#Margaret Wright
silli-lil-rat-dude · 4 months
This is a fricking long shot but where my so help me Todd fans at??
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mismess · 6 months
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Mama's boy
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sarcasmcloud · 2 years
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Todd + almost getting hurt - So Help Me Todd s01e01-3-4
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Remember how before Ezekiel's real backstory was revealed (albeit somewhat not jiving with how he's talked about in season commentary but that's another issue) there was this whole big theory among the The Librarians fandom that he was Jenkins's kid. Well, if you watch So Help Me Todd (and if you do you should help save it), you'd know that (albeit half-genderbent and with a couple siblings) the relationship between Margaret and Todd Wright is essentially that (that kind of dynamic but they are indeed parent-child)
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helebing · 2 years
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Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright serving looks in So Help Me Todd (1.01)
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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So Help Me Todd (2022–) | Season 1, Episode 17 “The First Date Is the Deepest” | Favorite moments
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xqueenybee · 4 months
Gus calls Margaret Magpie!!!!!
That's so cute.
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Brooo… just watched the latest episode of So Help Me Todd and wow…
Warning ⚠️ slight spoilers…
It breaks my heart that we find out that Margret’s first husband was emotionally/verbally abusive… like… why her…
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It always breaks my heart when characters I love go through hell and back. It hits home. No one, fictional or otherwise, should EVER have to put up with someone sucking the life out of them! That’s not how relationships work.
However, I do feel that this hitch in her life does a good job showcasing Margaret’s resilience. Not only in regards to her job, but to her family. Regardless of her feelings towards her husband she remained level-headed for her children’s sake. If that isn’t a clear demonstration of resilience than I don’t what is.
Oops… Im gushing and it’s probably getting boring. Btw… we have to do better!
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We need MORE fan material out and about on the net! Not to mention, more Margaret Wright fan material. Weather it’s a sweet cringe worthy fanfic or video edit, we need more!!! Personally I’ve been considering picking up the pen again since I’m so passionate about this show! Margaret needs some love!
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some-weebs-posts · 5 months
So I've Been Binge Watching "So Help Me Todd"...
I love Todd's character, but wow I feel so bad for him. And honestly, I can't tell if we're supposed to be for or against Margaret Wright.
Because here's the thing, right. Margaret is having a rough time. He husband left her. Her career always seems to be in jeopardy. There is always a power struggle that is preventing her from doing her job or threatening to take it away. At the same time, she seems to be a loving mother who will remind her kids to iron their shirts and buy them lunch. So yeah, I can see why we're supposed to root for her.
HOWEVER, she is a terrible person???
She made her oldest child (Lawrence) feel so stupid when she sent him to military school that he would become a workaholic who is trying to climb up the political ladder. He doesn't even spend time with his husband or daughter because he is too busy trying to prove himself.
Then Margaret controlled almost every aspect of her middle child's (Alice) life. Alice chose a career (doctor) that would make her mom happy and married a boring guy because he was what her mother liked and never broke any rules because that's what her mom wanted. Now, she's in her thirties and is only just now deciding to live for herself. She has to rethink her marriage, career, and life. She's unhappy and perpetually negative.
Lastly, you have Todd. Oh boy, where do we begin with her treatment of Todd? Well, when his father died when he was a freshman in high school, his mother chose to hide herself. She practically lived at work. Meanwhile, Todd was separated from his siblings because they were busy trying to make careers that would please her. He was left alone, abandoned, only seeing her in fleeting moments. He had no one to turn to for advice and was left hanging alone.
Then, he met a girl named Veronica who taught him how to be a private investigator. It was his passion. He loved it. But then Veronica turned around and framed him for her crimes, so Mama Margaret had to step in and help keep him out of jail. He lost his license and couldn't get back on his feet. So, she gave him a job. That was nice of her. Except he doesn't even get an office. He had to work on a rolling stool in a storage closet. He wasn't given proper work equipment.
The worst of it all is how she talks to him. She sees him practically every day and always has something mean or negative to say to him. He can't seem to do anything right in her eyes because he will always be the family screw-up. She seems to want to fulfill a self-fulfilling prophecy. I kid you not, in one episode, Alice went to jail for drunk and disorderly conduct, but Todd showed up to bail her out. Their mom caught them at the courthouse, and she immediately assumed Todd had been arrested, and Alice had bailed him out. She yelled at him and apologized to Alice multiple times, on different occasions, until Alice admitted she was the one who got arrested. Now, did Margaret apologize to Todd for falsely accusing him? No! She yelled at him for bailing her out because he was conspiring or something like that?
Then there was the Thanksgiving special where no one except Todd could go. Margaret ignored Todd, acted like he didn't matter, and moped and cried and complained that her other kids weren't coming. Eventually, the other two kids had to drop what they were doing and visit her to placate her. They had to drop everything for her.
The siblings are so divided because of her too. Like, they argue with each other every time they meet in person because "Mom loves you guys but hates me." Like, all three of them think that the mom loves the others but not them. And it's not like the siblings WANT to fight each other. Lawrence admitted this when he was high on magic mushroom tea.
So yeah, are we supposed to be for or against Margaret? Because, honestly, no matter how many moments she has with her kids, over all, she traumatized all of them.
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khakilike · 5 months
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So Help Me Todd S02E07 "Faux-Bituary"
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thewickedbohemian · 1 year
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Perusing some of my favorite shows’ PDB pages for reasons related to various projects and, well, I noticed a thing (I know it’s generally considered bad form to make found-families fit nuclear-family tropes but you’ve got to admit the parallel vibes are there)
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snowyjay · 2 years
So Help Me Todd has already created such beautiful and nuanced relationships between the Wright siblings, and should not be overlooked for having one of the most realistic depictions of siblings on television.
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helebing · 2 years
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Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret Wright dramatically taking off her glasses in So Help Me Todd (1.01)
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 years
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So Help Me Todd (2022–) | Season 1, Episode 14 "Against All Todds" | Favorite moments, a.k.a. Margaret being a total legend as always
/ The way this show became my happy place, I adore the story and cast to the moon and back. <;3 I'm so freaking happy it has been renewed for a second season.
If you haven't seen SHMT, you're missing out big time.
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uwmspeccoll · 5 months
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Decorative Plates
It's been awhile since we last posted something on the theme of the decorative arts, so I'm happy to have found this book—especially because it was mis-shelved in the stacks! This book is House and Garden's Book of Color Schemes, which contains "over two hundred color schemes and three hundred illustrations of halls, living rooms, dining rooms, bed chambers, sun rooms, roofs, garden rooms, kitchens and baths; the characteristic colors of each decorative period; how to select a color scheme, with unusual treatments for painted furniture and floors; a portfolio of crystal rooms and eight pages of unusual interiors in color." It was edited by long-time editor of House & Garden Richardson Wright (1887-1961) and Margaret McElroy, associate editor, and published by Condé Nast Publications, Inc. in 1929.
The book includes a large number of photographs of rooms, however, they are mostly in black and white—an unfortunate thing for a book about color! The promised eight color illustrations of rooms are not all present in our copy, but the five that are still in the book are shown here, alongside some of their black and white compatriots. I especially love the one titled "Tawny Yellow in Variety" that features a shocking amount of leopard print.
If you've read any of the posts I usually write, you know that I love a good binding—this one is a publisher's binding in a chartreuse-y yellow book cloth with art deco-style silver tooling featuring stars and leaves. Somebody took it upon themselves to write the publication date on the cover above the title—how thoughtful!
View more posts featuring Decorative Plates.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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random-brushstrokes · 19 days
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Margaret Isobel Wright - The Strutted Close, Clydeside (1941)
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