#Marcial Maciel
avenueoflovers · 8 months
Abusos en el Movimiento Regnum Christi, Sept 2023
CARTA ABIERTA DE 32 EXMIEMBROS DE LA RAMA FEMENINA DEL MOVIMIENTO REGNUM CHRISTI/LEGIONARIOS DE CRISTO Querido(a)s Lectores, Les saludamos como siempre en plan de Verdad, Muy recientemente ha llegado a nuestras manos el siguiente documento, firmado por un buen número de exmiembros consagradas del Movimiento Católico REGNUM CHRISTI donde se denuncian varios abusos. (Como saben,  el Movimiento…
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retelabuso · 2 years
La suora che ha denunciato il sacerdote che la stuprava
La suora che ha denunciato il sacerdote che la stuprava
di Federica Tourn in “Domani” del 19 settembre 2022 – «Sono stata violentata per la prima volta a 24 anni da un sacerdote di quasi vent’anni più vecchio di me. Non soltanto era il mio superiore ma era anche il responsabile della congregazione. Non avevo mai sentito parlare di preti che si approfittano delle suore: per me, semplice novizia ; lo stupro fu così uno choc doppio». Doris Wagner subisce…
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doriangray1789 · 1 year
Anthony McCarten'in aynı isimli kitabından uyarlanan "TheTwo Popes", Fernando Meirelles yönetmenliğinde çekilmiş bir biyografik drama filmi. Papa II. John Paul’ün 2005 yılında ölümünün ardından yapılacak papalık seçiminde Alman Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger’in karşısındaki adaylardan biri olan Arjantinli baş piskopos Jorge Mario Bergoglio seçimi kazanamaz ve Ratzinger, Papa XVI. Benedict olarak seçilir. Ancak muhafazakar tarzda papalık yapan ve çocuk tacizi iddialarıyla gündeme düşmüş olan rahip Marcial Maciel Degollado hakkında kapsamlı bir soruşturma veya uzaklaştırmaya girişmeyen ve yolsuzluklarla uğraşan Papa Ratzinger; bir taraftan barışçı, yenilikçi, tevazu ve sevgi dolu, kucaklayıcı, katolik kilisesinde bazı reformların zamanının geldiğini savunan Bergoglio’dan etkilenmektedir. 73 yaşındaki #JonathanPryce ve 83 yaşındaki #AnthonyHopkins’in muazzam diyaloglarına eşlik eden, tadına doyum olmaz oyunculukları ile taçlanmış, gerçek olaylardan esinlenen bu yapım bana göre oldukça dikkate değer bir film çünkü ortada harika bir konu var ve bu konu iki uç yaklaşımı ele alırken, esnek ve katı olanın birbiriyle çatışması ekseni üzerinde hareket ediyor. Hayatı ve dini katı bir şekilde yaşamış ve savunmuş ömrünün sonlarına yaklaşmış Papa XVI. Benedict'in karşısında, yaşamda hiçbir şeyin durağan kalamadığını farkederek, rahat biçimde uyum sağlamayı düstur edinmiş, bir münzevinin katı yavanlığıyla yaşamaktansa pizzayla, futbolla, dansla, müzikle, tutkuyla, keyif aldığı hayatı kucaklayan ve inancı da bu yaklaşımları doğrultusunda yorumlayan baş piskopos Jorge Mario Bergoglio var. Aslında tüm zıtlıklarına rağmen bile aynı ortak özelliğe sahip bu iki din adamı yaptıkları hataları insan olduklarının farkındalığı ile kabul ediyorlar ve zamanı gelince gereğini yapıyorlar. İlgimi kaybetmeden, hiç sıkılmadan iki insanın iç hesaplaşmalarını dinlemek çok keyifliydi. Çok doğal ve başarılı bu iki dev oyuncunun, izleyenin düşüncelerine usul usul akan bir nehri andıran derin sohbetlerini oldukça beğendim. Öte yandan filmin içinde tarih var, nefis müzikler, dans ve futbol var, güzel yemekler var, fonda harika İtalya manzaraları, Roma ve Sistina Şapeli var.. Daha ne olsun? Bana kalırsa biraraya gelen tüm unsurlara bakınca zaten ortaya kötü bir ürün çıkması beklenemezdi...
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
Day of the Dead / Día de los Muertos
La Fiesta de todos los fieles difuntos  ha sido elevada por el corazón de nuestro pueblo. La Fe cotidiana de nuestros pueblos a ennoblecido a esta fiesta a el día de los muertos. En este día  dependiendo de nuestra localidad decoramos, comemos, cantamos y hasta jugamos en  las tumbas de familiares y amigos. De igual manera en algunos lugares santificamos el hogar con altares para esperar con un banquete a aquellos que ya entraron en el misterio de la muerte y la nueva vida. Y así con estos ritos culturales es como esperamos el  retorno al hogar y al corazón de los que partieron pero que aun no se han ido del todo. Esperamos su visita a este mismo corazón donde guardamos su luz y también su oscuridad, su sabiduría y sus heridas, su paz y su guerra que nos trajeron en vida, pues es en el hogar,  en este mismo lugar, donde  mi paz y mi guerra, mi luz y  mi oscuridad se encuentra con la de ellos. No hay dicotomía ni separación en el Día de los muertos con nuestros muertos. No solo son oscuridad, ni tampoco solo son luz, no solo son guerra sino también son paz y aquí es donde nos aferramos al amor radical de Jesucristo que nos regala su rostro bello y gentil para que a la hora de llegar al juicio ante el Padre todo poderoso, El pueda ver lo hermoso que ve en su Hijito en nosotros también.
Elevemos nuestra oración en esta Fiesta del Día de los muertos, con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo que es el fuego del Amor que se nos revelo en Jesucristo quien toma a justos y culpables, a rectos y torcidos. 
Así nos atrevemos a pedir que, con la lección que nos ha dado la fe de  nuestro pueblo, que brille la luz eterna en nuestro hermano Caín y también en Abel.
Que brille la luz eterna  en nuestra hermana Sara y también en Agar, en nuestro hermano Ismael y también en Isaac. En Uriel y también en David.
Que brille la luz eterna en nuestro hermano Judas Iscariote y en aquel también fue conocido como Saulo.
Que brille la luz eterna en Ananías y Safira y también en Aquila y Priscila.
Que brille en san Ambrosio como también en Origenes.
Para que la luz eterna brille sobre Marcial Maciel y como también brilla en sus victimas.
Que la luz de Cristo brille el Cardenal Bernard Law  como brilla en San Juan Pablo II.
Que la Luz de Cristo, en esta Fiesta del Día de los Muertos, tome nuestra oscuridad para ser transformada y nuestra luz para ser elevada, pues esa es la promesa cumplida de Jesús, Nuestro Senor y Hermano quien conoció una tumba y fue resucitado. ¡En su nombre, amén!
The Feast of all the faithful departed has been elevated by the hearts of our people. The daily Faith of our people has ennobled this festival to the Day of the Dead. On this day, depending on our location, we decorate, eat, sing and even play on the graves of family and friends. In the same way, in some places we sanctify the home with altars to wait with a banquet for those who have already entered into the mystery of death and new life. With these cultural rites we wait for their return to our homes and hearts of those who are gone but have not left completely. We wait for their visit to this same place where we keep their light and also their darkness, their wisdom and their wounds, their peace and the war that they brought to us during their life, We await for them at home in our hearts because it is in this same place where my peace and my war, my light and my darkness meets theirs. There is no dichotomy or separation on the Day of the Dead with our dead. They are not only darkness, nor are only light, they are not only war but they are also peace. Here we cling to the radical love of Jesus Christ who gives us his beautiful and gentle face so that when the Day of Judgment comes before the Almighty Father, He may see the same beauty He sees in His Little One in us too.
Let us raise our prayers on this Feast of the Day of the Dead, with the strength of the Holy Spirit, which is the fire of Love that was revealed to us in Jesus Christ who takes the righteous and the guilty, the upright and the crooked. And thus we dare to ask that, with the lesson that the faith of our people has given us, may eternal light shine in:
  our brother Cain and also in Abel.
May eternal light shine on our sister Sara and also on Hagar, on our brother Ishmael and also on Isaac. In Urias and also in David.
May eternal light shine on our brother Judas Iscariot and in he who was also known as Saul.
May eternal light shine on Ananias and Sapphira and also on Aquila and Priscilla.
May it shine in Saint Ambrose as well as in Origen.
So that the eternal light shines on Marcial Maciel and as it shines on his victims.
May the light of Christ shine on Cardinal Bernard Law as it shines on Saint John Paul II.
May the Light of Christ, on this Feast of the Day of the Dead, take our darkness to be transformed and our light to be elevated, for that is the fulfilled promise of Jesus, Our Lord and Brother, who knew a tomb and was resurrected. In His Name, we pray, amen!
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msclaritea · 7 months
"Revelations about Tim Ballard’s sexual exploitation of women using coercive gaslighting about “doing whatever it takes to save a child” are the tip of the iceberg.
The “7,000 children“ he allegedly rescued simply do not exist.
He raised tens of millions based on his fantasies—which include the QAnon meme that children were being trafficked in Wayfair cabinets.
The “rescue operations” Ballard sold to the victims of his fraud, were manufactured, theatrical performances designed to trauma-bond his targets & extract as much money (and/or sex) as possible.
According to his own whiteboard, Ballard funneled his donations from “taking sizzle to the rescue” to his own for-profit bank accounts & kicked back to his business partner Glenn Beck.
Many producers and cast on Ballard’s exploitation film “Sound of Freedom” are connected to anti-American christofascist movements including the star Jim Caviezel who is deeply dissociated and brainwashed into Mike Flynn’s QAnon death cult.
QAnon alleges that Democrats are child-trafficking pedophiles.
The producer & co-star of “Sound of Freedom” Eduardo Verastegui is a disciple of one of the most notorious pedophiles in Mexican history Marcial Maciel & is still a member of Maciel’s Legionairies of Christ, which trafficked hundreds of children to be raped by priests for decades.
In 2015, Verastegui and “Sound of Freedom” director Alejandro Monteverde shot a small film called “Little Boy” for which they auditioned over a thousand pre-pubescent boys.
Verastegui recently announced his plan to run for president of Mexico.
The projection is blinding. The press needs to dig into this nightmare and help get accountability for the victims of these men." Jim Stewartson
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rivaltimes · 1 year
The Legionaries of Christ series that sought to clean up the image of Marcial Maciel but never saw the light
The Legionaries of Christ series that sought to clean up the image of Marcial Maciel but never saw the light
The priest Marcial Maciel receives the blessing of Pope John Paul II.TARCISIO SAMANIEGO (Dark Room) The Legionaries of Christ congregation tried to clean up the image of its founder, Marcial Maciel, accused multiple times of pedophilia, with a television series that never saw the light of day. This is how the journalist Emiliano Ruiz Parra tells it in an investigation published in the magazine…
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acapulcopress · 2 years
Gobernadora Salgado entregó premios al Mérito Civil 2022
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CHILPANCINGO * 27 de octubre de 2022 ) Gobierno de Guerrero Al conmemorar el 173 Aniversario de la Erección del Estado de Guerrero, la gobernadora
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Evelyn Salgado Pineda, encabezó la ceremonia oficial y solemne de entrega de condecoraciones y premios al Mérito Civil 2022, reconociendo, en diversas categorías, a un grupo de 19 mujeres y hombres por sus aportaciones, trayectoria y actos que contribuyen al crecimiento y bienestar de Guerrero. "Sirva esta entrega de condecoraciones como el punto de partida de un camino y una ruta compartida, con diálogo permanente, con apertura para seguir consolidando el progreso y bienestar de nuestras 8 regiones y vamos a seguir trabajando, haciendo justa y próspera la vida libertaria que nos dieron las heroínas y los héroes con profundo amor", expresó Evelyn Salgado.
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En su mensaje la mandataria estatal, subrayó que el estado de Guerrero celebra esta fecha histórica, reconociendo a mujeres y hombres, que son agentes de cambio, destacados en la defensa de los derechos humanos, activistas, humanistas, deportistas, profesionista y científicos, con probada capacidad e integridad que hoy reciben este galardón. Al evento asistieron notarios, diputadas, diputados, integrantes del gabinete legal y ampliado, representantes de la sociedad civil, cámaras empresarias e industriales, la gobernadora refirió que Guerrero vive una revolución de conciencias en un proceso constructor en el que se va a privilegiar el bienestar, la paz, la democracia, la libertad y la justicia para todas y todos los guerrerenses.
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"No tengan duda de que somos sus aliados de manera personal e institucional, porque este gobierno siempre va a promover y reconocer el talento, la cultura, el trabajo y el esfuerzo de todas y todos ustedes", expresó Evelyn Salgado Pineda a las y los recipiendarios de las condecoraciones y premios al Mérito Civil 2022. La gobernadora acompañada por los titulares de los poderes Legislativo y Judicial, entregaron la Condecoración Estatal “Vicente Guerrero” al Maestro Bernardo Rosendo Ponce; también entregaron la Condecoración “Juan Álvarez”, a Joel Moreno Temelo y la Condecoración “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”, fue asignada la Doctora Vera Judith Villa Guardiola, por su valiosa aportación y entrega a los servicios prominentes prestados al Estado de Guerrero. Fueron galardonados con los premios al Mérito Civil 2022, la activista Tita Radilla Martínez con el premio "Nicolás Bravo"; Sergio Anacleto Aguilar, con el Premio Estatal al Mérito Indigenista “Cuauhtémoc”; Neftalí García Castro con el Premio Estatal al Mérito Municipal y Desarrollo Comunitario “Moisés Ochoa Campos”; Baldemar Arteaga Martínez con el Premio Estatal al Mérito en Desarrollo Rural “Manuel Meza Andraca” y a Raúl Calvo Sánchez, con el
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Premio Estatal al Mérito Político “José Francisco Ruiz Massieu”. Por su contribución a la comunidad y respetables ejemplos de comportamiento cívico, así como por su diligente cumplimento de la Ley, fue otorgado el Premio Estatal "Eduardo Neri" a un grupo de nueve mujeres de la comunidad nahua de Ocotequila, del Municipio de Copanatoyac, recibiendo este galardón María Antonia Ramírez Marcelino, Ma. Guadalupe Marcelino Pantoja, Inés Salazar Espinoza, Juana Marcelino Pantoja, Isaura Espinoza Morales, Benita Ávila Espinoza, Magdalena García Ramírez y María de Jesús Ramírez Marcelino. También fueron reconocidos en distintas categorías María de Jesús Mateos Morales, Artemisa Jaramillo Galán, Jesús Bartolo Bello López, Juan Carranza Soriano, Olivia Leyva Muñoz, Eloísa Maciel Oregón, Jaqueline Avilés de la O, Demian Alarcón Ortiz, Mijane
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Jiménez Salinas y la defensora de la Isla Roqueta de Acapulco, Robyn Bendicta Sidney Gordon. Asistieron a la ceremonia la Presidenta de la Mesa Directiva del Congreso del Estado, Yanelly Hernández Martínez; el Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia, Raymundo Casarrubias Vázquez; el Secretario General de Gobierno, Ludwig Marcial Reynoso; el senador Félix Salgado Macedonio; la Presidenta del Sistema DIF Estatal, Liz Salgado Pineda, así como el Comandante de la Décima Segunda Región Naval, Julio César Pescina Ávila y el Comandante de la 35 zona militar, Enrique Martínez López, entre otros.
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bananamail · 2 years
Capitulo de amor real telenovela
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#Capitulo de amor real telenovela how to
#Capitulo de amor real telenovela full
I think at this point a romance with a priest doesn't really shock people, especially after the scandals of Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ which were much worse than a priest falling in love.Īlso, The Crime of Father Amaro became the biggest box office success of Mexican cinema at the time it premiered in 2002. Well, looking forward to reading all the other comments!Įn el Nombre del Amor wasn't controversial either. I was very disappointed that they didn't change that enough. I knew there was a "rape" in "Amor Real" and had ASSUMED (oh foolish me!) that they would somehow make it more palatable for modern audiences in Me Robo. I'm fairly familiar with most of the characters.
#Capitulo de amor real telenovela full
I've watched some of "Amor Real," watched most of the DVD adaptation, and have started to watch the full episodes (found online). But I'm going to tell myself that she "resentfully submitted" to the sex, like, "Let's get this over with, you a-hole." Yes, I know that it could be interpreted (IS interpreted) to be rape. I was very disturbed that they wrote it the way they did, though. Alejandro *tries* to be a nice guy.Īnyway, getting to the marital rape thing on Me Robo-I'm using mental gymnastics and trying to convince myself that was that she "submitted" to him, not happy about it, but "submitted." UGH, though! The writing of that episode made it ambiguous enough that we can fill in the blanks however we want. Oh Rogelio, how we Rogelianas loved you, even though you certainly didn't deserve it! )Īnyway, Rogelio didn't rape anyone (like how could he? LOL) and it can definitely be argued that Alejandro did, but why is it that I consider Rogelio more of a jerk? I guess because on the whole, he was. But any of you that remember when we watched LQNPA, Rogelio is one of my favorite characters. Of the two galanes (Rogelio and Alejandro), I find Alejandro to be more "sympathetic" than Rogelio in LQNPA, but then Rogelio was such a bitter, sour jerkwad for so much of the story (and he had the whip!). I think both these stories are like old fashioned romance novels, where there was more leeway for douchey behavior from the "heroes." And we the viewers (or readers of the novels) suspend our disbelief and go along with the writers. The two TNs that I've seen are LQNPA and LQLAMR (Me Robo). I'm so glad you brought this up, because I came in too late to contribute to the 100+ marital rape discussion episode on Lo que la vida me robo. It is worth mentioning though that this network doesn't reach every part of the country and that if you don't live in the central states then you need to contract basic cable to see it. In telenovelas from Cadena 3, which is the most liberal network we have, we have seen all these things handled differently: they have showed characters having abortions, gay and lesbian protagonists (with happy endings) and more realistic portrayals of rape and abuse. Televisa is the most conservative network here though, so these rules apply mostly to them. The only place where it's legal in Mexico is the Federal District which is only an area of Mexico City, this means that they can't depict it without bad consequences since it is illegal in the rest of the country. Even today many don't understand that such thing is wrong and telenovelas acting like it's normal just doesn't help.Ībortion is also a touchy subject. I couldn't stand Manuel at all after he raped Matilde in Amor Real and that novela was made back in 2003, before marital rape was criminalized in Mexico. LQLVMR is a mix of both Bodas de Odio and Amor Real but they should have changed many things to make it work and yet they didn't. They just add it for the shock value and sometimes I feel the writers lack a real understanding of what they are portraying on screen.
#Capitulo de amor real telenovela how to
Rape is such a difficult theme that telenovelas just don't know how to handle. It had Ana de la Reguera who is very popular here. The casting was really strange though, Maité Perroni and Pedro Fernández made such an odd couple. That was just the excuse the producers came up with for the low ratings. I never heard anybody complain about it at all. I don't think Cachito de Cielo had low ratings because of the priest storyline.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Ex-Außenminister Sodano Langjährige Nummer zwei des Vatikans ist tot 28.05.2022, 17:01 Uhr Eineinhalb Jahrzehnte vertrat Angelo Sodano den Vatikan in der Welt. In den letzten Lebensmonaten von Papst Johannes Paul II. war er praktisch der maßgebliche Mann im Kirchenstaat. Nun ist er hochbetagt gestorben. Fünf Jahrzehnte war er im diplomatischen Dienst des Vatikans tätig: Nun ist der frühere Staatssekretär, Angelo Sodano, tot. Wie der Vatikan mitteilte, starb der über lange Jahre zweitwichtigste Mann am Heiligen Stuhl am Vortag im Alter von 94 Jahren in Rom. In einem Beileidstelegramm an Sodanos Familie würdigte Papst Franziskus den verstorbenen Kardinal als "geschätzten Mann der Kirche, der sein Priestertum mit Großzügigkeit gelebt" habe. Zudem bezeichnete er ihn als "liebenswerten Priester". Sodano starb am Freitagabend, nachdem er Anfang Mai nach einer Covid-Infektion in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert worden war. Die Trauerfeier findet am Dienstag im Petersdom im Beisein des Papstes statt. Sodano war 1989 vom damaligen Papst Johannes Paul II. zum vatikanischen Außenminister und 1991 zum Kardinalstaatssekretär ernannt worden. In der Funktion blieb er noch unter Benedikt XVI. bis 2006. Fast 15 Jahre lang war er somit die Nummer zwei im Vatikan. In den letzten Monaten vor dem Tod des geschwächten Johannes Pauls war Sodano einer jener Kurienmänner, die die katholische Kirche de facto leiteten. Mehr als 14 Jahre lang war Sodano zudem der Vorsitzende des Kardinalskollegiums und hatte damit das zweithöchste Amt inne. 2019 trat er im Alter von 92 Jahren von seinem Posten als Kardinaldekan zurück. Mehr zum Thema Der Norditaliener stand im Mittelpunkt einer Reihe von Kontroversen. In seinem Buch "Sodom. Macht, Homosexualität und Doppelmoral im Vatikan" prangerte der französische Journalist Frédéric Martel Sodanos Lebensstil in Rom sowie seine Verbindungen zum chilenischen Militärmachthaber Augusto Pinochet während seiner Zeit als Nuntius in Chile an. Der am 23. November 1927 in Isola d'Asti in der Region Piemont geborene Kirchenmann war vor seiner Karriere in Rom lange päpstlicher Gesandter in Südamerika. Laut der Wochenzeitung "National Catholic Reporter" soll Sodano zudem den 2008 verstorbenen Gründer des erzkonservativen katholischen Ordens Legionäre Christi, Marcial Maciel Degollado, geschützt haben, der viele Jahre lang mit einer Frau zusammenlebte, mit der er ein Kind hatte. Gegen Marcial Maciel wurden auch Vorwürfe des sexuellen Missbrauchs von Minderjährigen erhoben.
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retelabuso · 2 years
Sodano, dal Cile al «chiacchiericcio» sui pedofili
Sodano, dal Cile al «chiacchiericcio» sui pedofili
– Luca Kocci, 29.05.2022 – Vaticano Morto a 94 anni il potente ex segretario di Stato È morto nella notte del 27 maggio, a 94 anni, il cardinale Angelo Sodano, segretario di Stato nel pontificato di Giovanni Paolo II. Il suo nome è legato ad alcune delle pagine più nere della storia recente della Chiesa romana: il viaggio nel Cile di Pinochet del papa polacco che si affacciò dal balcone della…
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cathnews · 3 years
Pandora Papers: New Zealand trusts held $300m for controversial religious order
Pandora Papers: New Zealand trusts held $300m for controversial religious order
Trusts registered in New Zealand held nearly $300 million in assets for a Roman Catholic order caught in an international paedophilia scandal, according to leaked records contained in the Pandora Papers. The Mexico based Legionaries of Christ used the trusts in a complex financial arrangement that held assets in four continents, according to an analysis by the International Consortium of…
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bagdyernoke · 3 years
Marcial Maciel - Wikipedia
Late in his life, Maciel was revealed to have been a long time drug addict who sexually abused many boys and young men in his care. After his death, it came to light that he had also maintained sexual relationships with at least four women, one of whom was a minor at the time. He fathered as many as six children, two of whom he is alleged to have abused.
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Il 27 aprile 2014 Il papa polacco Giovanni Paolo II è stato proclamato santo da papa Francesco. Il matematico Odifreddi scrisse allora: “Ecco i 6 miracoli di San Giovanni Paolo II” La Chiesa cattolica ha appena proclamato santo Giovanni Paolo II, pontefice dal 1978 al 2005. Ma quali i miracoli che hanno fatto guadagnare al polacco l’ambito titolo? Il matematico Piergiorgio Odifreddi, dal suo blog, ne elenca 6: 4 marzo 1983. “All’aeroporto di Managua in Nicaragua Giovanni Paolo II svillaneggia pubblicamente il ministro della Cultura padre Ernesto Cardenal, inginocchiato di fronte a lui in segno di rispetto, per aver accettato di partecipare al governo sandinista. In seguito, in combutta con il cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, combatterà duramente la teologia della liberazione, di cui Cardenal era uno dei principali esponenti, riducendola al silenzio”. 20 febbraio 1987. “L’arcivescovo Paul Marcinkus, presidente dello IOR, riceve un mandato di cattura dal tribunale di Milano per il coinvolgimento della banca vaticana nello scandalo del Banco Ambrosiano: lo stesso che porterà alla morte dei bancarottieri Michele Sindona e Roberto Calvi. Il papa fa quadrato attorno al “banchiere di Dio”, noto per aver dichiarato che “non si dirige una banca con le Ave Maria”, e lo lascerà al suo posto fino al pensionamento per i raggiunti limiti di età nel 1997″. 3 aprile 1987. “A Santiago del Cile Giovanni Paolo II si affaccia sorridente a salutare la folla dal balcone del Palazzo Presidenziale in compagnia del dittatore Augusto Pinochet, e prega con lui nella cappella del Palazzo: lo stesso in cui nel 1973 era stato assassinato da Pinochet il presidente democraticamente eletto Salvador Allende. In seguito, nel 1993, impartirà al dittatore cileno una benedizione apostolica speciale in occasione delle sue nozze d’oro. E nel 1999, quando Pinochet sarà arrestato in Inghilterra per crimini contro l’umanità, gli manderà un messaggio di solidarietà”. 6 ottobre 2002. “Giovanni Paolo II canonizza, dopo averlo già beatificato il 17 maggio 1992, il prete franchista Josemaria Escrivà de Balaguer, fondatore dell’Opus Dei. Paga così il debito nei onfronti della Prelatura della Santa Croce, i cui membri e simpatizzanti l’avevano dapprima eletto al soglio pontificio, e avevano poi sanato i debiti dello IOR, dissanguato dai finanziamenti a Solidarnosc”. 24 marzo 2003. “Giovanni Paolo II ricorda con affetto il cardinal Hans Hermann Groer, dimessosi da primate d’Austria nel 1998 per aver abusato sessualmente di circa duemila ragazzi”. 30 novembre 2004. “Giovanni Paolo II abbraccia pubblicamente padre Marcial Maciel, fondatore dei Legionari di Dio, nella fastosa e festosa celebrazione dei suoi sessant’anni di sacerdozio, e lo omaggia per “un ministero sacerdotale colmo dei doni dello Spirito Santo”. Dimentica di dire che per mezzo secolo il prete ha sistematicamente violentato seminaristi e fedeli, e ha convissuto regolarmente e contemporaneamente con quattro donne, da cui ha avuto cinque figli, che ha sia violentato che portato in udienza dal Papa”. Oggi milioni di fedeli esultano per la santificazione di Karol Wojtyla ma, per Odifreddi, c’è da sperare che il nuovo santo” non interceda per noi”. Massimo Volante
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broken-academia · 3 years
what happened?
oh just my own personal research. i looked more into JPII after the sexual abuse scandal came out in the McCarrick Report. The specific ‘that’s disgusting, how can this man be a saint?’ we’re dealing with today is his involvement in hindering the prosecution of Father Marcial Maciel Degollado and the nature of his relationship with Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.
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apesoformythoughts · 3 years
«Well, the train wreck did eventually happen and now we have the long delayed “McCarrick Report” which will, most likely, be interpreted through the lens of the various ideological rip currents in the Church […] 
There is an element of truth in many of these approaches. It pains me to say it but Saint Pope John Paul II made some egregious mistakes in these matters and his negligence allowed the rise of McCarrick to prominence. Nor was this a one-off mistake since he also did it with others—most notably Marcial Maciel. I think John Paul is a saint and he remains one of my heroes. But he was human and flawed and does bear a great deal of blame here. He seems to have had more than a tin ear for this issue. It is better described as a deaf ear, which is deeply disappointing. Likewise, there are indeed a lot of homosexuals, both celibate and not-so-celibate, in the clerical ranks. And with all due respect to those good priests who are homosexual but chastely so, the presence of such a critical mass of homosexuals in the clergy has created a large subculture of sexually active gay priests who cover for each other and whose epicurean lifestyle is a scandal […] Finally, there is, of course, a need to institute new protocols for greater accountability and transparency in the Church in order, at the very least, to bring justice to the victims of sexual abuse.
However, even after taking all of that into account, I also think such analyses fall short of the mark because they do not analyze the actions that were taken with regard to McCarrick by his fellow prelates through the lens of a performative reduction. And by that I mean that our tendency is to analyze such things too abstractly and our questioning never rises to the level of asking the concrete question of what the performative actions of the prelates in question tells us about what it is they truly believe—or, as the case may be, what they do NOT believe.» 
— Larry Chapp: “The McCarrick Report and the De Facto Atheism of the Church”
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