered and densely-populated settlement, aligned east-west along the river banks, by the 15th-16th century. Sixteenth century Spanish documents, as well as 15th century and earlier Chinese texts, report densely settled chiefly coastal centers of a thousand or more inhabitants in the mid-second millennium Philippine lowlands, often linearly-arranged along the seashore or river banks, some of which were heavily fortified against ubiquitous raiding by rival maritime groups (e.g., Blair and Robertson 1903-09, Vol. 3: 102-103, 143, 170; Legaspi 1565: 196-216; 1570: 55; Loarca 1582: 81-151; see also Keesing 1962: 21, 53, 98-99, 102,149; Majul 1966: 145; Scott 1984: 73-75). While ethnohistoric information suggests that the maritime trading polity centered at Tanjay was on a significantly smaller-scale (not only in terms of geographic reach, but also with regard to socio-political complexity and regional political significance) than the 11th 16th century polities at Cebu, Manila, Butuan, Magindanao and Sulu, the size of the settlement and density of occupation indicates a substantial population (perhaps in the high hundreds). Since we were unable to excavate outside of the “core” of occupation and have documented site boundaries only through auger coring, the overall “structure” of Tanjay (i.e., variation in habitation densities and the spatial organization of production activities on the site) is at present unknown. However, in a later section, we will discuss the archaeological evidence for spatially-distinct “elite” and “commoner” residential zones in the chiefly center, based on comparisons of excavated pile-houses at the Osmena Park and Santiago Church locales. In addition, a subsequent section on the archaeological evidence for craft production will examine the implications of the observed spatial correspondence between “elite” residences and possible luxury good workshops.
It is highly likely that the settlement, like other coastal trading centers of this period, was fortified in some way at least by the 15th-16th century. The significant threat of warfare and coastal raiding, and the need for some type of defensive strategy, is manifested in the discovery of a “mass grave” in the 15th-16th century levels, comprised of at least nine violently massacred individuals accompanied by possible revenge raid related “trophy skulls” (see Junker 1990a: 604-619 and 1993a for a detailed analysis of these burials). However, further excavations in peripheral areas at Tanjay will be necessary to determine whether these inferred defensive facilities are indeed present at the site.
Through the Santiago (A.D. 1100-1400) and Osmena (A.D. 1400-1600) phases, the coastal center of Tanjay became increasingly regionally “primate” (i.e., many times larger and more internally complex than the nearest sized sites), until it reaches an estimated 30-50 hectares in size in the 15th-16th centuries (see Figs. 10 and 11). Numerous large secondary centers begin to emerge at strategic locales upriver from Tanjay in the Santiago Phase, and by the Osmena Phase, Tanjay becomes the apex of a three-tiered dendritic settlement hierarchy even more strongly resembling Bronson’s ideal settlement model (Fig. 12) for the Southeast Asia maritime trading polity. The immediately pre-contact Osmena Phase appears to be not only a period of dramatic change in terms of the complexity of the regional settlement system, but also a period of significant population growth in the Bais Region. As shown in Table 5, while mean settlement she (in hectares) increases steadily throughout the Bais Region sequence, there is a dramatic five-fold increase in the density of settlements in the 15th-16th centuries. In addition, formal spatial analyses have shown that, while upriver settlements in the Aguilar and Santiago phases are statistically “random” in their location along the Tanjay river, the larger upriver secondary centers of the Osmena Phase are evenly spaced at 2-4 kilometer intervals (Junker 1990a: 842-865, 1991). This locational pattern, commonly found in chiefdoms and states, is seen as maximizing transport efficiencies in a complex economy dependent on specialization, large-scale tribute mobilization and intra-regional trade (e.g., Johnson 1975; Steponaitis 1978).
In previous publications (Junker 1990a, 1990b, 1991, 1993b), it has been argued that this massive growth of the Bais Region settlement hierarchy marks the transition to a larger-scale and socio-politically more complex form of chiefdom with strongly centralized control of production, trade and tribute flow from the interior to the coast. It is further suggested that these internal transformations are related to increased inter-polity chiefly competition for control of the foreign luxury goods trade in the 15th-16th century Philippines.
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mamtajuyal1986 · 5 years
IIT JAM 2020 Geology (GG) Syllabus | IIT JAM 2020 Geology (GG) Exam Pattern
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IIT JAM 2020 Geology (GG) Syllabus | IIT JAM 2020 Geology (GG) Exam Pattern Geology (GG): The syllabus is a very important aspect while preparing for the examination. Therefore it is advised to all the appearing candidates that they should go through the Geology (GG) syllabus properly before preparing for the examination. The Planet Earth: Origin of the Solar System and the Earth; Geosphere and the composition of the Earth; Shape and size of the earth; Earth-moon system; Formation of continents and oceans; Dating rocks and age of the Earth; Volcanism and volcanic landforms; Interior of earth; Earthquakes; Earth's magnetism and gravity, Isostasy; Elements of Plate tectonics; Orogenic cycles. Geomorphology: Weathering and erosion; Transportation and deposition due to wind, ice, river, sea, and resulting landforms, Structurally controlled landforms. Structural Geology: Concept of stratum; Contour; Outcrop patterns; Maps and cross sections; Dip and strike; Classification and origin of folds, faults, joints, unconformities, foliations and lineations,; shear zones. Stereographic and equal area projections of planes and lines; computation of true thickness of beds from outcrops and bore-holes. Palaeontology: Major steps in the evolution of life forms; Fossils; their mode of preservation and utility; Morphological characters, major evolutionary trends and ages of important groups of animals - Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Trilobita, Graptolitoidea, Anthozoa, Echinodermata; Gondwana plant fossils; Elementary idea of verterbrate fossils in India. Stratigraphy: Principles of stratigraphy; Litho-, chrono- and biostratigraphic classification; distribution and classification of the stratigraphic horizons of India from Archaean to Recent. Mineralogy: Symmetry and forms in common crystal classes; Physical properties of minerals; Isomorphism and polymorphism, Classification of minerals; Structure of silicates; Mineralogy of common rock-forming minerals; Mode of occurrence of minerals in rocks. Transmitted polarised light microscopy and optical properties of uniaxial and biaxial minerals. Petrology: Definition and classification of rocks; Igneous rocks-forms of igneous bodies; Crystallization from magma; classification, association and genesis of igneous rocks; Sedimentary rocks - classification, texture and structure; size and shape of sedimentary bodies. Metamorphic rocks - classification, facies, zones and texture. Characteristic mineral assemblages of pelites in the Barrovian zones and mafic rocks in common facies. Economic Geology: Properties of common economic minerals; General processes of formation of mineral deposits; Physical characters; Mode of occurrence and distribution in India both of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits; Coal and petroleum occurrences in India. Applied Geology: Ground Water; Principles of Engineering Geology. Related Articles: IIT JAM 2020 Syllabus Biotechnology (BT) Syllabus Biological Sciences (BL) Syllabus Chemistry (CY) Syllabus Geology (GG) Syllabus Mathematics (MA) Syllabus Mathematical Statistics (MS) Syllabus Physics (PH) Syllabus Read the full article
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NGRI Project Staff Jobs 2019 Project Title / Number Position No of positions Seismology – MLP-6401-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Seismics – MLP-6402-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Electrical Geophysics – MLP-6403-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Electromagnetic Geophysics – MLP-6404-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Geodesy, Gravity, Magnetics, Thermal Geophysics, Paleomagnetism and Rock Mechanics – MLP-6405-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geology – MLP-6406-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Earth Process Modeling – MLP-6407-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Instrumentation – MLP-6408-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Testing & Analysis SSP-423-28 Project Assistant Level-I 02 Geodesy, Gravity, Magnetics, Thermal Geophysics, Paleomagnetism and Rock Mechanics MLP-6405-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 CSIR Integrated Skills Development Project Assistant Level-I 01 A comprehensive study of Geomagnetic pulsation GAP-793-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 B.Sc in Physics / Maths with not less than 55% of marks Project Assistant Level-I 01 Electrical Maintenance STS-9943-28 Project Assistant Level-I 01 Low-altitude heliborne multi-sensor geophysical imaging of the nearsurface for uranium exploration in different parts of India SSP-801-28 Project Assistant Level-II 02 Data Centre and Knowledge Network STS-9909-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Drone based Electromagnetic And Magnetic System (DREAM) HCP-0020-28 Project Assistant Level-III 01 Drone based Electromagnetic And Magnetic System (DREAM) HCP-0020-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Studies on Gas Hydrate Exploration & Technology Development for its Exploitation GAP-329-28 Project Assistant Level-II / III 01 Studies on Gas Hydrate Exploration & Technology Development for its Exploitation GAP-329-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Safety and Security of Vital Installations HCP0017 Project Scientist (R-2) / Research Associate-I 02 Crustal deformation and plate motion studies in intra and inter plate regions of India using GPS measurements GAP-806-28 Research Associate-II 01 Assessment of Regional Hydrological System using Space Borne Gravity Observation Project Scientist (R-2) / Research Associate-I 01 Development of bionanoremediation techniques for arsenic contamination in aquatic environments monitored by biogeophysical techniques GAP-807-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Himalaya-Burma arc : modeling of seismicity and recognition of earthquakeprone areas CLP-804-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Assessment of Regional Hydrological System using Space Borne Gravity Observation Project Assistant Level-II 01 Assessment of Regional Hydrological System using Space Borne Gravity Observation Project Assistant Level-II 01 Integrated Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical studies for the delineation of Chromitite extensions in Nuggihalli Schist Belt and Implication for Ni-Cu PGE Mineralization GAP-803-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Shallow Seismics MLP-6402-28 Project Assistant Level-III 02 Crustal deformation and plate motion studies in intra and inter plate regions of India using GPS measurements GAP-806-28 Project Assistant Level-II 02 Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of Indian glauconites for alternative potassium fertilizers GAP-754-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 High resolution heliborne geophysical mapping for the proposed rail tunnel between Thalaserry and Mysuru (GEO-MARUTH Project Assistant Level-II / III 03 Synthesis of Earthquake Hazard Scenario in NW Himalaya by investigating the Multi-Scale variations in structural and seismotectonic Assemblages (SHIVA) MLP-0001-28-FBR-1 Project Assistant Level – III 01 Geodynamics and Metallogeny of parts of the East Indian Shield with specific reference to Diamond, Iron Ore and Chromitite-PGE occurrences (GeoMet) MLP-0002-28-FBR-2 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Carrying out Ground Geophysical Surveys and to collect Gravity-Magnetic data in Central Region of Geological Survey of India SSP-798-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Low-altitude heliborne multisensor geophysical imaging of the near-surface for uranium exploration in different parts of India SSP-801-28 Project Assistant Level II/III 01 Low-altitude heliborne multisensor geophysical imaging of the near-surface for uranium exploration in different parts of India SSP-801-28 Project Assistant Level II/III 01 Deformation across the Karakoram fault and Kaurik Chango rift and its implications on the NW Himalayan tectonics GAP-757-28 Project Assistant Level-II / III 01 Drone based Electromagnetic And Magnetic System (DREAM) HCP-0020-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Geodynamics and Metallogeny of parts of the East Indian Shield with specific reference to Diamond, Iron Ore and Chromitite-PGE occurrences (GeoMet) MLP-0002-28-FBR-2 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Marine Seismic MLP-6402-28 Research Associate1 / Project Assistant Level-III 01 Studies on Gas Hydrate Exploration & Technology Development for its Exploration GAP-329-28 Project Assistant Level-II / III 04 Deformation across the Karakoram fault and Kaurik Chango rift and its implications on the NW Himalayan tectonics GAP-757-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Mapping Geological structures in abandoned coal mines at Talcher in Mahanadi basin and Foot hills of Himalaya using Gravity and Airborne InSAR datasets GAP-788-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Lithospheric Thermal Structure of the Singhbhum caraton from Heat flow heat production data and constraining upper mantle temperature from shear wave velocity Project Assistant Level-II 02 Central Facilities and coordination of the project: Assessment of Regional Hydrological Systems using Space-Borne Gravity Observations Project Assistant Level-II 02 Master’s Degree in Geophysics / Applied Geophysics with not less than 55% of marks Project Assistant Level-II 01 Geochemical Flow Stratigraphy, Age and duration of Deccan Volcano-Sedimentary succession from Koyna Drill-Core Site GAP-771-28 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Synthesis of Earthquake Hazard Scenario in NW Himalaya by investigating the MultiScale variations in structural and seismotectonic Assemblages (SHIVA) MLP-0001-28-FBR-1 Project Assistant Level-II 01 Antiquity, assembly and tectonic evolution of Precambrian crust in the Dharwar craton, Southern India: a focus on zircon geochronology GAP-799-28 Project Assistant Level-II 03 Geochemical constraints on the evolution history of calc-silicate rocks from the north and central parts of Southern granulite terrane, India GAP-808-28 (TY) Project Assistant Level-II 01 Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations in the SIPCOT, Perundurai Industrial Area, Erode District, Tamil Nadu Project Assistant Level-II 01 Hydrogeological and Geophysical Investigations in the SIPCOT, Perundurai Industrial Area, Erode District, Tamil Nadu Project Assistant Level-II 01 Total 66
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spaceexp · 8 years
Mars Volcano, Earth’s Dinosaurs Went Extinct About the Same Time
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center logo. March 20, 2017 New NASA research reveals that the giant Martian shield volcano Arsia Mons produced one new lava flow at its summit every 1 to 3 million years during the final peak of activity. The last volcanic activity there ceased about 50 million years ago—around the time of Earth’s Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction, when large numbers of our planet’s plant and animal species (including dinosaurs) went extinct. Located just south of Mars’ equator, Arsia Mons is the southernmost member of a trio of broad, gently sloping shield volcanoes collectively known as Tharsis Montes. Arsia Mons was built up over billions of years, though the details of its lifecycle are still being worked out. The most recent volcanic activity is thought to have taken place in the caldera—the bowl-shaped depression at the top—where 29 volcanic vents have been identified. Until now, it’s been difficult to make a precise estimate of when this volcanic field was active.
Image above: This digital-image mosaic of Mars' Tharsis plateau shows the extinct volcano Arsia Mons. It was assembled from images that the Viking 1 Orbiter took during its 1976-1980 working life at Mars. Image Credits: NASA/JPL/USGS. “We estimate that the peak activity for the volcanic field at the summit of Arsia Mons probably occurred approximately 150 million years ago—the late Jurassic period on Earth—and then died out around the same time as Earth’s dinosaurs,” said Jacob Richardson, a postdoctoral researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “It’s possible, though, that the last volcanic vent or two might have been active in the past 50 million years, which is very recent in geological terms.” Richardson is presenting the findings on March 20, 2017, at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The study also is published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Measuring about 68 miles (110 kilometers) across, the caldera is deep enough to hold the entire volume of water in Lake Huron, and then some. Examining the volcanic features within the caldera required high-resolution imaging, which the researchers obtained from the Context Camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The team mapped the boundaries of the lava flows from each of the 29 volcanic vents and determined the stratigraphy, or layering, of the flows. The researchers also performed a technique called crater counting—tallying up the number of craters at least 330 feet (100 meters) in diameter—to estimate the ages of the flows.
Artist's view of erupting volcano on Mars. Image Credit: NASA
Using a new computer model developed by Richardson and his colleagues at the University of South Florida, the two types of information were combined to determine the volcanic equivalent of a batting lineup for Arsia Mons’ 29 vents. The oldest flows date back about 200 million years. The youngest flows probably occurred 10 to 90 million years ago—most likely around 50 million years ago. The modeling also yielded estimates of the volume flux for each lava flow. At their peak about 150 million years ago, the vents in the Arsia Mons’ caldera probably collectively produced about 1 to 8 cubic kilometers of magma every million years, slowly adding to the volcano’s size. “Think of it like a slow, leaky faucet of magma,” said Richardson. “Arsia Mons was creating about one volcanic vent every 1 to 3 million years at the peak, compared to one every 10,000 years or so in similar regions on Earth.” A better understanding of when volcanic activity on Mars took place is important because it helps researchers understand the Red Planet’s history and interior structure. “A major goal of the Mars volcanology community is to understand the anatomy and lifecycle of the planet’s volcanoes. Mars’ volcanoes show evidence for activity over a larger time span than those on Earth, but their histories of magma production might be quite different,” said Jacob Bleacher, a planetary geologist at Goddard and a co-author on the study. “This study gives us another clue about how activity at Arsia Mons tailed off and the huge volcano became quiet.” Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, built and operates the Context Camera. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Related: Earth and Planetary Science Letters: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2016.10.040 Journey to Mars: https://www.nasa.gov/topics/journeytomars/index.html Goddard Space Flight Center: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/home/index.html Jet Propulsion Laboratory: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/jpl/home/index.html Images (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, by Elizabeth Zubritsky/Karl Hille. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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