#Marc Raducci
esperwatchesfilms · 4 years
Dirty Teacher (2013)
Honestly... I stopped scoring at a certain point because I knew everything that would happen.
ESE: -85/100
50 -10 for telling your daughter about the college fund thing -5 for the teacher’s super weird flashback -5 for being obnoxiously obvious -20 for this creepy-as-fuck-teacher -5 for Danny’s shitty parents -5 for fucking with a student’s grades because you’re a creep who’s obsessed with her boyfriend -10 because he’s a senior in high school and can wash his own damn hands -10 for cheating on your girlfriend with your teacher -10 for drinking and driving -10 for terrible acting -10 for cliché and predictable story +5 for breaking it off with the teacher -20 for Miss Matson running Danny over with her car -10 for not believing a student over a teacher just because reasons -10 for police incompetence
0 notes