#Marcel Price
modernlex · 4 months
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copperdale wips
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hauntedtrait · 3 months
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azure and sidney took the little harvestfest break from school to drive to copperdale and spend some time with his parents, which azure is meeting for the first time
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cassandragoth26 · 3 months
Marcel Price (Math Team)
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Prev: Lucia Markovic
Next: Marcus Flex
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schtaeffsims · 11 months
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The Price family!!
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kusin-tisdag · 3 months
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To celebrate their engagement, Gunnel and Jade decide to throw a party. It's great fun, and like all good parties end up with the guests hanging in the bedroom, chatting.
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sandsstorms · 2 years
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another townie makeover
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gladyssite · 1 year
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Marcel Price
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kirsicca · 6 months
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On a random note, I saw this notion pop up in the corner while playing! Some might remember that Francis was Mollie's first 'boyfriend' who was also secretly dating one of her best friends, Marcel!
Maybe I'm a bit overprotective of my babygirl, but I can't help taking a little pleasure over this small tragegy 😈
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obigem · 2 years
The Sims 4 High School Years: The Price Family
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The Sims 4 High School Years dropped last Thursdays, and I don't have the pack and don't plan to get it or even update my game till a series of bugs I'm not comfy with gets rectified.....BUT I still wanted to do my own take on this world's townies. So I decided to make them all from scratch starting with the Price family!
Along with making them from scratch, I also expanded on and tweaked their lore to make them way more fun to play should you want to play with my version of the character.
You can watch the video where I make there here!
And you can grab the tray files for the family here :)
Now without further ado, The Price Family Bio:
Janae & Marcel
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College sweethearts they were a story of opposites attract. They met and fell in love, but they had very different ambitions. Marcel was more of the romantic. He’s always had a way with words, and that certainly charmed Janae. He’s been able to live out his dream job as a writer and his life’s goal is to one day be a bestselling author. He’s made many strides toward this goal; however, a full house of kids has kept him busy and unable to pen that quintessential masterpiece.
Janae on the on the other hand, has always been more of go-getter. She loves when Marcel speaks his pretty words to her, but outside of Romance, fantasy and fiction has always been pretty froufrou to her. She wants to be her own boss and maybe even run her own company one day. In the meantime, she’s climbed the ranks pretty far as Regional Manager and can all but smell her goal.
Their differences are beginning to take its toll on their marriage, though. Janae has always seen Marcel’s career as “easy” and “lax.” In her mind, she’s the breadwinner, so it only makes sense that Marcel should take on more of the household duties and child rearing. With her nose to the ground to career climb, a lot of their romance has been lost too. She doesn’t make time for Marcel to read her poetry anymore. After all, how will that get her a promotion? It’s all work and no play, which means no dates and a dusty woohoo life! Marcel is hoping moving back to their hometown of Copperdale will help to put the spark back into their relationship and get Janae back into family activities with the kids that she unfortunately doesn’t see much of. Marcel even opened their home to a foreign exchange student as a way to give Janae a push to get more involved with the kids. However, Janae sees Copperdale as a new challenge to keep career climbing and conquer their small town of youth. Will these sweethearts be able to get back onto the same page?
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Since the day Savannah was born, she’s always been an exceptional star. The older of the two twins, she came into the world first, learned to walk and talk first, and first is normally where Savannah is used to seeing herself in all things competition. As a kid she would regularly whoop Sidney’s but in video games, and rather than grow out of that hobby, she’s developed, honed it, and made it her life. Savannah streams daily to the eyeballs of thousands. She’s a true streaming sensation! Some may say all the accolades, attention, and brand deals have gone to her head, but the only things that matter in her Savannah’s life is for her to be the very best like no one ever was, and she won’t stop till she’s a household name.
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While first is a place that Sidney’s twin Savannah has grown very comfortable claiming, Sidney quickly got comfortable being number two, or the last one anyone remembers. Being bested by Savannah his entire childhood really took a toll on his confidence and self-esteem to the point where he’d do almost anything to separate himself and be recognized as an individual. When he learned they were moving to Copperdale, he knew this was his chance to finally find his things that made him special and memorable and no longer in the larger shadow Savannah casts, and he’s hoping the cheer team will be just the thing to do it!
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The youngest of the Price children has a lot to look up to. A mom who’s kicking butt in business, and father who’s on the cusp of writing his bestseller, a big sister streaming sensation, and big brother who’s working hard to carve his own lane. He’s proud of them all, but this family space is a bit too crowded for his taste and he’d like nothing more than to get out into the world and start exploring on his own so he can really find himself outside of the shining star Price family circus. Ever since foreign exchange student Devesh came to live with them, he’s finally gotten a peek into the life of someone who’s live in a completely different place and culture and it’s got him dreaming of one day entering the exchange program himself so he can start exploring the world. When he’s not being sure to keep up on his grades so he can qualify for the program one day, he’s trailing Devesh asking him endless questions about his life as a little taste of what exploring could one day be like.
Devesh (renamed from Kevin)
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Growing up, Devesh's parents' hopes and dreams for him have always been to get out into the world and make a good life for himself in one of those Western countries. So he worked hard and actually made it into a prestigious foreign exchange program, but growing his richest aren't exactly catching his fancy like finding a girlfriend. Dev flourished in the excess of western culture from the music, the movies, and all of its entertainment. It has truly romanticized his understanding of the world and he wants for himself to have that westernized romantic comedy experience in Copperdale. He might be a little shy and awkward and prone toward not always saying the right turn of phrase when he needs it, but his excitement for learning and exploring is infectious. As luck would have it, he was placed in the host home of his favorite simstube streamer who he just might have a crush on, and he's hoping his romance might just start there.
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tiptoesims · 1 year
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🗺️ Joy Legacy World Building
So much fun making over the Price family, all of them are so full of personality, Marcel especially was so fun to turn into a goofball dad! Also renamed the exchange student to Kanan since the other K name is a trigger for me, & the new name is from the same region as Puri!
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simulation-machine · 11 months
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The Prices & Kevin Puri! I have loaded and played this family (and tbh all of the High School Years pack families) 0 times. Here’s what I thought of while I redecorated them! Janae: Soccer mom who loves counting her steps and looks so good in red. Really proud of her kids and loves them to pieces but is so, so ready for the nest to be empty so she go travel with her hubby. Bad at cooking, but goes to all of her kids’ extracurricular events and yells their names loudly from the bleachers. Marcel: He seems like the kind of dad that takes his kids camping and tells them about snipe hunting just so he and his wife can get some “““alone  time.”““ Closest with his youngest son because he’s the only other one really into pranking. Tries to get into the stuff his kids like. Watches rom-coms with Kevin. Savannah: Really pretty aro+ace girl who just really likes fashion. I see her as being a huge fan of k-pop, who is teaching herself Korean by watching k-dramas. Also just happens to kick ass at chess, programming, and math. I see her as being the defacto valedictorian who saves so much money for his shopping habit. Sidney: I have such a soft spot for bi boys who are just looking for excuses to respectfully check out all the cuties they are by. As a cheerleader, he can check out the cute cheer boys and girls, as well as the cute football boys and girls. Also randomly decided that hes an Adidas guy. Jayden: Friends, I don’t know what to do with sim kids that I didn’t make with a wildly complicated backstory, or kids that were born to sims I made with overly complicated back stories. I think ever since getting burnt by Christie Sigworth (WHY IS HER HEAD SO BIG), I’m just wary of kids until they grow up to look even vaguely normal. I don’t even think Jayden has ever aged past being a child in past games. I did decide that he and his dad have a familial relationship of “Jokesters” and made them both love pranks so that’s probably what he’s gonna be about. Kevin: Socially awkward romantic is such a cute personality, honestly. I decided that part of his social awkwardness was going to be really into plaid high-water pants. I kinda see him with Ash Harjo (self-confident + creative fashionion icon and a sweet but awkward cisgender boy sounds like a tv show I’d watch ngl), but we’ll see.
QUICK NOTE: For the families that are like parent(s) + child(ren), I’ll probably just bundle them up in one post unless I have a lot to say about them. Like seriously, I am going to *rant* when I get to Christie Sigworth. So it’ll be whatever outfits I liked best in their makeover, and then their blurb.
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dustinbroke · 2 years
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Marcel’s next best selling novel is just around the corner, he swears upon it.
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kezzplayssims · 2 years
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Just did a quick makeover the Price parents. They... don't seem that interesting. Basically, highschool sweethearts that moved back to Copperdale for their kids to go to their old school.
Janae Price
Age 36 years old
Business woman
Clumsy and Active. Loves doing cheers with her son Sidney, and having a good loud belly laugh when she falls over or messes up.
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Marcel Price
Age 36 years old
Stay at Home Dad while he works on his next novel.
Wants more kids but their house is pretty full as it is.
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schtaeffsims · 11 months
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Price close-ups
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realjennyrae · 1 year
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Price Family Rotation 3:
At home that night, it was time to age up the twins! Rebeca Price aged up first into an adorable toddler, and then Avery Price was up next. Now there’s two little ones running around! 
As Janae Price got home from work, Marcel Price had the toddlers go out and greet her. It was her first time seeing them all grown up, and they're so adorable!
Sims 4 Rotation 3 || Copperdale Families || Price Family
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