#Margaret Sixel
sneaky-ramen · 6 months
mad max fury road makes me absolutely feral. the visual storytelling with the tubing, the chain, the boot, the cataloging of bullets and weapons, the way angharad overcompensates for her insecurities about being incapable and how max injuring her leads to her demise. the way the viewer knows all they need to know about furiosa for her growled “remember me!?” to land so emotionally. how max and nux have their own redemption arcs. nux becoming a better person through external compassion and love, asking capable to witness his sacrifice. cheedo using her perceived fragility on ricktus to be the one to assist furiosa’s anguished climb to immortan joe. it’s all so perfect.
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bkenber · 4 months
'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga' - Oh What a Glorious Epic!
There is a quote near the beginning of “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” which still haunts me long after I first witnessed George Miller’s thrilling and gloriously epic prequel. “As the world falls around us, how must we brave its cruelties?” This particular quote struck me hard as I do not need to live in a post-apocalyptic to understand it. The world is a deeply unfair place, but this fact hits…
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genevieveetguy · 4 months
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. 45 years after the collapse, a young Furiosa is taken from her family. She will devote the rest of her life to finding her way home. This is her odyssey.
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, George Miller (2024)
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 10 months
rewatching mad max fury road. what a fuckin movie. what a fuckin time to be alive. i saw this three times in theaters and it was so fucking hard to drive home safely each time. the thing that hit me on this rewatch was how he keeps apologizing to furiosa while they’re doing field medicine to her. he’s trying so hard to be gentle
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kimbureh · 10 months
Okay, it's almost 8 years since Mad Max Fury Road premiered in cinemas, and 15 hours ago the trailer for the long announced Furiosa prequel has dropped. I'm not one for media hype, but I am pumped for this, and here is why:
there is a clear aesthetic continuity with Mad Max Fury Road: the color scheme, the bright eyes, the center frame. The look is referenced enough to be recognizeable, but it's not just a simple copy but adjusts it to the story: the color isn't *quite* as glaring, the center frame isn't adhered to as strictly as in mmfr
it's called HER Odyssey! Chris Hemsworth (who is there for some reason) asks Furiosa "do you have it in you to make it epic?"; this, my friends, is Nico Lathouris speaking. He's not just one of the writing credits of mmfr, he's also a master of ancient storytelling techniques, and he's telling us right to the face what he's about to do. Furiosa is an Odyssey with a female protagonist, and just as Odysseus in the Greek original, we can expect her to be a complex character, sometimes making questionable choices (she becomes Immortan's Imperator for a good reason!).
the religious references are just as numerous; she's called the darkest angel, the promo poster shows her with an halo (and the low angle shot of hers with a soft focus length?? Goddess). Does she rise from the ashes of this world to become a Godlike figure herself, just as Immortan Joe attempts to be, because it's either apotheosis or death? A guy like Lathouris, who knows the old canon so well, might have some very interesting ideas on that.
there are war boys! RIDING EPIC CARS!!
more references from mmfr: the shot of Max standing up from the trickling sand is reference (symbol of his pain & overcoming bondage), as well as the shot Nux driving his car looking at the audience through the windshield (absolute madness trying to follow his destiny bestowed to him by Immortan). I am curious to what degree Furiosa might go through Max's and Nux's arc, but with a twist???
the green place! VUVALINI!! SO MANY VUVALINI!!!!!!
this is going to be epic in the most literal sense!!!
MARGARET SIXEL IS EDITING THIS!!!!! I want a three hour reel of her talking about her craft
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depvotee · 4 months
Okey, I'm going to rant a bit about the Myth of Persephone and why do I have a big gripe with most modern interpretations and I have just seen ONE piece of media retold it on the best (without attempting to)
And okey maybe some spoilers abt Furiosa.
Lore Olympus as much as it sets out to retell the myth of Persephone it fails to understand the main reason OF the myth, it's not the myth of Persephone and Hades but Persephone AND Demeter, it's about a mother who the man she conceived her with sold their daughter behind her back and Demeter on her infinite grief left the earth almost barren.
That's what most of the modern "feminist" retellings of the Persephone myth just fail, they ignore the core injustice of the tale and not only that but romanticize the kidnapping of Persephone, which sadly enough reinforces the patriarchal nature of the kidnapping.
Mind you, there's also a lack of historical thinking, never asking: Why did the Greeks of old told this story? It was not to entertain, the story itself shows the kidnapping as a bitter reality of the time. Why this story survived the ages? (Let's not mention the cruel irony of LO ending on the expressed sentiment that the myth survived due to just Persephone and Hades "love" story.)
I think the only modern piece of media that is the closest to the myth of Persephone and also making it their own thing is, well, you might wanna sit down for this:
Mad Max: Fury Road (I'M DEADASS) and the sequel Furiosa. If we see the timeline of the character Furiosa, she is Persephone in spiritual way, she was kidnapped from a place of abundance and taken to the wasteland (underworld) and her mother Mary Jabassa (Demeter) goes for her, in her own ways and means but she dies on the attempt and with her dead, it also symbolizes the last contact Furiosa had with The Green place of many mothers then she was sold off to the lord of the wasteland Immortal Joe (Hades) but Furiosa then takes her own choices and finds a way to live on this place until she has the means to get out but after the events of Furiosa, she also plants her tree, she makes the place of abundance on the barren home that was Immortal Joe's and she also ends up killing him to also protect the other women that she knows.
I just, It's incredible to me how George Miller and Margaret Sixel accomplished to tell a much more compelling story about women being kidnapped and their subsequent liberation (by themselves) than these half-asses retelling that promote them as feminist retelling just to get more promotion rather than an actual feminist approach.
All I'm saying is, if you have a kidnapping kink whatever, just market it as it is, I'm sure there's going to be some people into that, but do not try to sell it as something that it is not.
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lesbianpraetor · 4 months
Just woke up and I'm still thinking about this movie, so I'm going to get the little hater out before I make an effort to only think about the movie in Watsonian terms, because if I am still thinking this much about it it's definitely good.
Being honest I went into Furiosa how I imagine 80's star wars fans went into the phantom menace and all the parts that I didn't like in retrospect make me appreciate the original cast more. Especially Charlize Theron and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, and! Margaret Sixel's edit, she was one of the editors but not the only one in this film! You can definitely tell! I keep thinking about how George Miller didn't let Anya Taylor Joy shave her head and how it was Charlize Theron that made that decision, the war boys weren't even meant to have shaved heads! I think it was symptomatic of why the movie didn't feel as through the female gaze as the first one did.
This movie felt much more in the hands of George Miller, and obviously Fury Road was a miracle in all directions but I think the first miracle was there were just that many more women on set due to the plot of the story, and those women were grownups! I think George Miller really is an auteur, he cares much more about telling the story he wants to tell than whether it has too many women or men in it. Which is why Fury Road just happened to include two huge diverse groups of women, the wives and the vuvalini, he just had the vision of them and put them in. Then the actresses playing them were older, more experienced and just together which made them not afraid to make adjustments by themselves, be more relaxed, act more freely, I think that's what made the movie what it was.
Obviously Anya Taylor Joy isn't going to do that, she's one 28, Charlize Theron was 39 when Fury Road came out, and she's the only actress on set for most of the film. If the director says you are not cutting your hair you just aren't and you are going to carry yourself like how you usually do in all your movies where you also have a male co-star for most of them. She did do an amazing job with what she was told to do, and it really isn't her fault that she's just popular to the point of being distracting. In a way it made me appreciate Fury Road all the more. Going back to how this must have felt to Furiosa herself there was just a deep loneliness to her since the moment her mother died. It must have felt much more like a miracle to have found first Angharad, Capable,Toast Cheedo and The Dag, then Max, then Nux and then finally getting what's left of the Vuvalini back.
Anyway it's 2024 hire older unknown actresses to your movies, nothing makes a movie feel more fake than only 20 year old woman being on it.
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anhed-nia · 4 months
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We rewatched FURY ROAD tonight before we go see FURIOSA tomorrow, and my main takeaway is that this is Margaret Sixel (George Miller's wife incidentally) and she fucking earned her Oscar for editing this movie. She just completely owns the whole finished product, it wouldn't be the same any other way. I've said this before but there is a conspicuous number of great female editors in the world and someone needs to write like an encyclopedia of them.
My other takeaway is that they should put John Jarratt in a MAD MAX movie. Also I always want to call him Paul Onions even though that is the name of the real life guy who *helped catch* serial killer Ivan Milat who Jarratt actually plays in WOLF CREEK. "Paul Onions" is such a weird and perverse name though, I want that to be the name of the killer, or the name of John Jarratt. Man he is so morbidly fascinating in WOLF CREEK that he winds up exuding this freakish charisma, but without ever undermining the repulsiveness of his character. He's so good. Imagine if he was called Paul Onions, though.
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sortasirius · 10 months
Friendly reminder that George Miller chose Margaret Sixel to edit Fury Road because, in his words, “a man couldn’t edit Fury Road”
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teaspoonofdread · 10 months
THOUGHTS on Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
I'll start with two statements regarding Anya Taylor Joy's casting and go from there.
I like her (I know some don't).
I agree she doesn't look like Charlize Theron (and we all know Charlize realized Furiosa as much as Miller did).
BUT a thing that struck me as soon as I heard she was cast was that she had that ethereal vibe of the Five (when I first saw them, the word 'mermaids' wouldn't leave my mind). I could see Anya playing a 'wife', which works with a backstory, I don't think any fan would like to watch play out on the screen...
Now let's try not to be too skeptical: she's tall like Furiosa, there's the probability she was more feminine as a girl living in a feminine world the Green Place of Many Mothers, she didn't need to be as muscular in her youth so she wasn't, etc.
Now. The trailer didn't manage to completely sell me the idea of Anya as Furiosa, but it eased some of my nerves. THE EYES! I saw a troll post on redit literally the day before the trailer dropped with close-ups of Theron and Joy (brown-eyed) captured "Furiosa eye color change?"
I've read the meta, I knew the eyes were carefully retouched in Fury Road in post-production, so I had hope. And seeing Anya's eyes in the trailer, I thought to myself, 'This is THE death stare. This is Furiosa'. And when she screamed all disheveled, I liked that part best. The one with her face covered, making the V8 symbol - second best.
I liked that she was shooting, I liked that cropped-out-seconds-rising-the-tension-rising-the-momentum Gorge Miller magic, I liked how over the top Lord Dementus was, it worked for me. Joe looked like Joe, I believe he didn't have any lines.
I definitely didn't like that head-touch with Tom Burke's character 😕 (sorry. He seems to have a lot of fans.)
And I didn't like the opening and closing shots. Can't quite place why: the opening one seemed like I'd already watched it before, also a bit too long, and the closing felt not authentic somehow. I wish she was more muscular. She just seems fragile in the classic Furiosa outfit.
Last roll of 'complains' before I start with the excitement-inducing points:
The over-explaining in the trailer itself, the big words with the exact number of years and all (like they could've converted into days, like they do in universe) but alas I suppose that's in order to bring in a wider audience. I hope it succeeds, tho!
Is a prequel the story I wanna visit - no. I'd like a movie about the Four - rebuilding, reforming, growing (green and as people), I want Max back even as I know it isn't like him to stay, and finally I want Theron and Hardy side by side, even as I know they wouldn't haha.
All of that is so unlikely. And there are so many spectacular novel-length fics about that. Hell, one such universe has been materializing in my mind for the past year. I almost don't want a movie about what comes after.
Still, I'd prefer a movie about the after rather than the before, but that's what's happening.
But I'm a nobody. The Creator of this world has a story he'd like to share, and it is centered around one of the most incredible characters in recent history, I think we're lucky to be able to witness that.
Now, onto the real excitement!
Disclaimer: this is less coherent even than what came before it.
First of all, we're finally getting a Wasteland movie by Gorge Miller (edited by Margaret Sixel!!!)
I cannot stress this enough!
We're getting chases, and War Boys and shiny mutant-cars, and we're going to GasTown, people! To the Bullet Farm! Helloo, I'm so ready, so curious!
And we're going to the Green Place, y'all! I'm so excited about it. Like they had horses wtf? Mary Jo Bassa! Canon Vuvalini names! Traditions! Defense strategies, weapons, male Vuvalini maybe, crows, so much lore...
But I'm most excited about that Lady driver and the little girl. I'm soo ready for the stories of women in the Wasteland!
To sum up: I'm mostly hyped for the expansion of the world because I love it so much. Because we'd see another of Miller's visions.
And I trust the team behind it enough to know it won't be an unremarkable movie.
I know it won't be another Fury Road because there never will be.
I watched it way too late, and it's my dream to see it on the big screen, which wouldn't happen. So I'm grateful for a second chance to experience something like it. And I'm hoping the fandom will live again, because from my lurking I've found it to be as intricate and smart and fucking amazing as Fury Road itself is, and I'd like to be a part of it this time around :')
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jkottke · 8 months
The trailer for Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (and that Fury Road editor Margaret Sixel is returning) gives me hope that this movie is going to kick some ass.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Tom Hardy in Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015)
Cast: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Josh Helman, Nathan Jones, Zoë Kravitz, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Riley Keough. Screenplay: George Miller, Brendan McCarthy, Nick Lathouris. Cinematography: John Seale. Production design: Colin Gibson. Film editing: Margaret Sixel. Music: Tom Holkenborg.
If only all action movies could be directed by George Miller and edited by Margaret Sixel. Then we might have fewer scenes shot in the dark with shakycam and patched together out of snippets of film so you can't really tell who's fighting whom. Or much less gratuitous use of CGI in scenes where actual hardware provides greater immediacy than software can ever do. Miller and Sixel are one of the movies' great husband-and-wife teams, and it's gratifying that Mad Max: Fury Road was one of the few action movies to receive a nomination for best picture. I've never been much of a fan of the Mad Max series, but this one, the fourth, seems to me to be the best and most coherent. It has the kind of visual storytelling that takes you back to the silent roots of the movies. It also features, in Charlize Theron's Furiosa, the best female action hero since Sigourney Weaver's Ripley in Aliens (James Cameron, 1986). It didn't win the best picture Oscar: It's not the kind of film the Academy admires, preferring action movies that are wrapped in history, like Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean, 1962), or sanctified by religiosity, like Ben-Hur (William Wyler, 1959). Fury Road is sheer enjoyable nonsense, with an abundance of grotesque villains and some heroes who, with the exception of Tom Hardy's Max and Nicholas Hoult's Nux, happen to be women. Although Miller didn't win for best director, Sixel deservedly won the Oscar for editing and it cleaned up in the awards for costumes, makeup, sound and production design.
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cinemaaosmeusolhos · 4 months
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Director: George Miller Casting Director: Nikki Barrett Writer: George Miller and Nick Lathouris Year: 2024 Budget: 168 million USD (Font: Wikipedia) Distribution: Warner Bros., Warner Bros. Pictures Cinematography: Simon Duggan Art Direction: Nicholas Dare, Jacinta Leong and Sophie Nash Film Edition: Eliot Knapman; Margaret Sixel Cast: Charlee Fraser (Mary Jo Bassa); Alyla Browne (Imperator Furiosa), Chris Hemsworth (Dr. Dementus), Anya Taylor-Joy (Imperator Furiosa); Tom Burke (Praetorian Jack), Lachy Hulme (Rizzdale Pell)
Sinopse (No spoilers):
Furiosa (Alyla Browne) was kidnapped by a group of bandits, led by Dr. Dementus (Chris Hemsworth). Mary Jo Bassa (Charlee Fraser), Furiosa's mother, was went after her to save the life of her daughter. However, in the mid of time, Furiosa saw something which change your all life. Based on that, she started a mission which could impact the whole people who lives at those cities.
Remember the following text:
The movie starts in a way I don't like, using a lot of fades as transitions. This kind of transition needs to be used carefully and not so much. I felt that Director George Miller was in a hurry to tell the beginning of the story. However, Nikki Barrett chooses his actors very well. Even though the story wasn't great, the performance of the actors from the beginning to the end was incredible for me. I particularly loved the acting of Charlee Fraser and Alyla Browne. But I thought that all the actors were pretty good.
Nicholas Dare, Jacinta Leong, and Sophie Nash are they are to be congratulated because the Art of the movie was impeccable. The same for Simon Duggan, the Photography was really great. The Director George Miller chose great plans to tell the story.
The worst thing to me was the script, written by George Miller themselves and Nick Lathouris. Even though I like this type of script which tells a story since childhood and follows the main character in her life, this script was kind sucks for me. I didn't feel attached to the story.
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Mad Max 2 | Mad Max 2 Furiosa
Captured by Greenspot of several mothers, young Furiosa falls under the control of an extraordinary biker mob led by the warlord Dementus. Wandering through no man’s land, they head towards the Bastion, commanded by Immortan Joe. Furiosa soon finds herself constantly fighting to get home as two dictators compete for power.
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Mad Max 2 Furiosa Movie Plot
In the turbulent dystopia of the Wasteland, where survival is a constant struggle, a new story unfolds in “Mad Max 2: Furiosa 2024.” Directed by visionary George Miller and distributed by Warner Bros., this thrilling sequel takes audiences on an adrenaline-fueled journey through a world of chaos and despair.
Young Furiosa, separated from her haven in the lush green space of Many Mothers, finds herself in the clutches of a fearsome biker gang led by a ruthless warlord, Dementus. Forced to cross an unforgiving wasteland with her captors, Furiosa’s determination to reclaim her freedom shines in this desolation.
As fate would have it, their path passes through the Citadel, the mysterious Immortan Joe’s stronghold where power and cruelty reign. The Clash of the Titans occurs when Dementus and Amorton Joe compete for dominance, putting Furiosa at the center of a brutal struggle for control.
Creative Team:
Directed by George Miller, “Mad Max 2 Furiosa 2024” features stunning cinematography by Simon Duggan, capturing the stunning beauty and visionary intensity of the wasteland. Precisely edited by Elliot Knapman and Margaret Sixel, each frame pulsates with kinetic energy and raw emotion.
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usagirotten · 6 months
Furiosa Fights the World in the Latest Trailer
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The Mad Max universe is about to explode back onto the big screen with “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.” The latest trailer has fans buzzing with excitement as it promises an adrenaline-fueled ride through the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
The Origins of Furiosa
In this highly anticipated prequel, we delve into the backstory of one of the franchise’s most iconic characters: Furiosa. Played by the talented Anya Taylor-Joy, Furiosa is a fierce warrior with a mysterious past. As the world crumbles around her, she fights not only for survival but also for her place in a chaotic and brutal landscape.
The World Falls, Furiosa Rises
The film opens with a gripping scene: the fall of civilization. Young Furiosa is torn from the sanctuary of the Green Place of Many Mothers and thrust into the clutches of the Warlord Dementus and his Biker Horde. Together, they sweep through the Wasteland, encountering the Citadel presided over by the tyrant known as The Immortan Joe.
A Quest for Home
As the two tyrants clash for dominance, Furiosa embarks on a perilous journey. Her goal? To find her way back home. Along the way, she faces trials, battles, and heart-wrenching choices. The stakes are high, and the world is unforgiving. But Furiosa fights with unwavering determination.
Stellar Cast and Creative Team
Joining Anya Taylor-Joy in this epic adventure is Chris Hemsworth, who portrays the enigmatic Warlord Dementus. The film also features Alyla Browne and Tom Burke in pivotal roles. Behind the scenes, visionary director George Miller returns to the helm. Miller, known for his masterful work on the original “Mad Max” films, weaves a new tale of survival, betrayal, and redemption. The script, co-written with Nico Lathouris, promises to be a rollercoaster of emotions and jaw-dropping action.
A Legacy Reimagined
“Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” is more than just a prequel; it’s a chance to revisit the dystopian world that captivated audiences over three decades ago. With breathtaking visuals, heart-pounding sequences, and a haunting score by composer Tom Holkenborg, this film promises to be a worthy addition to the Mad Max legacy.   Furiosa is co-written by Miller and Nico Lathouris (who co-wrote Fury Road). A whole posse of Fury RoadOscar winners also worked behind the scenes: production designer Colin Gibson, editor Margaret Sixel, sound mixer Ben Osmo, costume designer Jenny Beavan and makeup designer Lesley Vanderwalt.
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csajokamotoron · 6 months
Chris Hemsworth choppere a "Furiosa"-ban pokolian menő
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Ebben a világban nincs is sokkal vagányabb, mint egy hatalmas, izmos, bőroverallt és köpenyt viselő ausztrál férfi, aki egy héthengeres chopperen ül, amelynek elején egy dirt bike gumiabroncs van, és egy apró mackót is van vele. Anya Taylor-Joy és Chris Hemsworth a főszereplői az Oscar-díjas George Miller "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" című filmjében, a várva várt visszatérésben az ikonikus disztópikus világba, amelyet több mint 30 évvel ezelőtt a korszakalkotó "Mad Max" filmekkel teremtett meg. Miller most újra lapoz egy teljesen új, eredeti, önálló akció-kalanddal, amely feltárja a többszörös Oscar-díjas "Mad Max: Fury Road" című világsikerű filmben szereplő erőteljes karakter eredetét. A Warner Bros. Pictures és a Village Roadshow Pictures új filmjét Miller és régi partnere, az Oscar-díjra jelölt producer Doug Mitchell ("Mad Max: Fury Road", "Babe") készíti az ausztrál székhelyű Kennedy Miller Mitchell bannerük alatt. https://youtu.be/XJMuhwVlca4?si=J5DsgTrvLdF_uYfP A film története szerint, ahogy a világ elesett 45 évvel ezelőtt, a fiatal Furiosát elrabolják, és a Dementus hadúr vezette nagy motoros horda kezébe kerül. A pusztaságon végigsöpörve rábukkannak a Citadellára, amelynek elnöke a Halhatatlan Joe. Miközben a két Tyrannus az uralomért harcol, Furiosának számos megpróbáltatást kell túlélnie, miközben összeállítja az eszközöket, hogy hazataláljon. Taylor-Joy játssza a címszerepet, Chris Hemsworth mellett pedig Alyla Browne és Tom Burke is szerepel a filmben. https://csajokamotoron.hu/6-oscar-dijat-nyert-a-mad-max/ Miller a forgatókönyvet a "Mad Max: Fury Road" társszerzőjével, Nico Lathourisszal közösen írta. Miller kreatív csapata a kulisszák mögött többek között PJ Voeten első rendezőasszisztens és Guy Norris második rendező- és kaszkadőrkoordinátor, Simon Duggan ("Hacksaw Ridge", "A nagy Gatsby") operatőr, Tom Holkenborg zeneszerző, Robert Mackenzie hangtervező, Eliot Knapman vágó, Andrew Jackson vizuális effektfelügyelő és Eric Whipp színész. A csapatban más régi munkatársak is helyet kaptak: Colin Gibson látványtervező, Margaret Sixel vágó, Ben Osmo hangkeverő, Jenny Beavan jelmeztervező és Lesley Vanderwalt sminktervező, akik mindannyian Oscar-díjat nyertek a "Mad Max: Fury Road"-on végzett munkájukért. You can run, but you can’t hide. ⁰📸: @jasinboland pic.twitter.com/23QCm99qQc— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) March 5, 2024 A képen látható az egyetlen promóciós kép Chris Hemsworth járművéről, amelyet Hemsworth osztott meg a Twitteren. Az első hivatalos trailerben már láthattuk a motort, a másodikban pedig még többet, de ez a kép a legjobb, amit eddig kaptunk. Talán ez a legmenőbb motorkerékpár a moziban Rey speederje óta az "Ébredő Erőben". A filmet a Warner Bros. Pictures forgalmazza világszerte, a mozikban nemzetközileg 2024. május 22-től nézhetjük meg. Várod már a filmet? Címlapkép: Jasin Boland Read the full article
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